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  inherit          = {english},
    zugl = {{}{}},%no english term for this !!!
  tzugl = {{}{}},%no english term for this !!!
  reviewof={{[Review\addspace of]}{[Review\addspace of]}},
 catalog = {{Catalog}{Cat\adddot}},
   habil = {{habilitation\addspace treatise}{habilitation\addspace treatise}},
  exhibcatalog =  {{Exhibition\addspace catalog}{Exhib\adddotspace cat\adddot}},
  until = {{until}{until}},
  fromamerican     ={{from\addspace American} {from\addspace American}},
  frombrazilian    = {{from\addspace Brazilian}{from\addspace Brazilian}},
  fromcroatian     = {{from\addspace Croatian}{from\addspace Croatian}},
  fromdanish       = {{from\addspace Danish}{from\addspace Danish}},
  fromdutch        = {{from\addspace Dutch}{from\addspace Dutch}},
  fromenglish      = {{from\addspace English}{from\addspace English}},
  fromfinnish      = {{from\addspace Finnish}{from\addspace Finnish}},
  fromfrench       = { {from\addspace French}{from\addspace French}},
  fromgerman       ={{from\addspace German} {from\addspace German}},
  fromgreek        = {{from\addspace Greek}{from\addspace Greek}},
  fromitalian      = {{from\addspace Italian}{from\addspace Italian}},
  fromlatin        = {{from\addspace Latin}{from\addspace Latin}},
  fromnorwegian    = {{from\addspace Norwegian}{from\addspace Norwegian}},
  fromportuguese   = {{from\addspace Portuguese}{from\addspace Portuguese}},
  fromrussian      = {{from\addspace Russian}{from\addspace Russian}},
  fromspanish      = {{from\addspace Spanish}{from\addspace Spanish}},
  fromswedish      = {{from\addspace Swedish}{from\addspace Swedish}},