/* Copyright Dave Bone 1998 - 2014 All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author. FILE: terminals_phrase_th.lex Dates: 24 May 2004 Purpose: parse terminals phrase The keeps its own local symbol table: map and list. The terminal_def_phrase adds symbol to Yacco2's global symbol table. Output: terminals_phrase */ /@ @i "/usr/local/yacco2/copyright.w" @** |terminals_phrase_th| thread.\fbreak Parse terminals phrase. It goes thru the terminal definitions and keeps its own local symbol table: map and list. The |terminal_def_phrase| thread adds each symbol to \O2's global symbol table. It calls the common backend |term_def_ph| thread extractor of symbol definition. The only wrinkle is in the handling of pre / post amble directives |#terminal-refs| and |#terminals-sufx|. These directives are outside the normal containment within a rule, subrule, or ``fsm'' entities. They come before or after the terminal definitions. Why the wrinkle? |cweb| introductory comments for these directives come before the directive declaration: just like syntax directed code directives. They could stymie the grammar writer by applying this approach to introductory comments for rules which is an error; |cweb| introductory comments for a rule or terminals of all colours comes between the key / name and just before their class constructs.\fbreak \fbreak Example of a terminals vocabulary to parse:\fbreak \listing{"/usr/local/yacco2/diagrams+etc/Tsym.txt"} @/ fsm (fsm-id "terminals_phrase_th.lex" ,fsm-filename terminals_phrase_th ,fsm-namespace NS_terminals_phrase_th ,fsm-class Cterminals_phrase_th{ user-prefix-declaration #include "lint_balls.h" #include "cweb_or_c_k.h" #include "identifier.h" #include "term_def_ph.h" #include "c_string.h" #include "o2_sdc.h" *** user-declaration public: T_terminals_phrase* terminals_phrase_; *** op if(terminals_phrase_ != 0){ delete terminals_phrase_; terminals_phrase_ = 0; } terminals_phrase_ = new T_terminals_phrase; terminals_phrase_->set_rc(*parser__->start_token__,__FILE__,__LINE__); AST* t = new AST(*terminals_phrase_); terminals_phrase_->phrase_tree(t); *** constructor terminals_phrase_ = 0; *** } ,fsm-version "1.0",fsm-date "22 mar 2004",fsm-debug "false" ,fsm-comments "Parse terminals vocabulary.") parallel-parser ( parallel-thread-function TH_terminals_phrase_th *** parallel-la-boundary eolr *** ) @"/usr/local/yacco2/compiler/grammars/yacco2_T_includes.T" rules{ Rterminals_phrase (){ -> Rlint Ropen_par Rparameters Rclose_par Rlint Ropen_brace Rt_refs_phrase Rsym_defs_phrase Rt_sufx_phrase Rlint Rclose_brace { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; RSVP(fsm->terminals_phrase_); fsm->terminals_phrase_ = 0; *** } } Ropen_par (){ -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_open_parenthesis; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> "(" } Rclose_par (){ -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_close_parenthesis; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> ")" } Rparameters (){ -> Rlint Rfilename_phrase Rlint Rnamespace_phrase Rlint } Rfilename_phrase (){ -> Rfilename Rlint Rfilename_id } Rfilename (){ -> ||| "#file-name" NS_identifier::TH_identifier -> ||| |?| NULL { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_filename_present; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_filename_present; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rfilename_id (){ -> ||| identifier NS_identifier::TH_identifier { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; fsm->terminals_phrase_->filename_id(sf->p2__); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_filename_id_present; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_filename_id_present; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rnamespace_phrase (){ -> "," Rlint Rnamespace Rlint Rnamespace_id -> { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_comma_present; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rnamespace (){ -> ||| "#name-space" NS_identifier::TH_identifier -> ||| |?| NULL { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_namespace_present; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_namespace_present; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rnamespace_id (){ -> ||| identifier NS_identifier::TH_identifier { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; fsm->terminals_phrase_->namespace_id(sf->p2__); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_namespace_id_present; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_namespace_id_present; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rt_refs_phrase (){ -> Rlint Rcweb_k Rlint Rt_refs_kw_must Rt_refs_code { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; fsm->terminals_phrase_->terminals_refs_code() ->add_cweb_marker(sf->p2__->cweb_t_); *** } -> Rlint Rt_refs_kw_code } Rt_refs_kw_code (){ -> Rt_refs_kw Rt_refs_code -> } Rt_refs_kw /@ Drop the keyword as it is not needed. So delete at pop time. Mark the directive as seen just in case it is repeated and so it's an error situation. @/ (){ -> ||| "#terminals-refs" NS_identifier::TH_identifier { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); *** } } Rt_refs_kw_must /@ Drop the keyword as it is not needed. So delete at pop time. Mark the directive as seen just in case it is repeated and so it's an error situation. @/ (){ -> ||| "#terminals-refs" NS_identifier::TH_identifier { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_missing_terminals_refs_kw; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_missing_terminals_refs_kw; sym->set_rc(*sf->p1__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rt_refs_code (){ -> ||| "syntax-code" NS_o2_sdc::TH_o2_sdc { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; fsm->terminals_phrase_->terminals_refs_code(sf->p2__); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_syntax_code_present; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_syntax_code_present; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->start_token__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rsym_defs_phrase (){ -> Rlint Rsym_def Rlint Rsym_def1s } Rsym_def (){ -> ||| "terminal-def" NS_term_def_ph::TH_term_def_ph { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; sf->p2__->classification(T_terminal_def::t); CAbs_lr1_sym* r = fsm->terminals_phrase_->add_t_to_alphabet(sf->p2__,rule_info__.parser__); if(r == 0) return; RSVP(r); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_sym_defs_present; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_sym_defs_present; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rsym_def1s (){ -> Rsym_def1 Rlint -> Rsym_def1s Rsym_def1 Rlint -> } Rsym_def1 ( //lhs, parallel-control-monitor{ /@ Note how the arbitration is done: list check. In this grammar, at most 2 terminals can be returned. When 2 terminals are returned, one is in error and the other is a result from the terminals-sufx. This is either the syntax-code or an error: eg no code present. @/ arbitrator-code using namespace NS_yacco2_T_enum; for(i=1;i<=ie;++i){ if(Caller_pp->pp_accept_queue__[i].accept_token__->enumerated_id__ != NS_yacco2_T_enum::T_Enum::T_Err_no_terminal_key_present_){ goto arbitrated_parameter; } } *** } ){ -> ||| "terminal-def" NS_term_def_ph::TH_term_def_ph { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; sf->p2__->classification(T_terminal_def::t); CAbs_lr1_sym* r = fsm->terminals_phrase_->add_t_to_alphabet(sf->p2__,rule_info__.parser__); if(r != 0){ RSVP(r); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); return; } *** } -> ||| "no key-value present in definition" NULL { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; RSVP(fsm->terminals_phrase_); fsm->terminals_phrase_ = 0; rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op using namespace NS_yacco2_T_enum; int id = sf->p2__->enumerated_id__; if(id >= T_Enum::start_ERR && id <= T_Enum::end_ERR){ RSVP(sf->p2__); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); }else{ CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_not_a_terminal_definition; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); } *** } } Rt_sufx_phrase (){ -> Rlint Rcweb_k Rt_sufx_kw_must Rt_sufx_code { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; fsm->terminals_phrase_->terminals_sufx_code() ->add_cweb_marker(sf->p2__->cweb_t_); *** } -> Rlint Rt_sufx_kw_code } Rt_sufx_kw_code /@ If a |cweb| comment is seen, deposit it in the directive's syntax directed code. @/ (){ -> Rt_sufx_kw Rt_sufx_code -> } Rt_sufx_kw /@ Drop keyword as it's presence is indicated elsewhere. So pop the cork and let the good times roll. @/ (){ -> ||| "#terminals-sufx" NS_identifier::TH_identifier { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); *** } } Rt_sufx_kw_must /@ Drop keyword as it's presence is indicated elsewhere. So pop the cork and let the good times roll. @/ (){ -> ||| "#terminals-sufx" NS_identifier::TH_identifier { op sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_missing_terminals_sufx_kw; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_missing_terminals_sufx_kw; sym->set_rc(*sf->p1__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); return; *** } } Rt_sufx_code (){ -> ||| "syntax-code" NS_o2_sdc::TH_o2_sdc { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; fsm->terminals_phrase_->terminals_sufx_code(sf->p2__); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_syntax_code_present; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_syntax_code_present; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->start_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Ropen_brace (){ -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_open_brace; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> "{" } Rclose_brace (){ -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_close_brace; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->current_token(),__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> "}" } Rlint (){ -> ||| lint NS_lint_balls::TH_lint_balls -> } Rcweb_k ( lhs { user-declaration AST* cweb_t_; *** constructor cweb_t_ = 0; *** } ){ -> ||| "cweb-comment" NS_cweb_or_c_k::TH_cweb_or_c_k { op Cterminals_phrase_th* fsm = (Cterminals_phrase_th*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; T_cweb_comment* k = sf->p2__; AST* cwebk_t_ = new AST(*k); cweb_t_ = new AST(); T_cweb_marker* cw = new T_cweb_marker(cweb_t_); cw->set_rc(*k,__FILE__,__LINE__); cweb_t_ = cw->ast(); AST::set_content(*cweb_t_,*cw); AST::join_pts(*cweb_t_,*cwebk_t_); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op RSVP(sf->p2__); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } }// end of rules