texx2.4 is available for anonymous FTP from
	a.cs.uiuc.edu: pub/TeX/texx2.4.tar.Z
	expo.lcs.mit.edu: contrib/texx2.4.tar.Z

texx2, currently at revision 4, is a second generation TeX previewer for
X11 windowing systems. Unlike texx or xdvi, texx2 uses X11 fonts to display
TeX output. A companion program, `mftobdf', is used to convert TeX fonts
(i.e., PXL/GF/PK) fonts to the the formats required for X11.

Consequentially, texx2 is significantly faster than the first release of
texx or the venerable xdvi. Page display occurs at roughly the same speed
of displays in `xman'. It's really even faster than texsun.

Features include:
	+ Multiple pages displays at once, each in their own toplevel window.

	+ Pages can be `tied' together, such that hitting `foreward'
	  in one page causes the second page to go forward

	+ Ability to goto any page (using page numbers stored in \count0)

	+ Different mag levels can be set for different page displays

	+ Can use any existing fonts (for example, I use 300 dpi fonts,
	  and view the document at mags of 500 and 333 -- this gives
	  good detail & overall views)

	+ horiztoial and vertical scroll bars if needed

	+ can mark individual pages for printing

	+ can print entire document and/or marked pages

	+ the main window is designed to be leftup between viewing
	  sessions -- no need to restart the tool each time.

	+ handles tpic specials, out-lines bounding box of psfig

	+ Known to work on X servers for Sun 3/60, IBM PC/RT, Vaxstation 3100.
	  Known to run as client on Sun 3/60, IBM PC/RT, Encore Multimax
	  (our vaxstation version of X11 doesn't have all patches applied,
	   so something causes it to die there)

	+ It's free.

	+ You need to generate the X11 fonts. While this is simple, it's
	  takes me about 600K to store the fonts we use on a daily basis.
	  However, you *can* compress them, although that slows down
	  page display startup.

	+ Can easily expand your server memory size by 450K, because of all
	  the fonts.

	+ There is no warrenty, precious little documentation,
	  and I'm not going to be able to answer mail about it
	  because I'm interviewing and trying to finish my thesis.
	  However, if you've ever installed texsun or texx, texx2
	  should be a snap.
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