% \iffalse meta-comment % Copyright 2010,2011 Leonard Michlmayr % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Leonard Michlmayr % . % % This work consists of the file textgreek.dtx % and the derived files textgreek.sty and textgreek.pdf % \fi % \iffalse %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2009/09/24] %\ProvidesPackage{textgreek} % [2011/10/09 v0.7 Greek symbols in text] %<*driver> \documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{textgreek}[2011/09/24] \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{upgreek} \usepackage{amstext} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[numbered]{hypdoc} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{textgreek.dtx} \PrintChanges \makeatletter\c@IndexColumns = 2\makeatother \PrintIndex \end{document} % % \fi % % \iffalse\OnlyDescription\fi % \CheckSum{477} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \changes{v0.1}{2010/10/17}{Initial Version} % \changes{v0.7}{2011/10/09}{Split out the .ins file and fix the % argument of \cmd{\usedir}.} % % \GetFileInfo{textgreek.sty} % \DoNotIndex{\#,\$,\%,\&,\@,\\,\{,\},\^,\_,\~,\ } \DoNotIndex{\@ne} % \DoNotIndex{\advance,\begingroup,\catcode,\closein} % \DoNotIndex{\closeout,\day,\def,\edef,\else,\empty,\endgroup} % \DoNotIndex{\if,\fi,\iffalse,\iftrue} % \DoNotIndex{\edef,\csname,\endcsname,\expandafter,\gdef,\xdef} % \DoNotIndex{\ifcat,\ifmmode,\ifx,\mbox,\noexpand,\protect,\relax} % \DoNotIndex{\texorpdfstring} % \DoNotIndex{\bfseries,\centering,\@xiipt,\@xivpt,\@xpt,\@xviipt,\@xxvpt} % \DoNotIndex{\DeclareOption,\ExecuteOptions,\fontfamily,\fontsize} % \DoNotIndex{\footskip,\hbox,\headheight,\headsep,\hfil,\hfill} % \DoNotIndex{\hoffset,\hsize,\hspace,\kern,\MakeUppercase,\mdseries} % \DoNotIndex{\MessageBreak,\newcommand,\newpage,\space,\noindent} % \DoNotIndex{\oddsidemargin,\PackageError,\PackageWarning} % \DoNotIndex{\paperwidth,\paperheight,\par,\parbox,\parindent,\parsep} % \DoNotIndex{\ProcessOptions,\rmfamily,\selectfont,\setlength} % \DoNotIndex{\sfdefault,\sffamily,\space,\string,\textheight,\textwidth} % \DoNotIndex{\thinspace,\thispagestyle,\topmargin,\ttfamily,\upshape} % \DoNotIndex{\vbox,\vfil,\voffset,\vsize,\vskip} % \DoNotIndex{\ce,\char,\curr@fontshape,\DeclareFontEncoding} % \DoNotIndex{\DeclareRobustCommand,\temp,\tempa,\tempb,\tempc} % \DoNotIndex{\tempd,\tempe,\2,\3,\8} % \DoNotIndex{\fontseries,\providecommand,\renewcommand} % \DoNotIndex{\RequirePackage,\romannumeral,\usefont} % \DoNotIndex{\DeclareTextCommandDefault,\@@end} % % \title{The \textsf{\jobname} package\thanks{This document % corresponds to \textsf{textgreek}~\fileversion, dated~\filedate.}} % \author{Leonard Michlmayr \\ \texttt{leonard.michlmayr at gmail.com}} % \date{\filedate} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % The \LaTeX{} package \textsf{textgreek} provides NFSS text symbols % for Greek letters. This way the author can use Greek letters in % text without changing to math mode. The usual font selection % commands---e.g.\ |\textbf|---apply to these Greek letters as to % usual text and the font is upright in an upright % environment. Further, \textsf{hyperref} can use these symbols in % PDF-strings such as PDF-bookmarks. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % % The usual way to print Greek letters in \LaTeX{} uses the math % mode. E.g.\ |$\beta$| produces $\beta$. With the default math % fonts, the Greek letters produced this way are % \textit{italic}. Generally, this is ok, since they represent % variables and variables are typeset italic with the default math % font settings. In some circumstances, however, Greek letters don't % represent variables and should be typeset upright. E.g.\ in % ``\textbeta-decay'' or ``\textmugreek A''. % % The package \textsf{upgreek} provides commands to set upright Greek % letters in math mode, but it does not provide text symbols. You % could use them in text with |$\upbeta$-decay|, for example, % which gives $\upbeta$-decay, but the font will always be the % same and will not be adapted to the surrounding font. % % The package \textsf{textgreek} provides text commands for Greek % letters in text that adapt to the surrounding font. For example in % {\bf bold text, the command \verb|\textbeta| gives \textbeta{} while % \verb|$\upbeta$| gives $\upbeta$}. % % As textsymbols, Greek letters can also be used in unicode % PDF-strings, for example in PDF-bookmarks provided by the % \textsf{hyperref} package. See section \ref{hyperref}. % % \section{Usage} % The following list shows the commands provided by this package. You % can use these commands in any context. % \begin{multicols}{3} % \begin{tabbing} % |\straightepsilon|\quad\=\textOmega\quad\kill % |\textalpha|\>\textalpha\\ % |\textbeta|\>\textbeta\\ % |\textgamma|\>\textgamma\\ % |\textdelta|\>\textdelta\\ % |\textepsilon|\>\textepsilon\\ % |\textzeta|\>\textzeta\\ % |\texteta|\>\texteta\\ % |\texttheta|\>\texttheta\\ % |\textiota|\>\textiota\\ % |\textkappa|\>\textkappa\\ % |\textlambda|\>\textlambda\\ % |\textmu|\>\textmugreek\\ % |\textmugreek|\>\textmugreek\\ % |\textnu|\>\textnu\\ % |\textxi|\>\textxi\\ % |\textomikron|\>\textomikron\\ % |\textpi|\>\textpi\\ % |\textrho|\>\textrho\\ % |\textsigma|\>\textsigma\\ % |\texttau|\>\texttau\\ % |\textupsilon|\>\textupsilon\\ % |\textphi|\>\textphi\\ % |\textchi|\>\textchi\\ % |\textpsi|\>\textpsi\\ % |\textomega|\>\textomega\\ % |\textAlpha|\>\textAlpha\\ % |\textBeta|\>\textBeta\\ % |\textGamma|\>\textGamma\\ % |\textDelta|\>\textDelta\\ % |\textEpsilon|\>\textEpsilon\\ % |\textZeta|\>\textZeta\\ % |\textEta|\>\textEta\\ % |\textTheta|\>\textTheta\\ % |\textIota|\>\textIota\\ % |\textKappa|\>\textKappa\\ % |\textLambda|\>\textLambda\\ % |\textMu|\>\textMu\\ % |\textNu|\>\textNu\\ % |\textXi|\>\textXi\\ % |\textOmikron|\>\textOmikron\\ % |\textPi|\>\textPi\\ % |\textRho|\>\textRho\\ % |\textSigma|\>\textSigma\\ % |\textTau|\>\textTau\\ % |\textUpsilon|\>\textUpsilon\\ % |\textPhi|\>\textPhi\\ % |\textChi|\>\textChi\\ % |\textPsi|\>\textPsi\\ % |\textOmega|\>\textOmega\\ % \> \\ % |\textvarsigma|\>\textvarsigma\\ % |\straightphi|\>\straightphi\\ % |\scripttheta|\>\scripttheta\\ % |\straighttheta|\>\straighttheta\\ % |\straightepsilon|\>\straightepsilon\\ % \end{tabbing} % \end{multicols} % The \textsf{textcomp} package also defines % \cmd{\textmu}. \textsf{textgreek} will not replace a prior % definition of \cmd{\textmu} if recognized. Therefore it is often % better to use \cmd{\textmugreek} instead to avoid unexpected % results. % \subsection{Package Options} % You can choose the Greek fonts used. % \newcommand{\textsample}{\textalpha \textbeta \textgamma \textdelta % \textepsilon{} \textzeta\texteta\texttheta\textiota\textkappa{} % \textlambda\textmugreek\textnu\textxi\textomikron{} % \textpi\textrho\textsigma\texttau\textupsilon{} % \textphi\textchi\textpsi\textomega{} % \textAlpha\textBeta\textGamma\textDelta\textEpsilon{} % \textZeta\textEta\textTheta\textIota\textKappa{} % \textLambda\textMu\textNu\textXi\textOmikron{} % \textPi\textRho\textSigma\textTau\textUpsilon{} % \textPhi\textChi\textPsi\textOmega{} % \textvarsigma\straightphi\scripttheta\straighttheta\straightepsilon} % \begin{description} % \item[cbgreek] use the default fonts. This option is the % default. Font sample: {\usefont{LGR}{cmr}{m}{n} % \renewcommand*{\textgreekfontmap}{} \textsample{}} % \item[euler] use the Euler fonts as a companion for all fonts except % Helvetica. Font sample: { \usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n} \textsample } % \item[artemisia] use Artemisia fonts as a companion for all fonts % except Helvetica and Euler. Font sample: % {\renewcommand*{\textgreekfontmap}{} % \usefont{LGR}{artemisia}{m}{n} \textsample{}} % \end{description} % % \subsection{Advanced commands} % The package provides a number of options that allows to select a % font that will be used. The list of font substitutions is written to % the log file. \DescribeMacro{\textgreekfontmap} If you need to % customize the font substitutions, you can redefine % |\textgreekfontmap|. For example, the font map for the option % \textsf{euler} may also be set by: % \begin{verbatim} % \renewcommand*{\textgreekfontmap}{ % {phv/*/*}{U/psy/*/*} % {*/bx/n}{U/eur/b/n} % {*/b/n}{U/eur/b/n} % {*/*/n}{U/eur/m/n} % {*/*/it}{OML/*/*/*}} % \end{verbatim} % The list contains pairs of options: the font spec (without the % encoding) of the font to be replaced and the font spec (with % encoding) of the font to be used as companion. The wildcard * may be % used to match any family, series, or shape respectively. The first % match is effective. Fonts that do not matched at all will be % substituted with the same font-family, font-series, and font-shape % in the encoding LGR\@. Since the Euler font (eur) does not use the % encoding LGR, it has to be replaced by U/eur/m/n. % % \section{Examples} % % Most users will use this package to get upright Greek letters, but % you can use it for italic letters too: for example % |\textit{\textdelta}| \textit{\textdelta}. % % {\usefont{T1}{phv}{m}{n} When you are using Helvetica, the font % ``Symbol'' is used for Greek letters: \textsample} % % Remember that \TeX{} skips over whitespace directly following a % command. Add |{}| to get an interword space after a % command. E.g.\ \textsigma{} is genereted by |\textsigma{}|. % % \subsection{Use \textquotedblleft\textbeta-decay\textquotedblright {} % in a heading} % % The command used for the heading was % \begin{verbatim} % \subsection{Use \textquotedblleft\textbeta % -decay\textquotedblright {} in a heading} % \end{verbatim} % % \section{Compatibility}\label{hyperref} % % If you use the package \textsf{hyperref} I recommend to use the % option \textsf{unicode}, i.e.\ % |\usepackage[unicode]{hyperref}|. Hyperref will recognize the % textgreek letters and replace them with unicode in PDF-strings. % % You can use \textsf{upgreek} and \textsf{textgreek} in the same % document. If you want to use a textgreek letter inside a math % environment, you can place it into an |\mbox| or |\textnormal|, or % use |\text| from the package \textsf{amstext}, % e.g.\ |$\lambda||_{\text| |{\textbeta}}$|: $\lambda _{\text {\textbeta}}$. % % \section{Limitations} % % The variants \straighttheta, \straightphi, and \straightepsilon{} % are not included in the LGR font encoding and \straightepsilon{} is % not included in Symbol either. For the commands |\straighttheta|, % |\straightphi|, and |\straightepsilon| the missing symbols are % substituted from \texttt{OML/*/*/it} or Euler. % % You may need to customize |\textgreekfontmap| if you use other fonts % than Computer Modern and Latin Modern. % % The version number of this package is still below 1.0. Many details % may still change from version to version. % % \section{Copyright} % Copyright 2010,2011 Leonard Michlmayr % \smallskip % % \noindent This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. \smallskip % % \noindent This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'. \smallskip % % \noindent The Current Maintainer of this work is Leonard Michlmayr. \smallskip % % \noindent This work consists of the file textgreek.dtx % and the derived files textgreek.sty and textgreek.pdf % \StopEventually{} % \section{Implementation} % Load the LGR font encoding. % \begin{macrocode} \InputIfFileExists{lgrenc.def}{% \PackageInfo{textgreek}{Loading the definitions for the Greek font% encoding.}}{% \PackageError{textgreek}{Cannot find the file lgrenc.def}{% lgrenc.def is a file that contains the definitions for the Greek font encoding LGR. Maybe it comes with the babel package.}} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Package Options} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{cbgreek}{% \renewcommand*{\textgreekfontmap}{% {eur/*/*}{U/eur/*/*} {phv/*/*}{U/psy/*/*}}}% % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/04}{use wildcards in the fontmap.} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{euler}{% \renewcommand*{\textgreekfontmap}{% {phv/*/*}{U/psy/*/*} {*/bx/n}{U/eur/b/n} {*/b/n}{U/eur/b/n} {*/*/n}{U/eur/m/n} {*/*/it}{OML/*/*/*}}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{artemisia}{% \renewcommand*{\textgreekfontmap}{% {eur/*/*}{U/eur/*/*} {phv/*/*}{U/psy/*/*} {*/b/n}{LGR/artemisia/b/n} {*/bx/n}{LGR/artemisia/bx/n} {*/*/n}{LGR/artemisia/m/n} {*/b/it}{LGR/artemisia/b/it} {*/bx/it}{LGR/artemisia/bx/it} {*/*/it}{LGR/artemisia/m/it} {*/b/sl}{LGR/artemisia/b/sl} {*/bx/sl}{LGR/artemisia/bx/sl} {*/*/sl}{LGR/artemisia/m/sl} {*/*/sc}{LGR/artemisia/m/sc} {*/*/sco}{LGR/artemisia/m/sco}}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\textgreekfontmap} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/05}{The new font matching macros support % the wildcard *.} Initialize % |\textgreekfontmap|, set the default option and process the % options. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\textgreekfontmap}{}% \ExecuteOptions{cbgreek} \ProcessOptions\relax% \PackageInfo{textgreek}{Loaded fontmap: \textgreekfontmap.} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Font selection} % \begin{macro}{\textgreek@findfont} % Chose a companion font. \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/07}{Allow wildcards % in fontsspecs.} % \begin{macrocode} \def\textgreek@setfont#1/#2/#3/#4\relax{% \textgreek@ematch{#1}{*}{}{\fontencoding{#1}}% \textgreek@ematch{#2}{*}{}{\fontfamily{#2}}% \textgreek@ematch{#3}{*}{}{\fontseries{#3}}% \textgreek@ematch{#4}{*}{}{\fontshape{#4}}}% % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3}{2010/10/30}{Make font substitutions customizable.} % Process a list of font substitutions. % \begin{macrocode} \def\textgreek@eof{}% \def\textgreek@return#1#2\textgreek@eof{% \fi#1}% \def\textgreek@ematch#1#2#3#4{% \begingroup% \edef\tempa{#1}\edef\tempb{#2}\def\tempc{*}% \def\return##1##2\endgroup{\fi\endgroup##1}% \ifx\tempa\tempb\return{#3}\fi% \ifx\tempa\tempc\return{#3}\fi% \iftrue\return{#4}\fi% \endgroup}% \def\textgreek@matchfont#1/#2/#3\relax#4#5{% \textgreek@ematch{#1}{\f@family}{% \textgreek@ematch{#2}{\f@series}{% \textgreek@ematch{#3}{\f@shape}{#4}{#5}}% {#5}}% {#5}% }% \def\textgreek@findfont@#1#2#3\textgreek@eof{% \textgreek@matchfont#1\relax% {\textgreek@setfont#2\relax}% {\textgreek@findfont#3\textgreek@eof}}% \def\textgreek@findfont#1\textgreek@eof{% \begingroup% \def\temp{#1}% \def\return##1##2\endgroup{\fi\endgroup##1}% \ifx\temp\textgreek@eof\else% \return{\textgreek@findfont@#1\textgreek@eof}% \fi\endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\textgreekfont} % Select the Greek font encoding and apply font replacements. % \changes{v0.2}{2010/10/20}{apply font replacements before % \textbackslash selectfont} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\textgreekfont}{% \fontencoding{LGR}% \edef\textgreek@fontmap{\textgreekfontmap}% \expandafter\textgreek@findfont\textgreek@fontmap\textgreek@eof% \selectfont% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \changes{v0.6}{2011/09/24}{remove obsolote conversion tables % \cs{lgrtoeuler} and \cs{lgrtosymbol}} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/08}{Change the default variant for theta to % \straighttheta} \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/04}{Recognize that the % font-encoding of Symbol differs from LGR in some points} % \begin{macro}{\TextGreek} % Produce a Greek letter using the correct font. If the font is % Euler or Symbol, convert to the appropriate font encoding. % \changes{v0.4}{2011/03/30}{Avoid the ligature that changes sigma % to a word-final sigma with the help of \texttt{\textbackslash % noboundary}} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\TextGreek}[1]{% \begingroup% \textgreekfont% \edef\tempa{\f@family}% \let\tempd\f@encoding% \def\tempb{eur}\def\tempc{psy}% \def\tempe{OML}% \ifx\tempd\tempe\textgreek@return{\lgrtoeuler#1}\fi% \ifx\tempa\tempb\textgreek@return{\lgrtoeuler#1}\fi% \ifx\tempa\tempc\textgreek@return{\lgrtosymbol#1}\fi% #1% \textgreek@eof% \endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\TextGreek@Select} % The macro |\TextGreek@Select|\marg{LGR}\marg{OML}\marg{symbol} % will produce a Greek letter using the font set by |\textgreekfont| % and selcting the character from the three arguments corresponding % to the font encoding. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\TextGreek@Select}[3]{% \begingroup% \textgreekfont% \edef\tempa{\f@family}% \let\tempd\f@encoding% \def\tempb{eur}\def\tempc{psy}% \def\tempe{OML}% \ifx\tempd\tempe\textgreek@return{#2}\fi% \ifx\tempa\tempb\textgreek@return{#2}\fi% \ifx\tempa\tempc\textgreek@return{#3}\fi% #1% \textgreek@eof% \endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Greek letter definitions} % \subsubsection{Utility macro} % \begin{macro}{\DeclareTextGreekSymbol} % \cmd{\DeclareTextGreekSymbol}\marg{letter}\marg{LGR}\oarg{OML}\oarg{U}\hskip % 0pt plus 20pt will define |\text|\textit{letter} using the % character code \textlangle\textit{LGR\/}\textrangle{} for % LGR-encoded fonts, \textlangle\textit{OML\/}\textrangle{} for math % fonts including Euler, and \textlangle\textit{U\/}\textrangle{} % for the Symbol font. If \textlangle\textit{OML\/}\textrangle{} is % not provided, an LGR font will be used instead, if % \textlangle\textit{U\/}\textrangle{} is missing % \textlangle\textit{LGR\/}\textrangle{} will be used % instead. \changes{v0.6}{2011/09/24}{In order to improve % performance, do not run through the conversion tables % (e.g.\ \texttt{\textbackslash lgrtoeuler}) but save all the % encodings for each letter in the macro itself.} % \begin{macrocode} \def\DeclareTextGreekSymbol#1#2{% \@ifnextchar[% {\DeclareTextGreekSymbol@{#1}{#2}}% {\@DeclareTextGreekSymbol{#1}{#2}% {\fontencoding{LGR}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont#2}{#2}}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@DeclareTextGreekSymbol#1#2#3#4{% \expandafter\DeclareTextCommandDefault\csname text#1\endcsname% {\TextGreek@Select{#2}{#3}{#4}}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\DeclareTextGreekSymbol@#1#2[#3]{% \ifx\textgreek@eof#3\textgreek@return{% \DeclareTextGreekSymbol@@{#1}{#2}% {\fontencoding{LGR}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont#2}}% \else\textgreek@return{% \DeclareTextGreekSymbol@@{#1}{#2}{#3}}\fi% \textgreek@eof}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\DeclareTextGreekSymbol@@#1#2#3{% \@ifnextchar[% {\DeclareTextGreekSymbol@@@{#1}{#2}{#3}}% {\@DeclareTextGreekSymbol{#1}{#2}{#3}{#2}}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\DeclareTextGreekSymbol@@@#1#2#3[#4]{% \ifx\textgreek@eof#4\textgreek@return{% \@DeclareTextGreekSymbol{#1}{#2}{#3}{#2}}% \else\textgreek@return{% \@DeclareTextGreekSymbol{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}\fi% \textgreek@eof}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsubsection{List of Greek letters} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{alpha}{a}[\char11] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{beta}{b}[\char12] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{gamma}{g}[\char13] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{delta}{d}[\char14] % \end{macrocode} % Euler provides two variants of epsilon: % {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\char15} and % {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\char34}. Use {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\char34} % with \cmd{\textepsilon}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{epsilon}{e}[\char34] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{zeta}{z}[\char16] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{eta}{h}[\char17] % \end{macrocode} % Euler provides two variants of theta: % {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\char18} and % {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\char35}. Use % {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\texttheta} for \cmd{\texttheta}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{theta}{j}[\char18][q] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{iota}{i}[\char19] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{kappa}{k}[\char20] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{lambda}{l}[\char21] % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\textmu} % \changes{v0.4}{2010/11/07}{Don't override \textsf{textcomp}'s % \texttt{\textbackslash textmu}} \changes{v0.4}{2010/11/07}{Don't % provide \texttt{\textbackslash textmicro} anymore.} % \begin{macro}{\textmugreek} % I don't redefine |\textmu| if it is already provided by another % package. Use |\textmugreek| if you mean the Greek letter rather % than the micro symbol of the \textsf{textcomp} package. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname?\string\textmu\endcsname\relax% \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{mu}{m}[\char22] \fi \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{mugreek}{m}[\char22] % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{nu}{n}[\char23] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{xi}{x}[\char24] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{omikron}{o} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{pi}{p}[\char25] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{rho}{r}[\char26] % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/07}{\texttt{\textbackslash noboundary} is % needed only for sigma} Since the word-end sigma \textvarsigma{} is % implemented as a ligature in LGR encoded fonts, we have to add % \cmd{\noboundary} to get a \textsigma. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{sigma}{s\noboundary}[\char27][s] % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\textvarsigma} Provide \textvarsigma{} as \cmd{\textvarsigma}. % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/04}{New symbol \textvarsigma.} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{varsigma}{c}[][V] % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{tau}{t}[\char28] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{upsilon}{u}[\char29] % \end{macrocode} % Euler provides two variants of phi: {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\char30} % and {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\char39}. Use % {\usefont{U}{eur}{m}{n}\char39} for \cmd{\textphi}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{phi}{f}[\char39][j] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{chi}{q}[\char31][c] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{psi}{y}[\char32] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{omega}{w}[\char33] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Alpha}{A} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Beta}{B} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Gamma}{G}[\char0] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Delta}{D}[\char1] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Epsilon}{E} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Zeta}{Z} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Eta}{H} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Theta}{J}[\char2][Q] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Iota}{I} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Kappa}{K} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Lambda}{L}[\char3] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Mu}{M} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Nu}{N} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Xi}{X}[\char4] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Omikron}{O} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Pi}{P}[\char5] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Rho}{R} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Sigma}{S}[\char6] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Tau}{T} \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Upsilon}{U}[\char7] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Phi}{F}[\char8] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Chi}{Q}[][C] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Psi}{Y}[\char9] \DeclareTextGreekSymbol{Omega}{W}[\char10] % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Variants} % \begin{macro}{\straightphi} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/03}{New symbol \straightphi} The phi symbol % \straightphi{} is a variant of phi \textphi. Sometimes this variant % is used specifically, e.g.\ in quantum field theory. The Unicode % code point is \texttt{U+03D5}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCommand{\straightphi}{PU}% {\83\325} % U+03D5 GREEK PHI SYMBOL % \end{macrocode} % The Greek fonts aim at Greek text. Therefore the phi symbol is not % included. I use the math symbol for italic fonts and euler else. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\straightphi}{% \begingroup\textgreekfont% \edef\tempa{\f@family}% \edef\tempb{\f@shape}% \def\tempc{eur}\def\tempd{psy}% \def\tempe{it}% \ifx\tempa\tempc\textgreek@return{\char30}\fi% \ifx\tempa\tempd\textgreek@return{f}\fi% \ifx\tempb\tempe\textgreek@return{% \fontencoding{OML}\selectfont\char30}\fi% \textgreek@ematch{\f@series}{bx}{\fontseries{b}}{}% \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{eur}\selectfont\char30% \textgreek@eof% \endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\scripttheta} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/06}{New symbol \scripttheta} The theta % symbol \scripttheta{} is a variant of theta \texttheta. The Unicode % code point is \texttt{U+03D1}. It is available as |\scripttheta|. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCommand{\scripttheta}{PU}% {\83\321}% U+03D1 GREEK THETA SYMBOL % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\scripttheta}{% \TextGreek@Select{j}{\char35}{J}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\straighttheta} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/06}{New symbol \straighttheta} The theta % \straighttheta{} is presumably the common variant of theta % \texttheta. The cbgreek fonts and artemisia use the script % variant. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCommand{\straighttheta}{PU}% {\83\270} % U+03B8 GREEK THETA SYMBOL % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\straighttheta}{% \begingroup\textgreekfont% \edef\tempa{\f@family}% \edef\tempb{\f@shape}% \def\tempc{eur}\def\tempd{psy}% \def\tempe{it}% \ifx\tempa\tempc\textgreek@return{\char18}\fi% \ifx\tempa\tempd\textgreek@return{q}\fi% \ifx\tempb\tempe\textgreek@return{% \fontencoding{OML}\selectfont\char18}\fi% \textgreek@ematch{\f@series}{bx}{\fontseries{b}}{}% \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{eur}\selectfont\char18% \textgreek@eof% \endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\straightepsilon} % \changes{v0.5}{2011/04/06}{New symbol \straightepsilon} The epsilon % \straightepsilon{} is a variant of epsilon % \textepsilon. % \begin{macrocode} %% U+03F5 GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL \DeclareTextCommand{\straightepsilon}{PU}{\83\365}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\straightepsilon}{% \begingroup\textgreekfont% \edef\tempa{\f@family}% \edef\tempb{\f@shape}% \def\tempc{eur}\def\tempd{psy}% \def\tempe{it}% \ifx\tempa\tempc\textgreek@return{\char15}\fi% \ifx\tempa\tempd\textgreek@return{% \fontfamily{eur}\fontseries{b}\selectfont\char15}\fi% \ifx\tempb\tempe\textgreek@return{% \fontencoding{OML}\selectfont\char15}\fi% \textgreek@ematch{\f@series}{bx}{\fontseries{b}}{}% \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{eur}\selectfont\char15% \textgreek@eof% \endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \Finale \endinput