====== French-speaking LaTeX FAQ: how to reuse these files? ====== ===== Main repository ===== The live version of the FAQ is maintained on an open wiki: **[[https://www.latex-fr.net/]]** ===== License ===== All the authors of the FAQ agreed on putting their contibutions under the terms of CC BY-SA, [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.fr]] So, you are free to SHARE and ADAPT this material as long as you give appropriate credit, indicate if changes were made and distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. Probably, in a near future, we'll try to change the license of the short LaTeX code examples to CC0 (public domain), to encourage anyone to freely use them in their LaTeX documents. ===== How to read these files? ===== The FAQ is hosted on a [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|Dokuwiki]] instance: [[https://www.latex-fr.net/]]. Current version of the engine is ''2023-04-04a "Jack Jackrum"''. In this package, you're provided with the raw pages, written using [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki:syntax|Dokuwiki syntax]]. ===== And, really, can I do what I want? ===== For the project to work, it's probably better to keep having one central repository, to which contributions are added. The wiki is considered as this central repository: **[[https://www.latex-fr.net/]]** So, even though we encourage you to build upon the FAQ contents, if you start improving the pages on your own copy, please contact us to work out a system allowing the whole community to benefit from your work. You'll find some statistics about the past activity of the wiki here: [[https://static.latex-fr.net/images/page_stats_plot.pdf]]. In case of any question or if you're reusing our material, please contact: Jérémy Just <jeremy@jejust.fr>