% historian.bbx, v0.4, 2010/08/22
% A bibliography style for use with biblatex
% Developed and maintained by Sander Gliboff, 
% based on guidelines from the Turabian Manual for Writers, 7th ed.

\ProvidesFile{historian.bbx}[2010/08/22 v0.4 historian bibliography style]

	{Outdated 'biblatex' package
	The 'historian' style requires biblatex v0.9b or later.\MessageBreak
	 You are using: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'.\MessageBreak
	 This is a fatal error.}%


%This style is based on verbose-inote.bbx and authortitle.bbx, from which the following macros are taken (with small modifications):

%\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{pagetracker}%options all in cbx file









%\renewbibmacro*{author}{% Redefined extensively below
%  \ifthenelse{\ifuseauthor\AND\NOT\ifnameundef{author}}
%    {\ifthenelse{\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\bbx@lasthash}\AND
%                 \NOT\iffirstonpage\AND
%		 		\(\NOT\boolean{bbx@inset}\OR
%		   \iffieldequalstr{entrysetcount}{1}\)}
%       {\bibnamedash\setunit{\addcomma\addspace}}%Changed from authortitle to insert comma after namedash
%       {\printnames{author}%
%	\setunit{\addcomma\space}%
%        \usebibmacro{bbx:savehash}}%
%     \usebibmacro{authorstrg}}
%    {\global\undef\bbx@lasthash}}

       {\bibnamedash\setunit{\addcomma\addspace}}%Changed from authortitle to insert comma after namedash

       {\bibnamedash\setunit{\addcomma\addspace}}%Changed from authortitle to insert comma after namedash

%%%%% TOGGLES AND VARIABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%Flag set in .cbx file when there appears to be a page range in the postnote
%(used for suppressing the pages field of articles in the footnotes)

%Set in the .cbx file by the footciteurllast and citerurllast commands

%used when crossreferencing from customd:

%used for flagging repeating author names in bibliography

%Used for flagging when volume numbers or maintitles have alread been printed

%Used for flagging books that are reprint editions or translations, with original publication data

%Used for flagging crossreferences from customd or letter

%Flags set by package and entry options

%Flag set in list-of-shorthands environment

%Flags used for annotated bibliographies---copied from reading.bbx (new in v. 0.2)

%%%%%% PACKAGE AND ENTRY OPTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Define url/doi/eprint options from standard.bbx as EntryOptions as well as BibliographyOptions (New in v.0.3.)

% Historian-specific options---see the cbx-file for the citepages options



		{%then valid bibliography option
		{%else not a valid option; don't do reprints at all
		{%then valid entry option
		{%else not a valid option; don't do reprints at all
%Option declarations for annotated bibliographies (new in v. 0.2)



%For cross-referencing to collection (or book) in bibliography
			{%Then book/collection date are to be abbreviated
			{%Else Print book/collection data in full

%For cross-referencing to periodical in bibliography

%For cross-referencing to reference in bibliography.
%Normally, reference works won't be included in the bibliography, but just in case
%Treated same as xrefs to collections and books

%For cross-referencing to customa in bibliography

%Certain entrytypes and subtypes need to be omitted or listed separately from the main bibliography. Set up categories for them

% Unit punctuation is comma, block punctuation period

%Colons before page numbers and between titles and subtitles

%...But no colon if title ends in a question mark or exclamation point
\DefineBibliographyExtras{american}{\DeclarePunctuationPairs{colon}{*}}%Should allow colon only after abbreviation dot---doesn't seem to work

%%Put commas, etc. inside quotes
\uspunctuation %This makes sure American-style quote punctuation is enabled

%	Title formatting
% (Titles should have been entered in headline case)




%Improvised use of booktitle in non-book media
\DeclareFieldFormat{shorthand}{\normalcolor #1\isdot}
%Automatic formatting of fields that need to be capitalized in bibliography, when newunitpunct is period, but not in footnotes


% Get rid of default page prefix strings ``p.'' or ``pp.'' in pages field and postnote

%Change prefix for parts of book volumes
	{\addcomma\addspace bk\adddot\addspace #1}%
		{\addcomma\addspace bks\adddot\addspace #1}%
		{\addcomma\addspace #1}}}%

%Automatic bibstring substitutions:

%Field formats for annotated bibliographies (new in v. 0.2)
%(Annotations are printed by a redefined finentry macro)

%First need an indented environment and field formats for the texts (new in v. 0.2)

%	\begin{indentannote}
%		%\bibstring[]{annotation}\textbf{:}%
%		#1
%	\end{indentannote}}%

		{%then in footnotes, firstname first
			}%end citations
		{%else bibliography or maybe list of shorthands
				{%then list of shorthands: firstname first here, too 
					}%end los
				{%else bibliography
						{%then lastname first for first author/editor
						{%else firstname first for remaining authors/editors
					}%end bib

		{%then in footnotes, firstname first
			}%end citations
		{%else bibliography or maybe list of shorthands
				{%then list of shorthands: firstname first here, too 
					}%end los
				{%else bibliography
						{%then lastname first for first author/editor
						{%else firstname first for remaining authors/editors
					}%end bib

		{%then in footnotes, firstname first
			}%end citations
		{%else bibliography or maybe list of shorthands
				{%then list of shorthands: firstname first here, too 
					}%end los
				{%else bibliography
						{%then lastname first for first author/editor
						{%else firstname first for remaining authors/editors
					}%end bib
%%%%%% BIB-STRINGS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%\NewBibliographyString{as	}

	bycorporate		        = {by the},
	bytranslator     		= {trans.\isdot},
	bytranslatorbib     	= {translated by},
	translatedas     		= {trans.\isdot as},
	translatedasbib     	= {translated as},
%	as						= {as},
	forthcoming				= {forthcoming},
	incapitalized			= {In},
  	introto     			= {to},
	letterto     			= {to},
	excerptfrom     		= {from},
	volumeof    			= {of},
	byline      			= {by},
	online       			= {},%{available online from},
	postedonline         	= {posted},
	nodate					= {n.\isdot d.\isdot},
	noplace					= {n.\isdot p.\isdot},
	nopublisher				= {n.\isdot p.\isdot},
	origedition				= {orig. ed.\isdot}, 
	origeditiontitled		= {orig. ed.\isdot},
	origeditionbib			= {original edition},
	origeditiontitledbib	= {original edition},
	translatedfromtitle		= {originally},
	translatedfromtitlebib	= {originally published as},
	pseudonym				= {pseud.\isdot},
	numbers					= {nos\adddot},
	namedash				= {---------}

%%%% CONSTANTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%Define comparison strings for entrysubtypes, authortypes, etc.


%                                          %
%           BIBLIOGRAPHY DRIVERS           %
%                                          %

%%%%%%      ARTICLE      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

	{%Special case of journal as author: italicize author and suppress journal title
	{\printfield{type}%Needed here for certain government documents
	{%Assume any editors go with the article, not the issue
				{\relax}% No article title--don't print the editors here after all
	{%Else editors come after the ``in,'' and go with issue title
	%Save all the location and subtype info for after the x-ref
%Check for x-ref to periodical record
	{%then no xref
	{%else x-ref to the parent entry; the citecommands will pass parent data to the journal+issuetitle macro
		\printtext{\unspace}%Just to force the unit punctutation before the xref
			{%then footnote routine in cbx file
			{%else bibliography routine here in bbx
	}%endifundef xref
	{\relax}%Postnote will be printed instead of full page range
}%End of article driver

%%%%%%      ARTWORK	     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%      AUDIO      %%%%%%
}%end of audio driver

%%%%%%      BOOK      %%%%%%

%Sort out entrysubtypes
		{%else default book routine
				{%then reverse order: orig-fields go first
			%Author Block-----------------------------------------------
			%First-Level Title Block (for book or volume)--------------
			%Editors and/or Translator Blocks--------------------------
%			\usebibmacro{byauthor}% Is this ever needed?
%			\newunit\newblock
				{%Special case of reports with an institutional author and an individual one
				{%then save the translator for after the publishing data
			%Block for vol. no., second-level title, and editors-----------------
			\usebibmacro{collectioneditor}%New unit puctuation set in subroutine
			%Edition Block -----------------------------------------------------
			%Optional block for book-like videos--------------------------------
				{%then certain videos have to be entered as books
				{%else not a video
			%Series Block (including note field) --------------------------------
			\iftoggle{printseriesflag}%Print series info only when option is set
			%Special block for book-like entrytypes-------------------
				{%else ordinary book
			%Publishing Data Block -------------------------------------
				{%then location:publisher, year in parentheses
				{%else no parens and an extra field
					\printfield{userc}%Special addendum for exhibit catalogs
			%Optional block for original publication data---------------------
			%Online locators----------------------------------------------------------
			%Addendum and finish------------------------------------------------------
		}%End else; end default book routine
}%End oF book driver

%Subtype of Book for classics and other standard texts for which publication information is unimportant: footnotes only, no punctuation after author, and minimal publication information.
%Add key to noteonly category
\printfield{note}%Use note or series to identify edition, if necessary
}%end of macro; end of classic subtype of book

%Special routine for entrysubtyp ``canon'' of book, for early English literature
%Add key to noteonly category
	{%then always use shortauthor and shorttitle in footnotes, if available
		}%end footnote routine
	{%else usual author and title routines in the bibliography
}%End earlybook macro

%%%%%%      BOOKINBOOK      %%%%%%


%%%%%%      BOOKLET      %%%%%%


%%%%%%      COLLECTION     %%%%%%%%%%%

	{%then reverse order: orig-fields go first
%Editor Block-----------------------------------------------
	{%then corporate editor of a proceedings: print without the editor string
  	{%else personal editor: use usual editor routine
%First-Level Title Block (for book or volume)--------------
%Proceedings fields---------------------------------------
%Editors and/or Translator Blocks--------------------------
	{%then save the translator for after the publishing data
%Block for vol. no., second-level title, and editors-----------------
\usebibmacro{collectioneditor}%New unit puctuation set in subroutine
%Edition Block -----------------------------------------------------
%Series Block (including note field) --------------------------------
\iftoggle{printseriesflag}%Print series info only when option is set
%Special fields ----------------------------------------------------
%Publishing Data Block ------------------------------------------------
	{%then location:publisher, year in parentheses
	{%else no parens and an extra field
		\printfield{userc}%Special addendum for exhibit catalogs
%Optional block for original publication data----------------------------------------
%Print urls, etc., if appropriate option\subtype is set
%Online locators----------------------------------------------------------
%Addendum and finish------------------------------------------------------
}% End of collection driver


%%%%%%      IMAGE	     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%      INBOOK      %%%%%%

%Inbook. Similar to incollection, only with author instead of editor.
%Author Block------------------------------------------------------
	{%Then for canonical works, add key to noteonly category and use shortauthor
	{%Else not canonical, use usual author routine
\savename{author}{\childauthor}%Need later, to compare with book author
%Inner Title Block--------------------------------------------------------
%Book-Title Block--------------------------------------------------------
	{%then1 reference is to a volume of a larger work. Print volume number here and not at the end
		\clearfield{title}%Clear title, too, to prevent repetition
			{%then2 Special case of a video that gets bookvolume-like formatting
				}%end then2
			{%else2 default case
				\printfield{chapter}%(Turabian doesn't actually use chapter numbers)
				}%end else2, end subtypevideo test
		}%end else1, end subtypevolume test 
%Second-level title and editor, publishing data------------------------------------------
%But first, save info to pass to parent record in case of x-reffing
\usebibmacro{in:}%Macro modifed below for subtypes that need different prepositions
%Where are the book data? 
%First check whether there is an x-ref to the book
	{%then no xref; get book info from current entry
	{%else x-ref to the parent entry; the crosstocoll citecommands will then pass parent data to the bibmacro getbookinfo, below
		\printtext[noformat]{\unspace}%Just to force the unit punctutation before the xref
%Print rest of inbook data
%Addendum and finish-----------------------------------------------------
}%End of inbook driver

%%%%%%      INCOLLECTION     %%%%%%%

%Author Block------------------------------------------------------
\savename{author}{\childauthor}%Need later, to compare with book author
%Inner Title Block--------------------------------------------------------
%Book-Title Block--------------------------------------------------------
	{%then1 reference is to a volume of a larger work. Print volume number here and not at the end
		\printfield{chapter}%Turabian doesn't use chapter numbers; not sure it goes here
		}%end else1, end subtypevolume test
%Second-level title and editor, publishing data --------------------------------------
%Save data for after the xref
%Insert preposition
%Now where are the collection data? 
%First check whether there is an x-ref to the collection
	{%then no xref; get collection data from the current entry
	{%else x-ref to the parent entry; the citecommands will pass parent data to the bibmacro getbookinfo, below
		\printtext{\unspace}%Just to force the unit punctutation before the xref
			{\cbx@crosstocoll{\thefield{xref}}}%footnote routine in cbx file
			{\bbx@crosstocoll{\thefield{xref}}}%bibliography routine here in bbx
%Print rest of incollection data
%Online Block--------------------------------------------------------------------
%Addendum and Finish--------------------------------------------------------
}%End incollection driver

%%%%%%      INPROCEEDINGS      %%%%%%

%Inproceedings are treated like incollections, even though they have some extra fields
%%%%%%      INREFERENCE     %%%%%%%

%Inner Title Block--------------------------------------------------------
%Book-Title Block--------------------------------------------------------
	{%then1 reference is to a volume of a larger work. Print volume number here and not at the end
		\printfield{chapter}%Turabian doesn't use chapter numbers; not sure it goes here
		}%end else1, end subtypevolume test
%Second-level title and editor, publishing data --------------------------------------
%Save data for after the xref
%Insert preposition
%Now where are the collection data?
	{%then no xref
			{%Then footnote routine: just title and edition
				}%End of footnote routine
			{%Else: bibliography (not normally used) or list of shorthands:
		}%end then
	{%else x-ref to the parent entry; the citecommands will pass parent data to the bibmacro getbookinfo, below
		\printtext{\unspace}%Just to force the unit punctuation before the xref
			{\cbx@crosstoref{\thefield{xref}}}%footnote routine in cbx file
			{\bbx@crosstoref{\thefield{xref}}}%bibliography routine passes parent data to getbookinfo, below
		}%endiffieldundef xref
%Print rest of inreference data
%Online Block--------------------------------------------------------------------
%Addendum and Finish--------------------------------------------------------
}%end inreference driver

%%%%%%      JURISDICTION      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

}%End jurisdiction driver

%%%%%%      LEGAL      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

	{\usebibmacro{issue}%Prints issuetitle
}%End legal driver

%%%%%%      LEGISLATION      %%%%%%

\toggletrue{useshortauthors}%Always use shortauthor in footnotes
%Give facts of publication freeform
}%End of legislation driver

%%%%%%      LETTER      %%%%%%

%For correspondence (archival or published) 
%Add key to noteonly category
%Just in case, format for bibliography, too
		\printnames[byauthor]{author}}}%Repeat name in bibliography
%If there's a recipient in namec, print ``to namec''
\usebibmacro{title}%Shouldn't be needed for letters, except maybe if names are missing or uncertain
	{%then no xref; just print what's likely to be available in the customd
			{%then improvise
			{%else assume it's from a published collection
	{%else x-ref to collection or customa and the getbookinfo macro
	%(but only print `in' if the xref turns out to be to a collection)
		%Save data for after the xref
		\printtext{\unspace}%Just to force the unit punctutation before the xref
%		\restorefield{volume}{\childvolume}%
%		\restorefield{part}{\childpart}%
%		\restorefield{pages}{\childpages}%
}%end letter driver

%%%%%%      MANUAL      %%%%%%

%Manuals are treated like books, even though they have some extra fields

%%%%%%      MISC      %%%%%%

%%%%%%      MOVIE      %%%%%%

% Currently not distinguished from performance


%%%%%%      MUSIC      %%%%%%

% Currently not distinguished from audio


%%%%%%      ONLINE      %%%%%%

%Case of entrysubtypes
	{%then blog entry by main author
			{%then e-mail to listserve
			{%else default web site routine
			}%end else; end default web site routine
	}%end case of entrysubtype
}%end online driver

%Subroutine of online driver
%Add key to noteonly and blog categories
}%end blog macro

%No special treatment for listserv messages, at least for the present
}%end listmessage macro

%%%%%%      PATENT      %%%%%%

% Currently not distinguished from legislation


%%%%%%      PERFORMANCE     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%Add key to noteonly category
}%end performance driver
%%%%%%      PERIODICAL      %%%%%%

}%end periodical driver

%%%%%%      PROCEEDINGS      %%%%%%

%Proceedings are treated like collections, even though they have some extra fields

%%%%%%      REFERENCE     %%%%%%%%%%%

	{%Then footnote routine: just title and edition
		\usebibmacro{title}%Uses shorttitles for references, if available
		}%End of footnote routine
	{%Else: bibliography (not normally used) or list of shorthands:
	%(Proceed more or less as for collections, but title first)
		%First-Level Title Block (for book or volume)--------------
		%Author Block-----------------------------------------------
		%Editors and/or Translator Blocks--------------------------
		%Block for vol. no., second-level title, and editors-----------------
		\usebibmacro{collectioneditor}%New unit punctuation set in subroutine
		%Edition Block -----------------------------------------------------
		%Series Block (including note field) --------------------------------
		\iftoggle{printseriesflag}%Print series info only when option is set
		%Publishing Data Block ------------------------------------------------
		%Online locators----------------------------------------------------------
		}%Endif, end of bibliography routine
%Addendum and finish------------------------------------------------------
}% End of refernece driver

%    test \ifuseauthor
%    or
    test {\ifnameundef{author}}
%%%%%%      REPORT      %%%%%%

%Reports are treated like books, even though they have some extra fields
%%%%%%      THESIS      %%%%%%

	{%then footnote environment: open parentheses
    {%else bibliography environmemt: just start a new unit
\setunit{\addcomma\space}%Yes, comma here, even in bibliography
	{%then footnote environment: close parentheses
    {%else bibliography environmemt: just start a new block
}%End thesis driver

%%%%%%      UNPUBLISHED      %%%%%%

%For unpublished sources, such as conference presentations or drafts: a little more structure and extra fields than in biblatex standard; note field before howpublished; in footnotes for conference papers, location, sponsorship and date go in parentheses
	{%then footnote environment: open parentheses
    {%else bibliography environmemt: just start a new unit
\setunit*{\addcomma\space}%Yes, comma here, even in bibliography
%Just one date; no separate eventdate
	{%then footnote environment: close parentheses
    {%else bibliography environmemt: just start a new block
}%End unpublished driver

%%%%%%      VIDEO	     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%Sort out entrysubtypes
\printfield[noformat]{volume}%In case of multiple discs or cassettes in a set
	{%else print title of the set
	{%Unstructured formatting of publishing info for online multimedia
		\printfield{userd}}%End online routine
	{%Else use booklike location:publisher format
			{%then in parentheses
			{%else without parentheses
	}%End if; end publisher/location info
}%end video driver    
%%%%%%      CUSTOMA       %%%%%%

%Custom entry type for archival collections
\usebibmacro{author}%Prints nameaddon and labelnamepunct, too
}%End customa driver

%Common formatting routine for customa and crossreferences to customa
}%end getcustomainfo

%%%%%%      CUSTOMD      %%%%%%

%Custom entrytype D for archival documents (quasi `inarchive' or `incustoma') 
%Add key to noteonly category
\printnames{namec}% Needed for the occasional letter, interview
	{%then no xref; just print what's likely to be available in the customd
			{%then improvise
			{%else assume it's from a published collection
	{%else x-ref to collection or customa or online
		\printtext{\unspace}%Just to force the unit punctutation before the xref
		%Save page range for bibliography
			{\relax}%Volume, pages should already have been printed
		}%endif, end xref routine
}%end customd driver




%%%%%	SUBROUTINES	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%For adding book data to an inbook, incollection, or other subordinate record. (One set of routines, for any combination of entrytypes.)

%Get rid of colon before booktitle in incollection and allow other prepositions, depending on subtype
	{%Then1:`to' instead of `in'
			{%Then2 ``from''
					{%Then3 ``volume...of''
							\or {\equal{\thefield{entrysubtype}}{\subtypemag}}%
							\or {\equal{\thefield{entrytype}}{\entrytypearchive}}%
							\or {\equal{\thefield{entrysubtype}}{\subtypenewsp}}%
							\or {\equal{\thefield{entrysubtype}}{\subtypevideo}}%
							\or {\equal{\thefield{entrytype}}{\entrytypeonline}}%
							\or {\equal{\thefield{entrytype}}{\entrytypeaudio}}%
							\or {\equal{\thefield{entrysubtype}}{\subtypeearlybook}}}%
							{%Then4 no linking preposition at all
							{%Else4 check for special case after an xref
									{%Then5 have to capitalize manually in bibliography
									{%else5 default ``in''
									}%end else5
							}%end else4
					}%end else3
			}%end else2
	}%end else1
}%end macro in:

	%Booktitle and Editor Block (including special fields for proceedings)
	%Special fields from entrytypes proceedings or inproceedings
	%Now find all the book-level authors and editors
	%Maintitle Block, including page numbers ---------------------------------------
	%Check whether the book is part of a multivolume set
		{%No maintitle (or maintitle was used instead of booktitle, then cleared)
			{%no separate volume title (or titleaddon for untitled excerpts) 
		{%then pages will come from the postnote field
		{%else restore child's volume and page range for bibliography
	%Edition Block------------------------------------------------------
	%Series Block (including note field) --------------------------------
	\iftoggle{printseriesflag}%Print series info only when option is set
	%Special fields-----------------------------------------------------
	%Location: Publisher, Year Block ------------------------------------------
		{%Then no publishing data for early English literature
		{%Else full publishing data, in parens in footnotes
				{%then in parens
				{%else no parens in bibliography
}%end macro getbookinfo

%Choose appropriate book-title routine for incollection-like entries
	{%then record is book/collection-like, accessed via xref: find title in title field.
		}%endthen; end of xref routine
	{%else current record inbook/incollection-like; look in booktitle field
			{%then user must have filled in maintitle instead of booktitle
				\clearfield{maintitle}%Prevents repetition later, in case of multivolume sets
			{%else booktitle available, but might be redundant
					{%then no distinct booktitle after all; again, use maintitle
						\clearfield{maintitle}%Prevents repetition later, in case of multivolume sets
					{%else normal case with distinct title and booktitle
				}%endelse; endiffieldundef
}%end macro getbooktitle
		{%then1 No bookauthor in current record; either it's not an inbook or there's no distinct part author. Check whether current author is different from saved author from the inbook record
				{%then2 no need to print the same name again
				{%else2 current record is the book and has a different overall author from the inbook
				}%end else2, end ifnameequals
		}%end then1
		{%else1 current record has a book author; must be an inbook. Print the bookauthor if distinct from the part author (the bybookauthor macro will compare)
			\usebibmacro{bybookauthor}%Redefined below
		}%end else1, end iffieldundef
}%end macro getbookauthoreditor

    {%No distinct bookauthor
    {%Print book author, firstname first
}%end macro bybookauthor

%For now, they will be printed whenever they are present--no test for entrytype
	{%then corporate editor already printed and organization redundant
  	{%else print the name of the organization
}%end macro

%For inbook and incollection, when the parent is in a multivolume work.
	{%then maintitles are superfluous
    			{%Then: only one title--but is reference to a volume or the whole work?	
						{%Then: no volume number, so must be an independent work
						{%Else: volume specified, so give the volume- and part numbers
						}%endiffieldundef volume
     		{%Else: Separate maintitle and volume title, so give  volume title here. Maintitle will come after the editor
}%end macro booktitle+maintitle

%Prints volume-titles and maintitles of multivolume incollections; 
% special case of book excerpt in an anthology also handled here
		{%then print `in Maintitle'
		{%else print `vol. 1 of Maintitle'
			\toggletrue{volumeprinted}%Something wrong. Doesn't work globally, so clear everything
	%Setunit in subroutine
}%end nmacro booktitle+maintitle-multivolume

%	For adding book-level data from the reference entrytype
%   (Used when crossreferencing, under the shortincoll option)
}%end macro getbookinfo-short

%	Publisher-Location-Year: Generalized routines for original publishing data and reprint data, from all the book-like entrytypes.

%Check whether the entry is a reprint (i.e., whether it has ``orig'' data)
%(New unit has been set in the subroutine)
%Print location, publisher, and year
	{%Then no location, no automatic n.p., no colon
	{%Else location and colon
		\midsentence% In case of question mark after location
	{%then use institution instead of publisher
			{%then no institution either; try howpublished
					{%then no publishing data available
							{%then publisher, location both blank
									{%then no puctuation before date 
							{%else location, but no publisher
					{%else use howpublished field
			{%else institution instead of publisher
	{%else use publisher field and ignore howpublished and institution
}%end publisher+location+year

\ifthenelse{\equal{\thelist{location}}{\noplace}}%Something wrong here. Can't get it to recognize ``np'' in the location list
}%end macro printlocation

	{%then no origyear
			{%then no origyear or origlocation
					{%then not enough orig data for default reprint routine
							{%then not enough orig data for the other options, either
					{%else origpublisher, but no location; entry can still be a reprint
			{%else origlocation but no origyear; entry can still be a reprint
	{%else At least origyear available; entry is a reprint
}%end macro reprinttest

	{%then original data will be added later (or not at all)
	{%else default reprint routine: print original data first
			{%then Footnote environment: use semicolon and abbreviation
			{%else bibliography: use newunitpunct and long bibstring
	}%End else
}%End macro reprintorigfirst

%Check whether original data were entered
	{%Then1 introduce orig data with appropriate string
			{%then2 without origtitle
			{%else2 with origtitle
			}%end else2
		}%End then1
	{%Else1 nothing to print
}%End macro addoriginaledition

%Check whether original data were entered
	{%Then1 introduce orig data with appropriate string
			{%then2 without origtitle
			{%else2 with origtitle
			}%end else2
	}%End then1
	{%Else1 nothing to print
}%End macro addtransfrom

% Swap orig-fields for normal fields
}%End macro origtransas

		{%then no more orig-data
		{%else orig-data go in parentheses
}%end macro print-translation-data

%	For adding collection data from customa or other parent entrytype
%   (Used when crossreferencing from customd or letter)
	{%Then archive: print name of collection, first name first, then use main archive routine
		\usebibmacro{getcustomainfo}}%End main archive routine
	{%Else not an archive
			{%Then it's an online database
			{%Else use collection routine
}%End macro getarchiveinfo

%			TITLE and SERIES Routines (for all booklike, inbook-like entrytypes)

%Title (from Title-field) already printed. See if there is a maintitle, too.
	{%Then maintitle superfluous
	{%Else distinct maintitle
	{%Then there's only one title--but is it a volume or an entire work?
			{%Then: no volume number, so must be an entire work. Give no. of volumes
					{\relax}%exception for subtype volume after x-ref
			{%Else: a volume no. is specified, so give the volume- and part numbers
  	{%Else Two-level title: print `vol. 1 of maintitle'
}%end macro title+maintitle

}%end macro series+number


%Put in city for newspapers, but print it in Roman
				}%end iflistundef
			}%end printtext
	}% end iffieldundef
}%end macro journal
%Restore any location data from the child (aritcle) record that is undefined in the parent (periodical). 
	{\usebibmacro{issue}%Prints issuetitle
	\usebibmacro{bytranslator+others}%Use translator and editors from parent record in any case
	\OR \equal{\thefield{entrysubtype}}{\subtypenewsp}}%
	{%Then cite magazines and newspapers by date, without parens
	{%Else default routine, with parens
			{%then could be a single number or a range
					{%then use singular of bibstring
					{%else use the plural
			{%else not a number at all; leave out the bibstring
}%end macro journal+issuetitle

  \newunit}%end macro issue+date

	\printtext[noformat]{%Get rid of parens
}%end macro issue+date-mag

%For entrytype periodical: adjust punctuation
	{%then untitled issue
	{%else special case of issue with own title and/or editor
	{%then special treatment for newspapers and magazines
		}%endthen; end newsp/mag routine
	{%else standard journal article
		}%end else; end journal article routine
	}%end macro title+issuetitle


%						ONLINE LOCATORS (all entrytypes)

	{%then special case (from footciteurllast command); postnote comes first
	{%else let cbx do the postnote as usual
	{%then override the option settings for these entrytypes/subtypes
		}%end then; end override
	{%else use standard routine for online locators
	}%end ifthenelse
}%end macro onlinelocation

%			LOWER-LEVEL ROUTINES, for title, author, editor, year, pubstate

%Standard routine for titles. 
%Substitute shorttitle where required
			{%then shorttitle option is set: replace title with shorttitle
			{%else check entrysubtype
					{%Use shorttitles here, too
			}%end iftoggle
		}%end iffeldundef
	}%end then, end footnote routine		
	{\relax}% No shorttitles in bibliography
	{%then print titleaddon even without title (e.g. for describing untitled works), without preceding punctuation
		\printfield{usera}}%Special use of usera for year of anthologized article
  	{%else both title and titleaddon
			{%then special case, when incollection/inbook is a whole volume or a government document whose title needs to be italicized
					}%end printtext
				}%end then, end subtype volume
			{%else Other subtypes without italics
				}%end ifthenelse
	}%end else, end iffieldundef{title}
}%end macro title

		}%end then
		}%end if
}%end macro booktitle

%Also print maintitleaddon even without title, and capitalize in bib
		}%end then
		}%end if
}%end macro maintitle
%Handling anonymous/uncertain authorship; nameaddon
}%end macro author

	{%then check for anonymous, but known, authorship
			{%then anonymous author goes in brackets; usual punctuation outside brackets
					{%then dash in place of name in bibliography
					{%else use name as usual
					}%end iftoggle
				}%endthen; end anonymous
			{%else check for uncertain authorship
					{%then question mark in brackets; usual punctuation outside brackets
						}%endthen; end uncertain authorship
					{%else no brackets; check for redundant author and suppress in footnotes
						\ifthenelse {\equal{\thefield{authortype}}{\authortyperedundant}}
									{%then don't print redundant author in footnote
									{%else print author or dashes in bibliography, even if redundant
									}%end iffootnote
								}%end then
							{%else authortype not redundant, just print as usual
									{\unspace%Why is this necessary?
							}%end ifthenelse redundant
					}%endifthenelse unsure
			}%endifthenelse anon; end uncertain/redundant authorship
		}%endthen (from ifuseauthor)
    {%else Author not in use
	}%end ifuseauthor
}%end macro authortype+nameaddon

%Needed for government reports that give the institution as the author, but also
% credit an individual, whose name goes in namea
}%endmacro volume+pages

%Custom field for general editor of a collection containing an edited collection
%Needed when there is both a booktitle and a maintitle. The editora/b/c fields all go with the booktitle. Here nameb goes with the maintitle.
	{%no descriptor in nametype field; use bibstring
%		\iffootnote
%			{\setunit{\addcomma\addspace\bibstring{byeditor}\addspace}}%
%			{\setunit{\addcomma\addspace\bibstring{byeditorbib}\addspace}}%
	{%Get descriptor from nametype
}%endmacro collectioneditor

% Date routine, with pubstate and year as fallbacks
		{%then no date; try pubstate
				{%then nothing available: insert `n.d.'
				{%else'substitute pubstate for date
			}%end then
		{%else use the standard date routine
	}%end macro date	

% Date routine, with pubstate and year as fallbacks
		{%then no date; try pubstate
				{%then nothing available, but don't insert `n.d.'
				{%else'substitute pubstate for date
			}%end then
		{%else use the standard date routine
	}%end macro date-optional

%Date routine to leave out month and day
		{%then no year; try pubstate
				{%then nothing available: insert `n.d.'
				{%else substitute pubstate for date
		{%else print the year (or range, if there's an endyear)
	}% end macro year
%%%%%%%%  BIBLIOGRAPHY TWEAKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%When author names repeat, Turabian calls for eight underlines and a period, instead of biblatex's dashes
%  \ifdim\leftmargin<0.75em
%    \mbox{\textemdash\space}%
%  \else
%    \makebox[\leftmargin][l]{%
%      \ifdim\leftmargin<1.25em
%        \textendash
%      \else
%        \textemdash
%      \fi}%
%  \fi


    {%then no annotations in the footnotes
			{%then annotations in cite commands are handled in the cbx file
			{%else bibliography environment: annotate if options are set
					{%then add annotation in special environment
    				{%else no annotations
    			}%end bibliography
		}%end iffootnote
}%end macro finentry
