% \iffalse meta-comment % % File: zref-clever.dtx % % This file is part of the LaTeX package "zref-clever". % % Copyright (C) 2021-2024 gusbrs % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the % LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this % license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version % of this license is in the file: % % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % % This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by gusbrs. % % This work consists of the files zref-clever.dtx, % zref-clever.ins, % zref-clever-doc.tex, % zref-clever-code.tex, % and the files generated from them. % % The released version of this package is available from CTAN. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % % The development version of the package can be found at % % https://github.com/gusbrs/zref-clever % % for those people who are interested. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass{l3doc} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{CMU Serif} \setsansfont{CMU Sans Serif} \setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text} % Have \GetFileInfo pick up date and version data and used in the % documentation. \usepackage{zref-clever} \zcsetup{cap,nameinlink=false} \usepackage{zref-check} \usepackage{zref-titleref} \begin{document} \DocInput{zref-clever.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \DoNotIndex{\\,\{,\}} % \DoNotIndex{\c@,\cl@,\c@enumN,\p@} % \DoNotIndex{\the} % % \NewDocumentCommand\githubissue{m}{^^A % issue~\href{https://github.com/gusbrs/zref-clever/issues/#1}{\##1}} % % \NewDocumentCommand\githubPR{m}{^^A % PR~\href{https://github.com/gusbrs/zref-clever/pull/#1}{\##1}} % % \NewDocumentCommand\contributor{m}{#1} % \NewDocumentCommand\username{m}{`\texttt{#1}'} % % \NewDocumentCommand\opt{m}{\texttt{#1}} % % \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{^^A % \def\opt#1{#1} % } % % ^^A Have the Index at 'section' level rather than 'part'. Otherwise it is % ^^A just the same definition from 'l3doc.cls'. % \IndexPrologue{^^A % \section*{Index} % \markboth{Index}{Index} % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index} % The italic numbers denote the pages where the corresponding entry is % described, numbers underlined point to the definition, all others indicate % the places where it is used.^^A % } % % % \GetFileInfo{zref-clever.sty} % % \title{^^A % The \pkg{zref-clever} package^^A % \texorpdfstring{\\{}\medskip{}}{ - }^^A % Code documentation^^A % \texorpdfstring{\medskip{}}{}^^A % } % % \author{^^A % \texorpdfstring{\texttt{gusbrs}\\[0.8em] % \url{https://github.com/gusbrs/zref-clever}\\ % \url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/zref-clever}}{gusbrs}} % % \date{Version \fileversion\ -- \filedate} % % \maketitle % % \begin{center} % \textbf{EXPERIMENTAL} % \end{center} % % % \tableofcontents % % % \section{Initial setup} % % Start the \pkg{DocStrip} guards. % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % % Identify the internal prefix (\LaTeX3 \pkg{DocStrip} convention). % \begin{macrocode} %<@@=zrefclever> % \end{macrocode} % % Taking a stance on backward compatibility of the package. During initial % development, we have used freely recent features of the kernel (albeit % refraining from \pkg{l3candidates}). We presume \pkg{xparse} (which made to % the kernel in the 2020-10-01 release), and \pkg{expl3} as well (which made % to the kernel in the 2020-02-02 release). We also just use UTF-8 for the % language files (which became the default input encoding in the 2018-04-01 % release). Also, a couple of changes came with the 2021-11-15 kernel % release, which are important here. First, a fix was made to the new hook % management system (\pkg{ltcmdhooks}), with implications to the hook we add % to \cs{appendix} (by \contributor{Phelype Oleinik} at % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/617905} and % \url{https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/pull/699}). Second, the support for % \cs{@currentcounter} has been improved, including \cs{footnote} and % \pkg{amsmath} (by \contributor{Frank Mittelbach} and \contributor{Ulrike % Fischer} at \url{https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/687}). % Critically, the new \texttt{label} hook introduced in the 2023-06-01 % release, alongside the corresponding new hooks with arguments, just % simplifies and improves label setting so much, by allowing \cs{zlabel} to be % set with \cs{label}, that it is definitely a must for \pkg{zref-clever}, so % we require that too. Finally, since we followed the move to \texttt{e}-type % expansion, to play safe we require the 2023-11-01 kernel or newer. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\zrefclever@required@kernel{2023-11-01} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[\zrefclever@required@kernel] \providecommand\IfFormatAtLeastTF{\@ifl@t@r\fmtversion} \IfFormatAtLeastTF{\zrefclever@required@kernel} {} {% \PackageError{zref-clever}{LaTeX kernel too old} {% 'zref-clever' requires a LaTeX kernel \zrefclever@required@kernel\space or newer.% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % % % Identify the package. % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesExplPackage {zref-clever} {2024-09-30} {0.4.7} {Clever LaTeX cross-references based on zref} % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Dependencies} % % Required packages. Besides these, \pkg{zref-hyperref} may also be loaded % depending on user options. \pkg{zref-clever} also requires UTF-8 input % encoding (see discussion with \contributor{David Carlisle} at % \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/62644791#62644791}). % % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage { zref-base } \RequirePackage { zref-user } \RequirePackage { zref-abspage } \RequirePackage { ifdraft } % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{\pkg{zref} setup} % % For the purposes of the package, we need to store some information with the % labels, some of it standard, some of it not so much. So, we have to setup % \pkg{zref} to do so. % % Some basic properties are handled by \pkg{zref} itself, or some of its % modules. The \texttt{default} and \texttt{page} properties are provided by % \pkg{zref-base}, while \pkg{zref-abspage} provides the \texttt{abspage} % property which gives us a safe and easy way to sort labels for page % references. % % The \texttt{counter} property, in most cases, will be just the kernel's % \cs{@currentcounter}, set by \cs{refstepcounter}. However, not everywhere % is it assured that \cs{@currentcounter} gets updated as it should, so we % need to have some means to manually tell \pkg{zref-clever} what the current % counter actually is. This is done with the \opt{currentcounter} option, and % stored in \cs{l_@@_current_counter_tl}, whose default is % \cs{@currentcounter}. % % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { zc@counter } { \l_@@_current_counter_tl } \zref@addprop \ZREF@mainlist { zc@counter } % \end{macrocode} % % The reference itself, stored by \pkg{zref-base} in the \texttt{default} % property, is somewhat a disputed real estate. In particular, the use of % \cs{labelformat} (previously from \pkg{varioref}, now in the kernel) will % include there the reference ``prefix'' and complicate the job we are trying % to do here. Hence, we isolate \cs[no-index]{the}\meta{counter} and store it % ``clean'' in \texttt{thecounter} for reserved use. Since % \cs{@currentlabel}, which populates the \texttt{default} property, is % \emph{more reliable} than \cs{@currentcounter}, \texttt{thecounter} is meant % to be kept as an \emph{option} (\opt{ref} option), in case there's need to % use \pkg{zref-clever} together with \cs{labelformat}. Based on the % definition of \cs{@currentlabel} done inside \cs{refstepcounter} in % \texttt{texdoc source2e}, section \texttt{ltxref.dtx}. We just drop the % \cs[no-index]{p@...} prefix. % % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { thecounter } { \cs_if_exist:cTF { c@ \l_@@_current_counter_tl } { \use:c { the \l_@@_current_counter_tl } } { \cs_if_exist:cT { c@ \@currentcounter } { \use:c { the \@currentcounter } } } } \zref@addprop \ZREF@mainlist { thecounter } % \end{macrocode} % % % Much of the work of \pkg{zref-clever} relies on the association between a % label's ``counter'' and its ``type'' (see the User manual section on % ``Reference types''). Superficially examined, one might think this relation % could just be stored in a global property list, rather than in the label % itself. However, there are cases in which we want to distinguish different % types for the same counter, depending on the document context. Hence, we % need to store the ``type'' of the ``counter'' for each ``label''. In % setting this, the presumption is that the label's type has the same name as % its counter, unless it is specified otherwise by the \opt{countertype} % option, as stored in \cs{l_@@_counter_type_prop}. % % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { zc@type } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_reftype_override_tl { \exp_args:NNe \prop_if_in:NnTF \l_@@_counter_type_prop \l_@@_current_counter_tl { \exp_args:NNe \prop_item:Nn \l_@@_counter_type_prop { \l_@@_current_counter_tl } } { \l_@@_current_counter_tl } } { \l_@@_reftype_override_tl } } \zref@addprop \ZREF@mainlist { zc@type } % \end{macrocode} % % % Since the \texttt{default}/\texttt{thecounter} and \texttt{page} properties % store the ``\emph{printed} representation'' of their respective counters, % for sorting and compressing purposes, we are also interested in their % numeric values. So we store them in \texttt{zc@cntval} and % \texttt{zc@pgval}. For this, we use \cs[no-index]{c@}\meta{counter}, which % contains the counter's numerical value (see `texdoc source2e', section % `ltcounts.dtx'). Also, even if we can't find a valid \cs{@currentcounter}, % we set the value of 0 to the property, so that it is never empty (the % property's default is not sufficient to avoid that), because we rely on this % value being a number and an empty value there will result in ``Missing % number, treated as zero.'' error. A typical situation where this might % occur is the user setting a label before \cs{refstepcounter} is called for % the first time in the document. A user error, no doubt, but we should avoid % a hard crash. % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { zc@cntval } [0] { \bool_lazy_and:nnTF { ! \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_current_counter_tl } { \cs_if_exist_p:c { c@ \l_@@_current_counter_tl } } { \int_use:c { c@ \l_@@_current_counter_tl } } { \bool_lazy_and:nnTF { ! \tl_if_empty_p:N \@currentcounter } { \cs_if_exist_p:c { c@ \@currentcounter } } { \int_use:c { c@ \@currentcounter } } { 0 } } } \zref@addprop \ZREF@mainlist { zc@cntval } \zref@newprop* { zc@pgval } [0] { \int_use:c { c@page } } \zref@addprop \ZREF@mainlist { zc@pgval } % \end{macrocode} % % % However, since many counters (may) get reset along the document, we require % more than just their numeric values. We need to know the reset chain of a % given counter, in order to sort and compress a group of references. Also % here, the ``printed representation'' is not enough, not only because it is % easier to work with the numeric values but, given we occasionally group % multiple counters within a single type, sorting this group requires to know % the actual counter reset chain. % % Furthermore, even if it is true that most of the definitions of counters, % and hence of their reset behavior, is likely to be defined in the preamble, % this is not necessarily true. Users can create counters, newtheorems % mid-document, and alter their reset behavior along the way. Was that not % the case, we could just store the desired information at % \texttt{begindocument} in a variable and retrieve it when needed. But since % it is, we need to store the information with the label, with the values as % current when the label is set. % % Though counters can be reset at any time, and in different ways at that, the % most important use case is the automatic resetting of counters when some % other counter is stepped, as performed by the standard mechanisms of the % kernel (optional argument of \cs{newcounter}, \cs{@addtoreset}, % \cs{counterwithin}, and related infrastructure). The canonical optional % argument of \cs{newcounter} establishes that the counter being created (the % mandatory argument) gets reset every time the ``enclosing counter'' gets % stepped (this is called in the usual sources ``within-counter'', ``old % counter'', ``supercounter'', ``parent counter'' etc.). This information is % somewhat tricky to get. For starters, the counters which may reset the % current counter are not retrievable from the counter itself, because this % information is stored with the counter that does the resetting, not with the % one that gets reset (the list is stored in \cs[no-index]{cl@}\meta{counter} % with format % \texttt{\cs{@elt}\{countera\}\cs{@elt}\{counterb\}\cs{@elt}\{counterc\}}, % see \file{ltcounts.dtx} in \texttt{texdoc source2e}). Besides, there may be % a chain of resetting counters, which must be taken into account: if % \texttt{counterC} gets reset by \texttt{counterB}, and \texttt{counterB} % gets reset by \texttt{counterA}, stepping the latter affects all three of % them. % % The procedure below examines a set of counters, those in % \cs{l_@@_counter_resetters_seq}, and for each of them retrieves the set of % counters it resets, as stored in \cs[no-index]{cl@}\meta{counter}, looking % for the counter for which we are trying to set a label % (\cs{l_@@_current_counter_tl}, by default \cs{@currentcounter}, passed as an % argument to the functions). There is one relevant caveat to this procedure: % \cs{l_@@_counter_resetters_seq} is populated by hand with the ``usual % suspects'', there is no way (that I know of) to ensure it is exhaustive. % However, it is not that difficult to create a reasonable ``usual suspects'' % list which, of course, should include the counters for the sectioning % commands to start with, and it is easy to add more counters to this list if % needed, with the option \opt{counterresetters}. Unfortunately, not all % counters are created alike, or reset alike. Some counters, even some kernel % ones, get reset by other mechanisms (notably, the \texttt{enumerate} % environment counters do not use the regular counter machinery for resetting % on each level, but are nested nevertheless by other means). Therefore, % inspecting \cs[no-index]{cl@}\meta{counter} cannot possibly fully account % for all of the automatic counter resetting which takes place in the % document. And there's also no other ``general rule'' we could grab on for % this, as far as I know. So we provide a way to manually tell % \pkg{zref-clever} of these cases, by means of the \opt{counterresetby} % option, whose information is stored in \cs{l_@@_counter_resetby_prop}. This % manual specification has precedence over the search through % \cs{l_@@_counter_resetters_seq}, and should be handled with care, since % there is no possible verification mechanism for this. % % % \begin{macro}[EXP] % { % \@@_get_enclosing_counters:n , % \@@_get_enclosing_counters_value:n , % } % Recursively generate a \emph{sequence} of ``enclosing counters'' and % values, for a given \meta{counter} and leave it in the input stream. % These functions must be expandable, since they get called from % \cs{zref@newprop} and are the ones responsible for generating the desired % information when the label is being set. Note that the order in which we % are getting this information is reversed, since we are navigating the % counter reset chain bottom-up. But it is very hard to do otherwise here % where we need expandable functions, and easy to handle at the reading % side. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_get_enclosing_counters:n} \Arg{counter} % \cs{@@_get_enclosing_counters_value:n} \Arg{counter} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_get_enclosing_counters:n #1 { \cs_if_exist:cT { c@ \@@_counter_reset_by:n {#1} } { { \@@_counter_reset_by:n {#1} } \@@_get_enclosing_counters:e { \@@_counter_reset_by:n {#1} } } } \cs_new:Npn \@@_get_enclosing_counters_value:n #1 { \cs_if_exist:cT { c@ \@@_counter_reset_by:n {#1} } { { \int_use:c { c@ \@@_counter_reset_by:n {#1} } } \@@_get_enclosing_counters_value:e { \@@_counter_reset_by:n {#1} } } } % \end{macrocode} % % Both \texttt{e} and \texttt{f} expansions work for this particular recursive % call. I'll stay with the \texttt{e} variant, since conceptually it is what % I want (\texttt{x} itself is not expandable), and this package is anyway not % compatible with older kernels for which the performance penalty of the % \texttt{e} expansion would ensue (helpful comment by \contributor{Enrico % Gregorio}, aka `egreg' at % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/611370/#comment1529282_611385}). % \begin{macrocode} \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_enclosing_counters:n { e } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_enclosing_counters_value:n { e } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_counter_reset_by:n} % Auxiliary function for \cs{@@_get_enclosing_counters:n} and % \cs{@@_get_enclosing_counters_value:n}, and useful on its own standing. % It is broken in parts to be able to use the expandable mapping functions. % \cs{@@_counter_reset_by:n} leaves in the stream the ``enclosing counter'' % which resets \meta{counter}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_counter_reset_by:n} \Arg{counter} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_counter_reset_by:n #1 { \bool_if:nTF { \prop_if_in_p:Nn \l_@@_counter_resetby_prop {#1} } { \prop_item:Nn \l_@@_counter_resetby_prop {#1} } { \seq_map_tokens:Nn \l_@@_counter_resetters_seq { \@@_counter_reset_by_aux:nn {#1} } } } \cs_new:Npn \@@_counter_reset_by_aux:nn #1#2 { \cs_if_exist:cT { c@ #2 } { \tl_if_empty:cF { cl@ #2 } { \tl_map_tokens:cn { cl@ #2 } { \@@_counter_reset_by_auxi:nnn {#2} {#1} } } } } \cs_new:Npn \@@_counter_reset_by_auxi:nnn #1#2#3 { \str_if_eq:nnT {#2} {#3} { \tl_map_break:n { \seq_map_break:n {#1} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % Finally, we create the \texttt{zc@enclval} property, and add it to the % \texttt{main} property list. % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { zc@enclval } { \@@_get_enclosing_counters_value:e \l_@@_current_counter_tl } \zref@addprop \ZREF@mainlist { zc@enclval } % \end{macrocode} % % The \texttt{zc@enclcnt} property is provided for the purpose of easing the % debugging of counter reset chains, thus it is not added \texttt{main} % property list by default. % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { zc@enclcnt } { \@@_get_enclosing_counters:e \l_@@_current_counter_tl } % \end{macrocode} % % % Another piece of information we need is the page numbering format being used % by \cs{thepage}, so that we know when we can (or not) group a set of page % references in a range. Unfortunately, \texttt{page} is not a typical % counter in ways which complicates things. First, it does commonly get reset % along the document, not necessarily by the usual counter reset chains, but % rather with \cs{pagenumbering} or variations thereof. Second, the format of % the page number commonly changes in the document (roman, arabic, etc.), not % necessarily, though usually, together with a reset. Trying to ``parse'' % \cs{thepage} to retrieve such information is bound to go wrong: we don't % know, and can't know, what is within that macro, and that's the business of % the user, or of the documentclass, or of the loaded packages. The technique % used by \pkg{cleveref}, is simple and smart: store with the label what % \cs{thepage} would return, if the counter \cs{c@page} was ``\(1\)''. That % would not allow us to \emph{sort} the references, luckily however, we have % \texttt{abspage} which solves this problem. But we can decide whether two % labels can be compressed into a range or not based on this format: if they % are identical, we can compress them, otherwise, we can't. However, % \texttt{x} expanding \cs{thepage} can lead to errors for some \pkg{babel} % packages which redefine \cs{roman} containing non-expandable material (see % \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/63810027#63810027}, % \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/63810318#63810318}, % \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/63810720#63810720} % and discussion). So I went for something a little different. As mentioned, % we want to know if \cs{thepage} is the same for different labels, or if it % has changed. We can thus test this directly, by comparing \cs{thepage} with % a stored value of it, \cs{g_@@_prev_page_format_tl}, and stepping a counter % every time they differ. Of course, this cannot be done at label setting % time, since it is not expandable. But we can do that comparison before % shipout and then define the label property as starred % (\texttt{\cs{zref@newprop}*\{zc@pgfmt\}}), so that the label comes after the % counter, and we can get the correct value of the counter. % % \begin{macrocode} \int_new:N \g_@@_page_format_int \tl_new:N \g_@@_prev_page_format_tl \AddToHook { shipout / before } { \tl_if_eq:NNF \g_@@_prev_page_format_tl \thepage { \int_gincr:N \g_@@_page_format_int \tl_gset_eq:NN \g_@@_prev_page_format_tl \thepage } } \zref@newprop* { zc@pgfmt } { \int_use:N \g_@@_page_format_int } \zref@addprop \ZREF@mainlist { zc@pgfmt } % \end{macrocode} % % % Still some other properties which we don't need to handle at the data % provision side, but need to cater for at the retrieval side, are the ones % from the \pkg{zref-xr} module, which are added to the labels imported from % external documents, and needed to construct hyperlinks to them and to % distinguish them from the current document ones at sorting and compressing: % \texttt{urluse}, \texttt{url} and \texttt{externaldocument}. % % % % \section{Plumbing} % % % \subsection{Auxiliary} % % % \begin{macro} % { % \@@_if_package_loaded:n , % \@@_if_class_loaded:n , % } % Just a convenience, since sometimes we just need one of the branches, and % it is particularly easy to miss the empty F branch after a long T one. % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \@@_if_package_loaded:n #1 { T , F , TF } { \IfPackageLoadedTF {#1} { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \@@_if_class_loaded:n #1 { T , F , TF } { \IfClassLoadedTF {#1} { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_tmpa_tl , % \l_@@_tmpb_tl , % \l_@@_tmpa_seq , % \g_@@_tmpa_seq , % \l_@@_tmpa_bool , % \l_@@_tmpa_int , % } % Temporary scratch variables. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_tmpa_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_tmpb_tl \seq_new:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq \seq_new:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq \bool_new:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool \int_new:N \l_@@_tmpa_int % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Messages} % % % \begin{macrocode} \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { option-not-type-specific } { Option~'#1'~is~not~type-specific~\msg_line_context:.~ Set~it~in~'\iow_char:N\\zcLanguageSetup'~before~first~'type'~ switch~or~as~package~option. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { option-only-type-specific } { No~type~specified~for~option~'#1'~\msg_line_context:.~ Set~it~after~'type'~switch. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { key-requires-value } { The~'#1'~key~'#2'~requires~a~value~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { language-declared } { Language~'#1'~is~already~declared~\msg_line_context:.~Nothing~to~do. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-language-alias } { Language~'#1'~is~unknown~\msg_line_context:.~Can't~alias~to~it.~ See~documentation~for~'\iow_char:N\\zcDeclareLanguage'~and~ '\iow_char:N\\zcDeclareLanguageAlias'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-language-setup } { Language~'#1'~is~unknown~\msg_line_context:.~Can't~set~it~up.~ See~documentation~for~'\iow_char:N\\zcDeclareLanguage'~and~ '\iow_char:N\\zcDeclareLanguageAlias'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-language-opt } { Language~'#1'~is~unknown~\msg_line_context:.~ See~documentation~for~'\iow_char:N\\zcDeclareLanguage'~and~ '\iow_char:N\\zcDeclareLanguageAlias'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-language-decl } { Can't~set~declension~'#1'~for~unknown~language~'#2'~\msg_line_context:.~ See~documentation~for~'\iow_char:N\\zcDeclareLanguage'~and~ '\iow_char:N\\zcDeclareLanguageAlias'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { language-no-decl-ref } { Language~'#1'~has~no~declared~declension~cases~\msg_line_context:.~ Nothing~to~do~with~option~'d=#2'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { language-no-gender } { Language~'#1'~has~no~declared~gender~\msg_line_context:.~ Nothing~to~do~with~option~'#2=#3'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { language-no-decl-setup } { Language~'#1'~has~no~declared~declension~cases~\msg_line_context:.~ Nothing~to~do~with~option~'case=#2'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-decl-case } { Declension~case~'#1'~unknown~for~language~'#2'~\msg_line_context:.~ Using~default~declension~case. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { nudge-multitype } { Reference~with~multiple~types~\msg_line_context:.~ You~may~wish~to~separate~them~or~review~language~around~it. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { nudge-comptosing } { Multiple~labels~have~been~compressed~into~singular~type~name~ for~type~'#1'~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { nudge-plural-when-sg } { Option~'sg'~signals~that~a~singular~type~name~was~expected~ \msg_line_context:.~But~type~'#1'~has~plural~type~name. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { gender-not-declared } { Language~'#1'~has~no~'#2'~gender~declared~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { nudge-gender-mismatch } { Gender~mismatch~for~type~'#1'~\msg_line_context:.~ You've~specified~'g=#2'~but~type~name~is~'#3'~for~language~'#4'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { nudge-gender-not-declared-for-type } { You've~specified~'g=#1'~\msg_line_context:.~ But~gender~for~type~'#2'~is~not~declared~for~language~'#3'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { nudgeif-unknown-value } { Unknown~value~'#1'~for~'nudgeif'~option~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { option-document-only } { Option~'#1'~is~only~available~after~\iow_char:N\\begin\{document\}. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { langfile-loaded } { Loaded~'#1'~language~file. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { zref-property-undefined } { Option~'ref=#1'~requested~\msg_line_context:.~ But~the~property~'#1'~is~not~declared,~falling-back~to~'default'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } { Option~'endrange=#1'~requested~\msg_line_context:.~ But~the~property~'#1'~is~not~declared,~'endrange'~not~set. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { hyperref-preamble-only } { Option~'hyperref'~only~available~in~the~preamble~\msg_line_context:.~ To~inhibit~hyperlinking~locally,~you~can~use~the~starred~version~of~ '\iow_char:N\\zcref'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { missing-hyperref } { Missing~'hyperref'~package.~Setting~'hyperref=false'. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { option-preamble-only } { Option~'#1'~only~available~in~the~preamble~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-compat-module } { Unknown~compatibility~module~'#1'~given~to~option~'nocompat'.~ Nothing~to~do. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { refbounds-must-be-four } { The~value~of~option~'#1'~must~be~a~comma~sepatared~list~ of~four~items.~We~received~'#2'~items~\msg_line_context:.~ Option~not~set. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { missing-zref-check } { Option~'check'~requested~\msg_line_context:.~ But~package~'zref-check'~is~not~loaded,~can't~run~the~checks. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { zref-check-too-old } { Option~'check'~requested~\msg_line_context:.~ But~'zref-check'~newer~than~'#1'~is~required,~can't~run~the~checks. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { missing-type } { Reference~type~undefined~for~label~'#1'~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { missing-property } { Reference~property~'#1'~undefined~for~label~'#2'~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { missing-name } { Reference~format~option~'#1'~undefined~for~type~'#2'~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { single-element-range } { Range~for~type~'#1'~resulted~in~single~element~\msg_line_context:. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-package } { Loaded~support~for~'#1'~package. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-class } { Loaded~support~for~'#1'~documentclass. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { option-deprecated } { Option~'#1'~has~been~deprecated~\msg_line_context:.\iow_newline: Use~'#2'~instead. } \msg_new:nnn { zref-clever } { load-time-options } { 'zref-clever'~does~not~accept~load-time~options.~ To~configure~package~options,~use~'\iow_char:N\\zcsetup'. } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Data extraction} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_extract_default:Nnnn} % Extract property \meta{prop} from \meta{label} and sets variable \meta{tl % var} with extracted value. Ensure \cs{zref@extractdefault} is expanded % exactly twice, but no further to retrieve the proper value. In case the % property is not found, set \meta{tl var} with \meta{default}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_extract_default:Nnnn} \Arg{tl var} % ~~\Arg{label} \Arg{prop} \Arg{default} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_extract_default:Nnnn #1#2#3#4 { \exp_args:NNNo \exp_args:NNo \tl_set:Nn #1 { \zref@extractdefault {#2} {#3} {#4} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_extract_default:Nnnn { NVnn , Nnvn } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_extract_unexp:nnn} % Extract property \meta{prop} from \meta{label}. Ensure that, in the % context of an x expansion, \cs{zref@extractdefault} is expanded exactly % twice, but no further to retrieve the proper value. Thus, this is meant % to be use in an x expansion context, not in other situations. In case the % property is not found, leave \meta{default} in the stream. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_extract_unexp:nnn}\Arg{label}\Arg{prop}\Arg{default} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_extract_unexp:nnn #1#2#3 { \exp_args:NNo \exp_args:No \exp_not:n { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {#2} {#3} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_extract_unexp:nnn { Vnn , nvn , Vvn } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_extract:nnn} % An internal version for \cs{zref@extractdefault}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_extract:nnn}\Arg{label}\Arg{prop}\Arg{default} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_extract:nnn #1#2#3 { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {#2} {#3} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Option infra} % % This section provides the functions in which the variables naming scheme of % the package options is embodied, and some basic general functions to query % these option variables. % % I had originally implemented the option handling of the package based on % property lists, which are definitely very convenient. But as the number of % options grew, I started to get concerned about the performance implications. % That there was a toll was noticeable, even when we could live with it, of % course. Indeed, at the time of writing, the typesetting of a reference % queries about 24 different option values, most of them once per type-block, % each of these queries can be potentially made in up to 5 option scope % levels. Considering the size of the built-in language files is running at % the hundreds, the package does have a lot of work to do in querying option % values alone, and thus it is best to smooth things in this area as much as % possible. This also gives me some peace of mind that the package will scale % well in the long term. For some interesting discussion about alternative % methods and their performance implications, see % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/147966}. \contributor{Phelype Oleinik} % also offered some insight on the matter at % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/629946/#comment1571118_629946}. % The only real downside of this change is that we can no longer list the % whole set of options in place at a given moment, which was useful for the % purposes of regression testing, since we don't know what the whole set of % active options is. % % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_opt_varname_general:nn} % Defines, and leaves in the input stream, the csname of the variable used % to store the general \meta{option}. The data type of the variable must be % specified (\texttt{tl}, \texttt{seq}, \texttt{bool}, etc.). % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_varname_general:nn} \Arg{option} \Arg{data type} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_opt_varname_general:nn #1#2 { l_@@_opt_general_ #1 _ #2 } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_opt_varname_type:nnn} % Defines, and leaves in the input stream, the csname of the variable used % to store the type-specific \meta{option} for \meta{ref type}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_varname_type:nnn} \Arg{ref type} \Arg{option} \Arg{data type} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_opt_varname_type:nnn #1#2#3 { l_@@_opt_type_ #1 _ #2 _ #3 } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_varname_type:nnn { enn , een } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_opt_varname_language:nnn} % Defines, and leaves in the input stream, the csname of the variable used % to store the language \meta{option} for \meta{lang} (for general language % options, those set with \cs{zcDeclareLanguage}). The % ``\texttt{lang_unknown}'' branch should be guarded against, such as we % normally should not get there, but this function \emph{must} return some % valid csname. The random part is there so that, in the circumstance this % could not be avoided, we (hopefully) don't retrieve the value for an % ``unknown language'' inadvertently. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_varname_language:nnn} \Arg{lang} \Arg{option} \Arg{data type} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_opt_varname_language:nnn #1#2#3 { \@@_language_if_declared:nTF {#1} { g_@@_opt_language_ \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } _ #2 _ #3 } { g_@@_opt_lang_unknown_ \int_rand:n { 1000000 } _ #3 } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_varname_language:nnn { enn } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_opt_varname_lang_default:nnn} % Defines, and leaves in the input stream, the csname of the variable used % to store the language-specific default reference format \meta{option} for % \meta{lang}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_varname_lang_default:nnn} \Arg{lang} \Arg{option} \Arg{data type} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:nnn #1#2#3 { \@@_language_if_declared:nTF {#1} { g_@@_opt_lang_ \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } _default_ #2 _ #3 } { g_@@_opt_lang_unknown_ \int_rand:n { 1000000 } _ #3 } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:nnn { enn } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_opt_varname_lang_type:nnnn} % Defines, and leaves in the input stream, the csname of the variable used % to store the language- and type-specific reference format \meta{option} % for \meta{lang} and \meta{ref type}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_varname_lang_type:nnnn} \Arg{lang} \Arg{ref type} % ~~\Arg{option} \Arg{data type} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:nnnn #1#2#3#4 { \@@_language_if_declared:nTF {#1} { g_@@_opt_lang_ \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } _type_ #2 _ #3 _ #4 } { g_@@_opt_lang_unknown_ \int_rand:n { 1000000 } _ #4 } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:nnnn { eenn , eeen } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_opt_varname_fallback:nn} % Defines, and leaves in the input stream, the csname of the variable used % to store the fallback \meta{option}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_varname_fallback:nn} \Arg{option} \Arg{data type} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_opt_varname_fallback:nn #1#2 { c_@@_opt_fallback_ #1 _ #2 } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_opt_var_set_bool:n} % The \LaTeX3 programming layer does not have the concept of a variable % \emph{existing} only locally, it also considers an ``error'' if an % assignment is made to a variable which was not previously declared, but % declaration is always global, which means that ``setting a local variable % at a local scope'', given these requirements, results in it existing, and % being empty, globally. Therefore, we need an independent mechanism from % the mere existence of a variable to keep track of whether variables are % ``set'' or ``unset'', within the logic of the precedence rules for options % in different scopes. \cs{@@_opt_var_set_bool:n} expands to the name of % the boolean variable used to track this state for \meta{option var}. See % discussion with \contributor{Phelype Oleinik} at % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/633341/#comment1579825_633347} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_var_set_bool:n} \Arg{option var} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n #1 { \cs_to_str:N #1 _is_set_bool } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macro} % { % \@@_opt_tl_set:Nn , % \@@_opt_tl_clear:N , % \@@_opt_tl_gset:Nn , % \@@_opt_tl_gclear:N , % } % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_set:N} \Arg{option tl} \Arg{value} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_clear:N} \Arg{option tl} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_gset:N} \Arg{option tl} \Arg{value} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_gclear:N} \Arg{option tl} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_tl_set:Nn #1#2 { \tl_if_exist:NF #1 { \tl_new:N #1 } \tl_set:Nn #1 {#2} \bool_if_exist:cF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \bool_set_true:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_tl_set:Nn { cn } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_tl_clear:N #1 { \tl_if_exist:NF #1 { \tl_new:N #1 } \tl_clear:N #1 \bool_if_exist:cF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \bool_set_true:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_tl_clear:N { c } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_tl_gset:Nn #1#2 { \tl_if_exist:NF #1 { \tl_new:N #1 } \tl_gset:Nn #1 {#2} } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_tl_gset:Nn { cn } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_tl_gclear:N #1 { \tl_if_exist:NF #1 { \tl_new:N #1 } \tl_gclear:N #1 } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_tl_gclear:N { c } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_opt_tl_unset:N} % Unset \meta{option tl}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_unset:N} \Arg{option tl} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_tl_unset:N #1 { \tl_if_exist:NT #1 { \tl_clear:N #1 % ? \bool_if_exist:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_set_false:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_tl_unset:N { c } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP,TF]{\@@_opt_tl_if_set:N} % This conditional \emph{defines} what means to be unset for a token list % option. Note that the ``set bool'' not existing signals that the variable % \emph{is set}, that would be the case of all global option variables % (language-specific ones). But this means care should be taken to always % define and set the ``set bool'' for local variables. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_if_set:N(TF)} \Arg{option tl} \Arg{true} \Arg{false} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \@@_opt_tl_if_set:N #1 { F , TF } { \tl_if_exist:NTF #1 { \bool_if_exist:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_if:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } { \prg_return_true: } } { \prg_return_false: } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro} % { % \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:Nn , % \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:N , % } % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:Nn} \Arg{option tl} \Arg{value} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:N} \Arg{option tl} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:Nn #1#2 { \@@_opt_tl_if_set:NF #1 { \tl_if_exist:NF #1 { \tl_new:N #1 } \tl_gset:Nn #1 {#2} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:Nn { cn } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:N #1 { \@@_opt_tl_if_set:NF #1 { \tl_if_exist:NF #1 { \tl_new:N #1 } \tl_gclear:N #1 } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:N { c } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[TF]{\@@_opt_tl_get:NN} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_tl_get:NN(TF)} \Arg{option tl to get} \Arg{tl var to set} % ~~\Arg{true} \Arg{false} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_protected_conditional:Npnn \@@_opt_tl_get:NN #1#2 { F } { \@@_opt_tl_if_set:NTF #1 { \tl_set_eq:NN #2 #1 \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \@@_opt_tl_get:NN { cN } { F } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macro} % { % \@@_opt_seq_set_clist_split:Nn , % \@@_opt_seq_gset_clist_split:Nn , % \@@_opt_seq_set_eq:NN , % \@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:NN , % } % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_seq_set_clist_split:Nn} \Arg{option seq} \Arg{value} % \cs{@@_opt_seq_gset_clist_split:Nn} \Arg{option seq} \Arg{value} % \cs{@@_opt_seq_set_eq:NN} \Arg{option seq} \Arg{seq var} % \cs{@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:NN} \Arg{option seq} \Arg{seq var} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_seq_set_clist_split:Nn #1#2 { \seq_set_split:Nnn #1 { , } {#2} } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_seq_gset_clist_split:Nn #1#2 { \seq_gset_split:Nnn #1 { , } {#2} } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_seq_set_eq:NN #1#2 { \seq_if_exist:NF #1 { \seq_new:N #1 } \seq_set_eq:NN #1 #2 \bool_if_exist:cF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \bool_set_true:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_seq_set_eq:NN { cN } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:NN #1#2 { \seq_if_exist:NF #1 { \seq_new:N #1 } \seq_gset_eq:NN #1 #2 } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:NN { cN } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_opt_seq_unset:N} % Unset \meta{option seq}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_seq_unset:N} \Arg{option seq} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_seq_unset:N #1 { \seq_if_exist:NT #1 { \seq_clear:N #1 % ? \bool_if_exist:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_set_false:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_seq_unset:N { c } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP,TF]{\@@_opt_seq_if_set:N} % This conditional \emph{defines} what means to be unset for a sequence % option. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_seq_if_set:N(TF)} \Arg{option seq} \Arg{true} \Arg{false} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \@@_opt_seq_if_set:N #1 { F , TF } { \seq_if_exist:NTF #1 { \bool_if_exist:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_if:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } { \prg_return_true: } } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \@@_opt_seq_if_set:N { c } { F , TF } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[TF]{\@@_opt_seq_get:NN} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_seq_get:NN(TF)} \Arg{option seq to get} \Arg{seq var to set} % ~~\Arg{true} \Arg{false} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_protected_conditional:Npnn \@@_opt_seq_get:NN #1#2 { F } { \@@_opt_seq_if_set:NTF #1 { \seq_set_eq:NN #2 #1 \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \@@_opt_seq_get:NN { cN } { F } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_opt_bool_unset:N} % Unset \meta{option bool}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_bool_unset:N} \Arg{option bool} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_bool_unset:N #1 { \bool_if_exist:NT #1 { % \bool_set_false:N #1 % ? \bool_if_exist:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_set_false:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_bool_unset:N { c } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP,TF]{\@@_opt_bool_if_set:N} % This conditional \emph{defines} what means to be unset for a boolean % option. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_bool_if_set:N(TF)} \Arg{option bool} \Arg{true} \Arg{false} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \@@_opt_bool_if_set:N #1 { F , TF } { \bool_if_exist:NTF #1 { \bool_if_exist:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_if:cTF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } { \prg_return_true: } } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \@@_opt_bool_if_set:N { c } { F , TF } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro} % { % \@@_opt_bool_set_true:N , % \@@_opt_bool_set_false:N , % \@@_opt_bool_gset_true:N , % \@@_opt_bool_gset_false:N , % } % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_bool_set_true:N} \Arg{option bool} % \cs{@@_opt_bool_set_false:N} \Arg{option bool} % \cs{@@_opt_bool_gset_true:N} \Arg{option bool} % \cs{@@_opt_bool_gset_false:N} \Arg{option bool} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_bool_set_true:N #1 { \bool_if_exist:NF #1 { \bool_new:N #1 } \bool_set_true:N #1 \bool_if_exist:cF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \bool_set_true:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_bool_set_true:N { c } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_bool_set_false:N #1 { \bool_if_exist:NF #1 { \bool_new:N #1 } \bool_set_false:N #1 \bool_if_exist:cF { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \bool_set_true:c { \@@_opt_var_set_bool:n {#1} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_bool_set_false:N { c } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_bool_gset_true:N #1 { \bool_if_exist:NF #1 { \bool_new:N #1 } \bool_gset_true:N #1 } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_bool_gset_true:N { c } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_bool_gset_false:N #1 { \bool_if_exist:NF #1 { \bool_new:N #1 } \bool_gset_false:N #1 } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_opt_bool_gset_false:N { c } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}[TF]{\@@_opt_bool_get:NN} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_bool_get:NN(TF)} \Arg{option bool to get} \Arg{bool var to set} % ~~\Arg{true} \Arg{false} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_protected_conditional:Npnn \@@_opt_bool_get:NN #1#2 { F } { \@@_opt_bool_if_set:NTF #1 { \bool_set_eq:NN #2 #1 \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \@@_opt_bool_get:NN { cN } { F } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP,TF]{\@@_opt_bool_if:N} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_opt_bool_if:N(TF)} \Arg{option bool} \Arg{true} \Arg{false} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \@@_opt_bool_if:N #1 { T , F , TF } { \@@_opt_bool_if_set:NTF #1 { \bool_if:NTF #1 { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \@@_opt_bool_if:N { c } { T , F , TF } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \subsection{Reference format} % % For a general discussion on the precedence rules for reference format % options, see Section ``Reference format'' in the User manual. Internally, % these precedence rules are handled / enforced in \cs{@@_get_rf_opt_tl:nnnN}, % \cs{@@_get_rf_opt_seq:nnnN}, \cs{@@_get_rf_opt_bool:nnnnN}, and % \cs{@@_type_name_setup:} which are the basic functions to retrieve proper % values for reference format settings. % % The fact that we have multiple scopes to set reference format options has % some implications for how we handle these options, and for the resulting UI. % Since there is a clear precedence rule between the different levels, setting % an option at a high priority level shadows everything below it. Hence, it % may be relevant to be able to ``unset'' these options too, so as to be able % go back to the lower precedence level of the language-specific options at % any given point. However, since many of these options are token lists, or % clists, for which ``empty'' is a legitimate value, we cannot rely on % emptiness to distinguish that particular intention. How to deal with it, % depends on the kind of option (its data type, to be precise). For token % lists and clists/sequences, we leverage the distinction of an ``empty valued % key'' (\texttt{key=} or \texttt{key=\{\}}) from a ``key with no value'' % (\texttt{key}). This distinction is captured internally by the lower-level % key parsing, but must be made explicit in \cs{keys_define:nn} by means of % the \texttt{.default:o} property of the key. For the technique, by % \contributor{Jonathan P.\ Spratte}, aka `Skillmon', and some discussion % about it, including further insights by \contributor{Phelype Oleinik}, see % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/614690} and % \url{https://github.com/latex3/latex3/pull/988}. However, Joseph Wright % seems to particularly dislike this use and the general idea of a ``key with % no value'' being somehow meaningful for \pkg{l3keys} (e.g. his comments on % the previous question, and % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/632157/#comment1576404_632157}), which % does make it somewhat risky to rely on this. For booleans, the situation is % different, since they cannot meaningfully receive an empty value and the % ``key with no value'' is a handy and expected shorthand for % \texttt{key=true}. Therefore, for reference format option booleans, we use % a third value ``\texttt{unset}'' for this purpose. And similarly for % ``choice'' options. % % However, ``unsetting'' options is only supported at the general and % reference type levels, that is, at \cs{zcsetup}, at \cs{zcref}, and at % \cs{zcRefTypeSetup}. For language-specific options -- in the language files % or at \cs{zcLanguageSetup} -- there is no unsetting, an option which has % been set can there only be changed to another value. This for two reasons. % First, these are low precedence levels, so it is less meaningful to be able % to unset these options. Second, these settings can only be done in the % preamble (or the package itself). They are meant to be global. So, do it % once, do it right, and if you need to locally change something along the % document, use a higher precedence level. % % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_setup_type_tl , % \l_@@_setup_language_tl , % \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl , % \l_@@_lang_declension_seq , % \l_@@_lang_gender_seq , % } % Store ``current'' type, language, and declension cases in different places % for type-specific and language-specific options handling, notably in % \cs{@@_provide_langfile:n}, \cs{zcRefTypeSetup}, and % \cs{zcLanguageSetup}, but also for language specific options retrieval. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_setup_type_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_setup_language_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl \seq_new:N \l_@@_lang_declension_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_lang_gender_seq % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro} % { % \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_not_type_specific_seq , % \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_maybe_type_specific_seq , % \g_@@_rf_opts_seq_refbounds_seq , % \g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq , % \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_type_names_seq , % \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_typesetup_seq , % \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_reference_seq , % } % Lists of reference format options in ``categories''. Since these % options are set in different scopes, and at different places, storing % the actual lists in centralized variables makes the job not only easier % later on, but also keeps things consistent. These variables are % \emph{constants}, but I don't seem to be able to find a way to % concatenate two constants into a third one without triggering \LaTeX3 % debug error ``Inconsistent local/global assignment''. And repeating % things in a new \cs{seq_const_from_clist:Nn} defeats the purpose of % these variables. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_not_type_specific_seq \seq_gset_from_clist:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_not_type_specific_seq { tpairsep , tlistsep , tlastsep , notesep , } \seq_new:N \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_maybe_type_specific_seq \seq_gset_from_clist:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_maybe_type_specific_seq { namesep , pairsep , listsep , lastsep , rangesep , namefont , reffont , } \seq_new:N \g_@@_rf_opts_seq_refbounds_seq \seq_gset_from_clist:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_seq_refbounds_seq { refbounds-first , refbounds-first-sg , refbounds-first-pb , refbounds-first-rb , refbounds-mid , refbounds-mid-rb , refbounds-mid-re , refbounds-last , refbounds-last-pe , refbounds-last-re , } \seq_new:N \g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq \seq_gset_from_clist:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq { cap , abbrev , rangetopair , } % \end{macrocode} % Only ``type names'' are ``necessarily type-specific'', which makes them % somewhat special on the retrieval side of things. In short, they don't have % their values queried by \cs{@@_get_rf_opt_tl:nnnN}, but by % \cs{@@_type_name_setup:}. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_type_names_seq \seq_gset_from_clist:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_type_names_seq { Name-sg , name-sg , Name-pl , name-pl , Name-sg-ab , name-sg-ab , Name-pl-ab , name-pl-ab , } % \end{macrocode} % And, finally, some combined groups of the above variables, for convenience. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_typesetup_seq \seq_gconcat:NNN \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_typesetup_seq \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_maybe_type_specific_seq \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_type_names_seq \seq_new:N \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_reference_seq \seq_gconcat:NNN \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_reference_seq \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_not_type_specific_seq \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_maybe_type_specific_seq % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % We set here also the ``derived'' \texttt{refbounds} options, which are % (almost) the same for every option scope. % % \begin{macrocode} \clist_map_inline:nn { reference , typesetup , langsetup , langfile , } { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/ #1 } { +refbounds-first .meta:n = { refbounds-first = {##1} , refbounds-first-sg = {##1} , refbounds-first-pb = {##1} , refbounds-first-rb = {##1} , } , +refbounds-mid .meta:n = { refbounds-mid = {##1} , refbounds-mid-rb = {##1} , refbounds-mid-re = {##1} , } , +refbounds-last .meta:n = { refbounds-last = {##1} , refbounds-last-pe = {##1} , refbounds-last-re = {##1} , } , +refbounds-rb .meta:n = { refbounds-first-rb = {##1} , refbounds-mid-rb = {##1} , } , +refbounds-re .meta:n = { refbounds-mid-re = {##1} , refbounds-last-re = {##1} , } , +refbounds .meta:n = { +refbounds-first = {##1} , +refbounds-mid = {##1} , +refbounds-last = {##1} , } , refbounds .meta:n = { +refbounds = {##1} } , } } \clist_map_inline:nn { reference , typesetup , } { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/ #1 } { +refbounds-first .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , +refbounds-mid .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , +refbounds-last .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , +refbounds-rb .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , +refbounds-re .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , +refbounds .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , refbounds .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , } } \clist_map_inline:nn { langsetup , langfile , } { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/ #1 } { +refbounds-first .value_required:n = true , +refbounds-mid .value_required:n = true , +refbounds-last .value_required:n = true , +refbounds-rb .value_required:n = true , +refbounds-re .value_required:n = true , +refbounds .value_required:n = true , refbounds .value_required:n = true , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Languages} % % % \cs{l_@@_current_language_tl} is an internal alias for \pkg{babel}'s % \cs{languagename} or \pkg{polyglossia}'s \cs{mainbabelname} and, if none of % them is loaded, we set it to \texttt{english}. \cs{l_@@_main_language_tl} % is an internal alias for \pkg{babel}'s \cs{bbl@main@language} or for % \pkg{polyglossia}'s \cs{mainbabelname}, as the case may be. Note that for % \pkg{polyglossia} we get \pkg{babel}'s language names, so that we only need % to handle those internally. \cs{l_@@_ref_language_tl} is the internal % variable which stores the language in which the reference is to be made. % % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_ref_language_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_current_language_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_main_language_tl % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\l_zrefclever_ref_language_tl} % A public version of \cs{l_@@_ref_language_tl} for use in \pkg{zref-vario}. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_zrefclever_ref_language_tl \tl_set:Nn \l_zrefclever_ref_language_tl { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_language_varname:n} % Defines, and leaves in the input stream, the csname of the variable used % to store the \meta{base language} (as the value of this variable) for % a \meta{language} declared for \pkg{zref-clever}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_language_varname:n} \Arg{language} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_language_varname:n #1 { g_@@_declared_language_ #1 _tl } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP]{\zrefclever_language_varname:n} % A public version of \cs{@@_language_varname:n} for use in % \pkg{zref-vario}. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_set_eq:NN \zrefclever_language_varname:n \@@_language_varname:n % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP,TF]{\@@_language_if_declared:n} % A language is considered to be declared for \pkg{zref-clever} if it passes % this conditional, which requires that a variable with % \cs{@@_language_varname:n}\texttt{\{\meta{language}\}} exists. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_language_if_declared:n(TF)} \Arg{language} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \@@_language_if_declared:n #1 { T , F , TF } { \tl_if_exist:cTF { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \@@_language_if_declared:n { e } { T , F , TF } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}[EXP,TF]{\zrefclever_language_if_declared:n} % A public version of \cs{@@_language_if_declared:n} for use in % \pkg{zref-vario}. % \begin{macrocode} \prg_set_eq_conditional:NNn \zrefclever_language_if_declared:n \@@_language_if_declared:n { TF } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}[int]{\zcDeclareLanguage} % Declare a new language for use with \pkg{zref-clever}. \meta{language} is % taken to be both the ``language name'' and the ``base language name''. A % ``base language'' (loose concept here, meaning just ``the name we gave for % the language file in that particular language'') is just like any other one, % the only difference is that the ``language name'' happens to be the same as % the ``base language name'', in other words, it is an ``alias to itself''. % \oarg{options} receive a \texttt{k=v} set of options, with three valid % options. The first, \opt{declension}, takes the noun declension cases % prefixes for \meta{language} as a comma separated list, whose first element % is taken to be the default case. The second, \opt{gender}, receives the % genders for \meta{language} as comma separated list. The third, % \opt{allcaps}, is a boolean, and indicates that for \meta{language} all % nouns must be capitalized for grammatical reasons, in which case, the % \opt{cap} option is disregarded for \meta{language}. If \meta{language} is % already known, just warn. This implies a particular restriction regarding % \oarg{options}, namely that these options, when defined by the package, % cannot be redefined by the user. This is deliberate, otherwise the built-in % language files would become much too sensitive to this particular user % input, and unnecessarily so. \cs{zcDeclareLanguage} is preamble only. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{zcDeclareLanguage} \oarg{options} \marg{language} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \zcDeclareLanguage { O { } m } { \group_begin: \tl_if_empty:nF {#2} { \@@_language_if_declared:nTF {#2} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { language-declared } {#2} } { \tl_new:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#2} } \tl_gset:cn { \@@_language_varname:n {#2} } {#2} \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_setup_language_tl {#2} \keys_set:nn { zref-clever/declarelang } {#1} } } \group_end: } \@onlypreamble \zcDeclareLanguage % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}[int]{\zcDeclareLanguageAlias} % Declare \meta{language alias} to be an alias of \meta{aliased language} % (or ``base language''). \meta{aliased language} must be already known to % \pkg{zref-clever}. % \cs{zcDeclareLanguageAlias} is preamble only. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{zcDeclareLanguageAlias} \marg{language alias} \marg{aliased language} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { m m } { \tl_if_empty:nF {#1} { \@@_language_if_declared:nTF {#2} { \tl_new:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } \tl_gset:ce { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } { \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#2} } } } { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-language-alias } {#2} } } } \@onlypreamble \zcDeclareLanguageAlias % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/declarelang } { declension .code:n = { \seq_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { declension } { seq } } \seq_gset_from_clist:cn { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { declension } { seq } } {#1} } , declension .value_required:n = true , gender .code:n = { \seq_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { gender } { seq } } \seq_gset_from_clist:cn { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { gender } { seq } } {#1} } , gender .value_required:n = true , allcaps .choices:nn = { true , false } { \bool_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { allcaps } { bool } } \use:c { bool_gset_ \l_keys_choice_tl :c } { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { allcaps } { bool } } } , allcaps .default:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_process_language_settings:} % Auxiliary function for \cs{@@_zcref:nnn}, responsible for processing % language related settings. It is necessary to separate them from the % reference options machinery for two reasons. First, because their % behavior is language dependent, but the language itself can also be set as % an option (\opt{lang}, value stored in \cs{l_@@_ref_language_tl}). % Second, some of its tasks must be done regardless of any option being % given (e.g. the default declension case, the \opt{allcaps} option). % Hence, we must validate the language settings after the reference options % have been set. It is expected to be called right (or soon) after % \cs{keys_set:nn} in \cs{@@_zcref:nnn}, where current values for % \cs{l_@@_ref_language_tl} and \cs{l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl} are in place. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_process_language_settings: { \@@_language_if_declared:eTF { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { % \end{macrocode} % Validate the declension case (\opt{d}) option against the declared cases for % the reference language. If the user value for the latter does not match the % declension cases declared for the former, the function sets an appropriate % value for \cs{l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl}, either using the default case, or % clearing the variable, depending on the language setup. And also issues a % warning about it. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { declension } { seq } } \l_@@_lang_declension_seq { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_lang_declension_seq } \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_declension_seq { \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { language-no-decl-ref } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } \tl_clear:N \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl { \seq_get_left:NN \l_@@_lang_declension_seq \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } { \seq_if_in:NVF \l_@@_lang_declension_seq \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { unknown-decl-case } { \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \seq_get_left:NN \l_@@_lang_declension_seq \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } } } % \end{macrocode} % Validate the gender (\opt{g}) option against the declared genders for the % reference language. If the user value for the latter does not match the % genders declared for the former, clear \cs{l_@@_ref_gender_tl} and warn. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { gender } { seq } } \l_@@_lang_gender_seq { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_lang_gender_seq } \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_gender_seq { \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_ref_gender_tl { \msg_warning:nneee { zref-clever } { language-no-gender } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { g } { \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } \tl_clear:N \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } } { \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_ref_gender_tl { \seq_if_in:NVF \l_@@_lang_gender_seq \l_@@_ref_gender_tl { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { gender-not-declared } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } \tl_clear:N \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } } } % \end{macrocode} % Ensure the general \opt{cap} is set to \texttt{true} when the language was % declared with \opt{allcaps} option. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_opt_bool_if:cT { \@@_opt_varname_language:enn { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { allcaps } { bool } } { \keys_set:nn { zref-clever/reference } { cap = true } } } { % \end{macrocode} % If the language itself is not declared, we still have to issue declension % and gender warnings, if \opt{d} or \opt{g} options were used. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { unknown-language-decl } { \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \tl_clear:N \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_ref_gender_tl { \msg_warning:nneee { zref-clever } { language-no-gender } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { g } { \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } \tl_clear:N \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \subsection{Language files} % % Contrary to general options and type options, which are always \emph{local}, % language-specific settings are always \emph{global}. Hence, the loading of % built-in language files, as well as settings done with \cs{zcLanguageSetup}, % should set the relevant variables globally. % % The built-in language files and their related infrastructure are designed to % perform ``on the fly'' loading of the language files, ``lazily'' as needed. % Much like \pkg{babel} does for languages not declared in the preamble, but % used in the document. This offers some convenience, of course, and that's % one reason to do it. But it also has the purpose of parsimony, of ``loading % the least possible''. Therefore, we load at \texttt{begindocument} one % single language (see \zcref[ref=title, noname]{sec:lang-option}), as % specified by the user in the preamble with the \opt{lang} option or, failing % any specification, the current language of the document, which is the % default. Anything else is lazily loaded, on the fly, along the document. % % This design decision has also implications to the \emph{form} the language % files assumed. As far as my somewhat impressionistic sampling goes, % dictionary or localization files of the most common packages in this area of % functionality, are usually a set of commands which perform the relevant % definitions and assignments in the preamble or at \texttt{begindocument}. % This includes \pkg{translator}, \pkg{translations}, but also \pkg{babel}'s % \file{.ldf} files, and \pkg{biblatex}'s \file{.lbx} files. I'm not really % well acquainted with this machinery, but as far as I grasp, they all rely on % some variation of \cs{ProvidesFile} and \cs{input}. And they can be safely % \cs{input} without generating spurious content, because they rely on being % loaded before the document has actually started. As far as I can tell, % \pkg{babel}'s ``on the fly'' functionality is not based on the \file{.ldf} % files, but on the \file{.ini} files, and on \cs{babelprovide}. And the % \file{.ini} files are not in this form, but actually resemble % ``configuration files'' of sorts, which means they are read and processed % somehow else than with just \cs{input}. So we do the more or less the same % here. It seems a reasonable way to ensure we can load language files on the % fly robustly mid-document, without getting paranoid with the last bit of % white-space in them, and without introducing any undue content on the stream % when we cannot afford to do it. Hence, \pkg{zref-clever}'s built-in % language files are a set of \emph{key-value options} which are read from the % file, and fed to \texttt{\cs{keys_set:nn}\{zref-clever/langfile\}} by % \cs{@@_provide_langfile:n}. And they use the same syntax and options as % \cs{zcLanguageSetup} does. The language file itself is read with % \cs{ExplSyntaxOn} with the usual implications for white-space and catcodes. % % \cs{@@_provide_langfile:n} is only meant to load the built-in language % files. For languages declared by the user, or for any settings to a known % language made with \cs{zcLanguageSetup}, values are populated directly to a % corresponding variables. Hence, there is no need to ``load'' anything in % this case: definitions and assignments made by the user are performed % immediately. % % % \begin{macro}{\g_@@_loaded_langfiles_seq} % Used to keep track of whether a language file has already been loaded or % not. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \g_@@_loaded_langfiles_seq % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_provide_langfile:n} % Load language file for known \meta{language} if it is available and if it % has not already been loaded. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_provide_langfile:n} \Arg{language} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_provide_langfile:n #1 { \group_begin: \@bsphack \@@_language_if_declared:nT {#1} { \seq_if_in:NeF \g_@@_loaded_langfiles_seq { \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } } { \exp_args:Ne \file_get:nnNTF { zref-clever- \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } .lang } { \ExplSyntaxOn } \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_setup_language_tl {#1} \tl_clear:N \l_@@_setup_type_tl \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_language:nnn {#1} { declension } { seq } } \l_@@_lang_declension_seq { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_lang_declension_seq } \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_declension_seq { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl } { \seq_get_left:NN \l_@@_lang_declension_seq \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl } \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_language:nnn {#1} { gender } { seq } } \l_@@_lang_gender_seq { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_lang_gender_seq } \keys_set:nV { zref-clever/langfile } \l_@@_tmpa_tl \seq_gput_right:Ne \g_@@_loaded_langfiles_seq { \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } } \msg_info:nne { zref-clever } { langfile-loaded } { \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } } } { % \end{macrocode} % Even if we don't have the actual language file, we register it as % ``loaded''. At this point, it is a known language, properly declared. % There is no point in trying to load it multiple times, if it was not found % the first time, it won't be the next. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_gput_right:Ne \g_@@_loaded_langfiles_seq { \tl_use:c { \@@_language_varname:n {#1} } } } } } \@esphack \group_end: } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_provide_langfile:n { e } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % The set of keys for \texttt{{zref-clever/langfile}}, which is used to % process the language files in \cs{@@_provide_langfile:n}. The no-op cases % for each category have their messages sent to ``info''. These messages % should not occur, as long as the language files are well formed, but they're % placed there nevertheless, and can be leveraged in regression tests. % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langfile } { type .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_setup_type_tl {#1} } } , case .code:n = { \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_declension_seq { \msg_info:nnee { zref-clever } { language-no-decl-setup } { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} } { \seq_if_in:NnTF \l_@@_lang_declension_seq {#1} { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl {#1} } { \msg_info:nnee { zref-clever } { unknown-decl-case } {#1} { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } \seq_get_left:NN \l_@@_lang_declension_seq \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl } } } , case .value_required:n = true , gender .value_required:n = true , gender .code:n = { \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_gender_seq { \msg_info:nneee { zref-clever } { language-no-gender } { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { gender } {#1} } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { option-only-type-specific } { gender } } { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq \clist_map_inline:nn {#1} { \seq_if_in:NnTF \l_@@_lang_gender_seq {##1} { \seq_put_right:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_seq {##1} } { \msg_info:nnee { zref-clever } { gender-not-declared } { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {##1} } } \@@_opt_seq_if_set:cF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { gender } { seq } } { \seq_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { gender } { seq } } \seq_gset_eq:cN { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { gender } { seq } } \l_@@_tmpa_seq } } } } , } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_not_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langfile } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } { \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { option-not-type-specific } {#1} } } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_maybe_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langfile } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } } , } } \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langfile } { endrange .value_required:n = true , endrange .code:n = { \str_case:nnF {#1} { { ref } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } { stripprefix } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_stripprefix } \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_stripprefix } \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } { pagecomp } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomp } \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomp } \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } { pagecomp2 } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomptwo } \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomptwo } \@@_opt_tl_gclear_if_new:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } } { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } {#1} } { \zref@ifpropundefined {#1} { \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } {#1} } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_property } \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } {#1} } { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_property } \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } {#1} } } } } } , } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_type_names_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langfile } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { option-only-type-specific } {#1} } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } { \@@_opt_tl_gset_if_new:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eeen { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl - #1 } { tl } } {##1} } } } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_seq_refbounds_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langfile } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_seq_if_set:cF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { seq } } { \seq_gclear:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq \@@_opt_seq_gset_clist_split:Nn \g_@@_tmpa_seq {##1} \bool_lazy_or:nnTF { \tl_if_empty_p:n {##1} } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \seq_count:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq } = { 4 } } { \@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:cN { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { seq } } \g_@@_tmpa_seq } { \msg_info:nnee { zref-clever } { refbounds-must-be-four } {#1} { \seq_count:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq } } } } { \@@_opt_seq_if_set:cF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { seq } } { \seq_gclear:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq \@@_opt_seq_gset_clist_split:Nn \g_@@_tmpa_seq {##1} \bool_lazy_or:nnTF { \tl_if_empty_p:n {##1} } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \seq_count:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq } = { 4 } } { \@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:cN { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { seq } } \g_@@_tmpa_seq } { \msg_info:nnee { zref-clever } { refbounds-must-be-four } {#1} { \seq_count:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq } } } } } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langfile } { #1 .choice: , #1 / true .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_bool_if_set:cF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { bool } } { \@@_opt_bool_gset_true:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { bool } } } } { \@@_opt_bool_if_set:cF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } { \@@_opt_bool_gset_true:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } } } } , #1 / false .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_bool_if_set:cF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { bool } } { \@@_opt_bool_gset_false:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { bool } } } } { \@@_opt_bool_if_set:cF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } { \@@_opt_bool_gset_false:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } } } } , #1 .default:n = true , no #1 .meta:n = { #1 = false } , no #1 .value_forbidden:n = true , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % It is convenient for a number of language typesetting options (some basic % separators) to have some ``fallback'' value available in case \pkg{babel} or % \pkg{polyglossia} is loaded and sets a language which \pkg{zref-clever} does % not know. On the other hand, ``type names'' are not looked for in % ``fallback'', since it is indeed impossible to provide any reasonable value % for them for a ``specified but unknown language''. Other typesetting % options, for which it is not a problem being empty, need not be catered for % with a fallback value. % % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_opt_tl_cset_fallback:nn #1#2 { \tl_const:cn { \@@_opt_varname_fallback:nn {#1} { tl } } {#2} } \keyval_parse:nnn { } { \@@_opt_tl_cset_fallback:nn } { tpairsep = {,~} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {,~} , notesep = {~} , namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {,~} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {,~} , rangesep = {\textendash} , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{Options} % % % \subsubsection*{Auxiliary} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_prop_put_non_empty:Nnn} % If \meta{value} is empty, remove \meta{key} from \meta{property list}. % Otherwise, add \meta{key} = \meta{value} to \meta{property list}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_prop_put_non_empty:Nnn} \meta{property list} \Arg{key} \Arg{value} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_prop_put_non_empty:Nnn #1#2#3 { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#3} { \prop_remove:Nn #1 {#2} } { \prop_put:Nnn #1 {#2} {#3} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{ref} option} % % \cs{l_@@_ref_property_tl} stores the property to which the reference is % being made. Note that one thing \emph{must} be handled at this point: the % existence of the property itself, as far as \pkg{zref} is concerned. This % because typesetting relies on the check \cs{zref@ifrefcontainsprop}, which % \emph{presumes} the property is defined and silently expands the \emph{true} % branch if it is not (insightful comments by \contributor{Ulrike Fischer} at % \url{https://github.com/ho-tex/zref/issues/13}). Therefore, before adding % anything to \cs{l_@@_ref_property_tl}, check if first here with % \cs{zref@ifpropundefined}: close it at the door. We must also control for % an empty value, since ``empty'' passes both \cs{zref@ifpropundefined} and % \cs{zref@ifrefcontainsprop}. % % % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_ref_property_tl \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { ref .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { zref-property-undefined } {#1} \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_property_tl { default } } { \zref@ifpropundefined {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { zref-property-undefined } {#1} \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_property_tl { default } } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_property_tl {#1} } } } , ref .initial:n = default , ref .value_required:n = true , page .meta:n = { ref = page }, page .value_forbidden:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{typeset} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_typeset_ref_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_typeset_name_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { typeset .choice: , typeset / both .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_typeset_ref_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_typeset_name_bool } , typeset / ref .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_typeset_ref_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_typeset_name_bool } , typeset / name .code:n = { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_typeset_ref_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_typeset_name_bool } , typeset .initial:n = both , typeset .value_required:n = true , noname .meta:n = { typeset = ref } , noname .value_forbidden:n = true , noref .meta:n = { typeset = name } , noref .value_forbidden:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{sort} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_typeset_sort_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { sort .bool_set:N = \l_@@_typeset_sort_bool , sort .initial:n = true , sort .default:n = true , nosort .meta:n = { sort = false }, nosort .value_forbidden:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{typesort} option} % % \cs{l_@@_typesort_seq} is stored reversed, since the sort priorities are % computed in the negative range in \cs{@@_sort_default_different_types:nn}, % so that we can implicitly rely on `0' being the ``last value'', and spare % creating an integer variable using \cs{seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn}. % % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \l_@@_typesort_seq \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { typesort .code:n = { \seq_set_from_clist:Nn \l_@@_typesort_seq {#1} \seq_reverse:N \l_@@_typesort_seq } , typesort .initial:n = { part , chapter , section , paragraph }, typesort .value_required:n = true , notypesort .code:n = { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_typesort_seq } , notypesort .value_forbidden:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{comp} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_typeset_compress_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { comp .bool_set:N = \l_@@_typeset_compress_bool , comp .initial:n = true , comp .default:n = true , nocomp .meta:n = { comp = false }, nocomp .value_forbidden:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{endrange} option} % % The working of \opt{endrange} option depends on two underlying option values % / variables: \texttt{endrangefunc} and \texttt{endrangeprop}. % \texttt{endrangefunc} is the more general one, and \texttt{endrangeprop} is % used when the first is set to \cs{@@_get_endrange_property:VVN}, which is % the case when the user is setting \opt{endrange} to an arbitrary \pkg{zref} % property, instead of one of the \cs{str_case:nn} matches. % % \texttt{endrangefunc} \emph{must} receive three arguments and, more % specifically, its signature \emph{must} be \texttt{VVN}. For this reason, % \texttt{endrangefunc} should be stored without the signature, which is % added, and hard-coded, at the calling place. The first argument is % \meta{beg range label}, the second \meta{end range label}, and the last % \meta{tl var to set}. Of course, \meta{tl var to set} must be set to a % proper value, and that's the main task of the function. % \texttt{endrangefunc} must also handle the case where % \cs{zref@ifrefcontainsprop} is false, since \cs{@@_get_ref_endrange:nnN} % cannot take care of that. For this purpose, it may set \meta{tl var to set} % to the special value \texttt{zc@missingproperty}, to signal a missing % property for \cs{@@_get_ref_endrange:nnN}. % % An empty \texttt{endrangefunc} signals that no processing is to be made to % the end range reference, that is, that it should be treated like any other % one, as defined by the \opt{ref} option. This may happen either because % \opt{endrange} was never set for the reference type, and empty is the value % ``returned'' by \cs{@@_get_rf_opt_tl:nnnN} for options not set, or because % \opt{endrange} was set to \texttt{ref} at some scope which happens to get % precedence. % % One thing I was divided about in this functionality was whether to % (x-)expand the references before processing them, when such processing is % required. At first sight, it makes sense to do so, since we are aiming at % ``removing common parts'' as close as possible to the printed representation % of the references (\pkg{cleveref} does expand them in \cs{crefstripprefix}). % On the other hand, this brings some new challenges: if a fragile command % gets there, we are in trouble; also, if a protected one gets there, though % things won't break as badly, we may ``strip'' the macro and stay with % different arguments, which will then end up in the input stream. I think % \pkg{biblatex} is a good reference here, and it offers \cs{NumCheckSetup}, % \cs{NumsCheckSetup}, and \cs{PagesCheckSetup} aimed at locally redefining % some commands which may interfere with the processing. This is a good idea, % thus we offer a similar hook for the same purpose: \texttt{endrange-setup}. % % \begin{macrocode} \NewHook { zref-clever/endrange-setup } % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { endrange .code:n = { \str_case:nnF {#1} { { ref } { \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangefunc } { tl } } \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { stripprefix } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_stripprefix } \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { pagecomp } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomp } \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { pagecomp2 } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomptwo } \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { unset } { \@@_opt_tl_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangefunc } { tl } } \@@_opt_tl_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } {#1} } { \zref@ifpropundefined {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } {#1} } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_property } \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn { endrangeprop } { tl } } {#1} } } } } , endrange .value_required:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_get_endrange_property:nnN #1#2#3 { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_endrangeprop_tl { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \@@_extract_default:Nnvn #3 {#2} { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } { \tl_set:Nn #3 { zc@missingproperty } } } { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#2} { \l_@@_endrangeprop_tl } { % \end{macrocode} % If the range came about by normal compression, we already know the beginning % and the end references share the same ``form'' and ``prefix'' (this is % ensured at \cs{@@_labels_in_sequence:nn}), but the same is not true if the % \opt{range} option is being used, in which case, we have to check the % replacement \cs{l_@@_ref_property_tl} by \cs{l_@@_endrangeprop_tl} is really % granted. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_typeset_range_bool { \group_begin: \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { externaldocument } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#2} { externaldocument } { } } { \tl_if_eq:NnTF \l_@@_ref_property_tl { page } { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { zc@pgfmt } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#2} { zc@pgfmt } { } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { zc@counter } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#2} { zc@counter } { } } { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { zc@enclval } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#2} { zc@enclval } { } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } } } \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_tmpa_bool { \@@_extract_default:Nnvn \l_@@_tmpb_tl {#2} { l_@@_endrangeprop_tl } { } } { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \@@_extract_default:Nnvn \l_@@_tmpb_tl {#2} { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_tmpb_tl { zc@missingproperty } } } \exp_args:NNNV \group_end: \tl_set:Nn #3 \l_@@_tmpb_tl } { \@@_extract_default:Nnvn #3 {#2} { l_@@_endrangeprop_tl } { } } } { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \@@_extract_default:Nnvn #3 {#2} { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } { \tl_set:Nn #3 { zc@missingproperty } } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_endrange_property:nnN { VVN } % \end{macrocode} % % % % For the technique for smuggling the assignment out of the group, see % \contributor{Enrico Gregorio}'s answer at % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/56314}. % % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_get_endrange_stripprefix:nnN #1#2#3 { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \group_begin: \UseHook { zref-clever/endrange-setup } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool \bool_until_do:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_bool { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnTF { \tl_head:V \l_@@_tmpa_tl } { \tl_head:V \l_@@_tmpb_tl } { \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \tl_tail:V \l_@@_tmpa_tl } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \tl_tail:V \l_@@_tmpb_tl } \tl_if_empty:NT \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } \exp_args:NNNV \group_end: \tl_set:Nn #3 \l_@@_tmpb_tl } { \tl_set:Nn #3 { zc@missingproperty } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_endrange_stripprefix:nnN { VVN } % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_is_integer_rgx:n} % Test if argument is composed only of digits (adapted from % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/427559}). % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_protected_conditional:Npnn \@@_is_integer_rgx:n #1 { F , TF } { \regex_match:nnTF { \A\d+\Z } {#1} { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \@@_is_integer_rgx:n { V } { F , TF } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_get_endrange_pagecomp:nnN #1#2#3 { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \group_begin: \UseHook { zref-clever/endrange-setup } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool \@@_is_integer_rgx:VTF \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \@@_is_integer_rgx:VF \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } \bool_until_do:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_bool { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnTF { \tl_head:V \l_@@_tmpa_tl } { \tl_head:V \l_@@_tmpb_tl } { \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \tl_tail:V \l_@@_tmpa_tl } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \tl_tail:V \l_@@_tmpb_tl } \tl_if_empty:NT \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } \exp_args:NNNV \group_end: \tl_set:Nn #3 \l_@@_tmpb_tl } { \tl_set:Nn #3 { zc@missingproperty } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_endrange_pagecomp:nnN { VVN } % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_get_endrange_pagecomptwo:nnN #1#2#3 { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \group_begin: \UseHook { zref-clever/endrange-setup } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool \@@_is_integer_rgx:VTF \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \@@_is_integer_rgx:VF \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } \bool_until_do:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_bool { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnTF { \tl_head:V \l_@@_tmpa_tl } { \tl_head:V \l_@@_tmpb_tl } { \bool_lazy_or:nnTF { \int_compare_p:nNn { \l_@@_tmpb_tl } > { 99 } } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \tl_head:V \l_@@_tmpb_tl } = { 0 } } { \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \tl_tail:V \l_@@_tmpa_tl } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \tl_tail:V \l_@@_tmpb_tl } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_tmpa_bool } } \exp_args:NNNV \group_end: \tl_set:Nn #3 \l_@@_tmpb_tl } { \tl_set:Nn #3 { zc@missingproperty } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_endrange_pagecomptwo:nnN { VVN } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{range} and \opt{rangetopair} options} % % The \opt{rangetopair} option is being handled with other reference format % option booleans at \cs{g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq}. % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_typeset_range_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { range .bool_set:N = \l_@@_typeset_range_bool , range .initial:n = false , range .default:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{cap} and \opt{capfirst} options} % % The \opt{cap} option is currently being handled with other reference format % option booleans at \cs{g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq}. % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_capfirst_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { capfirst .bool_set:N = \l_@@_capfirst_bool , capfirst .initial:n = false , capfirst .default:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{abbrev} and \opt{noabbrevfirst} options} % % The \opt{abbrev} option is currently being handled with other reference % format option booleans at \cs{g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq}. % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_noabbrev_first_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { noabbrevfirst .bool_set:N = \l_@@_noabbrev_first_bool , noabbrevfirst .initial:n = false , noabbrevfirst .default:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{S} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { S .meta:n = { capfirst = {#1} , noabbrevfirst = {#1} }, S .default:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{hyperref} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_hyperlink_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_hyperref_warn_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { hyperref .choice: , hyperref / auto .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_hyperlink_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_hyperref_warn_bool } , hyperref / true .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_hyperlink_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_hyperref_warn_bool } , hyperref / false .code:n = { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_hyperlink_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_hyperref_warn_bool } , hyperref .initial:n = auto , hyperref .default:n = true , % \end{macrocode} % \opt{nohyperref} is provided mainly as a means to inhibit hyperlinking % locally in \pkg{zref-vario}'s commands without the need to be setting % \pkg{zref-clever}'s internal variables directly. What limits setting % \opt{hyperref} out of the preamble is that enabling hyperlinks requires % loading packages. But \opt{nohyperref} can only disable them, so we can use % it in the document body too. % \begin{macrocode} nohyperref .meta:n = { hyperref = false } , nohyperref .value_forbidden:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \AddToHook { begindocument } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nTF { hyperref } { \bool_if:NT \l_@@_hyperlink_bool { \RequirePackage { zref-hyperref } } } { \bool_if:NT \l_@@_hyperref_warn_bool { \msg_warning:nn { zref-clever } { missing-hyperref } } \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_hyperlink_bool } \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { hyperref .code:n = { \msg_warning:nn { zref-clever } { hyperref-preamble-only } } , nohyperref .code:n = { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_hyperlink_bool } , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{nameinlink} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \str_new:N \l_@@_nameinlink_str \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { nameinlink .choice: , nameinlink / true .code:n = { \str_set:Nn \l_@@_nameinlink_str { true } } , nameinlink / false .code:n = { \str_set:Nn \l_@@_nameinlink_str { false } } , nameinlink / single .code:n = { \str_set:Nn \l_@@_nameinlink_str { single } } , nameinlink / tsingle .code:n = { \str_set:Nn \l_@@_nameinlink_str { tsingle } } , nameinlink .initial:n = tsingle , nameinlink .default:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{preposinlink} option (deprecated)} % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { preposinlink .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-12 for v0.2.0-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { preposinlink } { refbounds } } , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{lang} option} % \phantomsection{}\zlabel{sec:lang-option} % % The overall setup here seems a little roundabout, but this is actually % required. In the preamble, we (potentially) don't yet have values for the % ``current'' and ``main'' document languages, this must be retrieved at a % \texttt{begindocument} hook. The \texttt{begindocument} hook is responsible % to get values for \cs{l_@@_current_language_tl} and % \cs{l_@@_main_language_tl}, and to set the default for % \cs{l_@@_ref_language_tl}. Package options, or preamble calls to % \cs{zcsetup} are also hooked at \texttt{begindocument}, but come after the % first hook, so that the pertinent variables have been set when they are % executed. Finally, we set a third \texttt{begindocument} hook, at % \texttt{begindocument/before}, so that it runs after any options set in the % preamble. This hook redefines the \opt{lang} option for immediate execution % in the document body, and ensures the \texttt{current} language's language % file gets loaded, if it hadn't been already. % % For the \pkg{babel} and \pkg{polyglossia} variables which store the % ``current'' and ``main'' languages, see % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/233178}, including comments, % particularly the one by Javier Bezos. For the \pkg{babel} and % \pkg{polyglossia} variables which store the list of loaded languages, see % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/281220}, including comments, % particularly PLK's. Note, however, that languages loaded by % \cs{babelprovide}, either directly, ``on the fly'', or with the % \texttt{provide} option, \texttt{do not} get included in \cs{bbl@loaded}. % % % \begin{macrocode} \AddToHook { begindocument } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nTF { babel } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_current_language_tl { \languagename } \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_main_language_tl { \bbl@main@language } } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nTF { polyglossia } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_current_language_tl { \babelname } \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_main_language_tl { \mainbabelname } } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_current_language_tl { english } \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_main_language_tl { english } } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { lang .code:n = { \AddToHook { begindocument } { \str_case:nnF {#1} { { current } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_language_tl { \l_@@_current_language_tl } } { main } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_language_tl { \l_@@_main_language_tl } } } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_language_tl {#1} \@@_language_if_declared:nF {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-language-opt } {#1} } } \@@_provide_langfile:e { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } } } , lang .initial:n = current , lang .value_required:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macrocode} \AddToHook { begindocument / before } { \AddToHook { begindocument } { % \end{macrocode} % Redefinition of the \texttt{lang} key option for the document body. Also, % drop the language file loading in the document body, it is somewhat % redundant, since \cs{@@_zcref:nnn} already ensures it. % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { lang .code:n = { \str_case:nnF {#1} { { current } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_language_tl { \l_@@_current_language_tl } } { main } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_language_tl { \l_@@_main_language_tl } } } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_ref_language_tl {#1} \@@_language_if_declared:nF {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-language-opt } {#1} } } } , } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{d} option} % % For setting the declension case. Short for convenience and for not % polluting the markup too much given that, for languages that need it, it may % get to be used frequently. % % \contributor{\username{samcarter}} and \contributor{Alan Munn} provided % useful comments about declension on the TeX.SX chat. Also, % \contributor{Florent Rougon}'s efforts in this area, with the \pkg{xcref} % package (\url{https://github.com/frougon/xcref}), have been an insightful % source to frame the problem in general terms. % % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { d .code:n = { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { option-document-only } { d } } , } \AddToHook { begindocument } { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { % \end{macrocode} % We just store the value at this point, which is validated by % \cs{@@_process_language_settings:} after \cs{keys_set:nn}. % \begin{macrocode} d .tl_set:N = \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl , d .value_required:n = true , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{nudge} \& co.\ options} % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_nudge_multitype_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_nudge_comptosing_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_nudge_singular_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_nudge_gender_bool \tl_new:N \l_@@_ref_gender_tl \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { nudge .choice: , nudge / true .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool } , nudge / false .code:n = { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool } , nudge / ifdraft .code:n = { \ifdraft { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool } } , nudge / iffinal .code:n = { \ifoptionfinal { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool } { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool } } , nudge .initial:n = false , nudge .default:n = true , nonudge .meta:n = { nudge = false } , nonudge .value_forbidden:n = true , nudgeif .code:n = { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_nudge_multitype_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_nudge_comptosing_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_nudge_gender_bool \clist_map_inline:nn {#1} { \str_case:nnF {##1} { { multitype } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_multitype_bool } { comptosing } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_comptosing_bool } { gender } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_gender_bool } { all } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_multitype_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_comptosing_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_nudge_gender_bool } } { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { nudgeif-unknown-value } {##1} } } } , nudgeif .value_required:n = true , nudgeif .initial:n = all , sg .bool_set:N = \l_@@_nudge_singular_bool , sg .initial:n = false , sg .default:n = true , g .code:n = { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { option-document-only } { g } } , } \AddToHook { begindocument } { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { % \end{macrocode} % We just store the value at this point, which is validated by % \cs{@@_process_language_settings:} after \cs{keys_set:nn}. % \begin{macrocode} g .tl_set:N = \l_@@_ref_gender_tl , g .value_required:n = true , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{font} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_ref_typeset_font_tl \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { font .tl_set:N = \l_@@_ref_typeset_font_tl } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{titleref} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { titleref .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-04-22 for 0.3.0. \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { titleref } { \iow_char:N\\usepackage\iow_char:N\{zref-titleref\iow_char:N\} } } , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{vario} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { vario .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-04-22 for 0.3.0. \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { vario } { \iow_char:N\\usepackage\iow_char:N\{zref-vario\iow_char:N\} } } , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{note} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_zcref_note_tl \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { note .tl_set:N = \l_@@_zcref_note_tl , note .value_required:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{check} option} % % Integration with \pkg{zref-check}. % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_zrefcheck_available_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_zcref_with_check_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { check .code:n = { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { option-document-only } { check } } , } \AddToHook { begindocument } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nTF { zref-check } { \IfPackageAtLeastTF { zref-check } { 2021-09-16 } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_zrefcheck_available_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { check .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_zcref_with_check_bool \keys_set:nn { zref-check / zcheck } {#1} } , check .value_required:n = true , } } { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_zrefcheck_available_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { check .code:n = { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { zref-check-too-old } { 2021-09-16~v0.2.1 } } , } } } { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_zrefcheck_available_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { check .code:n = { \msg_warning:nn { zref-clever } { missing-zref-check } } , } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{reftype} option} % % This allows one to manually specify the reference type. It is the % equivalent of \pkg{cleveref}'s optional argument to \cs{label}. % % NOTE \pkg{tcolorbox} uses the \opt{reftype} option to support its \opt{label % type} option when \opt{label is zlabel}. Hence \emph{don't} make any % breaking changes here without previous communication. % % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_reftype_override_tl \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/label } { reftype .tl_set:N = \l_@@_reftype_override_tl , reftype .default:n = {} , reftype .initial:n = {} , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{countertype} option} % % \cs{l_@@_counter_type_prop} is used by \texttt{zc@type} property, and stores % a mapping from ``counter'' to ``reference type''. Only those counters whose % type name is different from that of the counter need to be specified, since % \texttt{zc@type} presumes the counter as the type if the counter is not % found in \cs{l_@@_counter_type_prop}. % % \begin{macrocode} \prop_new:N \l_@@_counter_type_prop \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/label } { countertype .code:n = { \keyval_parse:nnn { \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever } { key-requires-value } { countertype } } { \@@_prop_put_non_empty:Nnn \l_@@_counter_type_prop } {#1} } , countertype .value_required:n = true , countertype .initial:n = { subsection = section , subsubsection = section , subparagraph = paragraph , enumi = item , enumii = item , enumiii = item , enumiv = item , mpfootnote = footnote , } , } % \end{macrocode} % % One interesting comment I received (by \contributor{Denis Bitouzé}, at % \githubissue{1}) about the most appropriate type for \texttt{paragraph} and % \texttt{subparagraph} counters was that the reader of the document does not % care whether that particular document structure element has been introduced % by \cs{paragraph} or, e.g.\ by the \cs{subsubsection} command. This is a % difference the author knows, as they're using \LaTeX{}, but to the reader % the difference between them is not really relevant, and it may be just % confusing to refer to them by different names. In this case the type for % \texttt{paragraph} and \texttt{subparagraph} should just be % \texttt{section}. I don't have a strong opinion about this, and the matter % was not pursued further. Besides, I presume not many people would set % \texttt{secnumdepth} so high to start with. But, for the time being, I left % the \texttt{paragraph} type for them, since there is actually a visual % difference to the reader between the \cs{subsubsection} and \cs{paragraph} % in the standard classes: up to the former, the sectioning commands break a % line before the following text, while, from the later on, the sectioning % commands and the following text are part of the same line. So, % \cs{paragraph} is actually different from ``just a shorter way to write % \cs{subsubsubsection}''. % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{counterresetters} option} % % \cs{l_@@_counter_resetters_seq} is used by \cs{@@_counter_reset_by:n} to % populate the \texttt{zc@enclval} property, and stores the list of counters % which are potential ``enclosing counters'' for other counters. % % Note that, as far as \LaTeX{} is concerned, a given counter can be reset by % \emph{any number of counters}. \cs{counterwithin} just adds a new % ``within-counter'' for ``counter'' without removing any other existing ones. % However, the data structure of \pkg{zref-clever} can only account for % \emph{one} enclosing counter. In a way, this is hard to circumvent, because % the underlying counter reset behavior works ``top-down'', but when looking % to a label built from a given counter we need to infer the enclosing % counters ``bottom-up''. As a result, the reset chain we find is path % dependent or, more formally, what \cs{@@_counter_reset_by:n} returns depends % on the order in which it searches the list of % \cs{l_@@_counter_resetters_seq}, since it stops on the first match. This % representation mismatch should not be a problem in most cases. But one % should be aware of the limits it imposes. % % Consider the following case: the \cls{book} class sets, by default % \texttt{figure} and \texttt{table} counters to be reset every % \texttt{chapter}, \texttt{section} is also reset every \texttt{chapter}, of % course. Suppose now we say % \cs{counterwithin}\texttt{\{figure\}\{section\}}. Technically, % \texttt{figure} is being reset every \texttt{section} and every % \texttt{chapter}, but since \texttt{section} is also reset every % \texttt{chapter}, the original ``\texttt{chapter} resets \texttt{figure}'' % behavior is now redundant. Innocuous, but is still there. Now, suppose we % want to find which counter is resetting \texttt{figure} using % \cs{@@_counter_reset_by:n}. If \texttt{chapter} comes before % \texttt{section} in \cs{l_@@_counter_resetters_seq}, \texttt{chapter} will % be returned, and that's not what we want. That's the reason % \opt{counterresetters} initial value goes bottom-up in the sectioning level, % since we'd expect the nesting of the reset chain to \emph{typically} work % top-down. % % If, despite all this, unexpected results still ensue, users can take care to % ``clean'' redundant resetting settings with \cs{counterwithout}. Besides, % users can already override, for any particular counter, the search done from % the set in \cs{l_@@_counter_resetters_seq} with the \opt{counterresetby} % option. % % For the above reasons, since order matters, the \opt{counterresetters} % option can only be set by the full list of counters. In other words, users % wanting to change this should take the initial value as their starting base. % % The \texttt{zc@enclcnt} \pkg{zref} property, not included by default in the % \texttt{main} property list, is provided for the purpose of easing the % debugging of counter reset chains. So, by adding % \cs{zref@addprop}\texttt{\{main\}\{zc@enclcnt\}} you can inspect what the % values in the \texttt{zc@enclval} property correspond to. % % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \l_@@_counter_resetters_seq \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/label } { counterresetters .code:n = { \seq_set_from_clist:Nn \l_@@_counter_resetters_seq {#1} } , counterresetters .initial:n = { subparagraph , paragraph , subsubsection , subsection , section , chapter , part , }, counterresetters .value_required:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{counterresetby} option} % % \cs{l_@@_counter_resetby_prop} is used by \cs{@@_counter_reset_by:n} to % populate the \texttt{zc@enclval} property, and stores a mapping from % counters to the counter which resets each of them. This mapping has % precedence in \cs{@@_counter_reset_by:n} over the search through % \cs{l_@@_counter_resetters_seq}. % % \begin{macrocode} \prop_new:N \l_@@_counter_resetby_prop \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/label } { counterresetby .code:n = { \keyval_parse:nnn { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { key-requires-value } { counterresetby } } { \@@_prop_put_non_empty:Nnn \l_@@_counter_resetby_prop } {#1} } , counterresetby .value_required:n = true , counterresetby .initial:n = { % \end{macrocode} % The counters for the \texttt{enumerate} environment do not use the regular % counter machinery for resetting on each level, but are nested nevertheless % by other means, treat them as exception. % \begin{macrocode} enumii = enumi , enumiii = enumii , enumiv = enumiii , } , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{currentcounter} option} % % \cs{l_@@_current_counter_tl} is pretty much the starting point of all of the % data specification for label setting done by \pkg{zref} with our setup for % it. It exists because we must provide some ``handle'' to specify the % current counter for packages/features that do not set \cs{@currentcounter} % appropriately. % % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_current_counter_tl \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/label } { currentcounter .tl_set:N = \l_@@_current_counter_tl , currentcounter .default:n = \@currentcounter , currentcounter .initial:n = \@currentcounter , } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{labelhook} option} % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_labelhook_bool \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/label } { labelhook .bool_set:N = \l_@@_labelhook_bool , labelhook .initial:n = true , labelhook .default:n = true , } % \end{macrocode} % % We \emph{must} use the lower level \cs{zref@label} in this context, and % hence also handle protection with \cs{zref@wrapper@babel}, because % \cs{zlabel} makes itself no-op when \cs{label} is equal to \cs{ltx@gobble}, % and that's precisely the case inside the \pkg{amsmath}'s \env{multline} % environment (and possibly elsewhere?). See % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/402297} and % \url{https://github.com/ho-tex/zref/issues/4}. % % \begin{macrocode} \AddToHookWithArguments { label } { \bool_if:NT \l_@@_labelhook_bool { \zref@wrapper@babel \zref@label {#1} } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsubsection*{\opt{nocompat} option} % % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \g_@@_nocompat_bool \seq_new:N \g_@@_nocompat_modules_seq \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { nocompat .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \bool_gset_true:N \g_@@_nocompat_bool } { \clist_map_inline:nn {#1} { \seq_if_in:NnF \g_@@_nocompat_modules_seq {##1} { \seq_gput_right:Nn \g_@@_nocompat_modules_seq {##1} } } } } , } \AddToHook { begindocument } { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { nocompat .code:n = { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { option-preamble-only } { nocompat } } } } \AtEndOfPackage { \AddToHook { begindocument } { \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_nocompat_modules_seq { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-compat-module } {#1} } } } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_compat_module:nn} % Function to be used for compatibility modules loading. It should load the % module as long as \cs{l_@@_nocompat_bool} is false and \meta{module} is % not in \cs{l_@@_nocompat_modules_seq}. The \texttt{begindocument} hook is % needed so that we can have the option functional along the whole preamble, % not just at package load time. This requirement might be relaxed if we % made the option only available at load time, but this would not buy us % much leeway anyway, since for most compatibility modules, we must test for % the presence of packages at \texttt{begindocument}, only kernel features % and document classes could be checked reliably before that. Besides, % since we are using the new hook management system, there is always its % functionality to deal with potential loading order issues. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_compat_module:nn} \Arg{module} \Arg{code} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_compat_module:nn #1#2 { \AddToHook { begindocument } { \bool_if:NF \g_@@_nocompat_bool { \seq_if_in:NnF \g_@@_nocompat_modules_seq {#1} {#2} } \seq_gremove_all:Nn \g_@@_nocompat_modules_seq {#1} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \subsubsection*{Reference options} % \zlabel{sec:reference-options} % % This is a set of options related to reference typesetting which receive % equal treatment and, hence, are handled in batch. Since we are dealing with % options to be passed to \cs{zcref} or to \cs{zcsetup}, only ``not % necessarily type-specific'' options are pertinent here. % % % \begin{macrocode} \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_reference_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { #1 .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_novalue:nTF {##1} { \@@_opt_tl_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { tl } } {##1} } } , } } \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { refpre .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-10 for v0.1.2-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { refpre } { refbounds } } , refpos .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-10 for v0.1.2-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { refpos } { refbounds } } , preref .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-14 for v0.2.0-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { preref } { refbounds } } , postref .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-14 for v0.2.0-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { postref } { refbounds } } , } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_seq_refbounds_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { #1 .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_novalue:nTF {##1} { \@@_opt_seq_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { seq } } } { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq \@@_opt_seq_set_clist_split:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_seq {##1} \bool_lazy_or:nnTF { \tl_if_empty_p:n {##1} } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \seq_count:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq } = { 4 } } { \@@_opt_seq_set_eq:cN { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { seq } } \l_@@_tmpa_seq } { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { refbounds-must-be-four } {#1} { \seq_count:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq } } } } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/reference } { #1 .choice: , #1 / true .code:n = { \@@_opt_bool_set_true:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { bool } } } , #1 / false .code:n = { \@@_opt_bool_set_false:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { bool } } } , #1 / unset .code:n = { \@@_opt_bool_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { bool } } } , #1 .default:n = true , no #1 .meta:n = { #1 = false } , no #1 .value_forbidden:n = true , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection*{Package options} % % The options have been separated in two different groups, so that we can % potentially apply them selectively to different contexts: \texttt{label} and % \texttt{reference}. Currently, the only use of this selection is the % ability to exclude label related options from \cs{zcref}'s options. Anyway, % for package options (\cs{zcsetup}) we want the whole set, so we aggregate % the two into \texttt{zref-clever/zcsetup}, and use that here. % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { } { zref-clever/zcsetup .inherit:n = { zref-clever/label , zref-clever/reference , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \pkg{zref-clever} does not accept load-time options. Despite the tradition % of so doing, Joseph Wright has a point in recommending otherwise at % \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/60360822#60360822}: % separating ``loading the package'' from ``configuring the package'' grants % less trouble with ``option clashes'' and with expansion of options at % load-time. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_lazy_and:nnT { \tl_if_exist_p:c { opt@ zref-clever.sty } } { ! \tl_if_empty_p:c { opt@ zref-clever.sty } } { \msg_warning:nn { zref-clever } { load-time-options } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Configuration} % % \subsection{\cs{zcsetup}} % % % \begin{macro}[int]{\zcsetup} % Provide \cs{zcsetup}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{zcsetup}\marg{options} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \zcsetup { m } { \@@_zcsetup:n {#1} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_zcsetup:n} % A version of \cs{zcsetup} for internal use with variant. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_zcsetup:n}\marg{options} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_zcsetup:n #1 { \keys_set:nn { zref-clever/zcsetup } {#1} } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_zcsetup:n { e } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \subsection{\cs{zcRefTypeSetup}} % \zlabel{sec:zcreftypesetup} % % \cs{zcRefTypeSetup} is the main user interface for ``type-specific'' % reference formatting. Settings done by this command have a higher % precedence than any language-specific setting, either done at % \cs{zcLanguageSetup} or by the package's language files. On the other hand, % they have a lower precedence than non type-specific general options. The % \meta{options} should be given in the usual \texttt{key=val} format. The % \meta{type} does not need to pre-exist, the property list variable to store % the properties for the type gets created if need be. % % \begin{macro}[int]{\zcRefTypeSetup} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{zcRefTypeSetup} \marg{type} \marg{options} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \zcRefTypeSetup { m m } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_setup_type_tl {#1} \keys_set:nn { zref-clever/typesetup } {#2} \tl_clear:N \l_@@_setup_type_tl } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macrocode} \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_not_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/typesetup } { #1 .code:n = { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { option-not-type-specific } {#1} } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_typesetup_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/typesetup } { #1 .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_novalue:nTF {##1} { \@@_opt_tl_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } } , } } \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/typesetup } { endrange .code:n = { \str_case:nnF {#1} { { ref } { \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { stripprefix } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_stripprefix } \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { pagecomp } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomp } \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { pagecomp2 } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomptwo } \@@_opt_tl_clear:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { unset } { \@@_opt_tl_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } \@@_opt_tl_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } {#1} } { \zref@ifpropundefined {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } {#1} } { \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_property } \@@_opt_tl_set:cn { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } {#1} } } } } , endrange .value_required:n = true , } \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/typesetup } { refpre .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-10 for v0.1.2-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { refpre } { refbounds } } , refpos .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-10 for v0.1.2-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { refpos } { refbounds } } , preref .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-14 for v0.2.0-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { preref } { refbounds } } , postref .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-14 for v0.2.0-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { postref } { refbounds } } , } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_seq_refbounds_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/typesetup } { #1 .default:o = \c_novalue_tl , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_novalue:nTF {##1} { \@@_opt_seq_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { seq } } } { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq \@@_opt_seq_set_clist_split:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_seq {##1} \bool_lazy_or:nnTF { \tl_if_empty_p:n {##1} } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \seq_count:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq } = { 4 } } { \@@_opt_seq_set_eq:cN { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { seq } } \l_@@_tmpa_seq } { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { refbounds-must-be-four } {#1} { \seq_count:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq } } } } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/typesetup } { #1 .choice: , #1 / true .code:n = { \@@_opt_bool_set_true:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } } , #1 / false .code:n = { \@@_opt_bool_set_false:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } } , #1 / unset .code:n = { \@@_opt_bool_unset:c { \@@_opt_varname_type:enn { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } } , #1 .default:n = true , no #1 .meta:n = { #1 = false } , no #1 .value_forbidden:n = true , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{\cs{zcLanguageSetup}} % % \cs{zcLanguageSetup} is the main user interface for ``language-specific'' % reference formatting, be it ``type-specific'' or not. The difference % between the two cases is captured by the \texttt{type} key, which works as a % sort of a ``switch''. Inside the \meta{options} argument of % \cs{zcLanguageSetup}, any options made before the first \texttt{type} key % declare ``default'' (non type-specific) language options. When the % \texttt{type} key is given with a value, the options following it will set % ``type-specific'' language options for that type. The current type can be % switched off by an empty \texttt{type} key. \cs{zcLanguageSetup} is % preamble only. % % \begin{macro}[int]{\zcLanguageSetup} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{zcLanguageSetup}\marg{language}\marg{options} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \zcLanguageSetup { m m } { \group_begin: \@@_language_if_declared:nTF {#1} { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_setup_type_tl \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_setup_language_tl {#1} \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_language:nnn {#1} { declension } { seq } } \l_@@_lang_declension_seq { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_lang_declension_seq } \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_declension_seq { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl } { \seq_get_left:NN \l_@@_lang_declension_seq \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl } \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_language:nnn {#1} { gender } { seq } } \l_@@_lang_gender_seq { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_lang_gender_seq } \keys_set:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } {#2} } { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { unknown-language-setup } {#1} } \group_end: } \@onlypreamble \zcLanguageSetup % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % The set of keys for \texttt{{zref-clever/langsetup}}, which is used to set % language-specific options in \cs{zcLanguageSetup}. % % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } { type .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_setup_type_tl {#1} } } , case .code:n = { \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_declension_seq { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { language-no-decl-setup } { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} } { \seq_if_in:NnTF \l_@@_lang_declension_seq {#1} { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl {#1} } { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { unknown-decl-case } {#1} { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } \seq_get_left:NN \l_@@_lang_declension_seq \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl } } } , case .value_required:n = true , gender .value_required:n = true , gender .code:n = { \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_gender_seq { \msg_warning:nneee { zref-clever } { language-no-gender } { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { gender } {#1} } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { option-only-type-specific } { gender } } { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq \clist_map_inline:nn {#1} { \seq_if_in:NnTF \l_@@_lang_gender_seq {##1} { \seq_put_right:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_seq {##1} } { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { gender-not-declared } { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {##1} } } \@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:cN { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { gender } { seq } } \l_@@_tmpa_seq } } } , } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_not_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { option-not-type-specific } {#1} } } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_maybe_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } } , } } \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } { endrange .value_required:n = true , endrange .code:n = { \str_case:nnF {#1} { { ref } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } { stripprefix } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_stripprefix } \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_stripprefix } \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } { pagecomp } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomp } \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomp } \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } { pagecomp2 } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomptwo } \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_pagecomptwo } \@@_opt_tl_gclear:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } } } } { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } {#1} } { \zref@ifpropundefined {#1} { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { endrange-property-undefined } {#1} } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_property } \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } {#1} } { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangefunc } { tl } } { @@_get_endrange_property } \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { endrangeprop } { tl } } {#1} } } } } } , } \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } { refpre .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-10 for v0.1.2-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { refpre } { refbounds } } , refpos .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-10 for v0.1.2-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { refpos } { refbounds } } , preref .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-14 for v0.2.0-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { preref } { refbounds } } , postref .code:n = { % NOTE Option deprecated in 2022-01-14 for v0.2.0-alpha. \msg_warning:nnnn { zref-clever }{ option-deprecated } { postref } { refbounds } } , } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_tl_type_names_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \msg_warning:nnn { zref-clever } { option-only-type-specific } {#1} } { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { tl } } {##1} } { \@@_opt_tl_gset:cn { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eeen { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } { \l_@@_lang_decl_case_tl - #1 } { tl } } {##1} } } } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_seq_refbounds_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \seq_gclear:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq \@@_opt_seq_gset_clist_split:Nn \g_@@_tmpa_seq {##1} \bool_lazy_or:nnTF { \tl_if_empty_p:n {##1} } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \seq_count:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq } = { 4 } } { \@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:cN { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { seq } } \g_@@_tmpa_seq } { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { refbounds-must-be-four } {#1} { \seq_count:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq } } } { \seq_gclear:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq \@@_opt_seq_gset_clist_split:Nn \g_@@_tmpa_seq {##1} \bool_lazy_or:nnTF { \tl_if_empty_p:n {##1} } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \seq_count:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq } = { 4 } } { \@@_opt_seq_gset_eq:cN { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { seq } } \g_@@_tmpa_seq } { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { refbounds-must-be-four } {#1} { \seq_count:N \g_@@_tmpa_seq } } } } , } } \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_@@_rf_opts_bool_maybe_type_specific_seq { \keys_define:nn { zref-clever/langsetup } { #1 .choice: , #1 / true .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_bool_gset_true:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { bool } } } { \@@_opt_bool_gset_true:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } } } , #1 / false .code:n = { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_setup_type_tl { \@@_opt_bool_gset_false:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:enn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } {#1} { bool } } } { \@@_opt_bool_gset_false:c { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eenn { \l_@@_setup_language_tl } { \l_@@_setup_type_tl } {#1} { bool } } } } , #1 .default:n = true , no #1 .meta:n = { #1 = false } , no #1 .value_forbidden:n = true , } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{User interface} % % \subsection{\cs{zcref}} % % % \begin{macro}[int]{\zcref} % The main user command of the package. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{zcref}\meta{*}\oarg{options}\marg{labels} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \zcref { s O { } m } { \zref@wrapper@babel \@@_zcref:nnn {#3} {#1} {#2} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_zcref:nnnn} % An intermediate internal function, which does the actual heavy lifting, % and places \Arg{labels} as first argument, so that it can be protected by % \cs{zref@wrapper@babel} in \cs{zcref}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_zcref:nnnn} \Arg{labels} \Arg{*} \Arg{options} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_zcref:nnn #1#2#3 { \group_begin: % \end{macrocode} % Set options. % \begin{macrocode} \keys_set:nn { zref-clever/reference } {#3} % \end{macrocode} % Store arguments values. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_set_from_clist:Nn \l_@@_zcref_labels_seq {#1} \bool_set:Nn \l_@@_link_star_bool {#2} % \end{macrocode} % Ensure language file for reference language is loaded, if available. We % cannot rely on \cs{keys_set:nn} for the task, since if the \opt{lang} option % is set for \texttt{current}, the actual language may have changed outside % our control. \cs{@@_provide_langfile:e} does nothing if the language file % is already loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_provide_langfile:e { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } % \end{macrocode} % Process language settings. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_process_language_settings: % \end{macrocode} % Integration with \pkg{zref-check}. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_lazy_and:nnT { \l_@@_zrefcheck_available_bool } { \l_@@_zcref_with_check_bool } { \zrefcheck_zcref_beg_label: } % \end{macrocode} % Sort the labels. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_lazy_or:nnT { \l_@@_typeset_sort_bool } { \l_@@_typeset_range_bool } { \@@_sort_labels: } % \end{macrocode} % Typeset the references. Also, set the reference font, and group it, so that % it does not leak to the note. % \begin{macrocode} \group_begin: \l_@@_ref_typeset_font_tl \@@_typeset_refs: \group_end: % \end{macrocode} % Typeset \texttt{note}. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_zcref_note_tl { \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { notesep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_tmpa_tl \l_@@_tmpa_tl \l_@@_zcref_note_tl } % \end{macrocode} % Integration with \pkg{zref-check}. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_lazy_and:nnT { \l_@@_zrefcheck_available_bool } { \l_@@_zcref_with_check_bool } { \zrefcheck_zcref_end_label_maybe: \zrefcheck_zcref_run_checks_on_labels:n { \l_@@_zcref_labels_seq } } % \end{macrocode} % Integration with \pkg{mathtools}. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NT \l_@@_mathtools_loaded_bool { \@@_mathtools_showonlyrefs:n { \l_@@_zcref_labels_seq } } \group_end: } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\l_@@_zcref_labels_seq, \l_@@_link_star_bool} % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \l_@@_zcref_labels_seq \bool_new:N \l_@@_link_star_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \subsection{\cs{zcpageref}} % % % \begin{macro}[int]{\zcpageref} % A \cs{pageref} equivalent of \cs{zcref}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{zcpageref}\meta{*}\oarg{options}\marg{labels} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \zcpageref { s O { } m } { \group_begin: \IfBooleanT {#1} { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_hyperlink_bool } \zcref [#2, ref = page] {#3} \group_end: } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \section{Sorting} % % Sorting is certainly a ``big task'' for \pkg{zref-clever} but, in the end, % it boils down to ``carefully done branching'', and quite some of it. The % sorting of ``page'' references is very much lightened by the availability of % \texttt{abspage}, from the \pkg{zref-abspage} module, which offers ``just % what we need'' for our purposes. The sorting of ``default'' references % falls on two main cases: i) labels of the same type; ii) labels of different % types. The first case is sorted according to the priorities set by the % \opt{typesort} option or, if that is silent for the case, by the order in % which labels were given by the user in \cs{zcref}. The second case is the % most involved one, since it is possible for multiple counters to be bundled % together in a single reference type. Because of this, sorting must take % into account the whole chain of ``enclosing counters'' for the counters of % the labels at hand. % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_label_type_a_tl , % \l_@@_label_type_b_tl , % \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl , % \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl , % \l_@@_label_extdoc_a_tl , % \l_@@_label_extdoc_b_tl , % } % Auxiliary variables, for use in sorting, and some also in typesetting. % Used to store reference information -- label properties -- of the % ``current'' (\texttt{a}) and ``next'' (\texttt{b}) labels. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_label_type_a_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_label_type_b_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_label_extdoc_a_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_label_extdoc_b_tl % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\l_@@_sort_decided_bool} % Auxiliary variable for \cs{@@_sort_default_same_type:nn}, signals if the % sorting between two labels has been decided or not. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\l_@@_sort_prior_a_int,\l_@@_sort_prior_b_int} % Auxiliary variables for \cs{@@_sort_default_different_types:nn}. Store % the sort priority of the ``current'' and ``next'' labels. % \begin{macrocode} \int_new:N \l_@@_sort_prior_a_int \int_new:N \l_@@_sort_prior_b_int % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\l_@@_label_types_seq} % Stores the order in which reference types appear in the label list % supplied by the user in \cs{zcref}. This variable is populated by % \cs{@@_label_type_put_new_right:n} at the start of \cs{@@_sort_labels:}. % This order is required as a ``last resort'' sort criterion between the % reference types, for use in \cs{@@_sort_default_different_types:nn}. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \l_@@_label_types_seq % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_sort_labels:} % The main sorting function. It does not receive arguments, but it is % expected to be run inside \cs{@@_zcref:nnnn} where a number of environment % variables are to be set appropriately. In particular, % \cs{l_@@_zcref_labels_seq} should contain the labels received as argument % to \cs{zcref}, and the function performs its task by sorting this % variable. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_sort_labels: { % \end{macrocode} % Store label types sequence. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_clear:N \l_@@_label_types_seq \tl_if_eq:NnF \l_@@_ref_propserty_tl { page } { \seq_map_function:NN \l_@@_zcref_labels_seq \@@_label_type_put_new_right:n } % \end{macrocode} % Sort. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_sort:Nn \l_@@_zcref_labels_seq { \zref@ifrefundefined {##1} { \zref@ifrefundefined {##2} { % Neither label is defined. \sort_return_same: } { % The second label is defined, but the first isn't, leave the % undefined first (to be more visible). \sort_return_same: } } { \zref@ifrefundefined {##2} { % The first label is defined, but the second isn't, bring the % second forward. \sort_return_swapped: } { % The interesting case: both labels are defined. References % to the "default" property or to the "page" are quite % different with regard to sorting, so we branch them here to % specialized functions. \tl_if_eq:NnTF \l_@@_ref_property_tl { page } { \@@_sort_page:nn {##1} {##2} } { \@@_sort_default:nn {##1} {##2} } } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_label_type_put_new_right:n} % Auxiliary function used to store the order in which reference types appear % in the label list supplied by the user in \cs{zcref}. It is expected to % be run inside \cs{@@_sort_labels:}, and stores the types sequence in % \cs{l_@@_label_types_seq}. I have tried to handle the same task inside % \cs{seq_sort:Nn} in \cs{@@_sort_labels:} to spare mapping over % \cs{l_@@_zcref_labels_seq}, but it turned out it not to be easy to rely on % the order the labels get processed at that point, since the variable is % being sorted there. Besides, the mapping is simple, not a particularly % expensive operation. Anyway, this keeps things clean. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_label_type_put_new_right:n} \Arg{label} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_label_type_put_new_right:n #1 { \@@_extract_default:Nnnn \l_@@_label_type_a_tl {#1} { zc@type } { } \seq_if_in:NVF \l_@@_label_types_seq \l_@@_label_type_a_tl { \seq_put_right:NV \l_@@_label_types_seq \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_sort_default:nn} % The heavy-lifting function for sorting of defined labels for ``default'' % references (that is, a standard reference, not to ``page''). This % function is expected to be called within the sorting loop of % \cs{@@_sort_labels:} and receives the pair of labels being considered for % a change of order or not. It should \emph{always} ``return'' either % \cs{sort_return_same:} or \cs{sort_return_swapped:}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_sort_default:nn} \Arg{label a} \Arg{label b} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_sort_default:nn #1#2 { \@@_extract_default:Nnnn \l_@@_label_type_a_tl {#1} { zc@type } { zc@missingtype } \@@_extract_default:Nnnn \l_@@_label_type_b_tl {#2} { zc@type } { zc@missingtype } \tl_if_eq:NNTF \l_@@_label_type_a_tl \l_@@_label_type_b_tl { \@@_sort_default_same_type:nn {#1} {#2} } { \@@_sort_default_different_types:nn {#1} {#2} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_sort_default_same_type:nn} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_sort_default_same_type:nn} \Arg{label a} \Arg{label b} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_sort_default_same_type:nn #1#2 { \@@_extract_default:Nnnn \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl {#1} { zc@enclval } { } \tl_reverse:N \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl \@@_extract_default:Nnnn \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl {#2} { zc@enclval } { } \tl_reverse:N \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl \@@_extract_default:Nnnn \l_@@_label_extdoc_a_tl {#1} { externaldocument } { } \@@_extract_default:Nnnn \l_@@_label_extdoc_b_tl {#2} { externaldocument } { } \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool % First we check if there's any "external document" difference (coming % from `zref-xr') and, if so, sort based on that. \tl_if_eq:NNF \l_@@_label_extdoc_a_tl \l_@@_label_extdoc_b_tl { \bool_if:nTF { \tl_if_empty_p:V \l_@@_label_extdoc_a_tl && ! \tl_if_empty_p:V \l_@@_label_extdoc_b_tl } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool \sort_return_same: } { \bool_if:nTF { ! \tl_if_empty_p:V \l_@@_label_extdoc_a_tl && \tl_if_empty_p:V \l_@@_label_extdoc_b_tl } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool \sort_return_swapped: } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool % Two different "external documents": last resort, sort by the % document name itself. \str_compare:eNeTF { \l_@@_label_extdoc_b_tl } < { \l_@@_label_extdoc_a_tl } { \sort_return_swapped: } { \sort_return_same: } } } } \bool_until_do:Nn \l_@@_sort_decided_bool { \bool_if:nTF { % Both are empty: neither label has any (further) "enclosing % counters" (left). \tl_if_empty_p:V \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl && \tl_if_empty_p:V \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool \int_compare:nNnTF { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { zc@cntval } { -1 } } > { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { zc@cntval } { -1 } } { \sort_return_swapped: } { \sort_return_same: } } { \bool_if:nTF { % `a' is empty (and `b' is not): `b' may be nested in `a'. \tl_if_empty_p:V \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool \int_compare:nNnTF { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { zc@cntval } { } } > { \tl_head:N \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl } { \sort_return_swapped: } { \sort_return_same: } } { \bool_if:nTF { % `b' is empty (and `a' is not): `a' may be nested in `b'. \tl_if_empty_p:V \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool \int_compare:nNnTF { \tl_head:N \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl } < { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { zc@cntval } { } } { \sort_return_same: } { \sort_return_swapped: } } { % Neither is empty: we can compare the values of the % current enclosing counter in the loop, if they are % equal, we are still in the loop, if they are not, a % sorting decision can be made directly. \int_compare:nNnTF { \tl_head:N \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl } = { \tl_head:N \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl } { \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl { \tl_tail:N \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl } \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl { \tl_tail:N \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_sort_decided_bool \int_compare:nNnTF { \tl_head:N \l_@@_label_enclval_a_tl } > { \tl_head:N \l_@@_label_enclval_b_tl } { \sort_return_swapped: } { \sort_return_same: } } } } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_sort_default_different_types:nn} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_sort_default_different_types:nn} \Arg{label a} \Arg{label b} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_sort_default_different_types:nn #1#2 { % \end{macrocode} % Retrieve sort priorities for \meta{label a} and \meta{label b}. % \cs{l_@@_typesort_seq} was stored in reverse sequence, and we compute the % sort priorities in the negative range, so that we can implicitly rely on `0' % being the ``last value''. % \begin{macrocode} \int_zero:N \l_@@_sort_prior_a_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_sort_prior_b_int \seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn \l_@@_typesort_seq { \tl_if_eq:nnTF {##2} {{othertypes}} { \int_compare:nNnT { \l_@@_sort_prior_a_int } = { 0 } { \int_set:Nn \l_@@_sort_prior_a_int { - ##1 } } \int_compare:nNnT { \l_@@_sort_prior_b_int } = { 0 } { \int_set:Nn \l_@@_sort_prior_b_int { - ##1 } } } { \tl_if_eq:NnTF \l_@@_label_type_a_tl {##2} { \int_set:Nn \l_@@_sort_prior_a_int { - ##1 } } { \tl_if_eq:NnT \l_@@_label_type_b_tl {##2} { \int_set:Nn \l_@@_sort_prior_b_int { - ##1 } } } } } % \end{macrocode} % Then do the actual sorting. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:nTF { \int_compare_p:nNn { \l_@@_sort_prior_a_int } < { \l_@@_sort_prior_b_int } } { \sort_return_same: } { \bool_if:nTF { \int_compare_p:nNn { \l_@@_sort_prior_a_int } > { \l_@@_sort_prior_b_int } } { \sort_return_swapped: } { % Sort priorities are equal: the type that occurs first in % `labels', as given by the user, is kept (or brought) forward. \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_@@_label_types_seq { \tl_if_eq:NnTF \l_@@_label_type_a_tl {##1} { \seq_map_break:n { \sort_return_same: } } { \tl_if_eq:NnT \l_@@_label_type_b_tl {##1} { \seq_map_break:n { \sort_return_swapped: } } } } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_sort_page:nn} % The sorting function for sorting of defined labels for references to % ``page''. This function is expected to be called within the sorting loop % of \cs{@@_sort_labels:} and receives the pair of labels being considered % for a change of order or not. It should \emph{always} ``return'' either % \cs{sort_return_same:} or \cs{sort_return_swapped:}. Compared to the % sorting of default labels, this is a piece of cake (thanks to % \texttt{abspage}). % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_sort_page:nn} \Arg{label a} \Arg{label b} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_sort_page:nn #1#2 { \int_compare:nNnTF { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { abspage } { -1 } } > { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { abspage } { -1 } } { \sort_return_swapped: } { \sort_return_same: } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \section{Typesetting} % % ``Typesetting'' the reference, which here includes the parsing of the labels % and eventual compression of labels in sequence into ranges, is definitely % the ``crux'' of \pkg{zref-clever}. This because we process the label set as % a stack, in a single pass, and hence ``parsing'', ``compressing'', and % ``typesetting'' must be decided upon at the same time, making it difficult % to slice the job into more specific and self-contained tasks. So, do bear % this in mind before you curse me for the length of some of the functions % below, or before a more orthodox ``docstripper'' complains about me not % sticking to code commenting conventions to keep the code more readable in % the \file{.dtx} file. % % While processing the label stack (kept in \cs{l_@@_typeset_labels_seq}), % \cs{@@_typeset_refs:} ``sees'' two labels, and two labels only, the % ``current'' one (kept in \cs{l_@@_label_a_tl}), and the ``next'' one (kept % in \cs{l_@@_label_b_tl}). However, the typesetting needs (a lot) more % information than just these two immediate labels to make a number of % critical decisions. Some examples: i) We cannot know if labels ``current'' % and ``next'' of the same type are a ``pair'', or just ``elements in a % list'', until we examine the label after ``next''; ii) If the ``next'' label % is of the same type as the ``current'', and it is in immediate sequence to % it, it potentially forms a ``range'', but we cannot know if ``next'' is % actually the end of the range until we examined an arbitrary number of % labels, and found one which is not in sequence from the previous one; iii) % When processing a type block, the ``name'' comes first, however, we only % know if that name should be plural, or if it should be included in the % hyperlink, after processing an arbitrary number of labels and find one of a % different type. One could naively assume that just examining ``next'' would % be enough for this, since we can know if it is of the same type or not. % Alas, ``there be ranges'', and a compression operation may boil down to a % single element, so we have to process the whole type block to know how its % name should be typeset; iv) Similar issues apply to lists of type blocks, % each of which is of arbitrary length: we can only know if two type blocks % form a ``pair'' or are ``elements in a list'' when we finish the % block. Etc.\ etc.\ etc. % % We handle this by storing the reference ``pieces'' in ``queues'', instead of % typesetting them immediately upon processing. The ``queues'' get typeset at % the point where all the information needed is available, which usually % happens when a type block finishes (we see something of a different type in % ``next'', signaled by \cs{l_@@_last_of_type_bool}), or the stack itself % finishes (has no more elements, signaled by \cs{l_@@_typeset_last_bool}). % And, in processing a type block, the type ``name'' gets added last (on the % left) of the queue. The very first reference of its type always follows the % name, since it may form a hyperlink with it (so we keep it stored % separately, in \cs{l_@@_type_first_label_tl}, with % \cs{l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl} being its type). And, since we may need % up to two type blocks in storage before typesetting, we have two of these % ``queues'': \cs{l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl} and % \cs{l_@@_typeset_queue_prev_tl}. % % Some of the relevant cases (e.g., distinguishing ``pair'' from ``list'') are % handled by counters, the main ones are: one for the ``type'' % (\cs{l_@@_type_count_int}) and one for the ``label in the current type % block'' (\cs{l_@@_label_count_int}). % % Range compression, in particular, relies heavily on counting to be able do % distinguish relevant cases. \cs{l_@@_range_count_int} counts the number of % elements in the current sequential ``streak'', and % \cs{l_@@_range_same_count_int} counts the number of \emph{equal} elements in % that same ``streak''. The difference between the two allows us to % distinguish the cases in which a range actually ``skips'' a number in the % sequence, in which case we should use a range separator, from when they are % after all just contiguous, in which case a pair separator is called for. % Since, as usual, we can only know this when a arbitrary long ``streak'' % finishes, we have to store the label which (potentially) begins a range % (kept in \cs{l_@@_range_beg_label_tl}). \cs{l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool} % signals when ``next'' is potentially a range with ``current'', and % \cs{l_@@_next_is_same_bool} when their values are actually equal. % % % One further thing to discuss here -- to keep this ``on record'' -- is % inhibition of compression for individual labels. It is not difficult to % handle it at the infrastructure side, what gets sloppy is the user facing % syntax to signal such inhibition. For some possible alternatives for this, % suggested by \contributor{Enrico Gregorio}, \contributor{Phelype Oleinik}, % and \contributor{Steven B.\ Segletes} (and good ones at that) see % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/611370}. Yet another alternative would % be an option receiving the label(s) not to be compressed, this would be a % repetition, but would keep the syntax clean. All in all, probably the best % is simply not to allow individual inhibition of compression. We can already % control compression of each \cs{zcref} call with existing options, this % should be enough. I don't think the small extra flexibility individual % label control for this would grant is worth the syntax disruption it would % entail. Anyway, it would be easy to deal with this in case the need arose, % by just adding another condition (coming from whatever the chosen syntax % was) when we check for \cs{@@_labels_in_sequence:nn} in % \cs{@@_typeset_refs_not_last_of_type:}. But I remain unconvinced of the % pertinence of doing so. % % % \subsection*{Variables} % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_typeset_labels_seq , % \l_@@_typeset_last_bool , % \l_@@_last_of_type_bool , % } % Auxiliary variables for \cs{@@_typeset_refs:} main stack control. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \l_@@_typeset_labels_seq \bool_new:N \l_@@_typeset_last_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_last_of_type_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_type_count_int , % \l_@@_label_count_int , % \l_@@_ref_count_int , % } % Auxiliary variables for \cs{@@_typeset_refs:} main counters. % \begin{macrocode} \int_new:N \l_@@_type_count_int \int_new:N \l_@@_label_count_int \int_new:N \l_@@_ref_count_int % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_label_a_tl , % \l_@@_label_b_tl , % \l_@@_typeset_queue_prev_tl , % \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl , % \l_@@_type_first_label_tl , % \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl % } % Auxiliary variables for \cs{@@_typeset_refs:} main ``queue'' control and % storage. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_label_a_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_label_b_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_prev_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_type_first_label_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_type_name_tl , % \l_@@_name_in_link_bool , % \l_@@_type_name_missing_bool , % \l_@@_name_format_tl , % \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl , % \l_@@_type_name_gender_seq , % } % Auxiliary variables for \cs{@@_typeset_refs:} type name handling. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_type_name_tl \bool_new:N \l_@@_name_in_link_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_type_name_missing_bool \tl_new:N \l_@@_name_format_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl \seq_new:N \l_@@_type_name_gender_seq % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_range_count_int , % \l_@@_range_same_count_int , % \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl , % \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool , % \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl , % \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool , % \l_@@_next_is_same_bool , % } % Auxiliary variables for \cs{@@_typeset_refs:} range handling. % \begin{macrocode} \int_new:N \l_@@_range_count_int \int_new:N \l_@@_range_same_count_int \tl_new:N \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \bool_new:N \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool \tl_new:N \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \bool_new:N \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_next_is_same_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_tpairsep_tl , % \l_@@_tlistsep_tl , % \l_@@_tlastsep_tl , % \l_@@_namesep_tl , % \l_@@_pairsep_tl , % \l_@@_listsep_tl , % \l_@@_lastsep_tl , % \l_@@_rangesep_tl , % \l_@@_namefont_tl , % \l_@@_reffont_tl , % \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl , % \l_@@_endrangeprop_tl , % \l_@@_cap_bool , % \l_@@_abbrev_bool , % \l_@@_rangetopair_bool , % } % Auxiliary variables for \cs{@@_typeset_refs:} separators, and font and % other options. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_tpairsep_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_tlistsep_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_tlastsep_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_namesep_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_pairsep_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_listsep_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_lastsep_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_rangesep_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_namefont_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_reffont_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_endrangeprop_tl \bool_new:N \l_@@_cap_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_abbrev_bool \bool_new:N \l_@@_rangetopair_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro} % { % \l_@@_refbounds_first_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_first_sg_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_first_pb_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_first_rb_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_mid_rb_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_mid_re_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_last_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq , % \l_@@_refbounds_last_re_seq , % \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq , % \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool , % } % Auxiliary variables for \cs{@@_typeset_refs:}: advanced reference format % options. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_first_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_first_sg_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_first_pb_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_first_rb_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_mid_rb_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_mid_re_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_last_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_refbounds_last_re_seq \seq_new:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \bool_new:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\l_@@_verbose_testing_bool} % Internal variable which enables extra log messaging at points of interest % in the code for purposes of regression testing. Particularly relevant to % keep track of expansion control in \cs{l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl}. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_verbose_testing_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection*{Main functions} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_typeset_refs:} % Main typesetting function for \cs{zcref}. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_typeset_refs: { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_typeset_labels_seq \l_@@_zcref_labels_seq \tl_clear:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_prev_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_first_label_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \int_zero:N \l_@@_label_count_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_type_count_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_range_count_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_range_same_count_int \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool % Get type block options (not type-specific). \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { tpairsep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_tpairsep_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { tlistsep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_tlistsep_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { tlastsep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_tlastsep_tl % Process label stack. \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_typeset_last_bool \bool_until_do:Nn \l_@@_typeset_last_bool { \seq_pop_left:NN \l_@@_typeset_labels_seq \l_@@_label_a_tl \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_typeset_labels_seq { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_label_b_tl \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_typeset_last_bool } { \seq_get_left:NN \l_@@_typeset_labels_seq \l_@@_label_b_tl } \tl_if_eq:NnTF \l_@@_ref_property_tl { page } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_label_type_a_tl { page } \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_label_type_b_tl { page } } { \@@_extract_default:NVnn \l_@@_label_type_a_tl \l_@@_label_a_tl { zc@type } { zc@missingtype } \@@_extract_default:NVnn \l_@@_label_type_b_tl \l_@@_label_b_tl { zc@type } { zc@missingtype } } % First, we establish whether the "current label" (i.e. `a') is the % last one of its type. This can happen because the "next label" % (i.e. `b') is of a different type (or different definition status), % or because we are at the end of the list. \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_typeset_last_bool { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_last_of_type_bool } { \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_label_a_tl } { \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_label_b_tl } { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_last_of_type_bool } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_last_of_type_bool } } { \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_label_b_tl } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_last_of_type_bool } { % Neither is undefined, we must check the types. \tl_if_eq:NNTF \l_@@_label_type_a_tl \l_@@_label_type_b_tl { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_last_of_type_bool } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_last_of_type_bool } } } } % Handle warnings in case of reference or type undefined. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Typeset refs: warn ref undefined" \zref@refused { \l_@@_label_a_tl } % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Typeset refs: warn missing type" \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_label_a_tl } {} { \tl_if_eq:NnT \l_@@_label_type_a_tl { zc@missingtype } { \msg_warning:nne { zref-clever } { missing-type } { \l_@@_label_a_tl } } \zref@ifrefcontainsprop { \l_@@_label_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } { \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { missing-property } { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \l_@@_label_a_tl } } } % Get possibly type-specific separators, refbounds, font and other % options, once per type. \int_compare:nNnT { \l_@@_label_count_int } = { 0 } { \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { namesep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_namesep_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { pairsep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_pairsep_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { listsep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { lastsep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_lastsep_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { rangesep } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_rangesep_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { namefont } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_namefont_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { reffont } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_reffont_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { endrangefunc } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:neeN { endrangeprop } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_endrangeprop_tl \@@_get_rf_opt_bool:nneeN { cap } { false } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_cap_bool \@@_get_rf_opt_bool:nneeN { abbrev } { false } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_abbrev_bool \@@_get_rf_opt_bool:nneeN { rangetopair } { true } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_rangetopair_bool \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-first } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_first_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-first-sg } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_first_sg_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-first-pb } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_first_pb_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-first-rb } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_first_rb_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-mid } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-mid-rb } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_mid_rb_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-mid-re } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_mid_re_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-last } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_last_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-last-pe } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { refbounds-last-re } { \l_@@_label_type_a_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_refbounds_last_re_seq } % Here we send this to a couple of auxiliary functions. \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_last_of_type_bool % There exists no next label of the same type as the current. { \@@_typeset_refs_last_of_type: } % There exists a next label of the same type as the current. { \@@_typeset_refs_not_last_of_type: } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % This is actually the one meaningful ``big branching'' we can do while % processing the label stack: i) the ``current'' label is the last of its type % block; or ii) the ``current'' label is \emph{not} the last of its type % block. Indeed, as mentioned above, quite a number of things can only be % decided when the type block ends, and we only know this when we look at the % ``next'' label and find something of a different ``type'' (loose here, maybe % different definition status, maybe end of stack). So, though this is not % very strict, \cs{@@_typeset_refs_last_of_type:} is more of a ``wrapping % up'' function, and it is indeed the one which does the actual typesetting, % while \cs{@@_typeset_refs_not_last_of_type:} is more of an % ``accumulation'' function. % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_typeset_refs_last_of_type:} % Handles typesetting when the current label is the last of its type. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_typeset_refs_last_of_type: { % Process the current label to the current queue. \int_case:nnF { \l_@@_label_count_int } { % It is the last label of its type, but also the first one, and that's % what matters here: just store it. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: single" { 0 } { \tl_set:NV \l_@@_type_first_label_tl \l_@@_label_a_tl \tl_set:NV \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl \l_@@_label_type_a_tl \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_sg_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } % The last is the second: we have a pair (if not repeated). % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: pair" { 1 } { \int_compare:nNnTF { \l_@@_range_same_count_int } = { 1 } { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_sg_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_pairsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq } \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_pb_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } } } % Last is third or more of its type: without repetition, we'd have the % last element on a list, but control for possible repetition. { \int_case:nnF { \l_@@_range_count_int } { % There was no range going on. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: not range" { 0 } { \int_compare:nNnTF { \l_@@_ref_count_int } < { 2 } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_pairsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq } } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_lastsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_seq } } } % Last in the range is also the second in it. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: pair in sequence" { 1 } { \int_compare:nNnTF { \l_@@_range_same_count_int } = { 1 } { % We know `range_beg_is_first_bool' is false, since this is % the second element in the range, but the third or more in % the type list. \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_pairsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq } \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_pb_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq \exp_not:V \l_@@_lastsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_seq } } } } % Last in the range is third or more in it. { \int_case:nnF { \l_@@_range_count_int - \l_@@_range_same_count_int } { % Repetition, not a range. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: range to one" { 0 } { % If `range_beg_is_first_bool' is true, it means it was also % the first of the type, and hence its typesetting was % already handled, and we just have to set refbounds. \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_sg_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \int_compare:nNnTF { \l_@@_ref_count_int } < { 2 } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_pairsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq } } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_lastsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_seq } } } } % A `range', but with no skipped value, treat as pair if range % started with first of type, otherwise as list. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: range to pair" { 1 } { % Ditto. \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_pb_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_pairsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq } } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq } \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_lastsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_seq } } } } { % An actual range. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: range" % Ditto. \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_rb_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \int_compare:nNnTF { \l_@@_ref_count_int } < { 2 } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_pairsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_rb_seq } \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_pb_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_lastsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_rb_seq } } } \bool_lazy_and:nnTF { ! \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl } { \cs_if_exist_p:c { \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl :VVN } } { \use:c { \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl :VVN } \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_rangesep_tl \@@_get_ref_endrange:VVN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_re_seq } } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_rangesep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_re_seq } } } } } % Handle "range" option. The idea is simple: if the queue is not empty, % we replace it with the end of the range (or pair). We can still % retrieve the end of the range from `label_a' since we know to be % processing the last label of its type at this point. \bool_if:NT \l_@@_typeset_range_bool { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { } { \msg_warning:nne { zref-clever } { single-element-range } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } } } { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool \bool_if:NT \l_@@_rangetopair_bool { \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { } { \@@_labels_in_sequence:nn { \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { \l_@@_label_a_tl } } } % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: option range" % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: option range to pair" \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool { \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_pairsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_pe_seq } \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_pb_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \bool_lazy_and:nnTF { ! \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl } { \cs_if_exist_p:c { \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl :VVN } } { % We must get `type_first_label_tl' instead of % `range_beg_label_tl' here, since it is not necessary % that the first of type was actually starting a range for % the `range' option to be used. \use:c { \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl :VVN } \l_@@_type_first_label_tl \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_rangesep_tl \@@_get_ref_endrange:VVN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_re_seq } } { \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_rangesep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_last_re_seq } } \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_rb_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } } } % If none of the special cases for the first of type refbounds have been % set, do it. \bool_if:NF \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_seq } % Now that the type block is finished, we can add the name and the first % ref to the queue. Also, if "typeset" option is not "both", handle it % here as well. \@@_type_name_setup: \bool_if:nTF { \l_@@_typeset_ref_bool && \l_@@_typeset_name_bool } { \tl_put_left:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \@@_get_ref_first: } } { \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_typeset_ref_bool { % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: option typeset ref" \tl_put_left:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_type_first_label_tl \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq } } { \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_typeset_name_bool { % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: option typeset name" \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_name_in_link_bool { \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_namefont_tl \@@_hyperlink:nnn { \@@_extract_url_unexp:V \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { \@@_extract_unexp:Vnn \l_@@_type_first_label_tl { anchor } { } } { \exp_not:V \l_@@_type_name_tl } \exp_not:N \group_end: } { \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_namefont_tl \exp_not:V \l_@@_type_name_tl \exp_not:N \group_end: } } } { % Logically, this case would correspond to "typeset=none", but % it should not occur, given that the options are set up to % typeset either "ref" or "name". Still, leave here a % sensible fallback, equal to the behavior of "both". % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: option typeset none" \tl_put_left:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \@@_get_ref_first: } } } } % Typeset the previous type block, if there is one. \int_compare:nNnT { \l_@@_type_count_int } > { 0 } { \int_compare:nNnT { \l_@@_type_count_int } > { 1 } { \l_@@_tlistsep_tl } \l_@@_typeset_queue_prev_tl } % Extra log for testing. \bool_if:NT \l_@@_verbose_testing_bool { \tl_show:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl } % Wrap up loop, or prepare for next iteration. \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_typeset_last_bool { % We are finishing, typeset the current queue. \int_case:nnF { \l_@@_type_count_int } { % Single type. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: single type" { 0 } { \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl } % Pair of types. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: pair of types" { 1 } { \l_@@_tpairsep_tl \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl } } { % Last in list of types. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Last of type: list of types" \l_@@_tlastsep_tl \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl } % And nudge in case of multitype reference. \bool_lazy_all:nT { { \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool } { \l_@@_nudge_multitype_bool } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \l_@@_type_count_int } > { 0 } } } { \msg_warning:nn { zref-clever } { nudge-multitype } } } { % There are further labels, set variables for next iteration. \tl_set_eq:NN \l_@@_typeset_queue_prev_tl \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_first_label_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \int_zero:N \l_@@_label_count_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \int_incr:N \l_@@_type_count_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_range_count_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_range_same_count_int \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_typeset_refs_not_last_of_type:} % Handles typesetting when the current label is not the last of its type. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_typeset_refs_not_last_of_type: { % Signal if next label may form a range with the current one (only % considered if compression is enabled in the first place). \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_next_is_same_bool \bool_if:NT \l_@@_typeset_compress_bool { \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_label_a_tl } { } { \@@_labels_in_sequence:nn { \l_@@_label_a_tl } { \l_@@_label_b_tl } } } % Process the current label to the current queue. \int_compare:nNnTF { \l_@@_label_count_int } = { 0 } { % Current label is the first of its type (also not the last, but it % doesn't matter here): just store the label. \tl_set:NV \l_@@_type_first_label_tl \l_@@_label_a_tl \tl_set:NV \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl \l_@@_label_type_a_tl \int_incr:N \l_@@_ref_count_int % If the next label may be part of a range, signal it (we deal with it % as the "first", and must do it there, to handle hyperlinking), but % also step the range counters. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Not last of type: first is range" \bool_if:NT \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool \tl_set:NV \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_label_a_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \int_incr:N \l_@@_range_count_int \bool_if:NT \l_@@_next_is_same_bool { \int_incr:N \l_@@_range_same_count_int } } } { % Current label is neither the first (nor the last) of its type. \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool { % Starting, or continuing a range. \int_compare:nNnTF { \l_@@_range_count_int } = { 0 } { % There was no range going, we are starting one. \tl_set:NV \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_label_a_tl \tl_clear:N \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \int_incr:N \l_@@_range_count_int \bool_if:NT \l_@@_next_is_same_bool { \int_incr:N \l_@@_range_same_count_int } } { % Second or more in the range, but not the last. \int_incr:N \l_@@_range_count_int \bool_if:NT \l_@@_next_is_same_bool { \int_incr:N \l_@@_range_same_count_int } } } { % Next element is not in sequence: there was no range, or we are % closing one. \int_case:nnF { \l_@@_range_count_int } { % There was no range going on. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Not last of type: no range" { 0 } { \int_incr:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq } } % Last is second in the range: if `range_same_count' is also % `1', it's a repetition (drop it), otherwise, it's a "pair % within a list", treat as list. % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Not last of type: range pair to one" % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Not last of type: range pair" { 1 } { \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \int_incr:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq } } \int_compare:nNnF { \l_@@_range_same_count_int } = { 1 } { \int_incr:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq } } } } { % Last is third or more in the range: if `range_count' and % `range_same_count' are the same, its a repetition (drop it), % if they differ by `1', its a list, if they differ by more, % it is a real range. \int_case:nnF { \l_@@_range_count_int - \l_@@_range_same_count_int } { % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Not last of type: range to one" { 0 } { \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \int_incr:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq } } } % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Not last of type: range to pair" { 1 } { \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \int_incr:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq } } \int_incr:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_seq } } } { % Test: `zc-typeset01.lvt': "Not last of type: range" \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool { \seq_set_eq:NN \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq \l_@@_refbounds_first_rb_seq \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_set_bool } { \int_incr:N \l_@@_ref_count_int \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_listsep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_rb_seq } } % For the purposes of the serial comma, and thus for the % distinction of `lastsep' and `pairsep', a "range" counts % as one. Since `range_beg' has already been counted % (here or with the first of type), we refrain from % incrementing `ref_count_int'. \bool_lazy_and:nnTF { ! \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl } { \cs_if_exist_p:c { \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl :VVN } } { \use:c { \l_@@_endrangefunc_tl :VVN } \l_@@_range_beg_label_tl \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_rangesep_tl \@@_get_ref_endrange:VVN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_range_end_ref_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_re_seq } } { \tl_put_right:Ne \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_rangesep_tl \@@_get_ref:VN \l_@@_label_a_tl \l_@@_refbounds_mid_re_seq } } } } % We just closed a range, reset `range_beg_is_first' in case a % second range for the same type occurs, in which case its % `range_beg' will no longer be `first'. \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_range_beg_is_first_bool % Reset counters. \int_zero:N \l_@@_range_count_int \int_zero:N \l_@@_range_same_count_int } } % Step label counter for next iteration. \int_incr:N \l_@@_label_count_int } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \subsection*{Auxiliary functions} % % \cs{@@_get_ref:nN} and \cs{@@_get_ref_first:} are the two functions which % actually build the reference blocks for typesetting. \cs{@@_get_ref:nN} % handles all references but the first of its type, and \cs{@@_get_ref_first:} % deals with the first reference of a type. Saying they do ``typesetting'' is % imprecise though, they actually prepare material to be accumulated in % \cs{l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl} inside \cs{@@_typeset_refs_last_of_type:} % and \cs{@@_typeset_refs_not_last_of_type:}. And this difference results % quite crucial for the \TeX{}nical requirements of these functions. This % because, as we are processing the label stack and accumulating content in % the queue, we are using a number of variables which are transient to the % current label, the label properties among them, but not only. Hence, these % variables \emph{must} be expanded to their current values to be stored in % the queue. Indeed, \cs{@@_get_ref:nN} and \cs{@@_get_ref_first:} get % called, as they must, in the context of \texttt{x} type expansions. But we % don't want to expand the values of the variables themselves, so we need to % get current values, but stop expansion after that. In particular, reference % options given by the user should reach the stream for its final typesetting % (when the queue itself gets typeset) \emph{unmodified} (``no manipulation'', % to use the \texttt{n} signature jargon). We also need to prevent premature % expansion of material that can't be expanded at this point (e.g. grouping, % \cs{zref@default} or \cs[replace=false]{hyper@@link}). In a nutshell, the % job of these two functions is putting the pieces in place, but with proper % expansion control. % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_ref_default:, \@@_name_default:} % Default values for undefined references and undefined type names, % respectively. We are ultimately using \cs{zref@default}, but calls to it % should be made through these internal functions, according to the case. % As a bonus, we don't need to protect them with \cs{exp_not:N}, as % \cs{zref@default} would require, since we already define them protected. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_ref_default: { \zref@default } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_name_default: { \zref@default } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_get_ref:nN} % Handles a complete reference block to be accumulated in the ``queue'', % including refbounds, and hyperlinking. For use with all labels, except % the first of its type, which is done by \cs{@@_get_ref_first:}, and the % last of a range, which is done by \cs{@@_get_ref_endrange:nnN}. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_get_ref:nN} \Arg{label} \Arg{refbounds} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_get_ref:nN #1#2 { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#1} { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \bool_if:nTF { \l_@@_hyperlink_bool && ! \l_@@_link_star_bool } { \seq_item:Nn #2 { 1 } \@@_hyperlink:nnn { \@@_extract_url_unexp:n {#1} } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { anchor } { } } { \seq_item:Nn #2 { 2 } \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_reffont_tl \@@_extract_unexp:nvn {#1} { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } \exp_not:N \group_end: \seq_item:Nn #2 { 3 } } \seq_item:Nn #2 { 4 } } { \seq_item:Nn #2 { 1 } \seq_item:Nn #2 { 2 } \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_reffont_tl \@@_extract_unexp:nvn {#1} { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } \exp_not:N \group_end: \seq_item:Nn #2 { 3 } \seq_item:Nn #2 { 4 } } } { \@@_ref_default: } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_ref:nN { VN } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_get_ref_endrange:nnN} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_get_ref_endrange:nnN} \Arg{label} \Arg{reference} \Arg{refbounds} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_get_ref_endrange:nnN #1#2#3 { \str_if_eq:nnTF {#2} { zc@missingproperty } { \@@_ref_default: } { \bool_if:nTF { \l_@@_hyperlink_bool && ! \l_@@_link_star_bool } { \seq_item:Nn #3 { 1 } \@@_hyperlink:nnn { \@@_extract_url_unexp:n {#1} } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { anchor } { } } { \seq_item:Nn #3 { 2 } \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_reffont_tl \exp_not:n {#2} \exp_not:N \group_end: \seq_item:Nn #3 { 3 } } \seq_item:Nn #3 { 4 } } { \seq_item:Nn #3 { 1 } \seq_item:Nn #3 { 2 } \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_reffont_tl \exp_not:n {#2} \exp_not:N \group_end: \seq_item:Nn #3 { 3 } \seq_item:Nn #3 { 4 } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_ref_endrange:nnN { VVN } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_get_ref_first:} % Handles a complete reference block for the first label of its type to be % accumulated in the ``queue'', including ``pre'' and ``pos'' elements, % hyperlinking, and the reference type ``name''. It does not receive % arguments, but relies on being called in the appropriate place in % \cs{@@_typeset_refs_last_of_type:} where a number of variables are % expected to be appropriately set for it to consume. Prominently among % those is \cs{l_@@_type_first_label_tl}, but it also expected to be called % right after \cs{@@_type_name_setup:} which sets \cs{l_@@_type_name_tl} and % \cs{l_@@_name_in_link_bool} which it uses. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_get_ref_first: { \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { \@@_ref_default: } { \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_name_in_link_bool { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop { \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \@@_hyperlink:nnn { \@@_extract_url_unexp:V \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { \@@_extract_unexp:Vnn \l_@@_type_first_label_tl { anchor } { } } { \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_namefont_tl \exp_not:V \l_@@_type_name_tl \exp_not:N \group_end: \exp_not:V \l_@@_namesep_tl \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 1 } \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 2 } \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_reffont_tl \@@_extract_unexp:Vvn \l_@@_type_first_label_tl { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } \exp_not:N \group_end: \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 3 } } \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 4 } } { \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_namefont_tl \exp_not:V \l_@@_type_name_tl \exp_not:N \group_end: \exp_not:V \l_@@_namesep_tl \@@_ref_default: } } { \bool_if:nTF \l_@@_type_name_missing_bool { \@@_name_default: \exp_not:V \l_@@_namesep_tl } { \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_namefont_tl \exp_not:V \l_@@_type_name_tl \exp_not:N \group_end: \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_type_name_tl { \exp_not:V \l_@@_namesep_tl } } \zref@ifrefcontainsprop { \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { \l_@@_ref_property_tl } { \bool_if:nTF { \l_@@_hyperlink_bool && ! \l_@@_link_star_bool } { \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 1 } \@@_hyperlink:nnn { \@@_extract_url_unexp:V \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { \@@_extract_unexp:Vnn \l_@@_type_first_label_tl { anchor } { } } { \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 2 } \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_reffont_tl \@@_extract_unexp:Vvn \l_@@_type_first_label_tl { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } \exp_not:N \group_end: \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 3 } } \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 4 } } { \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 1 } \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 2 } \exp_not:N \group_begin: \exp_not:V \l_@@_reffont_tl \@@_extract_unexp:Vvn \l_@@_type_first_label_tl { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } \exp_not:N \group_end: \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 3 } \seq_item:Nn \l_@@_type_first_refbounds_seq { 4 } } } { \@@_ref_default: } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_type_name_setup:} % Auxiliary function to \cs{@@_typeset_refs_last_of_type:}. It is % responsible for setting the type name variable \cs{l_@@_type_name_tl}, % \cs{l_@@_name_in_link_bool}, and \cs{l_@@_type_name_missing_bool}. If a % type name can't be found, \cs{l_@@_type_name_tl} is cleared. The function % takes no arguments, but is expected to be called in % \cs{@@_typeset_refs_last_of_type:} right before \cs{@@_get_ref_first:}, % which is the main consumer of the variables it sets, though not the only % one (and hence this cannot be moved into \cs{@@_get_ref_first:} itself). % It also expects a number of relevant variables to have been appropriately % set, and which it uses, prominently \cs{l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl}, % but also the queue itself in \cs{l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl}, which should % be ``ready except for the first label'', and the type counter % \cs{l_@@_type_count_int}. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_type_name_setup: { \bool_if:nTF { \l_@@_typeset_ref_bool && ! \l_@@_typeset_name_bool } { % `typeset=ref' / `noname' option % Probably redundant, since in this case the type name is not being % typeset. But, for completeness sake: \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_name_tl \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_name_in_link_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_name_missing_bool } { \zref@ifrefundefined { \l_@@_type_first_label_tl } { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_name_tl \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_name_missing_bool } { \tl_if_eq:NnTF \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl { zc@missingtype } { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_name_tl \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_name_missing_bool } { % Determine whether we should use capitalization, % abbreviation, and plural. \bool_lazy_or:nnTF { \l_@@_cap_bool } { \l_@@_capfirst_bool && \int_compare_p:nNn { \l_@@_type_count_int } = { 0 } } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_name_format_tl {Name} } { \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_name_format_tl {name} } % If the queue is empty, we have a singular, otherwise, % plural. \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \tl_put_right:Nn \l_@@_name_format_tl { -sg } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \l_@@_name_format_tl { -pl } } \bool_lazy_and:nnTF { \l_@@_abbrev_bool } { ! \int_compare_p:nNn { \l_@@_type_count_int } = { 0 } || ! \l_@@_noabbrev_first_bool } { \tl_set:NV \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl \l_@@_name_format_tl \tl_put_right:Nn \l_@@_name_format_tl { -ab } } { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl } % Handle number and gender nudges. % Note that these nudges get disabled for `typeset=ref' / % `noname' option, but in this case they are not really % meaningful anyway. \bool_if:NT \l_@@_nudge_enabled_bool { \bool_if:NTF \l_@@_nudge_singular_bool { \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl { \msg_warning:nne { zref-clever } { nudge-plural-when-sg } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } } } { \bool_lazy_all:nT { { \l_@@_nudge_comptosing_bool } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl } { \int_compare_p:nNn { \l_@@_label_count_int } > { 0 } } } { \msg_warning:nne { zref-clever } { nudge-comptosing } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } } } \bool_lazy_and:nnT { \l_@@_nudge_gender_bool } { ! \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } { \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:neeN { gender } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } \l_@@_type_name_gender_seq \seq_if_in:NVF \l_@@_type_name_gender_seq \l_@@_ref_gender_tl { \seq_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_type_name_gender_seq { \msg_warning:nneee { zref-clever } { nudge-gender-not-declared-for-type } { \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } } { \msg_warning:nneeee { zref-clever } { nudge-gender-mismatch } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_ref_gender_tl } { \seq_use:Nn \l_@@_type_name_gender_seq { ,~ } } { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } } } } } \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl { \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_type:een { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_name_format_tl } { tl } } \l_@@_type_name_tl { \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl { \tl_put_left:Nn \l_@@_name_format_tl { - } \tl_put_left:NV \l_@@_name_format_tl \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eeen { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_name_format_tl } { tl } } \l_@@_type_name_tl { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_name_tl \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_name_missing_bool \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { missing-name } { \l_@@_name_format_tl } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } } } } { \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_type:een { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_name_format_tl } { tl } } \l_@@_type_name_tl { \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_type:een { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl } { tl } } \l_@@_type_name_tl { \tl_if_empty:NF \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl { \tl_put_left:Nn \l_@@_name_format_tl { - } \tl_put_left:NV \l_@@_name_format_tl \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl \tl_put_left:Nn \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl { - } \tl_put_left:NV \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl \l_@@_ref_decl_case_tl } \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eeen { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_name_format_tl } { tl } } \l_@@_type_name_tl { \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:eeen { \l_@@_ref_language_tl } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } { \l_@@_name_format_fallback_tl } { tl } } \l_@@_type_name_tl { \tl_clear:N \l_@@_type_name_tl \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_type_name_missing_bool \msg_warning:nnee { zref-clever } { missing-name } { \l_@@_name_format_tl } { \l_@@_type_first_label_type_tl } } } } } } } } % Signal whether the type name is to be included in the hyperlink or % not. \bool_lazy_any:nTF { { ! \l_@@_hyperlink_bool } { \l_@@_link_star_bool } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_type_name_tl } { \str_if_eq_p:Vn \l_@@_nameinlink_str { false } } } { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_name_in_link_bool } { \bool_lazy_any:nTF { { \str_if_eq_p:Vn \l_@@_nameinlink_str { true } } { \str_if_eq_p:Vn \l_@@_nameinlink_str { tsingle } && \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl } { \str_if_eq_p:Vn \l_@@_nameinlink_str { single } && \tl_if_empty_p:N \l_@@_typeset_queue_curr_tl && \l_@@_typeset_last_bool && \int_compare_p:nNn { \l_@@_type_count_int } = { 0 } } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_name_in_link_bool } { \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_name_in_link_bool } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_hyperlink:nnn} % This avoids using the internal \cs[replace=false]{hyper@@link}, using only % public \pkg{hyperref} commands (see % \url{https://github.com/latex3/hyperref/issues/229#issuecomment-1093870142}, % thanks \contributor{Ulrike Fischer}). % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_hyperlink:nnn} \Arg{url/file} \Arg{anchor} \Arg{text} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_hyperlink:nnn #1#2#3 { \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} { \hyperlink {#2} {#3} } { \hyper@linkfile {#3} {#1} {#2} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_extract_url_unexp:n} % A convenience auxiliary function for extraction of the \texttt{url} / % \texttt{urluse} property, provided by the \pkg{zref-xr} module. Ensure % that, in the context of an x expansion, \cs{zref@extractdefault} is % expanded exactly twice, but no further to retrieve the proper value. See % documentation for \cs{@@_extract_unexp:nnn}. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_extract_url_unexp:n #1 { \zref@ifpropundefined { urluse } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { url } { } } { \zref@ifrefcontainsprop {#1} { urluse } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { urluse } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { url } { } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_extract_url_unexp:n { V } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_labels_in_sequence:nn} % Auxiliary function to \cs{@@_typeset_refs_not_last_of_type:}. Sets % \cs{l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool} to true if \meta{label b} comes in % immediate sequence from \meta{label a}. And sets both % \cs{l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool} and \cs{l_@@_next_is_same_bool} to true if % the two labels are the ``same'' (that is, have the same counter value). % These two boolean variables are the basis for all range and compression % handling inside \cs{@@_typeset_refs_not_last_of_type:}, so this function % is expected to be called at its beginning, if compression is enabled. % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_labels_in_sequence:nn} \Arg{label a} \Arg{label b} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_labels_in_sequence:nn #1#2 { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { externaldocument } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#2} { externaldocument } { } } { \tl_if_eq:NnTF \l_@@_ref_property_tl { page } { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { zc@pgfmt } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#2} { zc@pgfmt } { } } { \int_compare:nNnTF { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { zc@pgval } { -2 } + 1 } = { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { zc@pgval } { -1 } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool } { \int_compare:nNnT { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { zc@pgval } { -1 } } = { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { zc@pgval } { -1 } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_next_is_same_bool } } } } { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { zc@counter } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#2} { zc@counter } { } } { \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#1} { zc@enclval } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {#2} { zc@enclval } { } } { \int_compare:nNnTF { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { zc@cntval } { -2 } + 1 } = { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { zc@cntval } { -1 } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool } { \int_compare:nNnT { \@@_extract:nnn {#1} { zc@cntval } { -1 } } = { \@@_extract:nnn {#2} { zc@cntval } { -1 } } { % \end{macrocode} % If \texttt{zc@counter}s are equal, \texttt{zc@enclval}s are equal, and % \texttt{zc@enclval}s are equal, but the references themselves are different, % this means that \cs{@currentlabel} has somehow been set manually (e.g. by an % \pkg{amsmath}'s \cs{tag}), in which case we have no idea what's in there, % and we should not even consider this is still a range. If they are equal, % though, of course it is a range, and it is the same. % \begin{macrocode} \exp_args:Nee \tl_if_eq:nnT { \@@_extract_unexp:nvn {#1} { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } { \@@_extract_unexp:nvn {#2} { l_@@_ref_property_tl } { } } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_next_maybe_range_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_next_is_same_bool } } } } } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % Finally, some functions for retrieving reference options values, according % to the relevant precedence rules. They receive an \meta{option} as % argument, and store the retrieved value in an appropriate \meta{variable}. % The difference between each of these functions is the data type of the % option each should be used for. % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_get_rf_opt_tl:nnnN} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_get_rf_opt_tl:nnnN} \Arg{option} % ~~\Arg{ref type} \Arg{language} \Arg{tl variable} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:nnnN #1#2#3#4 { % First attempt: general options. \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { tl } } #4 { % If not found, try type specific options. \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_type:nnn {#2} {#1} { tl } } #4 { % If not found, try type- and language-specific. \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:nnnn {#3} {#2} {#1} { tl } } #4 { % If not found, try language-specific default. \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:nnn {#3} {#1} { tl } } #4 { % If not found, try fallback. \@@_opt_tl_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_fallback:nn {#1} { tl } } #4 { \tl_clear:N #4 } } } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_rf_opt_tl:nnnN { neeN } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_get_rf_opt_seq:nnnN} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_get_rf_opt_seq:nnnN} \Arg{option} % ~~\Arg{ref type} \Arg{language} \Arg{seq variable} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:nnnN #1#2#3#4 { % First attempt: general options. \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { seq } } #4 { % If not found, try type specific options. \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_type:nnn {#2} {#1} { seq } } #4 { % If not found, try type- and language-specific. \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:nnnn {#3} {#2} {#1} { seq } } #4 { % If not found, try language-specific default. \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:nnn {#3} {#1} { seq } } #4 { % If not found, try fallback. \@@_opt_seq_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_fallback:nn {#1} { seq } } #4 { \seq_clear:N #4 } } } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_rf_opt_seq:nnnN { neeN } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\@@_get_rf_opt_bool:nnnnN} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{@@_get_rf_opt_bool:nN} \Arg{option} \Arg{default} % ~~\Arg{ref type} \Arg{language} \Arg{bool variable} % \end{syntax} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_get_rf_opt_bool:nnnnN #1#2#3#4#5 { % First attempt: general options. \@@_opt_bool_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_general:nn {#1} { bool } } #5 { % If not found, try type specific options. \@@_opt_bool_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_type:nnn {#3} {#1} { bool } } #5 { % If not found, try type- and language-specific. \@@_opt_bool_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_type:nnnn {#4} {#3} {#1} { bool } } #5 { % If not found, try language-specific default. \@@_opt_bool_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_lang_default:nnn {#4} {#1} { bool } } #5 { % If not found, try fallback. \@@_opt_bool_get:cNF { \@@_opt_varname_fallback:nn {#1} { bool } } #5 { \use:c { bool_set_ #2 :N } #5 } } } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_get_rf_opt_bool:nnnnN { nneeN } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \section{Compatibility} % % This section is meant to aggregate any ``special handling'' needed for % \LaTeX{} kernel features, document classes, and packages, needed for % \pkg{zref-clever} to work properly with them. % % % \subsection{\opt{appendix}} % % One relevant case of different reference types sharing the same counter is % the \cs{appendix} which in some document classes, including the standard % ones, change the sectioning commands looks but, of course, keep using the % same counter. \file{book.cls} and \file{report.cls} reset counters % \texttt{chapter} and \texttt{section} to 0, change \cs{@chapapp} to use % \cs{appendixname} and use \cs{@Alph} for \cs{thechapter}. \file{article.cls} % resets counters \texttt{section} and \texttt{subsection} to 0, and uses % \cs{@Alph} for \cs{thesection}. \file{memoir.cls}, \file{scrbook.cls} and % \file{scrarticle.cls} do the same as their corresponding standard classes, % and sometimes a little more, but what interests us here is pretty much the % same. See also the \pkg{appendix} package. % % The standard \cs{appendix} command is a one way switch, in other words, it % cannot be reverted (see \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/444057}). So, % even if the fact that it is a ``switch'' rather than an environment % complicates things, because we have to make ungrouped settings to correspond % to its effects, in practice this is not a big deal, since these settings are % never really reverted (by default, at least). Hence, hooking into % \cs{appendix} is a viable and natural alternative. The \cls{memoir} class % and the \pkg{appendix} package define the \texttt{appendices} and % \texttt{subappendices} environments, which provide for a way for the % appendix to ``end'', but in this case, of course, we can hook into the % environment instead. % % For the record, \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/724742} is of % interest. % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { appendix } { \newcounter { zc@appendix } \cs_if_exist:cTF { chapter } { \@@_zcsetup:e { counterresetby = { % \end{macrocode} % In case someone did something like % \texttt{\textbackslash{}counterwithin\{chapter\}\{part\}}. Harmless % otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} zc@appendix = \@@_counter_reset_by:n { chapter } , chapter = zc@appendix , } , } } { \cs_if_exist:cT { section } { \@@_zcsetup:e { counterresetby = { zc@appendix = \@@_counter_reset_by:n { section } , section = zc@appendix , } , } } } \AddToHook { cmd / appendix / before } { \setcounter { zc@appendix } { 1 } \@@_zcsetup:n { countertype = { chapter = appendix , section = appendix , subsection = appendix , subsubsection = appendix , paragraph = appendix , subparagraph = appendix , } } } } % \end{macrocode} % % Depending on the definition of \cs{appendix}, using the hook may lead to % trouble with the first released version of \pkg{ltcmdhooks} (the one % released with the 2021-06-01 kernel). Particularly, if the definition of % the command being hooked at contains a double hash mark (\texttt{\#\#}) the % patch to add the hook, if it needs to be done with the \cs{scantokens} % method, may fail noisily (see \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/617905}, % with a detailed explanation and possible workaround by \contributor{Phelype % Oleinik}). The 2021-11-15 kernel release already handles this gracefully, % thanks to fix by \contributor{Phelype Oleinik} at % \url{https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/pull/699}. % % % \subsection{\opt{appendices}} % % This module applies both to the \pkg{appendix} package, and to the % \cls{memoir} class, since it ``emulates'' the package. % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { appendices } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nT { appendix } { \AddToHook { env / appendices / begin } { % \end{macrocode} % Technically, the \env{appendices} environment can be called multiple times. % By default, successive calls keep track of numbering and start where the % previous one left off. Which means just setting the \texttt{zc@appendix} % counter to 1 is enough for things to work, since the distinction between the % calls and the sorting of their respective references will depend on the % underlying sectioning. \pkg{appendix}'s documentation however, provides a % way to restart from A at each call (by redefining \cs{restoreapp} to do % nothing). In this case, the references inside different calls to % \env{appendices} get to be identical in every way, including printed form, % counter value, enclosing counters, etc., despite being different. We could % keep track of different calls to \env{appendices} by having the % \texttt{zc@appendix} counter be ``stepped'' at each call. Doing so would % mean though that \cs{zcref} would distingish things which are typeset % identically, granting some arguably weird results. True, the user % \emph{can} change the printed form for each \env{appendices} call, % e.g. redefining \cs{thechapter}, but in this case, they are responsible for % keeping track of this. % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter { zc@appendix } { 1 } \@@_zcsetup:n { countertype = { chapter = appendix , section = appendix , subsection = appendix , subsubsection = appendix , paragraph = appendix , subparagraph = appendix , } } } \AddToHook { env / appendices / end } { \setcounter { zc@appendix } { 0 } } \newcounter { zc@subappendix } \cs_if_exist:cTF { chapter } { \@@_zcsetup:e { counterresetby = { zc@subappendix = \@@_counter_reset_by:n { section } , section = zc@subappendix , } , } } { \@@_zcsetup:e { counterresetby = { zc@subappendix = \@@_counter_reset_by:n { subsection } , subsection = zc@subappendix , } , } } \AddToHook { env / subappendices / begin } { % \end{macrocode} % The \env{subappendices} environment, on the other hand, appears not to % support multiple calls inside the same chapter/section (the counter is reset % by default). Either way, the same reasoning applies. % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter { zc@subappendix } { 1 } \@@_zcsetup:n { countertype = { section = appendix , subsection = appendix , subsubsection = appendix , paragraph = appendix , subparagraph = appendix , } , } } \AddToHook { env / subappendices / end } { \setcounter { zc@subappendix } { 0 } } \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-package } { appendix } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{\opt{memoir}} % % The \cls{memoir} document class has quite a number of cross-referencing % related features, mostly dealing with captions, subfloats, and notes. It % used to be the case that a good number of them where implemented in ways % which made difficult the use of \pkg{zref}, particularly \cs{zlabel}. % Problematic cases included: i) side captions; ii) bilingual captions; iii) % subcaption references; and iv) footnotes, verbfootnotes, sidefootnotes, and % pagenotes. % % However, since then, the situation has much improved, given two main % upstream changes: i) the kernel's new \texttt{label} hook with argument, % introduced in the release of 2023-06-01 (thanks to \contributor{Ulrike % Fischer} and \contributor{Phelype Oleinik}) and ii) better support for % \pkg{zref} and \pkg{zref-clever} from the \cls{memoir} class itself, with % release of \texttt{2023/08/08 v3.8} (thanks to \contributor{Lars Madsen}). % % Also, note that \cls{memoir}'s appendix features ``emulates'' the % \pkg{appendix} package, hence the corresponding compatibility module is % loaded for \cls{memoir} even if that package is not itself loaded. The same % is true for the \cs{appendix} command module, since it is also defined. % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { memoir } { \@@_if_class_loaded:nT { memoir } { % \end{macrocode} % Add subfigure and subtable support out of the box. Technically, this is not % ``default'' behavior for \cls{memoir}, users have to enable it with % \cs{newsubfloat}, but let this be smooth. Still, this does not cover any % other floats created with \cs{newfloat}. Also include setup for % \env{verse}. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_zcsetup:n { countertype = { subfigure = figure , subtable = table , poemline = line , } , counterresetby = { subfigure = figure , subtable = table , } , } % \end{macrocode} % Support for \texttt{subcaption} references. % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { subcaption } { \cs_if_exist_use:c { @@@@thesub \@captype } } \AddToHook{ memoir/subcaption/aftercounter } { \zref@localaddprop \ZREF@mainlist { subcaption } } % \end{macrocode} % Support for \cs{sidefootnote} and \cs{pagenote}. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_zcsetup:n { countertype = { sidefootnote = footnote , pagenote = endnote , } , } \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-class } { memoir } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{\opt{amsmath}} % % About this, see \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/402297} and % \url{https://github.com/ho-tex/zref/issues/4}. % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { amsmath } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nT { amsmath } { % \end{macrocode} % The \env{subequations} environment uses \texttt{parentequation} and % \texttt{equation} as counters, but only the later is subject to % \cs{refstepcounter}. What happens is: at the start, \texttt{equation} is % refstepped, it is then stored in \texttt{parentequation} and set to `0' and, % at the end of the environment it is restored to the value of % \texttt{parentequation}. We cannot even set \cs{@currentcounter} at % \texttt{env/.../begin}, since the call to % \cs{refstepcounter}\texttt{\{equation\}} done by \env{subequations} will % override that in sequence. Unfortunately, the suggestion to set % \cs{@currentcounter} to \texttt{parentequation} here was not accepted, see % \url{https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/687#issuecomment-951451024} % and subsequent discussion. So, for \env{subequations}, we really must % specify manually \opt{currentcounter} and the resetting. Note that, for % \env{subequations}, \cs{zlabel} works just fine (that is, if given % immediately after \texttt{\textbackslash{}begin\{subequations\}}, to refer % to the parent equation). % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_amsmath_subequations_bool \AddToHook { env / subequations / begin } { \@@_zcsetup:e { counterresetby = { parentequation = \@@_counter_reset_by:n { equation } , equation = parentequation , } , currentcounter = parentequation , countertype = { parentequation = equation } , } \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_amsmath_subequations_bool } % \end{macrocode} % \pkg{amsmath} does use \cs{refstepcounter} for the \texttt{equation} counter % throughout and supposedly sets \cs{@currentcounter} for \cs{tag}s (I'm not % sure if it works in all environments, though. Once I tried to remove the % explicit \opt{currentcounter} setting and several labels to \cs{tag}s ended % up with type \texttt{section}. But I didn't investigate this further). But % we still have to manually reset \opt{currentcounter} to default because, % since we had to manually set \opt{currentcounter} to \texttt{parentequation} % in \env{subequations}, we also have to manually set it to \env{equation} in % environments which may be used within it. The \env{xxalignat} environment % is not included, because it is ``starred'' by default (i.e.\ unnumbered), % and does not display or accepts labels or tags anyway. The \env{-ed} % (\env{gathered}, \env{aligned}, and \env{alignedat}) and \env{cases} % environments ``must appear within an enclosing math environment''. Same % logic applies to other environments defined or redefined by the package, % like \env{array}, \env{matrix} and variations. Finally, \env{split} too can % only be used as part of another environment. We also arrange, at this % point, for the provision of the \texttt{subeq} property, for the convenience % of referring to them directly or to build terse ranges with the % \opt{endrange} option. % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { subeq } { \alph { equation } } \clist_map_inline:nn { equation , equation* , align , align* , alignat , alignat* , flalign , flalign* , xalignat , xalignat* , gather , gather* , multline , multline* , } { \AddToHook { env / #1 / begin } { \@@_zcsetup:n { currentcounter = equation } \bool_if:NT \l_@@_amsmath_subequations_bool { \zref@localaddprop \ZREF@mainlist { subeq } } } } \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-package } { amsmath } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{\opt{mathtools}} % % All math environments defined by \pkg{mathtools}, extending the % \pkg{amsmath} set, are meant to be used within enclosing math environments, % hence we don't need to handle them specially, since the numbering and the % counting is being done on the side of \pkg{amsmath}. This includes the new % \env{cases} and \env{matrix} variants, and also \env{multlined}. % % Hence, as far as I can tell, the only cross-reference related feature to % deal with is the \opt{showonlyrefs} option, whose machinery involves writing % an extra internal label to the \file{.aux} file to track for labels which % get actually referred to. This is a little more involved, and implies in % doing special handling inside \cs{zcref}, but the feature is very cool, so % it's worth it. % % Note that this support comes at a little cost. \opt{showonlyrefs} works by % setting a special \cs{MT@newlabel} for each label referenced with % \cs{eqref}. Now, \cs{eqref} is a specialized reference command, only used % to refer to equations, so it sets \cs{MT@newlabel} unconditionally on the % first run. \cs{zcref}, on the other hand, is a general purpose reference % command, used to reference labels of any type. But we wouldn't want to set % \cs{MT@newlabel} indiscriminately for all referenced labels in the document, % so we need to test for its type. Alas, the label must exist before its type % can be tested, thus we cannot set \cs{MT@newlabel} on the first run, only on % the second. In sum, since \cs{eqref} requires 3 runs to work, \cs{zcref} % needs 4. % % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_mathtools_loaded_bool \@@_compat_module:nn { mathtools } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nT { mathtools } { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_mathtools_loaded_bool \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_mathtools_showonlyrefs:n #1 { \seq_map_inline:Nn #1 { \tl_set:Ne \l_@@_tmpa_tl { \@@_extract_unexp:nnn {##1} { zc@type } { } } \bool_lazy_or:nnT { \str_if_eq_p:Vn \l_@@_tmpa_tl { equation } } { \str_if_eq_p:Vn \l_@@_tmpa_tl { parentequation } } { \noeqref {##1} } } } \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-package } { mathtools } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{\opt{breqn}} % % From the \pkg{breqn} documentation: \textquote{Use of the normal \cs{label} % command instead of the \opt{label} option works, I think, most of the time % (untested)}. Indeed, light testing suggests it does work for \cs{zlabel} % just as well. % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { breqn } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nT { breqn } { % \end{macrocode} % Contrary to the practice in \pkg{amsmath}, which prints \cs{tag} even in % unnumbered environments, the starred environments from \pkg{breqn} don't % typeset any tag/number at all, even for a manually given \opt{number=} as an % option. So, even if one can actually set a label in them, it is not really % meaningful to make a reference to them. Also contrary to \pkg{amsmath}'s % practice, \pkg{breqn} uses \cs{stepcounter} instead of \cs{refstepcounter} % for incrementing the equation counters (see % \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/241150}). % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_breqn_dgroup_bool \AddToHook { env / dgroup / begin } { \@@_zcsetup:e { counterresetby = { parentequation = \@@_counter_reset_by:n { equation } , equation = parentequation , } , currentcounter = parentequation , countertype = { parentequation = equation } , } \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_breqn_dgroup_bool } \zref@ifpropundefined { subeq } { \zref@newprop { subeq } { \alph { equation } } } { } \clist_map_inline:nn { dmath , dseries , darray , } { \AddToHook { env / #1 / begin } { \@@_zcsetup:n { currentcounter = equation } \bool_if:NT \l_@@_breqn_dgroup_bool { \zref@localaddprop \ZREF@mainlist { subeq } } } } \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-package } { breqn } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{\opt{listings}} % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { listings } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nT { listings } { \@@_zcsetup:n { countertype = { lstlisting = listing , lstnumber = line , } , counterresetby = { lstnumber = lstlisting } , } % \end{macrocode} % Set \texttt{currentcounter} to \texttt{lstnumber} in the \texttt{Init} hook, % since \pkg{listings} itself sets \cs{@currentlabel} to \cs{thelstnumber} % here. Note that \pkg{listings} \emph{does use} \cs{refstepcounter} on % \texttt{lstnumber}, but does so in the \texttt{EveryPar} hook, and there % must be some grouping involved such that \cs{@currentcounter} ends up not % being visible to the label. See section ``Line numbers'' of `\texttt{texdoc % listings-devel}' (the \file{.dtx}), and search for the definition of macro % \cs{c@lstnumber}. Indeed, the fact that \pkg{listings} manually sets % \cs{@currentlabel} to \cs{thelstnumber} is a signal that the work of % \cs{refstepcounter} is being restrained somehow. % \begin{macrocode} \lst@AddToHook { Init } { \@@_zcsetup:n { currentcounter = lstnumber } } \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-package } { listings } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{\opt{enumitem}} % % The procedure below will ``see'' any changes made to the \texttt{enumerate} % environment (made with \pkg{enumitem}'s \cs{renewlist}) as long as it is % done in the preamble. Though, technically, \cs{renewlist} can be issued % anywhere in the document, this should be more than enough for the purpose at % hand. Besides, trying to retrieve this information ``on the fly'' would be % much overkill. % % The only real reason to ``renew'' \texttt{enumerate} itself is to change % \marg{max-depth}. \cs{renewlist} \emph{hard-codes} \texttt{max-depth} in % the environment's definition (well, just as the kernel does), so we cannot % retrieve this information from any sort of variable. But \cs{renewlist} % also creates any needed missing counters, so we can use their existence to % make the appropriate settings. In the end, the existence of the counters is % indeed what matters from \pkg{zref-clever}'s perspective. Since the first % four are defined by the kernel and already setup for \pkg{zref-clever} by % default, we start from \(5\), and stop at the first non-existent % \cs[no-index]{c@enumN} counter. % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { enumitem } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nT { enumitem } { \int_set:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_int { 5 } \bool_while_do:nn { \cs_if_exist_p:c { c@ enum \int_to_roman:n { \l_@@_tmpa_int } } } { \@@_zcsetup:e { counterresetby = { enum \int_to_roman:n { \l_@@_tmpa_int } = enum \int_to_roman:n { \l_@@_tmpa_int - 1 } } , countertype = { enum \int_to_roman:n { \l_@@_tmpa_int } = item } , } \int_incr:N \l_@@_tmpa_int } \int_compare:nNnT { \l_@@_tmpa_int } > { 5 } { \msg_info:nnn { zref-clever } { compat-package } { enumitem } } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{\opt{subcaption}} % % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { subcaption } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nT { subcaption } { \@@_zcsetup:n { countertype = { subfigure = figure , subtable = table , } , counterresetby = { subfigure = figure , subtable = table , } , } % \end{macrocode} % Support for \texttt{subref} reference. % \begin{macrocode} \zref@newprop { subref } { \cs_if_exist_use:c { thesub \@captype } } \tl_put_right:Nn \caption@subtypehook { \zref@localaddprop \ZREF@mainlist { subref } } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{\opt{subfig}} % % Though \pkg{subfig} offers \cs{subref} (as \pkg{subcaption}), I could not % find any reasonable place to add the \texttt{subref} property to % \pkg{zref}'s main list. % % \begin{macrocode} \@@_compat_module:nn { subfig } { \@@_if_package_loaded:nT { subfig } { \@@_zcsetup:n { countertype = { subfigure = figure , subtable = table , } , counterresetby = { subfigure = figure , subtable = table , } , } } } % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \section{Language files} % % Initial values for the English, German, French, Portuguese, and Spanish % language files have been provided by the author. Translations available for % document elements' names in other packages have been an useful reference for % the purpose, namely: \pkg{babel}, \pkg{cleveref}, \pkg{translator}, and % \pkg{translations}. % % % \subsection{Localization guidelines} % % Since the task of localizing \pkg{zref-clever} to work in different % languages depends on the generous work of contributors, it is a good idea to % set some guidelines not only to ease the task itself but also to document % what the package expects in this regard. % % The first general observation is that, contrary to a common initial reaction % of those faced with the task of localizing the reference types, is that the % job is not quite one of ``translation''. The reference type names are just % the internal names used by the package to refer to them, technically, they % could just as well be foobars. Of course, for practical reasons, they were % chosen to be semantic. However, what we are searching for is not really the % translation to the reference type name itself, but rather for the word / % term / expression which is typically used to refer to the document object % that the reference type is meant to represent. And terms that should work % well in the contexts which cross-references are commonly used. % % That said, some comments about the reference types and common pitfalls. % % \textbf{Sectioning:} A number of reference types are provided to support % referencing to document sectioning commands. Obviously, \texttt{part}, % \texttt{chapter}, \texttt{section}, and \texttt{paragraph} are meant to % refer to the sectioning commands of the standard classes and elsewhere, % which anyone reading this is certainly acquainted with. Note that % \pkg{zref-clever} uses -- by default at least, which is what the language % files cater for -- the \texttt{section} reference type to refer to % \cs{subsections} and \cs{subsubsections} as well, similarly, % \texttt{paragraph} also refers to \cs{subparagraph}. The \texttt{appendix} % reference type is meant to refer to any sectioning command -- be them % chapters, sections, or paragraphs -- issued after \cs{appendix}, which % corresponds to how the standard classes, the KOMA Script classes, and % \cls{memoir} deal with appendices. The \texttt{book} reference type % deserves some explanation. The word ``book'' has a good number of meanings, % and the most common one is not the one which is intended here. The Webster % dictionary gives us a couple of definitions of interest: ``1. A collection % of sheets of paper, or similar material, blank, written, or printed, bound % together; commonly, many folded and bound sheets containing continuous % printing or writing.'' and ``3. A part or subdivision of a treatise or % literary work; as, the tenth book of `Paradise Lost'.'' It is this third % meaning which the \texttt{book} reference type is meant to support: a major % subdivision of a work, much like \cs{part}. Even if it does not exist in % the standard classes, it may exist elsewhere, in particular, it is provided % by \cls{memoir}. % % \textbf{Common numbered objects:} Nothing surprising here, just being % explicit. \texttt{table} and \texttt{figure} refer to the document's % respective floats objects. \texttt{page} to the page number. \texttt{item} % to the item number in \env{enumerate} environments. Similarly, % \texttt{line} is meant to refer to line numbers. % % \textbf{Notes:} \pkg{zref-clever} provides three reference types in this % area: \texttt{footnote}, \texttt{endnote}, and \texttt{note}. The first two % refer to footnotes and end notes, respectively. The third is meant as a % convenience for a general ``note'' object, either the other two, or % something else. By experience, here is one place where that initial % observation of not simply translating the reference types names is % particularly relevant. There's a natural temptation, because three % different types exist and are somewhat close to each other, to distinguish % them clearly. Duty would compel us to do so. But that may lead to less % than ideal results. Different terms work well for some languages, like % English and German, which have compound words for the purpose. But less so % for other languages, like Portuguese, French, or Italian. For example, in a % document in French which only contains footnotes, arguably a very common use % case, would it be better to refer to a footnote as just ``note'', or be very % precise with ``note infrapaginale''? Of course, in a document which % contains both footnotes and end notes, we may need the distinction. But is % it really the better default? True, possibly the inclusion of the % \texttt{note} reference type, with no clear object to refer to, creates more % noise than convenience here. If I recall correctly, my intention was to % provide an easy way out for users from possible contentious localizations % for \texttt{footnote} and \texttt{endnote}, but I'm not sure if it's been % working like this in practice, and I should probably have refrained from % adding it in the first place. % % \textbf{Math \& Co.:} A good number of reference types provided by the % package are meant to cater for document objects commonly used in Mathematics % and related areas. They are either straight math environments, defined by % the kernel, \pkg{amsmath} or other packages, or environments which are % normally not pre-defined by the kernel or the standard classes, but are % traditionally defined by users with the kernel's \cs{newtheorem} or similar % constructs available in the \LaTeX{} package ecosystem. For most of them, % localization should strive as much as possible to use the formal terms, % jargon really, typically employed by mathematicians, logicians, and friends. % Namely for the reference types: \texttt{equation}, \texttt{theorem}, % \texttt{lemma}, \texttt{corollary}, \texttt{proposition}, % \texttt{definition}, \texttt{proof}, \texttt{result}, and \texttt{remark}. % Regarding \texttt{example}, \texttt{exercise}, and \texttt{solution} being % somewhat less formal is admissible. But the chosen terms should still be % fit for use in Math related contexts, and should be assumed were created by % \cs{newtheorem} or similar, even if users may well find other uses for these % types. % % \textbf{Code:} A couple of reference types are provided for code related % environments: \texttt{algorithm} and \texttt{listing}. By experience, the % \texttt{listing} type has already proven to be a particularly challenging % one. Formally, it should be a good default term to encompass anything which % may regularly be included in a \env{lstlisting} environment as provided by % the \pkg{listings} package. However, it seems that in different languages % it is quite difficult to find a satisfying term for it. Though my English % is decent, I'm not a native speaker, still I'm not even sure how common the % term is used for the purpose even in English. It seems to be traditional % enough in the \LaTeX{} community at least. In doubt, pend to the jargon % side, anglicism if need be. Since we are bound to displease mostly everyone % anyway, at least we do so in a consistent manner. % % \textbf{Completeness and abbreviated forms:} Ideally, the language file % should be as complete as possible. ``Complete'' meaning it contains: i) the % defaults for all basic separators, \opt{namesep}, \opt{pairsep}, % \opt{listsep}, \opt{lastsep}, \opt{tpairsep}, \opt{tlistsep}, % \opt{tlastsep}, \opt{notesep}, and \opt{rangesep}; ii) the non-abbreviated % forms of names for all the supported reference types, according to the % language definitions, that is, usually for \opt{Name-sg}, \opt{name-sg}, % \opt{Name-pl}, \opt{name-pl}, but only for the capitalized forms if the % language was declared with \opt{allcaps} option, and names for each % declension case, if the language was declared with \opt{declension}; iii) % genders for each reference type, if the language was declared with % \opt{gender}. The language file may include some other things, like some % type specific settings for separators or refbounds, and also some % abbreviated name forms. In the case of abbreviated name forms, it is usual % and desirable to provide some, but they should be used sparingly, only for % cases where the abbreviation is a common and well established tradition for % the language. The reason is that \texttt{abbrev=true} is quite a common use % case, and it is easier to provide an occasional wanted abbreviated form, if % the language file didn't include it, than it is to disable several unwanted % ones, if the language file includes too many of them. What should be aimed % at is to provide a good default abbreviations set. Unusual or disputable % abbreviations should be avoided. In particular, there is no need at all to % provide the same set of abbreviations for each language. It is not because % English has them for a given type that some other language has to have them, % and it is not because English lacks them for another type, that other % languages shouldn't have them. Still, with regard to abbreviated forms, it % is better to be conservative than opinionated. % % \textbf{\pkg{babel} names:} As is known, \pkg{babel} defines a set of % captions for different document objects for each supported language. In % some cases, they intersect with the objects referred to with % cross-references, in which case consistency with \pkg{babel} should be % maintained as much as possible. This is specially the case for prominent % and traditional objects, such as \cs{chaptername}, \cs{figurename}, % \cs{tablename}, \cs{pagename}, \cs{partname}, and \cs{appendixname}. This % is not set in stone, but there should be good reason to diverge from it. In % particular, if a certain term is contentious in a given language, % \pkg{babel}'s default should be preferred. For example, ``table'' % vs. ``tableau'' in French, or ``cuadro'' vs. ``tabla'' in Spanish. % % \textbf{Input encoding of language files:} When \pkg{zref-clever} was % released, the \LaTeX{} kernel already used UTF-8 as default input encoding. % Indeed, \pkg{zref-clever} requires a kernel even newer than the one where % the default input encoding was changed. That given, UTF-8 input encoding % was made a requirement of the package, and hence the language files should % be in UTF-8, since it makes them easier to read and maintain than LICR. % % \textbf{Precedence rule for options in the language files:} Any option given % twice or more times has to have some precedence rule. Normally, the % language files should not contain options in duplicity, but they may happen % when setting some ``group'' \opt{refbounds} options, in which case % precedence rules become relevant. For user facing options (those set with % \cs{zcLanguageSetup}), the option is always set, regardless of its previous % state. Which means that the last value takes precedence. For the language % files, we have to load them at \texttt{begindocument} (or later), since % that's the point where we know from \pkg{babel} or \pkg{polyglossia} the % \cs{languagename}. But we also don't want to override any options the user % has actively set in the preamble. So the language files only set the values % if they were not previously set. In other words, for them the precedence % order is inverted, the first value takes precedence. % % \textbf{\pkg{zref-vario}:} If you are interested in the localization of % \pkg{zref-clever} to your language, and willing to contribute to it, you may % also want to consider doing the same for the companion package % \pkg{zref-vario}. It is actually a much simpler task than localizing % \pkg{zref-clever}. % % % \subsection{English} % % English language file has been initially provided by the author. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \zcDeclareLanguage { english } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { american } { english } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { australian } { english } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { british } { english } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { canadian } { english } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { newzealand } { english } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { UKenglish } { english } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { USenglish } { english } % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*lang-english> % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {~and\nobreakspace} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {~and\nobreakspace} , tpairsep = {~and\nobreakspace} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {,~and\nobreakspace} , notesep = {~} , rangesep = {~to\nobreakspace} , type = book , Name-sg = Book , name-sg = book , Name-pl = Books , name-pl = books , type = part , Name-sg = Part , name-sg = part , Name-pl = Parts , name-pl = parts , type = chapter , Name-sg = Chapter , name-sg = chapter , Name-pl = Chapters , name-pl = chapters , type = section , Name-sg = Section , name-sg = section , Name-pl = Sections , name-pl = sections , type = paragraph , Name-sg = Paragraph , name-sg = paragraph , Name-pl = Paragraphs , name-pl = paragraphs , Name-sg-ab = Par. , name-sg-ab = par. , Name-pl-ab = Par. , name-pl-ab = par. , type = appendix , Name-sg = Appendix , name-sg = appendix , Name-pl = Appendices , name-pl = appendices , type = page , Name-sg = Page , name-sg = page , Name-pl = Pages , name-pl = pages , rangesep = {\textendash} , rangetopair = false , type = line , Name-sg = Line , name-sg = line , Name-pl = Lines , name-pl = lines , type = figure , Name-sg = Figure , name-sg = figure , Name-pl = Figures , name-pl = figures , Name-sg-ab = Fig. , name-sg-ab = fig. , Name-pl-ab = Figs. , name-pl-ab = figs. , type = table , Name-sg = Table , name-sg = table , Name-pl = Tables , name-pl = tables , type = item , Name-sg = Item , name-sg = item , Name-pl = Items , name-pl = items , type = footnote , Name-sg = Footnote , name-sg = footnote , Name-pl = Footnotes , name-pl = footnotes , type = endnote , Name-sg = Note , name-sg = note , Name-pl = Notes , name-pl = notes , type = note , Name-sg = Note , name-sg = note , Name-pl = Notes , name-pl = notes , type = equation , Name-sg = Equation , name-sg = equation , Name-pl = Equations , name-pl = equations , Name-sg-ab = Eq. , name-sg-ab = eq. , Name-pl-ab = Eqs. , name-pl-ab = eqs. , refbounds-first-sg = {,(,),} , refbounds = {(,,,)} , type = theorem , Name-sg = Theorem , name-sg = theorem , Name-pl = Theorems , name-pl = theorems , type = lemma , Name-sg = Lemma , name-sg = lemma , Name-pl = Lemmas , name-pl = lemmas , type = corollary , Name-sg = Corollary , name-sg = corollary , Name-pl = Corollaries , name-pl = corollaries , type = proposition , Name-sg = Proposition , name-sg = proposition , Name-pl = Propositions , name-pl = propositions , type = definition , Name-sg = Definition , name-sg = definition , Name-pl = Definitions , name-pl = definitions , type = proof , Name-sg = Proof , name-sg = proof , Name-pl = Proofs , name-pl = proofs , type = result , Name-sg = Result , name-sg = result , Name-pl = Results , name-pl = results , type = remark , Name-sg = Remark , name-sg = remark , Name-pl = Remarks , name-pl = remarks , type = example , Name-sg = Example , name-sg = example , Name-pl = Examples , name-pl = examples , type = algorithm , Name-sg = Algorithm , name-sg = algorithm , Name-pl = Algorithms , name-pl = algorithms , type = listing , Name-sg = Listing , name-sg = listing , Name-pl = Listings , name-pl = listings , type = exercise , Name-sg = Exercise , name-sg = exercise , Name-pl = Exercises , name-pl = exercises , type = solution , Name-sg = Solution , name-sg = solution , Name-pl = Solutions , name-pl = solutions , % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{German} % % German language file has been initially provided by the author. % % \pkg{babel-german} also has \file{.ldf}s for \texttt{germanb} and % \texttt{ngermanb}, but they are deprecated as options and, if used, they % fall back respectively to \texttt{german} and \texttt{ngerman}. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \zcDeclareLanguage [ declension = { N , A , D , G } , gender = { f , m , n } , allcaps ] { german } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { ngerman } { german } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { austrian } { german } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { naustrian } { german } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { swissgerman } { german } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { nswissgerman } { german } % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*lang-german> % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {~und\nobreakspace} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {~und\nobreakspace} , tpairsep = {~und\nobreakspace} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {~und\nobreakspace} , notesep = {~} , rangesep = {~bis\nobreakspace} , type = book , gender = n , case = N , Name-sg = Buch , Name-pl = Bücher , case = A , Name-sg = Buch , Name-pl = Bücher , case = D , Name-sg = Buch , Name-pl = Büchern , case = G , Name-sg = Buches , Name-pl = Bücher , type = part , gender = m , case = N , Name-sg = Teil , Name-pl = Teile , case = A , Name-sg = Teil , Name-pl = Teile , case = D , Name-sg = Teil , Name-pl = Teilen , case = G , Name-sg = Teiles , Name-pl = Teile , type = chapter , gender = n , case = N , Name-sg = Kapitel , Name-pl = Kapitel , case = A , Name-sg = Kapitel , Name-pl = Kapitel , case = D , Name-sg = Kapitel , Name-pl = Kapiteln , case = G , Name-sg = Kapitels , Name-pl = Kapitel , type = section , gender = m , case = N , Name-sg = Abschnitt , Name-pl = Abschnitte , case = A , Name-sg = Abschnitt , Name-pl = Abschnitte , case = D , Name-sg = Abschnitt , Name-pl = Abschnitten , case = G , Name-sg = Abschnitts , Name-pl = Abschnitte , type = paragraph , gender = m , case = N , Name-sg = Absatz , Name-pl = Absätze , case = A , Name-sg = Absatz , Name-pl = Absätze , case = D , Name-sg = Absatz , Name-pl = Absätzen , case = G , Name-sg = Absatzes , Name-pl = Absätze , type = appendix , gender = m , case = N , Name-sg = Anhang , Name-pl = Anhänge , case = A , Name-sg = Anhang , Name-pl = Anhänge , case = D , Name-sg = Anhang , Name-pl = Anhängen , case = G , Name-sg = Anhangs , Name-pl = Anhänge , type = page , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Seite , Name-pl = Seiten , case = A , Name-sg = Seite , Name-pl = Seiten , case = D , Name-sg = Seite , Name-pl = Seiten , case = G , Name-sg = Seite , Name-pl = Seiten , rangesep = {\textendash} , rangetopair = false , type = line , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Zeile , Name-pl = Zeilen , case = A , Name-sg = Zeile , Name-pl = Zeilen , case = D , Name-sg = Zeile , Name-pl = Zeilen , case = G , Name-sg = Zeile , Name-pl = Zeilen , type = figure , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Abbildung , Name-pl = Abbildungen , Name-sg-ab = Abb. , Name-pl-ab = Abb. , case = A , Name-sg = Abbildung , Name-pl = Abbildungen , Name-sg-ab = Abb. , Name-pl-ab = Abb. , case = D , Name-sg = Abbildung , Name-pl = Abbildungen , Name-sg-ab = Abb. , Name-pl-ab = Abb. , case = G , Name-sg = Abbildung , Name-pl = Abbildungen , Name-sg-ab = Abb. , Name-pl-ab = Abb. , type = table , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Tabelle , Name-pl = Tabellen , case = A , Name-sg = Tabelle , Name-pl = Tabellen , case = D , Name-sg = Tabelle , Name-pl = Tabellen , case = G , Name-sg = Tabelle , Name-pl = Tabellen , type = item , gender = m , case = N , Name-sg = Punkt , Name-pl = Punkte , case = A , Name-sg = Punkt , Name-pl = Punkte , case = D , Name-sg = Punkt , Name-pl = Punkten , case = G , Name-sg = Punktes , Name-pl = Punkte , type = footnote , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Fußnote , Name-pl = Fußnoten , case = A , Name-sg = Fußnote , Name-pl = Fußnoten , case = D , Name-sg = Fußnote , Name-pl = Fußnoten , case = G , Name-sg = Fußnote , Name-pl = Fußnoten , type = endnote , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Endnote , Name-pl = Endnoten , case = A , Name-sg = Endnote , Name-pl = Endnoten , case = D , Name-sg = Endnote , Name-pl = Endnoten , case = G , Name-sg = Endnote , Name-pl = Endnoten , type = note , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Anmerkung , Name-pl = Anmerkungen , case = A , Name-sg = Anmerkung , Name-pl = Anmerkungen , case = D , Name-sg = Anmerkung , Name-pl = Anmerkungen , case = G , Name-sg = Anmerkung , Name-pl = Anmerkungen , type = equation , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Gleichung , Name-pl = Gleichungen , case = A , Name-sg = Gleichung , Name-pl = Gleichungen , case = D , Name-sg = Gleichung , Name-pl = Gleichungen , case = G , Name-sg = Gleichung , Name-pl = Gleichungen , refbounds-first-sg = {,(,),} , refbounds = {(,,,)} , type = theorem , gender = n , case = N , Name-sg = Theorem , Name-pl = Theoreme , case = A , Name-sg = Theorem , Name-pl = Theoreme , case = D , Name-sg = Theorem , Name-pl = Theoremen , case = G , Name-sg = Theorems , Name-pl = Theoreme , type = lemma , gender = n , case = N , Name-sg = Lemma , Name-pl = Lemmata , case = A , Name-sg = Lemma , Name-pl = Lemmata , case = D , Name-sg = Lemma , Name-pl = Lemmata , case = G , Name-sg = Lemmas , Name-pl = Lemmata , type = corollary , gender = n , case = N , Name-sg = Korollar , Name-pl = Korollare , case = A , Name-sg = Korollar , Name-pl = Korollare , case = D , Name-sg = Korollar , Name-pl = Korollaren , case = G , Name-sg = Korollars , Name-pl = Korollare , type = proposition , gender = m , case = N , Name-sg = Satz , Name-pl = Sätze , case = A , Name-sg = Satz , Name-pl = Sätze , case = D , Name-sg = Satz , Name-pl = Sätzen , case = G , Name-sg = Satzes , Name-pl = Sätze , type = definition , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Definition , Name-pl = Definitionen , case = A , Name-sg = Definition , Name-pl = Definitionen , case = D , Name-sg = Definition , Name-pl = Definitionen , case = G , Name-sg = Definition , Name-pl = Definitionen , type = proof , gender = m , case = N , Name-sg = Beweis , Name-pl = Beweise , case = A , Name-sg = Beweis , Name-pl = Beweise , case = D , Name-sg = Beweis , Name-pl = Beweisen , case = G , Name-sg = Beweises , Name-pl = Beweise , type = result , gender = n , case = N , Name-sg = Ergebnis , Name-pl = Ergebnisse , case = A , Name-sg = Ergebnis , Name-pl = Ergebnisse , case = D , Name-sg = Ergebnis , Name-pl = Ergebnissen , case = G , Name-sg = Ergebnisses , Name-pl = Ergebnisse , type = remark , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Bemerkung , Name-pl = Bemerkungen , case = A , Name-sg = Bemerkung , Name-pl = Bemerkungen , case = D , Name-sg = Bemerkung , Name-pl = Bemerkungen , case = G , Name-sg = Bemerkung , Name-pl = Bemerkungen , type = example , gender = n , case = N , Name-sg = Beispiel , Name-pl = Beispiele , case = A , Name-sg = Beispiel , Name-pl = Beispiele , case = D , Name-sg = Beispiel , Name-pl = Beispielen , case = G , Name-sg = Beispiels , Name-pl = Beispiele , type = algorithm , gender = m , case = N , Name-sg = Algorithmus , Name-pl = Algorithmen , case = A , Name-sg = Algorithmus , Name-pl = Algorithmen , case = D , Name-sg = Algorithmus , Name-pl = Algorithmen , case = G , Name-sg = Algorithmus , Name-pl = Algorithmen , type = listing , gender = n , case = N , Name-sg = Listing , Name-pl = Listings , case = A , Name-sg = Listing , Name-pl = Listings , case = D , Name-sg = Listing , Name-pl = Listings , case = G , Name-sg = Listings , Name-pl = Listings , type = exercise , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Übungsaufgabe , Name-pl = Übungsaufgaben , case = A , Name-sg = Übungsaufgabe , Name-pl = Übungsaufgaben , case = D , Name-sg = Übungsaufgabe , Name-pl = Übungsaufgaben , case = G , Name-sg = Übungsaufgabe , Name-pl = Übungsaufgaben , type = solution , gender = f , case = N , Name-sg = Lösung , Name-pl = Lösungen , case = A , Name-sg = Lösung , Name-pl = Lösungen , case = D , Name-sg = Lösung , Name-pl = Lösungen , case = G , Name-sg = Lösung , Name-pl = Lösungen , % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{French} % % French language file has been initially provided by the author, and has been % improved thanks to \contributor{Denis Bitouzé} and \contributor{François % Lagarde} (at \githubissue{1}) and participants of the Groupe francophone des % Utilisateurs de \TeX{} (GUTenberg) (at % \url{https://groups.google.com/g/gut_fr/c/rNLm6weGcyg}) and the % \texttt{fr.comp.text.tex} (at % \url{https://groups.google.com/g/fr.comp.text.tex/c/Fa11Tf6MFFs}) mailing % lists. % % \pkg{babel-french} also has \file{.ldf}s for \texttt{francais}, % \texttt{frenchb}, and \texttt{canadien}, but they are deprecated as options % and, if used, they fall back to either \texttt{french} or \texttt{acadian}. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \zcDeclareLanguage [ gender = { f , m } ] { french } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { acadian } { french } % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*lang-french> % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {~et\nobreakspace} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {~et\nobreakspace} , tpairsep = {~et\nobreakspace} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {~et\nobreakspace} , notesep = {~} , rangesep = {~à\nobreakspace} , type = book , gender = m , Name-sg = Livre , name-sg = livre , Name-pl = Livres , name-pl = livres , type = part , gender = f , Name-sg = Partie , name-sg = partie , Name-pl = Parties , name-pl = parties , type = chapter , gender = m , Name-sg = Chapitre , name-sg = chapitre , Name-pl = Chapitres , name-pl = chapitres , type = section , gender = f , Name-sg = Section , name-sg = section , Name-pl = Sections , name-pl = sections , type = paragraph , gender = m , Name-sg = Paragraphe , name-sg = paragraphe , Name-pl = Paragraphes , name-pl = paragraphes , type = appendix , gender = f , Name-sg = Annexe , name-sg = annexe , Name-pl = Annexes , name-pl = annexes , type = page , gender = f , Name-sg = Page , name-sg = page , Name-pl = Pages , name-pl = pages , rangesep = {-} , rangetopair = false , type = line , gender = f , Name-sg = Ligne , name-sg = ligne , Name-pl = Lignes , name-pl = lignes , type = figure , gender = f , Name-sg = Figure , name-sg = figure , Name-pl = Figures , name-pl = figures , type = table , gender = f , Name-sg = Table , name-sg = table , Name-pl = Tables , name-pl = tables , type = item , gender = m , Name-sg = Point , name-sg = point , Name-pl = Points , name-pl = points , type = footnote , gender = f , Name-sg = Note , name-sg = note , Name-pl = Notes , name-pl = notes , type = endnote , gender = f , Name-sg = Note , name-sg = note , Name-pl = Notes , name-pl = notes , type = note , gender = f , Name-sg = Note , name-sg = note , Name-pl = Notes , name-pl = notes , type = equation , gender = f , Name-sg = Équation , name-sg = équation , Name-pl = Équations , name-pl = équations , refbounds-first-sg = {,(,),} , refbounds = {(,,,)} , type = theorem , gender = m , Name-sg = Théorème , name-sg = théorème , Name-pl = Théorèmes , name-pl = théorèmes , type = lemma , gender = m , Name-sg = Lemme , name-sg = lemme , Name-pl = Lemmes , name-pl = lemmes , type = corollary , gender = m , Name-sg = Corollaire , name-sg = corollaire , Name-pl = Corollaires , name-pl = corollaires , type = proposition , gender = f , Name-sg = Proposition , name-sg = proposition , Name-pl = Propositions , name-pl = propositions , type = definition , gender = f , Name-sg = Définition , name-sg = définition , Name-pl = Définitions , name-pl = définitions , type = proof , gender = f , Name-sg = Démonstration , name-sg = démonstration , Name-pl = Démonstrations , name-pl = démonstrations , type = result , gender = m , Name-sg = Résultat , name-sg = résultat , Name-pl = Résultats , name-pl = résultats , type = remark , gender = f , Name-sg = Remarque , name-sg = remarque , Name-pl = Remarques , name-pl = remarques , type = example , gender = m , Name-sg = Exemple , name-sg = exemple , Name-pl = Exemples , name-pl = exemples , type = algorithm , gender = m , Name-sg = Algorithme , name-sg = algorithme , Name-pl = Algorithmes , name-pl = algorithmes , type = listing , gender = m , Name-sg = Listing , name-sg = listing , Name-pl = Listings , name-pl = listings , type = exercise , gender = m , Name-sg = Exercice , name-sg = exercice , Name-pl = Exercices , name-pl = exercices , type = solution , gender = f , Name-sg = Solution , name-sg = solution , Name-pl = Solutions , name-pl = solutions , % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{Portuguese} % % Portuguese language file provided by the author, who's a native speaker of % (Brazilian) Portuguese. I do expect this to be sufficiently general, but if % Portuguese speakers from other places feel the need for a Portuguese % variant, please let me know. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \zcDeclareLanguage [ gender = { f , m } ] { portuguese } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { brazilian } { portuguese } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { brazil } { portuguese } \zcDeclareLanguageAlias { portuges } { portuguese } % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*lang-portuguese> % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {~e\nobreakspace} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {~e\nobreakspace} , tpairsep = {~e\nobreakspace} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {~e\nobreakspace} , notesep = {~} , rangesep = {~a\nobreakspace} , type = book , gender = m , Name-sg = Livro , name-sg = livro , Name-pl = Livros , name-pl = livros , type = part , gender = f , Name-sg = Parte , name-sg = parte , Name-pl = Partes , name-pl = partes , type = chapter , gender = m , Name-sg = Capítulo , name-sg = capítulo , Name-pl = Capítulos , name-pl = capítulos , type = section , gender = f , Name-sg = Seção , name-sg = seção , Name-pl = Seções , name-pl = seções , type = paragraph , gender = m , Name-sg = Parágrafo , name-sg = parágrafo , Name-pl = Parágrafos , name-pl = parágrafos , Name-sg-ab = Par. , name-sg-ab = par. , Name-pl-ab = Par. , name-pl-ab = par. , type = appendix , gender = m , Name-sg = Apêndice , name-sg = apêndice , Name-pl = Apêndices , name-pl = apêndices , type = page , gender = f , Name-sg = Página , name-sg = página , Name-pl = Páginas , name-pl = páginas , rangesep = {\textendash} , rangetopair = false , type = line , gender = f , Name-sg = Linha , name-sg = linha , Name-pl = Linhas , name-pl = linhas , type = figure , gender = f , Name-sg = Figura , name-sg = figura , Name-pl = Figuras , name-pl = figuras , Name-sg-ab = Fig. , name-sg-ab = fig. , Name-pl-ab = Figs. , name-pl-ab = figs. , type = table , gender = f , Name-sg = Tabela , name-sg = tabela , Name-pl = Tabelas , name-pl = tabelas , type = item , gender = m , Name-sg = Item , name-sg = item , Name-pl = Itens , name-pl = itens , type = footnote , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Notas , name-pl = notas , type = endnote , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Notas , name-pl = notas , type = note , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Notas , name-pl = notas , type = equation , gender = f , Name-sg = Equação , name-sg = equação , Name-pl = Equações , name-pl = equações , Name-sg-ab = Eq. , name-sg-ab = eq. , Name-pl-ab = Eqs. , name-pl-ab = eqs. , refbounds-first-sg = {,(,),} , refbounds = {(,,,)} , type = theorem , gender = m , Name-sg = Teorema , name-sg = teorema , Name-pl = Teoremas , name-pl = teoremas , type = lemma , gender = m , Name-sg = Lema , name-sg = lema , Name-pl = Lemas , name-pl = lemas , type = corollary , gender = m , Name-sg = Corolário , name-sg = corolário , Name-pl = Corolários , name-pl = corolários , type = proposition , gender = f , Name-sg = Proposição , name-sg = proposição , Name-pl = Proposições , name-pl = proposições , type = definition , gender = f , Name-sg = Definição , name-sg = definição , Name-pl = Definições , name-pl = definições , type = proof , gender = f , Name-sg = Demonstração , name-sg = demonstração , Name-pl = Demonstrações , name-pl = demonstrações , type = result , gender = m , Name-sg = Resultado , name-sg = resultado , Name-pl = Resultados , name-pl = resultados , type = remark , gender = f , Name-sg = Observação , name-sg = observação , Name-pl = Observações , name-pl = observações , type = example , gender = m , Name-sg = Exemplo , name-sg = exemplo , Name-pl = Exemplos , name-pl = exemplos , type = algorithm , gender = m , Name-sg = Algoritmo , name-sg = algoritmo , Name-pl = Algoritmos , name-pl = algoritmos , type = listing , gender = f , Name-sg = Listagem , name-sg = listagem , Name-pl = Listagens , name-pl = listagens , type = exercise , gender = m , Name-sg = Exercício , name-sg = exercício , Name-pl = Exercícios , name-pl = exercícios , type = solution , gender = f , Name-sg = Solução , name-sg = solução , Name-pl = Soluções , name-pl = soluções , % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{Spanish} % % Spanish language file has been initially provided by the author. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \zcDeclareLanguage [ gender = { f , m } ] { spanish } % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*lang-spanish> % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {~y\nobreakspace} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {~y\nobreakspace} , tpairsep = {~y\nobreakspace} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {~y\nobreakspace} , notesep = {~} , rangesep = {~a\nobreakspace} , type = book , gender = m , Name-sg = Libro , name-sg = libro , Name-pl = Libros , name-pl = libros , type = part , gender = f , Name-sg = Parte , name-sg = parte , Name-pl = Partes , name-pl = partes , type = chapter , gender = m , Name-sg = Capítulo , name-sg = capítulo , Name-pl = Capítulos , name-pl = capítulos , type = section , gender = f , Name-sg = Sección , name-sg = sección , Name-pl = Secciones , name-pl = secciones , type = paragraph , gender = m , Name-sg = Párrafo , name-sg = párrafo , Name-pl = Párrafos , name-pl = párrafos , type = appendix , gender = m , Name-sg = Apéndice , name-sg = apéndice , Name-pl = Apéndices , name-pl = apéndices , type = page , gender = f , Name-sg = Página , name-sg = página , Name-pl = Páginas , name-pl = páginas , rangesep = {\textendash} , rangetopair = false , type = line , gender = f , Name-sg = Línea , name-sg = línea , Name-pl = Líneas , name-pl = líneas , type = figure , gender = f , Name-sg = Figura , name-sg = figura , Name-pl = Figuras , name-pl = figuras , type = table , gender = m , Name-sg = Cuadro , name-sg = cuadro , Name-pl = Cuadros , name-pl = cuadros , type = item , gender = m , Name-sg = Punto , name-sg = punto , Name-pl = Puntos , name-pl = puntos , type = footnote , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Notas , name-pl = notas , type = endnote , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Notas , name-pl = notas , type = note , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Notas , name-pl = notas , type = equation , gender = f , Name-sg = Ecuación , name-sg = ecuación , Name-pl = Ecuaciones , name-pl = ecuaciones , refbounds-first-sg = {,(,),} , refbounds = {(,,,)} , type = theorem , gender = m , Name-sg = Teorema , name-sg = teorema , Name-pl = Teoremas , name-pl = teoremas , type = lemma , gender = m , Name-sg = Lema , name-sg = lema , Name-pl = Lemas , name-pl = lemas , type = corollary , gender = m , Name-sg = Corolario , name-sg = corolario , Name-pl = Corolarios , name-pl = corolarios , type = proposition , gender = f , Name-sg = Proposición , name-sg = proposición , Name-pl = Proposiciones , name-pl = proposiciones , type = definition , gender = f , Name-sg = Definición , name-sg = definición , Name-pl = Definiciones , name-pl = definiciones , type = proof , gender = f , Name-sg = Demostración , name-sg = demostración , Name-pl = Demostraciones , name-pl = demostraciones , type = result , gender = m , Name-sg = Resultado , name-sg = resultado , Name-pl = Resultados , name-pl = resultados , type = remark , gender = f , Name-sg = Observación , name-sg = observación , Name-pl = Observaciones , name-pl = observaciones , type = example , gender = m , Name-sg = Ejemplo , name-sg = ejemplo , Name-pl = Ejemplos , name-pl = ejemplos , type = algorithm , gender = m , Name-sg = Algoritmo , name-sg = algoritmo , Name-pl = Algoritmos , name-pl = algoritmos , type = listing , gender = m , Name-sg = Listado , name-sg = listado , Name-pl = Listados , name-pl = listados , type = exercise , gender = m , Name-sg = Ejercicio , name-sg = ejercicio , Name-pl = Ejercicios , name-pl = ejercicios , type = solution , gender = f , Name-sg = Solución , name-sg = solución , Name-pl = Soluciones , name-pl = soluciones , % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \subsection{Dutch} % % Dutch language file initially contributed by \contributor{\username{niluxv}} % (\githubPR{5}). All genders were checked against the ``Dikke Van Dale''. % Many words have multiple genders. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \zcDeclareLanguage [ gender = { f , m , n } ] { dutch } % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*lang-dutch> % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {~en\nobreakspace} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {~en\nobreakspace} , tpairsep = {~en\nobreakspace} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {,~en\nobreakspace} , notesep = {~} , rangesep = {~t/m\nobreakspace} , type = book , gender = n , Name-sg = Boek , name-sg = boek , Name-pl = Boeken , name-pl = boeken , type = part , gender = n , Name-sg = Deel , name-sg = deel , Name-pl = Delen , name-pl = delen , type = chapter , gender = n , Name-sg = Hoofdstuk , name-sg = hoofdstuk , Name-pl = Hoofdstukken , name-pl = hoofdstukken , type = section , gender = m , Name-sg = Paragraaf , name-sg = paragraaf , Name-pl = Paragrafen , name-pl = paragrafen , type = paragraph , gender = f , Name-sg = Alinea , name-sg = alinea , Name-pl = Alinea's , name-pl = alinea's , % \end{macrocode} % 2022-12-27, \contributor{\username{niluxv}}: ``bijlage'' is chosen over % ``appendix'' (plural ``appendices'', gender: m, n) for consistency with % babel/polyglossia. ``bijlages'' is also a valid plural; ``bijlagen'' is % chosen for consistency with babel/polyglossia. % \begin{macrocode} type = appendix , gender = { f, m } , Name-sg = Bijlage , name-sg = bijlage , Name-pl = Bijlagen , name-pl = bijlagen , type = page , gender = { f , m } , Name-sg = Pagina , name-sg = pagina , Name-pl = Pagina's , name-pl = pagina's , rangesep = {\textendash} , rangetopair = false , type = line , gender = m , Name-sg = Regel , name-sg = regel , Name-pl = Regels , name-pl = regels , type = figure , gender = { n , f , m } , Name-sg = Figuur , name-sg = figuur , Name-pl = Figuren , name-pl = figuren , type = table , gender = { f , m } , Name-sg = Tabel , name-sg = tabel , Name-pl = Tabellen , name-pl = tabellen , type = item , gender = n , Name-sg = Punt , name-sg = punt , Name-pl = Punten , name-pl = punten , type = footnote , gender = { f , m } , Name-sg = Voetnoot , name-sg = voetnoot , Name-pl = Voetnoten , name-pl = voetnoten , type = endnote , gender = { f , m } , Name-sg = Eindnoot , name-sg = eindnoot , Name-pl = Eindnoten , name-pl = eindnoten , type = note , gender = f , Name-sg = Opmerking , name-sg = opmerking , Name-pl = Opmerkingen , name-pl = opmerkingen , type = equation , gender = f , Name-sg = Vergelijking , name-sg = vergelijking , Name-pl = Vergelijkingen , name-pl = vergelijkingen , Name-sg-ab = Vgl. , name-sg-ab = vgl. , Name-pl-ab = Vgl.'s , name-pl-ab = vgl.'s , refbounds-first-sg = {,(,),} , refbounds = {(,,,)} , type = theorem , gender = f , Name-sg = Stelling , name-sg = stelling , Name-pl = Stellingen , name-pl = stellingen , % \end{macrocode} % 2022-01-09, \contributor{\username{niluxv}}: An alternative plural is % ``lemmata''. That is also a correct English plural for lemma, but the % English language file chooses ``lemmas''. For consistency we therefore % choose ``lemma's''. % \begin{macrocode} type = lemma , gender = n , Name-sg = Lemma , name-sg = lemma , Name-pl = Lemma's , name-pl = lemma's , type = corollary , gender = n , Name-sg = Gevolg , name-sg = gevolg , Name-pl = Gevolgen , name-pl = gevolgen , type = proposition , gender = f , Name-sg = Propositie , name-sg = propositie , Name-pl = Proposities , name-pl = proposities , type = definition , gender = f , Name-sg = Definitie , name-sg = definitie , Name-pl = Definities , name-pl = definities , type = proof , gender = n , Name-sg = Bewijs , name-sg = bewijs , Name-pl = Bewijzen , name-pl = bewijzen , type = result , gender = n , Name-sg = Resultaat , name-sg = resultaat , Name-pl = Resultaten , name-pl = resultaten , type = remark , gender = f , Name-sg = Opmerking , name-sg = opmerking , Name-pl = Opmerkingen , name-pl = opmerkingen , type = example , gender = n , Name-sg = Voorbeeld , name-sg = voorbeeld , Name-pl = Voorbeelden , name-pl = voorbeelden , % \end{macrocode} % 2022-12-27, \contributor{\username{niluxv}}: ``algoritmes'' is also a valid % plural. ``algoritmen'' is chosen to be consistent with using ``bijlagen'' % (and not ``bijlages'') as the plural of ``bijlage''. % \begin{macrocode} type = algorithm , gender = { n , f , m } , Name-sg = Algoritme , name-sg = algoritme , Name-pl = Algoritmen , name-pl = algoritmen , % \end{macrocode} % 2022-01-09, \contributor{\username{niluxv}}: EN-NL Van Dale translates % listing as (3) ``uitdraai van computerprogramma'', ``listing''. % \begin{macrocode} type = listing , gender = m , Name-sg = Listing , name-sg = listing , Name-pl = Listings , name-pl = listings , type = exercise , gender = { f , m } , Name-sg = Opgave , name-sg = opgave , Name-pl = Opgaven , name-pl = opgaven , type = solution , gender = f , Name-sg = Oplossing , name-sg = oplossing , Name-pl = Oplossingen , name-pl = oplossingen , % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Italian} % % Italian language file initially contributed by \contributor{Matteo % Ferrigato} (\githubissue{11}), with the help of participants of the Gruppo % Utilizzatori Italiani di \TeX{} (GuIT) forum (at % \url{https://www.guitex.org/home/it/forum/5-tex-e-latex/121856-closed-zref-clever-e-localizzazione-in-italiano}). % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \zcDeclareLanguage [ gender = { f , m } ] { italian } % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*lang-italian> % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {~e\nobreakspace} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {~e\nobreakspace} , tpairsep = {~e\nobreakspace} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {,~e\nobreakspace} , notesep = {~} , rangesep = {~a\nobreakspace} , +refbounds-rb = {da\nobreakspace,,,} , type = book , gender = m , Name-sg = Libro , name-sg = libro , Name-pl = Libri , name-pl = libri , type = part , gender = f , Name-sg = Parte , name-sg = parte , Name-pl = Parti , name-pl = parti , type = chapter , gender = m , Name-sg = Capitolo , name-sg = capitolo , Name-pl = Capitoli , name-pl = capitoli , type = section , gender = m , Name-sg = Paragrafo , name-sg = paragrafo , Name-pl = Paragrafi , name-pl = paragrafi , type = paragraph , gender = m , Name-sg = Capoverso , name-sg = capoverso , Name-pl = Capoversi , name-pl = capoversi , type = appendix , gender = f , Name-sg = Appendice , name-sg = appendice , Name-pl = Appendici , name-pl = appendici , type = page , gender = f , Name-sg = Pagina , name-sg = pagina , Name-pl = Pagine , name-pl = pagine , Name-sg-ab = Pag. , name-sg-ab = pag. , Name-pl-ab = Pag. , name-pl-ab = pag. , rangesep = {\textendash} , rangetopair = false , +refbounds-rb = {,,,} , type = line , gender = f , Name-sg = Riga , name-sg = riga , Name-pl = Righe , name-pl = righe , type = figure , gender = f , Name-sg = Figura , name-sg = figura , Name-pl = Figure , name-pl = figure , Name-sg-ab = Fig. , name-sg-ab = fig. , Name-pl-ab = Fig. , name-pl-ab = fig. , type = table , gender = f , Name-sg = Tabella , name-sg = tabella , Name-pl = Tabelle , name-pl = tabelle , Name-sg-ab = Tab. , name-sg-ab = tab. , Name-pl-ab = Tab. , name-pl-ab = tab. , type = item , gender = m , Name-sg = Punto , name-sg = punto , Name-pl = Punti , name-pl = punti , type = footnote , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Note , name-pl = note , type = endnote , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Note , name-pl = note , type = note , gender = f , Name-sg = Nota , name-sg = nota , Name-pl = Note , name-pl = note , type = equation , gender = f , Name-sg = Equazione , name-sg = equazione , Name-pl = Equazioni , name-pl = equazioni , Name-sg-ab = Eq. , name-sg-ab = eq. , Name-pl-ab = Eq. , name-pl-ab = eq. , +refbounds-rb = {da\nobreakspace(,,,)} , refbounds-first-sg = {,(,),} , refbounds = {(,,,)} , type = theorem , gender = m , Name-sg = Teorema , name-sg = teorema , Name-pl = Teoremi , name-pl = teoremi , type = lemma , gender = m , Name-sg = Lemma , name-sg = lemma , Name-pl = Lemmi , name-pl = lemmi , type = corollary , gender = m , Name-sg = Corollario , name-sg = corollario , Name-pl = Corollari , name-pl = corollari , type = proposition , gender = f , Name-sg = Proposizione , name-sg = proposizione , Name-pl = Proposizioni , name-pl = proposizioni , type = definition , gender = f , Name-sg = Definizione , name-sg = definizione , Name-pl = Definizioni , name-pl = definizioni , type = proof , gender = f , Name-sg = Dimostrazione , name-sg = dimostrazione , Name-pl = Dimostrazioni , name-pl = dimostrazioni , type = result , gender = m , Name-sg = Risultato , name-sg = risultato , Name-pl = Risultati , name-pl = risultati , type = remark , gender = f , Name-sg = Osservazione , name-sg = osservazione , Name-pl = Osservazioni , name-pl = osservazioni , type = example , gender = m , Name-sg = Esempio , name-sg = esempio , Name-pl = Esempi , name-pl = esempi , type = algorithm , gender = m , Name-sg = Algoritmo , name-sg = algoritmo , Name-pl = Algoritmi , name-pl = algoritmi , type = listing , gender = m , Name-sg = Listato , name-sg = listato , Name-pl = Listati , name-pl = listati , type = exercise , gender = m , Name-sg = Esercizio , name-sg = esercizio , Name-pl = Esercizi , name-pl = esercizi , type = solution , gender = f , Name-sg = Soluzione , name-sg = soluzione , Name-pl = Soluzioni , name-pl = soluzioni , % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Russian} % % Russian language file initially contributed by \contributor{Sergey Slyusarev % \username{jemmybutton}} (\githubPR{29}). Russian localization in consistent % with that of \pkg{cleveref}, with the following exceptions: ``equation'' is % translated as ``уравнение'', rather than ``formula'', ``proposition'' is % translated as ``предложение'', rather than ``утверждение''; several % abbreviations are replaced with more common ones, e.g. abbreviated plural of % ``item'' is ``пп.'', not ``п.п.''. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \zcDeclareLanguage [ declension = { n , a , g , d , i , p } , gender = { f , m , n } ] { russian } % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*lang-russian> % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} namesep = {\nobreakspace} , pairsep = {~и\nobreakspace} , listsep = {,~} , lastsep = {~и\nobreakspace} , tpairsep = {~и\nobreakspace} , tlistsep = {,~} , tlastsep = {,~и\nobreakspace} , notesep = {~} , rangesep = {~по\nobreakspace} , +refbounds-rb = {с\nobreakspace,,,} , type = book , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Книга , name-sg = книга , Name-pl = Книги , name-pl = книги , case = a , Name-sg = Книгу , name-sg = книгу , Name-pl = Книги , name-pl = книги , case = g , Name-sg = Книги , name-sg = книги , Name-pl = Книг , name-pl = книг , case = d , Name-sg = Книге , name-sg = книге , Name-pl = Книгам , name-pl = книгам , case = i , Name-sg = Книгой , name-sg = книгой , Name-pl = Книгами , name-pl = книгами , case = p , Name-sg = Книге , name-sg = книге , Name-pl = Книгах , name-pl = книгах , type = part , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Часть , name-sg = часть , Name-pl = Части , name-pl = части , Name-sg-ab = Ч. , name-sg-ab = ч. , Name-pl-ab = Чч. , name-pl-ab = чч. , case = a , Name-sg = Часть , name-sg = часть , Name-pl = Части , name-pl = части , Name-sg-ab = Ч. , name-sg-ab = ч. , Name-pl-ab = Чч. , name-pl-ab = чч. , case = g , Name-sg = Части , name-sg = части , Name-pl = Частей , name-pl = частей , Name-sg-ab = Ч. , name-sg-ab = ч. , Name-pl-ab = Чч. , name-pl-ab = чч. , case = d , Name-sg = Части , name-sg = части , Name-pl = Частям , name-pl = частям , Name-sg-ab = Ч. , name-sg-ab = ч. , Name-pl-ab = Чч. , name-pl-ab = чч. , case = i , Name-sg = Частью , name-sg = частью , Name-pl = Частями , name-pl = частями , Name-sg-ab = Ч. , name-sg-ab = ч. , Name-pl-ab = Чч. , name-pl-ab = чч. , case = p , Name-sg = Части , name-sg = части , Name-pl = Частях , name-pl = частях , Name-sg-ab = Ч. , name-sg-ab = ч. , Name-pl-ab = Чч. , name-pl-ab = чч. , type = chapter , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Глава , name-sg = глава , Name-pl = Главы , name-pl = главы , Name-sg-ab = Гл. , name-sg-ab = гл. , Name-pl-ab = Гл. , name-pl-ab = гл. , case = a , Name-sg = Главу , name-sg = главу , Name-pl = Главы , name-pl = главы , Name-sg-ab = Гл. , name-sg-ab = гл. , Name-pl-ab = Гл. , name-pl-ab = гл. , case = g , Name-sg = Главы , name-sg = главы , Name-pl = Глав , name-pl = глав , Name-sg-ab = Гл. , name-sg-ab = гл. , Name-pl-ab = Гл. , name-pl-ab = гл. , case = d , Name-sg = Главе , name-sg = главе , Name-pl = Главам , name-pl = главам , Name-sg-ab = Гл. , name-sg-ab = гл. , Name-pl-ab = Гл. , name-pl-ab = гл. , case = i , Name-sg = Главой , name-sg = главой , Name-pl = Главами , name-pl = главами , Name-sg-ab = Гл. , name-sg-ab = гл. , Name-pl-ab = Гл. , name-pl-ab = гл. , case = p , Name-sg = Главе , name-sg = главе , Name-pl = Главах , name-pl = главах , Name-sg-ab = Гл. , name-sg-ab = гл. , Name-pl-ab = Гл. , name-pl-ab = гл. , type = section , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Раздел , name-sg = раздел , Name-pl = Разделы , name-pl = разделы , case = a , Name-sg = Раздел , name-sg = раздел , Name-pl = Разделы , name-pl = разделы , case = g , Name-sg = Раздела , name-sg = раздела , Name-pl = Разделов , name-pl = разделов , case = d , Name-sg = Разделу , name-sg = разделу , Name-pl = Разделам , name-pl = разделам , case = i , Name-sg = Разделом , name-sg = разделом , Name-pl = Разделами , name-pl = разделами , case = p , Name-sg = Разделе , name-sg = разделе , Name-pl = Разделах , name-pl = разделах , type = paragraph , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Абзац , name-sg = абзац , Name-pl = Абзацы , name-pl = абзацы , case = a , Name-sg = Абзац , name-sg = абзац , Name-pl = Абзацы , name-pl = абзацы , case = g , Name-sg = Абзаца , name-sg = абзаца , Name-pl = Абзацев , name-pl = абзацев , case = d , Name-sg = Абзацу , name-sg = абзацу , Name-pl = Абзацам , name-pl = абзацам , case = i , Name-sg = Абзацем , name-sg = абзацем , Name-pl = Абзацами , name-pl = абзацами , case = p , Name-sg = Абзаце , name-sg = абзаце , Name-pl = Абзацах , name-pl = абзацах , type = appendix , gender = n , case = n , Name-sg = Приложение , name-sg = приложение , Name-pl = Приложения , name-pl = приложения , case = a , Name-sg = Приложение , name-sg = приложение , Name-pl = Приложения , name-pl = приложения , case = g , Name-sg = Приложения , name-sg = приложения , Name-pl = Приложений , name-pl = приложений , case = d , Name-sg = Приложению , name-sg = приложению , Name-pl = Приложениям , name-pl = приложениям , case = i , Name-sg = Приложением , name-sg = приложением , Name-pl = Приложениями , name-pl = приложениями , case = p , Name-sg = Приложении , name-sg = приложении , Name-pl = Приложениях , name-pl = приложениях , type = page , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Страница , name-sg = страница , Name-pl = Страницы , name-pl = страницы , Name-sg-ab = С. , name-sg-ab = с. , Name-pl-ab = Сс. , name-pl-ab = сс. , case = a , Name-sg = Страницу , name-sg = страницу , Name-pl = Страницы , name-pl = страницы , Name-sg-ab = С. , name-sg-ab = с. , Name-pl-ab = Сс. , name-pl-ab = сс. , case = g , Name-sg = Страницы , name-sg = страницы , Name-pl = Страниц , name-pl = страниц , Name-sg-ab = С. , name-sg-ab = с. , Name-pl-ab = Сс. , name-pl-ab = сс. , case = d , Name-sg = Странице , name-sg = странице , Name-pl = Страницам , name-pl = страницам , Name-sg-ab = С. , name-sg-ab = с. , Name-pl-ab = Сс. , name-pl-ab = сс. , case = i , Name-sg = Страницей , name-sg = страницей , Name-pl = Страницами , name-pl = страницами , Name-sg-ab = С. , name-sg-ab = с. , Name-pl-ab = Сс. , name-pl-ab = сс. , case = p , Name-sg = Странице , name-sg = странице , Name-pl = Страницах , name-pl = страницах , Name-sg-ab = С. , name-sg-ab = с. , Name-pl-ab = Сс. , name-pl-ab = сс. , rangesep = {\textendash} , rangetopair = false , +refbounds-rb = {,,,} , type = line , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Строка , name-sg = строка , Name-pl = Строки , name-pl = строки , case = a , Name-sg = Строку , name-sg = строку , Name-pl = Строки , name-pl = строки , case = g , Name-sg = Строки , name-sg = строки , Name-pl = Строк , name-pl = строк , case = d , Name-sg = Строке , name-sg = строке , Name-pl = Строкам , name-pl = строкам , case = i , Name-sg = Строкой , name-sg = строкой , Name-pl = Строками , name-pl = строками , case = p , Name-sg = Строке , name-sg = строке , Name-pl = Строках , name-pl = строках , type = figure , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Рисунок , name-sg = рисунок , Name-pl = Рисунки , name-pl = рисунки , Name-sg-ab = Рис. , name-sg-ab = рис. , Name-pl-ab = Рис. , name-pl-ab = рис. , case = a , Name-sg = Рисунок , name-sg = рисунок , Name-pl = Рисунки , name-pl = рисунки , Name-sg-ab = Рис. , name-sg-ab = рис. , Name-pl-ab = Рис. , name-pl-ab = рис. , case = g , Name-sg = Рисунка , name-sg = рисунка , Name-pl = Рисунков , name-pl = рисунков , Name-sg-ab = Рис. , name-sg-ab = рис. , Name-pl-ab = Рис. , name-pl-ab = рис. , case = d , Name-sg = Рисунку , name-sg = рисунку , Name-pl = Рисункам , name-pl = рисункам , Name-sg-ab = Рис. , name-sg-ab = рис. , Name-pl-ab = Рис. , name-pl-ab = рис. , case = i , Name-sg = Рисунком , name-sg = рисунком , Name-pl = Рисунками , name-pl = рисунками , Name-sg-ab = Рис. , name-sg-ab = рис. , Name-pl-ab = Рис. , name-pl-ab = рис. , case = p , Name-sg = Рисунке , name-sg = рисунке , Name-pl = Рисунках , name-pl = рисунках , Name-sg-ab = Рис. , name-sg-ab = рис. , Name-pl-ab = Рис. , name-pl-ab = рис. , type = table , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Таблица , name-sg = таблица , Name-pl = Таблицы , name-pl = таблицы , Name-sg-ab = Табл. , name-sg-ab = табл. , Name-pl-ab = Табл. , name-pl-ab = табл. , case = a , Name-sg = Таблицу , name-sg = таблицу , Name-pl = Таблицы , name-pl = таблицы , Name-sg-ab = Табл. , name-sg-ab = табл. , Name-pl-ab = Табл. , name-pl-ab = табл. , case = g , Name-sg = Таблицы , name-sg = таблицы , Name-pl = Таблиц , name-pl = таблиц , Name-sg-ab = Табл. , name-sg-ab = табл. , Name-pl-ab = Табл. , name-pl-ab = табл. , case = d , Name-sg = Таблице , name-sg = таблице , Name-pl = Таблицам , name-pl = таблицам , Name-sg-ab = Табл. , name-sg-ab = табл. , Name-pl-ab = Табл. , name-pl-ab = табл. , case = i , Name-sg = Таблицей , name-sg = таблицей , Name-pl = Таблицами , name-pl = таблицами , Name-sg-ab = Табл. , name-sg-ab = табл. , Name-pl-ab = Табл. , name-pl-ab = табл. , case = p , Name-sg = Таблице , name-sg = таблице , Name-pl = Таблицах , name-pl = таблицах , Name-sg-ab = Табл. , name-sg-ab = табл. , Name-pl-ab = Табл. , name-pl-ab = табл. , type = item , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Пункт , name-sg = пункт , Name-pl = Пункты , name-pl = пункты , Name-sg-ab = П. , name-sg-ab = п. , Name-pl-ab = Пп. , name-pl-ab = пп. , case = a , Name-sg = Пункт , name-sg = пункт , Name-pl = Пункты , name-pl = пункты , Name-sg-ab = П. , name-sg-ab = п. , Name-pl-ab = Пп. , name-pl-ab = пп. , case = g , Name-sg = Пункта , name-sg = пункта , Name-pl = Пунктов , name-pl = пунктов , Name-sg-ab = П. , name-sg-ab = п. , Name-pl-ab = Пп. , name-pl-ab = пп. , case = d , Name-sg = Пункту , name-sg = пункту , Name-pl = Пунктам , name-pl = пунктам , Name-sg-ab = П. , name-sg-ab = п. , Name-pl-ab = Пп. , name-pl-ab = пп. , case = i , Name-sg = Пунктом , name-sg = пунктом , Name-pl = Пунктами , name-pl = пунктами , Name-sg-ab = П. , name-sg-ab = п. , Name-pl-ab = Пп. , name-pl-ab = пп. , case = p , Name-sg = Пункте , name-sg = пункте , Name-pl = Пунктах , name-pl = пунктах , Name-sg-ab = П. , name-sg-ab = п. , Name-pl-ab = Пп. , name-pl-ab = пп. , type = footnote , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Сноска , name-sg = сноска , Name-pl = Сноски , name-pl = сноски , case = a , Name-sg = Сноску , name-sg = сноску , Name-pl = Сноски , name-pl = сноски , case = g , Name-sg = Сноски , name-sg = сноски , Name-pl = Сносок , name-pl = сносок , case = d , Name-sg = Сноске , name-sg = сноске , Name-pl = Сноскам , name-pl = сноскам , case = i , Name-sg = Сноской , name-sg = сноской , Name-pl = Сносками , name-pl = сносками , case = p , Name-sg = Сноске , name-sg = сноске , Name-pl = Сносках , name-pl = сносках , type = endnote , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Сноска , name-sg = сноска , Name-pl = Сноски , name-pl = сноски , case = a , Name-sg = Сноску , name-sg = сноску , Name-pl = Сноски , name-pl = сноски , case = g , Name-sg = Сноски , name-sg = сноски , Name-pl = Сносок , name-pl = сносок , case = d , Name-sg = Сноске , name-sg = сноске , Name-pl = Сноскам , name-pl = сноскам , case = i , Name-sg = Сноской , name-sg = сноской , Name-pl = Сносками , name-pl = сносками , case = p , Name-sg = Сноске , name-sg = сноске , Name-pl = Сносках , name-pl = сносках , type = note , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Заметка , name-sg = заметка , Name-pl = Заметки , name-pl = заметки , case = a , Name-sg = Заметку , name-sg = заметку , Name-pl = Заметки , name-pl = заметки , case = g , Name-sg = Заметки , name-sg = заметки , Name-pl = Заметок , name-pl = заметок , case = d , Name-sg = Заметке , name-sg = заметке , Name-pl = Заметкам , name-pl = заметкам , case = i , Name-sg = Заметкой , name-sg = заметкой , Name-pl = Заметками , name-pl = заметками , case = p , Name-sg = Заметке , name-sg = заметке , Name-pl = Заметках , name-pl = заметках , type = equation , gender = n , case = n , Name-sg = Уравнение , name-sg = уравнение , Name-pl = Уравнения , name-pl = уравнения , Name-sg-ab = Ур. , name-sg-ab = ур. , Name-pl-ab = Ур. , name-pl-ab = ур. , case = a , Name-sg = Уравнение , name-sg = уравнение , Name-pl = Уравнения , name-pl = уравнения , Name-sg-ab = Ур. , name-sg-ab = ур. , Name-pl-ab = Ур. , name-pl-ab = ур. , case = g , Name-sg = Уравнения , name-sg = уравнения , Name-pl = Уравнений , name-pl = уравнений , Name-sg-ab = Ур. , name-sg-ab = ур. , Name-pl-ab = Ур. , name-pl-ab = ур. , case = d , Name-sg = Уравнению , name-sg = уравнению , Name-pl = Уравнениям , name-pl = уравнениям , Name-sg-ab = Ур. , name-sg-ab = ур. , Name-pl-ab = Ур. , name-pl-ab = ур. , case = i , Name-sg = Уравнением , name-sg = уравнением , Name-pl = Уравнениями , name-pl = уравнениями , Name-sg-ab = Ур. , name-sg-ab = ур. , Name-pl-ab = Ур. , name-pl-ab = ур. , case = p , Name-sg = Уравнении , name-sg = уравнении , Name-pl = Уравнениях , name-pl = уравнениях , Name-sg-ab = Ур. , name-sg-ab = ур. , Name-pl-ab = Ур. , name-pl-ab = ур. , +refbounds-rb = {с\nobreakspace(,,,)} , refbounds-first-sg = {,(,),} , refbounds = {(,,,)} , type = theorem , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Теорема , name-sg = теорема , Name-pl = Теоремы , name-pl = теоремы , Name-sg-ab = Теор. , name-sg-ab = теор. , Name-pl-ab = Теор. , name-pl-ab = теор. , case = a , Name-sg = Теорему , name-sg = теорему , Name-pl = Теоремы , name-pl = теоремы , Name-sg-ab = Теор. , name-sg-ab = теор. , Name-pl-ab = Теор. , name-pl-ab = теор. , case = g , Name-sg = Теоремы , name-sg = теоремы , Name-pl = Теорем , name-pl = теорем , Name-sg-ab = Теор. , name-sg-ab = теор. , Name-pl-ab = Теор. , name-pl-ab = теор. , case = d , Name-sg = Теореме , name-sg = теореме , Name-pl = Теоремам , name-pl = теоремам , Name-sg-ab = Теор. , name-sg-ab = теор. , Name-pl-ab = Теор. , name-pl-ab = теор. , case = i , Name-sg = Теоремой , name-sg = теоремой , Name-pl = Теоремами , name-pl = теоремами , Name-sg-ab = Теор. , name-sg-ab = теор. , Name-pl-ab = Теор. , name-pl-ab = теор. , case = p , Name-sg = Теореме , name-sg = теореме , Name-pl = Теоремах , name-pl = теоремах , Name-sg-ab = Теор. , name-sg-ab = теор. , Name-pl-ab = Теор. , name-pl-ab = теор. , type = lemma , gender = f , case = n , Name-sg = Лемма , name-sg = лемма , Name-pl = Леммы , name-pl = леммы , case = a , Name-sg = Лемму , name-sg = лемму , Name-pl = Леммы , name-pl = леммы , case = g , Name-sg = Леммы , name-sg = леммы , Name-pl = Лемм , name-pl = лемм , case = d , Name-sg = Лемме , name-sg = лемме , Name-pl = Леммам , name-pl = леммам , case = i , Name-sg = Леммой , name-sg = леммой , Name-pl = Леммами , name-pl = леммами , case = p , Name-sg = Лемме , name-sg = лемме , Name-pl = Леммах , name-pl = леммах , type = corollary , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Вывод , name-sg = вывод , Name-pl = Выводы , name-pl = выводы , case = a , Name-sg = Вывод , name-sg = вывод , Name-pl = Выводы , name-pl = выводы , case = g , Name-sg = Вывода , name-sg = вывода , Name-pl = Выводов , name-pl = выводов , case = d , Name-sg = Выводу , name-sg = выводу , Name-pl = Выводам , name-pl = выводам , case = i , Name-sg = Выводом , name-sg = выводом , Name-pl = Выводами , name-pl = выводами , case = p , Name-sg = Выводе , name-sg = выводе , Name-pl = Выводах , name-pl = выводах , type = proposition , gender = n , case = n , Name-sg = Предложение , name-sg = предложение , Name-pl = Предложения , name-pl = предложения , Name-sg-ab = Предл. , name-sg-ab = предл. , Name-pl-ab = Предл. , name-pl-ab = предл. , case = a , Name-sg = Предложение , name-sg = предложение , Name-pl = Предложения , name-pl = предложения , Name-sg-ab = Предл. , name-sg-ab = предл. , Name-pl-ab = Предл. , name-pl-ab = предл. , case = g , Name-sg = Предложения , name-sg = предложения , Name-pl = Предложений , name-pl = предложений , Name-sg-ab = Предл. , name-sg-ab = предл. , Name-pl-ab = Предл. , name-pl-ab = предл. , case = d , Name-sg = Предложению , name-sg = предложению , Name-pl = Предложениям , name-pl = предложениям , Name-sg-ab = Предл. , name-sg-ab = предл. , Name-pl-ab = Предл. , name-pl-ab = предл. , case = i , Name-sg = Предложением , name-sg = предложением , Name-pl = Предложениями , name-pl = предложениями , Name-sg-ab = Предл. , name-sg-ab = предл. , Name-pl-ab = Предл. , name-pl-ab = предл. , case = p , Name-sg = Предложении , name-sg = предложении , Name-pl = Предложениях , name-pl = предложениях , Name-sg-ab = Предл. , name-sg-ab = предл. , Name-pl-ab = Предл. , name-pl-ab = предл. , type = definition , gender = n , case = n , Name-sg = Определение , name-sg = определение , Name-pl = Определения , name-pl = определения , Name-sg-ab = Опр. , name-sg-ab = опр. , Name-pl-ab = Опр. , name-pl-ab = опр. , case = a , Name-sg = Определение , name-sg = определение , Name-pl = Определения , name-pl = определения , Name-sg-ab = Опр. , name-sg-ab = опр. , Name-pl-ab = Опр. , name-pl-ab = опр. , case = g , Name-sg = Определения , name-sg = определения , Name-pl = Определений , name-pl = определений , Name-sg-ab = Опр. , name-sg-ab = опр. , Name-pl-ab = Опр. , name-pl-ab = опр. , case = d , Name-sg = Определению , name-sg = определению , Name-pl = Определениям , name-pl = определениям , Name-sg-ab = Опр. , name-sg-ab = опр. , Name-pl-ab = Опр. , name-pl-ab = опр. , case = i , Name-sg = Определением , name-sg = определением , Name-pl = Определениями , name-pl = определениями , Name-sg-ab = Опр. , name-sg-ab = опр. , Name-pl-ab = Опр. , name-pl-ab = опр. , case = p , Name-sg = Определении , name-sg = определении , Name-pl = Определениях , name-pl = определениях , Name-sg-ab = Опр. , name-sg-ab = опр. , Name-pl-ab = Опр. , name-pl-ab = опр. , type = proof , gender = n , case = n , Name-sg = Доказательство , name-sg = доказательство , Name-pl = Доказательства , name-pl = доказательства , case = a , Name-sg = Доказательство , name-sg = доказательство , Name-pl = Доказательства , name-pl = доказательства , case = g , Name-sg = Доказательства , name-sg = доказательства , Name-pl = Доказательств , name-pl = доказательств , case = d , Name-sg = Доказательству , name-sg = доказательству , Name-pl = Доказательствам , name-pl = доказательствам , case = i , Name-sg = Доказательством , name-sg = доказательством , Name-pl = Доказательствами , name-pl = доказательствами , case = p , Name-sg = Доказательстве , name-sg = доказательстве , Name-pl = Доказательствах , name-pl = доказательствах , type = result , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Результат , name-sg = результат , Name-pl = Результаты , name-pl = результаты , case = a , Name-sg = Результат , name-sg = результат , Name-pl = Результаты , name-pl = результаты , case = g , Name-sg = Результата , name-sg = результата , Name-pl = Результатов , name-pl = результатов , case = d , Name-sg = Результату , name-sg = результату , Name-pl = Результатам , name-pl = результатам , case = i , Name-sg = Результатом , name-sg = результатом , Name-pl = Результатами , name-pl = результатами , case = p , Name-sg = Результате , name-sg = результате , Name-pl = Результатах , name-pl = результатах , type = remark , gender = n , case = n , Name-sg = Примечание , name-sg = примечание , Name-pl = Примечания , name-pl = примечания , Name-sg-ab = Прим. , name-sg-ab = прим. , Name-pl-ab = Прим. , name-pl-ab = прим. , case = a , Name-sg = Примечание , name-sg = примечание , Name-pl = Примечания , name-pl = примечания , Name-sg-ab = Прим. , name-sg-ab = прим. , Name-pl-ab = Прим. , name-pl-ab = прим. , case = g , Name-sg = Примечания , name-sg = примечания , Name-pl = Примечаний , name-pl = примечаний , Name-sg-ab = Прим. , name-sg-ab = прим. , Name-pl-ab = Прим. , name-pl-ab = прим. , case = d , Name-sg = Примечанию , name-sg = примечанию , Name-pl = Примечаниям , name-pl = примечаниям , Name-sg-ab = Прим. , name-sg-ab = прим. , Name-pl-ab = Прим. , name-pl-ab = прим. , case = i , Name-sg = Примечанием , name-sg = примечанием , Name-pl = Примечаниями , name-pl = примечаниями , Name-sg-ab = Прим. , name-sg-ab = прим. , Name-pl-ab = Прим. , name-pl-ab = прим. , case = p , Name-sg = Примечании , name-sg = примечании , Name-pl = Примечаниях , name-pl = примечаниях , Name-sg-ab = Прим. , name-sg-ab = прим. , Name-pl-ab = Прим. , name-pl-ab = прим. , type = example , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Пример , name-sg = пример , Name-pl = Примеры , name-pl = примеры , case = a , Name-sg = Пример , name-sg = пример , Name-pl = Примеры , name-pl = примеры , case = g , Name-sg = Примера , name-sg = примера , Name-pl = Примеров , name-pl = примеров , case = d , Name-sg = Примеру , name-sg = примеру , Name-pl = Примерам , name-pl = примерам , case = i , Name-sg = Примером , name-sg = примером , Name-pl = Примерами , name-pl = примерами , case = p , Name-sg = Примере , name-sg = примере , Name-pl = Примерах , name-pl = примерах , type = algorithm , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Алгоритм , name-sg = алгоритм , Name-pl = Алгоритмы , name-pl = алгоритмы , case = a , Name-sg = Алгоритм , name-sg = алгоритм , Name-pl = Алгоритмы , name-pl = алгоритмы , case = g , Name-sg = Алгоритма , name-sg = алгоритма , Name-pl = Алгоритмов , name-pl = алгоритмов , case = d , Name-sg = Алгоритму , name-sg = алгоритму , Name-pl = Алгоритмам , name-pl = алгоритмам , case = i , Name-sg = Алгоритмом , name-sg = алгоритмом , Name-pl = Алгоритмами , name-pl = алгоритмами , case = p , Name-sg = Алгоритме , name-sg = алгоритме , Name-pl = Алгоритмах , name-pl = алгоритмах , type = listing , gender = m , case = n , Name-sg = Листинг , name-sg = листинг , Name-pl = Листинги , name-pl = листинги , case = a , Name-sg = Листинг , name-sg = листинг , Name-pl = Листинги , name-pl = листинги , case = g , Name-sg = Листинга , name-sg = листинга , Name-pl = Листингов , name-pl = листингов , case = d , Name-sg = Листингу , name-sg = листингу , Name-pl = Листингам , name-pl = листингам , case = i , Name-sg = Листингом , name-sg = листинглм , Name-pl = Листингами , name-pl = листингами , case = p , Name-sg = Листинге , name-sg = листинге , Name-pl = Листингах , name-pl = листингах , type = exercise , gender = n , case = n , Name-sg = Упражнение , name-sg = упражнение , Name-pl = Упражнения , name-pl = упражнения , Name-sg-ab = Упр. , name-sg-ab = упр. , Name-pl-ab = Упр. , name-pl-ab = упр. , case = a , Name-sg = Упражнение , name-sg = упражнение , Name-pl = Упражнения , name-pl = упражнения , Name-sg-ab = Упр. , name-sg-ab = упр. , Name-pl-ab = Упр. , name-pl-ab = упр. , case = g , Name-sg = Упражнения , name-sg = упражнения , Name-pl = Упражнений , name-pl = упражнений , Name-sg-ab = Упр. , name-sg-ab = упр. , Name-pl-ab = Упр. , name-pl-ab = упр. , case = d , Name-sg = Упражнению , name-sg = упражнению , Name-pl = Упражнениям , name-pl = упражнениям , Name-sg-ab = Упр. , name-sg-ab = упр. , Name-pl-ab = Упр. , name-pl-ab = упр. , case = i , Name-sg = Упражнением , name-sg = упражнением , Name-pl = Упражнениями , name-pl = упражнениями , Name-sg-ab = Упр. , name-sg-ab = упр. , Name-pl-ab = Упр. , name-pl-ab = упр. , case = p , Name-sg = Упражнении , name-sg = упражнении , Name-pl = Упражнениях , name-pl = упражнениях , Name-sg-ab = Упр. , name-sg-ab = упр. , Name-pl-ab = Упр. , name-pl-ab = упр. , type = solution , gender = n , case = n , Name-sg = Решение , name-sg = решение , Name-pl = Решения , name-pl = решения , case = a , Name-sg = Решение , name-sg = решение , Name-pl = Решения , name-pl = решения , case = g , Name-sg = Решения , name-sg = решения , Name-pl = Решений , name-pl = решений , case = d , Name-sg = Решению , name-sg = решению , Name-pl = Решениям , name-pl = решениям , case = i , Name-sg = Решением , name-sg = решением , Name-pl = Решениями , name-pl = решениями , case = p , Name-sg = Решении , name-sg = решении , Name-pl = Решениях , name-pl = решениях , % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % \PrintIndex % %