%% THIS IS A MODIFICATION BY JOHN COLLINS 30 Apr 2013 OF V. 0.5.1 OF %% exceltex.sty TO HELP latexmk. %% The modification consists of changing the calls to the %% \InputIfFileExists macro to a call to a new macro that provides a %% warning message when the file to be read does not exist. % get data from excel files into LaTeX % % (c) 2004-2006 by Hans-Peter Doerr % 2013 John Collins % % exceltex is free software. you can redistribute or modify it under % the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. See COPYING for % details. % \def\exceltexVersion{0.5.1JCC} % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{exceltex1}[2013/04/30 v.\exceltexVersion] \DeclareOption{cellrefs}{\def\cellrefs{1}} \ProcessOptions % \typeout{This is exceltex v\exceltexVersion} % ulem needs option normalem for not breaking \em and \emph \RequirePackage[normalem]{ulem} \RequirePackage{color} %\RequirePackage{eurosym} % %% JCC's addition: \providecommand\InputFileOrMessage[3]{% \InputIfFileExists{#1}% {#2}% {#3\PackageWarning{exceltex1}{File `#1' not found.}}% } %% \newcounter{exceltexCounterC}\setcounter{exceltexCounterC}{0} \newcounter{exceltexCounterT}\setcounter{exceltexCounterT}{0} % \immediate\openout 10=\jobname.excltx % % % write index header \ifx\cellrefs\undefined % \else \immediate\write 10{;cellrefs} \fi \immediate\write 10{;created by exceltex v. \exceltexVersion} % \newcommand{\inccell}[1]{% \stepcounter{exceltexCounterC}% \ifx\cellrefs\undefined% \immediate\write 10{c:\theexceltexCounterC:#1}% \InputFileOrMessage{\jobname-excltx/c-\theexceltexCounterC}{}{}% \else \immediate\write 10{c:#1}% \InputFileOrMessage{\jobname-excltx/c-#1}{}{}% \fi }% % % \newcommand{\inctab}[1]{% \stepcounter{exceltexCounterT}% \ifx\cellrefs\undefined% \immediate\write 10{t:\theexceltexCounterT:#1}% \InputFileOrMessage{\jobname-excltx/t-\theexceltexCounterT}{}{\\}% \else \immediate\write 10{t:#1}% \InputFileOrMessage{\jobname-excltx/t-#1}{}{\\}% \fi }% \endinput