Noweb Frequently Asked Questions

  • Problems Building Noweb
  • Indentation of code, especially FORTRAN
  • Formatting the printed documentation
  • Microsoft Madness
  • Noweb and Emacs
  • Other Questions

Problems Building Noweb

Q. The build fails because it can't find notangle. What am I doing wrong?

    A. Your source files have the wrong timestamps. The noweb files are
    carefully distributed so that the C code is more recent than the literate
    source code. Retrieving that noweb distribution as a compressed tar file
    preserves these stamps. The CTAN sites will create a compressed tar file on
    the fly for any directory. Your best bet is to get the tar file, unpack it,
    and try again, because your abortive attempt will probably have stomped on
    a C file that you need.

    I have reports that the former CTAN site fouled the
    timestamps. Don't use the site! If you get bad timestamps, you can try
    `make touch' as soon as you unpack the distribution, which should touch all
    of the derived files. This trick won't work on NeXT systems, which have a
    strange idea of 'touch'.

Q. The system builds OK, but when I try to run noweave, I get an error in /usr/
public/pkg/noweb/lib/totex (or some similar place) complaining about being out
of environment space or something equally unpleasant.

    A. The awk versions of the noweb scripts pass the awk programs as arguments
    on the command line. Some shells or systems are too broken to handle a real
    awk program on the command line. This problem is one of many reasons that
    the awk versions are officially deprecated. The Icon versions will make you
    happy, but if you prefer, you can edit the offending scripts so that the
    awk programs reside in separate files and the scripts call awk -f.

Q. I'm unable to run noweb on Windows NT 4.0. The problem is that the Icon
programs use a DOS extender which doesn't work in an NT console.

    A. Clint Jeffery, the Icon Master for Windows, says to use the NT console
    binaries (nticont.exe and nticonx.exe) rather than wiconx.exe with its faux
    console. Only applications that use the graphics facilities require
    wiconx.exe and its kin. The nticonx* binaries should run fine on Win95

Q. I'm having trouble getting noweb to work on Windows XP.

    A. Bad news. There used to be a distribution from,
    but as of January 2010, that domain is no longer registered, and I don't
    know where the distribution went.

Indentation of code, especially FORTRAN

Q. Has anyone devised a clean way of handling FORTRAN 77 using a litprog tool
such as noweb? If I have the following:

      <<Nicely Indented Chunk Title>>
<<Nicely Indented Chunk Title>>=
C   A comment in a chunk!
      Z = X *
     + Y

I'll get the "C" in column 7, and the continuation character "+" in column 12,
neither of which is desirable.

    A. As noted on the man page, notangle's -L option suppresses the usual
    behavior with respect to indentation. Thus, a command like

        notangle -L'%N' pgm.nw > pgm.f

    should do the job.

Q. I noticed the -L option to notangle turns off the usual indentation. Is
there an easy way to get both -L and indentation?

    A. No. It was my design decision that -L should preserve the column numbers
    in the original source code. This behavior is extremely useful in cases
    where a compiler reports an error in the source by line and column number.
    Of course, this decision precludes changing the indentation of the input.

Formatting the printed documentation

Q. There's too much white space at the bottom of the pages, especially if a
code chunk is followed by a section. How do I fix it?

    A. Noweb is set up never to break chunks across pages. You can get better
    results by relaxing this constraint, e.g., by

    \def\nwendcode{\endtrivlist \endgroup \vfil\penalty10\vfilneg}

    or the even less liberal

    \def\nwendcode{\endtrivlist \endgroup}

Q. In a noweb source file, what is the difference between a line beginning with
"@" followed by a space and some text versus a line with nothing but "@"?

    A. A line with nothing but @ begins the `documentation chunk' with a blank
    line. TeX thinks blank lines are new paragraphs and good places to put page
    breaks. By default, TeX thinks that if a new documentation chunk starts
    with a new paragraph, this is an especially good place for a page break.

Q. I know how to switch between code and documentation via <<*>>= and @, but
sometimes, after a <<*>>= section, automatically a new page is started, even if
I do not want this but prefer to go on with commenting directly after the
inserted programm code. How can I avoid this?

    A. The @ sign you use to switch back to documentation should not appear on
    a line by itself, but should be followed by a blank space and some text.
    You should then put a bare @ sign on a line by itself at the next place
    that is suitable for a page break.

Q. I don't quite understand noweb's default page breaking.

Here is some text
that leads up to a chunk
  a = b;
  c = d;
@ and here is some more text.
Sometimes this appears on a new page even though
there is plenty of room on this page.  Can I fix it by adding
the following line (which I  haven't been doing) ?
New paragraph here.

    A. Sad but true. Perhaps a future version of noweb will provide better
    facilities for controlling page breaking.

Q. I ran into a problem when trying to use several files in a single noweb
project. In my project, I have a LaTeX master file (say, doc.tex) that \
include's three others: say, a.tex, b.tex, and copyright.tex. These later files
are generated from a.nw, b.nw, and copyright.nw, respectively, using the
command "noweave -n -index" I really want to keep these noweb files separated.
In the code chunks appearing in both a.nw and b.nw a copyright notice chunk
(defined in copyright.nw) is included.

Tangling works fine, provided that copyright.nw appears in the notangle
command. Problems arise with noweave. Copyright chunks appear as "(never
defined)" in a.tex and b.tex, what is obvious, because I cannot use
copyright.nw for weaving a.nw or b.nw (otherwise the copyright notice chunk
would appear several times in my printed document).

Does someone know how to solve this problem?

    A. This is a form of question that arises repeatedly, which is to say,
    ``what is the scope of chunk names?'' In Noweb, chunk names are in the same
    scope if the files in which the chunks appear are used on the same command
    line. Thus, the normal rule is one Noweb file per command line, and
    therefore each file is its own scope.

    You want to have chunks in the same scope for purposes of tangling, but not
    to weave files together. If you want files a.nw and b.nw in separate
    scopes, the situation is hopeless, because ``being in the same scope'' has
    to be a transitive property, and if a.nw and b.nw are both in the same
    scope as copyright.nw, they must be in the same scope as each other.

    However, if you want all files to be in the same scope, there is a
    solution, although it is a bit ugly. The solution is to weave all the files
    together, then use a special back end to split them into separate .tex
    files. This back end, called scopehack, could be used as follows:

        noweave -n -index -backend scopehack *.nw

    and this results in multiple *.tex files as required.

Q. I have problems using LaTeX \ifthenelse with noweb--- code chunks inside an
\ifthenelse are not typeset correctly and a %def directive causes (La)TeX
groups to be unbalanced.

    A. Noweb code chunks are ``moving arguments'' (like \verb) and can't be
    arguments to macros. I suggest you combine \ifthenelse with the noweb
    'elide' filter to remove the offending code chunks.

Q. I embed the build instructions for a noweb-based project in a code chunk
called build-script that I don't wish to have show up in the printed
documentation. So, I surround the section with LaTeX \iffalse ... \fi. If I do
this at the same time as using noweb's index, the \fi shows up in the generated
TeX file at the end of the index information, resulting in an empty index.

    A. Make sure that the \fi appears before the last documentation chunk, by
    creating an empty documentation chunk (with @) if necessary. Then use
    noweave -delay to insert the index information.

    Incidentally, it is recommended that, in addition to using \iffalse ... \
    fi, you remove unwanted code chunks by using the elide filter provided with
    noweb. Latex can get confused if chunk cross-reference anchors are hidden
    away inside \iffalse ... \fi.

Q. When I write C code and use the decrement operator --, it appears in the
resulting document as a single -. This unpleasantness seems to be a side effect
of \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}.

    A. Indeed. We don't understand this behavior, but as an ill-understood
    workaround, you can add


    to \def\setupcode, and things may work better.

Microsoft Madness

Q. Using the precompiled MS-DOS and Windows binaries for noweb, many of the
programs throw their output to the screen and not to whatever receiving program
/file they ought to go to. A typical example: I go to /noweb/examples and type

        notangle wc.nw > wc.c

I see the tangled program scroll by on the screen, but it isn't piped to the
file wc.c as requested. Any solutions?

    A. This is a known COMMAND.COM problem. Try:

            command /c notangle wc.nw > wc.c

    or get a COMMAND.COM replacement such as 4DOS. Better yet, help with the
    noweb 3 port.

Q. For Windows 95/NT systems: Why do I get the error message "This program
cannot be run in DOS mode." when I run some of the programs (including

    A. [Thanks to Chris Harris.] The problem is that some of the files used in
    the noweb system (including totex.exe and tohtml.exe used by noweave.bat)
    are written using an old version of icon that uses a DOS extender which is
    incompatible with 95/NT. The solution is to rebuild all of these files that
    were built using icon source:
     1. Go get the console ICON executables for use on 95/NT. They are the
        files nticont.exe, nticonx.exe, noop.bat. Put them in your noweb/bin
         1. The other two were available on the noweb ftp site, from the FAQ,
            but noop.bat wasn't... it's availbe via FTP with the icon
            distribution, but it's pretty easy to build yourself, it's contents
            are the single line:

            @rem this file prevents further batch processing after launching nticonx

         2. So to build noop.bat, just type at the prompt "copy con noop.bat"
            and then paste in the above line (starting with the @) hit enter
            and ^Z and you're good to go. Note: This file could really be
            empty, the above line is a dos batch file comment, but you may want
            to put this in there just so you remember in 2 years why you
            haven't deleted this file! :)
     2. Get the noweb source distribution and extract just the icon files (i.e.
        those located in the icon/ directory with a .icn extention)
     3. Build a batch file for each one using "nticont .icn"
     4. Copy all of the .bat files built in step #2 into your noweb/bin/
     5. For each new .bat file you have in the bin directory, delete the
        corresponding .exe file
    Additionally, do NOT rename nticont to icont or nticonx to iconx. The batch
    files created with nticont REQUIRE nticonx to exist. So if you rename it,
    it'll get very confused.

Noweb and Emacs

Q. Emacs noweb-mode is driving me crazy. For example, I want 4-space tabs
instead of the usual 8. I put this line in my file:

% -*- mode: Noweb; noweb-code-mode: c-mode; tab-width: 4 -*-

Or equivalently I do M-x set-variable tab-width 4. Everything is fine until the
cursor moves from one chunk to another---then whammo! Tabs are 8 spaces again.
What can I do??

    A. If you have GNU emacs 20.4, or perhaps some other version, an
    undocumented internal function of files.el will do what you want. Try
    adding this to your ~/.emacs file:

        (add-hook 'noweb-select-mode-hook
                  '(lambda () (hack-local-variables-prop-line)))

    Thanks to Glenn Holloway for this discovery.

Q. Emacs noweb-mode is driving me crazy. I want to use Tab or Ctl-J to handle
indentation, but when I'm in the middle of a code chunk, the indentation is
wrong, and the cursor jumps to a strange place. How can I make emacs behave?

    A. These symptoms indicate that perhaps emacs has lost track of the
    boundaries between noweb chunks, perhaps material in documentation chunks
    is confusing the auto-indenter, or perhaps both. As of Emacs 21 in 2008,
    you can now easily afford to fix these problems using scary Emacs macros:

      (defun my-newline-and-indent ()
        "Newline and indent that works better with noweb mode"
        (interactive "*")
        (if (and (boundp 'noweb-mode) noweb-mode)

      (defun my-tab-key ()
        "Tab that always tabs in Fundamental mode" (interactive)
        (if (string= "Fundamental" mode-name)
            (insert "\t")
          (if (and (boundp 'noweb-mode) noweb-mode)

      (defun use-my-indent-keys ()
        "Locally bind tab and ^J to keys that indent better" (interactive)
        (local-set-key "\t" 'my-tab-key)
        (local-set-key "\C-j" 'my-newline-and-indent))

      (add-hook 'noweb-select-code-mode-hook 'use-my-indent-keys)

    Add these to your .emacs file and perhaps the problem will go away. Isn't
    Moore's law grand?

Other Questions

Q. What about noweb 3?

    A. I use the alpha version, which is alpha only because the new Hackers'
    Guide is not finished. But don't look for a release before I retire.
    Noweb 3 is definitely an improvement over noweb 2, but for most people,
    it's not enough of an improvement for me to go to the trouble of making a
    real release. Noweb 3 was started in 1996(!) in response to situations that
    no longer obtain, and by 2000 it was substantially complete—the last
    significant revisions being done when I was first drafting my textbook.

    Today performance is no longer an issue, and with Darwin and mingw/cygwin,
    portability is less of a concern as well. And with Lua 5.1 available, no
    sane person wants to use Lua 2.5. I believe that noweb 3 no longer fills a

Q. I compiled and installed, and everything looks OK, but when I ran the
examples, two things do not work.

  • Noweave can not find definitions for 'C':

    noweave -index -autodefs c compress.nw > compress.tex
    noweave: don't know how to find definitions for 'c'

  • Noweave can't find l2h for the -filter.

    A. The awk library doesn't include all the filters that the Icon library
    includes. To get these extra features, you'll have to get Icon from the
    University of Arizona and re-install noweb using the Icon library.

Q. I've been playing with LP, using noweb. I put related header, source and
test files into a single .nw file. But that means that if I make a change in
the source component, the header file is re-extracted, with the result that
many files which haven't actually changed are recompiled. Any suggestions on
simplifying the process?


    notangle -Rheader foo.nw | cpif foo.h

    To understand why this works, see the cpif man page.

Q. What are these weird Makefile targets like install-preformat-man? Why is
Makefile built from a .nw file? Why is the Makefile so ugly?

    A. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. That's all trickery I
    use to build a Slackware-style package for Linux.

Q. We often get an error from TeX asking us to have a wizard enlarge it, due to
a line buffer overflow (the buffer is at 3000 bytes now). This is truly
annoying, since our wizard refuses to enlarge TeX, insisting there is a problem
in our LaTeX macros or the Icon programs that generate them. Unfortunately,
that all comes straight from noweave.

    A. Starting with web2c version 7, you can increase the size up to 30000 in
    texmf.cnf. teTeX changed to a 30,000-byte line buffer starting in November,
    1997, so if you encounter this problem you should upgrade your TeX. teTeX
    and web2c are both available from the TeX User's Group.

    Noweave emits very long lines on purpose, to preserve the desirable
    property that the source and TeX files have identical line numbers. This
    property guarantees that the line numbers in error messages from TeX refer
    to the lines of the source file, so that, for example, if TeX complains of
    an unknown control sequence on line 632, you can just refer to line 632 of
    your noweb file.

    Most very long lines are caused by long code chunks containing lots of
    identifier definitions, so if you cannot get a new TeX, you can fix the
    problem by adding more <<...>>= lines, which breaks up the big chunk into
    smaller chunks. For example, instead of using a single chunk definition to
    define a large header file, use several:

         #define ...
         #define ...
         #define ...
         #define ...

Q. I am trying to process multiple *.nw files independently of each other with
noweb, only merging the *.tex files for the final documentation (using noindex
and nodefs to produce cross references). It seems that noweb uses the same
labels (for TeX references) in different files. (The file names and the
identifiers defined in these files are quite similar).

    A. Noweb uses the heuristic made famous by FORTH: names are reduced to the
    first three characters plus the length. Changing your file names should be
    sufficient. If you don't like that, you could use -filter with a sed script
    that adds a unique prefix to all the relevant labels (see the Hacker's
    Guide for info about where labels appear).

Q. I have a problem with noweave's -delay option. It does not seem to prevent
the program from inserting its information before the first chunk and after the
last one.

    A. Put your first @ sign after the \begin{document} instead of at the
    beginning of the file, and your last @ sign just before the \end{document}.

Q. How do I get an output file (root chunk) with an underscore in its name?
LaTeX complains about the underscore.

    A. All chunk names are set in ordinary TeX mode. This means that underscore
    is a subscript character. Rather than use special hacks, I just avoid
    underscores in file names, since I prefer to use hyphens anyway. However,
    you can write a simple sed script to filter the underscores for use by

          noweave -filter 'sed "/^@use /s/_/\\\\_/g;/^@defn /s/_/\\\\_/g"'

    and the filter will change _ to \_ before TeX sees it.

Q. Having used nuweb2noweb on a nuweb file which uses @i to include other files
I find that the resulting noweb file is enormous because the included files are
written directly into the noweb file. How do I emulate nuweb's @i with noweb?

    A. The short answer is it can't be done. (Some would say that it doesn't
    need to be done, because notangle and noweave can accept multiple files on
    the command line.) The long answer is that you can usually use LaTeX's \
    include or \input commands and keep the noweb files separate. If you
    actually need to tangle all those files together (as opposed to just
    weaving them), you can usually mention all the names on the command line:

          notangle foo.nw bar.nw quux.nw > big.out

Q. I have a problem with typesetting Mathematica's double-bracketed
subscripting command using [[...]] in my documentation chunks. noweb considers
[[a[[#]]&]] to mean the symbols a[[# in typewriter and then latex gets stuck on
the offending & character. How can I get around this problem?

    A. Split the quoted code into two pieces, which you write consecutively,


Q. Why is the noweb command so slow?

    A. It's expensive to create a TeX file, so

    noweb foo

    is probably at least 5 times slower than

    noweb -t foo

    and in an edit/compile/debug cycle you may not need the docs and can use
    the faster form.

Q. What is the origin of the ``no'' prefix in noweb ?

    A. I wrote noweb at a time when language-dependent webs were proliferating,
    e.g., adaweb, cweb, mweb, etc. So the "no" in noweb is a triple pun:
      □ A language-independent web, not limited to one programming language,
        hence web for no particular language or `noweb'.
      □ A contraction of `Norman's web'
      □ The third part of the pun is not suitable for publication.

Q. Norman, what made you choose Lua as the implementation language for Noweb 3,
rather than, say, Python?

    A. Lua is small and simple. I wanted not to be vulnerable to future changes
    in language definitions or implementations, which meant I would have to
    clone and maintain the implementation forever. When I was making this
    decision in 1997, Lua 2.5 was small enough that I could feel comfortable
    doing this.

Q. Are there noweb comments? It would be very useful to comment parts of a
noweb file that wouldn't be parsed as either TeX or code.

    A. I recommend that you put comments in specially named chunks and use the
    elide filter that comes with the distribution. For example, if the name of
    each comment chunk begins with comment:, you could run

        noweave -filter elide comment:* ...

    (Because chunks that are not used are ignored, there would be no need to
    elide when tangling.)