### Makefile --- Makefile for CurVe examples ## Copyright (C) 2010 Didier Verna ## Author: Didier Verna ## Maintainer: Didier Verna ## Created: Mon Dec 6 11:13:27 2010 ## Last Revision: Mon Dec 6 11:25:22 2010 ## This file is part of CurVe. ## CurVe may be distributed and/or modified under the ## conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.1 ## of this license or (at your option) any later version. ## The latest version of this license is in ## http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ## and version 1.1 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX ## version 1999/06/01 or later. ## CurVe consists of the files listed in the file `README'. ### Commentary: ## Contents management by FCM version 0.1. ### Code: TEXI2DVI := texi2dvi BIB_EXAMPLES = bib splitbib EXAMPLES := raw $(BIB_EXAMPLES) PDF_BIB_EXAMPLES = $(BIB_EXAMPLES:%=%.pdf) DVI_BIB_EXAMPLES = $(BIB_EXAMPLES:%=%.dvi) ALL_BIB_EXAMPLES = $(PDF_BIB_EXAMPLES) $(DVI_BIB_EXAMPLES) PDF_EXAMPLES = $(EXAMPLES:%=%.pdf) DVI_EXAMPLES = $(EXAMPLES:%=%.dvi) ALL_EXAMPLES = $(PDF_EXAMPLES) $(DVI_EXAMPLES) all: @echo "Please use either the pdf or the dvi target." pdf: $(PDF_EXAMPLES) dvi: $(DVI_EXAMPLES) $(ALL_BIB_EXAMPLES): bib.bib $(ALL_EXAMPLES): rubric.tex %.pdf: %.tex $(TEXI2DVI) -p $< %.dvi: %.tex $(TEXI2DVI) $< clean: -rm *~ *.aux *.lo* *.bbl *.blg *.sbb *.out distclean: clean -rm $(ALL_EXAMPLES) .PHONY: all pdf dvi clean distclean ### Makefile ends here