|                                   italic                                    |
Abbreviation:  �|\it�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The \italic markup  sets an Italianate typeface,  used for showing emphasis,
conveying a message, attracting attention,  or even creating a mood.  Italic
type is  also good  for contrast,  and it  is also  hard to read  over large
areas.   For printers  that do not  have italics, underscoring  will be used
\italic Japan \roman in Southeast Asia (previously in
China, now in the Philippines,
|                                                                             |
| earlier;  Japan  in  Southeast  Asia  (previously  in China,   now in  the  |
|           -----                                                             |
| Philippines,                                                                |
|                                                                             |
members communicate important things---{\it
hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual desire}---among
themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals.
|                                                                             |
| members  communicate important  things---hunger, alarm,  rank,  and sexual  |
|                                          ------  -----   ----   --- ------  |
| desire---among themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals.               |
| ------                                                                      |
|                                                                             |