Formula is intended to help you while putting physical symbols
into your text in a comfortable manner. It ensures the same
shape of the symbols which can be freely defined by you in text
*and* math mode.  There are some (only some!! -- it needs
extension) predefined physical units.

This is the first public available release of formula.
Initially it was written only to do some support in our
working group and was not intended to be made public.
It is provided *as is*.
Formula is under the GNU copying license.

Because of the needs of some people I decided to make it
available in this form.

Sorry for the language mixing of German and English.  I will
translate the documentation into English sooner or later
(I think later :-(, because of a lack of time).

The main reason for making public this alpha state software is
to get opinions an critics as well as additions of personal

The more feedback I will get, the faster formula will come to
a more useful state.

Andreas Tille (