#!/usr/bin/env texlua --[[ mol2chemfig.lua by Michael Palmer, University of Waterloo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Generation of chemfig code from molecular structures specified in molfile or smiles format Licence: LaTeX public licence ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script acts as a thin client; it passes off all work to a server installation of the mol2chemfig program. Therefore, you need to be online for this program to work. The "kpse.set_program_name('luatex')" call causes the use of kpathsea to locate imported modules. The mol2chemfig-client.lua module should then be found if installed along the LUAINPUTS path that is set in your texmf.cnf configuration file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- send bug reports and lots of money to mpalmer@uwaterloo.ca ]]-- server_address = "http://chimpsky.uwaterloo.ca/mol2chemfig/luabackend" kpse.set_program_name('luatex') require('mol2chemfig_client_1_2.lua')