# # Makefile for disser package # Author: Stanislav Kruchinin <stanislav.kruchinin@gmail.com> # TARGET := disser VER ?= 1.5.0 GIT ?= git ARCHEXT ?= zip ARCHIVE := $(TARGET)-$(VER).$(ARCHEXT) EXCLUDEFILES := .gitignore TDSDIR ?= ../$(TARGET)-tds TDSARCHIVE := $(TARGET)-$(VER).tds.$(ARCHEXT) .PHONY: package doc templates all clean install uninstall reinstall srcdist tds help package doc: @$(MAKE) -i -C src $@ templates: @$(MAKE) -i -C templates @$(MAKE) -i -C templates-utf8 all: package templates clean install uninstall reinstall: @$(MAKE) -i -C src $@ @$(MAKE) -i -C templates $@ @$(MAKE) -i -C templates-utf8 $@ srcdist: @[ -f $(ARCHIVE) ] && rm -f $(ARCHIVE) ;\ $(GIT) archive --format=$(ARCHEXT) --output=$(ARCHIVE) -9 HEAD ;\ 7z d $(ARCHIVE) $(EXCLUDEFILES) tds: @[ -f $(TDSARCHIVE) ] && rm -f $(TDSARCHIVE) ;\ [ -d $(TDSDIR) ] && rm -rf $(TDSDIR) ;\ mkdir -p $(TDSDIR) ;\ env DESTDIR=../$(TDSDIR) $(MAKE) -i -C src install ;\ env DESTDIR=../$(TDSDIR) $(MAKE) -i -C templates install ;\ env DESTDIR=../$(TDSDIR) $(MAKE) -i -C templates-utf8 install ;\ 7z a -t$(ARCHEXT) -mx=9 $(TDSARCHIVE) $(TDSDIR)/* help: @echo " all build classes, documentation and templates" ;\ echo " clean remove output files" ;\ echo " doc build DVI and PDF versions of documentation" ;\ echo " help show description of targets" ;\ echo " install install package and documentation" ;\ echo " package (default) build package and documentation" ;\ echo " reinstall reinstall package and documentation" ;\ echo " srcdist create source distribution" ;\ echo " tds create TDS archive with compiled sources" ;\ echo " template build templates" ;\ echo " uninstall uninstall package and documentation"