.TH LATEXMINTED 1 .SH NAME latexminted \- Python executable for the LaTeX minted package .SH DESCRIPTION The LaTeX .B minted package typesets code with syntax highlighting using the Pygments library (https://pygments.org/). .B latexminted receives code and settings from the .B minted package, performs syntax highlighting and code formatting, and then passes the highlighted code back to LaTeX for typesetting. .PP .B latexminted is designed to be launched from within LaTeX via \\ShellEscape by the .B minted package. It is not intended for direct usage. .PP See the .B minted documentation for installation and configuration details (https://ctan.org/pkg/minted). .SH "SEE ALSO" latex(1) .SH AUTHOR Geoffrey M. Poore .PP Repository: https://github.com/gpoore/minted .br CTAN: https://ctan.org/pkg/minted .br PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/latexminted