%% /u/ftp/pub/tex/pub/tugboat/index, Mon Dec  6 18:23:48 1993
%% Edit by Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@plot79.math.utah.edu>
%% This directory contains TUGboat related files.  In particular, it
%% contains software that can convert the TUGboat table of contents
%% (*.cnt) files completely automatically to a BibTeX bibliography, and
%% other files can typeset that complete bibliography, and produce a
%% 224-page keyword-in-context landscape orientation index to the
%% journal.

-read-.tug		Barbara Beeton's original note about this directory
00dir.cmd		FTP command file in alphabetical order
00dir.lst		verbose alphabetical directory listing
00tdir.cmd		FTP command file in reverse-time order
00tdir.lst		verbose reverse-time order directory listing
makefile		UNIX Makefile to build various targets
apldef.tex		macros for using cmapl10 font
aplstyle.tex		APL style file (calls apldef.tex and aplverb.tex)
aplverb.tex		verbatim macros for cmapl10
cmapl10.300pk		APL font file
cmapl10.mf		APL font file
cmapl10.pk		APL font file
cmapl10.tfm		APL font file
germanhyph.tex		German hyphenation ptterns
guidepro.tex		1990 TUG Proceedings guide
icehyph.tex		Icelandic hyphenation ptterns
index			This file
kwic-bib.awk		AWK program to turn .bib file into .kwic file
kwic.dvi		224-page keyword-in-context listing for TUGboat
kwic.ltx		LaTeX base file to produce kwic.dvi
landscape.sty		Style file for landscape page sizes
ltugboat.sty		LaTeX TUGboat style option
ltugbot.sty		old LaTeX TUGboat style option
ltugproc.sty		LaTeX TUG Proceedings style option
makefile.d20		DEC-20 makefile
makefile.unx		UNIX makefile
merge.sty		LaTeX form letter merge option
ptx.sed			sed script for permuted index files
tb0180.cnt		TUGboat volume 1 1980 contents
tb0281.cnt		TUGboat volume 2 1981 contents
tb0382.cnt		TUGboat volume 3 1982 contents
tb0483.cnt		TUGboat volume 4 1983 contents
tb0584.cnt		TUGboat volume 5 1984 contents
tb0685.cnt		TUGboat volume 6 1985 contents
tb0786.cnt		TUGboat volume 7 1986 contents
tb0887.cnt		TUGboat volume 8 1987 contents
tb0988.cnt		TUGboat volume 9 1988 contents
tb0apl.tex		APL font announcement paper
tb0cyr.tex		Cyrillic font announcement paper
tb0hyf.tex		Hyphenation exception log
tb0tree.tex		Trees in TeX (D. Epstein)
tb1089.cnt		TUGboat volume 10 1989 contents
tb1190.cnt		TUGboat volume 11 1990 contents
tb1291.cnt		TUGboat volume 12 1991 contents
tb1392.cnt		TUGboat volume 13 1992 contents
tb1493.cnt		TUGboat volume 14 1993 contents
tb1594.cnt		TUGboat volume 15 1994 contents
tbcont.def		macros for TUGboat tables of contents
tbcv05.tex		Make tables of contents for TUGboat volumes 1-5
tbcv10.tex		Make tables of contents for TUGboat volumes 6-10
tbcv15.tex		Make tables of contents for TUGboat volumes 11-15
tubguide.tex		TUGboat author's guide
treedef.tex		D. Eppstein's tree macros
tugbib.bbl		BibTeX output for tugbib.ltx
tugbib.dvi		LaTeX output for tugbib.ltx
tugbib.ltx		LaTeX base file for alphabetic TUGboat bibliography
tugbib2.bbl		BibTeX output for tugbib2.ltx
tugbib2.dvi		LaTeX output for tugbib2.ltx
tugbib2.ltx		LaTeX base file for time-ordered TUGboat bibliography
tugboat.awk		AWK program for converting *.cnt files to tugboat.bib
tugboat.bib		TUGboat BibTeX bibliography
tugboat.cmn		TUGboat macros common to Plain TeX and LaTeX styles
tugboat.def		Macros used in tugboat.bib article entries.
tugboat.hdr		File header used by Makefile steps
tugboat.kwic		TUGboat kwic index listings.
tugboat.ptx		TUGboat permuted index listings.
tugboat.sty		TUGboat style for Plain TeX
tugboat.ver		TUGboat bibliography version number
tugbot.sty		old TUGboat style for Plain TeX
tugbot.tex		old model top-level file for TUGboat issue
tugfil.chg		Change log for TUGboat files
tugproc.sty		TUGboat Proceedings issue style for Plain TeX