cweb-sty/History				30 Nov 95  -*- Indented-Text -*-

PL1		30 Nov 95

	Make it usable with LaTeX <1994/12/01>.

Version 1.1	20 Nov 95

	Section numbers are properly reset when a higher-level section begins.

	Support for German, French, and Italian CWEB documents.

	Experimental version of cwebparts package, to input CWEB
	programs in LaTeX documents. (No user documentation yet.)

	Chunk numbers in margin are more often aligned to the first
	program line. Chunk marker (paragraph sign) doesn't have a
	depth any more.

	Index doesn't produce an error with base classes report and
	book any more.

Version 1.0	29 Aug 95

	Updated to LaTeX2e, this is now a document class.
	User configuration via cweb.cfg and keyword-value class options,
	the base class of this document class may be configured.
	Improved user manual, added more concept explanations.

	Realized hierarchic document structure.
	Flat document structure is an option now.

	Suppression of change hints, unchanged sections, identifier
	index, and reference list is supported.

	Moved Counter cwebSecNoEject to protected interface.
	Chunk numbers of CWEAVE are used instead of self-computed ones.
	Different document base sizes than 10pt may be used.

Version 0.4	10 Aug 93

	Added cwebarray.sty to the official release.
	Added cwebzw.sty as contributed option.

	Left shift operator (`<<') is now defined correctly.
	CWEB macro and program part in one section works now.
	Typed numbers now produce a subscript, as in the plain version.

	Cross references to section numbers do not output a period
	after the section number any more.

	Updated user documentation.

	Start new page on main section only if @*2 or higher (configurable).

Version 0.3	17 Jun 93

	CWEB 3.0 was released yesterday. Mentioned that in the doc.

Version 0.2	15 Jun 93

	cweb is now a style, not an option.

	CWEAVE markup has changed in April '93. Documents and
	implements the new and changed tags.
	    In particular, supports the group level construct of
	starred sections, i.e., `@**', `@*1', etc.

	Handles  @( foo @>  constructs.

	The detection of `@.' entries is more robust now.

	Works with LaTeX versions prior to 1992, too.

	Allows an optional \con at the file end (was mandatory before).
	    Typesets identifier index or refinement list only when
	they exist.

	Improved the documentation, both internal and user.

Version 0.1	09 Apr 93

	First release, experimental alpha
	still an option, not a style