  [2024/03/24 v0.18 extended biblatex verbose citation style (MW)]

\blx@inputonce{ext-biblatex-aux.def}{auxiliary code for ext-biblatex}






% smartcite's delimcontext needs special attention
% (see ext-biblatex-aux.def)




          'introcite=plain' is not available\MessageBreak
          with verbose citation styles, ignoring}}}

% This file is part of the biblatex-ext bundle.
% biblatex-ext is released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
% or later.
% A complete list of files included in that package can be found in
% README.md or - failing that - in ext-standard.bbx.
% Official releases of this package are on CTAN
%   https://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-ext
% development takes place on GitHub
%   https://github.com/moewew/biblatex-ext