%% FIGSIZE %% Package to dynamically size figures relative to the page %% size. %% %% USER COMMANDS %% \usepackage{figsize} %% If option distort is present then the included images will %% be allowed to have different x & y scaling. Otherwise %% the aspect ratio will be kept. %% %% \SetFigLayout[extra lines of space to add]{rows}{cols} %% To set the sizes of graphics relative to the page size in a %% cell of a matrix with rows and cols specified. Optional %% integers can be specified to increase the space allowed for %% captions. If a value of 8 is placed, then 8 extra lines of %% caption text will be allowed for. %% %% \includegraphics{file} %% To include the graphics with the current most size settings. %% %% %% Anthony Tanbakuchi %% Mar.18.2002 %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{figsize}[2002/03/18 v0.1 FigSize sizes graphics for graphicx package] \RequirePackage{calc}[1998/07/07] %\RequirePackage[tight]{subfigure}[2002/01/01] \RequirePackage{subfigure} \RequirePackage{graphicx}[1999/01/01] \RequirePackage{ifthen}[1994/06/01] %The new includegraphics command to automatically size figure \let\Oldincludegraphics\includegraphics \renewcommand{\includegraphics}[2][width=\figwidth, totalheight=\figheight, keepaspectratio]{\Oldincludegraphics[#1]{#2}} \newlength{\figwidth} \newlength{\figheight} \newcommand{\SetFigLayout}[3][0]{\setlength{\figheight}{\textheight}% %\addtolength{\figheight}{-0.1\textheight}% 10% for the bottom caption %\addtolength{\figheight}{-1.4cm}% for caption text 1 line \addtolength{\figheight}{-\baselineskip-\parskip}% for caption text 1 line \addtolength{\figheight}{-\abovecaptionskip}% \addtolength{\figheight}{-\belowcaptionskip}% \setlength{\figheight}{\figheight / #2}% \addtolength{\figheight}{(-\baselineskip-\parskip) * (#2-1)}% for subcaption 1 line \addtolength{\figheight}{-\baselineskip * #1}% %For additional optional spacing % \setlength{\figwidth}{\textwidth}% \ifthenelse{#3 > 1}{\addtolength{\figwidth}{-0.05\textwidth}}{}% 5% space if multiple cols \setlength{\figwidth}{\figwidth / #3}% } \endinput