\begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{gnu:license} Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. \newblock {\em {GNU} General Public License}, February 1989. \newblock Version 1. \bibitem{kg-wr:tie} Klaus Guntermann and Wolfgang R{\"u}lling. \newblock Another approach to multiple changefiles. \newblock {\em TUGboat}, 7(3):134, 1986. \bibitem{kg-js:cweb} Klaus Guntermann and Joachim Schrod. \newblock {\WEB} adapted to {C}. \newblock {\em TUGboat}, 7(3):134--137, 1986. \bibitem{knuth:web} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock The {\WEB} system of structured documentation. \newblock Computer Science Report CS980, Stanford University, 1983. \bibitem{knuth:literate} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock Literate programming. \newblock {\em The Computer Journal}, 27(1):97--111, 1984. \bibitem{mittelbach:doc} Frank Mittelbach. \newblock The {\tt doc\/} style option. \newblock {\em TUGboat}, 10(2):245--273, 1989. \bibitem{ramsey:spider} Norman Ramsey. \newblock Weaving a language-independent {\WEB}. \newblock {\em Communications of the ACM}, 32(9):1051--1055, 1989. \end{thebibliography}