%/u/sy/beebe/tex/talks/special/special.sty, Sun Nov 11 12:31:33 1990 %Edit by Nelson H.F. Beebe %% @texfile{ %% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", %% version = "1.00", %% date = "12 Nov 1990", %% filename = "special.sty", %% address = "Center for Scientific Computing %% Department of Mathematics %% South Physics Building %% University of Utah %% Salt Lake City, UT 84112 %% USA %% Tel: (801) 581-5254", %% checksum = "65 302 2684", %% email = "beebe@science.utah.edu (Internet)", %% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %% keywords = "", %% supported = "yes", %% docstring = "This LaTeX style file is for special.ltx. %% %% The checksum field above contains the %% standard UNIX wc (word count) utility %% output of lines, words, and characters; %% eventually, a better checksum scheme should %% be developed." %% } \newcommand{\makeunderscorenormal}{\catcode`\_=8} \newcommand{\makeunderscoreletter}{\catcode`\_=11} \newcommand{\CODE}[1]{{\tt{}#1}} \newcommand{\CTL}[1]{{\tt{}Ctl-#1}} \newcommand{\DVI}{{\tt dvi}} \newcommand{\FN}[1]{{\tt #1}} \newcommand{\OPTION}[1]{{\tt{}-#1}} % for option switches \newcommand{\POSTSCRIPT}{Post\-Script} \makeunderscoreletter %need them as chars here % The standard LaTeX definition of \sloppy sets \tolerance to 10000. % This gives spacing that is too stretchable, with the result that % wide white spaces appear in order to give right- justified output. % We reset the tolerance to a more reasonable value. We also allow a % little \emergencystretch (a TeX 3.0 feature) to allow individual % lines to be slightly longer; if that name is unknown, the code % avoids its use, so as to work with earlier versions of TeX. % TeXbook, p. 308: \def\ifundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax} % Original version from latex.tex: % \def\sloppy{\tolerance 10000 \hfuzz .5\p@ \vfuzz .5\p@} \renewcommand{\sloppy}{ % \emergencystretch is a new feature of TeX 3.0; use it only if known \ifundefined{emergencystretch} \relax \else \emergencystretch=3pt \fi \tolerance=4000 % graph.ltx needs no more looseness than this \hbadness=10000 % no underfull messages -- we expect them } \overfullrule=3pt % to catch problems in the output.