# Copyright (C) 1999 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ################################################################################ # I $Name $Latexbefehl $Buttontext/Giffile $Curserrueckverschiebung # ################################################################################ I ifthenelse "\\ifthenelse{}{}{}\n" ifthenelse 6 I whiledo "\\whiledo{}{}\n" whiledo 4 # Seitenformatierung set LISTE [list oddsidemargin evensidemargin topmargin headheight\ headsep topskip textheight textwidth footheight footskip\ voffset hoffset\ columnsep columnseprule] foreach x $LISTE {I $x "\\$x" $x 0} # Stichwortverzeichnisse I index "\\index{}" index 1 I makeindex "\\makeindex" make 0 I printindex "\\printindex" print 0 I theindex "\\begin{theindex}\n \\item\n\\end{theindex}\n" the 15 I subitem "\\subitem" subitem 0 I subsubitem "\\subitem" subsubitem 0 I indexspace "\\indexspace" indexspace 0 # Literatur I thebibliography "\\begin{thebibliography}\n \\bibitem{}\n\\end{thebibliography}\n" thebibliography 24 I bibitem "\\bibitem{}\n" bibitem 2 I cite "\\cite{}" cite 1 I nocite "\\nocite{}\n" nocite 2 # tabbing I tabbing "\\begin{tabbing}\n\\end{tabbing}\n" tabbing 15 # Boxen I mbox "\\mbox{}" latexbox 1 I fbox "\\fbox{}" latexbox 1 I makebox "\\makebox\[\]\[\]{}" latexbox 5 I framebox "\\framebox\[\]\[\]{}" latexbox 5 I parbox "\\parbox\[\]{}{}" latexbox 5 I minipage "\\begin{minipage}\[\]{}\n\\end{minipage}\n" latexbox 19 I rule "\\rule\[\]{}{}" latexbox 5 I input "\\input{}\n" input 2 I include "\\include{}\n" include 2 I includeonly "\\includeonly{}\n" includeonly 2 I typeout "\\typeout{}\n" typeout 2 I typein "\\typein{}\n" typein 2 unset LISTE