TeX for 386/486/586 PC's with Microsoft Windows

The following files are available by anonymous ftp from

 * emtex.zip is a PKZIP file of emTeX, a public domain version of TeX
	for 386 or higher PC's running DOS and Microsoft Windows.  It has
	been slightly modified for BNL:

		texsis.bat has been added to run TeXsis;
		pprint.bat has been added to print on an HP Laserjet.
		texfonts\4allmine.fli has been added.

 * notgnu.zip is a PKZIP file of notGNU Emacs, a version of Emacs for
	Microsoft Windows.

 * texsis.zip is a PKZIP file of TeXsis 2.16 with the BNL site file and
	a .fmt file for emTeX.

All of these files can be freely distributed.

Installation instructions:

 (1) Create a directory C:\emtex and place emtex.zip in it.  Unpack
     it with the command

	pkunzip -d emtex.zip

     If you change this or other directory names, you will have to
     modify several .bat files.

 (2) Create a directory c:\notgnu and place notgnu.zip in it.  Unpack
     it with the command

	pkunzip -d notgnu.zip

 (3) Create a directory c:\texsis and place texsis.zip in it.  Unpack
     it with the command

	pkunzip -d texsis.zip

 (4) Edit your config.sys file and add or modify the shell command to
     allocate at least 2048 bytes of environment space:

	shell=c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /p /e:2048

 (5) Edit your autoexec.bat file and add the following lines to
     initialize TeX:

	call c:\emtex\set_tex
	set texinput=c:\texsis;%texinput%

     These commands must be executed before Windows is started.
     set_tex adds c:\emtex to your path.

 (6) Using the Windows Program Manager, add C:\emtex\dviwin and
     C:\notgnu\wnot to an existing or new program group.

 (7) Reboot and restart Windows.

 (8) Optionally, run TeXsis on the manual to see that everything is

	cd \texsis
	texsis manual

 (9) Start dviwin by clicking on its icon.  In C:\texsis, try to open
     manual.dvi.  No fonts will be visible.  Under the Options menu,
     set the font directory to be C:\emtex\texfonts, and under the
     Resolution menu, set the resolution to be 300dpi.  The manual
     should then be readable.  Under the File menu, exit to save these