# -*- Makefile -*- m4_ifelse(1, 1, # automatically generated from Makefile.m4 , # $Id: Makefile.m4,v 1.35 1998/01/06 18:08:49 volkan Exp $ # GlossTeX, a tool for the automatic preparation of glossaries. # Copyright (C) 1997 Volkan Yavuz # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License[,] or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful[,] # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not[,] write to the Free Software # Foundation[,] Inc.[,] 675 Mass Ave[,] Cambridge[,] MA 02139[,] USA. # Volkan Yavuz[,] yavuzv@rumms.uni-mannheim.de ) # ====================================================================== # you may need to set some of these # ====================================================================== m4_changequote([,]) m4_ifdef([MASTER], include Release ) CFLAGS += -Wall -ansi -pedantic m4_ifdef([MASTER], DEBUG = THISDIR = ./ ifdef DEBUG CFLAGS += -g LDFLAGS += -g endif ) m4_ifelse(OSTYPE, [UNX], CC = cc SHELL = /bin/bash THISDIR = ./ ) m4_ifelse(OSTYPE, [OS2], CC = gcc SHELL = sh EXE = .exe EMXBIND = emxbind ) m4_ifdef([MASTER], M4 = m4 ) LATEXENV = TEXINPUTS=.: LATEX = $(LATEXENV) latex m4_ifdef([MASTER], MAKEINDEX = makeindex GLOSSTEX = $(THISDIR)glosstex$(EXE) MV = mv RM = rm -f ) # ====================================================================== # you shouldn't need to touch anything below # ====================================================================== TEXAUX = *.aux *.lof *.lot *.log *.toc *.glo GLOSSTEXAUX = *.gxs *.gxg MAKEINDEXAUX = *.glg *.glx *.ilg *.ind m4_ifdef([MASTER], MAKEFILESX=\ Makefile\ Makefile.os2\ Makefile.unx READMES=\ README\ LIESMICH ) O=\ database.o\ error.o\ labels.o\ list.o\ main.o\ version.o DTX=\ glosstex.sty\ glosstex.std\ glosstex.ist\ glosstex.gdf C=$(O:%.o=%.c) all: glosstex$(EXE) $(DTX) glosstex: $(O) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(O) $(LOADLIBS) -o $@ m4_ifelse(OSTYPE, [OS2], glosstex$(EXE): glosstex $(EMXBIND) $< $(EMXBIND) -s $< $(RM) glosstex ) $(DTX): glosstex.dtx glosstex.ins $(LATEX) glosstex.ins m4_ifdef([MASTER], doc: glosstex$(EXE) glosstex.dvi glosstex.dvi: $(DTX) glosstex.dtx %.dvi: %.dtx $(LATEX) $< $(GLOSSTEX) $*.aux $*.gdf $(MAKEINDEX) $*.gxs -o $*.glx -t $*.glg -s glosstex.ist $(LATEX) $< $(GLOSSTEX) $*.aux $*.gdf $(MAKEINDEX) $*.gxs -o $*.glx -t $*.glg -s glosstex.ist $(LATEX) $< clean: $(RM) $(O) $(TEXAUX) $(MAKEINDEXAUX) $(GLOSSTEXAUX) $(DTX) *~ proper: clean $(RM) $(GLOSSTEX) glosstex.dvi makefiles: $(MAKEFILESX) Makefile: Makefile.m4 $(M4) -P -DMASTER $< > $@ Makefile.os2: Makefile.m4 $(M4) -P -DOSTYPE=OS2 $< > $@ Makefile.unx: Makefile.m4 $(M4) -P -DOSTYPE=UNX $< > $@ readmes: $(READMES) README: README.m4 $(M4) -P -DENGLISH $< > README LIESMICH: README.m4 $(M4) -P -DGERMAN $< > LIESMICH dist: makefiles dep all $(READMES) doc @UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown;\ UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown;\ UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown;\ SYSTEM=$$UNAME_MACHINE-$$UNAME_SYSTEM-$$UNAME_RELEASE;\ mkdir /tmp/glosstex-$$$$;\ mkdir /tmp/glosstex-$$$$/glosstex-$(RELEASE);\ cp -rp * .depend /tmp/glosstex-$$$$/glosstex-$(RELEASE);\ pushd /tmp/glosstex-$$$$/glosstex-$(RELEASE);\ rm -rf CVS bin/CVS test;\ mv glosstex$(EXE) bin/glosstex-$$SYSTEM;\ $(MAKE) clean;\ cd ..;\ tar czf glosstex-$(RELEASE).tar.gz glosstex-$(RELEASE);\ popd;\ mv /tmp/glosstex-$$$$/glosstex-$(RELEASE).tar.gz ..;\ echo released glosstex-$(RELEASE) for $$SYSTEM dep: $(CPP) -MM $(INCDIR) $(C) > .depend lint: lint $(C) version.c : Release $(MV) $@ $@.in sed < $@.in > $@ -e 's/version .*\\n/version $(RELEASE)\\n/' $(RM) $@.in glosstex.dtx : Release $(MV) $@ $@.in sed < $@.in > $@\ -e 's/\\def\\fileversion{.*}/\\def\\fileversion{$(RELEASE)}/'\ -e 's/\\def\\filedate{.*}/\\def\\filedate{'`date '+%Y\/%m\/%d'`'}/' $(RM) $@.in ifeq (.depend, $(wildcard .depend)) include .depend endif )