Removed rpms ============ - bluez-devel-32bit - darktable-doc - dbus-1-devel-32bit - deepin-launcher-devel - device-mapper-devel-32bit - gdcm-libgdcm3_0 - gnome-commander-doc - gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth-32bit - grub2-arm64-efi-debug - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint-32bit - jack-32bit - libLLVM13-32bit - libcurl-devel-32bit - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit - libefa1-32bit - libfluidsynth3-32bit - libgnutls-devel-32bit - libgnutls30-32bit - libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0-32bit - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit - libgstisoff-1_0-0-32bit - libgstwayland-1_0-0-32bit - libibmad5-32bit - libibumad3-32bit - libibverbs1-32bit - libjackserver0-32bit - libmad0-32bit - libnettle8-32bit - libopenjp2-7-32bit - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit - libopenssl3-32bit - libtasn1-6-32bit - libtheoradec1-32bit - libtiff-devel-32bit - libxml2-devel-32bit - rdma-core-devel-32bit - wine-staging-32bit - wine-staging-devel-32bit - kernel-livepatch-5_14_21-150500_30-default - libLHAPDF-6_4_0 - libLimeSuite20_10-1 - libMyGUIEngine3_4_0 - libOgreMain1_9_0 - libOgreMain1_9_0-plugins - libOgreOverlay1_9_0 - libOgrePaging1_9_0 - libOgreProperty1_9_0 - libOgreRTShaderSystem1_9_0 - libOgreTerrain1_9_0 - libOgreVolume1_9_0 - libPocoActiveRecord83 - libPocoCppParser83 - libPocoCrypto83 - libPocoData83 - libPocoDataMySQL83 - libPocoDataODBC83 - libPocoDataSQLite83 - libPocoEncodings83 - libPocoFoundation83 - libPocoJSON83 - libPocoJWT83 - libPocoMongoDB83 - libPocoNet83 - libPocoNetSSL83 - libPocoPDF83 - libPocoRedis83 - libPocoUtil83 - libPocoXML83 - libPocoZip83 - libRivet-3_1_3 - libSimGearCore-2020_3_11 - libTutf-devel - libTutf1 - libTw-devel - libTw5 - libYODA-1_9_6 - libags3 - libblkid1-32bit - libboinc-devel - libcelt-devel-32bit - libcm1 - libcurl4-32bit - libdbus-1-3-32bit - libdevmapper1_03-32bit - libdigikamcore7 - libexiv2-26-32bit - libexiv2-doc - libfdisk1-32bit - libflux0_161_0 - libgensiocpp1 - libgsoap-2_8_121 - libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0-32bit - libhashcat6_2_1 - libjacknet0-32bit - libjim0_75 - liblalmetaio8 - liblalsimulation29 - libminizip1-32bit - libmpfpx0 - libnco-5_0_6 - libnco_c++-5_0_6 - libogg0-32bit - libopenraw1 - libopenssl-1_1-devel-32bit - libopenvdb7_0 - libosmcomp5-32bit - libpari-gmp-tls7 - libpolkit0 - libpolkit0-32bit - libre6 - librealsense2_50 - librssguard-4_2_1 - libscamperfile2 - libsmartcols-devel-32bit - libsqlcipher-3_37_2-0 - libstk-devel - libstk4 - libsurgescript0_5_5 - libtachyon-0_99b6 - libtachyon-devel - libthrift-0_10_0 - libuhd4_1_0 - libuuid-devel-32bit - libvirt-devel-32bit - libwtdbo4_5_1 - libwtdbomysql4_5_1 - libwtdbopostgres4_5_1 - libxml2-2-32bit - libz3-4_10 - libzfp0 - mpfpx-devel - msgpack-devel - nautilus-plugin-easytag - openmpi2-libs-32bit - python3-lxml-doc - python3-pyeantic - qemu-SLOF - qemu-skiboot - rsocket-32bit - systemd-icon-branding-openSUSE - typelib-1_0-Libags-3_0 Added rpms ========== - Catch2-2-devel - MyGUI-tools - SwayNotificationCenter - apfel-devel - apfel-doc - apptainer - asar - blobby - bluez-obexd - bluez-zsh-completion - boinc-client-devel - brial-devel - caja-rename - caja-rename-lang - cargo1.64 - ccx - ccx-examples - certbot-systemd-timer - cg3 - cg3-devel - checksec - clang14 - clang14-devel - clang14-doc - clang15 - clang15-devel - clang15-doc - cloudproviders-extension-nextcloud - cni-plugin-dnsname - consoleet-fixedsys-fonts - consoleet-xorg-fonts - crun - cxxopts-devel - deepin-dock-plugin-shot-start - deepin-image-editor - deepin-image-editor-lang - distrobox-bash-completion - erlang-rebar - erlang-rebar-src - erlang-retest - erlang-retest-src - erlang-sd_notify - farbfeld - feedbackd - feedbackd-devel - flameshot-fish-completion - gnome-radio - gnome-radio-lang - gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell - grub2-arm64-efi-debug - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint-32bit - heimer - hexedit - highway-devel - highway-devel-doc - ikiwiki - ikiwiki-w3m - bluez-devel-32bit - dbus-1-devel-32bit - device-mapper-devel-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth-32bit - libblkid1-32bit - libcelt-devel-32bit - libclang-cpp15-32bit - libcurl4-32bit - libdbus-1-3-32bit - libdevmapper1_03-32bit - libexiv2-26-32bit - libfdisk1-32bit - libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0-32bit - libjacknet0-32bit - libminizip1-32bit - libogg0-32bit - libopenssl-1_1-devel-32bit - libosmcomp5-32bit - libpolkit-agent-1-0-32bit - libpolkit-gobject-1-0-32bit - libsmartcols-devel-32bit - libuuid-devel-32bit - libvirt-devel-32bit - libxml2-2-32bit - openmpi2-libs-32bit - rsocket-32bit - qemu-SLOF - qemu-skiboot - iosevka-aile-fonts - iosevka-curly-fonts - iosevka-curly-slab-fonts - iosevka-etoile-fonts - iosevka-fonts - iosevka-slab-fonts - iosevka-ss01-fonts - iosevka-ss02-fonts - iosevka-ss03-fonts - iosevka-ss04-fonts - iosevka-ss05-fonts - iosevka-ss06-fonts - iosevka-ss07-fonts - iosevka-ss08-fonts - iosevka-ss09-fonts - iosevka-ss10-fonts - iosevka-ss11-fonts - iosevka-ss12-fonts - iosevka-ss13-fonts - iosevka-ss14-fonts - iosevka-ss15-fonts - iosevka-ss16-fonts - iosevka-ss17-fonts - iosevka-ss18-fonts - jack-32bit - jdupes - kaidan - keyd - klee - kubevirt-virt-exportproxy - kubevirt-virt-exportserver - ladspa-rnnoise - lagrange - lalframe-devel - ldas-tools-al-devel - ldas-tools-al-swig - ldas-tools-framecpp-c-devel - ldas-tools-framecpp-devel - ldas-tools-framecpp-doc - ldas-tools-framecpp-utils - lepton - level-zero - level-zero-devel - levmar-devel - lib2geom-devel - lib2geom1_1_0 - libAPFEL0 - libLHAPDF-6_5_3 - libLLVM13-32bit - libLLVM14 - libLLVM15 - libLLVM15-32bit - libLTO14 - libLTO15 - libLimeSuite22_09-1 - libMyGUICommon3_4_1 - libMyGUIEngine3_4_1 - libOgreBites-devel - libOgreBites13_3 - libOgreBitesQt13_3 - libOgreMain13_3 - libOgreMain13_3-codecs - libOgreMain13_3-plugins - libOgreMeshLodGenerator-devel - libOgreMeshLodGenerator13_3 - libOgreOverlay13_3 - libOgrePaging13_3 - libOgreProperty13_3 - libOgreRTShaderSystem13_3 - libOgreTerrain13_3 - libOgreVolume13_3 - libPocoActiveRecord92 - libPocoCppParser92 - libPocoCrypto92 - libPocoData92 - libPocoDataMySQL92 - libPocoDataODBC92 - libPocoDataSQLite92 - libPocoEncodings92 - libPocoFoundation92 - libPocoJSON92 - libPocoJWT92 - libPocoMongoDB92 - libPocoNet92 - libPocoNetSSL92 - libPocoPDF92 - libPocoPrometheus92 - libPocoRedis92 - libPocoUtil92 - libPocoXML92 - libPocoZip92 - libRivet-3_1_6 - libSimGearCore-2020_3_13 - libXdgUtilsBaseDir1_0_1 - libXdgUtilsDesktopEntry1_0_1 - libYODA-1_9_7 - libags4 - libbrial3 - libcg3-1 - libclang-cpp14 - libclang-cpp15 - libcm0 - libcpuid16 - libcurl-devel-32bit - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit - libdfm-extension5 - libdict-devel - libdict1_0 - libdigikamcore7_8_0 - libefa1-32bit - libfeedback-0_0-0 - libfluidsynth3-32bit - libflux0_171_0 - libframecpp12 - libframecpp3-6 - libframecpp4-8 - libframecpp6-8 - libframecpp7-4 - libframecpp8-7 - libframecppc3 - libframecppcmn11 - libgdcm3_0 - libgensiocpp2 - libgnutls-devel-32bit - libgnutls30-32bit - libgsoap-2_8_123 - libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0-32bit - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit - libgstisoff-1_0-0-32bit - libgstwayland-1_0-0-32bit - libhashcat6_2_5 - libhwy1 - libibmad5-32bit - libibumad3-32bit - libibverbs1-32bit - libiio - libiio-daemon - libiio-devel - libiio-usb-udev-rules - libiio0 - libimageviewer-devel - libimageviewer0_1 - libimagevisualresult-data - libimagevisualresult-devel - libimagevisualresult0_1 - libint-devel - libint2-2 - libjackserver0-32bit - libjim0_81 - libkrun - libkrunfw - liblalframe13 - liblalmetaio10 - liblalsimulation31 - libldastoolsal7 - liblevmar2 - liblldb14 - liblldb15 - liblttoolbox3 - libmad0-32bit - libmaeparser1 - libmbd - libmbd-devel - libmbd-mvapich2 - libmbd-mvapich2-devel - libmbd-openmpi4 - libmbd-openmpi4-devel - libmsym-devel - libmsym0_2 - libnco-5_1_0 - libnco_c++-5_1_0 - libnettle8-32bit - libomp14-devel - libomp15-devel - libopenjp2-7-32bit - libopenmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc - libopenraw9 - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit - libopenssl3-32bit - libopenvdb9_0 - libpari-gmp-tls8 - libpolkit-agent-1-0 - libpolkit-gobject-1-0 - libre7 - librealsense2_51 - libresprite - librssguard-4_2_3 - libscamperfile3 - libshumate-1_0-1 - libshumate-devel - libshumate-lang - libspooles2_2 - libspooles2_2-openmpi - libspooles2_2-openmpi2 - libsqlcipher-3_39_2-0 - libstk4.6.2 - libsurgescript0_5_6 - libsympol0_1 - libtachyon-0_99_5 - libtasn1-6-32bit - libtheoradec1-32bit - libthrift-0_16_0 - libthrift_c_glib0 - libthriftnb-0_16_0 - libthriftz-0_16_0 - libtiff-devel-32bit - libtrng4-24 - libtstl1 - libtutf-devel - libtutf1 - libtw-devel - libtw1 - libuhd4_3_0 - libwebp2-0_1_0 - libwebp2-devel - libwebp2-tools - libwtdbo4_8_1 - libwtdbomysql4_8_1 - libwtdbopostgres4_8_1 - libxml++-4_0-1 - libxml++40-devel - libxml2-devel-32bit - libz3-4_11 - libzfp1 - linphone-devel - lite-xl-widgets - lld14 - lld15 - lldb14 - lldb14-devel - lldb15 - lldb15-devel - llvm14 - llvm14-devel - llvm14-doc - llvm14-gold - llvm14-opt-viewer - llvm14-polly - llvm14-polly-devel - llvm14-vim-plugins - llvm15 - llvm15-devel - llvm15-doc - llvm15-gold - llvm15-opt-viewer - llvm15-polly - llvm15-polly-devel - llvm15-vim-plugins - lsd - lsp-plugins-devel - lttoolbox - lttoolbox-devel - lv2-rnnoise - maeparser-devel - mandown - metslib-devel - metslib-doc - monero-devel - monero-utils - monerod - msgpack-c-devel - msgpack-cxx-devel - ncspot - netease-cloud-music-gtk - netease-cloud-music-gtk-lang - netgen-gui-libs - nuspell-doc - nyancat - ogre-devel - ogre-media - ogre-mono - ogre-python - onefetch - openSUSE-release-tools-publish-distro - openkim-models - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-docs - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-testsuite - opentyrian - orthanc-neuro - perl-Crypt-PBKDF2 - perl-Digest-SHA3 - perl-Future-IO - perl-Mojo-JWT - picotool - pkexec - pqiv - pqiv-ffmpeg - pqiv-gdkpixbuf - pqiv-libarchive - pqiv-poppler - pqiv-spectre - pqiv-wand - pqiv-webp - python3-apfel - python3-clang14 - python3-clang15 - python3-e-antic - python3-keyring-pass - python3-lalframe - python3-ldas-tools-al-swig - python3-libmsym - python3-lldb14 - python3-lldb15 - python3-pybind11-stubgen - python3-pylibiio - qpwgraph - qt6ct - rakudo - range-v3-devel - rash - rdma-core-devel-32bit - rsign2 - rspamd - rust1.64 - scsh - scsh-base - simutrans - simutrans-makeobj - singularity-ce - siril - solanum - sops - spdx-sbom-generator - spooles-devel - spooles-openmpi-devel - spooles-openmpi2-devel - stk-data - stk-devel - stuntman - sympol - sympol-devel - system-user-grommunio - system-user-gromox - tachyon-devel - thinkfan - timeshift - timeshift-lang - tiny - tiro-bangla-fonts - tiro-devahindi-fonts - tiro-devamarathi-fonts - tiro-devasanskrit-fonts - tiro-gurmukhi-fonts - tiro-indigo-fonts - tiro-kannada-fonts - tiro-tamil-fonts - tiro-telugu-fonts - toipe - tokei - trng-devel - tuigreet - typelib-1_0-Lfb-0_0 - typelib-1_0-Libags-4_0 - typelib-1_0-Shumate-1_0 - vim-plugin-gitrebase-keywordprg - vst-rnnoise - vst3-rnnoise - vtk-java-devel - vtk-openmpi2-java-devel - vtk-openmpi3-java-devel - vtk-openmpi4-java-devel - wayshot - whatsapp-for-linux - whatsapp-for-linux-lang - wine-staging-32bit - wine-staging-devel-32bit - xdg-utils-cxx-devel - zfp - zlib-testsuite - zypp-gui Package Source Changes ====================== 2ping +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + 389-ds +- Update to version 2.2.3~git20.b1ed566: + * Issue 5495 - RFE - skip dds during migration. (#5496) + * Issue 5491 - UI - Add rework and finish jpegPhoto functionality (#5492) + * Issue 5368 - Retro Changelog trimming does not work (#5486) + * Issue 5487 - Fix various issues with + * Issue 5482 - lib389 - Can not enable replication with a mixed case suffix + * Issue 5478 - Random crash in connection code during server shutdown (#5479) + * Issue 3061 - RFE - Add password policy debug log level + * Issue 4324 - Revert recursive pthread mutex usage in factory.c + * Issue 5262 - high contention in find_entry_internal_dn on mixed load (#5264) + * Issue 4324 - Revert recursive pthread mutex change (#5463) + +- bsc#1204493 - Improve reliability of migrations from openldap when dynamic directory services + is configured. +- Update to version 2.0.16~git52.76ecbe1: + * Issue 5495 - RFE - skip dds during migration. (#5496) + * Issue 5491 - UI - Add rework and finish jpegPhoto functionality (#5492) + * Issue 5368 - Retro Changelog trimming does not work (#5486) + * Issue 5487 - Fix various issues with + * Issue 5482 - lib389 - Can not enable replication with a mixed case suffix + * Issue 4776 - Fix entryuuid fixup task (#5483) + * Issue 5356 - Update Cargo.lock and bootstrap PBKDF2-SHA512 (#5480) + * Issue 3061 - RFE - Add password policy debug log level + * Issue 5462 - RFE - add missing default indexes (#5464) + * Issue 4324 - Revert recursive pthread mutex usage in factory.c + +- bsc#1194119 - CVE-2021-45710 - tokio data race with memory corruption +- Update to version 2.0.16~git37.9a47b3d2: + * Revert "Issue 5446 - Fix some covscan issues (#5451)" + * Issue 5254 - dscreate create-template regression due to 5a3bdc336 (#5255) + * Issue 5271 - Serialization of pam_passthrough causing high etimes (#5272) + * Issue 5453 - UI/CLI - Changing Root DN breaks UI + * Issue 5446 - Fix some covscan issues (#5451) + * Issue 5294: Report Portal 5 is not processing an XML file with (#5358) + * Issue 4588 - Gost yescrypt may fail to build on some older versions of glibc + * Issue 4308 - checking if an entry is a referral is expensive + * Issue 5447 - UI - add NDN max cache size to UI + * Issue 5443 - UI - disable save button while saving + * Issue 5077 - UI - Add retrocl exclude attribute functionality (#5078) + 4pane +- Added 0001-Compilation-fixes-for-wxWidgets-3.1.6.patch, + 0001-Compilation-fix-for-wxWidgets-3.1.5.patch, + 0001-Fix-a-wx-assert-complaining-that-a-panel-was-being-a.patch, + 0001-Fix-a-wxAssert-when-showing-the-Command-line-termina.patch, + and + 0001-Prevent-a-wx-build-warning-about-wxPATH_NORM_ALL-bei.patch + to fix build with wxWidgets 3.2 + 6tunnel +- add 9e4119f03f57eec67b97dddbf09d363b638791dc.patch to be + able to switch to python3 + Cadence +- Update to 0.9.2 + - Change systray tooltip from HTML to plaintext + - Fallback to GLib DBus if Qt DBus is not available + - Fix build with Qt 5.15+ + - Fix compatibility with Python 3.10 +- Drop Fix-build-with-Qt-5-15.patch because now in upstream. +- Switch URL tag from to + and insert new source url. + CastXML +- Update to version 0.4.6: + * No release notes. +- Use fdupes to link duplicate files. +- Add CastXML-rpmlintrc to suppress errors about empty files that + are actually needed. + Catch2 +- Update to 3.1.0 + * Added type constraints onto random generator + * Added All/Any/NoneTrue range matchers + * The JUnit reporter now normalizes classnames from C++ namespaces + to Java-like namespaces + * The Bazel support now understands BAZEL_TEST environment variable + * catch_discover_tests now has a new options for setting library + load path(s) when running the Catch2 binary + * Fixed crash when listing listeners without any registered listeners +- Update to 3.0.1 + * Breaking changes: + * Catch2 is now split into multiple headers + * C++14 is the minimum required C++ version + * CATCH_CONFIG_DISABLE_MATCHERS no longer exists. + * CATCH_CONFIG_ENABLE_CHRONO_STRINGMAKER no longer exists. + * ANON_TEST_CASE has been removed + * Multiple commandline flags have changed their behavior + * See migration guide + + * Matchers have been extended with the ability to use different + signatures of match + * templated match member function + * Provided generic matchers like IsEmpty, SizeIs, Contains, + AllMatch, AnyMatch, NoneMatch + * Significant compilation time improvements + * Some runtime performance optimizations + * Many other changes and bugfixes + +- Removed upstream merged fix-pragmas-old-gcc.patch + DirectX-Headers +- Update to 1.606.4: + * Update D3DX12.H to support new ABI for MinGW (#73) + * dxguids: Add new GUIDs from the last several releases + +- Update to 1.606.3: + * Support Shader Model 6.7 + FlightGear +- Update to 2020.3.13 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.12 + * + FreeCAD +- Update to version 0.20.1: + * Lots of bugfixes and new features, for details see + and + + +- Fix build with Netgen 6.2.2201 and later, add + 0001-Fix-build-with-NG-6.2.2201-include-BRepMesh_Incremen.patch + +- Update to version 0.20: + * Lots of bugfixes and new features, for details see + and + +- Drop upstream patches: + * fix_unittestgui_tkinter_py3.patch + * fix-smesh-vtk9.patch + * 0001-Test-remove-not-needed-u-before-py3-unicode-string.patch + * 0001-Test-fix-exception-handling-in-tests-for-units.patch + * 0001-Test-Provide-more-useful-information-when-unit-trans.patch + * 0002-Base-Fix-wrong-character-encoding-for-micro-siemens.patch + * 0001-improve-search-for-VTK-9.patch +- Add 0001-Gui-Quarter-Add-missing-OpenGL-includes.patch +- Add 0001-Avoid-catching-SIGSEGV-defer-to-system-services.patch + +- Remove VTK::Java/java-devel dependency, add + 0001-improve-search-for-VTK-9.patch + Ipopt +- Update to version 3.14.10: + * Added option grad_f_constant to specify that objective + function is linear. If set, the gradient of the objective will + be requested by Ipopt only once [gh#coin-or/Ipopt#597]. + * Added OrigIpoptNLP::orig_d_L() and OrigIpoptNLP::orig_d_U() to + get original constraint sides. + * TNLP::get_curr_violations() now returns the constraint + violation and complementarity with respect to the original + (non-relaxed) constraint sides [gh#coin-or/Ipopt#603]. + Jamulus +- Update to 3.9.0 + * Feature: Added EXPERIMENTAL new JSON-RPC interface to control client and server (see docs/ for details) (#1975, #2505). + (contributed by @dtinth, @Rob-NY) + * GUI: Translations have been updated: + Chinese, by @BLumia (#2719) + Dutch, by @henkdegroot (#2708) + French, by @jujudusud (#2704, #2729) + German, by @ann0see (#2748) + Italian, by @dzpex (#2739) + Korean, by @bagjunggyu (assisted by @hoffie) (#2685, #2741) + Polish, by @SeeLook (#2735) + Portuguese Brazilian, by @melcon (#2728) + Portuguese European, by @melcon (#2747) + Slovak, by @jose1711 (#2732) + Spanish, by @ignotus666 (#2706) + * GUI: Client: Added instructions for setting buffers when using Pipewire (#2645). + (contributed by @gilgongo) + * GUI: Client: Fix a bug where a blank line is shown after some client’s name in the mixer board in some conditions (#2542). + (contributed by @dtinth) + * GUI: Client: Include ASIO references in Windows ASIO version (#2605). + (contributed by @henkdegroot) + * GUI: Client: Removed wrongly mentioned "URL" from help texts (#2608). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * GUI: Client: Rephrase mute options in help text (#2673). + (contributed by @pljones) + * GUI: Client: Simplify device driver error message on Windows by removing unneeded HTML (#2496). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * GUI: Client: What's This Text and Tooltip updated for LEDs and Connection Status (#2644). + (contributed by @henkdegroot) + * GUI: Server: Amend server registration, added server list persistence (#2199). + (contributed by @pljones) + * GUI: Server: Adjust Server Language combo box length to fit into layout properly (#2424). + (contributed by @pljones) + * GUI: Server: Re-order Recorder widgets for better use of space (plus Qt6 compliance) (#2427). + (contributed by @pljones) + * GUI: Fix (hopefully) all remaining references to "directory server" in displayed messages to say "directory" (#2710). + (contributed by @pljones) + * GUI: Improved Country selection handling to work with Qt6 and cover 53 previously unsupported territories (#2409). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * GUI: Improved translator experience by using substitutions instead of concatenations (#2646). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * GUI: Removed occurrences of plain name "Jamulus" in translatable texts (#2609). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Accessibility: Sound Alert for new person and new chat message (#2640). + (contributed by @chigkim) + * Accessibility: Combine all the client info, so screen reader users don't have to track down multiple places (#2638). + (contributed by @chigkim) + * Accessibility: Added name and instrument to accessibility labels for mute, solo, group (#2639). + (contributed by @chigkim) + * Client: Avoid losing gain changes (#2737). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Client: Fix potential long delay in sending fader changes to the server (#2535). + (contributed by @softins) + * Client: Refactored JACK- and ASIO-related logic (#2443). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Client: Removed the translation for the CLI version text output (#2602). + (contributed by @henkdegroot) + * Server: Fix loading of persistent server list entries (#2631). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Server: Headless Server now unregisters correctly (#2633). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Server: Clarify code for handling of requests for the server list (#2643). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Server: Improvements to the start up logging for the server list filter (#2647). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Server: Set default directory to "None" when not set in ini file or command line (#2442). + (contributed by @softins) + * Bug Fix: Build: .deb dependency fix to allow Jamulus being installed on Ubuntu 18.04 (#2423). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Bug Fix: Client/Server: corrected operation of message ack timer (#2517). + (contributed by @softins) + * Linux: Added the Jamulus Server desktop icon to the Debian/Ubuntu build and fixed SVG icon installation location (#2460). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Linux: Removed unused linux/ script (#2512). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Linux: Ubuntu: Added new runtime dependency. You will need to added the "universe" apt repository (on Ubuntu only) (#2721). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Linux: Updated package author information (#2652). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Documentation: Updated the link to "Running a server" web page (#2419). + (contributed by @jujudusud) + * Documentation: Document compile time options to (#2707). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Documentation: Added high-level technical documentation for the Jamulus protocol (#2337). + (contributed by @emlynmac) + * Documentation: Made man page and help output more consistent. (#2448). + (contributed by @gilgongo) + * Documentation: Rewrite some parts of and to stay up to date and enable clearer contribution guidelines (#2561). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Build: Added nojsonrpc qmake CONFIG option to remove JSON-RPC support (#2660). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Build: Make serveronly more comprehensive (#2551). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Build: Rename existing define to JACK_ON_WINDOWS (#2525). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Build: Moved CodeQL from Mac to Mac Legacy to work around signing incompatibility (#2564). + (contributed by @softins) + * Build: Provide unsigned iOS builds for easy install on iOS devices (#2355). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Build: Added macOS M1 (arm64) support (#2682). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Build: macOS will now be built with Qt 6.3.1 for better support of modern versions of macOS. Users of macOS 10.14 or earlier must from now use the legacy build or compile from source (#2672). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Build: Improved grep usage in scripts #2421 (#2397). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Build: Removed broken QMAKE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE_NAME. logic (#2477). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Build: Initial support for building with Qt6 has been implemented (@dcorson-ticino-com, @softins) (#2299). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Build: Updated aqt to v2.1.0 due to reliability reasons (#2597). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Autobuild: Major overhaul, incorporating improvements in performance + * Coding style and static checks for shell scripts are now enforced (#2635). + * Build workflow download and cache optimisations (#2284, #2498, #2499, #2642). + * Parallelisation of build processes (#2444, #2445) + * Build script refactoring (#2284, #2451, #2470, #2473, #2476, #2489, #2501, #2502, #2509, #2514, #2527, #2540, #2584, #2642). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Autobuild: Added experimental support for armhf (Raspberry-compatible) Linux .deb packages (#2526). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Autobuild: Fix iOS artifact name (#2619). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Autobuild: Build macOS .dmg files by create-dmg for building compatibility with further versions of macOS #2420 (#2207). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Autobuild: Stop the build if the audio SDK is missing (#2536). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Autobuild: Stop running Autobuild if only documentation is updated to avoid wasting computation time (#2532). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Autobuild: Build Windows version on latest build environment. This upgrades the Windows build process (#2649). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Autobuild: Make Qt downloads on Windows more reliable by re-trying downloads (#2333). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Autobuild: Backport Oboe's fixes CodeQl overflow warnings (#2548). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Code: code restructuring to reduce cross-dependencies (CHighPrecisionTimer) (#2637). + (contributed by @pljones) + * Internal: Improved script (#2471). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Internal: Improved and reorganized git/Changelog scripts (#2656). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Internal: Added .editorconfig for cross-language standardized indentation and line endings (#2585). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Internal: Applied a consistent coding style to scripts (#2547, #2582). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Internal: Added make clang_format helper command to simplify code formatting for contributors (#2258). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Internal: Added debian/ folder to .gitignore file to ensure build files are not added to git (#2464). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Internal: Check coding style on macOS/iOS code files (.mm extension) (#1871). + (contributed by @ngocdh) + * Internal: Use TODO and TEST comments instead of un-indenting with clang-format off/on (#2600). + (contributed by @pgScorpio) + * Internal: Removed unneeded white-space in all files and streamline line endings (#2402). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Internal: Applied standard style to .md files (#2549). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Internal: Move sound API files into src/sound folder. Contributors will now find the sound.cpp/sound.h/ in the src/sound folder for consistency (#2575). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Internal: Move translation files one level up to make finding them easier for translators (#2576). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Internal: Moved entitlements file to mac/ folder to clean up the repo root (#2529). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Internal: Rename LED resources (#2621). + (contributed by @henkdegroot) + * Internal: Improved release contributor tooling (#2411). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Internal: Improved Changelog release tooling (#2485, #2661). + (contributed by @hoffie) + * Internal: Moved outdated VST code on feature branch since there hasn't been any active development for a long time (#2461). + (contributed by @ann0see) + * Internal: Removed outdated qt-installer-windows.qs since we no longer use Travis CI (#2516). + (contributed by @ann0see) +- Added pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia) BuildRequires, as upstream depends on it. + LHAPDF +- Update to version 6.5.3: + * Fix linker arguments in Python-extension build. +- Drop LHAPDF-python-build-fix.patch: incorporated upstream. + +- Update to version 6.5.2: + * Fix range of member iteration when computing correlations with + the next extended-errorset scheme + * Update internal yaml-cpp version to fix compiler warnings. + * Complete distutils removal on main. + * Fix bug in lepton PDF lookup. + * Fail with an actually helpful exception message if lhapdf.conf + can't be found. +- Add LHAPDF-python-platlib.patch -- Correct system platlib + determination in +- Add LHAPDF-python-build-fix.patch -- Fix python builds due to + an unset env variable; patch taken from upstream git commit and + re-based for current version. +- Move /usr/bin/lhapdf binary to -devel pkg; this does not have + anything to do with the LHAPDF python bindings but rather is a + general utility script using standard python libs. +- Disable timestamps in doxygen generated docs. +- Run spec-cleaner for minor cleanups. + +- Update to version 6.5.1: + * Add uncertainty testing to release process. + * Fix typo in use of default uncertainty CL in + percent. +- Changes from version 6.5.0: + * Remove distutils dependency from configure, fall back to using + setuptools if possible in Python extension build, and update + Python version detection macros. + * Apply thread locality fixes to caches, active-set management + in LHAGlue, and non-MPI file-IO objects. + * Add PDFSet::uncertainties() methods to compute multiple + observable uncertainties at once. + * Chain the in-place and return by value PDFSet::uncertainty() + methods in the more efficient order. + * Lazily cache the PDFSet error-info struct. + * Add a parser for the extended error-type string format, and + start implementation of the extended uncertainty computation + using it. + * Use the PDFSet::lhapdfID() function by preference to return a + PDF::lhapdfID(), thereby avoiding the index-file lookup if + possible. + * Assemble the PDF-set index from _all_ pdfsets.index files + found in the search paths, with earlier appearances taking + precedence: allows use of partial indices in overload + directories. +- Delete some generated example binaries from the doc pkg. +- Run fdupes to link some documentation files (BuildRequires: + fdupes). + +- Delete cython generated cpp file so it can be regenerated by the + right flavour of Cython. +- Add BuildRequires: python-Cython, needed for above. + MirrorCache +- Update to version 1.042: + * Add support for metalink4 format (#303) + * Add url parameter IP to simulate geo experience (#304) + * t: Fix CI after changes in async rendering in Mojo (#303) + +- Update to version 1.041: + * Fix metalink missing 'verification' tag (#302) + +- Update to version 1.040: + * Add parameter METALINK_GREEDY (#300) + * Optimization: assume package managers never want to render dir (#300) + * Fix mirror picked despite disabled in server_project table (#301) + * Avoid by and ru mirrors for ua requests (#298) +- Remove temporary patch, it is now included in sources + * 0001-Avoid-by-and-ru-mrrors-for-ua-requests.patch + +- Update assets cache + +- Add temporary patch to avoid by and ru mirrors for ua requests + * 0001-Avoid-by-and-ru-mrrors-for-ua-requests.patch + +- Update to version 1.039: + * Fix editing columns with underscore in /app (#297) + * Fix mirror report links in header (#297) + +- Update to version 1.038: + * Control order of projects in mirrors report (#294) + * Include subsidiary url into region in /report/mirrors (#295) + * Add mirror report links to header in openSUSE template (#296) + * Add operator to mirrors report (#296) + * Add column sponsor to server table (#296) + +- Update to version 1.037: + * Add configuration for redirect for projects (#293) + +- Update to version 1.036: + * Fix mirrors report when missing folders (#288) + * Tweak systemd files (#291) + * Rework mirrors report (#290) + * Rescan if no country hit (#292) + MozillaFirefox -- Firefox 102.3.0esr ESR - Placeholder changelog-entry (bsc#1203477) +- Firefox 102.4.0esr ESR + Placeholder changelog-entry (bsc#1204421) +- Added mozilla-partial-revert-1768632.patch to fix build on i586 + +- Firefox Extended Support Release 102.3.0 ESR + * Fixed: Various stability, functionality, and security fixes. + MFSA 2022-40 (bsc#1203477) + * CVE-2022-3266 (bmo#1767360) + Out of bounds read when decoding H264 + * CVE-2022-40959 (bmo#1782211) + Bypassing FeaturePolicy restrictions on transient pages + * CVE-2022-40960 (bmo#1787633) + Data-race when parsing non-UTF-8 URLs in threads + * CVE-2022-40958 (bmo#1779993) + Bypassing Secure Context restriction for cookies with __Host + and __Secure prefix + * CVE-2022-40956 (bmo#1770094) + Content-Security-Policy base-uri bypass + * CVE-2022-40957 (bmo#1777604) + Incoherent instruction cache when building WASM on ARM64 + * CVE-2022-40962 (bmo#1776655, bmo#1777574, bmo#1784835, + bmo#1785109, bmo#1786502, bmo#1789440) + Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 105 and Firefox ESR 102.3 - mozilla-bmo1626236.patch and mozilla-bmo1602730.patch + mozilla-bmo1626236.patch, mozilla-bmo1602730.patch, + mozilla-bmo1504834-part2.patch, mozilla-bmo1504834-part4.patch MozillaThunderbird +- Mozilla Thunderbird 102.4.0 + Placeholder changelog-entry (bsc#1204421) +- Rebase mozilla-silence-no-return-type.patch to apply with fuzz=0 +- Added mozilla-partial-revert-1768632.patch to fix build on i586 +- Mozilla Thunderbird 102.3.3 + * new: Option added to show containing address book for a + contact when using `All Address Books` in vertical mode + (bmo#1778871) + * changed: Thunderbird will try to use POP NTLM authentication + even if not advertised by server (bmo#1793349) + * changed: Task List and Today Pane sidebars will no longer + load when not visible (bmo#1788549) + * fixed: Sending a message while a recipient pill was being + modified did not save changes (bmo#1779785) + * fixed: Nickname column was not available in horizontal view + of Address Book (bmo#1778000) + * fixed: Multiline organization values were displayed across + two columns in horizontal view of Address Book (bmo#1777780) + * fixed: Contact vCard fields with multiple values such as + Categories were truncated when saved (bmo#1792399) + * fixed: ICS calendar files with a `FREEBUSY` property could + not be imported (bmo#1783441) + * fixed: Thunderbird would hang if calendar event exceeded the + year 2035 (bmo#1789999) +- Mozilla Thunderbird 102.3.2 + * changed: Thunderbird will try to use POP CRAM-MD5 + authentication even if not advertised by server (bmo#1789975) + * fixed: Checking messages on POP3 accounts caused POP folder + to lock if mail server was slow or non-responsive + (bmo#1792451) + * fixed: Newsgroups named with consecutive dots would not + appear when refreshing list of newsgroups (bmo#1787789) + * fixed: Sending news articles containing lines starting with + dot were sometimes clipped (bmo#1787955) + * fixed: CardDAV server sync silently failed if sync token + expired (bmo#1791183) + * fixed: Contacts from LDAP on macOS address books were not + displayed (bmo#1791347) + * fixed: Chat account input now accepts URIs for supported chat + protocols (bmo#1776706) + * fixed: Chat ScreenName field was not migrated to new address + book (bmo#1789990) + * fixed: Creating a New Event from the Today Pane used the + currently selected day from the main calendar instead of from + the Today Pane (bmo#1791203) + * fixed: `New Event` button in Today Pane was incorrectly + disabled sometimes (bmo#1792058) + * fixed: Event reminder windows did not close after being + dismissed or snoozed (bmo#1791228) + * fixed: Improved performance of recurring event date + calculation (bmo#1787677) + * fixed: Quarterly calendar events on the last day of the month + repeated one month early (bmo#1789362) + * fixed: Thunderbird would hang if calendar event exceeded the + year 2035 (bmo#1789999) + * fixed: Whitespace in calendar events was incorrectly handled + when upgrading from Thunderbird 91 to 102 (bmo#1790339) + * fixed: Various visual and UX improvements (bmo#1755623,bmo#17 + 83903,bmo#1785851,bmo#1786434,bmo#1787286,bmo#1788151,bmo#178 + 9728,bmo#1790499) +- Mozilla Thunderbird 102.3.1 + * changed: Compose window encryption options now only appear + for encryption technologies that have already been configured + (bmo#1788988) + * changed: Number of contacts in currently selected address + book now displayed at bottom of Address Book list column + (bmo#1745571) + * fixed: Password prompt did not include server hostname for + POP servers (bmo#1786920) + * fixed: `Edit Contact` was missing from Contacts sidebar + context menus (bmo#1771795) + * fixed: Address Book contact lists cut off display of some + characters, the result being unreadable (bmo#1780909) + * fixed: Menu items for dark-themed alarm dialog were invisible + on Windows 7 (bmo#1791738) + * fixed: Various security fixes + MFSA 2022-43 (bsc#1204411) + * CVE-2022-39249 (bmo#1791765) + Matrix SDK bundled with Thunderbird vulnerable to an + impersonation attack by malicious server administrators + * CVE-2022-39250 (bmo#1791765) + Matrix SDK bundled with Thunderbird vulnerable to a device + verification attack + * CVE-2022-39251 (bmo#1791765) + Matrix SDK bundled with Thunderbird vulnerable to an + impersonation attack + * CVE-2022-39236 (bmo#1791765) + Matrix SDK bundled with Thunderbird vulnerable to a data + corruption issue +- Mozilla Thunderbird 102.3 + * changed: Thunderbird will no longer attempt to import account + passwords when importing from another Thunderbird profile in + order to prevent profile corruption and permanent data loss. + (bmo#1790605) + * changed: Devtools performance profile will use Thunderbird + presets instead of Web Developer presets (bmo#1785954) + * fixed: Thunderbird startup performance improvements + (bmo#1785967) + * fixed: Saving email source and images failed + (bmo#1777323,bmo#1778804) + * fixed: Error message was shown repeatedly when temporary disk + space was full (bmo#1788580) + * fixed: Attaching OpenPGP keys without a set size to non- + encrypted messages briefly displayed a size of zero bytes + (bmo#1788952) + * fixed: Global Search entry box initially contained + "undefined" (bmo#1780963) + * fixed: Delete from POP Server mail filter rule intermittently + failed to trigger (bmo#1789418) + * fixed: Connections to POP3 servers without UIDL support + failed (bmo#1789314) + * fixed: Pop accounts with "Fetch headers only" set downloaded + complete messages if server did not advertise TOP capability + (bmo#1789356) + * fixed: "File -> New -> Address Book Contact" from Compose + window did not work (bmo#1782418) + * fixed: Attach "My vCard" option in compose window was not + available (bmo#1787614) + * fixed: Improved performance of matching a contact to an email + address (bmo#1782725) + * fixed: Address book only recognized a contact's first two + email addresses (bmo#1777156) + * fixed: Address book search and autocomplete failed if a + contact vCard could not be parsed (bmo#1789793) + * fixed: Downloading NNTP messages for offline use failed + (bmo#1785773) + * fixed: NNTP client became stuck when connecting to Public- + Inbox servers (bmo#1786203) + * fixed: Various visual and UX improvements + (bmo#1782235,bmo#1787448,bmo#1788725,bmo#1790324) + * fixed: Various security fixes + * unresolved: No dedicated "Department" field in address book + (bmo#1777780) + MFSA 2022-42 (bsc#1203477) + * CVE-2022-3266 (bmo#1767360) + Out of bounds read when decoding H264 + * CVE-2022-40959 (bmo#1782211) + Bypassing FeaturePolicy restrictions on transient pages + * CVE-2022-40960 (bmo#1787633) + Data-race when parsing non-UTF-8 URLs in threads + * CVE-2022-40958 (bmo#1779993) + Bypassing Secure Context restriction for cookies with __Host + and __Secure prefix + * CVE-2022-40956 (bmo#1770094) + Content-Security-Policy base-uri bypass + * CVE-2022-40957 (bmo#1777604) + Incoherent instruction cache when building WASM on ARM64 + * CVE-2022-3155 (bmo#1789061) + Attachment files saved to disk on macOS could be executed + without warning + * CVE-2022-40962 (bmo#1776655, bmo#1777574, bmo#1784835, + bmo#1785109, bmo#1786502, bmo#1789440) + Memory safety bugs fixed in Thunderbird 102.3 + MyGUI +- Update to version 3.4.1 + * Implement new MSDF font + * Add new eventWidgetDestroyed + * Add support for custom shaders for each render item + * Add support for Unicode code points outside of the + Basic Multilingual Plane + * Allow std::function in the MyGUI::newDelegate + * Allow const functions and const classes in the MyGUI::newDelegate + * Some bug fixes + * Widgets + * Some bug fixes in ListBox and EditBox + * Button: make Button without "normal_checked" skin display + "pushed" skin + * Window: add borders snapping, when resizing it + * Platform Ogre: + * make it possible to use OGRE_RESOURCEMANAGER_STRICT=1 mode + * use Ogre::Renderable to render Gui, this fixes several issues + with recent Ogre version + * LayoutEditor: fix multi language support +- Update MyGUI-install-libCommon.patch +- Add 0001-Fix-linking-with-Wl-no-undefined.patch +- Drop upstream fixed MyGUI-lib_suffix.patch, + MyGUI-gcc47-visibility.patch, + MyGUI-libs-versioning.patch +- Add rpmlintrc + +- Renamed patches: + - MyGUI-libCommon-fixup.patch -> MyGUI-libs-versioning.patch +- Added patches: + - MyGUI-install-libCommon.patch +- Extracted "tools" to a subpackage; fixed generated desktop files. +- Moved devel "*.so" files to "devel" subpackage. MyGUI contains only libs with + versions. Installing dependent applications doesn't pull MyGUI-devel. + +- Update BuildRequires to fix OBS builds. + -- fix build on 13.1+: - * freetype includes are now in include/freetype2 - * OGRE needs libboost_system on linker commandline - Photini +- python-six is not required + + QMPlay2 +- Removed 0001-fix-older-qt-compilation.patch as it is merged upstream +- Enabled RubberBand support on openSUSE Leap 15.5 and SLE15SP5+ +- Dropped support for openSUSE Leap 15.3 and SLE15SP3 as they can't satisfy QMPlay2's future build requirements anymore +- Switched to gcc11 on openSUSE Leap and SLE +- Update to version 22.10.23 + * allow to use CPU Vulkan implementation by "QMPLAY2_ALLOW_VULKAN_CPU" environment variable, + * allow to skip "yt-dlp" updates (configuration file only), + * export "My Radio Stations" to PLS or M3U playlists, + * add "My Radio Stations" to system tray menu, + * fix subtitles synchronization with video, + * fix language detextion for some locales, + * fix various subtitles scaling issues, + * fix AV1 aspect ratio in some cases, + * other minoir subtitles fixes, + * other minor fixes. + +- Added 0001-fix-older-qt-compilation.patch to fix a compile error on openSUSE Leap 15.3 +- Update to version 22.08.21 + * use RubberBand to keep audio pitch across playback speed, + * revert OpenSSL to 1.1.1 to fix https issues on Win 7, + * use the song name as the title for GME (cspiegel), + * fix displaying bitmap subtitles without duration, + * fix color space on limited YUV range, + * change HQ image downscale threshold, + * update Dutch translation (Vistaus), + * improve HQ image upscaling, + * fix crash with Vulkan 1.0, + * other minor fixes. + Rivet +- Update to version 3.1.6: + * Allow the rivet script's -p option to be given multiple times, + or to contain a comma-separated list of files to load cf. the + - a argument. readData() is called for each specified preload + file, in order. + * Add a pseudojets() method and automatic conversion operator to + Particles. It sets the user index so the constituents will + match the indices of the particle or jet vector used as input. + * Move the Jets and Particles definitions into the .hh headers. + * Submission of CMS_2017_I1497519: Z boson in association with + jets at 8 TeV. + * Fall back to old calculation of y in DISKinematics if Q2 is + zero. + * Add MissingMom typedef for MissingMomentum. + * Add vectorEt/PtMiss() and scalarEt/PtMiss() methods to + MissingMomentum. + * Use ThreeMomentum in MissingMomentum for the vectorPt() etc. + * Add ThreeMomentum/P3 type with momentum-oriented method names, + cf. FourVector->FourMomentum. + * Add a pseudojets() method to the Jets container type. + * Add BESIII_2022_I2047667 e+e- > eta omega and omega pi0. + * Add finalize-scaling protection in ATLAS_2020_1790256. + * Add BESIII_2022_I2039027 e+e- > pi+pi-eta. + * Add BESIII_2022_I2033007 e+e-> K+K-pi0. + +- Fix sed script for rpath removal from rivet-config. + +- Update to version 3.1.5: + * Changed the first labelling in ATLAS_2016_I1467230 from "/*" + to "/d01-*" + * Use the new Ref(Un)match regex info to filter unwanted objects + from ref files during HepData sync. + * Add support for Warning, RefMatch, and RefUnmatch keys in + analysis info files, mapped to the Analysis and AnalysisInfo + APIs. + * Add testing, warning messages, and unit tests for + negative-virtuality FS particles. + * Fix the analysis-plugin uninstall target. + * Remove many const return-by-value signatures, and other sloppy + or meaningless C++ antipatterns flagged by the icpc build. + * Add SFINAE x/y/z/t() method detection to Vector4 constructors, + and explicit .pseudojet() calls to Particles and Jets passed + to PseudoJet constructors. + * submission of ATLAS_2019_I1768911 (Z pT and phi* and at 13 + TeV) + * Provide more options to specify the Cython command to be used. + Thanks to Christian Holm Christensen. + * Separate the DESTDIR from prefix in the Python module + installation, to clean up FreeBSD packaging. + * introduce isCompatibleWithSqrtS function for sqrtS dependent + hist booking, falls back to ENERGY option to make routines + reentrant safe + * fix back for CounterPtr filling: no fill should mean no fill, + not fill using weight 0 + * Add ability for mkhtml to use pdfunite in place of pdftk and + pdfmerge for making a booklet. + * fix indentation in + * add per-file print out to rivet-merge + * support keyboard interruption in rivet-merge + * Correction to use xE rather than xP in OPAL_1997_S3396100, by + Adil Jueid. + * New CMS analyses: CMS_2020_I1794169 (WZ and same-sign WW boson + pairs), CMS_2020_I1814328 (W+W- boson pair production), and + CMS_2020_I1837084 (Z-boson differential production cross + section using its invisible decay mode; NB: runs on Z->mumu + sample) + * Improve option handling for booleans, and exception emission + with incompatible casts. + * Add a default-value argument to the string version of + getOption(). + * Change the DressedLepton single-FS name from barefs to allfs, + to reduce confusion. + * Add DIRECT and DRESSED options to MC_ELECTRONS and MC_MUONS. + * Fix dressed-lepton origin position for the standard, + non-jet-clustering mode. + * Remove raw int baryon counter from STAR_2006_S6860818. + * catch low-stats crash in LHCB_2013_I1208105 reported by Jan + Kretzschmar + * Improve error message for when the calibration file has been + forgotten + * Remove numerical epsilon cutoff for pseudorapidity + calculation: inf is a perfectly good value for beamline + momenta. Regression test updated. + * Add convenience V2, V3, V4, and P4 alias names for the vector + types. + * Add tests for eta and rapidity values calculated in particular + for +-z vectors. + * Allowing file.yoda:x1.23 and file.yoda:=1.23 as rivet-merge + arguments to multiply or overwrite the cross-section + respectively + * Add LHCB_2010_S8758301 -> LHCB_2010_I865584 alias, requested + by LHCb. + * Adding zero-division protection in AH::setCrossSection + (spotted by P. Ilten, thanks!) + * Submission of MC_HFDECAYS (MC-only validation routine for + heavy-flavour hadron decays) + * Add Analysis::barchart() functions for converting histos to + inert 'bar charts' without bin-width scaling. Sometimes + necessary, e.g. for reporting infinite-width bin contents. + * Update bundled yaml-cpp to version 0.6.3 +- Drop Rivet-analysis-compilation.patch: incorporated upstream. + SHERPA-MC +- Add SHERPA-MC-ignore-distutils-deprecation-warning.patch: + Disable deprecation warning when importing distutils from + python3.10, so that autotools checks can still work. + SVT-AV1 +- Update to release 1.3.0: + * Encoder: + - Port SIMD optimizations from libDav1D making the conformant + path (Inv. Transform) faster + - Enabling smaller mini-GOP size configurations and tuning it + for the low delay mode + - Tuning the low-latency mode in random access targeting + latencies from 250ms to 1s + - Adding GOP-constrained Rate Control targeting low-latency + streaming applications + - Optimize mode decision features levels for depth + partitioning, RDOQ, MD stage0 pruning in-loop filtering + temporal filtering and TPL adding more granularity and + gaining further quality + - Preset tuning M0-M13 to smooth the spacing and utilize the + quality improvements towards better tradeoffs + * Build, Cleanup and Documentation: + - Update preset and API documentation + - Various functional bug fixes + - Remove the use of GLOB in cmake and use file names +- Changes from release 1.2.1: + * Encoder: Fix a crash at the end of the encode that may occur + when an invalid metadata packet is sent with the EOS packet + * Build, Cleanup: + - y4m header pasring code cleanup + - API cleanup and enhancements adding string options for RC + mode + - Added option to build without app / dec / enc using the + / build.bat scripts + SimGear +- Update to 2020.3.13 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.12 + * + SoQt +- Adapt for Coin4, remove + 0001-Use-a-Find-module-to-find-older-Coin-versions.patch +- Fix License, SoQt since 1.6.0 is BSD-3-Clause +- Drop irrelevant SoQt-man3.patch + -- Fix Requires for devel package - ThePEG +- Update to version 2.2.3: + * Support for spin 3 particles added. + * hepmc3 compatiblity added. + * Various bug fixes and improvements. + * Fix for c++11 compatiblity added. + YODA +- Update to version 1.9.7 + * Add Stat and Uncor to labels flagged as uncorrelated. + * Update yaml-cpp version for C++17 compatibility. + * Replace distutils with sysconfig and manual calls to the + compiler. +- Add YODA-correct-python-platlib.patch: Use correct python + platlib ($prefix/lib64) consistently across different python + versions; although we do not build for multiple python versions, + we would not want to adapt the file list everytime upstream + python vacillates between lib (e.g. python 3.8/3.10) vs lib64 + (e.g. python 3.9) for platlib. + +- Set PYTHONPATH to buildroot's python3_sitearch before testing to + allow importing of yoda module. + abiword +- Add gnome-icon-theme Recommends: Needed for in app icons + (alternative icon-themes can of course be used). + accel-config +- Update to version 3.4.7: + * No relevant changes +- Update to version + * Add Zcompress32, Zdecompress32, Compress and Decompress test + * Add Zcompress16 and Zdecompress16 to IAA test + * Add operation CRC64 into IAA test + * Bug fixes + +- Update to version + * Init IAA test and add No-op operation + * Separate common codes from DSA source code file + * Bug fixes + +- Update to version + * Allow use of config files with driver_name attr with older drivers + +- Update to version + * Allow driver_name to be configured in guest + * Disable mdev tests + * Update driver_name in unit test configs + * Improve error message in config attr failures +- Update to version + * Bug fix in wq driver name configuration + * Test configs add driver name attr +- Update to version 3.4.6: + * Support new "read_buffer" attributes that replace "token" attributes + * Deprecate attributes with "token" names + * Add support for driver_name attr to get wq driver name + * Fix a read buffer length related bug + * Add opcode operation support +- Build exclusively on x86_64, as kernel module idxd.ko cannot be + found on i586 + +- Update to version 3.4.4: + * Add -e/--enable and -f/--force features to load-config command + * Add more sample configuration files for different usages + * Add multi-descriptor support +- Update to version 3.4.3: + * Remove redundant dependencies (kmod and udev) + * Bug fixes and code cleanup + * DSA test adds device and wq selection + * DSA test adds no opcode operation support + ack +- ack 3.6.0: + * Add default ignores for Python's pickle serialization format + * Add default ignore for Visual Studio's user & workspace settings + * Add support for the Crystal language + * Add .sbt as a Scala extension + acpica +- This version includes CEDT table support as requested in feature + (SLE 15 SP5): + jsc#PED-201 + +- Update bundled wmidump to latest upstream 2021-10-11: + * Add support for '//' comments + * Print object_id or notify_id based on ACPI_WMI_EVENT flag + object_id and notify_id member are in one union. It depends on + ACPI_WMI_EVENT flag which member is stored in this union. + So print only one member based on ACPI_WMI_EVENT flag. +- Add comment about origin of the wmidump sources + +- update to 20220331: + For the ASL Sleep() operator, issue a warning if the sleep value is + greater than 10 Milliseconds. Quick boottime is important, so warn about + sleeps greater than 10 ms. Distribution Linux kernels reach initrd in 350 + ms, so excessive delays should be called out. 10 ms is chosen randomly, + but three of such delays would already make up ten percent of the + boottime. + Namespace: Avoid attempting to walk the Namespace if the Namespace does + not exist. + AML interpreter/iASL compiler: Add new Acpi 6.4 semantics for the + LoadTable and Load operators. DDB_HANDLE is gone, now loadtable returns a + pass/fail integer. Now load returns a pass/fail integer, as well as + storing the return value in an optional 2nd argument. + Headers: Use uintptr_t and offsetof() in Linux kernel builds. To avoid + "performing pointer subtraction with a null pointer has undefined + behavior" compiler warnings, use uintptr_t and offsetof() that are always + available during Linux kernel builds to define ACPI_UINTPTR_T and the + ACPI_TO_INTEGER() and ACPI_OFFSET() macros when building the ACPICA code + in the Linux kernel. + Added support for the Windows 11 _OSI string ("Windows 2021"). Submitted + by superm1. + executer/exsystem: Inform users about ACPI spec violation for the Stall() + operator. Values greater than 100 microseconds violate the ACPI + specification, so warn users about it. From the ACPI Specification + version 6.2 Errata A, 19.6.128 *Stall (Stall for a Short Time)*: + The implementation of Stall is OS-specific, but must not relinquish + control of the processor. Because of this, delays longer than 100 + microseconds must use Sleep instead of Stall. + Data Table Compiler/Disassembler: Add support for the APMT table - ARM + Performance Monitoring Unit table. Submitted by @bwicaksononv. + Data Table Compiler/Disassembler: For MADT, add support for the OEM- + defined subtables (Types 0x80-0x7F). + Data Table Compiler: Fixed a problem with support for the SDEV table, + where a subtable Length was not computed correctly. + Data Table Compiler/Disassembler: Add/fix the CFMWS subtable to the CEDT + Acpi table support. + Data Table Compiler/Disassembler: Fix a compile issue with the CEDT and + add template. Submitted by MasterDrogo. + Data Table Compiler/Disassembler: NHLT Changes provided by Piotr Maziarz: + iASL/NHLT: Rename linux specific structures to DeviceInfo to improve + readability of the code. + iASL/NHLT: Fix parsing undocumented bytes at the end of Endpoint. + Undocumented bytes at the end of Endpoint Descriptor can be present + independently of Linux-specific structures. Their size can also vary. + iASL/NHLT: Treat TableTerminator as SpecificConfig. SpecificConfig has 4 + bytes of size and then an amount of bytes specified by size. All of the + terminators that I've seen had a size equal to 4, but theoretically it + can vary. + iASL/AcpiExec: Use _exit instead of exit in signal handers (ctrl-C). + iASL: Remove a remark due to excessive output. Removed a remark for + duplicate Offset() operators, due to a user complaint. + +- The package build fine on arches different than x86 and ARM. Drop + the ExclusiveArch. + +- Update to version 20210930 + * ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem: + * Avoid evaluating methods too early during system resume. + * Added a new _OSI string, "Windows 2020". + * iASL Compiler/Disassembler and ACPICA tools: + * iASL compiler: Updated the check for usage of _CRS, _DIS, + _PRS, and _SRSobjects + * iASL table disassembler: Added disassembly support for the + NHLT ACPI table. + * Added a new subtable type for ACPI 6.4 SRAT Generic Port Affinity + * Added the flag for online capable in the MADT, introduced in + ACPI 6.3. +- Update to version 20210730: + * iASL Compiler/Disassembler and ACPICA tools: + * iasl: Check usage of _CRS, _DIS, _PRS, and _SRS objects + * iASL Table Disassembler/Table compiler: Fix for WPBT table with + no command-line arguments. + * Handle the case where the Command-line Arguments table field does + not exist (zero). + * Headers: Add new DBG2 Serial Port Subtypes + * iASL: Add full support for the AEST table (data compiler) + * Add PRMT module header to facilitate parsing. + * Table disassembler: Add missing strings to decode subtable types. + +- Update to version 20210604: + * ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem + * Cleaned up (delete) the context mutex during local address + handler object deletion. + * Fixed a memory leak caused by the _CID repair function. + * Add support for PlatformRtMechanism OperationRegion handler. + * Add a new utility function, AcpiUtConvertUuidToString. + * iASL Compiler/Disassembler and ACPICA tools: + * Added full support for the PRMT ACPI table + * Added full support for the BDAT ACPI table. + * Added full support for the RGRT ACPI table. + * Added full support for the SVKL ACPI table. + * Completed full support for the IVRS ACPI table. + * Added compiler support for IVRS, updated disassembler support + * Added a new utility, UtIsIdInteger, to determine if a + HID/CID is an integer or a string. + * Headers: Added more structs to the CEDT table + * ACPI 6.4: MADT: added Multiprocessor Wakeup Mailbox Structure. + +- Update to version 20210331 + * ACPI 6.4 is now supported! + ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem: + * Always create namespace nodes. + * Fixed a race condition in generic serial bus operation region handler. + iASL Compiler/Disassembler and ACPICA tools: + * Add disassembly support for the IVRS table. + * Fixed a potential infinite loop due to type mismatch. + iASL/TableCompiler: + * update it with IORT table E.b revision changes. + * Add compilation support for the VIOT table. + * Add compilation support for CEDT table. + * Update of the CEDT template. + +- Update to version 20210105 + ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem: + * Updated all copyrights to 2021. This affects all ACPICA source code + modules. + iASL Compiler/Disassembler and ACPICA tools: + * ASL test suite (ASLTS): Updated all copyrights to 2021. + * Tools and utilities: Updated all signon copyrights to 2021. + * iASL Table Compiler: Removed support for obsolete ACPI tables: VRTC, + MTMR. Al Stone. + +- Update to version 20200717 + ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem: + * Do not increment OperationRegion reference counts for field units. Recent + server firmware has revealed that this reference count can overflow on + large servers that declare many field units (thousands) under the same + OperationRegion. This occurs because each field unit declaration will add + a reference count to the source OperationRegion. This release solves the + reference count overflow for OperationRegion objects by preventing + fieldUnits from incrementing their parent OperationRegion's reference + count. + * Replaced one-element arrays with flexible-arrays, which were introduced + in C99. + * Restored the readme file containing the directions for generation of + ACPICA from source on MSVC 2017. Updated the file for MSVC 2017. File is + located at: generate/msvc2017/readme.txt + iASL Compiler/Disassembler and ACPICA tools: + * iASL: Fixed a regression found in version 20200214. Prevent iASL from + emitting an extra byte of garbage data when control methods declared a + single parameter type without using braces. This extra byte is known to + cause a blue screen on the Windows AML interpreter. + * iASL: Made a change to allow external declarations to specify the type of + a named object even when some name segments are not defined. This change + allows the following ASL code to compile + (When DEV0 is not defined or not defined yet): + External (\_SB.DEV0.OBJ1, IntObj) + External (\_SB.DEV0, DeviceObj) + * iASL: Fixed a problem where method names in "Alias ()" statement could be + misinterpreted. They are now interpreted correctly as method invocations. + * iASL: capture a method parameter count (Within the Method info segment, + as well as the argument node) when using parameter type lists. + +- Update to version 20200528 + ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem: + Removed old/obsolete Visual Studio files which were used to build the + Windows versions of the ACPICA tools. Since we have moved to Visual + Studio 2017, we are no longer supporting Visual Studio 2006 and 2009 + project files. The new subdirectory and solution file are located at: + acpica/generate/msvc2017/AcpiComponents.sln + iASL Compiler/Disassembler and ACPICA tools: + * iASL: added support for a new OperationRegion Address Space (subtype): + PlatformRtMechanism. Support for this new keyword is being released for + early prototyping. It will appear in the next release of the ACPI + specification. + * iASL: do not optimize the NameString parameter of the CondRefOf operator. + In the previous iASL compiler release, the NameString parameter of the + CondRefOf was optimized. There is evidence that some implementations of + the AML interpreter do not perform the recursive search-to-parent search + during the execution of the CondRefOf operator. Therefore, the CondRefOf + operator behaves differently when the NameString parameter is a single + name segment (a NameSeg) as opposed to a full NamePath (starting at the + root scope) or a NameString containing parent prefixes. + * iASL: Prevent an inadvertent remark message. This change prevents a + remark if within a control method the following exist: + 1) An Operation Region is defined, and + 2) A Field operator is defined that refers to the region. + This happens because at the top level, the Field operator does not + actually create a new named object, it simply references the operation + region. + * Removed support for the acpinames utility. The acpinames was a simple + utility used to populate and display the ACPI namespace without executing + any AML code. However, ACPICA now supports executable opcodes outside of + control methods. This means that executable AML opcodes such as If and + Store opcodes need to be executed during table load. Therefore, acpinames + would need to be updated to match the same behavior as the acpiexec + utility and since acpiexec can already dump the entire namespace (via the + 'namespace' command), we no longer have the need to maintain acpinames. + * In order to dump the contents of the ACPI namepsace using acpiexec, + execute the following command from the command line: + acpiexec -b "n" [aml files] +- Refresh parches + +- Enable -fcommon in CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in order + to fix boo#1160383. + +- Add -fcommon as there are a lot re-definitions which lead to errors + and compile failures with gcc10 which enables -fno-common by default + bsc#1160383 - acpica fails with -fno-common + +- Update to version 20200110 + +- Use noun phrase in summary + +- Update to version 20190509 + Includes a fix that breaks VirtualBox + + +- Update to version 20190405 + iASL: Implemented an enhanced multiple file compilation that combines + named objects from all input files to a single namespace. With this + feature, any unresolved external declarations as well as duplicate named + object declarations can be detected during compilation rather than + generating errors much later at runtime. The following commands are + examples that utilize this feature: + iasl dsdt.asl ssdt.asl + iasl dsdt.asl ssdt1.asl ssdt2.asl + iasl dsdt.asl ssdt*.asl +- Adjusted patch: + M acpica-no-compiletime.patch + +- Update to version 20190215 + Support for ACPI specification version 6.3: + * Add PCC operation region support for the AML interpreter. This adds PCC + operation region support in the AML interpreter and a default handler for + acpiexec. The change also renames the PCC region address space keyword to + PlatformCommChannel. + * Support for new predefined methods _NBS, _NCH, _NIC, _NIH, and _NIG. + These methods provide OSPM with health information and device boot + status. + * PDTT: Add TriggerOrder to the PCC Identifier structure. The field value + defines if the trigger needs to be invoked by OSPM before or at the end + of kernel crash dump processing/handling operation. + * SRAT: Add Generic Affinity Structure subtable. This subtable in the SRAT + is used for describing devices such as heterogeneous processors, + accelerators, GPUs, and IO devices with integrated compute or DMA + engines. + * MADT: Add support for statistical profiling in GICC. Statistical + profiling extension (SPE) is an architecture-specific feature for ARM. + * MADT: Add online capable flag. If this bit is set, system hardware + supports enabling this processor during OS runtime. + * New Error Disconnect Recover Notification value. There are a number of + scenarios where system Firmware in collaboration with hardware may + disconnect one or more devices from the rest of the system for purposes + of error containment. Firmware can use this new notification value to + alert OSPM of such a removal. + * PPTT: New additional fields in Processor Structure Flags. These flags + provide more information about processor topology. + * NFIT/Disassembler: Change a field name from "Address Range" to "Region + Type". + * HMAT updates: make several existing fields to be reserved as well as + rename subtable 0 to "memory proximity domain attributes". + * GTDT: Add support for new GTDT Revision 3. This revision adds information + for the EL2 timer. + * iASL: Update the HMAT example template for new fields. + * iASL: Add support for the new revision of the GTDT (Rev 3). + ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem: + * AML Parser: fix the main AML parse loop to correctly skip erroneous + extended opcodes. AML opcodes come in two lengths: 1-byte opcodes and 2- + byte extended opcodes. If an error occurs during an AML table load, the + AML parser will continue loading the table by skipping the offending + opcode. This implements a "load table at any cost" philosophy. + iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools: + * iASL: Add checks for illegal object references, such as a reference + outside of method to an object within a method. Such an object is only + temporary. + * iASL: Emit error for creation of a zero-length operation region. Such a + region is rather pointless. If encountered, a runtime error is also + implemented in the interpeter. + * Debugger: Fix a possible fault with the "test objects" command. + * iASL: Makefile: support parent directory filenames containing embedded + spaces. + * iASL: Update the TPM2 template to revision 4. + * iASL: Add the ability to report specific warnings or remarks as errors. + * Disassembler: Disassemble OEMx tables as actual AML byte code. + Previously, these tables were treated as "unknown table". + * iASL: Add definition and disassembly for TPM2 revision 3. + * iASL: Add support for TPM2 rev 3 compilation. +- Refresh patches +- Run spec-cleaner + +- Update to 20180629 + Added changelog from mainline, installed into documentation path + +- Update to version 20180508 + ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem: + * Completed the new (recently deployed) package resolution + mechanism for the Load and LoadTable ASL/AML operators. This + fixes a regression that was introduced in version 20180209 + that could result in an AE_AML_INTERNAL exception during the + loading of a dynamic ACPI/AML table (SSDT) that contains + package objects. + iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools: + * AcpiDump and AcpiXtract: Implemented support for ACPI tables + larger than 1 MB. This change allows for table offsets within + the acpidump file to be up to 8 characters. These changes are + backwards compatible with existing acpidump files. + version 20180427 + ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem: + * Debugger: Added support for Package objects in the "Test + Objects" command. This command walks the entire namespace and + evaluates all named data objects (Integers, Strings, Buffers, + and now Packages). + * Improved error messages for the namespace root node. + Originally, the root was referred to by the confusing string + "\___". This has been replaced by "Namespace Root" for + clarification. + * Fixed a potential infinite loop in the AcpiRsDumpByteList + function. Colin Ian King . + iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools: + * iASL: Implemented support to detect and flag illegal forward + references. For compatibility with other ACPI implementations, + these references are now illegal at the root level of the DSDT + or SSDTs. Forward references have always been illegal within + control methods. This change should not affect existing + ASL/AML code because of the fact that these references + have always been illegal in the other ACPI implementation. + * iASL: Added error messages for the case where a table OEM ID + and OEM TABLE ID strings are longer than the ACPI-defined length. + Previously, these strings were simply silently truncated. + * iASL: Enhanced the -tc option (which creates an AML hex file + in C, suitable for import into a firmware project): + 1) Create a unique name for the table, to simplify use of + multiple SSDTs. + 2) Add a protection #ifdef in the file, similar to a .h + header file. With assistance from Sami Mujawar, + and Evan Lloyd, + * AcpiExec: Added a new option, -df, to disable the local + fault handler. This is useful during debugging, where it may + be desired to drop into a debugger on a fault. + +- Upgrade to latest version 20180313 +- Update patches: + * acpica-no-compiletime.patch + * do_not_use_build_date_and_time.patch + -- Update to version 20140724 - -- Include in the package's source. - -- Add acpi-tools tarball from kernel sources: tools/power/acpi - Use latest acpidump from there instead of acpica included one. - This fixes acpidump on latest kernels. -- Add script for easier retrieving of acpi-tools tarball from kernel sources. - -- Update to version 20140214 -- Replace $RPM_OPT_FLAGS with %{optflags} as suggested by - -- set HOST for make to not blindly set the hostname - as compiler definition - -- Update to version 20140114 - Drop acpica-add_missing_examples_makefile.patch - - > already included mainlaine. - -- Update to version 20131218 - Add acpica-add_missing_examples_makefile.patch: They forgot to add a file - to the tarball. This patch adds it from git repo. - Drop acpica-fix_dots_in_path_for_p_option.patch: This patch is included - in the newly provided version tarball already. - -- Update to version 20131115 -- Explicitly add commit 04d10e3c1f41a776cbed96dce2326ee649b9a0f0 to fix - bnc#855050: - acpica-fix_dots_in_path_for_p_option.patch - -- Update to version 20130823 -- remove already integrated patch: - dmar-buf10.patch - -- Fix Source3 vs Source4 typo (acpi_validate was broken) - -- Update to version 20130517 - - remove acpidump tarball, it is now included in acpica main project - -- Update to version 20130418 - - remove already integreated patches: - acpica_make_CFLAGS_overridable - bob_noop.patch - - Add fix for DMAR table parsing issue: - - -- Add wmidump/wmixtract tools for easy WMI (or other) GUID parsing - -- Fix tiny bug in acpi_validate which wrongly adds the file which - is to be compiled additionally to the external reference tables - list - -- Make use of -in (Ignore NoOp opcodes/operators) - to avoid false positive errors during compliation/disassembling - -- Update to version 20121018 - - > remove some patches that got integrated - - > Add one patch (bob_noop.patch) which will get integrated - mainline: Stop and bail out when max error (200) count is reached. - Introduce -in compile/disassemble option. - -- Add acpi_validate script for easy disassembling and re-compilation - of local ACPI tables or of an already existing acpidump file - -- Update to latest version 20121018. - - > one patch got accepted mainline -> removed. - -- Update to latest version 20120913 -- Add acpi_genl from - Can be used to check for ACPI events via netlink (since /proc/acpi/events is - is deprecated) -- Adjust to new Makefile layout - -- Update to latest version 20120518 - -- license update: GPL-2.0 - You added ec_access.c with a GPL-2.0 (only) license. Now the spec file - has to be updated to reflect this - -- Clarify license, it's GPL-2.0+ (bnc#711299). - -- ACPICA version 20111123 released with full ACPI 5.0 support - Detailed changelog can be found here: - - -- Fix build for 32 bit - -- Update to version 20110623 -- Fixed some "set but not used" errors and a link order issue - and sent patches upstream. -- Set "-Wno-unused-result" for some compilations -> too many - offenders to fix that all up. - -- Add acpica-unix-const.patch: fix const correctness issue in - AslCompilererror, - -- Add acpica-unix-20110316-gcc46.patch: fix compilation with gcc 4.6 - -- Disable both build dates in this package and in - the files it generates as it both trigger either unneeded - republish of itself or other bigger packages like virtualbox -- Provides: iasl too. - -- Exchange selfmade patch with mainline one to fix build - -- Updated to acpica version 20110316 - Changes are listed in /usr/share/doc/packages/acpica/changes.txt -- Fixed dynamic acpi table extract via acpidump/acpixtract - by reverting acpica commit baab09e6857a427944068c5e599ea2ffb84f765b -- Fixed compile issue and submitted it mainline - -- Add possibility to see changes via new -s param: -r [ -s sleep ] - -- Remove stale acpidump patches - -- Get latest acpidump tool from Len's acpi pmtools: - * Also dump dynamically loaded SSDTs -- Build against its own headers instead of acpica headers - - > unfortunately acpidump is still not part of acpica and - adjusting things ourselves is too much overhead. - -- Update to version 20110112 - Changes are listed in /usr/share/doc/packages/acpica/changes.txt - -- Update to version 20100806 -- Added ec_access executable to be able to debug the Embedded - Controller together with CONFIG_ACPI_EC_DEBUGFS kernel .config - option - -- Update to version 20100806 - For details, see the changes.txt file in the package - changes.txt can now be found in - /usr/share/doc/packages/acpica/changes.txt - -- Update to version 20100702 - For details, see acpica-unix-20100702/changes.txt - -- Update to version 20100428 - -- Avoid (when compiling AML): - DSDT.dsl 10307: Name (_ADR, Zero) - Error 4080 - ^ Invalid object type for reserved name, - must be (Integer) - -- Updated to version 20100304 - Some ACPI 4.0 enhancements and a lot bug fixes and other - enhancements. See changes.txt in the sources for details - -- Updated to version 20091013 - Includes a bug fix to correctly disassmeble Unisys ES7000 tables - -- as-needed fix no longer necessary - -- Update to acpica version 20090730 - The ACPI 4.0 implementation for ACPICA is complete with this release. - -- disable as-needed for this package as it fails to build with it - -- Initial check-in: Version 20090320 - adcli +- Remove errx() calls on error conditions to execute the cleanup + function and delete the krb5 snippets created in /tmp; + (bsc#1202647); + * Add 0038-Remove-errx-from-tools.patch +- Set umask before calling mkdtemp; (bsc#1202647); + * Add 0039-Set-umask-before-calling-mkdtemp.patch + aegisub +- Disable s390x build, unsupported target architecture. + afl +- Update file list for riscv64 + +- updated to 4.04c + - fix gramatron and grammar_mutator build scripts + - enhancements to the afl-persistent-config and afl-system-config + - scripts + - afl-fuzz: + - force writing all stats on exit + - afl-cc: + - make gcc_mode (afl-gcc-fast) work with gcc down to version 3.6 + - qemu_mode: + - fixed 10x speed degredation in v4.03c + - added qemu_mode/fastexit helper library + - unicorn_mode: + - Enabled tricore arch (by @jma-qb) + - Updated Capstone version in Rust bindings + - llvm-mode: + - AFL runtime will always pass inputs via shared memory, when possible, + ignoring the command line. + +- updated to 4.03c + - Building now gives a build summary what succeeded and what not + - afl-fuzz: + - added AFL_NO_STARTUP_CALIBRATION to start fuzzing at once instead + of calibrating all initial seeds first. Good for large queues + and long execution times, especially in CIs. + - default calibration cycles set to 7 from 8, and only add 5 cycles + to variables queue items instead of 12. + - afl-cc: + - fixed off-by-one bug in our pcguard implemenation, thanks for + @tokatoka for reporting + - fix for llvm 15 and reenabling LTO, thanks to nikic for the PR! + - better handling of -fsanitize=..,...,.. lists + - support added for LLVMFuzzerRunDriver() + - fix gcc_mode cmplog + - obtain the map size of a target with setting AFL_DUMP_MAP_SIZE=1 + note that this will exit the target before main() + - qemu_mode: + - added AFL_QEMU_TRACK_UNSTABLE to log the addresses of unstable + edges (together with AFL_DEBUG=1 afl-fuzz). thanks to + worksbutnottested! + - afl-analyze broke at some point, fix by CodeLogicError, thank you! + - afl-cmin/afl-cmin.bash now have an -A option to allow also crashing + and timeout inputs + - unicorn_mode: + - updated upstream unicorn version + - fixed builds for aarch64 + - build now uses all available cores + +- updated to 4.02c + - afl-cc: + - important fix for the default pcguard mode when LLVM IR vector + selects are produced, thanks to @juppytt for reporting! + - gcc_plugin: + - Adacore submitted CMPLOG support to the gcc_plugin! :-) + - llvm_mode: + - laf cmp splitting fixed for more comparison types + - frida_mode: + - now works on Android! + - afl-fuzz: + - change post_process hook to allow returning NULL and 0 length to + tell afl-fuzz to skip this mutated input + akonadi-server +- In SLE-15-SP3 we had patches that made akonadi fall back to + sqlite if the mysql backend is not available. Those patches were + already merged by upstream so we can let the package Recommend + mysql instead of Require it, since it's not available in SLED. + The Requires are set unless branding-SLE is installed so the + requirements are used in Leap/TW but not in SLE where it's only + a Recommends and an alternate Requirements is used in that case + where the sqlite backend is installed if mysql is not available. + alembic +- Ogawa only supports little endian. Disable s390x builds. + alpine +- Disable parallel build, fails to produce a result + + * bsc#1189316, CVE-2021-38370: The c-client library parses + information from an IMAP server during non-authenticated state + which could lead to denial of service. alure +- Change URL/Source to +- Replace CXXFLAGS "-fpermissive" with fix-dumb2.patch + amanda +- %_docdir/amanda should be mode 755 and not 644 + +- Update to version 3.5.2: + * amstatus + + new --[no]taped argument, useful when running + 'watch amstatus CONF --summary --notaped' if the run have + many tapes + * amvault + + new --uniq, --no-uniq argument + + Behavior change: The default is --uniq + + new --delayed argument + + new --run-delayed argument +- Switch sources from Sourceforge to Github. +- Drop amanda-timestamp.patch: Makefile now handles + SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. +- Refresh patches on Perl bindings so that they apply on swig files + since generated C files are not included in sources anymore: + * amanda-2.6.1p1-return_val.patch + * amanda-3.5-no_return_in_nonvoid_fnc.patch +- Add amanda-3.5.2-fix-tests.patch: Fix tests on Tumbleweed + (gh#zmanda/amanda#167). +- Add build dependencies on swig and rpcgen: Generated files are + not included in sources anymore. +- Remove redundant %configure options. + amarok +- Use FFmpeg 4 to build amarok on Tumbleweed. The FFmpeg 5 port + needs more work. + +- Don't require QtWebEngine unconditionally + android-udev-rules +- Update to version 20220903 + Bug Fixes + * Avoid wrong detections of controller devices (#234) + Features + * Add rules for ZTE MF286* series internal modems (#231) + * Add product ID for CDC-NCM+ADB for Tensor Pixels (#236) + Miscellaneous Tasks + * use /bin/sh interp within shebang (#232) + * Remove commented universal rule + * Change fast to adbfast for Pixel C (#235) + anjuta +- Disable devhelp plugin, we can no longer support this due to + changes in devhelp building against to new webkitgtk. Disable + pkgconfig(libdevhelp-3.0) BuildRequires and pass + disable-plugin-devhelp to configure. + appeditor +- Add appeditor-1.1.3-vala-0.55.1.patch: Fix build with Vala 0.55.1 + +- Update to version 1.1.3: + * Fix a warning. +- Changes from version 1.1.2: + * Add new translation: Portuguese. + * Fix some Flatpak issues. + * Fix some typos. +- Add appeditor-1.1.3-fix-flickering-titlebar.patch, picked from + Fedora (gh#donadigo/appeditor#103). + aqbanking +- Update to 6.5.3 + + aqbanking-cli: Added command to show supported commands per account. + + AqHBCI: Cleanup (remove defs for static function from header files). + + AqHBCI: Cleanup jobtransferbase.c. Probably fixed #260. + + AqPaypal: Probably fixed missing unlock in bug #253. + + AqHBCI: Probably fixed a bug in attach code/ack code handling (#263). + + AqHBCI: Move _removeAttachPoints() to cbox_send and call it there. + + Many more bugfixes + + Add keyring for gpg validation + +- add keyring for gpg validation + armadillo +- Update to version 11.4.2: + * Undocumented bug fixes. + +- Update to version 11.4.0: + * extended pow() with various forms of element-wise power + operations. + * added find_nan() to find indices of NaN elements. + * faster handling of compound expressions by sum(). + +- Update to version 11.2.4: + * Undocumented bug fixes. + asciinema +- update to 2.2.0: + * Added official support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 + * Dropped official support for Python 3.5 + * Added `--cols` / `--rows` options for overriding size of pseudo-terminal reported to recorded program + * Improved behaviour of `--append` when output file doesn't exist + * Keyboard input is now explicitly read from a TTY device in addition to stdin (when stdin != TTY) + * Recorded program output is now explicitly written to a TTY device instead of stdout + * Dash char (`-`) can now be passed as output filename to write asciicast to stdout + * Diagnostic messages are now printed to stderr (without colors when stderr != TTY) + * Improved robustness of writing asciicast to named pipes + * Lots of codebase modernizations (many thanks to Davis @djds Schirmer!) + * Many other internal refactorings + assimp +- update to 5.2.5: + * Add unittest to reproduce undefined behavior + * Cleanups + * Link static linkage for std_image. + * fix msvc warnings-as-errors + * Remove dll-export tags from static library builds. + * Fix Import a specific FBX model will freeze the app + * Create + * Pragma warnings cause build fail with MinGW + * Fixed FBXConverter build error when using double precision + * Fix possible nullptr exception + * [Experimental] New skeleton container for bones + * Add support for GCC v12 + * Remove unused variable. + * Infinite loop on bad import files + * Utilize AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_REMOVE_EMPTY_BONES flag for Collada meshes. + * Fix Windows 32-bit builds + * Fix GNUC check on Windows + * Update the name of the package + * Kimkulling/fix invalid opengex token match + * Disable build for tools per default + * Use mingw.include + * Fix a memory leak + * Fix nested animation name being lost in Collada + * Fix possible bad_alloc exception for an invalid file + * Bump JesseTG/rm from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 + * Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 + * Kimkulling/fix texture loading 3MF, reladed issue-4568 + * Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3 + * Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 + * Remove assertion test + * Fix memory leak in D3MFOpcPackage + * Fix typo in installation instructions for ubuntu. + * Build fix for compiling against minizip. + * Fix stl for over 4 GB + * Fix uninitialized variable. + * Fixes Crash in Assimp::ObjFileMtlImporter::getFloatValue + * Fixes Heap-buffer-overflow in Assimp::ObjFileParser::getFace + * Fixes Heap-buffer-overflow in std::__1::basic_string= 0.55.0. + + Require atk >= 2.33.3. Not a new requirement, but previously + it was not specified in and +- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling. +- Remove erroneous executable bit from NEWS. + autoyast2 +- Log the profile/rules/classes file SHA1 sum so we can later + verify that a particular file was or was not used by YaST + (related to bsc#1204175) +- 4.5.8 + +- Allow empty values in ask/default, ask/selection/label and + ask/selection/value elements (bsc#1204448). +- 4.5.7 + +- fix profile location parsing and add 'repo' URL scheme (jsc#SLE-22578, + jsc#SLE-24584) +- 4.5.6 + +- Add needed packages for the selected network backend in order to + prevent it is not declared in the software section (bsc#1201235, + bsc#1201435) +- 4.5.5 + awesome-vicious +- Update to version 2.5.1 + * Fixed escaping of % in helpers.format, which affects mpd widget ${Progress} + * Fixed possible deadlock of when update widgets + * [contrib.openweather] New API compatibility, which requires an API key + * [gmail] Authentication documentation + * [mpd] Added support for sending arbitrary commands + * [contrib.openweather] Added various new return values + -- fixed spec -- removed service file - azote +- Update to 1.9.6: + * added 2 lines to check if the /usr/share/backgrounds/nwg-shell path + exists, and set it as the sample_dir, if so. + balsa -- Update to version 2.6.1 - + fix server identity verification (CVE-2020-13645), fixes boo#1172460 +- Update to version 2.6.4: + + Fix display/printout with nondefault HTML preferences. + + HTML context meny improments, integration with Webkit HTML + privacy filter. + + Header edition in GNOME editor fixed. + + Some MDN, iCalendar issues fixed. + + More informative error messages. + + Notification improvements. + + Show UI for opening download location after download. + + Minor memory leaks plugged. + + Code refactoring and cleanup. + + Library and build system deprecation cleanups. + + Updated translations. +- Pass disable static to configure and remove la files in install. +- Replace gpgme-devel with pkgconfig(gpgme) BuildRequires following + upstreams changes. + +- Update to version 2.6.3: + + Improve Autocrypt-related error messages. + + Improvements to communication with GnuPG key servers. + + Create standard-compatible HTML messages. + + Implement sender-dependent HTML message preferences. + + Reuse HTTP connections when rendering HTML messages. + + Do not send empty Reply-To, Cc, etc headers. + + More robust IMAP parser and response handling. + + Code cleanups, platform-dependent build fixes. + +- Update to version 2.6.2: + * Webkit widgets are now sandboxed. + * Improved desktop notifications. + * iTIP calendar reply are improved. + * Handling of multiple crypto keys for the same recipient. + * build cleanups and improvements, e.g. application logging. + * code cleanups and simplifications as enabled by moving to more modern + libraries. + * bug fixes: draft with message/external-body attachments; + do not crash on importing half-broken keys + +- Update to version 2.6.1: + + fix server identity verification. +- Run spec-cleaner + + Remove package groups bcg729 +- fixed license tag + +- update to 1.1.1: + * compatibility with old compilers + * Fixed infinite loop in VAD module and overflow in encoder + * build scripts fixes + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Use correct macros for cmake build + bcmatroska2 +- Remove RPATH to be able to build on Fedora + +- changed version from 0.23~git.20210209 to 0.23+git.20210209, + 0.23~git.20210209 is considered older than the previous version 0.23 + and could cause the package not being updated automatically +- fix several RPMLINT warning + bctoolbox +- Update to 5.1.64 (no changelog). + +- Remove RPATH to be able to build on Fedora + bees +- Added patch: 0001-fs-fix-FIEMAP_MAX_OFFSET-type-silliness-in-fiemap.h.patch + (fix build on ppc64le) + belle-sip +- Update to 5.1.47: + * Close the file before calling stop callback to let cb to do file modifications like renaming. + * Do not return belle_sip_source_t when scheduling task on the main loop. + * Fix double free during certificate generation. + +- Update to version 5.1.32: + * Fixed userid not used in http auth + * Add methods to known whether a request can be created or not + * Avoid re-sending a BYE because of un-ACKed dialog if a BYE was sent already + * report io error to pending http transaction in case of provider stop + * Add test vectors from RFC7616 for digest auth + * Implement automatic retry of reINVITE upon 491 request pending response +- revert license tag change + +- Update to 5.1.12: + * no changelog + +- Update to 5.1.0: + * Multipart boundaries are random and used-once. + * Avoid using V4MAPPED formatted IP addresses in CONNECT http requests, + because http proxies may not be always IPv6-capable. + +- Update to version 5.0.67: + * no changes +- fix license tag + +- Update to version 5.0.66: + * no changelog + bemenu +- Update to 0.6.13: + * Add support to disable pointer, touch and keyboard events #311 + +- Update to 0.6.12: + * fix dangling pointer state on wayland #310 + +- Update to 0.6.11: + * Trigger pointer selection on button release instead #281 + * Do not highlight entry with initial mouse position #282 + * Document alternating color argument in man page as well #283 + * Fix exiting when an unexpected Wayland error occurs. #287 + * wayland: Damage using buffer coordinates #293 + * wayland: Bump version #296 + * fix ignored --monitor in BEMENU_OPTS env var #303 + * Add --accept-single flag #304 + * Document feedback color argument in man page as well #307 + benchmark +- Update to version 1.7.0: + * version bump + * simplified code (#1439) + * use target_compile_definitions (#1440) + * Stop generating the export header and just check it in (#1435) + * Also fix the SOVERSION for benchmark_main + * Fix SOVERSION of shared library + * v1.6.2 bump + * Expose google_benchmark.State for python bindings. (#1430) + * Suppress nvcc `offsetof` warning (#1429) + * Correct typo in Passing Arguments section + * cleanup comments + * fix sanitizer builds by using clang 13 (#1426) + * fix dependabot numpy version warning + * fix cmake warning for libcxx setup + * Expose default help printer function (#1425) + * Fix DoNotOptimize() GCC compile error with some types (#1340) (#1424) + * Remove redundant formatting tags (#1420) + * Revert "Add possibility to ask for libbenchmark version number (#1004) (#1403)" (#1417) + * Clarify that the cpu frequency is not used for benchmark timings. (#1414) + * Fix DoNotOptimize() GCC copy overhead (#1340) (#1410) + * Add possibility to ask for libbenchmark version number (#1004) (#1403) + * add multiple OSes to bazel workflow (#1412) + * fix some build warnings on type conversions + * fix typo in comment + * Report large numbers in scientific notation in console reporter (#1303) (#1402) + * Introduce warmup phase to BenchmarkRunner (#1130) (#1399) + * Add support to get clock for new architecture CSKY (#1400) + * Add option to get the verbosity provided by commandline flag -v (#1330) (#1397) + * fix some typos (#1393) + * Add installation and build instructions for Python bindings (#1392) + * Enable -Wconversion (#1390) + * Add benchmark labels to the output of the comparison tool (#1388) + * Filter out benchmarks that start with "DISABLED_" (#1387) + * Fix wheel job name for PyPI uploads (#1384) + * Shut down Bazel gracefully and revert wheel build strategy to job matrix (#1383) + * Small optimization to counter map management (#1382) + * getting sysinfo in line with Google style (#1381) + * Promote inclusive language. (#1360) + * [nfc] Reformat doc-string in generate_export_header (#1376) + * Fix Bazel build breakage caused by commit 6a894bd. (#1374) + * Build `//:benchmark` as a static library only. (#1373) + * add note about wheels action to releasing docs + * Change artifact download name to dist to match upload name (#1371) + * Remove conditional trigger from PyPI upload job (#1370) + * Add BENCHMARK_STATIC_DEFINE to the Python bindings' `cc_binary` local defines. (#1369) + * Update LICENSE file to clearly state which file needs BSD 3 (#1366) + * Fix float comparaison and add float comparison warning (#1368) + * Add PyPI upload job to wheel building workflow (#1359) + * Appended additional BSD 3-Clause to LICENSE (#1363) + * Add SetBenchmarkFilter() to set --benchmark_filter flag value in user code (#1362) + * Add long description and content type for proper PyPI presentation (#1361) + * Allow setting the default time unit globally (#1337) + * restore BENCHMARK_MAIN() (#1357) + * @platforms is magical; remove it from WORKSPACE. (#1356) + * Make generate_export_header.bzl work for Windows. (#1355) + * avoid case sensitive issues with duplicated names (#1354) + * move bzl file out of tools (#1352) + * Introduce the possibility to customize the help printer function (#1342) + * simplify reference to internal path (#1349) + * Check for macro existence before using (#1347) + * annotate and export public symbols (#1321) + * Expose default display reporter creation in public API (#1344) + * Avoid potential truncation issues for the integral type parameterized tests. (#1341) + * Add mutex when reading counters_ (Fixes #1335) (#1338) + * Use Win32 API only for Win32 apps (#1333) + * bump numby, as per dependabot (#1336) + * Fix cross compilation for macOS ARM builds in `cibuildwheel` (#1334) + * Cache PerfCounters instance in PerfCountersMeasurement (#1308) + * Fix some errors in Custom Statistics demo code. (#1332) + * Refine the User Guide CPU Frequency Scaling section (#1331) + * Refine docs on changing cpufreq governor (#1325) + * Expand documentation for unpacking arbitrary arguments. (#1324) + * Suppress GoogleTest warnings on windows (MSVC) too. (#1320) + * Add docs on Memory profiling (#1217). (#1319) + * Add docs for `ThreadRange`. (#1318) + bibletime +- Update to 3.0.3: + * Fixed license.html being installed twice + * Partially worked around a libsword bug which limited download durations to + 10 seconds + * Fixed bug which made it impossible to active toolbar buttons using keyboard + * Fixed some out-of-bounds memory read + * Fixed a number of input parsing and output generation errors, including + invalid memory reads + * Fixed search scopes not being properly translated + * Fixed version information in installed metadata files + * Updated translations + biboumi +- Depend on pkgconfig(catch2) < 3, as this is not compatible with + versions >= 3 yet. + bind +- Update to release 9.16.33 + Security Fixes: + * Previously, there was no limit to the number of database lookups + performed while processing large delegations, which could be + abused to severely impact the performance of named running as a + recursive resolver. This has been fixed. (CVE-2022-2795) + * named running as a resolver with the stale-answer-client-timeout + option set to 0 could crash with an assertion failure, when + there was a stale CNAME in the cache for the incoming query. + This has been fixed. (CVE-2022-3080) + * A memory leak was fixed that could be externally triggered in the + DNSSEC verification code for the ECDSA algorithm. (CVE-2022-38177) + * Memory leaks were fixed that could be externally triggered in the + DNSSEC verification code for the EdDSA algorithm. (CVE-2022-38178) + Feature Changes: + * Response Rate Limiting (RRL) code now treats all QNAMEs that are + subject to wildcard processing within a given zone as the same + name, to prevent circumventing the limits enforced by RRL. + * Zones using dnssec-policy now require dynamic DNS or + inline-signing to be configured explicitly. + * A backward-compatible approach was implemented for encoding + internationalized domain names (IDN) in dig and converting the + domain to IDNA2008 form; if that fails, + BIND tries an IDNA2003 conversion. + Bug Fixes: + * A serve-stale bug was fixed, where BIND would try to return stale + data from cache for lookups that received duplicate queries or + queries that would be dropped. This bug resulted in premature + SERVFAIL responses, and has now been resolved. + [bsc#1203614, bsc#1203618, bsc#1203619, bsc#1203620, jsc#SLE-24600] + +- Add systemd drop-in directory for named service + [bsc#1201689, bind.spec] + +- Include a modified createNamedConfInclude script again, as this + broke compatability with existing configurations. + A symlink for named.conf.include to /var/lib/named is created to + allow for a read-only /etc directory. + However it is still advised to change the existing configuration. + See README-bind.chrootenv for a guide how to do this. + [bsc#1203250, vendor-files/tools/createNamedConfInclude, + vendor-files/docu/README-bind.chrootenv, bind.spec] + +- Update to release 9.16.32 + Feature Changes: + * The DNSSEC algorithms RSASHA1 and NSEC3RSASHA1 are now automatically + disabled on systems where they are disallowed by the security policy + (e.g. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9). Primary zones using those algorithms + need to be migrated to new algorithms prior to running on these systems, + as graceful migration to different DNSSEC algorithms is not possible when + RSASHA1 is disallowed by the operating system. + * Log messages related to fetch limiting have been improved to provide + more complete information. Specifically, the final counts of allowed + and spilled fetches are now logged before the counter object is destroyed. + Bug Fixes: + * Non-dynamic zones that inherit dnssec-policy from the view or options + blocks were not marked as inline-signed and therefore never scheduled + to be re-signed. This has been fixed. + * The old max-zone-ttl zone option was meant to be superseded by + the max-zone-ttl option in dnssec-policy; however, the latter option + was not fully effective. This has been corrected: zones no longer load + if they contain TTLs greater than the limit configured in dnssec-policy. + For zones with both the old max-zone-ttl option and dnssec-policy + configured, the old option is ignored, and a warning is generated. + * rndc dumpdb -expired was fixed to include expired RRsets, + even if stale-cache-enable is set to no and + the cache-cleaning time window has passed. + [bind-9.16.32.tar.xz, bind-9.16.32.tar.xz.sha512.asc, + bind-9.16.31.tar.xz, bind-9.16.31.tar.xz.sha512.asc, + bind.spec, jsc#SLE-24600] + bitcoin +- fixed upstream version number change: it's not 0.x anymore + ++ disabled tests to fix Tumbleweed build + + updated source tarball URL per the upstream recommendation + + drop 24104.patch: fixed upstream + + Update to version 0.22.0 + * P2P and network changes + - Added support for running Bitcoin Core as an + [I2P (Invisible Internet Project)]( service + and connect to such services. See []( for details. (#20685) + - This release removes support for Tor version 2 hidden services in favor of Tor + v3 only, as the Tor network [dropped support for Tor + v2]( with the release of + Tor version 0.4.6. Henceforth, Bitcoin Core ignores Tor v2 addresses; it + neither rumors them over the network to other peers, nor stores them in memory + or to `peers.dat`. (#22050) + - Added NAT-PMP port mapping support via + [`libnatpmp`]( (#18077) + * New and Updated RPCs + - Due to [BIP 350]( + being implemented, behavior for all RPCs that accept addresses is changed when + a native witness version 1 (or higher) is passed. These now require a Bech32m + encoding instead of a Bech32 one, and Bech32m encoding will be used for such + addresses in RPC output as well. No version 1 addresses should be created + for mainnet until consensus rules are adopted that give them meaning + (as will happen through [BIP 341]( + Once that happens, Bech32m is expected to be used for them, so this shouldn't + affect any production systems, but may be observed on other networks where such + addresses already have meaning (like signet). (#20861) + - The `getpeerinfo` RPC returns two new boolean fields, `bip152_hb_to` and + `bip152_hb_from`, that respectively indicate whether we selected a peer to be + in compact blocks high-bandwidth mode or whether a peer selected us as a + compact blocks high-bandwidth peer. High-bandwidth peers send new block + announcements via a `cmpctblock` message rather than the usual inv/headers + announcements. See BIP 152 for more details. (#19776) + - `getpeerinfo` no longer returns the following fields: `addnode`, `banscore`, + and `whitelisted`, which were previously deprecated in 0.21. Instead of + `addnode`, the `connection_type` field returns manual. Instead of + `whitelisted`, the `permissions` field indicates if the peer has special + privileges. The `banscore` field has simply been removed. (#20755) + - The following RPCs: `gettxout`, `getrawtransaction`, `decoderawtransaction`, + `decodescript`, `gettransaction`, and REST endpoints: `/rest/tx`, + `/rest/getutxos`, `/rest/block` deprecated the following fields (which are no + longer returned in the responses by default): `addresses`, `reqSigs`. + The `-deprecatedrpc=addresses` flag must be passed for these fields to be + included in the RPC response. This flag/option will be available only for this major release, after which + the deprecation will be removed entirely. Note that these fields are attributes of + the `scriptPubKey` object returned in the RPC response. However, in the response + of `decodescript` these fields are top-level attributes, and included again as attributes + of the `scriptPubKey` object. (#20286) + - When creating a hex-encoded bitcoin transaction using the `bitcoin-tx` utility + with the `-json` option set, the following fields: `addresses`, `reqSigs` are no longer + returned in the tx output of the response. (#20286) + - The `listbanned` RPC now returns two new numeric fields: `ban_duration` and `time_remaining`. + Respectively, these new fields indicate the duration of a ban and the time remaining until a ban expires, + both in seconds. Additionally, the `ban_created` field is repositioned to come before `banned_until`. (#21602) + - The `setban` RPC can ban onion addresses again. This fixes a regression introduced in version 0.21.0. (#20852) + - The `getnodeaddresses` RPC now returns a "network" field indicating the + network type (ipv4, ipv6, onion, or i2p) for each address. (#21594) + - `getnodeaddresses` now also accepts a "network" argument (ipv4, ipv6, onion, + or i2p) to return only addresses of the specified network. (#21843) + - The `testmempoolaccept` RPC now accepts multiple transactions (still experimental at the moment, + API may be unstable). This is intended for testing transaction packages with dependency + relationships; it is not recommended for batch-validating independent transactions. In addition to + mempool policy, package policies apply: the list cannot contain more than 25 transactions or have a + total size exceeding 101K virtual bytes, and cannot conflict with (spend the same inputs as) each other or + the mempool, even if it would be a valid BIP125 replace-by-fee. There are some known limitations to + the accuracy of the test accept: it's possible for `testmempoolaccept` to return "allowed"=True for a + group of transactions, but "too-long-mempool-chain" if they are actually submitted. (#20833) + - `addmultisigaddress` and `createmultisig` now support up to 20 keys for + Segwit addresses. (#20867) + Changes to Wallet or GUI related RPCs can be found in the GUI or Wallet section below. + * Build System + - Release binaries are now produced using the new `guix`-based build system. + The [/doc/](/doc/ document has been updated accordingly. + * Files + - The list of banned hosts and networks (via `setban` RPC) is now saved on disk + in JSON format in `banlist.json` instead of `banlist.dat`. `banlist.dat` is + only read on startup if `banlist.json` is not present. Changes are only written to the new + `banlist.json`. A future version of Bitcoin Core may completely ignore + `banlist.dat`. (#20966) + * New settings + - The `-natpmp` option has been added to use NAT-PMP to map the listening port. + If both UPnP and NAT-PMP are enabled, a successful allocation from UPnP + prevails over one from NAT-PMP. (#18077) + * Updated settings + Changes to Wallet or GUI related settings can be found in the GUI or Wallet section below. + - Passing an invalid `-rpcauth` argument now cause bitcoind to fail to start. (#20461) + * Tools and Utilities + - A new CLI `-addrinfo` command returns the number of addresses known to the + node per network type (including Tor v2 versus v3) and total. This can be + useful to see if the node knows enough addresses in a network to use options + like `-onlynet=` or to upgrade to this release of Bitcoin Core 22.0 + that supports Tor v3 only. (#21595) + - A new `-rpcwaittimeout` argument to `bitcoin-cli` sets the timeout + in seconds to use with `-rpcwait`. If the timeout expires, + `bitcoin-cli` will report a failure. (#21056) + * Wallet + - External signers such as hardware wallets can now be used through the new + RPC methods `enumeratesigners` and `displayaddress`. Support is also added + to the `send` RPC call. This feature is experimental. See + []( + for details. (#16546) + - A new `listdescriptors` RPC is available to inspect the contents of descriptor-enabled wallets. + The RPC returns public versions of all imported descriptors, including their timestamp and flags. + For ranged descriptors, it also returns the range boundaries and the next index to generate addresses from. (#20226) + - The `bumpfee` RPC is not available with wallets that have private keys + disabled. `psbtbumpfee` can be used instead. (#20891) + - The `fundrawtransaction`, `send` and `walletcreatefundedpsbt` RPCs now support an `include_unsafe` option + that when `true` allows using unsafe inputs to fund the transaction. + Note that the resulting transaction may become invalid if one of the unsafe inputs disappears. + If that happens, the transaction must be funded with different inputs and republished. (#21359) + - We now support up to 20 keys in `multi()` and `sortedmulti()` descriptors + under `wsh()`. (#20867) + - Taproot descriptors can be imported into the wallet only after activation + has occurred on the network (e.g. mainnet, testnet, signet) in use. See + []( + for supported descriptors. + * GUI changes + - External signers such as hardware wallets can now be used. These require + an external tool such as [HWI]( to be + installed and configured under Options -> Wallet. When creating a new + wallet a new option "External signer" will appear in the dialog. If the + device is detected, its name is suggested as the wallet name. The + watch-only keys are then automatically imported. Receive addresses can be + verified on the device. The send dialog will automatically use the + connected device. This feature is experimental and the UI may freeze for + a few seconds when performing these actions. + * RPC + - The RPC server can process a limited number of simultaneous RPC requests. + Previously, if this limit was exceeded, the RPC server would respond with + [status code 500 (`HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR`)]( + Now it returns status code 503 (`HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE`). (#18335) + - Error codes have been updated to be more accurate for the following error cases (#18466): + - `signmessage` now returns RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY (-5) if the + passed address is invalid. Previously returned RPC_TYPE_ERROR (-3). + - `verifymessage` now returns RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY (-5) if the + passed address is invalid. Previously returned RPC_TYPE_ERROR (-3). + - `verifymessage` now returns RPC_TYPE_ERROR (-3) if the passed signature + is malformed. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY (-5). + * See for complete changelog + +- Add 24104.patch to fix build with boost-1.78 + bluez -- Add shared-gatt-server-Fix-heap-overflow-when-appending-.patch +- For pushing bluez 5.65 to 15-SP5 (bluez-5.62), sync more change log: + (jsc#PED-1407) + - The hcidump-Fix-set_ext_ctrl-global-buffer-overflow.patch + be merged to bluez-5.51 in 2018. (bsc#1013732)(CVE-2016-9801) + - The following btmon patches are merged to bluez-5.51 and later: + 0001-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch + 0002-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch + 0003-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch + 0004-btmon-Fix-crash-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch + 0005-btmon-fix-stack-buffer-overflow.patch + 0006-btmon-fix-multiple-segfaults.patch + 0007-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch + 0008-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-undeflow.patch + 0009-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch + 0010-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-overflow.patch + 0011-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch + 0012-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch + (bsc#1015173)(CVE-2016-9918)(bsc#1013893)(CVE-2016-9802) + - The shared-gatt-server-Fix-not-properly-checking-for-sec.patch + be merged to bluez-5.57 in 2021. + (bsc#1186463 CVE-2021-0129 CVE-2020-26558) + - The gatt-Fix-potential-buffer-out-of-bound.patch be merged to + bluez-5.56 in 2021. (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) + - The shared-gatt-db-Introduce-gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed.patch + be merged to bluez-5.56 in 2021. (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) + - The gatt-Make-use-of-gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed_length.patch + be merged to bluez-5.56 in 2021. (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) + - Add JIRA-SLE-18497 number to 5.60, 5.61 and 5.62 update log + to sync with bluez.changes in SLE15-SP5. + - Install modprobe.conf files to %_modprobedir + This change already in bluez.sepc in openSUSE:Factory/bluez. + Sync the change log here. (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639) + +- For pushing bluez 5.65 to 15-SP5 (bluez-5.62), sync the spec file and + log: (jsc#PED-1407) + - SLE15-SP5 will direct use bluez.changes for openSUSE TW. + So keep the contents of SLE bluez.changes to bluez.changes.sle file. + - Put to /usr/share/doc/packages/bluez/bluez.changes.sle in package. + +- For pushing bluez 5.65 to 15-SP5 (bluez-5.62), sync the spec file and + log: (jsc#PED-1407) + - SLE15-SP5 will use the bluez.spec from openSUSE TW. The following + are changes in bluez.spec of SLE15-SP5: + - Obsoletes: bluez-utils <= 3.36 + to + Obsoletes: bluez-utils < 3.36 + - Obsoletes: bluez-audio <= 3.36 + to + Obsoletes: bluez-audio < 3.36 + - In %package -n libbluetooth3: + Obsoletes: bluez-libs <= 3.36 + to + Obsoletes: bluez-libs < 3.36 + - In %package cups, add the following statements + Requires: %{name} + Requires: cups + Supplements: (%{name} and cups) + - In %package test + Requires: python3-gobject2 + to + Requires: python3-gobject + - In %package auto-enable-devices package, add + Requires(post): systemd + - Add %package obexd and %package zsh-completion + and their %description + - In %prep + - Removed + %setup -q + - Removed + [#] FIXME: Change the dbus service to be a real service, not systemd launched + sed -i "s:Exec=/bin/false:Exec=%{_libexecdir}/bluetooth/obexd:g" obexd/src/org.bluez.obex.service + sed -i "/SystemdService=.*/d" obexd/src/org.bluez.obex.service + [#] END FIXME + - In %build, add + - -with-dbusconfdir=%{_datadir} \ + - In %install + - Removed + [#] FIXME: Do not delete the systemd service once we support systemd user/session services + rm %{buildroot}%{_userunitdir}/obex.service + [#] end FIXME + - org.bluez.mesh.service to %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system-services/, + to + org.bluez.mesh.service to %{_datadir}/dbus-1/system-services/, + - In %files + - Add + %{_bindir}/isotest + %{_libexecdir}/bluetooth/obexd + %{_mandir}/man1/isotest.1%{?ext_man} + - %config %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf + to + %{_datadir}/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf + - Removed + %{_datadir}/dbus-1/services/org.bluez.obex.service + - Removed + %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/_bluetoothctl + - Add %files zsh-completion + - SLE15-SP5 will direct use bluez.changes for openSUSE TW. + So keep the contents of SLE bluez.changes to bluez.changes.sle file. + - Removed shared-gatt-server-Fix-heap-overflow-when-appending-.patch in + SLE15-SP5 bluez because 5.65 bluez already includes it. -- Install modprobe.conf files to %_modprobedir (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639) +- For pushing bluez 5.65 to 15-SP5 (bluez-5.62), sync the patches and + log: (jsc#PED-1407) + - hcidump-fixed-hci-frame-dump-stack-buffer-overflow.patch patch + be merged to 5.51 mainline. So 5.65 bluez already includes it. + (PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM)(bsc#1013721)(CVE-2016-9800) + - Add the following patches from the bluez-5.62 of 15-SP5: + - disable_some_obex_tests.patch + - disable tests for bypass boo#1078285 + - hcidump-Add-assoc-dump-function-assoc-date-length-ch.patch + - bsc#1013708 CVE-2016-9797 + - Al Cho has sent it to upstream but it not be merged: + + - hcidump-Fix-memory-leak-with-malformed-packet.patch + - bsc#1015171 CVE-2016-9917 + - Al Cho has sent it to upstream but it not be merged: + + - hcidump-Fixed-malformed-segment-frame-length.patch + - bsc#1013712 CVE-2016-9798 + - Did not send to upstream. + - 0001-rpi3-bcm43xx-The-UART-speed-must-be-reset-after-the-firmw.patch + - Move 43xx firmware path for RPi3 bluetooth support bsc#1140688 bsc#995059 bsc#1094902 + - From + - Respin the following patches + - bluez-test-2to3.diff + - Removed some parts of patch because those codes be included + in a1939bd51e0faba9a8550eea2590d99cb63a33c1 since 5.65. + - The following patches are the same between SLE15-SP5 with openSUSE TW: + - bluez-5.45-disable-broken-tests.diff in 15-SP5 matchs with + bluez-disable-broken-tests.diff in openSUSE TW. + - 0002-rpi3-Move-the-43xx-firmware-into-lib-firmware.patch in 15-SP5 + matchs with RPi-Move-the-43xx-firmware-into-lib-firmware.patch in + openSUSE TW. (bsc#995059)(bsc#1094902) + +- update to 5.65: + * Fix issue with A2DP cache invalidation handling. + * Fix issue with A2DP and not initialized SEP codec. + * Fix issue with A2DP and multiple SetConfiguration to same SEP + * Fix issue with AVRCP and not properly initialized volume. + * Fix issue with SDP records when operating in LE only mode. + * Fix issue with HoG and not reading report map of instances. + * Fix issue with GATT server crashing while disconnecting. + * Fix issue with not removing connected devices. + * Fix issue with enabling wake support without RPA Resolution. + * Fix issue with pairing failed due to the error of Already Paired. + * Add support for CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY environment variable. + * Add support for STATE_DIRECTORY environment variable. + * Add support for "Bonded" property with Device API. + * Add experimental support for ISO socket. +- drop bluez-test-2to3.diff (obsolete/upstream) + +- Upgrade bluez-test requirement of PyGObject from ancient version + 2 to current version. (bluez/test is at least able to use it + since 2014) + +- Move the dbus-1 system.d file to /usr (bsc#1199207) +- Fix self-obsoletion issues +- Add supplements to cups subpackage +- Split zsh completion into subpackage +- Don't tell the user to write to /usr (in README-mesh.SUSE) + +- add Requires(post): systemd for bluez-auto-enable-devices + * fixes boo#1198906 + +- update to version 5.64: + This is another release mostly with bug fixes on HOG, GATT, A2DP, + Media, AVDTP, AVRCP, and scanning failure. + This release includes a fix for building with old glibc (< 2.25) + and other minor issues found with the static code analyzing tool. + ISO packet support is added to the emulator as a part of LE Audio + development. +- removed obsoleted 0002-Use-g_memdup2-everywhere.patch + +- Add code to restore user modifications for modprobe.d %config files + after moving the files to %_modprobedir +- Use %_modprobedir (jsc#SLE-20639) + +- update to version 5.63: + * Fix issue with storing IRK causing invalid read access. + * Fix issue with disconnecting due to GattCharacteristic1.MTU. + * Add support for Device{Found,Lost} of advertising monitoring. + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Stop nuking the obex service, we support user systemd services + just fine now. Following this, no longer hack the dbus service, + leave it as a systemd service as upstream intended. +- Split out obex in own package with it's needed enabledment as a + systemd user service. +- Add 0001-obex-Use-GLib-helper-function-to-manipulate-paths.patch: + obex: Use GLib helper function to manipulate paths. Instead of + trying to do it by hand. This also makes sure that relative paths + aren't used by the agent. Patch from fedora. -- refresh patch - hcidump-fixed-hci-frame-dump-stack-buffer-overflow.patch +- drop obsoleted patch + 0005-media-rename-local-function-conflicting-with-pause-2.patch + +- add fedora's patches 0002-Use-g_memdup2-everywhere.patch and + 0005-media-rename-local-function-conflicting-with-pause-2.patch + to fix compatibility problems with newer glib and glibc + -- add bluez-test-2to3.diff to get rid of python2 dependency + + I'm not going to remove it, and another maintainer can still + restart the removal process :-) -- refresh other patches +- remove bluez-5.59-0388794dc5fdb73a4ea.diff (included upstream) + +- add bluez-5.59-0388794dc5fdb73a4ea.diff, fixes a2dp on newly + paired devices, + - * new tool: mesh-cfgtest - * new manpages: btmon.1, bluetooth-meshd.8 +- new tool: mesh-cfgtest +- new manpages: btmon.1, bluetooth-meshd.8 +- rebased bluez-test-2to3.diff + +- remove upstreamed + bluez-avdtp-Fix-removing-all-remote-SEPs-when-loading-from.patch + +- add bluez-avdtp-Fix-removing-all-remote-SEPs-when-loading-from.patch + Fix Bluetooth headphones disconnect periodically(bsc#1183821) + -- remove obsolete upstreamed patches: - shared-gatt-server-Fix-not-properly-checking-for-sec.patch - (bsc#1186463 CVE-2021-0129) - gatt-Fix-potential-buffer-out-of-bound.patch - (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) - shared-gatt-db-Introduce-gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed.patch - (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) - gatt-Make-use-of-gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed_length.patch - (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) -- refresh other patches -- Add gatt-Fix-potential-buffer-out-of-bound.patch - * When client features is read check if the offset is within the cli_feat - bounds. (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) -- Add shared-gatt-db-Introduce-gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed.patch - * This enables user to inform if an attribute has a fixed length so it can - automatically perform bounds checking. (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) -- Add gatt-Make-use-of-gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed_length.patch - * This makes use of gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed_length so the database is - aware of the length of the values and perform bounds checking. - (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588) +- add bluez-test-2to3.diff to get rid of python2 dependency -- Add - shared-gatt-server-Fix-not-properly-checking-for-sec.patch - * Fix not properly checking for secure flags - (bsc#1186463 CVE-2021-0129 CVE-2020-26558) +- Packaging: remove _service and accompanying, + maintenance in git did not work out as well as intended. +- remove input-hog-Attempt-to-set-security-level-if-not-bonde.patch, + input-Add-LEAutoSecurity-setting-to-input.conf.patch: upstream +- use autopatch, spec-cleaner + +- Add --enable-external-ell to actually make use of pkgconfig(ell). + +- Pull in python3 packages, the tests are py3 based so it does not + make sense to pull in py2 packages. + -- update to bluez-5.53: +- bluez-5.53: +- remove obsolete upstreamed patches: + * HOGP-must-only-accept-data-from-bonded-devices.patch + * HID-accepts-bonded-device-connections-only.patch +- refresh other patches + +- Add + HOGP-must-only-accept-data-from-bonded-devices.patch + HOGP 1.0 Section 6.1 establishes that the HOGP must require + bonding.(bsc#1166751)(CVE-2020-0556) + HID-accepts-bonded-device-connections-only.patch + This change adds a configuration for platforms to choose a more + secure posture for the HID profile.(bsc#1166751)(CVE-2020-0556) + input-hog-Attempt-to-set-security-level-if-not-bonde.patch + Attempt to set security level if not bonded. + (bsc#1166751)(CVE-2020-0556) + input-Add-LEAutoSecurity-setting-to-input.conf.patch + Add LEAutoSecurity setting to input.conf. + (bsc#1166751)(CVE-2020-0556) + +- Fix path to systemctl in %post script + +- add NoSource tag for omitting from src.rpm + +- move all deprecated tools into bluez-deprecated package which can + be disabled by prjconf in OBS. +- bluez-deprecated will go away before end of 2020 in Tumbleweed! + +- BuildIgnore shared-mime-info, pulled in by libgio-2_0-0, not + required for building, but causes a build loop. +- Add bcond for mesh, also enable mesh on Leap 15.2/SLE15SP2. +- Properly conditionalize all files which are only built with enabled + mesh functionality, fixes build on Leap 15.1 and earlier. + +- fix udev directory from %_libexecdir to %_prefix/lib + +- remove obsolete 0001-mesh-Fix-segmentation-fault-on-Join-call.patch +- disable one more segfaulting patch + +- add 0001-mesh-Fix-segmentation-fault-on-Join-call.patch + (boo#1152672) + +- add _service to use + as source for the package + +- Combine multiple %service_* to reduce generated boilerplate. + +- disable mesh service due to security concerns, see boo#1151518 +- add README-mesh.SUSE to explain the issue +- remove no longer necessary temporary-rpmlintrc + +- removed obsoleted patches: + * 0001-obexd-use-AM_LDFLAGS-for-linking.patch + * 0001-policy-Add-logic-to-connect-a-Sink.patch + * 0001-tools-Fix-build-after-y2038-changes-in-glibc.patch (bsc#1156544) + * bluez-5.50-a2dp-backports.patch + * bluez-5.50-gcc9.patch + * disable_some_obex_tests.patch + * bluez-5.45-disable-broken-tests.diff +- add bluez-disable-broken-tests.diff +- add temporary rpmlintrc until security team approves + +- Fix build with GCC 9 (boo#1121404, bko#202213): + * Add bluez-5.50-gcc9.patch. + +- Fix 43xx firmware path for RPi3 bluetooth support (bsc#1140688) + - Add RPi-Move-the-43xx-firmware-into-lib-firmware.patch + +- Add 0001-tools-Fix-build-after-y2038-changes-in-glibc.patch: Fix + build after y2038 changes in glibc (bsc#1156544) + +- Add avinfo to bluez-test, useful for debugging. +- Only BuildRequires pkgconfig(ell) on Tumbleweed. +- Add bluez-5.50-a2dp-backports.patch: A2DP fixes for newer codecs + (upstream backport). + +- Connect Sink profile which HSP profile connects (boo#1131772). + - Add 0001-policy-Add-logic-to-connect-a-Sink.patch + +- install bluetoothd sample config file as %doc for reference + +- use gcc8 for now to work around boo#1121404 + +- add btmgmt to bluez-test + +- add btgatt-client to bluez-test + +- remove 0001-Don-t-refresh-adv_manager-for-non-LE-devices.patch, + fixed upstream + +- Add + CVE-2016-9800-tool-hcidump-Fix-memory-leak-with-malformed-packet.patch + * Fix hcidump memory leak in pin_code_reply_dump(). + (bsc#1013721)(CVE-2016-9800) + CVE-2016-9804-tool-hcidump-Fix-memory-leak-with-malformed-packet.patch + * Fix hcidump buffer overflow in commands_dump(). + (bsc#1013877)(CVE-2016-9804) + +- add 0001-Don-t-refresh-adv_manager-for-non-LE-devices.patch + (boo#1086731) + -- Add --enable-external-ell to actually make use of pkgconfig(ell). -- remove obsolete upstreamed patches: - * 0001-obexd-use-AM_LDFLAGS-for-linking.patch - * 0001-core-Fixes-order-InterfaceAdded.patch - * tools-Fix-build-after-y2038-changes-in-glibc.patch - * hcidump-Fix-set_ext_ctrl-global-buffer-overflow.patch - * 0001-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - * 0002-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - * 0003-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - * 0004-btmon-Fix-crash-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch - * 0005-btmon-fix-stack-buffer-overflow.patch - * 0006-btmon-fix-multiple-segfaults.patch - * 0007-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch - * 0008-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-undeflow.patch - * 0009-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - * 0010-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-overflow.patch - * 0011-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch - * 0012-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch -- use autopatch, spec-cleaner -- refresh other patches - -- Add tools-Fix-build-after-y2038-changes-in-glibc.patch - * The 32-bit SIOCGSTAMP has been deprecated. Use the deprecated - name to fix the build.(bsc#1156544) - -- Add - hcidump-Fixed-malformed-segment-frame-length.patch - * Ensure the L2CAP SDUs whose length field match the actual frame - length.(bsc#1013712)(CVE-2016-9798) -- Modify bluez.changes: - Remove (bsc#1013712)(CVE-2016-9798) tag from patch - hcidump-Add-assoc-dump-function-assoc-date-length-ch.patch +- remove 0001-core-Fixes-order-InterfaceAdded.patch (upstream) -- Add - hcidump-Add-assoc-dump-function-assoc-date-length-ch.patch - * amp_assoc_dump() didn't check the length of amp assoc struct. - (bsc#1013712)(CVE-2016-9798)(bsc#1013708)(CVE-2016-9797) - Add hcidump-Fix-memory-leak-with-malformed-packet.patch - * Do not allow to read more than allocated data buffer size. - (bsc#1015171)(CVE-2016-9917) -- Refresh patches: - patches/bluez-cups-libexec.patch - patches/bluez-5.45-disable-broken-tests.diff -- fix bluez.changes: - add (bsc#1013893)(CVE-2016-9802) tag for last log. - -- Add:btmon: multiple memory management vulnerabilities fixed - Multiple different memory management vulnerabilities were discovered - in btmon while fuzzing it with American Fuzzy Lop. Purpose of this - fuzzing effort was to find some bugs in btmon, analyse and fix them - but also try to exploit them. Also goal was to prove that fuzzing is - low effort way to find bugs that could end up being severe ones. - Most common weakness appeared to be buffer over-read which was - usually caused by missing boundary checks before accessing array. - Integer underflows were also quite common. Most interesting bug was - simple buffer overflow that was actually discovered already couple - years ago by op7ic: - - but it was still not fixed. This particular vulnerability ended up - being quite easily exploitable if certain mitigation technics were - disabled.(bsc#1015173)(CVE-2016-9918)(bsc#1013893)(CVE-2016-9802) - 0001-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - 0002-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - 0003-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - 0004-btmon-Fix-crash-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch - 0005-btmon-fix-stack-buffer-overflow.patch - 0006-btmon-fix-multiple-segfaults.patch - 0007-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch - 0008-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-undeflow.patch - 0009-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - 0010-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-overflow.patch - 0011-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-integer-underflow.patch - 0012-btmon-fix-segfault-caused-by-buffer-over-read.patch - -- Add hcidump-fixed-hci-frame-dump-stack-buffer-overflow.patch - to replace - CVE-2016-9800-tool-hcidump-Fix-memory-leak-with-malformed-packet.patch - (PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM)(bsc#1013721)(CVE-2016-9800) - Add hcidump-Fix-set_ext_ctrl-global-buffer-overflow.patch - to fix global buffer overflow (PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM) - (bsc#1013732)(CVE-2016-9801) -- Fix %ifarch range. - -- add 0001-core-Fixes-order-InterfaceAdded.patch (boo#1101119) - to fix headset connect after suspend/resume - -- Add lost patches for RPi3 bluetooth support (bsc#995059)(bsc#1094902) - 0001-rpi3-bcm43xx-The-UART-speed-must-be-reset-after-the-firmw.patch - 0002-rpi3-Move-the-43xx-firmware-into-lib-firmware.patch - -- Add - CVE-2016-9800-tool-hcidump-Fix-memory-leak-with-malformed-packet.patch - * Fix hcidump memory leak in pin_code_reply_dump(). - (bsc#1013721)(CVE-2016-9800) - CVE-2016-9804-tool-hcidump-Fix-memory-leak-with-malformed-packet.patch - * Fix hcidump buffer overflow in commands_dump(). - (bsc#1013877)(CVE-2016-9804) +- add 0001-core-Fixes-order-InterfaceAdded.patch (boo#1076898)(boo#1101119) +- fix python shebang rpmlint warning for bluez-test boinc-client +- Update to release 7.20.2 + * client: if bandwidth limit is removed (up or down), remove + limit from active transfers. + * client: fix bug in work fetch logic for case of zero resource + share and zero work buf. + +- Update to release 7.20.1 + * Manager: wxWidgets debug alert when switching between + advanced and simple view. + * BOINC did not gracefully handle capitalization discrepancies + * client: fix #2837 had removed a special use case + where idle was desired before work fetch, which was fixed + * Manager: Memory access error on closedown + * Manager: Search for skins to display on Simple View + +- Update to release 7.20.0 + * client: pass process priority to wrapper + * client: Ignore tty(S|ACM) devices in TTY idle time + calculation + * client: fix overly aggressive project-wide file transfer + backoff policy + * client: fix work-fetch logic when max concurrent limits are + used + * manager: fix failure to connect to client with non-English + language +- Let -devel subpackage follow the main package name. + borgmatic +- update to 1.5.24: + * #431: Add "working_directory" option to support source directories with relative paths. + * #444: When loading a configuration file that is unreadable due to file permissions, warn instead + of erroring. This supports running borgmatic as a non-root user with configuration in ~/.config + even if there is an unreadable global configuration file in /etc. + * #469: Add "repositories" context to "before_" and "after_" command action hooks. See the + documentation for more information: + + * #486: Fix handling of "patterns_from" and "exclude_from" options to error instead of warning when + referencing unreadable files and "create" action is run. + * #507: Fix Borg usage error in the "compact" action when running "borgmatic --dry-run". Now, skip + "compact" entirely during a dry run. + * #394: Compact repository segments and free space with new "borgmatic compact" action. Borg 1.2+ + only. Also run "compact" by default when no actions are specified, as "prune" in Borg 1.2 no + longer frees up space unless "compact" is run. + * #394: When using the "atime", "bsd_flags", "numeric_owner", or "remote_rate_limit" options, + tailor the flags passed to Borg depending on the Borg version. + * #480, #482: Fix traceback when a YAML validation error occurs. + * #288: Add database dump hook for MongoDB. + * #470: Move mysqldump options to the beginning of the command due to MySQL bug 30994. + * #471: When command-line configuration override produces a parse error, error cleanly instead of + tracebacking. + * #476: Fix unicode error when restoring particular MySQL databases. + Drop support for Python 3.6, which has been end-of-lifed. + Add support for Python 3.10. +- avoid bashism in post scripts (bsc#1195391) +- light modernization of spec file + budgie-desktop-view +- Move autostart back to /etc until aaa_base is fixed + budgie-screensaver +- Move autostart back to /etc until aaa_base is fixed + buildah +- Update to version 1.27.1: + * release: bump to v1.27.1 + * run: add container gid to additional groups +- Drop add-container-gid-to-additional-groups.patch + (merged upstream) + +- Add fix for CVE-2022-2990 / bsc#1202812 + add: add-container-gid-to-additional-groups.patch + +- Update to version 1.27.0: + * release: tag v1.27.0 + * make,cross: ignore loong64 from target list + * Allow chflags operations inside the container + * Don't try to call runLabelStdioPipes if spec.Linux is not set + * build(deps): bump in /tests/tools + * build: support filtering cache by duration using --cache-ttl + * build: support building from commit when using git repo as build context + * build: clean up git repos correctly when using subdirs + * integration tests: quote "?" in shell scripts + * Fix a copy/paste error + * build(deps): bump in /tests/tools + * vendor c/common@v0.49.1 + * test: manifest inspect should have OCIv1 annotation + * vendor: bump to c/common@87fab4b7019a + * Failure to determine a file or directory should print an error + * build(deps): bump from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 + * refactor: remove unused CommitOptions from generateBuildOutput + * stage_executor: generate output for cases with no commit + * stage_executor, commit: output only if last stage in build + * Use errors.Is() instead of os.Is{Not,}Exist + * Minor test tweak for podman-remote compatibility + * Cirrus: Use the latest imgts container + * imagebuildah: complain about the right Dockerfile + * tests: don't try to wrap `nil` errors + * cmd/buildah.commitCmd: don't shadow "err" + * cmd/buildah.pullCmd: complain about DecryptConfig/EncryptConfig + * Fix a copy/paste error message + * Fix a typo in an error message + * build,cache: support pulling/pushing cache layers to/from remote sources + * Update vendor of containers/(common, storage, image) + * Rename chroot/run.go to chroot/run_linux.go + * Don't bother telling codespell to skip files that don't exist + * Set user namespace defaults correctly for the library + * imagebuildah: optimize cache hits for COPY and ADD instructions + * Cirrus: Update VM images w/ updated bats + * build(deps): bump from 1.19.0 to 1.20.0 + * docs, run: show SELinux label flag for cache and bind mounts + * build(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0 + * imagebuildah, build: remove undefined concurrent writes + * bump + * Add FreeBSD support for 'buildah info' + * Vendor in latest containers/(storage, common, image) + * Add freebsd cross build targets + * Make the jail package build on 32bit platforms + * Cirrus: Ensure the build-push VM image is labeled + * GHA: Fix dynamic script filename + * Vendor in containers/(common, storage, image) + * Run codespell + * Remove import of + * Avoid using cgo in pkg/jail + * Rename footypes to fooTypes for naming consistency + * Move cleanupTempVolumes and cleanupRunMounts to run_common.go + * Make the various run mounts work for FreeBSD + * Move get{Bind,Tmpfs,Secret,SSH}Mount to run_common.go + * Move runSetupRunMounts to run_common.go + * Move cleanableDestinationListFromMounts to run_common.go + * Make setupMounts and runSetupBuiltinVolumes work on FreeBSD + * Move setupMounts and runSetupBuiltinVolumes to run_common.go + * Tidy up - runMakeStdioPipe can't be shared with linux + * Move runAcceptTerminal to run_common.go + * Move stdio copying utilities to run_common.go + * Move runUsingRuntime and runCollectOutput to run_common.go + * Move fileCloser, waitForSync and contains to run_common.go + * Move checkAndOverrideIsolationOptions to run_common.go + * Move DefaultNamespaceOptions to run_common.go + * Move getNetworkInterface to run_common.go + * Move configureEnvironment to run_common.go + * Don't crash in configureUIDGID if Process.Capabilities is nil + * Move configureUIDGID to run_common.go + * Move runLookupPath to run_common.go + * Move setupTerminal to run_common.go + * Move etc file generation utilities to run_common.go + * Add run support for FreeBSD + * Add a simple FreeBSD jail library + * Add FreeBSD support to pkg/chrootuser + * Sync call signature for RunUsingChroot with chroot/run.go + * test: verify feature to resolve basename with args + * vendor: bump openshift/imagebuilder to master@4151e43 + * GHA: Remove required reserved-name use + * buildah: set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR before setting default runroot + * imagebuildah: honor build output even if build container is not commited + * chroot: honor DefaultErrnoRet + * [CI:DOCS] improve pull-policy documentation + * tests: retrofit test since --file does not supports dir + * Switch to golang native error wrapping + * BuildDockerfiles: error out if path to containerfile is a directory + * define.downloadToDirectory: fail early if bad HTTP response + * GHA: Allow re-use of Cirrus-Cron fail-mail workflow + * add: fail on bad http response instead of writing to container + * build(deps): bump from 1.7.5 to 1.8.0 + * [CI:DOCS] Update buildahimage comment + * lint: inspectable is never nil + * vendor: c/common to common@7e1563b + * build: support OCI hooks for ephemeral build containers + * [CI:BUILD] Install latest buildah instead of compiling + * Add subid support with BuildRequires and BUILDTAG [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED] + * build(deps): bump from 1.7.2 to 1.7.5 + * Make sure cpp is installed in buildah images + * demo: use unshare for rootless invocations + * buildah.spec.rpkg: initial addition + * build: fix test for subid 4 + * build(deps): bump from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 + * build, userns: add support for --userns=auto + * Fix building upstream buildah image + * Remove redundant buildahimages-are-sane validation + * Docs: Update multi-arch buildah images readme + * Cirrus: Migrate multiarch build off github actions + * retrofit-tests: we skip unused stages so use stages + * stage_executor: dont rely on stage while looking for additional-context + * buildkit, multistage: skip computing unwanted stages + * More test cleanup + * copier: work around freebsd bug for "mkdir /" + * Replace $BUILDAH_BINARY with buildah() function + * Fix up buildah images + * Make util and copier build on FreeBSD + * Vendor in latest + * build(deps): bump from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 + * Makefile: allow building without .git + * run_unix: don't return an error from getNetworkInterface + * run_unix: return a valid DefaultNamespaceOptions + * Update vendor of containers/storage + * chroot: use ActKillThread instead of ActKill + * use resolvconf package from c/common/libnetwork + * update c/common to latest main + * copier: add `NoOverwriteNonDirDir` option + * Sort buildoptions and move cli/build functions to internal + * build(deps): bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 + * build(deps): bump + * build(deps): bump from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 + * build(deps): bump from 1.6.5 to 1.6.6 + * Fix TODO: de-spaghettify run mounts + * Move options parsing out of build.go and into pkg/cli + * [CI:DOCS] Tutorial 04 - Include Debian/Ubuntu deps + * build, multiarch: support splitting build logs for --platform + * build(deps): bump from 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 + * [CI:BUILD] WIP Cleanup Image Dockerfiles + * build(deps): bump from 1.7.11 to 1.8.0 + * cli remove stutter + * docker-parity: ignore sanity check if baseImage history is null + * build, commit: allow disabling image history with --omit-history + * Fix use generic/ambiguous DEBUG name + * build(deps): bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 + * Cirrus: use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS + * Fix codespell errors + * Remove util.StringInSlice because it is defined in containers/common + * buildah: add support for renaming a device in rootless setups + * squash: never use build cache when computing last step of last stage + * Update vendor of containers/(common, storage, image) + * build(deps): bump in /tests/tools + * buildkit: supports additionalBuildContext in builds via --build-context + * test cleanup + * buildah source pull/push: show progress bar + * run: allow resuing secret twice in different RUN steps + * test helpers: default to being rootless-aware + * Add --cpp-flag flag to buildah build + * build(deps): bump in /tests/tools + * build: accept branch and subdirectory when context is git repo + * build(deps): bump + * Vendor in latest containers/common + * build(deps): bump from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 + * vendor: update c/storage and c/image + * build(deps): bump in /tests/tools + * Fix gentoo install docs + * build(deps): bump + * copier: move NSS load to new process + * Add test for prevention of reusing encrypted layers + * Make `buildah build --label foo` create an empty "foo" label again + * Bump to v1.27.0-dev + +- Update to version 1.26.4: + * tag v1.26.4 + * build, multiarch: support splitting build logs for --platform + * copier: add `NoOverwriteNonDirDir` option + * docker-parity: ignore sanity check if baseImage history is null + * build, commit: allow disabling image history with --omit-history + * buildkit: supports additionalBuildContext in builds via --build-context + * Add --cpp-flag flag to buildah build + +- Update to version 1.26.3: + * release: bump to v1.26.3 + * define.downloadToDirectory: fail early if bad HTTP response + * add: fail on bad http response instead of writing to container + * squash: never use build cache when computing last step of last stage + * run: allow resuing secret twice in different RUN steps + * integration tests: update expected error messages + * integration tests: quote "?" in shell scripts + * Use errors.Is() to check for storage errors + * lint: inspectable is never nil + * chroot: use ActKillThread instead of ActKill + * chroot: honor DefaultErrnoRet + * Bump dependencies + * Set user namespace defaults correctly for the library + * contrib/rpm/buildah.spec: fix `rpm` parser warnings +- Drop requires on apparmor pattern, should be moved elsewhere + for systems which want AppArmor instead of SELinux. +- Drop binutils-gold workaround, no longer needed. +- Update BuildRequires to libassuan-devel >= 2.5.2, pkgconfig file + is required to build. + +- Update to version 1.26.2: + * Bump to v1.26.2 + * Bump from v1.40.2 to v1.40.3 + * buildah: add support for renaming a device in rootless setups + +- Update to version 1.26.1: + * Bump to v1.26.1 + * Make `buildah build --label foo` create an empty "foo" label again + * Bump to v1.26.0 + * build(deps): bump from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4 + * imagebuildah,build: move deepcopy of args before we spawn goroutine + * Vendor in containers/storage v1.40.2 + * buildah.BuilderOptions.DefaultEnv is ignored, so mark it as deprecated + * help output: get more consistent about option usage text + * Handle OS version and features flags + * buildah build: --annotation and --label should remove values + * buildah build: add a --env + * buildah: deep copy options.Args before performing concurrent build/stage + * test: inline platform and builtinargs behaviour + * vendor: bump imagebuilder to master/009dbc6 + * build: automatically set correct TARGETPLATFORM where expected + * build(deps): bump + * Vendor in containers/(common, storage, image) + * imagebuildah, executor: process arg variables while populating baseMap + * buildkit: add support for custom build output with --output + * Cirrus: Update CI VMs to F36 + * fix staticcheck linter warning for deprecated function + * Fix docs build on FreeBSD + * build(deps): bump from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 + * copier.unwrapError(): update for Go 1.16 + * copier.PutOptions: add StripSetuidBit/StripSetgidBit/StripStickyBit + * copier.Put(): write to read-only directories + * build(deps): bump in /tests/tools + * Rename $TESTSDIR (the plural one), step 4 of 3 + * Rename $TESTSDIR (the plural one), step 3 of 3 + * Rename $TESTSDIR (the plural one), step 2 of 3 + * Rename $TESTSDIR (the plural one), step 1 of 3 + * build(deps): bump from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3 + * Ed's periodic test cleanup + * using consistent lowercase 'invalid' word in returned err msg + * Update vendor of containers/(common,storage,image) + * use etchosts package from c/common + * run: set actual hostname in /etc/hostname to match docker parity + * update c/common to latest main + * Update vendor of containers/(common,storage,image) + * Stop littering + * manifest-create: allow creating manifest list from local image + * Update vendor of storage,common,image + * Bump to 7b82a4e + * Initialize network backend before first pull + * oci spec: change special mount points for namespaces + * tests/helpers.bash: assert handle corner cases correctly + * buildah: actually use containers.conf settings + * integration tests: learn to start a dummy registry + * Fix error check to work on Podman + * buildah build should accept at most one arg + * tests: reduce concurrency for flaky bud-multiple-platform-no-run + * vendor in latest containers/common,image,storage + * manifest-add: allow override arch,variant while adding image + * Remove a stray `\` from .containerenv + * Vendor in latest opencontainers/selinux v1.10.1 + * build, commit: allow removing default identity labels + * Create shorter names for containers based on image IDs + * test: skip rootless on cgroupv2 in root env + * fix hang when oci runtime fails + * Set permissions for GitHub actions + * copier test: use correct UID/GID in test archives + * run: set parent-death signals and forward SIGHUP/SIGINT/SIGTERM + * Bump back to v1.26.0-dev + * build(deps): bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 + * Included the URL to check the SHA + - * bump containernetworking/cni to v0.8.1 - fix for CVE-2021-20206 + * bump containernetworking/cni to v0.8.1 - fix for CVE-2021-20206 (bsc#1181961) - * Add CVE-2020-10696 to and changelog.txt + * Add CVE-2020-10696 to and changelog.txt (bsc#1167864) - * bump containernetworking/cni library to v0.8.1 - fix for CVE-2021-20206 + * bump containernetworking/cni library to v0.8.1 - fix for CVE-2021-20206 (bsc#1181961) - * Add CVE-2020-10696 to and changelog.txt + * Add CVE-2020-10696 to and changelog.txt (bsc#1167864) buzztrax +- Build non-parallel to make results reproducible + bzrtp +- Update to 5.1.64 (no changelog). + cadabra2 +- Update to version + * Release to accompany the "meld" paper. + +- Update to version + * Several fixes to meld (Dominic). + * Make typesetting run in a separate thread to prevent the UI + from feeling sluggish. + * Some changes in the behaviour of list addition/multiplication, + to match Mathematica's behaviour. + * New nevaluate algorithm for fast numerical evaluation of + expressions (work-in-progress). + * Fix for Python 3.10.x. + * Fix for automatic cleanup of Diagonal objects. + * Fix crash with tab-completion. +- Changes from version 2.3.8: + * Option to display negative powers as fractions (Dominic). + * New algorithm slot_asym to (anti-)symmetrise objects in + indices by giving index positions instead of names. + * New functionality to implement algorithms in Python (Dominic). + * Faster re-implementation of get_component using new C++ + function modules (Dominic). + * New cdb.numeric.evaluate and cdb.numeric.integrate modules to + evaluate expressions numerically or integrate differential + equations numerically (Dominic). + * Updates to cdb.utils.indices and cdb.core.manip. + * Add warnings functionality to the kernel (Dominic). + * Add infrastructure to let algorithms display progress + information while running (Dominic). + * Add cell cursor position to status bar (Dominic). + * Fix bug in expand_delta when the delta occurs at top-level in + an expression. + * Many meld fixes and improvements (Dominic). + * Fix handling of auto-declare names (names with a '#' + character). + * Keep LaTeX log/aux files on error to aid debugging. + * Fix LaTeX code to avoid some global variable name clashes. + * Fix for compilation on Apple silicon. +- Add cadabra2-link-python.patch: Link against python shared lib + where necessary to avoid linking failures. + caddy +- Update to version 2.6.2: + * httpcaddyfile: Improve detection of indistinguishable TLS automation policies (#5120) + * httpcaddyfile: Wrap site block in subroute if host matcher used (#5130) + * fileserver: stop listing dir when request context is cancelled (#5131) + * replacer: working directory global placeholder (#5127) + * httpcaddyfile: Fix `metrics` global option parsing (#5126) + * caddyconfig: Implement retries into HTTPLoader (#5077) + * Fix typo in comment (#5121) + * logging: Fix `skip_hosts` with wildcards (#5102) + * caddytest: Revise sleep durations + * core: Set version manually via CustomVersion (#5072) + * forwardauth: Canonicalize header fields (fix #5038) (#5097) + * logging: Perform filtering on arrays of strings (where possible) (#5101) + * logging: Add `time_local` option to use local time instead of UTC (#5108) + * fileserver: Treat invalid file path as NotFound (#5099) + * logging: Better `console` encoder defaults (#5109) + * httpcaddyfile: Skip `automate` when `auto_https off` is specified (#5110) + * core: Chdir to executable location on Windows (#5115) + * ci: enhance the CI/CD flow (#5118) + * Fix inverted logic in Windows service detection (#5106) + * fileserver: better dark mode visited link contrast (#5105) + * go.mod: Upgrade select dependencies + * caddyhttp: Remote IP prefix placeholders + * map: Remove infinite recursion check (#5094) + * reverseproxy: Parse humanized byte size (fix #5095) + * admin: Use replacer on listen addresses (#5071) + * core: Fix ListenQUIC listener key conflict + * reverseproxy: On 103 don't delete own headers (#5091) + * caddyhttp: replace placeholders in map defaults (#5081) + * core: Refactor and improve listener logic (#5089) + * rewrite: Only trim prefix if matched + * reverseproxy: fix upstream scheme handling in command (#5088) + * ci: fix integration tests (#5079) + * headers: Support repeated WriteHeader if 1xx (fix #5074) + * fastcgi: Redirect using original URI path (fix #5073) + * ci: extend goreleaser timeout to 1-hour (#5067) + +- Update to version 2.6.1: + * core: Reuse unix sockets (UDS) and don't try to serve HTTP/3 over UDS (#5063) + * encode: don't WriteHeader unless called (#5060) + * fileserver: Reinstate --debug flag + +- Update to version 2.6.0: + * httpcaddyfile: Fix `protocols` global option parsing (#5054) + * caddyhttp: Skip inserting HTTP->HTTPS redir if catch-all for both exist (#5051) + * caddyhttp: Honor grace period in background (#5043) + * events: Make event data exported + * caddyhttp: responseRecorder save status in all cases (#5049) + * caddyhttp: Fix write header on responseRecorder + * ci: fix the name template of singing certificate and sboms (#5046) + * core: Variadic Context.Logger(); soft deprecation + * caddyhttp: Support configuring Server from handler provisioning (#4933) + * caddyhttp: Support TLS key logging for debugging (#4808) + * caddyhttp: Make metrics opt-in (#5042) + * caddytls: Debug log on implicit tailscale error (#5041) + * caddyhttp: Add --debug flag to commands + * encode: Fix Accept-Ranges header; HEAD requests (#5039) + * Reject absurdly long duration strings (fix #4175) + * Fix #4169 (correct e6c58fd) + * caddyfile: Prevent infinite nesting on fmt (fix #4175) + * Limit unclosed placeholder tolerance (fix #4170) + * reverseproxy: Support repeated --to flags in command (#4693) + * caddyhttp: Add 'skip_log' var to omit request from logs (#4691) + * httpcaddyfile: Fix bind when IPv6 is specified with network (#4950) + * cmd: Improve error message if config missing + * cmd: Customizable user agent (close #2795) + * httpcaddyfile: Fix sorting of repeated directives + * caddyhttp: Very minor optimization to path matcher + * caddyhttp: Explicitly disallow multiple regexp matchers (#5030) + * caddytls: Error if placeholder is empty in 'ask' + * supplychain: publish signing cert, sbom, and signatures of sbom (#5027) + * go.mod: Update truststore + * Very minor tweaks + * core: Check error on ListenQUIC + * fileserver: Ignore EOF when browsing empty dir + * caddyhttp: ensure ResponseWriterWrapper and ResponseRecorder use ReadFrom if the underlying response writer implements it. (#5022) + * cmd: Enhance some help text + * httpcaddyfile: Add a couple more placeholder shortcuts (#5015) + * Drop requirement for filesystems to implement fs.StatFS + * ci: grant the `release` workflow the `write` permission to `contents` (#5017) + * ci: add `id-token` permission and update the signing command (#5016) + * go.mod: Upgrade CertMagic (v0.17.1) + * fileserver: Support glob expansion in file matcher (#4993) + * caddyhttp: Support `respond` with HTTP 103 Early Hints (#5006) + * Remove unnecessary error check + * caddyauth: Speed up basicauth provision, deprecate scrypt (#4720) + * ci: generate SBOM and sign artifacts using cosign (#4910) + * reverseproxy: Close hijacked conns on reload/quit (#4895) + * core: Refactor listeners; use SO_REUSEPORT on Unix (#4705) + * fastcgi: Optimize FastCGI transport (#4978) + * Minor style adjustments for HTTP redir logging + * Update readme + * Minor fix of error log + * notify: Don't send ready after error (fix #5003) + * templates: Document `httpError` function (#4972) + * fastcgi: allow users to log stderr output (#4967) (#5004) + * cmd: Don't print long help text on error + * Fix failing test + * dist: deb package manpages and bash completion scripts (#5007) + * caddyhttp: Copy logger config to HTTP server during AutoHTTPS (#4990) + * map: Coerce val to string, fix #4987 + * httpcaddyfile: Add shortcut for expression matchers (#4976) + * caddyhttp: Accept placeholders in vars matcher key + * core: Plugins can register listener networks (#5002) + * caddyhttp: Disable draft versions of QUIC + * events: Tune logging and context cancellation + * events: Implement event system (#4912) + * httpcaddyfile: Add `{cookie.*}` placeholder shortcut (#5001) + * caddyhttp: Set Content-Type for static response (#4999) + * cmd: Enhance CLI docs + * cmd: add completion command (#4994) + * cmd: Migrate to `spf13/cobra`, remove single-dash arg support (#4565) + * Minor cleanup, resolve a couple lint warnings + * Remove duplicate words in comments (#4986) + * reverseproxy: Add upstreams healthy metrics (#4935) + * admin: Don't stop old server if new one fails (#4964) + * reverseproxy: Multiple dynamic upstreams + * Fix comment indentation + * zstd: fix typo in comment (#4985) + * httpcaddyfile: Add ocsp_interval global option (#4980) + * caddytls: Log error if ask request fails + * ci: Increase linter timeout (#4981) + * templates: cap of slice should not be smaller than length (#4975) + * caddyhttp: Fix for nil `handlerErr.Err` (#4977) + * caddyhttp: Set `http.error.message` to the HandlerError message (#4971) + * go.mod: Upgrade CertMagic to v0.16.3 + * core: Change net.IP to netip.Addr; use netip.Prefix (#4966) + * Clean up metrics test code + * caddyhttp: Smarter path matching and rewriting (#4948) + * fileserver: reset buffer before using it (#4962) (#4963) + * caddyhttp: Enable HTTP/3 by default (#4707) + * reverseproxy: Add `unix+h2c` Caddyfile network shortcut (#4953) + * reverseproxy: Ignore context cancel in stream mode (#4952) + * reverseproxy: Fix H2C dialer using new stdlib `DialTLSContext` (#4951) + * httpcaddyfile: redir with "html" emits 200, no Location (fix #4940) + * reverseproxy: Support 1xx status codes (HTTP early hints) (#4882) + * logging: Fix `cookie` filter (#4943) + * go.mod: Upgrade OpenTelemetry dependencies (#4937) + * fileserver: Better fix for Etag of compressed files + * fileserver: Generate Etag from sidecar file + * Improve docs for ZeroSSL issuer + * Replace strings.Index with strings.Cut (#4932) + * Replace strings.Index usages with strings.Cut (#4930) + * cmd: Use newly-available version information (#4931) + * httpserver: Configurable shutdown delay (#4906) + * go.mod: Upgrade CertMagic and acmez + * chore: Bump up to Go 1.19, minimum 1.18 (#4925) + * Oops (sigh) + * caddyhttp: Implement `caddy respond` command (#4870) + * fileserver: Support virtual file system in Caddyfile + * fileserver: Support virtual file systems (#4909) + * Minor docs clarification + * core: Windows service integration (#4790) + * chore: Add .gitattributes to force *.go to LF (#4919) + * Fix compilation on Windows + * Ignore linter warnings + * Fix deprecation notice by using UTF16PtrFromString + * caddyhttp: Clear out matcher error immediately after grabbing it (#4916) + * Finish fixing lint errors from ea8df6ff + * caddytls: Remove PreferServerCipherSuites + * caddyhttp: Use new CEL APIs (fix #4915) + * ci: Run golangci-lint on multiple os(#4875) (#4913) + * go.mod: Upgrade dependencies + * httpcaddyfile: Detect ambiguous site definitions (fix #4635) + * caddyhttp: Log shutdown errors, don't return (fix #4908) + * reverseproxy: Implement read & write timeouts for HTTP transport (#4905) + * cmd: Fix reload with stdin (#4900) + * caddyhttp: Enhance comment + * reverseproxy: Implement retry count, alternative to try_duration (#4756) + * caddyhttp: Make query matcher more efficient + * reverseproxy: Export SetScheme() again +- BuildRequires: golang(API) >= 1.18 for new net/netip package + caja +- Update to upstream version 1.26.1: + * tx: sync with transifex + * Fix Caja does not show icons of application launchers + * caja-mime-actions: fix memory leak + * caja-bookmark: fix memory leak + * caja-bookmark: drop create_image_cairo_for_bookmark + * caja-file-conflict-dialog: Move to automatic signal + disconnection + * caja-file-conflict-dialog: Properly release references on + dispose() + * caja-file-conflict-dialog: update the icons once + * caja-module: fix memory leak + * caja-sidebar-title: fix memory leak + * fm-directory-view: fix memory leak + * eel-background: fix memory leak + * caja-application: avoid SEGV when profiling/debugging code + * caja-places-sidebar: fix right-click menu height +- No packaging changes necessary. + caja-extensions +- Add caja-extensions-gupnp-1.6.patch: Support building against + gupnp 1.6. + + Adjust BuildRequires to support gupnp 1.2 or 1.6 with + suse_version >= 1550. + +- Update to version 1.26.1: + * Fix resolving the path to on guix system. + * Fixed caja-share not working under Arch Linux. + * Update translations. + calligra +- Add the monthly poppler compatibility fixes. Replace + poppler-22.03.0.patch with: + * poppler-22.04_1.patch + * poppler-22.04_2.patch + +- Add poppler-22.03.0.patch to fix build with poppler-22.03.0 + catatonit +- Update to catatont v0.1.7 +- This release adds the ability for catatonit to be used as the only + process in a pause container, by passing the -P flag (in this mode no + subprocess is spawned and thus no signal forwarding is done). + +- Add 99bb9048f.patch: call AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE only + once. Fix build with autocnf 2.71 / automake 1.16.5. + +- Update to catatonit v0.1.6, which fixes a few bugs -- mainly ones related to + socket activation or features somewhat adjacent to socket activation (such as + passing file descriptors). +- Update catatonit-rpmlintrc in order to cover that static binaries are now an + error not a warning. + cava +- Update to 0.8.3: + bugfixes: + * fix some calculations on x-axis label + * cavacore: channels where sorted wrong according to doc + * fix autosensing sometimes not working + improvements: + * improved response time by decreasing audio buffer size + * add support for alacritty synchronized updates + * brought EQ back by popular demand + * added support for hex colors and gradient in noncurses mode + * add configurable orientation of bars + cdecl +- Update to release 13 + * Better copy constructor support + * A lot of C23 keywords are now recognized + * More C++23 keywords are now recognized + * Enumerations in C++ can now be bit fields. + * C++11 explicit user-defined conversion operators +- Delete 0001-build-resolve-compile-failure-due-to-improper-attrib.patch + +- Update to release 12 + * Added suggestions to error messages in certain cases when a + keyword is expected, for example: + * The placeholder name of C2X has been changed to C23. + * The TERM environment variable is no longer considered when + determining whether color should be used in output. Now, all + that matters is whether the output stream is connected to a + TTY. + * Previously declared types in pseudo-Engilsh are now checked + to ensure they're not being used as objects. +- Add 0001-build-resolve-compile-failure-due-to-improper-attrib.patch +- Delete unbreak-gnulib.diff + +- Update to release 11.15 + * _Atomic arrays are now correctly forbidden. + * New "CDECLRC" environment variable. + * Alignment of enums is now correctly allowed in C11 mode. + +- Update to release 11.14 + * Now prints a warning that neither alternative tokens nor + digraphs are supported until C95. + * Now prints a warning that east-const isn't supported until C89. + * Now prints a warning that using isn't supported until C++11. + +- Update to release 11.13 + * Alignment of enum, struct, and union is now correctly + forbidden in C. + * alignas & _Alignas: These keywords are now additionally + allowed instead of aligned [as|to] in pseudo-English. + * "restrict" is now correctly allowed on typedefs of pointer. + +- Update to release 11.12 + * noexcept for function parameters + * Ignore leading whitespace for command completion + +- Update to release 11.11 + * Support the use of attributes in conjunction with + `using T = ...` declarations. + * Types will now be presented as `using T = ...` for + C++11 and onwards. + +- Update to release 11.10 + * const (and volatile) qualifiers for void as a function + "parameter" (even via a typedef) are now correctly flagged as + an error. + * A restricted pointer to a non-object, e.g., function, is now + correctly flagged as an error. + +- Update to release 11.9 + * Fixed reading from stdin when it's not a TTY. + * Function-like parameters are now checked for redefinition + (more than one parameter having the same name). + * Added the standard C++ types std::ispanstream, + std::stacktrace_entry, and std::wispanstream. + +- Update to release 11.8 + * New cdecl keywords: There are now the new pseudo-English + keywords of evaluation (plus eval as a shorthand), expression + (plus expr), and initialization (plus init) that can + optionally be used after constant (or const) instead of + consteval, constexpr, or constinit, respectively. + +- Update to release 11.7 + * When an unexpected name token is encountered, if said token + is a cdecl keyword, it's now mentioned in the error message. + * Zero-sized arrays are now correctly forbidden. + celt -- Update to version 0.7.1 -- Patch celt-0.7.1-libceltsuffix.patch removes the suffix from - libcelt to keep the build service happy. - * improves the quality of the packet loss concealment (PLC), - but does not change the rest of the codec. For this reason it - is the first release not to break bit-stream compatibility with - the previous release (0.7.0). - The default name of the library was changed to to - make it easier to do the transition when the final 1.0 release - comes out (with frozen bit-stream and API). - * CELT 0.7.0 again improves the stereo quality, reduces artefacts - at low bitrates (birdies and speech roughness) and fixes many - bugs. In addition to the usual bitstream incompatibilities, - the API has also changed in this release. - -- Updated to version 0.6.1: - * Breaks bit-stream compatibility! - * Improves the stereo quality, especially at lower bit-rates. - * Many quality improvements, including better stereo coupling, - better handling of transients, and better handling of highly - tonal signals, packet loss robustness, larger dynamic range, - suitable for encoding 24-bit audio, VBR implementation. - * Pitch prediction improved and simplified. - * New bit allocation algorithm. - * VQ search has been improved, small CPU reduction. - * Fixing some quality problems with low frequency tones. - * Many bug fixes. - certmonger +- Use "pkgconfig(systemd)" for the BR to allow hacksaw systemd-mini + package to satisfy dependencies in the openSUSE Build Service. + +- Add buildrequires on systemd which is required for correct installation + of the .service file. + +- Update to 0.79.13 + cherrytree +- Update to version 0.99.51: + * Added support for building unit tests with local gtest/gmock + libraries in new cmake option USE_SHARED_GTEST_GMOCK, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2089) + * Fixed import from zim, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1870). + * Fix after getting rid os stringstream. + * Dropped support for pandoc as implementation relies on + std::stringstream which is not to be used. + * Fixed inconsistency between codebox width displayed and printed + to pdf with auto expand enabled. + * Translation updates. + +- Update to version 0.99.50+8: + * Fixed few dialogs missing the property to be destroyed with the + parent, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2133). + * Better implementation for fixed integrated terminal when + executing a command for the first time from hidden (not yet + instantiated) not passing the command. + * Fixed loss of transparency with PNGs in some GTK3 themes, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1402 and gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2132). + * Fixed integrated terminal show/hide command to follow real + status than settings status. + * Fixed issue with separator between tree and text not restored + when tree on right side and window maximised, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2126). + * When closing virtual terminal take focus to text rather than + tree. + * New integrated terminal - added right click menu and keyboard + shortcuts to copy and paste. + * Implemented stricter checks for hard coded keyboard shortcuts + requiring Ctrl but not Alt, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2124). + * Changed syntax of displayed keyboard shortcuts in toolbar + tooltips, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2128). + * Just exposing CtrlDown and AltDown from ColumnEdit subclass to + TextView. + * Fixed minor issue with exit discarding changes icon not + visible. + * Implemented command to execute code from either text selection + or current line, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1772). + * Adding support for code execution via integrated terminal, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1902, gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1772 and + gh#giuspen/cherrytree#547). + * Translation updates. +- Add build requires VTE 2.91 for new terminal integration. + +- Update to version 0.99.49+3: + * Legacy_canonicalize_filename: manage empty filename, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2118) + * added command line option '--anchor AnchorName' that in + addition to existing '--node NodeName' allows to open a + document focusing an anchor in a node. + * Changed non configurable keyboard shortcuts for codebox width + and table column width to use parenthesis open instead of + backslash, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2113). + * Fixed crash on double exit from systray icon right click menu, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2114). + * Added keyboard shortcuts to toolbar tooltips, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2106). + * Fixed export to HTML crash, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2109). + * Force turning off portal usage since it does not work on all + distros, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2111). + * Improved dialog confirmation before executing the code. + * Additonal changes for core22, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2110). + * Allow to disable the dialog asking for confirmation before + executing the code. + * Fixed bulleted list unindent (Shift+Tab) crash, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2103). + * Add home plug, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2101 and + gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2102). + * Linux menu launcher run cherrytree in a new instance, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2077). + * Fixed crash on print/export as pdf of a sequence of characters + without spaces longer that the page width, such as a very long + URL, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2045). + * Fixed wrongly entering column mode when using keyboard + shortcuts with such as insert codebox, + (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2075). + * Added syntax highlighting support for GDScript. + * Fixed tooltip and cursor not reset after hovering link and then + navigating to non rich text node. + * Support for accent insensitive search - added letters with + subordinate dots, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1981). + * Translation updates. +- Fix duplicate file warnings, add fdupes build requires and macro. +- Developer advised fixed cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability + that allows attackers to execute arbitrary web scripts or HTML + via a crafted payload injected into the Name text field when + creating a node, (#boo1202513, gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2099 and + CVE-2022-35133). + chromium +- Chromium 107.0.5304.87 (boo#1204819) + * CVE-2022-3723: Type Confusion in V8 + +- Chromium 107.0.5304.68 (boo#1204732) + * CVE-2022-3652: Type Confusion in V8 + * CVE-2022-3653: Heap buffer overflow in Vulkan + * CVE-2022-3654: Use after free in Layout + * CVE-2022-3655: Heap buffer overflow in Media Galleries + * CVE-2022-3656: Insufficient data validation in File System + * CVE-2022-3657: Use after free in Extensions + * CVE-2022-3658: Use after free in Feedback service on Chrome OS + * CVE-2022-3659: Use after free in Accessibility + * CVE-2022-3660: Inappropriate implementation in Full screen mode + * CVE-2022-3661: Insufficient data validation in Extensions +- Added patches: + * chromium-107-compiler.patch + * chromium-107-system-zlib.patch +- Removed patches: + * chromium-105-compiler.patch + * chromium-105-Bitmap-include.patch + * chromium-106-AutofillPopupControllerImpl-namespace.patch +- Unbundle libyuv and libavif on TW +- Prepare 15.5 +- Use qt on 15.4+ (15.3 too old) + +- Chromium 106.0.5249.119 (boo#1204223) + * CVE-2022-3445: Use after free in Skia + * CVE-2022-3446: Heap buffer overflow in WebSQL + * CVE-2022-3447: Inappropriate implementation in Custom Tabs + * CVE-2022-3448: Use after free in Permissions API + * CVE-2022-3449: Use after free in Safe Browsing + * CVE-2022-3450: Use after free in Peer Connection + +- Chromium 106.0.5249.103: + * fix possible cache manager deadlock + * Fix right-click menu appearing unexpectedly affecting screen + readers + clFFT +- clFFT-fix-aarm64.patch: also needed for riscv64 + clamav-database +- database refresh on 2022-10-31 (bsc#1084929) + +- database refresh on 2022-10-24 (bsc#1084929) + +- database refresh on 2022-10-17 (bsc#1084929) + clamsap +- (bsc#1200699) L3: clamsap threat XML file like a virus clapper +- Update to version 0.5.2: + + Fix time labels display on RTL languages + + Improved GL/GLES context automatic selection + + Updated translations. + claws-mail -- Disable pilot-link on Leap 15.4 as pilot-link will be dropped - from Leap 15.4 +- Update to 4.1.1: + * Marked messages in the Message List can now be displayed with bold + text by setting the hidden preference "bold_marked". + * The confirmation dialogue when saving all the attachments of a + message can now be disabled. + * The Message List tooltip for the From column now shows name and + address. + * OAuth2: various fixes and improvements. + * The user manuals have been updated. + * Updated translations: Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Czech, Dutch, + French, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional + Chinese, Turkish. + * Build system: GLib version 2.50 or greater is required; autoconf + version 2.69 or greater is required; pkgconfig support for GPGME + and libgpg-error has been added; GnuTLS is required for OAuth2; + OAuth2 support can be removed with --disable-oauth2. + * bug 4547, '--enable-tests makes compilation fail' + * bug 4583, 'Compose window 'Discard message' dialog is + * even though draft is already saved' + * bug 4584, 'Compose window causing Claws to terminate + * ' + * bug 4589, 'Edit Group Details panel wording unclear.' + * bug 4615, 'Compilation fails with --disable-gnutls' + * bug 4620, 'German translation of Content-Transfer-Encoding + * unwanted colon' + * bug 4628, 'typos in the README file' + * bug 4630, 'Fancy loads remote images when remote content + * disabled' + * bug 4636, 'Handle non-ascii characters in server response' + * AddressKeeper plugin: not saving addresses. + * Perl plugin: building with perl v5.35.2 or greater. + * AttRemover plugin: filenames would not be shown and corrupt + * output + * OAuth2: Use the user-configured timeout + * 'save all' dialogues' logic. + * Make custom headers compliant with RFC 2822 § 3.6. + * correctly set modified flag after auto-save + * NNTP account's SMTP server wasn't used + * building with older GLibs +- Remove 5fee50c54a370fdfb5241bd4c4c16281a741762e.patch: contained + +- Backport 5fee50c54a370fdfb5241bd4c4c16281a741762e.patch: + This fixes building with newer perl. +- Switch package to autosetup. + +- claws-mail 4.x.x with GTK 3 ignores the plugin setting in the + clawsrc file in range [Plugins_GTK2] - change it to + [Plugins_GTK3] in the skel/.claws-mail/clawsrc file (bnc#1200880) + +- Disable pilot-link also on openSUSE Leap >= 15.4 +- The intree ca-certificates file was removed upstream. Remove our + cleanup code for it. + +- Update to 4.1.0: + * Text zooming in the Message View is now possible, using CTRL+mouse + wheel up/down, CRTL+touchpad two-fingered vertical swiping, or + the Message View's right-click menu. + * GtkColorChooser is now used in the Spell Checking preferences, + Colour Label preferences, and the folder Properties pages. + * 'Default From:' has been added to the Compose page of the folder + Properties. This allows setting an email address which will + override the Account's email address. + * An option has been added to the 'General' page of the folder + Properties, 'Skip folder when searching for unread or new + messages', so that the folder can be skipped when using Go To + next/previous unread/new message. + * 'By Sender' has been added to '/Tools/Create filtering rule/...' + and '/Tools/Create processing rule/...' + * The option 'Run processing rules before marking all messages in a + folder as read or unread' has been added to + '/Configuration/Preferences/Display/Summaries'. + * It is now possible to add a toolbar button to 'Run folder + processing rules'. + * The Actions configuration list now has 'Top' and 'Bottom' buttons. + * In '/Tools/List URLs' it is now possible to CTRL+c or right-click + a list item and 'Copy URL'; copying multiple selections is also + possible. + Phishing URLs are now indicated in red by default. This uses the + colour defined in the hidden preference, log_error_color. + * The method of handling Tags has been improved. + * When using the separate Message View the Enter key will open the + currently selected message in the Message List. So, for example, + if you delete the current message, pressing Enter will open the + next message without having to leave the separate Message View. + * The quicksearch type-ahead keypress delay is now customizable + using a hidden preference ("qs_press_timeout"). + * Improvements to the storage of OAuth2 refresh tokens. + * A "View all" button has been added to the Themes preferences page + in order to preview all icons of a theme. + * The term 'master passphrase' has been replaced in the UI with + 'primary passphrase'. + * The label 'SSL/TLS' has been replaced with 'TLS' in the UI. + * chmod 0600 is set on log files, history files, saved parts, etc. + * "Keyword Warner" plugin has been added. This shows a warning when + sending or queueing a message and a reference to one or more + user-defined keywords are found in the message text. + * Adding a new RSSyl feed or subscribing to a Webcal will + automatically suggest using any suitable URI found on the + clipboard. + * The user manuals have been updated. + * Updated translations: Brazilian Portuguese, British English, + Catalan, Czech, French, Indonesian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, + Slovak, Spanish, Turkish. + * bug fixes: + + bug 4312, 'litehtml plugin loops (hangup)' + + bug 4346, 'Error: Certificate is for invalid2.invalid, but + connection is to' + + bug 4442, 'vcalendar segfault if in invitation email and + switch to another folder' + + bug 4495, 'Improve text strings for OAuth2' + + bug 4496, 'Fancy crashes when opening an email' + + bug 4511, 'Uses deprecated ghostscript operator' + + bug 4513, 'msg window too small in 3 column layout' + + bug 4517, 'Thread safety issues in signature checking code' + + bug 4524, 'Problems exiting/closing Claws Mail' + + bug 4534, 'Address book causing claws to terminate unexpectedly' + + bug 4535, 'Setting msgview_date_format=1 does not work' + + bug 4536, 'Tab for address selects second entry' + + bug 4556, 'Filesize in kilobytes versus kibibytes' + + bug 4577, 'Fancy plugin with GTK3 seems to ignore content encoding' + + when using 'hide_timezone' use UTC when generating MessageID + + non-translation of some button labels + + the initial position of the (X-)Face image + + return receipts from accounts without a name + + folderview pixmaps not being updated after icon theme change + until restart + + spell checker underlining when black is chosen + + text on various buttons + + scrolling in a message's attachments bar (scrolling left or + right were scrolling down). + + scrolling not working when GTK smooth scroll is set + + scroll to next/prev page in pdf_viewer + + build error with -Werror=format-security + + invalid crypto engine (gpgme_op_verify failed) + + vCalendar tooltip in Day View showed the wrong month. + + View Log button + + when closing Compose window dialogue requesting choice from + user is not shown and some options are lost in drafted copy + + weird logic with the 'Edit filter action' dialog + + resource leaks; memory corruption + +- Re-enable fancy html viewer plugin. clazy +- Add upstream changes: + * 0001-Limit-the-clang-AST-crash-workaround-to-clang-7.0.patch + * 0001-Fix-crash-when-Q_PROPERTY-contents-is-empty.patch + * 0001-Allow-passing-no-check-in-plugin-arg-clazy-commandli.patch + * 0001-Build-fixes-for-LLVM-Clang-15.0.0.patch + clementine +- Update to version 1.4.0~rc2 +- Remove unneeded patch clementine-hidden-systray-icon.patch +- Many bug fixes and new features since the last git snapshot + cli11 +- Update to version 2.2.0 + * Add `MultiOptionPolicy::Sum` and refactor the `add_flag` to fix a bug when using `std::optional` as type. + * Add support for an empty vector result in TOML and as a default string. + * Add `.validate_optional_arguments()` to support discriminating positional arguments from vector option arguments. + * Add `CLI::FileOnDefaultPath` to check for files on a specified default path. + * Change default value display in help messages from `=XXXX` to `[XXXXX]` to make it clearer. + * Modify the Range Validator to support additional types and clean up the error output. + * Bugfix: The trigger on parse modifier did not work on positional argument.s + * Bugfix: The single header file generation was missing custom namespace generation. + * Bugfix: Clean up File Error handling in the argument processing. + * Bugfix: Fix a stack overflow error if nameless commands had fallthrough. + * Bugfix: A subcommand callback could be executed multiple times if it was a member of an option group. + * Bugfix: Fix an issue with vectors of multi argument types where partial argument sets did not result in an error. + * Bugfix: Fix an issue with type the template matching on C++20 and add some CI builds for C++20. + * Bugfix: Fix typo in C++20 detection on MSVC. + * Bugfix: An issue where the detection of RTTI being disabled on certain MSVC platforms did not disable the use of dynamic cast calls. + * Bugfix: Resolve strict-overflow warning on some GCC compilers. + * Backend: Add additional tests concerning the use of aliases for option groups in config files. + * Build: Add support for testing in meson and cleanup symbolic link generation. + * Build: Support building in WebAssembly. + clisp +- Depends on gzip as CLISP memory image data are compressed + with gzip (boo#1132118). + clone-master-clean-up +- Bump version to 1.8 +- clone-master-clean-up fails to remove btrfs snapshots + (bsc#1203651) + +- Bump version to 1.7 +- CVE-2021-32000: fix some potentially dangerous file system + operations + (bsc#1181050) + cm +- Update to snapshot 0.4.0+gb2b8d4bd + * Fix 32-bit testsuite run + +- Update to release 0.4.0 + * Add a decomposition of the class field into a tower of prime + degree extensions following the algorithm described in A. + Enge and F. Morain, Fast Decomposition of Polynomials with + Known Galois Group. + * Add an implementation of the fastECPP primality proving + algorithm, complete with a version running over MPI. + codelite +- Add upstream change to fix build with wxwidgets >= 3.1.7: + * codelite_wxwidgets_3_1_7.patch + codespell +- Update to 2.2.1: + See + +- Update to 2.2.0: + See + combustion +- Update to version 1.0+git2: + * Let selinux-microos-relabel decide whether a relabel is necessary (bsc#1202437) + commandergenius +- Update to release 3.1.3 + * No changes; version bump only + +- Update to version 3.1.2 + * Added option for showing/hiding achievements +- Update to version 3.1.1 + * Collision fixes + * F10 is working again + +- Update to version 3.1.0 + * New main menu theme + * Collision fixes + * Updated runtime + containerized-data-importer +- Update to version 1.55.0 + Release notes +- Drop upstreamed patches: + 0001-Update-go-restful-to-2.16.0.patch +- Include additional tools used by cdi-importer: + cdi-containerimage-server + cdi-image-size-detection + cdi-source-update-poller +- Update SP5 kubevirt registry path (bsc#1204140) + courier-authlib +- update to 0.71.5: + * gcc 12 and autotools update. + * Add scripts to create installable .deb packages, update + documentation. + courier-unicode +- update to 2.2.4 + * gcc 12, autotool updates. + * Add scripts to create installable .deb packages, update + documentation. + cppreference-doc +- Update to version 20220730: + * No upstream release notes. + +- Update to version 20220201: + * No upstream release notes. + +- Update to version 20211127 + (Switched to PeterFeicht's repository, which has new releases) +- Removed - now bundled in source + cpu-x +- Update to version 4.3.1: + * Fix CPU usage in System tab when theme is Auto + * Fix a crash when libpci is upgraded and CPU-X is not rebuild + against the new shared library + cpupower +- Update to latest turbostat version 2022.07.28 + jsc#PED-394 + Includes: + Add ADL-N platform to Turbostat + jsc#PED-393 + Add RPL-P platform to Turbostat + jsc#PED-391 +- Explicitly add patch to support Raptorlake-S + jsc#PED-2065 + A tools-power-turbostat-add-support-for-RPL-S.diff + criu +- Disable LTO, as it results in segfaults (bsc#1203854) + +- Fix build with glibc 2.36: backports of two upstream fixes + criu-fix-conflicting-headers.patch + mount-add-definition-for-FSOPEN_CLOEXEC.patch + cryfs +- add upstream signing key and verify source signature + +- Update to v0.11.2: + * Time to mount a file system was very long because the build + didn't correctly use OpenMP. This is now fixed and file systems + should open faster again. + * Fix building of the range-v3 dependency. The conan remote URL + for this dependency changed and we have to use the new URL. + * Update to CryptoPP 8.6. This fixes a rare bug where + CryptoPP 8.5 encrypts data wrongly. + * cryfs-unmount correctly unmounts paths that contain spaces. + * Updated to DokanY + +- remove cryptopp build dependency, library is bundled + +- Update to upstream version 0.11.0 + * Backwards Compatibility: + - Filesystems created with CryFS 0.10.x can be mounted without + requiring a migration. + - Filesystems created with CryFS 0.11.x can be mounted by CryFS + 0.10.x if you configure it to use a cipher supported by CryFS + 0.10.x, e.g. AES-256-GCM. The new default, XChaCha20-Poly1305, + is not supported by CryFS 0.10.x. + * Security: + - Added the XChaCha20-Poly1305 encryption cipher. For new + filesystems, this will be the default, but you're still able + to create a filesystem with the previous default of AES-256-GCM + by saying "no" to the "use default settings?" question when + creating the file system. Also, old filesystems will not be + automatically converted and will keep using AES-256-GCM. + XChaCha20-Poly1305 is significantly slower than AES-256-GCM + on modern CPUs, but it is more secure for large filesystems + (>64GB). + For AES-256-GCM, it is recommended to encrypt at most 2^32 + blocks, which at the CryFS default block size of 16KB would + be 64GB. The more the filesystem grows above that, the more + likely it gets that a nonce gets reused and the two + corresponding blocks become decryptable by an adversary. + Other blocks would not be affected, but an adversary being + able to access those two blocks (i.e. 64KB of the stored data) + is bad enough. See Section 8.3 in + + XChaCha20-Poly1305 does not suffer from this constraint and + stays secure even if the filesystem gets very large. + * New platforms: + - CryFS now works on devices with Apple M1 silicon + * Build changes: + - Switch to Conan package manager + - Allow an easy way to modify how the dependencies are found. + This is mostly helpful for package maintainers. See "Using + local dependencies" in the README. + - Build with macFUSE instead of osxfuse on OSX + - Now requires CMake 3.10 or later, and GCC 7 or later, + or Clang 7 or later + - Fix a build issue on Gentoo systems + - Fix a build issue when building with boost 1.77 + * Improvements: + - Display the file system configuration when mounting a file system + - Now shows a better error message when failing to load the config + file that distinguishes between "wrong password" and "config file + not found". + * New features: + - Add support for atime mount options (noatime, strictatime, + relatime, atime, nodiratime). + - The new default is now noatime (in 0.10.x is was relatime). + Noatime reduces the amount of writes necessary and with that + reduces the probability of synchronization conflicts, and the + probability of corrupted file systems if a power outage + happens while writing. + - Add an --immediate flag to cryfs-unmount that tries to unmount + immediately and doesn't wait for processes to release their + locks on the file system. + - Add a --create-missing-basedir and --create-missing-mountpoint + flag to create the base directory and mount directory respectively, + if they don't exist, skipping the confirmation prompt. + * Other: + - Updated to spdlog 1.8.5 + - Updated to ranges-v3 0.11.0 + - Updated to boost 1.75 + - Updated to crypto++ 8.5 + * Clean up spec file + +- Enable '-msse4.1' only on x86 and x86_64 + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Add _constraints for PowerPC for 4G disk space to avoid + "No space left on device" error + +- disable lto for ppc64 bypass boo#1142574 + +- Update to upstream version 0.10.2 + * Fix occasional crash in mkdir() on Windows + * Fix a race condition when a file descriptor is closed while there's + read/write requests for that file being processed. + * Better logging when local state can't be loaded + * Other fixes from version 0.10.1 + +- Do not set DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-msse4.1" for PowerPC + +- Update to upstream version 0.10.0, selected changes are: + * Integrity checks ensure you notice when someone modifies your file system. + * File system nodes (files, directories, symlinks) store a parent + pointer to the directory that contains them. This information can + be used in later versions to resolve some synchronization conflicts. + * Allow mounting using system mount tool and /etc/fstab + * Performance improvements + * Use relatime instead of strictatime (further performance improvement) + * cryfs-unmount tool to unmount filesystems- + +- Update to upstream version 0.9.10 + * Fixed occasional deadlock (#64) + * Fix for reading empty files out of bounds + * Fixed race condition (#224 and #243) + +- Trim cleaning of buildroot, this is already implicit. +- Update description. + csound +- Update to version 6.17.0 + USER-LEVEL CHANGES + New opcodes + * scanmap and scansmap are like the xscanmap/xscansmap opcodes but + work with the mainstream scan opcodes. + * trigexpseg, triglinseg are aliases for trigExpseg, trigLinseg. + * xscan opcodes are deprecated as they add nothing to the scan opcodes. + * bformdec2 provides more ambisonic decoding of bformat audio. + * metrobpm is like metro but the timing is in beats per minute and the + signal can be offset by a proportion of the cycle. + * sequ is a csound version of a hardware sequencer. It has many modes and options. + * gtadsr implements a gated ADSR envelope + Orchestra + * Message printing has been revised so -m16 suppresses all + messages. + * add channel count to list_audio_devices (called when the flag + - -devices is used so that it can be parsed by frontends). + Modified Opcodes and Gens + * event opcode does not bail out if the instrument called does not exist. + * Added an optional prefix to soundfont instruments printed via sfilist. + * lpslots reworked with better control. + Utilities + * cvanal now uses the SADIR environment to look for analysis files. + Bugs Fixed + * fareylen called a non-existent function leading to a crash. Removed typo. + * turnoff could cause clicks in some cases; fixed. + * turnoff3 improved. + * cntReset fixed; had a false initialisation code. + * binary search in bpf fixed. + * pvscfs frame counting issue fixed. + * --sample-accurate fixed in a-rate form of tabsum. + * Problem in atssinnoi fixed; did read outside allocated memory. + * hrtfmove fixed; it could use the wrong value for sr. + * Named instruments could use wrong structure in redefinition. + * fixes in the jack backend relating to --get-system-sr. + * pvcross frequency warp mode fixed. + * lpcfilter/lpcanal bug where processing could not be restarted after + a freeze fixed. + * the emugens collection of opcode, a large group incorporation mainly + array operations, were not made available due to a small editing + error. + * If using a float build (rather than a double) array access could be + wrong. + * In some cases instr0 code could ignore loops after an incorrect + warning. Now fixed. + * Bugs in mp3len and similar fixed. + * Crash in syncgrain issue #1773 fixed + * UDO output of fsigs fixed. + SYSTEM LEVEL CHANGES + System Changes + * winsound has been removed. + API + * CreateThread2 is a new API function that allows threads to be given a + user-defined stack size. + +- Update to version 6.16.2: + * This is a hotfix release dealing with an issue that prevented + CsoundQT successfully producing a recording using one of the + API threading services. Fixes for desktop OS packages affected + are provided here. +- Changes from version 6.16.1: + * This is a bug fix release of Csound 6.16, where an issue + affecting the use of turnoff/turnoff2 was repaired. + cura-engine-lulzbot +- disable tests for now, the test code is not working with gcc11 + curl +- Security Fix: [bsc#1204383, CVE-2022-32221] + * POST following PUT confusion + * Add curl-CVE-2022-32221.patch +- Security Fix: [bsc#1204386, CVE-2022-42916] + * HSTS bypass via IDN + * Add curl-CVE-2022-42916.patch + cvise +- Update to version 2.6.0+git.20221018.7c1f0b4: + * Fix LLVM 16 build. + * Move cron job to 03:00 + * Fix CI. + * Split workflows. + * Add cron job. + * LLVM 16: disable one test + * clang 16: disable one -Werror + * Fix LLVM 16 issue: + * Fix CI + * Add LLVM Nightly builder. + * Use env for Leap. + * Move to -std=c++17 as it will be required by LLVM 16. + +- Use gcc-11 for Leap. + +- Do not use ninja, prefer make (due to jobserver interaction with GCC). + +- Update to version 2.6.0+git.20221003.09a5d1e: + * Bump to 2.6.0. + * Fixed small bugs in class-template-to-class, simplify-dependent-typedef and template-arg-to-int passes + * member-to-global pass failed for members not ending with a ";" + * CMake: Fixed compilation, enabled parallel builds and deactivated unnecessary warnings for MSVC + * GCDABinaryPass: handle when there are no functions + +- Update to version 2.5.0+git.20220914.93cb973: + * Added rename-operator pass that converts operator functions (e.g. operator +) to regular functions + +- Update to version 2.5.0+git.20220912.e2268dd: + * Added member-to-global pass that moves declarations within a record (class or struct) in front of the record + +- Update to version 2.5.0+git.20220912.c56e8a0: + * Replaced everywhere TypedefDecl by TypedefNameDecl to supporting typedef-like using declarations + * Hopefully compatible with old libclang + * return-void transformation discarded function specifiers, attributes and scope qualifiers + * class-template-to-class transformation was not working with out-of-line method definitions + * Add c++2b C++ standard. + +- Update to version 2.5.0+git.20220911.4c7ce7f: + * instantiate-template-param was not working for parameters inside anonymous templates + +- Update to version 2.5.0+git.20220909.31fe1f8: + * class-template-to-class transformation was not working with out-of-line method definitions + +- Update to version 2.5.0+git.20220909.3c7e8c6: + * Add c++2b C++ standard. + +- Update to version 2.5.0+git.20220831.cf6747b: + * Change gcdabinary to GCC 12 and newer. + +- Update to version 2.5.0+git.20220830.f61c4b6: + * Bump to 2.5.0. + * Reduce MAX_PASS_INCREASEMENT_THRESHOLD to 3. + +- Update to version 2.4.0+git.20220826.b11db4d: + * Run flake8 directly due to broken pytest-flake8. + * Add new line. + * List tested LLVM versions in Installation page. +- Remove extra removal of pytest-flake8 in spec file. + +- Don't check the source code for lint with flake8 + * pytest-flake8 does not work with flake8 >= 5 + gh#tholo/pytest-flake8#87 + * Source code linting should not be relevant for a functional rpm + package + dai-banna-fonts +- Update to version 3.000 + * Uses visual order instead of logical order for left vowels. + dar +- update to 2.7.7: + * added support for sequential reading more of sliced backup, to + accommodate tape support used with slices (at the opposite of dar_split) + * fixing few typos in doc + * making libdar more tolerant when calls to fadvise fail + +- Update to version 2.7.6 + * adding -f option to dar_cp + * adding static version of dar_cp (dar_cp_static) as compilation outcome + * added FAQ for tape usage with dar + * fixing error in libdar header file installation + * fixed bug met when interrupting the creation of a block compressed + backup (always used by lzo compression and by other algorithm only + when performing multi-threaded compression) + * typo fixes in documentation + * fixed message in lax mode used to obtain from the user the archive format + when this information is corrupted in the archive. + * fixing lax mode condition that popped up without being requested + * fixing bug met when reading slice an special block device by mean of + a symlink + * adapting sanity checks to the case of a backup read from a special + device in sequential-read mode. + * fixed bug that lead dar to report CRC error while reading a backup + from a pipe with the help of an isolated catalogue + * adding -V option to dar_split (was using -v) for homogeneity with + other commands + darktable -- cmake macro now uses DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH rather then - DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH (boo#1200482 boo#1200483) +- Update to version 4.0.1 + + +- Update to version 4.0.0 + + +- Fix rpath support with SUSE cmake macros + +- Use at least gcc 10 + +- Update to version 3.8.1 + +- Removed 10678.patch + +- Switch from %fedora_version to %fedora + %fedora_version is not defined on Fedora systems, the correct macro to use is + %fedora +- drop version checks for EOL'd Fedora versions (oldest supported Fedora is 34) + +- Fix the previous change: + bcond_* is hard + +- Build with intree lua for openSUSE Leap versions + +- add SDL2 BR + +- Add + to fix build on aarch64 + +- Update to version 3.8.0 + + +- drop the darktable-docs package with the pdf docs + get them from davix +- Update to version 0.8.3: + * Bug fixes + - [DMC-1345] - Segfault when encountering invalid redirection URL + - [DMC-1346] - Segfault because of empty NeonSession object + dbus-1 -- Remove pointless %%post scriptlet leveraging non-existent systemd env - variables - FIRST_ARG has been used in our systemd macros, but this has now been gone for - years. Thus the true branch of the if has never been executed for years and is - only causing warnings when installing dbus. - -- Add missing patch for CVE-2020-12049 - * fix-upstream-CVE-2020-12049_2.patch - -- Fix CVE-2020-12049 truncated messages lead to resource exhaustion - (CVE-2020-12049, bsc#1172505) - * fix-upstream-CVE-2020-12049.patch -- Rebased fix-CVE-2019-12749.patch - -- Fix CVE-2020-35512 - shared UID's caused issues (CVE-2020-35512 bsc#1187105) - * fix-upstream-userdb-constpointer.patch - * fix-upstream-CVE-2020-35512.patch - -- Fix CVE-2019-12749 Authentication bypass (CVE-2019-12749 bsc#1137832) - * added fix-CVE-2019-12749.patch - -- Make libdbus-1-3 own the %{_datadir}/dbus-1/system.d directory - -- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318] - -- Avoid bashisms in scriptlets. - -- Avoid ugly error message from %pre(install) script when installing - for the first time. - -- Don't spit out a warning if /usr/bin/dbus-daemon does not exist - when we run the pre-script. - -- Swap a missed libdir to libexecdir - -- Do not hide errors during useradd. - -- Fix dbus-daemon-launch-helper to use proper ref to libexecdir - -- use %{_libexecdir}/dbus-1 as libexecdir - -- Update to 1.12.2 - Deprecations: - • Eavesdropping is officially deprecated in favour of BecomeMonitor. - See the release notes for spec version 0.31 (in dbus 1.11.14). - • [Unix] Flag files in /var/run/console/${username} are deprecated. - See the release notes for 1.11.18. - New APIs: - • and rules in dbus-daemon configuration can now - include send_broadcast="true", send_broadcast="false", - max_unix_fds="N", min_unix_fds="N" (for some integer N). - See the release notes for 1.11.18. - • dbus_try_get_local_machine_id() is like - dbus_get_local_machine_id(), but returns a DBusError. - • New APIs around DBusMessageIter to simplify cleanup. - See the release notes for 1.11.16. - • The message bus daemon now implements the standard Introspectable, - Peer and Properties interfaces. See the release notes for - dbus 1.11.14 and spec version 0.31. - • DTDs for introspection XML and bus configuration are installed. - • [Unix] A new unix:dir=… address family resembles unix:tmpdir=… but - never uses Linux abstract sockets, which is advantageous for - containers. On non-Linux it is equivalent to unix:tmpdir=…. - See the release notes for dbus 1.11.14 and spec version 0.31. - • [Unix] New option "dbus-launch --exit-with-x11". - • [Unix] Session managers can create transient .service files in - $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/dbus-1/services. See the release notes for 1.11.12. - • [Unix] A sysusers.d snippet can create the messagebus user on-demand. - Miscellaneous behaviour changes: - • [Unix] The session bus now logs to syslog if it was started by - dbus-launch. - • [Unix] Internal warnings are logged to syslog if configured. - • [Unix] Exceeding an anti-DoS limit is logged to syslog if configured, - or to stderr. -- Enabled "make check test suite" -- Patches removed, fixed upstream - * fix-upstream-drop-install-sections-from-user-services.patch - * fix-upstream-increase-backlog.patch - * fix-upstream-timeout-reset-1.patch - * fix-upstream-timeout-reset-2.patch - -- boo#1027201 dbus-daemon not found -- boo#978477 systemd reseting under heavy load - * fix-upstream-timeout-reset-1.patch - * fix-upstream-timeout-reset-2.patch - -- boo#1027200 don't generate machine-id in %post systemd will do it - on first boot. -- swap usage of /bin/false to /usr/bin/false -- Use libexecdir=%{_libdir}/dbus-1 rather then /lib/dbus-1 - -- No need to set --libdir anymore now that prefix is /usr/bin, - * fixes boo#1047532 -- No need to set --bindir, bindir in dbus-1-x11 was incorrect -- Other fixes required to properly change prefix -- Don't pass --with-initscripts we don't use them anymore. - -- Update to 1.10.20 - * Fixes: - + Fix a reference leak when blocking on a pending call on a - connection that has been disconnected (fdo#101481, Shin-ichi - MORITA) - + Don't put timestamps in the Doxygen-generated documentation, - for closer-to-reproducible builds (fdo#100692, Simon - McVittie) - + Avoid an assertion failure when connecting to a - semicolon-separated series of addresses, one of which fails - (fdo#101257, Simon McVittie) - * Documentation: - + Update git URIs in HACKING document to sync up with - (fdo#100715, Simon McVittie) - -- swap to /usr/bin bsc#1029968 -- Add the following fixes from SLE12 - * bsc#980928 increase listen() backlog of AF_UNIX sockets to - SOMAXCONN fix-upstream-increase-backlog.patch -- The following bugs were already fixed but are missing changelog - entries - * bsc#867256 (No longer applicable) - * bsc#916785 (No longer applicable) - * bsc#1012564 (Not applicable) - * fdo#90004 (Fixed Upstream) -- Rename the following patches as a tidy up - * dbus-log-deny.patch to feature-suse-log-deny.patch - * dbus-do-autolaunch.patch feature-suse-do-autolaunch.patch - * 0001-Add-RefuseManualStartStop.patch to - feature-suse-refuse-manual-start-stop.patch - * 0001-Drop-Install-sections-from-user-services.patch to - fix-upstream-drop-install-sections-from-user-services.patch - -- Update to 1.10.18 - * Fixes - + Re-order dbus-daemon startup so that on SELinux systems, the - thread that reads AVC notifications retains the ability to - write to the audit log (fdo#92832, Debian #857660; Laurent - Bigonville) - + Fix a harmless read overflow and some memory leaks in a unit - test (fdo#100568, Philip Withnall) - -- Update to 1.10.16 - Fixes: - * Prevent symlink attacks in the nonce-tcp transport on Unix that could - allow an attacker to overwrite a file named "nonce", in a directory - that the user running dbus-daemon can write, with a random value - known only to the user running dbus-daemon. This is unlikely to be - exploitable in practice, particularly since the nonce-tcp transport - is really only useful on Windows. - (fd.o #99828, Simon McVittie) (bsc#1025950) - * Avoid symlink attacks in the "embedded tests", which are not enabled - by default and should never be enabled in production builds of dbus. - (fd.o #99828, Simon McVittie) (bsc#1025951) - * Work around an undesired effect of the fix for CVE-2014-3637 - (fd.o #80559), in which processes that frequently send fds, such as - logind during a flood of new PAM sessions, can get disconnected for - continuously having at least one fd "in flight" for too long; - dbus-daemon interprets that as a potential denial of service attack. - The workaround is to disable that check for uid 0 process such as - logind, with a message in the system log. The bug remains open while - we look for a more general solution. - (fd.o #95263, LP#1591411; Simon McVittie) - * Don't run the test if X11 autolaunching - was disabled at compile time. That test is not expected to work - in that configuration. (fd.o #98665, Simon McVittie) - Enhancements: - * Do the Travis-CI build in Docker containers for Ubuntu LTS, Debian - stable and Debian testing in addition to the older Ubuntu that is - the default (fd.o #98889, Simon McVittie) - -- A note for scripts bsc#974092 (remove sysvinit script) is already - fixed here. - -- Don't restart dbus on upgrade - Includes temporary work around - for last version boo#1020301 -- Add 0001-Add-RefuseManualStartStop.patch don't allow users to Manually - start or stop dbus. - -- Add systemd unit files to start session bus via systemd -- Added patch: - * 0001-Drop-Install-sections-from-user-services.patch - + remove install section from socket unit because it does not - need to be enabled explicitly (see fdo#92402) - -- Requires systemd >= 209 and drop the compatibility pkg-config - names that don't exist in newer systemd - -- Drop useless --with-pic which is only for static libs -- Abort installation when user/group creation fails -- Avoid calling %service_* more than once - -- Build the dbus-1 package without X in the dbus-1.spec -- Move the dbus-launch.nox11 to the dbus-1 package and install - it by default -- Build devel-doc package in dbus-1.spec and don't build any - documentation in dbus-1-x11 -- Make dbus-1-x11 package contains only the X11-enabled dbus-launch -- Fix some rpmlint warnings -- Delete the file, since maintaining it is - more complicated then keeping in sync a dbus-1-x11.spec file of - less then 120 lines - -- Create new subpackage: dbus-1-nox11 - - contains dbus-launch without x11 support -- Rename dbus-launch to dbus-launch.x11 -- use update-alternatives to switch between dbus-launch with and - without X11 -- Solves [bnc#934214] - -- Update to 1.10.12 - * Security fixes: - + Do not treat ActivationFailure message received from - root-owned systemd name as a format string. In principle this - is a security vulnerability, but we do not believe it is - exploitable in practice, because only privileged processes can - own the org.freedesktop.systemd1 bus name, and systemd does - not appear to send activation failures that contain "%". - Please note that this probably *was* exploitable in dbus - versions older than 1.6.30, 1.8.16 and 1.9.10 due to a missing - check which at the time was only thought to be a denial of - service vulnerability (CVE-2015-0245). If you are still - running one of those versions, patch or upgrade immediately. - (fdo#98157, bsc#1003898, Simon McVittie) - * Other fixes: - + Harden dbus-daemon against malicious or incorrect - ActivationFailure messages by rejecting them if they do not - come from a privileged process, or if systemd activation is - not enabled (fdo#98157, Simon McVittie) - + Avoid undefined behaviour when setting reply serial number - without going via union DBusBasicValue (fdo#98035, Marc Mutz) - + fail cleanly if autoconf fails (Simon McVittie) - -- Moved dbus-run-session from dbus-1-x11 to dbus-1 (bdo#836296) - -- Update to 1.10.10 - * Fixes: - + On Linux, when dbus-daemon is run with reduced susceptibility - to the OOM killer (typically via systemd), do not let child - processes inherit that setting (fdo#32851; - Kimmo Hämäläinen, WaLyong Cho) - + Output valid shell syntax in ~/.dbus/session-bus/ if the bus - address contains a semicolon (fdo#94746, Thiago Macieira) - + Fix memory leaks and thread safety in subprocess starting on - Windows (fdo#95191, Ralf Habacker) - + Do not require systemd to have a service file if using it for - activation (fdo#93194; Simon McVittie; backport from 1.11.0) - + Stop test-dbus-daemon incorrectly failing on platforms that - cannot discover the process ID of clients (fdo#96653, - Руслан Ижбулатов) - + In tests that exercise correct handling of crashing D-Bus - services, suppress Windows crash handler (fdo#95155; - Yiyang Fei, Ralf Habacker) - + Explicitly check for stdint.h (Ioan-Adrian Ratiu) - + update-activation-environment: produce better diagnostics on - error (fdo#96653, Simon McVittie) - + Don't fail the build with an unused const variable warning - under gcc 6 (fdo#97282; Thomas Zimmermann, Simon McVittie) - + Merge dbus-1.10-ci branch, containing backports from 1.11.0 - in build/test code to support continuous integration - (fdo#93194, Simon McVittie) - - Avoid -Wunused-label when compiling with libselinux but no - libaudit - - In development builds, allow OOM tests to be disabled as - documented - - Accept and ignore the --tap argument in all "embedded - tests", and run all automated tests with that argument for - better diagnostics - - Fix the systemd activation test under CMake by installing - the required files - - In Automake, fix shell syntax for installcheck-local with - no DESTDIR - - In Automake, don't try to run manual tests in installcheck - - In CMake, don't run manual-tcp test as an automated test - - Add build machinery - -- Update to 1.10.8 - * Fixes: - + Enable "large file support" on systems where it exists: - dbus-daemon is not expected to open large files, but it might - need to stat files that happen to have large inode numbers - (fdo#93545, Hongxu Jia) - + Eliminate padding inside DBusMessageIter on 64-bit platforms, - which might result in a pedantic C compiler not copying the - entire contents of a DBusMessageIter; statically assert that - this is not an ABI change in practice (fdo#94136, Simon - McVittie) - + Document dbus-test-tool echo --sleep-ms=N instead of - incorrect --sleep=N (fdo#94244, Dmitri Iouchtchenko) - + Correctly report test failures in C tests from - (fdo#93379; amit tewari, Simon McVittie) - + When tests are enabled, run all the marshal-validate tests, - not just the even-numbered ones (fdo#93908, Nick Lewycky) - + Correct the expected error from one marshal-validate test, - which was previously not run due to the above bug(fdo#93908, - Simon McVittie) - -- Update to 1.10.6 - * Fixes: - - On Unix when running tests as root, don't assert that root - and the dbus-daemon user can still call - UpdateActivationEnvironment; assert that those privileged - users can call BecomeMonitor instead (fdo#93036, Simon - McVittie) - - On Windows, fix a memory leak in the autolaunch transport - (fdo#92899, Simon McVittie) - - On Windows Autotools builds, don't run tests that rely on - dbus-run-session and other Unix-specifics (fdo#92899, Simon - McVittie) - -- Update to 1.10.4 - * Changes between 1.10.2 and 1.10.4 - - Enhancements: - + GetConnectionCredentials, GetConnectionUnixUser and - GetConnectionUnixProcessID with argument - "org.freedesktop.DBus" will now return details of the - dbus-daemon itself. This is required to be able to call - SetEnvironment on systemd. (fdo#92857, Jan Alexander - Steffens) - - Fixes: - + Make UpdateActivationEnvironment always fail with - AccessDenied on the system bus. Previously, it was - possible to configure it so root could call it, but the - environment variables were not actually used, because the - launch helper would discard them. (fdo#92857, Jan Alexander - Steffens) - + On Unix with --systemd-activation on a user bus, make - UpdateActivationEnvironment pass on its arguments to - systemd's SetEnvironment method, solving inconsistency - between the environments used for traditional activation - and systemd user-service activation. (fdo#92857, Jan - Alexander Steffens) - + On Windows, don't crash if or --syslog is used - (fdo#92538, Ralf Habacker) - + On Windows, fix a memory leak when setting a DBusError from - a Windows error (fdo#92721, Ralf Habacker) - + On Windows, don't go into infinite recursion if we abort the - process with backtraces enabled (fdo#92721, Ralf Habacker) - + Fix various failing tests, variously on Windows and - cross-platform: - . don't test system.conf features (users, groups) that only - make sense on the system bus, which is not supported on - Windows - . don't call _dbus_warn() when we skip a test, since it is - fatal - . fix computation of expected - . when running TAP tests, translate newlines to Unix format, - fixing cross-compiled tests under Wine on Linux - . don't stress-test refcounting under Wine, where it's - really slow - . stop assuming that a message looped-back to the test will - be received immediately - . skip some system bus tests on Windows since they make no - sense there (fdo#92538, fdo#92721; Ralf Habacker, Simon - McVittie) - * Changes between 1.10.0 and 1.10.2 - - Fixes: - + Correct error handling for activation: if there are multiple - attempts to activate the same service and it fails - immediately, the first attempt would get the correct reply, - but the rest would time out. We now send the same error - reply to each attempt. (fdo#92200, Simon McVittie) - + If BecomeMonitor is called with a syntactically invalid - match rule, don't crash with an assertion failure, fixing a - regression in 1.9.10. This was not exploitable as a denial - of service, because the check for a privileged user is done - first. (fdo#92298, Simon McVittie) - + On Linux with --enable-user-session, add the bus address to - the environment of systemd services for better backwards - compatibility (fdo#92612, Jan Alexander Steffens) - + On Windows, fix the logic for replacing the installation - prefix in service files' Exec lines (fdo#83539; Milan Crha, - Simon McVittie) - + On Windows, if installed in the conventional layout with - ${prefix}/etc and ${prefix}/share, use relative paths - between bus configuration files to allow the tree to be - relocated (fdo#92028, Simon McVittie) - + Make more of the regression tests pass in Windows builds - (fdo#92538, Simon McVittie) - * Summary of major changes since 1.8.0: - - The basic setup for the well-known system and session buses is - now done in read-only files in ${datadir} (normally /usr/share). - - AppArmor integration has been merged, with features similar to - the pre-existing SELinux integration. It is mostly compatible - with the patches previously shipped by Ubuntu, with one - significant change: Ubuntu's GetConnectionAppArmorSecurityContext - method has been superseded by GetConnectionCredentials and was - not included. - - The --enable-user-session configure option can be enabled - by OS integrators intending to use systemd to provide a - session bus per user (in effect, treating all concurrent - graphical and non-graphical login sessions as one large session). - - The new listenable address mode "unix:runtime=yes" listens on - $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus, the same AF_UNIX socket used by the - systemd user session. libdbus and "dbus-launch --autolaunch" - will connect to this address by default. GLib >= 2.45.3 and - sd-bus >= 209 have a matching default. - - All executables are now dynamically linked to libdbus-1. - Previously, some executables, most notably dbus-daemon, were - statically linked to a specially-compiled variant of libdbus. - This results in various private functions in the _dbus - namespace being exposed by the shared library. These are not - API, and must not be used outside the dbus source tree. - - On platforms with ELF symbol versioning, all public symbols - are versioned LIBDBUS_1_3. - * New bus APIs: - - org.freedesktop.DBus.GetConnectionCredentials returns - LinuxSecurityLabel where supported - - org.freedesktop.DBus.Monitoring interface (privileged) - . BecomeMonitor method supersedes match rules with eavesdrop=true, - which are now deprecated - - org.freedesktop.DBus.Stats interface (semi-privileged) - . now enabled by default - . new GetAllMatchRules method - - org.freedesktop.DBus.Verbose interface (not normally compiled) - . toggles the effect of DBUS_VERBOSE - * New executables: - - dbus-test-tool - - dbus-update-activation-environment - * New optional dependencies: - - The systemd: pseudo-transport requires libsystemd or libsd-daemon - - Complete documentation requires Ducktype and yelp-tools - - Full test coverage requires GLib 2.36 and PyGI - - AppArmor integration requires libapparmor and optionally libaudit - * Dependencies removed: - - dbus-glib - -- Update to 1.8.20: - * Fixes: - - Fix a memory leak when GetConnectionCredentials() succeeds - (fdo#91008, Jacek Bukarewicz) - - Ensure that dbus-monitor does not reply to messages intended - for others (fdo#90952, Simon McVittie) - -- Account for openSUSE:Leap in the conditional for chosing right - local state directories (boo#941352) - -- Move common-begin sections around to make pre_checkin work again -- Unconditionally build with systemd features, there are no cycles - now, systemd no longer buildrequires dbus-1-devel - -- Update to 1.8.18: - * Security hardening: - - On Unix platforms, change the default configuration for the - session bus to only allow EXTERNAL authentication (secure - kernel-mediated credentials-passing), as was already done for - the system bus. - This avoids falling back to DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1, which relies on - strongly unpredictable pseudo-random numbers; under certain - circumstances (/dev/urandom unreadable or malloc() returns - NULL), dbus could fall back to using rand(), which does not - have the desired unpredictability. The fallback to rand() has - not been changed in this stable-branch since the necessary - code changes for correct error-handling are rather intrusive. - If you are using D-Bus over the (unencrypted!) tcp: or - nonce-tcp: transport, in conjunction with DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1 - and a shared home directory using NFS or similar, you will - need to reconfigure the session bus to accept DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1 - by commenting out the element. This configuration is - not recommended. (bsc#931066, fdo#90414, Simon McVittie) - * Other fixes: - - Add locking to DBusCounter's reference count and notify - function (fdo#89297, Adrian Szyndela) - - Ensure that DBusTransport's reference count is protected by - the corresponding DBusConnection's lock (fdo#90312, - Adrian Szyndela) - - On Windows, listen on the same port for IPv4 and IPv6 - (previously broken by an endianness mistake), and fix a - failure to bind TCP sockets on approximately 1 attempt in 256 - (fdo#87999, Ralf Habacker) - - Correctly release DBusServer mutex before early-return if we - run out of memory while copying authentication mechanisms - (fdo#90021, Ralf Habacker) - - Correctly initialize all fields of DBusTypeReader (fdo#90021, - Ralf Habacker, Simon McVittie) - - Fix some missing \n in verbose (debug log) messages - (fdo#90021, Ralf Habacker) - - Clean up some memory leaks in test code (fdo#90021, - Ralf Habacker) - -- Sync changes from SLE12 conditionalized for suse_version <= 1315 - -- Update to 1.8.16: - * Security fixes: - - Do not allow non-uid-0 processes to send forged - ActivationFailure messages. On Linux systems with systemd - activation, this would allow a local denial of service: - unprivileged processes could flood the bus with these forged - messages, winning the race with the actual service activation - and causing an error reply to be sent back when service - auto-activation was requested. This does not prevent the real - service from being started, so it only works while the real - service is not running. (CVE-2015-0245, fdo#88811, bnc#916343; - Simon McVittie) - * Other fixes: - - fix a Windows build failure (fdo#88009, Ralf Habacker) - - on Windows, allow up to 8K connections to the dbus-daemon - instead of the previous 64, completing a previous fix which - only worked under Autotools (fdo#71297, Ralf Habacker) - -- Update to 1.8.14 - * Security hardening: - - Do not allow calls to UpdateActivationEnvironment from uids - other than the uid of the dbus-daemon. If a system service - installs unsafe security policy rules that allow arbitrary - method calls (such as CVE-2014-8148) then this prevents - memory consumption and possible privilege escalation via - UpdateActivationEnvironment. - We believe that in practice, privilege escalation here is - avoided by dbus-daemon-launch-helper sanitizing its - environment; but it seems better to be safe. - - Do not allow calls to UpdateActivationEnvironment or the - Stats interface on object paths other than - /org/freedesktop/DBus. Some system services install unsafe - security policy rules that allow arbitrary method calls to - any destination, method and interface with a specified object - path; while less bad than allowing arbitrary method calls, - these security policies are still harmful, since dbus-daemon - normally offers the same API on all object paths and other - system services might behave similarly. - * Other fixes: - - Add missing initialization so GetExtendedTcpTable doesn't - crash on Windows Vista SP0 (fdo#77008, Ilya A. Tkachenko) - -- Update to 1.8.12: - * Fixes: - - Partially revert the CVE-2014-3639 patch by increasing the - default authentication timeout on the system bus from 5 - seconds back to 30 seconds, since this has been reported to - cause boot regressions for some users, mostly with parallel - boot (systemd) on slower hardware. - On fast systems where local users are considered particularly - hostile, administrators can return to the 5 second timeout - (or any other value in milliseconds) by saving this as - /etc/dbus-1/system-local.conf: - - 5000 - - (fdo#86431, Simon McVittie) - - Add a message in syslog/the Journal when the auth_timeout is - exceeded (fdo#86431, Simon McVittie) - - Send back an AccessDenied error if the addressed recipient is - not allowed to receive a message (and in builds with - assertions enabled, don't assert under the same conditions). - (fdo#86194, Jacek Bukarewicz) - -- Update to 1.8.10: - * Security fixes: - - Increase dbus-daemon's RLIMIT_NOFILE rlimit to 65536 - so that CVE-2014-3636 part A cannot exhaust the system bus' - file descriptors, completing the incomplete fix in 1.8.8. - (CVE-2014-7824, fdo#85105; Simon McVittie, Alban Crequy) - dbus-1-x11 +- Fix a potential crash that could be triggered by an invalid signature. + (CVE-2022-42010, bsc#1204111) + * fix-upstream-CVE-2022-42010.patch +- Fix an out of bounds read caused by a fixed length array (CVE-2022-42011, + bsc#1204112) + * fix-upstream-CVE-2022-42011.patch +- A message in non-native endianness with out-of-band Unix file descriptors + would cause a use-after-free and possible memory corruption CVE-2022-42012, + bsc#1204113) + * fix-upstream-CVE-2022-42012.patch +- Disable asserts (bsc#1087072) +- Refreshed patches + * fix-upstream-CVE-2020-35512.patch + ddgr +- update to 2.0: + - Display results in reversed order (`--rev`, `--reverse`) + - Support Python v3.10 (dropped v3.6) + deadbeef-plugin-mpris2 +- Sync ExcludeArch %ix86 with libdispatch: libdispatch is not being + buily and as such we don't have the needed dep available. + deepin-api +- Update version to 5.5.25 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.5.12 + * Change to + * Update language_support data + * Fix bugs + deepin-calculator +- Update version to 5.7.21 + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + +- Update version to 5.7.20 + * Update documents + * Fix bugs + * Add + deepin-calendar +- Update version to 5.8.30 + * Optimmze ui + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + +- Update version to 5.8.29 + * Add a systemd timer + * Optimize ui + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + +- Update version to 5.8.27 + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + * Update documents + deepin-compressor +- Update version to 5.12.8 + * Fix bugs + * Support rename by right click +- Drop 001-fix-libdir.patch, fixed by upstream + +- Update version to 5.12.6 + * Change qDebug to qInfo + +- Update version to 5.12.5 + * Fix bugs + deepin-control-center +- Update version to + * Add sound device manager + * Update manaul document + * Add computer name in system info + * Add hotspot button config + * Update translations + * Fix bugs +- Drop fix-return-type.patch, fixed by upstream +- Drop fix-qDBusRegisterMetaType-error.patch, merged by upstream +- Add remove-auth.patch + deepin-daemon +- Update version to 5.14.45 + * Fix bugs + * Add HasAirplaneMode profile + * New feature: disable sleep on VM + +- Update version to 5.14.18 + * Change to + * Fix bugs + * Update tranlations +- Drop fix-login_defs-path.patch, merged by upstream + deepin-desktop-base +- Update version to 2022.07.26, Deepin version is 20.6 + +- Update version to 2022.03.07, Deepin version is 20.5 + deepin-desktop-schemas +- Update version to 5.10.11 + * Optimize ui + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.10.6 + * Change shortcut key for airplane mode + * Add isHighPerformanceSupported gsettings + * Change close shortcut nameas media-close + * Change screenshot shortcut + * Fix bugs + deepin-dock +- Update version to 5.5.65 + * Always show airplane mode + * Add sort format for date + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.5.51 + * Fix bugs + * Optimize wayland support + +- Update version to 5.5.12 + * Optimize launch time + * Fix bugs +- Drop deepin-dock-link-libraries.patch, merged by upstream + deepin-draw +- Update version to 5.11.4 + * Fix bugs + +- Update versio to 5.11.1 + * Add taxi feature on toolbar + * Fix bug + * Update translations + deepin-editor +- Update version tp 5.10.35 + * Add event tracking feature + * Fix bugs +- Drop Fix-return-type.patch + +- Update version to 5.10.23 + * Optimize ui + * Fix bugs + +- Fix build on Tumbleweed + +- Update version to 5.10.19 + * Fix a bug + deepin-file-manager +- Fix file list for %arm + +- Fix build on Tumbleweed + +- Fix filelist + +- Update version to 5.6.4 + * Optimize text box length + * Optimize draging for list mode + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + +- Add gcc-12.patch, fix gcc 12 build + +- Update version to 5.5.10 + * Update documents + * Fix bugs + +- No longer pin to GCC10: the code builds just fine using GCC11 + too, so let's use the distro default compiler. + deepin-gettext-tools +- Update to 1.0.10 +- Add reproducible.patch to make generated policy files reproducible + deepin-gir-generator +- Update version to 2.1.0 + * Change to + * Update readme + deepin-image-viewer +- Update version to 5.9.4 + * Add event tracking feature + +- Update version to 5.9.2 + * Fix bugs +- Add fix-library-link.patch + +- Update version to 5.8.13 + * Bring edit feature + * Fix bugs + deepin-kwin +- Drop cmake(KWaylandServer) BuildRequires: not actually needed and + no longer existing. + deepin-launcher +- Update version to 5.5.31 + * Fix bugs + * Feature: hide main window after losting active point + +- Update version to 5.5.19 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.5.11 + * Fix bugs + * Optimize wayland support + deepin-manual +- Update version to 5.8.12 + * Add event tracking feature + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.8.9 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.8.5 + * Fix bugs + * Add + deepin-movie +- Update version to 5.10.8 + * Support gstreamer + * Fix bugs +- Drop drop-MPV_EVENT_TRACKS_CHANGED.patch, fix-mpv_opengl_init_params.patch, + drop-setCanShowInUI.patch and fix-build-on-mpv-0_34_1.patch, fixed by + Upstream + +- Update version to 5.9.18 + * Support feiteng graphics card + * Fix bugs + * Optimzize wayland support + * Update documents + +- Add drop-MPV_EVENT_TRACKS_CHANGED.patch, drop the api +- Add fix-mpv_opengl_init_params.patch,Upstream of MPV changed this api + +- Update version to 5.9.8 + * Fix bugs + * Add English document + * Optimize hard decoding +- Add fix-build-on-mpv-0_34_1.patch + +- Update version to 5.9.1 + * Fix bugs + * Update manual documents +- Add drop-setCanShowInUI.patch + deepin-music-player +- Update version to 6.2.18 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 6.2.16 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 6.2.13 + * Fix bugs +- Drop the deepin-aiassistant plugin, this is an invaild plugin in openSUSE + +- Update version to 6.2.12 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to + * Fix bugs +- Drop recompile-with-fPIC.patch, merged by upstream + +- Update version to 6.2.8 + * Update translations + * Fix bugs + deepin-override-tool +- Update version to 5.10.11. Nothing changes in tool package + +- Update version to 5.10.6 + * Change to + deepin-polkit-agent +- Update version to 5.5.21 + * Fix bugs +- Drop polkit-qt5.patch, merged + +- Update version to 5.5.19 + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + +- Update version to 5.5.7 + * Migrate qmake to cmake + * Update translations + * Fix bugs +- Add polkit-qt5.patch, use upstream's api instead deepin's patch +- Drop fix-sudo-issue.patch, merged by upstream + +- Update version to 5.5.3 + * Disable copy and cut options of DPasswordEdit + * Fix bugs + deepin-pw-check +- Update version to 5.1.16 + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + * Update some apis + +- Update version to 5.1.8 + * Change to + * Change license to GPL-2.0 + * Add interface for passwd strength + * Fix bugs + deepin-qt-dbus-factory +- Update version to 5.5.20 + * Add some interfaces + * Fix bugs + deepin-reader +- Update version to 5.10.23 + * Adjust minimum size of window + * Fix bugs +- Drop fix-return-type.patch + +- Update version to 5.10.16 + * Update ut + * Optimize ui + * Optimize pdf support + * Update documents +- Add fix-return-type.patch + +- Fix build on openjpeg 2.5.0 and later + +- Fix build on ARM + +- Update version to 5.10.13 + * Fix a wayland issue + * Optimize slide playing + +- Update version to 5.10.10 + * Use QtWebEngine + * Update manual documents + * Update translations + * Fix bugs + deepin-screen-recorder +- Update version to 5.11.6 + * Add event tracking feature + * Optimize shortcut keys + * Fix bugs +- Add fix-include-path.patch, add ffmpeg include path +- Add fix-reture-type.patch + +- Update version to 5.11.2 + * Add a new plugin for deepin dock + * Use gstreamer backend + * Optimize wayland support + * Fix memory leak + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.10.22 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.10.15 + * Optimize code + * Add interfaces for OCR and roll screenshot + * Optimize wayland support + * Fix bugs + deepin-session-shell +- Update version to 5.5.48 + * Fix bugs +- Add remove-invalid-dependence.patch + +- Update version to 5.5.31 + * Optimize wayland support + * Fix bugs + * Add info log + * Support disable logout button + * Add configuration of screen keyboard + +- Update version to 5.5.24 + * Fix bugs + * Revise location for switch button + deepin-session-ui +- Update version to 5.5.24 + * Fix a crash bug on wayland + +- Update version to 5.5.23 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.5.10 + * Migrate to cmake + * Fix bugs +- Add fix-library-path.patch + deepin-shortcut-viewer +- Update version to 5.0.6 + * Fix bugs + deepin-start +- Add workaround-dde-kwin-crash.patch for Tumbleweed, Workaround the + dde-kwin crash issue + +- Update version to 5.9.49 + * Support DDCCI + * Use systemd-scope to launch application + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to + * Change to + * use go env cmd + * Add None mode for low-resolution tiling method + * Fix bugs + deepin-system-monitor +- Require /usr/bin/pkexec instead of pkexec (the package name): + allow the package to install on systems where pkexec has been + split out or not. + +- require pkexec for pkexec binary + +- Update version to 5.8.22 + * Fix bugs + +- Fix build on Tumbleweed + deepin-terminal +- Update version to 5.4.33 + * New feature: delete redundant log every 2 seconds + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.4.30 + * Optimize ui + +- Update version to 5.4.29 + * Update documents + * Update translations + * Fix bugs + * Optimize window size + deepin-voice-note +- Update version to 5.10.18 + * Fix bugs + * Optimize ui + +- Update version to 5.10.17 + * Drop invalid dependences + +- Update version to 5.10.15 + * Update documents + * Fix bugs + * Optimize ui + * Update translations + deepin-x11-client +- Update version to 0.6.9 + * Change to + deluge +- Add global typelib AyatanaAppIndicator3 exclude, filter out unneeded and + unwanted AyatanaAppIndicator3 runtime Requires. + +- Update to version 2.1.1 (changes since 2.1.0) (bsc#1203162, CVE-2021-3427): + * Core: + + Fix missing trackers added via magnet. + + Fix handling magnets with tracker tiers. + + Add support for SVG tracker icons. + + Fix tracker icon error handling. + + Fix cleaning-up tracker icon temp files. + + Fix Plugin manager to handle new metadata 2.1. + + Hide passwords in config logs. + + Fix cleaning-up temp files in add_torrent_url. + + Fix KeyError in sessionproxy after torrent delete. + + Remove libtorrent deprecated functions. + + Fix file_completed_alert handling. + + Add plugin keys to get_torrents_status. + + Add support for pygeoip dependency. + + Add is_interface and is_interface_name to validate network + interfaces. + + Fix is_url and is_infohash error with None value. + + Fix load_libintl error. + + Add support for IPv6 in host lists. + + Add systemd user services. + + Fix refresh and expire the torrent status cache. + + Fix crash when logging errors initializing gettext. + * Web UI: + + Fix ETA column sorting in correct order (#3413). + + Fix defining foreground and background colors. + + Accept charset in content-type for json messages. + + Fix 'Complete Seen' and 'Completed' sorting. + + Fix encoding HTML entities for torrent attributes + to prevent XSS. + * Gtk UI: + + Fix download location textbox width. + + Fix obscured port number in Connection Manager. + + Increase connection manager default height. + + Fix bug with setting move completed in Options tab. + + Fix adding daemon accounts. + + Hide account password length in log. + + Added a torrent menu option for magnet copy. + + Fix unable to prefetch magnet in thinclient mode. + + Use GtkSpinner when testing open port. + + Update About Dialog year. + + Fix Edit Torrents dialogs close issues. + + Fix ETA being copied to neighboring empty cells. + * Console UI: + + Fix curses.init_pair raise ValueError on Py3.10. + + Swap j and k key's behavior to fit vim mode. + + Fix torrent details status error. + + Fix incorrect test for when a host is online. + + Add the torrent label to info command. + * AutoAdd: + + Fix handling torrent decode errors. + + Fix error dialog not being shown on error. + * Blocklist: + + Add frequency unit to interval label. + * Notifications: + + Fix UnicodeEncodeError upon non-ascii torrent name. + * Breaking changes: + + Python 2 support removed (Python >= 3.6) + + libtorrent minimum requirement increased (>= 1.2). + +- Actually needs "twisted[tls]": python-Twisted-tls on Tumbleweed + +- Add global typelib gconf exclude, filter out unneeded and + unwanted gconf2 runtime Requires. + +- Update to version 2.0.5 (changes since 2.0.3): + * Gtk UI + + Add detection of torrent URL on GTK UI focus. + + Fix piecesbar crashing when enabled. + + Remove num_blocks_cache_hits in stats. + + Fix unhandled error with empty clipboard. + + Add torrentdetails tabs position menu. + + Hide pygame community banner in console. + + Fix cmp function for None types. + + Fix loading config with double-quotes in string. + + Fix Status tab download speed and uploaded. + * Web UI + + Handle torrent add failures. + + Add menu option to copy magnet URI. + + Fix md5sums in torrent files breaking file listing. + + Add country flag alt/title for accessibility. + * Console UI + + Fix hostlist status lookup errors. + + Fix AttributeError setting config values. + + Fix setting "Skip" priority. + * Core + + Add workaround libtorrent 2.0 file_progress error. + + Fix allow enabling any plugin Python version. + + Export torrent get_magnet_uri method. + + Fix loading magnet with resume_data and no metadata. + + Fix httpdownloader reencoding torrent file downloads. + + Fix lt listen_interfaces not comma-separated. + + Fix unable to remove magnet with delete_copies enabled. + + Fix Python 3.8 compatibility. + + Fix loading config with double-quotes in string. + + Fix pickle loading non-ascii state error. + + Fix creation of pidfile via command option. + + Fix for peer.client UnicodeDecodeError. + + Fix show_file unhandled dbus error. + * Documentation + + Add How-to guides about services.. + * Stats plugin + + Fix constant session status key warnings. + + Fix cairo error. + * Notifications plugin + + Fix email KeyError with status name. + + Fix unhandled TypeErrors on Python 3. + * Autoadd plugin + + Fix magnet missing applied labels. +- Use the latest libtorrent-rasterbar version now. + delve +- Update to version 1.9.1: + * v1.9.1 (#3116) + * proc: make sure logical breakpoints map exists (#3115) + * go.mod: update starlark dependency (#3112) + * terminal: send large output to pager (#3060) + * *: switch to int64 for goroutine IDs (#3110) + * proc: use stdlib to compute CRC for gnu_debuglink section (#3105) + * _scripts: fix CI on go1.19/linux/386 (#3100) + * service/dap: Add support for empty string in substitutePath (#3088) + * proc: fuse evalToplevelTypeCast and evalTypeCast (#3057) + * _scripts: fix command to download Go version (#3099) + * service/debugger: refactor state/collectBreakpointInfo for TargetGroup (#3064) + * proc: do not panic reading bad G struct (#3098) + * TeamCity,goversion: bump test matrix (#3092) + * pkg/dwarf/line: Fix parsing file table for DWARFv5 (#3090) + * :* Improve trace subcommand output (#3091) + * Documentation: fix documentation of examinemem (#3087) + * fix StepInstruction on 1 byte instruction with a software breackpoint (#3084) + * pkg/proc/internal/ebpf: Fix handling of entry / return (#3081) + * service/dap: fix indexing bug for maps (#3068) + * pkg/proc/internal/ebpf: Fix size of ebpf type for fn_addr (#3080) + * proc/native: refactor windows framework (#3079) + * terminal/command: 'goroutines' command add new flags '-exec command' (#3044) + * proc: support gnu_debuglink section (#3073) + * pkg/locspec: support exact match in SubstitutePath (#3075) + * proc/internal/ebpf: drop dependency on cgo (#3072) + * cmd/dlv,proc: misc improvements to trace subcommand (#3069) + * dwarf/op,proc: output register name when printing location exprs (#3052) + * service/dap: limit disassembly range (#3045) + * proc,service/debugger: introduce TargetGroup abstraction (#3030) + * terminal: add ability to show disassembly instead of source (#3047) + * terminal/command: add -per-g-hitcount option to condition command (#3055) + * _scripts: un-pin mingw version (#3046) + +- update list of excluded archs with those that raise + your_operating_system_and_architecture_combination_is_not_supported_by_delve exception + dhewm3 +- Update to 1.5.2: + * Gamma and Brightness are now applied in the shaders instead of + by setting hardware gamma. Can be disabled (so hardware gamma + is used again) with `r_gammaInShaders 0` + * Cycle through multiple Quicksave slots instead of immediately + overwriting the last Quicksave. The `com_numQuicksaves` CVar + allows setting the number of QuickSaves + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#392) + * Make r_locksurfaces work + It doesn't do exactly what its description and name suggests: + it renders everything that is *currently* visible from the + position/view the player had when setting `r_locksurfaces 1`. + Originally it was supposed to render exactly the surfaces that + * were* visible then, but I couldn't get that to work. + This is pretty similar, but there may be differences with opened + doors and such. + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#357) + * Keyboard input improvements (mostly SDL2-only): + - Support (hopefully) all keyboard keys on all kinds of keyboard + layouts by using scancodes for otherwise unknown keys + - Support typing in non-ASCII characters, if supported by Doom3 + (it supports ISO-8859-1) + - Support the clipboard also on non-Windows platforms + You can paste text from the clipboard into the console or + other edit fields with `Shift+Insert` + - Explicit support for Right Ctrl, Alt and Shift keys + (can be bound to different actions than their left + counterparts) + - Added `in_grabKeyboard` CVar to make sure dhewm3 gets *all* + keyboard input + Prevents the Windows-key or Alt-Tab or whatever from taking + focus from the game + - Added `in_ignoreConsoleKey` - if set to `1`, the console is + only opened with Shift+Esc, and the "console key" (that key + between Esc, 1 and Tab) can be freely bound to an action + (and its char can be typed in the console without closing + it). + - Added (SDL2-only) "auto" option for `in_kbd`: When not + disabling the console key, dhewm3 will try to automatically + detect it if `in_kbd` is set to "auto" (now default) + * Reworked mouse-input and -grabbing code, using absolute mouse + mode in fullscreen GUIs (except for the PDA, because it's + implemented weirdly). + This made releasing the mouse in the main menu possible, as now + the ingame cursor is at the same position as the system cursor. + * `s_alReverbGain` CVar to reduce EFX reverb effect intensity + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#365) + * Pause (looped) sounds when entering menu + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#330) + * Fixes for looped sounds + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#390) + * Replace libjpeg with stb_image and libogg/libvorbis(file) with + stb_vorbis + - Now the only required external dependencies should be OpenAL, + SDL, zlib and optionally libCURL (and of course the C and C++ + runtimes) + * (Optionally) use libbacktrace on non-Windows platforms for more + useful backtraces in case of crashes (usually linked statically) + * Fixed endless loop (game locking up at startup) if graphics + settings couldn't be applied + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#386) + * Fixed some warnings and uninitialized variables + * Work around dmap bug caused by GCC using FMA "optimizations" + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#147) + * Prevent dhewm3 from being run as root on Unix-like systems to + improve security + * Replaced most usages of `strncpy()` with something safer to + prevent buffer overflows (remaining cases should be safe). + * Console output is now logged to `dhewm3log.txt` + (last log is renamed to `dhewm3log-old.txt`) + - On Windows it's in `My Documents/My Games/dhewm3/` + - On Mac it's in `$HOME/Library/Application Support/dhewm3/` + - On other Unix-like systems like Linux it's in + `$XDG_DATA_HOME/dhewm3/` (usually `$HOME/.local/share/dhewm3/`) + * Improved compatibility with Wayland + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#426) + * Work around assertion in AlphaLabs4 due to "ride_of_death" + yeeting the dead "monster_zsec_shotgun_12" into the void + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#409) + * Support loading some mods known to need `fs_game_base d3xp` via + Mods menu (currently, *The Lost Mission* and *LibreCoop d3xp* + are supported) + * Disable assertion in idSampleDecoderLocal::DecodeOGG() that + triggered when starting a new Classic Doom3 game + (gh#dhewm/dhewm3#461) + digikam +- Update to 7.8.0 + * +- New features (from NEWS): + * General : HIF files recognized as HEIF images. + * IconView: Add support of GrayScale and 16 bits PSD images. + * General : Libraw updated to 2022-07-14 snapshot. + Camera format support: + Phase One/Leaf IIQ-S v2 support + Canon CR3 filmrolls/RawBurst + Canon CRM (movie) files + iled bit-packed (and 16-bit unpacked) DNGs + (non-standard) Deflate-compressed integer + DNG files are allowed + Camera support: + Canon EOS R3, R7 and R10 + Fujifilm X-H2S, X-T30 II + OM System OM-1 + Leica M11 + Sony A7-IV (ILCE-7M4) + DJI Mavic 3 + Nikon Z9: standard compression formats only + * Plugins : GMicQt tool updated to last version 3.1. +- 49 bugs fixed +- Add libheif build dependency to enable the HEIF decoder +- Use macro for soversion +- Remove no longer needed conflict with libdigikamcore7 +- Remove explicitly versioned libopencv_dnn dependency, should no + longer be needed with opencv's new soversion rules +- Explicitly enable kfilemetadata and akonadi-contact support, they + are disabled by default now + +- Updated 0001-Revert-Exiv2-is-now-released-with-exported-targets-u.patch + +- Update to 7.7.0 + * +- New features (from NEWS): + * Remove internal libheif and libde265 from core in favor to + system libraries. + * Update internal Libraw snashot to 2022-06-17 with Olympus OM-1 + support. +- 81 bugs fixed +- Removed now included Fix-build-with-akonadi-contacts-22.04.patch + +- Resolve rpmlint error "libdigikamcore7.x86_64: E: shlib-policy-name-error + SONAME:, expected package suffix: 7_6_0" +- Move documentation out of libdigikamcore7. + +- Add Fix-build-with-akonadi-contacts-22.04.patch to fix build with + the latest Akonadi versions + +- Update to 7.6.0 + * +- New features (from NEWS): + General: Use Qt5.15 LTS patches collection git repository from KDE + to build AppImage Linux bundle (snapshot 2022-01-23). + General: All bundles use last KF5 framework 5.90. + General: All bundles generate a manifest text file listing git + revisions of all upstream libraries used by application. + General: AppImage Linux bundle now support ICU to perform search + with UTF-8 characters in all text fields. + General: Update internal Libraw to snapshot 2022-02-10. + General: New FlowView generic plugin for digiKam and Showfoto + ( +- 847 bugs fixed + ding +- Add patch: + * use-grep-instead-of-egrep.patch + This prevents the egrep obsolescent warning message introduced + with grep 3.8: + "egrep: warning: egrep is obsolescent; using grep -E" +- Install man-page +- Use https instead of http/ftp for Source/URL + -- update to 1.5 - o New version of German-English translation file, now over - 216,000 entries - o Some more keyboard shortcuts: ^W, ^U - o bug fix in internal search - o changed colors when selecting text in result - o copy to clipboard in popup/file menu - o remote invoking changes the query entry (Debian bug #292978) - o internal search mode works again (tcl_nonwordchars) - o Minor bug fixes ( - disomaster +- Update version to 5.0.8 + * impl 'dumpISO' + * Fix bugs + distrobox -- Fix a (potential) problem with man and manpages +- Update to latest version (1.4.1) +- Patches removed: + 0001-distrobox-if-no-command-is-specified-default-to-ente.patch +- Add a bash-completion subpackage +- Changes in 1.4.1: + * completion: add bash completion support! + * create/enter: revert 52a34fb + * create: add --no-entry + * docs: update host and guest lists + * docs: redundant "else" in readme + * init: add mesa and vulkan drivers by default + * init: don't query filesystems mounted by beesd + * install-podman: update to 4.2.1 + * install-podman: install crun, it generally + works better in rootless. + * install-podman: fix default configuration + * ephemeral: do cleanup even in case of errors + * generate-entry: auto-discover curl or wget. + +- Update to latest version (1.4.0) +- Patches removed: + 0001-enter-fix-automatic-container-creation-when-r-is-use.patch + 0002-distrobox-handle-situations-with-weird-manpages-setu.patch + 0002-opensuse-check-for-the-config-file-in-usr-etc-too.patch + 0003-distrobox-if-no-command-is-specified-default-to-ente.patch + 0004-opensuse-check-for-the-config-file-in-usr-etc-too.patch +- Patches added: + 0001-distrobox-if-no-command-is-specified-default-to-ente.patch +- Changes in 1.4.0: + * New distrobox upgrade command, to update all the containers at once + * New distrobox generate-entry command, to add your distrobox to the app list + note that from 1.4.0 onwards this will be the default behaviour for all the + new containers created + * New distrobox ephemeral command, to quickly spawn, use and delete a container. + All-in-one. + * New install-podman script to install Podman in $HOME. Handy for @ValveSoftware + SteamDeck users + * Distrobox-host-exec now uses exclusively the host-spawn command from @1player + * Better support for AD/LDap and Kerberos usernames + * Better support for Nix/Guix hosts + * Plenty of bug fixes and CI/Test improvements smile + +- Fix a (potential0 problem with man and manpages dnf-plugins-extras +- update to 4.0.17: + * updated translations + dnscrypt-proxy +- Update to version 2.1.2 + * Support for DoH over HTTP/3 (DoH3, HTTP over QUIC) + Compatible servers will automatically use it. + Note that QUIC uses UDP + (usually over port 443, like DNSCrypt) instead of TCP. + * fixed memory usage kept growing due to channels not + being properly closed + * DNS64: "CNAME" records are now translated like other responses + * A relay whose name has been configured, but doesn't exist in the + list of available relays is now a hard error + * "dnscrypt-proxy -resolve" now reports if ECS (EDNS-clientsubnet) is + supported by the server + * "dnscrypt-proxy -list" now includes ODoH (Oblivious DoH) servers + * Local DoH: queries made using the "GET" method are now handled + * "PTR" queries are now supported for cloaked domains +- Minimum golang version now at 1.18 + +- switched to vendored_licenses_packager as build dependency + docker-buildx +- Update to version 0.9.1: + * buildx: prevent duplicate "failed to find driver" message + * docs: update buildx inspect reference with buildkit version + * inspect: add buildkit version information to command output + * bake: test compose file validation + * bake: test for unknown extensions + * bake(compose): fix unskipped services without build context + * docs: add experimental options to build command reference + * build: ensure consistent help messages for experimental cli help + +- Update to version 0.9.0: + * vendor: update buildkit to 55ba9d14 + * create: improve interface when attempting to create docker driver + * commands: use buildx env for experimental opt-in + * build: update outline fallback image + * bake: load .env file from working dir for compose files + * test: misplaced expected value in assert + * enable other exporters if docker driver uses containerd + * add formatting support to print function + * build: add fallback to outline requests if not supported by frontend + * build: add experimental support for print flag + * detect moby worker supports multiplatform feature through containerd snapshotter + * build: fix issues with leaving invoke containers running + * docs: add correct definition of prune --all flag + * invoke: add messages + * prune: cleanup variable names for clarity + * buildx: warn on editing nodes + * bake: contexts support with x-bake + * vendor: v20.10.3-0.20220803220330-418ca3b4d46f (v22.06.0-dev) + * ci: enhanced build workflow + * docs: fix dead link to color output controls guide + * ci: upstream docs conformance validation + * prune: fix filter until option + * update to v1.4.0 + * buildx: forbid mismatched drivers + * kubernetes: error about unused endpoint argument + * add jedevc to maintainers + * ci: open pr on docs repo only on release + * kubernetes: enable azure auth + * update to v1.3.0 + * chore: fix readme + * bake(compose): allow dot in target name + * docs: add minimal docker driver docs + * check context builder endpoint + * imagetools: support cross-repo mounting + * imagetools: give imagetools create a progress bar + * imagetools: copy manifests between repositories + * imagetools: refactor combining repository logic + * docs: fix link to docs website + * docs: fix link + * docs: add further reading section for drivers + * docs: add basic docker-container driver guide + * docs: create dedicated drivers section + * docs(bake): set experimental note + * docs(bake): fix target fields and show type + * buildx: rollback configuration if create fails + * docs: update cli-docs-tool to v0.5.0 + * docs: remove frontmatter section + * docs(guide): color output controls + * docs: replace links with ones from + * ci: release workflow to open a PR on docs repo with latest changes + * vendor: update docker/cli to f1615fa + * Update buildkit w/ customizable output colors, etc. + * Update xx to 1.1.2 + * docs(guides): fix links + * add support for oci-layout build-context + * bake: add timestamp function + * docs: add new kubernetes build driver docs + * fix: correct determnistic word + * buildx: log errors in initializing builders + * docs: fixup remote builder typos + * bake: add tests for missing attributes in userfuncs + * bake: forbid empty result and params in userfuncs + * kubernetes: add error when no pods available + * vendor: bump buildkit to master + * bake: dedup compose main and extension fields values + * bake: merge cache-from field from compose and x-bake + * bake: support compose build cache_to + * bake: fix compose consistency check + * chore: remove yamllint + * Add `--invoke` option to launch a container from the build result + * bake: better handling of compose extension interface + * bake: support compose build tags + * bake: support compose secrets env + * ci: add concurrency check + * docs: rework bake compose file definition + * update to v1.2.7 + * docs: rework bake "Configuring builds" page + * docs: bake specification intro + * docs: guide page to configure bake builds + * docs: changes to bake file definition guide + * docs: bake guides and refactor reference + * build: enhance warning message when no output specified + * build(deps): bump crazy-max/ghaction-github-runtime from 1.0.0 to 2 + * docs: add connhelpers info to remote-builder guide + * remote: add additional connhelpers to buildx + * vendor: update moby/buildkit + * ls: move builder/node status error msg below table + * imagetools: handle manifest with nil platform + * Update golint to revive + * cli: uppercase level to match logrus one + * rm: display name of removed builder + * rm: disallow removing context builders + * create: warn if instance name already exists as context builder + * docs: fix typo in docker-container remote driver instructions + * build: allow external Dockerfile on remote context + * ls: dedup instances from store and context + * Clarify inspect documentation + * create: load default buildkit config if none specified + * ci: pin external/untrusted github actions + * ci: bump official actions to latest major + * ci: remove godev workflow + * ci: bump docker actions to latest major + * build(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 2 to 3 + * Add remote driver guide + * docs: update ls output example + * vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17 + * ls: adds fallback if buildkit version info unimplemented + * remote: use --bootstrap to wait for remote to become active + * ls: display buildkit version of the nodes + * vendor: update buildkit to c78f696 + * chore: dependabot to keep gha up to date + * dockerfile: use gobase for test stage + * ci: enable cache + * ci: add check remote buildkitd step in e2e tests + * release: fix checksum file + * docs: fix guides for + * Add remote driver documentation + * root: ignore SSH CloseRead warning + * Complete remote driver + * feat: env driver + * ci: enhance e2e workflow + * hclparser: strip out blocks for json files + * hack: update linters + * Dockerfile: update to go 1.18 + * cli: fix standalone command behavior + * Fix tolerations not parsing its options correctly, add tests + * bake: support compose build secrets + * update to v1.2.4 + * imagetools: respect --builder flag + * inspect: fix printing of driver options + * Only set default rootless image if it is not already customized + * Dockerfile: update to tonistiigi/xx:1.1.0 + * Dockerfile: update DOCKERD_VERSION to v20.10.14 + * kubernetes: replace deprecated seccomp annotations with securityContext + * bake: merge vars from multiple JSON files + * bake: merge targets from multiple JSON files + * Add support for defining kubernetes tolerations + * vendor: update buildkit to 3e38a2d + * compose: add test for port mapping + * update to v1.2.1 + * bake: fix skipped group when already visited by another one + * vendor: v2.8.1 + * feat: printing driver options + * vendor: update fsutil to 9ed61262 + * dockerfile: update frontend to 1.4 + * chore: use no-cache-filter for outdated stage + * imagetools inspect: use buildinfo helper + * golangci-lint: prevent io/ioutil from being used + * Remove uses of deprecated io/ioutil + docker-compose +- Update to version 2.12.2: + * go.mod: docker 5aac513617f072b15322b147052cbda0d451d389 / v22.06-dev + +- Update to version 2.12.1: + * update docker engine API to apply fix of CVE-2022-39253 + * Update `e2e` module deps + * build(deps): bump from 1.11.0 to 1.11.1 + * Skip flaky test in CI + +- Update to version 2.12.0: + * log the error object instead of the string message only + * replace deprecated functions + * bump docker dependencies version + * Fix Makefile target `validate-go-mod` to only run correct bakefile target + * Update `e2e` module deps + * Add Codecov + * port: fix container name in error message (#9909) + * github: add feature request template + * github: switch to issue template form + * build(deps): bump from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0 + * Update e2e mod dependencies + * build(deps): bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 + * docs: update with result of `make docs` + * Add support to push images quietly via compose cli + * Bump e2e module deps + * build(deps): bump from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 + * don't fail when trying to remove an orphan container during down command + * Update to go 1.19.2 to address CVE-2022-2879, CVE-2022-2880, CVE-2022-41715 + * ci: update docs repo path + * Adjust modules sync validating script + * Add `validate-modules` target to CI matrix + * Add Makefile, buildx target to ensure root and e2e go.mod are kept in sync + * Create new `e2e` module to separate out test dependencies, move cucumber tests + * Removed tests that were replaced by Cucumber features + * Update go.mod replace + * Rename start cucumber feature + * Convert `cascade_stop_test.go` into a cucumber feature `stop.feature` + * Cucumber test setup/fixtures + +- Update to version 2.11.2: + * deps: fix race condition during graph traversal (#9878) + * ci: limit job permissions from default (#9874) + * remove unnecessary code + * add more information when service.platform isn't part of + * ci: upgrade to compose-go v1.6.0 + * cli: add shell completion function (#9269) + * run: clean service command if entrypoint is overridden (#9836) + * Remove support for `DOCKER_HOST` in `.env` files (#9871) + * keep the platform defined, in priority, via DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM or the service.plaform one if no build platforms provided + * Restore `-s` in `uname` OS detection logic in `Makefile` + * Streamline GHA workflow + * Upgrade `actions/setup-go` to v3 + * Skip some tests in CI due to flakiness + * Increase E2E test timeouts to reduce flakiness + * Temporarily disable broken E2E tests on Windows + * Rework Makefile for better Windows support + * Add GitHub Action workflow to run tests on Mac/Windows runners + * configure default builder export when no build.platforms defined + * Remove `/rebase` GitHub Action since it's no longer necessary + +- Update to version 2.11.1: + * keep the platform defined via DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM during build if no build platforms provided + * Fix linting issues + * Don't overwrite existing dependency condition + * Add unit tests for `PrepareVolumes` + * keep the platform defined at service level during build if no build platforms provided + +- Update to version 2.11.0: + * update compose-go version to v1.5.1 + * add license to file + * small cleanup + godoc + * down: refactor image pruning + * pull: improve output for services with both image+build (#9829) + * build(deps): bump from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 + * build(deps): bump from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 (#9830) + * Update + * logs: filter to services from current Compose file (#9811) + * convert: do not escape $ into $$ when using the --no-interpolate option (#9703) + * Cleanup E2E tests + * Add unit tests to graph building logic in `dependencies.go` + * Restrict compose project to selected services and dependencies on `compose start` + * Apply newly loaded envvars to "DockerCli" and "APIClient" + * build(deps): bump from 1.4.1 to 1.9.0 + * build: label built images for reliable cleanup on `down` + * ci: upgrade golangci-lint + * ci: upgrade to Go 1.19.1 + * Cleanup E2E tests + * patch: build.go access custom labels directly cause panic + * build(deps): bump from 0.3.6 to 0.3.7 + * always use 'docker' export entry when building with 'up' or 'run' commands + * don't push images at the end of multi-arch build (and simplify e2e tests) support DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM when 'compose up --build' add tests to check behaviour when DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM is defined + * add a test with multiple service builds using platforms in the same compose file + * fix panic when using 'compose up --build' + * add support of platforms in build section + * build(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 + * api: fix typo on Push godoc (#9798) + * ci: reduce noise from dependabot on Docker deps (#9770) + * Add E2E tests for starting/stopping single services + * Fix `down` with `--rmi` + * Only capture exit codes from `exit` events + * Add E2E tests for `up --exit-code-from` + +- Update to version 2.10.2: + * Makefile: mutualize local and Dockerfile build opts (#9776) + * Revert "Apply newly loaded envvars to `DockerCli` and `APIClient`" (#9792) + +- Update to version 2.10.1: + * ci: bring back individual checksum files + * build(deps): bump from 0.10.3 to 0.10.4 (#9780) + * ci: fix checksums checking + * Pull image regardless of whether it exists locally if `tag=latest` + * Remove error message showing exit code when using --exit-code-from + * pull: only skip pull when policy is `missing`/`if_not_present` + * Wake up! + +- Update to version 2.10.0: + * Fix breaking test + * Update docs for new `compose kill` `--remove-orphans` option + * Apply compose model on `compose kill`, add `--remove-orphans` + * Code formatting + * Give environment variables precedence back to OS over .env + * Reset the DockerCli and APIClient after loading the environment file + * up/start/run: don't wait for disabled service + * create: pull all services logic out of loop; add DependsOn deps + * build(deps): bump from 0.0.14 to 0.0.16 (#9754) + * build windows/arm64 and linux/riscv64 binaries + * ci: fix checksums file + * Use compose to pull image twice + * root: filter out commandConn.Close* warning message + * Use alpine:3.13.12 to be unique across the test cases + * readme: fix badges + * Fix package name + * Try changing package used to avoid any race condition in tests + * Better sandboxed workflow and enhanced cross compilation + * build(deps): bump from 1.6.7 to 1.6.8 + * make compose pull tests more expressive + * lint: add `nolintlint` and clean up `nolint` directives (#9738) + * lint: run gofmt from Go 1.19 (#9728) + * don't apply default pull policy from command line if one is define in service configuration + * build(deps): bump from 1.6.6 to 1.6.7 + * update Docker CLI version use in CI to v20.10.17 + * fix version of golangci-lint to v1.47.3, issue with v1.48.0 for now + * build(deps): bump from 0.3.5 to 0.3.6 + * config: use correct YAML marshal func (#9712) + * docs: remove extra whitespaces in help text (#9710) + * ci: use latest stable dockerfile syntax & rename docs Dockerfile (#9711) + * Change `projectOrName()` to check COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME env var + * Filter `compose ps` output by provided compose model + * Add E2E tests for `compose stop` with compose file + * if command is ran with a compose file, apply the compose model, not just project name + * up: do not stop dependency containers (#9701) + * config: case-insensitive env vars on Windows (#9438) + * build: upgrade BuildKit & docker/distribution + * build: bump to Go 1.18.5 + * update usage strings for consistency + * remove unused workflows, especially the pr-closed which always failed + * Fix breaking TestComposePull test case + * Avoid pulling same images multiple times ⚡️ + dracut +- Update to version 055+suse.325.g6780025c: + * fix(network-manager): always install the library plugins directory (bsc#1202014) + * feat( add inst_libdir_dir() helper (bsc#1202014) + A series of fixes for NVMeoF boot (bsc#1203368): + * fix(man): dracut.cmdline.7: clarify ",auto" + * fix(network): avoid double brackets around IPv6 address + * feat(nvmf): set rd.neednet=1 if tcp records encountered + * fix(man): dracut.cmdline(7): correct syntax for rd.nonvmf + * fix(network): don't use same ifname multiple times + * fix(nvmf): run cmdline hook before + * fix(nvmf): avoid calling "exit" in a cmdline hook + * fix(nvmf): make sure ",auto" takes precedence + * fix(nvmf): don't use "finished" queue for autoconnect + * fix(nvmf): don't create did-setup file + * fix(nvmf): no need to load the nvme module + * fix(nvmf): don't try to validate network connections in cmdline hook + * fix(nvmf): nvme list-subsys prints the address using commas as separator + * fix(nvmf): deprecate old nvmf cmdline options + * fix(nvmf): set executable bit on + +- Update to version 055+suse.306.g5b4feffc: + * fix(network-legacy): misleading duplicate address detection using wicked (bsc#1201235) + * fix(dmsquash-live): correct regression introduced with shellcheck changes (bsc#1203894) + dracut-saltboot +- Update to version 0.1.1661440542.6cbe0da + * Use standard susemanager.conf + * Move image services to dracut-saltboot package + * Use salt bundle + drbd-utils +- drbd-utils.spec force _localstatedir to use /var/lib in runtime (bsc#1203220) + +- restore drbd scripts back to /usr/lib/drbd from /lib/drbd (bsc#1203220) + Update drbd-utils.spec +- fix drbd-bash-completion + Update rpmlint-build-error.patch + -- bsc#1189363, upgrade to 9.0.18 +- bsc#1190591, fail to start due to lack of /usr/var/run/drbd + +- Update to 9.18.0 (bsc#1189363) -- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) -- bsc#1185132, all binaries in SLE-15 are position independent - Add patch pie-fix.patch +- add pie-fix.patch: explicitly pass -pie linker flag when building drbdmon. + The Makefile explicitly passes -fPIC, thereby breaking our gcc-PIE profile. + In addition the Makefile also ignores CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS passed via the + environment. Therefore fix it with this patch. This makes drbdmon a PIE + binary (bsc#1184122, bsc#1185132). + +- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) dtb-aarch64 +- scsi: qedi: Remove redundant flush_workqueue() calls + (jsc#PED-1525). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-session-removal-on-shutdown.patch. +- commit 57a0d4f + +- scsi: qedf: Fix a UAF bug in __qedf_probe() (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove redundant variable op (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove an unneeded NULL check on list iterator + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove unnecessary code (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Stop using the SCSI pointer (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Change context reset messages to ratelimited + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Fix refcount issue when LOGO is received during TMF + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Add stag_work to all the vports (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedi: Fix SYSFS_FLAG_FW_SEL_BOOT formatting + (jsc#PED-1525). +- scsi: qedi: Remove set but unused 'page' variable + (jsc#PED-1525). +- scsi: qedi: Fix cmd_cleanup_cmpl counter mismatch issue + (jsc#PED-1525). +- commit a20fd84 + +- Update kabi files. Refresh from Nov 2022 MU - 5.14.21-150400.24.28.1 +- commit a5edbce + +- usb: gadget: pxa25x_udc: Constify static struct pxa25x_ep_ops + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ecf622b + +- usb: gadget: udc: core: Use pr_fmt() to prefix messages + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 986d674 + +- USB: gadget: Rename usb_gadget_probe_driver() (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ec7b016 + +- ALSA: hiface: fix repeated words in comments (git-fixes). +- commit 1897e56 + +- ALSA: scarlett2: Add Focusrite Clarett+ 8Pre support + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: scarlett2: Add support for the internal "standalone" + switch (git-fixes). +- ALSA: scarlett2: Split scarlett2_config_items[] into 3 sections + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Use struct_size() helper in + scarlett2_usb() (git-fixes). +- commit 51a746f + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add mixer mapping for Gigabyte B450/550 Mobos + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-More-comprehensive-mixer-map-for-ASUS.patch. +- commit aad3dbe + +- ALSA: line6: remove line6_set_raw declaration (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk to enable Avid Mbox 3 support + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make read-only array marker static const + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: line6: Replace sprintf() with sysfs_emit() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb/6fire: fix repeated words in comments (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: remove redundant assignment to variable c + (git-fixes). +- commit 7b36d72 + +- ring-buffer: Check for NULL cpu_buffer in + ring_buffer_wake_waiters() (bsc#1204705). +- commit 2e712ad + +- USB / dwc3: Fix three doc-build warnings (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 654acff + +- usb: dwc3: fix backwards compat with rockchip devices + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit c7590b2 + +- usb: dwc3: core: do not use 3.0 clock when operating in 2.0 mode + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-core-Enable-GUCTL1-bit-10-for-fixing-termin.patch. +- commit 02bd07f + +- usb: dwc3: imx8mp: rename iomem base pointer (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 0504947 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: Don't check against CONFIG_OF (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ce7e9f1 + +- usb: dwc3: Program GFLADJ (jsc#PEd-1817). +- commit daeb10e + +- usb: dwc3: Calculate REFCLKPER based on reference clock + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit a22b861 + +- usb: dwc3: Get clocks individually (jsc#PED-1817). +- blacklist.conf: +- commit 3423db7 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: Add support for usb-conn-gpio based + usb-role-switch (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 80843c9 + +- Correct JIRA reference for these patches (jsc#PED-1496). + Use implementation, not the Epic: +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-be2iscsi-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-bnx2i-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-harmless-double-shift-bug.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Merge-suspend-fields.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Remove-iscsi_get_task-back_lock-requirement.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Rename-iscsi_conn_queue_work.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Stop-using-the-SCSI-pointer.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-qedi-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- commit 71bf164 + +- scsi: core: Fix early registration of sysfs attributes for + scsi_device (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit dfe7dcb + +- scsi: core: Remove two host template members that are no longer + used (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: usb: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: staging: unisys: Remove the shost_attrs member + (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 036b753 + +- scsi: zfcp: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: message: fusion: Switch to attribute groups + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: RDMA/srp: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: firewire: sbp2: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit ad14a91 + +- scsi: ata: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: Introduce ncq_prio_supported sysfs sttribute + (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: print feature list on device scan (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: fix ata_read_log_page() warning (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit dc4d292 + +- libata: cleanup NCQ priority handling (jsc#PED-1561). +- Update + patches.suse/libata-Add-ATA_HORKAGE_NO_NCQ_ON_ATI-for-Samsung-860.patch + (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit d313a88 + +- libata: cleanup ata_dev_configure() (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: cleanup device sleep capability detection + (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: simplify ata_scsi_rbuf_fill() (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 01272a8 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-edif-remove-old-doorbell-interface.patch. +- commit 6464680 + +- scsi: lpfc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-Menlo-Hornet-related-code.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-SANDiags-related-code.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-failing-soft_wwn-support.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-move-scsi_host_template-outside-dynamically.patch. +- commit 4aeb242 + +- scsi: snic: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: smartpqi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qla4xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qedf: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pm8001: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: sym53c500_cs: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ncr53c8xx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrs: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrb: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mvsas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_mbox: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: isci: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ipr: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ibmvfc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ibmvscsi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hptiop: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hpsa: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fnic: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: cxlflash: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: csiostor: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bnx2fc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bfa: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: arcmsr: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 53c700: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-9xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 3ddf4fd + +- Update patch references to + patches.suse/0001-floppy-disable-FDRAWCMD-by-default.patch + (bsc#1200692 CVE-2022-33981). +- commit 913147c + +- usb: dwc3: Drop unneeded calls to platform_get_resource_byname() + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-disable-USB-core-PHY-management.patch. +- commit cb5354a + +- usb: gadget: remove unnecessary AND operation when get ep maxp + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 528613b + +- usb: gadget: udc: core: Introduce check_config to verify USB + configuration (jsc#PEd-1817). +- commit 69ec7cd + +- scsi: scsi_transport_fc: Use %u for dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1202914). +- commit 0d14223 + +- iommu/vt-d: Do not falsely log intel_iommu is unsupported + kernel option (bsc#1204947). +- commit 440c18c + +- wifi: brcmfmac: Fix potential buffer overflow in + brcmf_fweh_event_worker() (CVE-2022-3628 bsc#1204868). +- commit 968feec + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Support Multi-Stream Transfer (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 0ed805f + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Skip resizing EP's TX FIFO if already resized + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Wait-for-ep0-xfers-to-complete-durin.patch. +- commit b389709 + +- usb: dwc3: reference clock period configuration (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 8ce586b + +- Drop Dell Dock regression fix patch again (bsc#1204719) + It tunred out to be bogus, a different fix is needed +- commit 2c62bb9 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: use helper to get role-switch-default-mode + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 7f03301 + +- usb: dwc3: Resize TX FIFOs to meet EP bursting requirements + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-core-Fix-tx-rx-threshold-settings.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-starting-DWC3-gadget-during-UD.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Wait-for-ep0-xfers-to-complete-durin.patch. +- commit 68d4f6e + +- scsi: lpfc: Update the obsolete adapter list (bsc#1204142). +- commit dc8f2da + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Use transport-defined speed mask for + supported_speeds (bsc#1204963). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix serialization of DCBX TLV data request + (bsc#1204963). +- commit d6d1732 + +- Move upstreamed sound patches into sorted section +- commit a5b0f8c + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix regression with Dell Dock jack detection + (bsc#1204719). +- commit ec69ec6 + +- Kbuild: add -Wno-shift-negative-value where -Wextra is used + (bsc#1204877). +- Kbuild: use -Wdeclaration-after-statement (bsc#1204877). +- Refresh patches.suse/Kbuild-move-to-std-gnu11.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Kbuild-use-std-gnu11-for-KBUILD_USERCFLAGS.patch. +- commit e76ac45 + +- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Create a sysfs entry called lpfc_xcvr_data for + transceiver info (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Log when congestion management limits are in effect + (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix hard lockup when reading the rx_monitor from + debugfs (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Set sli4_param's cmf option to zero when CMF is + turned off (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix spelling mistake "unsolicted" -> "unsolicited" + (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix memory leak in lpfc_create_port() (bsc#1204957). +- commit f06c1f8 + +- RDMA/irdma: Remove the unnecessary variable saddr (git-fixes) + [#] Conflicts: + [#] series.conf +- commit cc60033 + +- RDMA/irdma: Use net_type to check network type (git-fixes) + [#] Conflicts: + [#] series.conf +- commit cc0ac5a + +- Drop verbose nvme logging feature (bsc#1200567) + This feature caused regressions by logging all failed NVMe + commands. Though not all of them are actually a real + error. E.g. libnvme is probing for features and handling fails + correctly. Upstream fixed this by disabling this feature and looking + into making this an opt-in option. +- Delete patches.suse/nvme-add-verbose-error-logging.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/nvme-don-t-print-verbose-errors-for-internal-passthr.patch. +- commit a82baa8 + +- RDMA/irdma: Validate udata inlen and outlen (git-fixes) +- commit c66230c + +- RDMA/irdma: Add support for address handle re-use (git-fixes) +- commit 456aa9c + +- RDMA/irdma: Move union irdma_sockaddr to header file (git-fixes) +- commit 01da806 + +- selftests/livepatch: better synchronize test_klp_callbacks_busy + (bsc#1071995). +- commit 82010dd + +- livepatch: Add a missing newline character in + klp_module_coming() (bsc#1071995). +- commit 82368b9 + +- RDMA/srp: Support more than 255 rdma ports (git-fixes) +- commit 6da7233 + +- RDMA/srp: Handle dev_set_name() failure (git-fixes) +- commit 2aa5768 + +- RDMA/srp: Use the attribute group mechanism for sysfs attributes (git-fixes) +- commit ee393a3 + +- RDMA/srp: Rework the srp_add_port() error path (git-fixes) +- commit cf4fa33 + +- livepatch: fix race between fork and KLP transition + (bsc#1071995). +- commit bc0a77a + +- RDMA/srpt: Introduce a reference count in struct srpt_device (git-fixes) +- commit fecc405 + +- RDMA/srpt: Fix a use-after-free (git-fixes) +- commit e0cd3e8 + +- RDMA/srpt: Duplicate port name members (git-fixes) +- commit accb2fe + +- Input: applespi - avoid efivars API and invoke EFI services + directly (jsc#PED-1409). +- brcmfmac: Switch to appropriate helper to load EFI variable + contents (jsc#PED-1409). +- iwlwifi: Switch to proper EFI variable store interface + (jsc#PED-1409). +- media: atomisp_gmin_platform: stop abusing efivar API + (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit af0a2c9 + +- Update patches.suse/kbuild-Add-skip_encoding_btf_enum64-option-to-pahole.patch + (bsc#1204693). +- commit 9cde40b + +- efi: libstub: check Shim mode using MokSBStateRT (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: x86: Wipe setup_data on pure EFI boot (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: efibc: Guard against allocation failure (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/x86: libstub: remove unused variable (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Move efivar caching layer into efivarfs + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Switch to new wrapper layer (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Remove deprecated 'efivars' sysfs interface + (jsc#PED-1409). + Update config files. + Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- efi: vars: Drop __efivar_entry_iter() helper which is no longer + used (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: pstore: Omit efivars caching EFI varstore access layer + (jsc#PED-1409). +- pstore: Add priv field to pstore_record for backend specific + use (jsc#PED-1409). +- pstore: Don't use semaphores in always-atomic-context code + (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit db34623 + +- drivers: fix typo in firmware/efi/memmap.c (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Use locking version to iterate over efivars linked + lists (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Add thin wrapper around EFI get/set variable + interface (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Don't drop lock in the middle of efivar_init() + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: efibc: avoid efivar API for setting variables + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: avoid efivars layer when loading SSDTs from variables + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Correct comment on efi_memmap_alloc (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Make code to find mirrored memory ranges generic + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 8075b46 + +- blacklist.conf: scripts/gdb: Allow to read printk log buffer on + 32-bit systems; hardly needed by anyone +- commit c5107b2 + +- printk: wake waiters for safe and NMI contexts (bsc#1204934). +- commit ccf6fd7 + +- printk: use atomic updates for klogd work (bsc#1204934). +- commit 42aa5d7 + +- printk: add missing memory barrier to wake_up_klogd() + (bsc#1204934). +- commit 91ae0ab + +- Revert "workqueue: remove unused cancel_work()" (bsc#1204933). +- commit a8f292e + +- signal: break out of wait loops on kthread_stop() (bsc#1204926). +- commit 1f81ec4 + +- net/mlx5e: Properly disable vlan strip on non-UL reps + (git-fixes). +- commit ea8a4bd + +- net: ipvtap - add __init/__exit annotations to module init/exit + funcs (git-fixes). +- commit bcfb537 + +- bonding: 802.3ad: fix no transmission of LACPDUs (git-fixes). +- commit 0446df6 + +- net: moxa: get rid of asymmetry in DMA mapping/unmapping + (git-fixes). +- commit 6609905 + +- net: ipa: don't assume SMEM is page-aligned (git-fixes). +- commit 41f9dec + +- stmmac: intel: Add a missing clk_disable_unprepare() call in + intel_eth_pci_remove() (git-fixes). +- commit bb8b4d3 + +- Update metadata references +- commit bdfc8f9 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-bridge-lt8912b-fix-corrupted-image-output.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit f154e04 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-bridge-lt8912b-set-hdmi-or-dvi-mode.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 54a25a3 + +- Refresh patches.suse/drm-bridge-lt8912b-add-vsync-hsync.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6755cca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-don-t-register-a-dirty-callback-for-non-a.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 5548e46 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Fix-number-of-regulators-for-SDM660.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit c51fb10 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Fix-number-of-regulators-for-msm8996_dsi.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit e910e60 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-msm-dp-delete-DP_RECOVERED_CLOCK_OUT_EN-to-fix-t.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 8f4fbd6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-make-sure-to-init-common-IP-before-gmc.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d839738 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-move-nbio-sdma_doorbell_range-into-sdma-c.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 4202af7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-move-nbio-ih_doorbell_range-into-ih-code-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6a84f94 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-simpledrm-Fix-return-type-of-simpledrm_simple_di.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit c6e149e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-nouveau-fix-another-off-by-one-in-nvbios_addr.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 7c051d6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Only-use-depth-36-bpp-linebuffers-on.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit e1c296d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revert-drm-amdgpu-display-set-vblank_disable_immedia.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 1bf4062 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-fourcc-fix-integer-type-usage-in-uapi-header.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 174b777 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi83-Handle-dsi_lanes-0-as-invali.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d529823 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-pm-keep-the-BACO-feature-enabled-for-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit b27902a + +- docs: security: Add secrets/coco documentation (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Register efi_secret platform device if EFI secret area + is declared (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit df905cf + +- virt: Add efi_secret module to expose confidential computing + secrets (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh patches.suse/virt-Add-SEV-SNP-guest-driver. + Update config files. + CONFIG_EFI_SECRET=y in x86_64/default +- commit edb96ab + +- efi: sysfb_efi: remove unnecessary include + (jsc#PED-1409). +- x86: Fix all occurences of the "the the" typo (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: clean up Kconfig dependencies on CONFIG_EFI (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. +- efi/x86: libstub: Make DXE calls mixed mode safe (jsc#PED-1409). +- efifb: Remove redundant efifb_setup_from_dmi stub + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/cper: Reformat CPER memory error location to more readable + (jsc#PED-1409). +- EDAC/ghes: Unify CPER memory error location reporting + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/cper: Add a cper_mem_err_status_str() to decode error + description (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: stub: prefer mirrored memory for randomized allocations + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/arm64: libstub: run image in place if randomized by the + loader (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: libstub: pass image handle to handle_kernel_image() + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: libstub: ensure allocated memory to be executable + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. +- efi: libstub: declare DXE services table (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Save location of EFI confidential computing area + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. + CONFIG_EFI_COCO_SECRET=y in x86_64/default, arm64/default and armv7hl/default +- commit 6b0cf79 + +- scsi: iscsi: Remove iscsi_get_task back_lock requirement + (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: iscsi: Rename iscsi_conn_queue_work() (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix harmless double shift bug (jsc#PED-868). +- commit 5723646 + +- scsi: iscsi: Merge suspend fields (jsc#PED-868). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-NOP-handling-during-conn-recovery.patch. +- commit 1473e45 + +- RDMA/usnic: fix set-but-not-unused variable 'flags' warning (git-fixes) +- commit a0cf107 + +- IB/rdmavt: Add __init/__exit annotations to module init/exit funcs (git-fixes) +- commit e49e34a + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix resize_finish() in rxe_queue.c (git-fixes) +- commit 6b44016 + +- RDMA/siw: Fix QP destroy to wait for all references dropped. (git-fixes) +- commit 61cef3e + +- RDMA/siw: Always consume all skbuf data in sk_data_ready() upcall. (git-fixes) +- commit 296a57b + +- RDMA/srp: Fix srp_abort() (git-fixes) +- commit 7984b35 + +- RDMA/irdma: Align AE id codes to correct flush code and event (git-fixes) +- commit c55a705 + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix the error caused by qp->sk (git-fixes) +- commit 85ed907 + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix "kernel NULL pointer dereference" error (git-fixes) +- commit 94f5187 + +- RDMA/mlx5: Don't compare mkey tags in DEVX indirect mkey (git-fixes) +- commit cbf3855 + +- RDMA/irdma: Report RNR NAK generation in device caps (git-fixes) +- commit 7306409 + +- RDMA/irdma: Return correct WC error for bind operation failure (git-fixes) +- commit bb7b5cd + +- RDMA/irdma: Return error on MR deregister CQP failure (git-fixes) +- commit e8ec2a2 + +- RDMA/irdma: Report the correct max cqes from query device (git-fixes) +- commit 2b8a0ed + +- RDMA/siw: Pass a pointer to virt_to_page() (git-fixes) +- commit c54f89a + +- usb: typec: Remove retimers properly (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit e583265 + +- usb: typec: retimer: Add missing id check in match callback + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit cf4d688 + +- USB: xhci: Fix comment typo (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 2b3e84d + +- usb/typec/tcpm: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-531 + jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 46257dd + +- usb: typec: Add retimer handle to port (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit dde8f08 + +- usb: typec: Add support for retimers (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit cacdd0d + +- usb: typec: mux: Allow muxes to specify mode-switch + (jsc#PED-1211). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Register USB Power Delivery Capabilities + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f8dc487 + +- usb: typec: USB Power Delivery helpers for ports and partners + (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-typeC-add-kABI-padding.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/typeC-Add-kABI-placeholders.patch. +- commit 629af64 + +- usb: typec: Separate USB Power Delivery from USB Type-C + (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit d284c3e + +- usb: gadget: bdc: fix typo in comment (git-fixes). +- commit 0b9f194 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: fix typo in comment (git-fixes). +- commit a66c855 + +- usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Allow wakeup from system suspend + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 61abc68 + +- powerpc/pseries: Move vas_migration_handler early during + migration (bsc#1204799 ltc#200177). +- commit b7aa6a0 + +- RDMA/srp: Set scmnd->result only when scmnd is not NULL (git-fixes) +- commit 458db53 + +- RDMA/cma: Fix arguments order in net device validation (git-fixes) +- commit 81952c8 + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix error unwind in rxe_create_qp() (git-fixes) +- commit f572d06 + +- kbuild: Add skip_encoding_btf_enum64 option to pahole + (git-fixes). +- commit 934e48d + +- RDMA/mlx5: Add missing check for return value in get namespace flow (git-fixes) +- commit 6e82f19 + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix rnr retry behavior (git-fixes) +- commit 7a75da5 + +- RDMA/rxe: For invalidate compare according to set keys in mr (git-fixes) +- commit 66293aa + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix mw bind to allow any consumer key portion (git-fixes) +- commit c8934f1 + +- RDMA/siw: Fix duplicated reported IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY event (git-fixes) +- commit 79b1a39 + +- RDMA/qedr: Fix potential memory leak in __qedr_alloc_mr() (git-fixes) +- commit 706d0f6 + +- RDMA: remove useless condition in siw_create_cq() (git-fixes) +- commit 6f61f5a + +- RDMA/irdma: Fix setting of QP context err_rq_idx_valid field (git-fixes) +- commit 026149f + +- RDMA/irdma: Fix VLAN connection with wildcard address (git-fixes) +- commit f75f6bd + +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a window for use-after-free (git-fixes) +- commit 5ca4a5f + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix deadlock in rxe_do_local_ops() (git-fixes) +- commit afef467 + +- RDMA/irdma: Fix sleep from invalid context BUG (git-fixes) +- commit 735c971 + +- RDMA/irdma: Do not advertise 1GB page size for x722 (git-fixes) +- commit ccc988f + +- RDMA/qedr: Fix reporting QP timeout attribute (git-fixes) +- commit c6a81d4 + +- RDMA/hfi1: Fix potential integer multiplication overflow errors (git-fixes) +- commit 2b22d3a + +- RDMA/hns: Add the detection for CMDQ status in the device initialization process (git-fixes) +- commit 7090c13 + +- RDMA/rxe: Generate a completion for unsupported/invalid opcode (git-fixes) +- commit 2a9e949 + +- blacklist.conf: Clarify status of 6f5c672d17f583b081e283927f5040f726c54598. +- commit cfc21b5 + +- s390/dasd: fix Oops in dasd_alias_get_start_dev due to missing + pavgroup (git-fixes). +- commit 3602f60 + +- x86/fpu: Fix copy_xstate_to_uabi() to copy init states correctly + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Exclude dynamic states from init_fpstate + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Fix the init_fpstate size check with the actual size + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Configure init_fpstate attributes orderly + (jsc#PED-1816). +- commit d47f5a0 + +- drm/amdkfd: export svm_range_list_lock_and_flush_work + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit c19d328 + +- amd/amdkfd: remove svms declaration to avoid werror + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 4bffdd8 + +- drm/amdkfd: fix KFDSVMRangeTest.PartialUnmapSysMemTest fails + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 77d4811 + +- Kbuild: use -std=gnu11 for KBUILD_USERCFLAGS (bsc#1204877). +- Kbuild: move to -std=gnu11 (bsc#1204877). +- commit 00462f0 + +- fbdev: cyber2000fb: fix missing pci_disable_device() + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: da8xx-fb: Fix error handling in .remove() (git-fixes). +- iio: bmc150-accel-core: Fix unsafe buffer attributes + (git-fixes). +- iio: adxl372: Fix unsafe buffer attributes (git-fixes). +- iio: temperature: ltc2983: allocate iio channels once + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: mcp3911: use correct id bits (git-fixes). +- iio: light: tsl2583: Fix module unloading (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Don't set IMI for no_interrupt (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Stop processing more requests on IMI + (git-fixes). +- usb: bdc: change state when port disconnected (git-fixes). +- hwmon/coretemp: Handle large core ID value (git-fixes). +- ACPI: video: Make backlight class device registration a separate + step (v2) (git-fixes). +- r8152: add PID for the Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add in new Devices that are supported for + Mac-Passthru (git-fixes). +- arm64/mm: Consolidate TCR_EL1 fields (git-fixes). +- commit 510527f + +- objtool,efi: Update __efi64_thunk annotation (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/efi-x86-use-naked-RET-on-mixed-mode-call-wrapper.patch. +- efi/mokvar: move up init order (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit de5f614 + +- scsi: iscsi: Stop using the SCSI pointer (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: qedi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: bnx2i: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: be2iscsi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- commit 4dde282 + +- tracing: Disable interrupt or preemption before acquiring + arch_spinlock_t (git-fixes). +- commit 2afc9ce + +- tracing: Wake up ring buffer waiters on closing of the file + (git-fixes). +- kABI: Fix after adding trace_iterator.wait_index (git-fixes). +- commit c6de351 + +- tracing: Fix reading strings from synthetic events (git-fixes). +- commit b3d60fe + +- tracing: Add "(fault)" name injection to kernel probes + (git-fixes). +- commit e8dfbfa + +- tracing: Move duplicate code of trace_kprobe/eprobe.c into header + (git-fixes). +- commit 4676a84 + +- ftrace: Fix char print issue in print_ip_ins() (git-fixes). +- commit 40cb188 + +- tracing: Do not free snapshot if tracer is on cmdline + (git-fixes). +- commit 9e07624 + +- tracing: Simplify conditional compilation code in + tracing_set_tracer() (git-fixes). +- commit 35b9e24 + +- ring-buffer: Fix race between reset page and reading page + (git-fixes). +- commit e172e8c + +- tracing: Wake up waiters when tracing is disabled (git-fixes). +- commit e65663f + +- tracing: Add ioctl() to force ring buffer waiters to wake up + (git-fixes). +- commit d726bd0 + +- ring-buffer: Add ring_buffer_wake_waiters() (git-fixes). +- commit 3f155a7 + +- ALSA: rme9652: use explicitly signed char (git-fixes). +- ALSA: au88x0: use explicitly signed char (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for M-Audio Fast Track C400/600 + (git-fixes). +- commit 1285ea5 + +- device property: Fix documentation for *_match_string() APIs + (git-fixes). +- PM: domains: Fix handling of unavailable/disabled idle states + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: Allow hybrid sleep to work with s2idle + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci_am654: 'select', not 'depends' REGMAP_MMIO + (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Fix kernel panic when remove non-standard SDIO card + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-pci-core: Disable ES for ASUS BIOS on Jasper Lake + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: Propagate ESDHC_FLAG_HS400* only on 8bit + bus (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Use correct logic for nand-keep-config + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: aoa: Fix I2S device accounting (git-fixes). +- ALSA: Use del_timer_sync() before freeing timer (git-fixes). +- ALSA: aoa: i2sbus: fix possible memory leak in i2sbus_add_dev() + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: Mark HDMI TX parity register as volatile + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: mark HDMI TX registers as volatile + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ac97: fix possible memory leak in snd_ac97_dev_register() + (git-fixes). +- drm/i915/dp: Reset frl trained flag before restarting FRL + training (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: Fix memory leak in kfd_mem_dmamap_userptr() + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: fix IRQ lifetime (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/hdmi: fix memory corruption with too many bridges + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dsi: fix memory corruption with too many bridges + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: fix use-after-free on probe deferral (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Fix return type of mdp4_lvds_connector_mode_valid + (git-fixes). +- commit a89c8ce + +- efi: Allow to enable EFI runtime services by default on RT + (jsc#PED-1409). + Update config files. +- efi: use default_groups in kobj_type (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: measure loaded initrd info into the TPM + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: consolidate initrd handling across architectures + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: x86/mixed: increase supported argument count + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/x86-prepare-asm-files-for-straight-line-speculation.patch. + patches.suse/efi-x86-use-naked-RET-on-mixed-mode-call-wrapper.patch. +- efi/libstub: add prototype of + efi_tcg2_protocol::hash_log_extend_event() (jsc#PED-1409). +- include/linux/efi.h: Remove unneeded whitespaces before tabs + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Move efifb_setup_from_dmi() prototype from arch headers + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. +- commit fa39fcf + +- blacklist.conf: add reverted ASoC patches +- commit 67ca727 + +- net: mscc: ocelot: fix address of SYS_COUNT_TX_AGING counter + (git-fixes). +- commit a23c712 + +- net: dsa: sja1105: fix buffer overflow in + sja1105_setup_devlink_regions() (git-fixes). +- commit 9684564 + +- net: dsa: microchip: ksz9477: fix fdb_dump last invalid entry + (git-fixes). +- commit bcb13eb + +- Update patch reference for USB fix (bsc#1196018 CVE-2022-28748 bsc#1202686 CVE-2022-2964) +- commit 0ee154e + +- i40e: Fix to stop tx_timeout recovery if GLOBR fails + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae1da4 + +- iavf: Fix reset error handling (git-fixes). +- commit d4babdd + +- iavf: Fix adminq error handling (git-fixes). +- commit 403a1a3 + +- net: moxa: pass pdev instead of ndev to DMA functions + (git-fixes). +- commit e117a5b + +- mlxsw: spectrum: Clear PTP configuration after unregistering + the netdevice (git-fixes). +- commit 6677912 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6060: prevent crash on an unused port + (git-fixes). +- commit 00d6b8c + +- fec: Fix timer capture timing in `fec_ptp_enable_pps()` + (git-fixes). +- commit 1a47f16 + +- dpaa2-eth: trace the allocated address instead of page struct + (git-fixes). +- commit 1020d1e + +- net: atlantic: fix aq_vec index out of range error (git-fixes). +- commit 46d90a2 + +- plip: avoid rcu debug splat (git-fixes). +- commit eb203b2 + +- net: bgmac: Fix a BUG triggered by wrong bytes_compl + (git-fixes). +- commit cb50cd4 + +- net: bcmgenet: Indicate MAC is in charge of PHY PM (git-fixes). +- commit 1147d60 + +- xen/netback: fix incorrect usage of + RING_HAS_UNCONSUMED_REQUESTS() (bsc#1204570). +- commit 3c5f57f + +- can: j1939: transport: j1939_session_skb_drop_old(): + spin_unlock_irqrestore() before kfree_skb() (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: Fix possible completions during init_completion + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: switch from WARN to pr_warn (git-fixes). +- can: mcp251x: mcp251x_can_probe(): add missing + unregister_candev() in error path (git-fixes). +- can: mscan: mpc5xxx: mpc5xxx_can_probe(): add missing + put_clock() in error path (git-fixes). +- mac802154: Fix LQI recording (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: set num_in/outputs to 0 if not supported + (git-fixes). +- media: videodev2.h: V4L2_DV_BT_BLANKING_HEIGHT should check + 'interlaced' (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-dv-timings: add sanity checks for blanking values + (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: dev->bitmap_cap wasn't freed in all cases + (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: s_fbuf: add more sanity checks (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: kvaser_usb_leaf: fix CAN clock frequency + regression (git-fixes). +- commit 78420ce + +- Add CVE reference to + patches.suse/net-usb-ax88179_178a-Fix-out-of-bounds-accesses-in-R.patch + (bsc#1196018 CVE-2022-28748 CVE-2022-2964). +- commit 1298a2a + +- hmm-tests: add test for migrate_device_range() (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit ec3f1d0 + +- nouveau/dmem: evict device private memory during release + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit ca9fd32 + +- nouveau/dmem: refactor nouveau_dmem_fault_copy_one() + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 521539d + +- mm/migrate_device.c: add migrate_device_range() (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 63236a4 + +- firmware_loader: move firmware sysctl to its own files + (PED-1263). +- Refresh + patches.suse/firmware_loader-Split-sysfs-support-from-fallback.patch. +- commit 8ae5e5b + +- mm/migrate_device.c: refactor migrate_vma and + migrate_deivce_coherent_page() (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, + CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 7f2a998 + +- mm/memremap.c: take a pgmap reference on page allocation + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 123f2df + +- mm/memremap: fix memunmap_pages() race with get_dev_pagemap() + (git-fixes). +- commit 980c32f + +- mm/pagealloc: sysctl: change watermark_scale_factor max limit + to 30% (bnc#1189998 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)). +- Refresh + patches.suse/sysctl-move-some-boundary-constants-from-sysctl.c-to.patch. + This was previously in the SLE15-SP4-RT branch to avoid a change in + behaviour of a sysctl after GA. +- commit dce66e6 + +- fpga: stratix10-soc: Do not use ret uninitialized in s10_probe() + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1865695 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: d5005 bmc secure update driver (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a8f024e + +- fpga: dfl-pci: Add IDs for Intel N6000, N6001 and C6100 cards + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 81df1d8 + +- uio: dfl: add IOPLL user-clock feature id (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit b574954 + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Add d5005 bmc secure update driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ccd0f1e + +- memory: dfl-emif: Update the dfl emif driver support revision 1 + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ec569a6 + +- regmap: spi-avmm: Use swabXX_array() helpers (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4057de5 + +- swab: Add array operations (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit b633743 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: Fix possible memory leak of flash_buf + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit c627d9d + +- firmware_loader: Fix memory leak in firmware upload + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 19ff7e8 + +- firmware_loader: Fix use-after-free during unregister + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4f92a6e + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: add max10 secure update functions + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit fb127c6 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: expose max10 canceled keys in sysfs + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4d15a2d + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: expose max10 flash update count + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 490a9aa + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: create max10 bmc secure update (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit bb9fcc7 + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Rename n3000bmc-secure driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit fc33834 + +- firmware_loader: describe 'module' parameter of + firmware_upload_register() (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 103bb65 + +- firmware_loader: Move definitions from sysfs_upload.h to sysfs.h + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 87bae5e + +- firmware_loader: Fix configs for sysfs split (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 6a7a9b1 + +- firmware_loader: Add sysfs nodes to monitor fw_upload + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7b04b8b + +- firmware_loader: Add firmware-upload support (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit d2144d4 + +- firmware_loader: Split sysfs support from fallback + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit e6134c4 + +- firmware_loader: Check fw_state_is_done in loading_store + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 87cb66d + +- firmware_loader: Clear data and size in fw_free_paged_buf + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a0106fc + +- fpga: dfl: Allow Port to be linked to FME's DFL (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 54d7dcd + +- Documentation: fpga: dfl: add link address of feature id table + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ae7ccad + +- fpga: dfl: check feature type before parse irq info + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7ba0e05 + +- fpga: fpga-region: fix kernel-doc formatting issues + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 8305210 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: fix kernel-doc warnings (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4a86d8b + +- fpga: fix for coding style issues (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit eefb2bb + +- uio: dfl: add HSSI subsystem feature id (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 942ce55 + +- hwmon: (intel-m10-bmc-hwmon) use devm_hwmon_sanitize_name() + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit f3a8650 + +- hwmon: introduce hwmon_sanitize_name() (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1fef75a + +- fpga: dfl: pci: Remove usage of the deprecated + "pci-dma-compat.h" API (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 0f81b21 + +- fpga: region: fix kernel-doc (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7e5c728 + +- fpga: region: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 3acc62e + +- fpga: bridge: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 3c81c95 + +- fpga: mgr: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9311bde + +- fpga: dfl: Avoid reads to AFU CSRs during enumeration + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9490eba + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Add N5010 variant (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit bffc1db + +- spi: spi-altera-dfl: support n5010 feature revision + (jsc#PED-1263). +- Refresh + patches.suse/spi-spi-altera-dfl-Fix-an-error-handling-path.patch. +- commit 88965da + +- fpga: dfl: expose feature revision from struct dfl_device + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ac856ca + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write_sg() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 8064ded + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the fpga_remove() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 67d203e + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the state() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 93c376a + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the status() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 69714b3 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 5cae3b0 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: make write_complete() op optional + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 58d2ca4 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write_init() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a678a0d + +- fpga: dfl: pci: add device IDs for Silicom N501x PAC cards + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit decfdaa + +- mm: free device private pages have zero refcount (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 476ed92 + +- fpga: fpga-bridge: removed repeated word (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9fd1af8 + +- fpga: fix spelling mistakes (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 52e3a64 + +- docs: driver-api: fpga: avoid using UTF-8 chars (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit d967010 + +- hwmon: intel-m10-bmc-hwmon: add n5010 sensors (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1130849 + +- Update config and supported.conf for Intel FPGA (jsc#PED-1263) + CONFIG_FW_LOADER_SYSFS=y + CONFIG_FW_UPLOAD=y + CONFIG_FPGA_M10_BMC_SEC_UPDATE=m + CONFIG_MFD_INTEL_M10_BMC=m + CONFIG_SENSORS_INTEL_M10_BMC_HWMON=m + CONFIG_REGMAP_SPI_AVMM=m +- commit 20596f5 + +- HID: hidraw: fix memory leak in hidraw_release() (git-fixes). +- commit 0e980ee + +- octeontx2-pf: Fix NIX_AF_TL3_TL2X_LINKX_CFG register + configuration (git-fixes). +- commit cc822b8 + +- octeontx2-af: Fix key checking for source mac (git-fixes). +- commit 2b15002 + +- octeontx2-af: Fix mcam entry resource leak (git-fixes). +- commit 1934a04 + +- octeontx2-af: suppress external profile loading warning + (git-fixes). +- commit f03aa66 + +- octeontx2-af: Apply tx nibble fixup always (git-fixes). +- commit 127ded0 + +- net: tap: NULL pointer derefence in dev_parse_header_protocol + when skb->dev is null (git-fixes). +- commit fd012c5 + +- nfp: ethtool: fix the display error of `ethtool -m DEVNAME` + (git-fixes). +- commit 145a612 + +- net/ice: fix initializing the bitmap in the switch code + (git-fixes). +- commit 1864c2e + +- s390/pai: Fix multiple concurrent event installation + (jsc#PED-598). +- s390/pai: Prevent invalid event number for pai_crypto PMU + (jsc#PED-598). +- s390/pai: add support for cryptography counters (jsc#PED-598). +- entry: Rename arch_check_user_regs() to + arch_enter_from_user_mode() (jsc#PED-598). +- commit 4a60553 + +- net/mlx5e: xsk: Account for XSK RQ UMRs when calculating ICOSQ + size (git-fixes). +- commit 0f9b4b8 + +- net/mlx5e: Remove WARN_ON when trying to offload an unsupported + TLS cipher/version (git-fixes). +- commit 26fe2e5 + +- netdevsim: fib: Fix reference count leak on route deletion + failure (git-fixes). +- commit ef84aaa + +- ice: do not setup vlan for loopback VSI (git-fixes). +- commit 2f72810 + +- ice: check (DD | EOF) bits on Rx descriptor rather than (EOP | + RS) (git-fixes). +- commit c63938e + +- can: kvaser_usb: replace run-time checks with struct + kvaser_usb_driver_info (git-fixes). +- commit 435b54b + +- sfc: disable softirqs for ptp TX (git-fixes). +- commit def7cc9 + +- octeontx2-pf: Fix UDP/TCP src and dst port tc filters + (git-fixes). +- commit a2053ff + +- net: fix IFF_TX_SKB_NO_LINEAR definition (git-fixes). +- commit 36a8155 + +- selftests: cgroup: add a selftest for memory.reclaim + (jsc#PED-808). +- selftests: cgroup: fix alloc_anon_noexit() instantly freeing + memory (jsc#PED-808). +- selftests: cgroup: return -errno from cg_read()/cg_write() + on failure (jsc#PED-808). +- memcg: introduce per-memcg reclaim interface (jsc#PED-808). +- commit ee3f4a3 + +- thermal: intel_powerclamp: Use first online CPU as control_cpu + (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/qcom/tsens-v0_1: Fix MSM8939 fourth sensor hw_id + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: fix a potential memory leak in + rtw_init_cmd_priv() (git-fixes). +- staging: vt6655: fix potential memory leak (git-fixes). +- usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Explicitly enable lane adapter hotplug events at + startup (git-fixes). +- usb: idmouse: fix an uninit-value in idmouse_open (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Enable GUCTL1 bit 10 for fixing termination + error after resume bug (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: Fix musb_gadget.c rxstate overflow bug (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci: Fix potential memory leak in + xhci_alloc_stream_info() (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci-plat: suspend/resume clks for brcm (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci-plat: suspend and resume clocks (git-fixes). +- soundwire: intel: fix error handling on dai registration issues + (git-fixes). +- soundwire: cadence: Don't overwrite msg->buf during write + commands (git-fixes). +- kselftest/arm64: Fix validatation termination record after + EXTRA_CONTEXT (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Drop Kconfig dependency on TEGRA20_APB_DMA + (git-fixes). +- udmabuf: Set ubuf->sg = NULL if the creation of sg table fails + (git-fixes). +- spi: Ensure that sg_table won't be used after being freed + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: correctly set BBP register 86 for MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set SoC wmac clock register (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set VGC gain for both chains of MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set correct TX_SW_CFG1 MAC register for MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: don't run Rt5592 IQ calibration on MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7921: reset msta->airtime_ac while clearing up + hw value (git-fixes). +- wifi: brcmfmac: fix use-after-free bug in + brcmf_netdev_start_xmit() (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath9k: avoid uninit memory read in ath9k_htc_rx_msg() + (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Add back Intel Falcon Ridge end-to-end flow + control workaround (git-fixes). +- wifi: brcmfmac: fix invalid address access when enabling SCAN + log level (git-fixes). +- selinux: use "grep -E" instead of "egrep" (git-fixes). +- thermal: cpufreq_cooling: Check the policy first in + cpufreq_cooling_register() (git-fixes). +- thermal: intel_powerclamp: Use get_cpu() instead of + smp_processor_id() to avoid crash (git-fixes). +- selinux: allow FIOCLEX and FIONCLEX with policy capability + (git-fixes). +- commit 2b3f1b5 + +- gcov: support GCC 12.1 and newer compilers (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix build breakage with CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=n + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix vblank refcount in vrr transition + (git-fixes). +- kbuild: rpm-pkg: fix breakage when V=1 is used (git-fixes). +- kbuild: remove the target in signal traps when interrupted + (git-fixes). +- clk: bcm2835: Make peripheral PLLC critical (git-fixes). +- clk: zynqmp: pll: rectify rate rounding in zynqmp_pll_round_rate + (git-fixes). +- clk: zynqmp: Fix stack-out-of-bounds in strncpy` (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: fix potential memory leak in + rtw_init_drv_sw() (git-fixes). +- iio: pressure: dps310: Reset chip after timeout (git-fixes). +- iio: pressure: dps310: Refactor startup procedure (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: ti: k3-udma: Reset UDMA_CHAN_RT byte counters to + prevent overflow (git-fixes). +- power: supply: adp5061: fix out-of-bounds read in + adp5061_get_chg_type() (git-fixes). +- HID: roccat: Fix use-after-free in roccat_read() (git-fixes). +- media: cx88: Fix a null-ptr-deref bug in buffer_prepare() + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Remove interface for periodic interrupt 1 + (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: explicitly remove aggregate driver at module unload + time (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix initial connector audio value (git-fixes). +- drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for Anbernic Win600 + (git-fixes). +- drm: bridge: dw_hdmi: only trigger hotplug event on link change + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/kms/nv140-: Disable interlacing (git-fixes). +- gpu: lontium-lt9611: Fix NULL pointer dereference in + lt9611_connector_init() (git-fixes). +- drm/komeda: Fix handling of atomic commits in the + atomic_commit_tail hook (git-fixes). +- drm/virtio: Check whether transferred 2D BO is shmem + (git-fixes). +- drm: Prevent drm_copy_field() to attempt copying a NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- drm: Use size_t type for len variable in drm_copy_field() + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/nouveau_bo: fix potential memory leak in + nouveau_bo_alloc() (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Change DMI match / alias strings to + fix module autoloading (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec: Notify the PM of wake events during + resume (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-msm: add compatible string check for sdm670 + (git-fixes). +- regulator: core: Prevent integer underflow (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (sht4x) do not overflow clamping operation on 32-bit + platforms (git-fixes). +- net: ethernet: ti: davinci_mdio: fix build for mdio bitbang uses + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: Fix overreporting of drops in dropwatch + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: Fix double reporting of drops in dropwatch + (git-fixes). +- net: ethernet: ti: davinci_mdio: Add workaround for errata i2329 + (git-fixes). +- ima: fix blocking of security.ima xattrs of unsupported + algorithms (git-fixes). +- commit 73e3036 + +- arm64: topology: move store_cpu_topology() to shared code + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: imx8mp: Add snps,gfladj-refclk-lpm-sel quirk to + USB nodes (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci_platform: Sanity check the DT child nodes number + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: imx8mq-librem5: Add bq25895 as max17055's power + supply (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sx: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sll: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sl: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qp: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6dl: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6q: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx7d-sdb: config the max pressure for tsc2046 + (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9242/1: kasan: Only map modules if CONFIG_KASAN_VMALLOC=n + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: pci: Change DMI match info to support all Chrome + platforms (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix last interface check for registration + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Register card at the last interface + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix user-after-free (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_sysfs: Fix attempting to call device_add multiple + times (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: initialize delayed works at + l2cap_chan_create() (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Fix possible deadlock on socket + shutdown/release (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: btintel: Mark Intel controller to support LE_STATES + quirk (git-fixes). +- can: bcm: check the result of can_send() in bcm_can_tx() + (git-fixes). +- ARM: decompressor: Include (git-fixes). +- ACPI: video: Add Toshiba Satellite/Portege Z830 quirk + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: x86: Add a quirk for Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 for + StorageD3Enable (git-fixes). +- ACPI: tables: FPDT: Don't call acpi_os_map_memory() on invalid + phys address (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9247/1: mm: set readonly for MT_MEMORY_RO with ARM_LPAE + (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9244/1: dump: Fix wrong pg_level in walk_pmd() (git-fixes). +- commit de318d1 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit 78ca650 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state + is toggled (git-fixes). +- commit 8343da0 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Refactoring find_arch_event() to + pmc_perf_hw_id() (git-fixes). +- commit 44b42bd + +- mm/hugetlb: fix races when looking up a CONT-PTE/PMD size + hugetlb page (bsc#1204575). +- commit e6fc5be + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Update vPMCs when retiring branch + instructions (git-fixes). +- commit 4209455 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Add pmc->intr to refactor + kvm_perf_overflow{_intr}() (git-fixes). +- commit 9fc8292 + +- platform/x86/intel: pmc/core: Add Raptor Lake support to pmc + core driver (jsc#PED-1035). +- platform/x86/intel/vsec: Add support for Raptor Lake + (jsc#PED-1036). +- commit e86728a + +- drm/amdkfd: use kvcalloc() instead of kvmalloc() in kfd_migrate + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit ceef9d9 + +- drm/amdkfd: Handle incomplete migration to system memory + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 002b524 + +- drm/amdkfd: Avoid thrashing of stack and heap (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 61d33f6 + +- drm/amdkfd: avoid conflicting address mappings (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-process_info-lock-not-needed-for-svm.patch. +- commit aa4245a + +- drm/amdkfd: unregistered svm range not overlap with TTM range + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit eb3c57d + +- Do not enable CONFIG_ATARI_PARTITION (jsc#PED-1573). +- commit 0605d12 + +- drm/amdkfd: Fix SVM_ATTR_PREFERRED_LOC (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 2022943 + +- mm/memory.c: fix race when faulting a device private page + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit fa41dd0 + +- drm/amdkfd: debug message to count successfully migrated pages + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit a83f8ae + +- drm/amdkfd: clarify the origin of cpages returned by migration + functions (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit b72c8a9 + +- drm/amdkfd: handle svm partial migration cpages 0 (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 51450c1 + +- drm/amdkfd: ratelimited svm debug messages (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit f314d31 + +- KVM: SVM: Exit to userspace on ENOMEM/EFAULT GHCB errors + (git-fixes). +- commit 22e05f5 + +- overflow.h: restore __ab_c_size (git-fixes). +- commit 9dbc158 + +- KVM: x86: Add KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP to x86 (git-fixes). +- commit 3acb74c + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Don't truncate the PerfEvtSeln MSR when creating + a perf event (git-fixes). +- commit 9a723c2 + +- overflow: Implement size_t saturating arithmetic helpers + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit fecede0 + +- cgroup/cpuset: Enable update_tasks_cpumask() on top_cpuset + (bsc#1204753). +- commit d072831 + +- blacklist.conf: Add cgroup: cgroup: Honor caller's cgroup NS when resolving cgroup id +- commit 382b2e7 + +- blacklist.conf: Add c530a3c716b9 sched/psi: Fix periodic aggregation shut off +- commit 56b9a2a + +- KVM: x86: nSVM/nVMX: set nested_run_pending on VM entry which + is a result of RSM (git-fixes). +- commit 274c60f + +- powerpc/fadump: align destination address to pagesize + (bsc#1204728 ltc#200074). +- commit 5377513 + +- KVM: x86: nSVM: mark vmcb01 as dirty when restoring SMM saved + state (git-fixes). +- commit cd056ba + +- KVM: x86: nSVM: fix potential NULL derefernce on nested + migration (git-fixes). +- commit 272884f + +- KVM: x86: Sync the states size with the XCR0/IA32_XSS at, + any time (git-fixes). +- commit c927187 + +- KVM: x86: Keep MSR_IA32_XSS unchanged for INIT (git-fixes). +- commit c61458a + +- KVM: x86: Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state is toggled + (git-fixes). +- commit f22036a + +- Update patches.suse/usb-mon-make-mmapped-memory-read-only.patch + (bsc#1204653 CVE-2022-43750). + Added CVE and bsc +- commit 93b1d48 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Fix available_event_types check for REF_CPU_CYCLES + event (git-fixes). +- commit 436d9eb + +- KVM: x86: Update vPMCs when retiring branch instructions + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/kvm-emulate-do-not-adjust-size-of-fastop-and-setcc-subroutines.patch. +- commit 1f8391b + +- KVM: x86: Update vPMCs when retiring instructions (git-fixes). +- commit c4d4a64 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Add pmc->intr to refactor + kvm_perf_overflow{_intr}() (git-fixes). +- commit 91025b1 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Refactoring find_arch_event() to pmc_perf_hw_id() + (git-fixes). +- commit 8080b0e + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Always set kvm_run->if_flag + (git-fixes). +- KVM: x86: Always set kvm_run->if_flag (git-fixes). +- commit daa5fd4 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't advance iterator after restart due to + yielding (git-fixes). +- commit 86c02c7 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Retry page fault if root is invalidated by + memslot update (git-fixes). +- commit c96dbdc + +- KVM: fix avic_set_running for preemptable kernels (git-fixes). +- commit 457ae39 + +- KVM: x86: Add compat handler for KVM_X86_SET_MSR_FILTER + (git-fixes). +- commit 58e3def + +- xen/gntdev: Prevent leaking grants (git-fixes). +- commit 73a7df7 + +- KVM: nVMX: Ignore SIPI that arrives in L2 when vCPU is not in + WFS (git-fixes). +- commit 8c88ccd + +- KVM: nVMX: Unconditionally purge queued/injected events on + nested "exit" (git-fixes). +- commit f7976c7 + +- KVM: x86/emulator: Fix handing of POP SS to correctly set + interruptibility (git-fixes). +- commit 938654e + +- usb: gadget: f_fs: stricter integer overflow checks (git-fixes). +- commit 07d2846 + +- blacklist.conf: prerequisites too risky +- commit 93c5479 + +- scsi: mpi3mr: Schedule IRQ kthreads only on non-RT kernels + (bnc#1204498). +- commit e73c4d3 + +- lib/string_helpers: Consolidate string helpers implementation + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit fa50192 + +- usb: cdc-wdm: Use skb_put_data() instead of skb_put/memcpy pair + (git-fixes). +- commit a0de208 + +- iommu: Add capability for pre-boot DMA protection + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 531fe4a + +- iommu: Use right way to retrieve iommu_ops (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 48ca01b + +- Update patch reference for + patches.suse/devlink-Fix-use-after-free-after-a-failed-reload.patch + (git-fixes bsc#1204637 CVE-2022-3625). +- commit fd50fbc + +- pinctrl: Ingenic: JZ4755 bug fixes (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: let query-modname override actual module name + (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: fix module.dyndbg handling (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: fix static_branch manipulation (git-fixes). +- commit afe6697 + +- io_uring: use original request task for inflight tracking + (CVE-2022-40476 bsc#1203435). +- commit 941d6b4 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-vas-Pass-hw_cpu_id-to-node-associati.patch + (bsc#1194869 bsc#1204428 ltc#200180). +- commit fe8b379 + +- ring-buffer: Check pending waiters when doing wake ups as well + (git-fixes). +- commit d934ca7 + +- ring-buffer: Have the shortest_full queue be the shortest not + longest (git-fixes). +- commit ed18dc7 + +- ring-buffer: Allow splice to read previous partially read pages + (git-fixes). +- commit 4649dee + +- iommu: Introduce device_iommu_capable() (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 7a5b8e8 + +- ftrace: Properly unset FTRACE_HASH_FL_MOD (git-fixes). +- commit 554a8e9 + +- net: mvpp2: fix mvpp2 debugfs leak (bsc#1204417 CVE-2022-3535). +- bnx2x: fix potential memory leak in bnx2x_tpa_stop() + (bsc#1204402 CVE-2022-3542). +- nfp: fix use-after-free in area_cache_get() (bsc#1204415 + CVE-2022-3545). +- commit 8e53774 + +- tracing/osnoise: Fix possible recursive locking in + stop_per_cpu_kthreads (git-fixes). +- commit f81f58f + +- tracing: Replace deprecated CPU-hotplug functions (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/tracing-osnoise-Fix-missed-cpus_read_unlock-in-start_per_cpu_kthreads.patch. +- commit b1bca55 + +- tracing: kprobe: Make gen test module work in arm and riscv + (git-fixes). +- commit 57b2377 + +- tracing: kprobe: Fix kprobe event gen test module on exit + (git-fixes). +- commit 81447e5 + +- thunderbolt: Add support for XDomain lane bonding + (jsc#PEd-1211). +- commit 75a8fa9 + +- thunderbolt: Ignore port locked error in + tb_port_wait_for_link_width() (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit bf76347 + +- thunderbolt: Split setting link width and lane bonding into + own functions (jsc#PEd-1211). +- commit fc051e6 + +- thunderbolt: Move tb_port_state() prototype to correct place + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit d0ed8bf + +- nilfs2: fix leak of nilfs_root in case of writer thread creation + failure (CVE-2022-3646 bsc#1204646). +- nilfs2: fix use-after-free bug of struct nilfs_root + (CVE-2022-3649 bsc#1204647). +- commit af91749 + +- Update patch reference for vsock fix (CVE-2022-3629 bsc#1204635) +- commit 6c49703 + +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: fix use-after-free in l2cap_conn_del() + (CVE-2022-3640 bsc#1204619). +- commit 5d68cf0 + +- can: j1939: j1939_session_destroy(): fix memory leak of skbs + (CVE-2022-3633 bsc#1204650). +- commit da3122e + +- thunderbolt: Add debug logging when lane is enabled/disabled + (jesc#PEd-531). +- commit ca2d7e5 + +- thunderbolt: Link USB4 ports to their USB Type-C connectors + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit f9e0651 + +- thunderbolt: Make iommu_dma_protection more accurate + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 318d5c5 + +- thunderbolt: Dump path config space entries during discovery + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 1ac89ca + +- Reference JIRA Impl instead Epic: jsc#PED-448 -> jsc#PED-594 +- Reference JIRA Impl instead Epic: jsc#PED-455 -> jsc#PED-588 +- commit 64fa841 + +- s390/airq: use DMA memory for summary indicators (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: Provide target domain for EP11 cprbs to scheduling + function (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: change reply buffer size offering (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: Support CPRB minor version T7 (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: handle checkstopped cards with new state + (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: CEX8S exploitation support (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/ap/zcrypt: debug feature improvements (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: rework of debug feature messages (jsc#PED-596). +- commit caf5220 + +- KVM: s390x: fix SCK locking (git-fixes). +- KVM: s390: Clarify SIGP orders versus STOP/RESTART (git-fixes). +- commit aa7345b + +- i2c: qcom-cci: Fix ordering of pm_runtime_xx and i2c_add_adapter + (git-fixes). +- media: venus: dec: Handle the case where find_format fails + (git-fixes). +- media: atomisp: prevent integer overflow in + sh_css_set_black_frame() (git-fixes). +- media: ipu3-imgu: Fix NULL pointer dereference in active + selection access (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2: Fix v4l2_i2c_subdev_set_name function documentation + (git-fixes). +- media: mceusb: set timeout to at least timeout provided + (git-fixes). +- commit fbd2a07 + +- Update patches.suse/watchdog-hpwdt-Include-nmi.h-only-if-CONFIG_HPWDT_NM.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1694). + Add reference to jsc#PED-1694. +- commit 2064b90 + +- watchdog/hpwdt: Enable HP_WATCHDOG for ARM64 systems. (jsc#PED-1694) + Enable HP ProLiant iLO2+ Hardware Watchdog Timer +- commit f0e3a55 + +- scsi: core: Remove the 'done' argument from SCSI + queuecommand_lck functions (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fas216: Introduce the function + fas216_queue_command_internal() (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Call scsi_done directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: usb: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: target: tcm_loop: Call scsi_done() directly + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: staging: rts5208: Call scsi_done() directly + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: xen-scsifront: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: wd719x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: wd33c93: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: virtio_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ufs: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: sym53c8xx_2: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: storvsc_drv: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: stex: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: snic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: smartpqi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qlogicpti: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qlogicfas408: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qla4xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit baefb85 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Implement-ref-count-for-SRB.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Stop-using-the-SCSI-pointer.patch. +- commit 47bbcd3 + +- scsi: qla1280: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qedf: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ps3rom: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ppa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit b80549e + +- scsi: pmcraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 881416d + +- scsi: pcmcia: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: nsp32: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ncr53c8xx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrs: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrb: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mvumi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpi3mr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mesh: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_mbox: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mac53c94: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: lpfc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libsas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libiscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libfc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ips: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ipr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: initio: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: imm: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 76ef02d + +- cpufreq: qcom: fix writes in read-only memory region + (git-fixes). +- cpufreq: qcom: fix memory leak in error path (git-fixes). +- ACPI: extlog: Handle multiple records (git-fixes). +- HID: magicmouse: Do not set BTN_MOUSE on double report + (git-fixes). +- selinux: enable use of both GFP_KERNEL and GFP_ATOMIC in + convert_context() (git-fixes). +- commit a940189 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add another HP ZBook G9 model quirks + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 9b4cf06 + +- scsi: ibmvscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hptiop: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hpsa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fnic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fdomain: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fas216: Stop using scsi_cmnd.scsi_done (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: esp_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: esas2r: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: dpt_i2o: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: dc395x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: cxlflash: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: csiostor: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bnx2fc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bfa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: atp870u: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: arcmsr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aic7xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aha1542: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aha152x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: advansys: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: acornscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Introduce aac_scsi_done() (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: a100u2w: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: NCR5380: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 4088abf + +- scsi: BusLogic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 53c700: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-9xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: zfcp_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: message: fusion: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ib_srp: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: firewire: sbp2: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ata: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 8b9488f + +- scsi: core: Rename scsi_mq_done() into scsi_done() and export it + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Use a structure member to track the SCSI command + submitter (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 217e4e6 + +- efi: Simplify arch_efi_call_virt() macro (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 736e2d1 + +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix missing resource cleanup in error case + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Remove the PMCRAID_PASSTHROUGH_IOCTL ioctl + implementation (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Don't use GFP_DMA in pmcraid_alloc_sglist() + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix a kernel-doc warning (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Register sysfs attributes earlier (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 65ed53e + +- blacklist.conf: add an entry for IDXD that has been already fixed +- commit 7531ae1 + +- dmaengine: idxd: force wq context cleanup on device disable path + (git-fixes). +- commit e06ba18 + +- nilfs2: fix NULL pointer dereference at + nilfs_bmap_lookup_at_level() (CVE-2022-3621 bsc#1204574). +- commit f8016b1 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS Zenbook using CS35L41 + (bsc#1203922). +- commit 1d187cf + +- Move upstreamed sound patches into sorted section +- commit 4c058b6 + +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix memory leak in vhci_write (CVE-2022-3619 + bsc#1204569). +- commit b649754 + +- iommu: Introduce a callback to struct iommu_resv_region + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 480aace + +- drm/amdgpu: fix sdma doorbell init ordering on APUs (git-fixes). +- net: phy: dp83822: disable MDI crossover status change interrupt + (git-fixes). +- wwan_hwsim: fix possible memory leak in wwan_hwsim_dev_new() + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: dp83867: Extend RX strap quirk for SGMII mode + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci-imx: Fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- commit 273eb71 + +- arm64: topology: Remove redundant setting of llc_id in CPU + topology (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 2ac7bb1 + +- hisi_lpc: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- soundwire: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit a5a010e + +- powerpc/64s: Fix build failure when CONFIG_PPC_64S_HASH_MMU + is not set (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- commit 0850b12 + +- powerpc/pseries: Stop selecting PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Rename-PPC_NATIVE-to-PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE.patch. +- commit abb9ade + +- thunderbolt: ACPI: Replace tb_acpi_find_port() with + acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit b06ed1f + +- powerpc/64s: Make hash MMU support configurable (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/lkdtm-disable-return-thunks-in-rodata-c.patch. + Update config files. +- commit 5b2abcf + +- platform/x86/thinkpad_acpi: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- platform/x86: Replace acpi_bus_get_device() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit e8f90ff + +- fuse: fix deadlock between atomic O_TRUNC and page invalidation + (bsc#1204533). +- commit a0e6630 + +- USB: ACPI: Replace usb_acpi_find_port() with + acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 1538aed + +- Correct JIRA reference to Impl entries (jsc#PED-588 jsc#PED-594 jsc#PED-812 jsc#PED-826 jsc#PED-827 jsc#PED-831 jsc#PED-840 jsc#PED-858 jsc#PED-859 jsc#PED-1033 jsc#PED-1035 jsc#PED-1038 jsc#PED-1044 jsc#PED-1046 jsc#PED-1052 jsc#PED-1054 jsc#PED-1096 jsc#PED-1165 jsc#PED-1213 jsc#PED-1516 jsc#PED-1817 jsc#PED-1820) +- commit 048beb0 + +- Correct JIRA reference to Impl entries (jsc#PED-833 jsc#PED-850 jsc#PED-825 jsc#PED-822 jsc#PED-846 jsc#PED-817 jsc#PED-851 jsc#PED-857 jsc#PED-842 jsc#PED-813 jsc#PED-1084 jsc#PED-1096 jsc#PED-1085 jsc#PED-1649 jsc#PED-1082 jsc#PED-856) +- commit c7d3570 + +- mfd: core: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 4d37bd2 + +- powerpc/pseries/vas: Add VAS IRQ primary handler (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). +- powerpc: Ignore DSI error caused by the copy/paste instruction + (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Move hash MMU support code under + CONFIG_PPC_64S_HASH_MMU (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/Revert-powerpc-rtas-Implement-reentrant-rtas-call.patch +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Add-kABI-placeholder-to-struct-pci_controlle.patch +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-wire-up-rng-during-setup_arch.patch +- powerpc: make memremap_compat_align 64s-only (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64: pcpu setup avoid reading mmu_linear_psize on 64e + or radix (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Rename hash_hugetlbpage.c to hugetlbpage.c + (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Make flush_and_reload_slb a no-op when radix is + enabled (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/pseries: lparcfg don't include slb_size line in radix + mode (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Move and rename do_bad_slb_fault as it is not + hash specific (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-64s-hash-Make-hash-faults-work-in-NMI-contex.patch +- powerpc: Rename PPC_NATIVE to PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). + Update config files. +- commit da125ff + +- devdax: Fix soft-reservation memory description (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Remove default association from integer maximum + values (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Ignore already existing data node tags + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Fix type detection of unified integer reading + functions (jsc#PED-1408). +- arm64: cacheinfo: Fix incorrect assignment of signed error + value to unsigned fw_level (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Fix error handling in acpi_init_properties() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Read buffer properties as integers + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Add support for parsing buffer property UUID + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 5677edc + +- ACPI: property: Unify integer value reading functions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Switch node property referencing from ifs to + a switch (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Move property ref argument parsing into a new + function (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Use acpi_object_type consistently in property + ref parsing (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Tie data nodes to acpi handles (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: VIOT: Do not dereference fwnode in struct device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Fix build error implicit-function-declaration + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Add a helper to retrieve RMR info directly + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Add support to retrieve IORT RMR reserved regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Provide a generic helper to retrieve reserve regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Make iort_iommu_msi_get_resv_regions() return void + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PPTT: Leave the table mapped for the runtime usage + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Remove the unused find_acpi_cpu_cache_topology() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PPTT: Use table offset as fw_token instead of virtual + address (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Move PRM config option under the main ACPI config + (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: Enable Platform Runtime Mechanism(PRM) support on ARM64 + (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: PRM: Change handler_addr type to void pointer + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/PCI: Remove useless NULL pointer checks (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Use native backlight on Dell Inspiron N4010 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Drop X86 dependency from Kconfig (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: resource: skip IRQ override on AMD Zen platforms + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: x86: Print messages regarding LPS0 idle support + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: s2idle: Use LPS0 idle if ACPI_FADT_LOW_POWER_S0 is + unset (jsc#PED-1408). +- Revert "ACPI / PM: LPIT: Register sysfs attributes based on + FADT" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: s2idle: Add support for upcoming AMD uPEP HID AMDI008 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Drop unused ident initializers from dmi_system_id + tables (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Re-use boot_ec when possible even when + EC_FLAGS_TRUST_DSDT_GPE is set (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix _EINJ vs EFI_MEMORY_SP (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix double word in a comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: Drop leftover acpi_processor_get_limit_info() + declaration (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: Split out thermal initialization from ACPI PSS + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop unused list heads from struct acpi_device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop driver member of struct acpi_device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop redundant check in acpi_device_remove() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / MMC: PM: Unify fixing up device power (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: scan: Walk ACPI device's children using driver core + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_dev_for_each_child_reverse() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Export acpi_dev_for_each_child() to modules + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() for child lookup + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: container: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Introduce acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Introduce acpi_dev_has_children() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: irq: Allow acpi_gsi_to_irq() to have an arch-specific + fallback (jsc#PED-1408). +- APCI: irq: Add support for multiple GSI domains (jsc#PED-1408). +- mmc: sdhci-acpi: Remove special handling for GPD win/pocket + devices (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 3b82889 + +- r8152: Rate limit overflow messages (CVE-2022-3594 bsc#1204479). +- commit a745ef5 + +- Update patch reference for HID fix (CVE-2022-3577 bsc#1204470) +- commit 3ac3b39 + +- kcm: avoid potential race in kcm_tx_work (bsc#1204355 + CVE-2022-3521). +- commit 2d76ec0 + +- tcp/udp: Fix memory leak in ipv6_renew_options() (bsc#1204354 + CVE-2022-3524). +- commit f8049de + +- Update metadata references +- commit d0bf0fb + +- PCI: hv: Fix synchronization between channel callback and + hv_pci_bus_exit() (bsc#1204017). +- commit ea6713d + +- PCI: hv: Fix synchronization between channel callback and + hv_compose_msi_msg() (bsc#1204017). +- commit 230768b + +- PCI: hv: Use vmbus_requestor to generate transaction IDs for + VMbus hardening (bsc#1204017). +- commit a19c478 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce {lock,unlock}_requestor() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit bc36cf4 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce vmbus_request_addr_match() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit 40cb8e4 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix handling of messages with transaction + ID of zero (bsc#1204017). +- commit a5b4ebf + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce vmbus_sendpacket_getid() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit 2e0386a + +- sch_sfb: Also store skb len before calling child enqueue + (CVE-2022-3586 bsc#1204439). +- sch_sfb: Don't assume the skb is still around after enqueueing + to child (CVE-2022-3586 bsc#1204439). +- commit 6788943 + +- Update patch reference for mISDN fix (CVE-2022-3565 bsc#1204431) +- commit 5d0836e + +- scsi: libsas: Fix use-after-free bug in smp_execute_task_sg() + (git-fixes). +- commit 1ad6725 + +- blacklist.conf: add upstream commit that's too invasive +- commit a605c6e + +- Update config files: enable CONFIG_DMABUF_MOVE_NOTIFY (jsc#PED-975) +- commit a10be66 + +- dmaengine: idxd: deprecate token sysfs attributes for read + buffers (jsc#PED-679). +- commit c137213 + +- dmaengine: idxd: change bandwidth token to read buffers + (jsc#PED-679). +- Refresh + patches.suse/dmaengine-idxd-restore-traffic-class-defaults-after-.patch. +- commit d0c1256 + +- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for RAPTORLAKE_S + (jsc#PED-1812). +- commit 213e719 + +- Update config files: enable CONFIG_PINCTRL_METEORLAKE (jsc#PED-732) +- supported.conf: add pinctrl-meteorlake +- commit efb9d9f + +- pinctrl: intel: Add Intel Meteor Lake pin controller support + (jsc#PED-732). +- commit 0540896 + +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake-P (jsc#PED-732). +- spi: pxa2xx: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake-P (jsc#PED-732). +- scsi: ufs: ufs-pci: Add support for Intel MTL (jsc#PED-732). +- commit 11c983f + +- Update patch reference for Intel MTL-P USB patch (jsc#PED-732) +- commit 4ca8c18 + +- pinctrl: alderlake: Fix register offsets for ADL-N variant + (jsc#PED-676). +- pinctrl: alderlake: Add Intel Alder Lake-N pin controller + support (jsc#PED-676). +- commit 5492389 + +- Update patch reference for Intel ADL-N eMMC patch (jsc#PED-676) +- commit 4c38b45 + +- thunderbolt: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 0ec42f9 + +- pinctrl: alderlake: Add Raptor Lake-S ACPI ID (jsc#PED-634). +- mfd: intel-lpss: Add Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S PCI IDs + (jsc#PED-634). +- spi: pxa2xx: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S + (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 06d5787 + +- Update patch references for intel_th RPL-S support (jsc#PED-634) +- commit 900e952 + +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S + (jsc#PED-634). +- i2c: i801: Improve handling of chip-specific feature definitions + (jsc#PED-634). +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Ice Lake PCH-N (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 46a17cc + +- scsi: ufs: ufs-pci: Add support for Intel ADL (jsc#PED-707). +- commit 356d2a6 + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-cpufeature-add-HWCAP-for-FEAT_RPRES.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1159) + Add reference to jsc#PED-1599 +- commit 27aeba3 + +- thermal: int340x: Mode setting with new OS handshake + (jsc#PED-678). +- commit c03fef0 + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-cpufeature-add-HWCAP-for-FEAT_AFP.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1159) + Add reference to jsc#PED-1599 +- commit fb87f4f + +- thermal: int340x: Update OS policy capability handshake + (jsc#PED-678). +- commit 2487fcb + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K DDR PMU driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ee9c6f0 + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K RNG driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit f38a789 + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K LLC PMU driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ff62505 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Make check_rng_health() return an error code (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit e96e350 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Optimize cn10k_rng_read() (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 18234b8 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Add random number generator support (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit 80a71af + +- perf/marvell: Fix !CONFIG_OF build for CN10K DDR PMU driver (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit d86ecb5 + +- perf/marvell: cn10k DDR perf event core ownership (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ccedd1a + +- perf/marvell: cn10k DDR perfmon event overflow handling (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b6ab0c5 + +- perf/marvell: CN10k DDR performance monitor support (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b13d58a + +- dt-bindings: perf: marvell: cn10k ddr performance monitor (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 705f151 + +- Update patch reference for macvlan fix (CVE-2022-3526 bsc#1204353) +- commit 740e86c + +- rpm/check-for-config-changes: loosen pattern for AS_HAS_* + This is needed to handle CONFIG_AS_HAS_NON_CONST_LEB128. +- commit bdc0bf7 + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix TAD PMU register offset (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 4ccd5d2 + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Remove useless license text when (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b1994db + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix tad_pmu_event_init() to check pmu type first (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit cb2eb6b + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix unused variable warning when W=1 and (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 4f19277 + +- drivers: perf: marvell_cn10k: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 9e52366 + +- drivers: perf: Add LLC-TAD perf counter support (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit 15db243 + +- powerpc/mm/64s: Drop pgd_huge() (bsc#1065729). +- powerpc/powernv: add missing of_node_put() in + opal_export_attrs() (bsc#1065729). +- powerpc/pci_dn: Add missing of_node_put() (bsc#1065729). +- commit 7c692ec + +- powerpc/kprobes: Fix null pointer reference in + arch_prepare_kprobe() (jsc#SLE-13847 git-fixes). +- powerpc/64: Remove unused SYS_CALL_TABLE symbol (jsc#SLE-9246 + git-fixes). +- commit 5521322 + +- thunderbolt: Use decimal number with port numbers (jsc#PED-531 + jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 1ef4993 + +- thunderbolt: Replace usage of found with dedicated list iterator + variable (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 3fecfc9 + +- thunderbolt: Clarify register definitions for + `tb_cap_plug_events` (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 68d4307 + +- thunderbolt: Add internal xHCI connect flows for Thunderbolt + 3 devices (jsc#PED-531). +- commit ec0de67 + +- thunderbolt: Do not make DROM read success compulsory + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 24436e4 + +- thunderbolt: Do not resume routers if UID is not set + (jsc#PED-531). +- thunderbolt: Retry DROM reads for more failure scenarios + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit a78e01a + +- thunderbolt: Drop duplicate NULL checks around + nvmem_unregister() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 3ea3344 + +- thunderbolt: Replace acpi_bus_get_device() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 920924a + +- thunderbolt: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 871dcd2 + +- usb: host: Initiate urb ep with udev ep0 (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f03f8e4 + +- arm64/bti: Disable in kernel BTI when cross section thunks are broken (git-fixes) +- commit 2f51dd9 + +- blacklist.conf: ("arm64/mm: drop HAVE_ARCH_PFN_VALID") +- commit f836660 + +- clk: at91: fix the build with binutils 2.27 (git-fixes). +- commit a34e36d + +- Input: xpad - add supported devices as contributed on github + (git-fixes). +- efi: libstub: drop pointless get_memory_map() call (git-fixes). +- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Fix + pci_endpoint_test_{copy,write,read}() panic (git-fixes). +- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Aggregate params checking for xfer + (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: qcserial: add new usb-id for Dell branded EM7455 + (git-fixes). +- efi: Correct Macmini DMI match in uefi cert quirk (git-fixes). +- commit 4dee064 + +- ALSA: oss: Fix potential deadlock at unregistration (git-fixes). +- ALSA: rawmidi: Drop register_mutex in snd_rawmidi_free() + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add Intel Reference SSID to support headset + keys (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GV601R laptop (git-fixes). +- commit c900b4a + +- ACPI: HMAT: Release platform device in case of + platform_device_add_data() fails (git-fixes). +- rtc: stmp3xxx: Add failure handling for stmp3xxx_wdt_register() + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Correct pin configs for ASUS G533Z + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: remove ALC289_FIXUP_DUAL_SPK for Dell 5530 + (git-fixes). +- arm64: mte: Avoid setting PG_mte_tagged if no tags cleared or + restored (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/pm: smu7_hwmgr: fix potential off-by-one overflow in + 'performance_levels' (git-fixes). +- Revert "drm/amdgpu: use dirty framebuffer helper" (git-fixes). +- drm/i915/ehl: Update MOCS table for EHL (git-fixes). +- commit 3ca51e4 + +- s390/qeth: Remove OSN deprecation notice (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- commit 42319b3 + +- qeth: remove a copy of the NAPI_POLL_WEIGHT define (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh + patches.suse/net-make-drivers-set-the-TSO-limit-not-the-GSO-limit.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/net-switch-to-netif_napi_add_tx.patch. +- commit f8ee04c + +- s390/qeth: split up L2 netdev_ops (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- commit f50bd13 + +- s390/qeth: don't keep track of Input Queue count (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qdio-split-do_QDIO. +- commit f07e1f9 + +- s390/qeth: move qdio's QAOB cache into qeth (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qdio-split-do_QDIO. +- commit 7ee14b3 + +- s390/qeth: clean up device_type management (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qeth-Register-switchdev-event-handler. +- commit 4489d18 + +- s390/qeth: Fix typo 'the the' in comment (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: fix typo "length to short" -> "length too short" + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/net: sort out physical vs virtual pointers usage + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: Remove redundant 'flush_workqueue()' calls + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: remove check for packing mode in + qeth_check_outbound_queue() (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fine-tune .ndo_select_queue() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: don't offer .ndo_bridge_* ops for OSA devices + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/lcs: add braces around empty function body (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: add __printf format attribute to ctcm_dbf_longtext + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: fix format string (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: allocate RX queue at probe time (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: update kerneldoc for qeth_add_hw_header() + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fix kernel doc comments (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: add __printf format attribute to qeth_dbf_longtext + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fix various format strings (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: clarify remaining dev_kfree_skb_any() users + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: remove .do_ioctl() callback from driver discipline + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: improve trace entries for MAC address + (un)registration (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- net: s390: constify and use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/netiucv: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/lcs: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/net: replace in_irq() with in_hardirq() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: clean up QETH_PROT_* naming (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- commit 595cfd6 + +- x86/cpu: Add CPU model numbers for Meteor Lake (jsc#PED-637). +- x86/cpu: Add new Raptor Lake CPU model number (jsc#PED-716). +- commit 612dc8d + +- mmc: sdhci-sprd: Fix minimum clock limit (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: add nf_ct_is_confirmed check before assigning + the helper (git-fixes). +- selftests: netfilter: Fix for all.rp_filter=1 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix double list_add at + iwl_mvm_mac_wake_tx_queue (other cases) (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr handling of + small packets (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix decap offload for stations on AP_VLAN + interfaces (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix probe req HE capabilities access + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: do not drop packets smaller than the LLC-SNAP + header on fast-rx (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb_leaf: Fix CAN state after restart (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb_leaf: Fix TX queue out of sync after restart + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: Fix use of uninitialized completion + (git-fixes). +- macvlan: enforce a consistent minimal mtu (git-fixes). +- mISDN: hfcpci: Fix use-after-free bug in hfcpci_softirq + (git-fixes). +- net: ieee802154: return -EINVAL for unknown addr type + (git-fixes). +- watchdog: armada_37xx_wdt: Fix .set_timeout callback + (git-fixes). +- watchdog: ftwdt010_wdt: fix test for platform_get_irq() failure + (git-fixes). +- watchdog/hpwdt: Include nmi.h only if CONFIG_HPWDT_NMI_DECODING + (git-fixes). +- commit cb006e7 + +- Drop a incorrectly doubly applied WiFi fix patch +- commit 9d35b83 + +- s390/qdio: Fix spelling mistake (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify logical vs absolute in QIB's kerneldoc + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unneeded sanity check in qdio_do_sqbs() + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: split do_QDIO() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: split qdio_inspect_queue() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify handler logic for + qdio_handle_activate_check() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clean up access to queue in + qdio_handle_activate_check() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: avoid allocating the qdio_irq with GFP_DMA + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: improve handling of CIWs (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove QDIO_SBAL_SIZE macro (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: fix kernel doc comments (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: Use scsi_cmd_to_rq() instead of scsi_cmnd.request + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: Use the proper SCSI midlayer interfaces for PI + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused support for SLIB parameters + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: consolidate QIB code (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: use dev_info() in qdio_print_subchannel_info() + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: fine-tune the queue sync (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clean up SIGA capability tracking (jsc#PED-455 + bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused sync-after-IRQ infrastructure + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: use absolute data address in ESTABLISH ccw + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused macros (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify reporting of errors to the drivers + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unneeded siga-sync for Output Queue + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove remaining tasklet & timer code (jsc#PED-455 + bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- commit ccb8c7b + +- wifi: cfg80211: update hidden BSSes to avoid WARN_ON + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: avoid mac80211 warning on bad rate + (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: reject bad MBSSID elements (git-fixes). +- commit b28d368 + +- Move upstramed WiFi fix patches into sorted section +- commit bef1692 + +- net: ethernet: move from strlcpy with unused retval to strscpy + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: add skb_[inner_]tcp_all_headers helpers (jsc#PED-1302). +- ethernet: Remove vf rate limit check for drivers (jsc#PED-1302). +- rtnetlink: add extack support in fdb del handlers + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: switch to netif_napi_add_tx() (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: remove redundant assignment to variable index + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: qlcnic: use time_is_before_jiffies() instead of open + coding it (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: Simplify DMA setting (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: Remove redundant initialization of variable ret + (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: make the array random_data static const, makes object + smaller (jsc#PED-1302). +- commit c7136a6 + +- clk: bcm: rpi: Add support for VEC clock (bsc#1196632) +- commit 188fe72 + +- nvmem: core: Check input parameter for NULL in + nvmem_unregister() (bsc#1204241). +- commit 66b047b + +- clk: bcm2835: Round UART input clock up (bsc#1188238) +- commit f465b19 + +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Fix the converter allocation for the silent + stream (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: change type for the 'assigned' variable + (git-fixes). +- commit 6c73200 + +- drm/i915/gvt: fix a memory leak in intel_gvt_init_vgpu_types + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/ls-extirq: Fix invalid wait context by avoiding to + use regmap (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: fix 300 bps rate for SIO (git-fixes). +- docs: update mediator information in CoC docs (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Terminate infinite loop in SD-UHS voltage switch + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: skip audio setup when audio stream is enabled + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: update gamut remap if plane has changed + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Assume an LTTPR is always present on fixed_vs + links (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix double cursor on non-video RGB MPO + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: fix Moxa SDIO 'compatible', remove 'sdhci' misnomer + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Add SCMI PM driver remove routine + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden accesses to the sensor domains + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Improve checks in the info_get operations + (git-fixes). +- net/ieee802154: fix uninit value bug in dgram_sendmsg + (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: Report error in case of + dma_set_mask_and_coherent API failure (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: cleanup for fetching xlnx,num-fstores + property (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: Fix devm_platform_ioremap_resource + error handling (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Fix the converter reuse for the silent stream + (git-fixes). +- rpmsg: qcom: glink: replace strncpy() with strscpy_pad() + (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Replace with already defined values for readability + (git-fixes). +- commit 07f5789 + +- Drop TI clk patch that has been reverted in 5.15.y stable +- commit bfab74f + +- mm/hmm/test: use char dev with struct device to get device node + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2a441da + +- lib/test_hmm: avoid accessing uninitialized pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 629e407 + +- mm/memremap: fix wrong function name above memremap_pages() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 99ceafe + +- Updated metadata references for bsc#1200788 CVE-2022-2153: + Updated patches (from Juergen Gross) +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Avoid-theoretical-NULL-pointer-dereference-i.patch +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Check-lapic_in_kernel-before-attempting-to-s.patch +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Forbid-VMM-to-set-SYNIC-STIMER-MSRs-when-Syn.patch +- commit e9364fc + +- selftests/vm: use top_srcdir instead of recomputing relative + paths (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fcd00bf + +- Kselftests: remove support of libhugetlbfs from kselftests + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5314c14 + +- tools/testing/selftests/vm/hmm-tests.c: fix build + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit d4e3629 + +- mm/hmm: add a test for cross device private faults + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 113260c + +- mm/hmm.c: allow VM_MIXEDMAP to work with hmm_range_fault + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 81464f0 + +- tools: update hmm-test to support device coherent type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 7b24afa + +- mm: fix the handling Non-LRU pages returned by follow_page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a0abdab + +- mm/huge_memory: use helper macro IS_ERR_OR_NULL in + split_huge_pages_pid (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 64365f4 + +- mm: remove unneeded local variable follflags (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f1da2a0 + +- mm/migrate_device.c: fix a misleading and outdated comment + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2496c30 + +- mm: migration: fix the FOLL_GET failure on following huge page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 7c67379 + +- mm: re-allow pinning of zero pfns (again) (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 4e32fd5 + +- nvdimm/pmem: cleanup the disk if pmem_release_disk() is yet + assigned (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 519f490 + +- thunderbolt: Fix buffer allocation of devices with no + DisplayPort adapters (git-fixes). +- commit 2534904 + +- fs: fix UAF/GPF bug in nilfs_mdt_destroy (CVE-2022-2978 + bsc#1202700). +- commit e1802d7 + +- thunderbolt: Add missing device ID to + tb_switch_is_alpine_ridge() (git-fixes). +- commit 9447425 + +- thunderbolt: Disable LTTPR on Intel Titan Ridge (git-fixes). +- commit 9dce26f + +- usb/hcd: Fix dma_map_sg error check (git-fixes). +- commit 82f7672 + +- mm/gup.c: fix formatting in check_and_migrate_movable_page() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 6bb21eb + +- tools: add selftests to hmm for COW in device memory + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fbb5441 + +- tools: add hmm gup tests for device coherent type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit ccae011 + +- tools: update test_hmm script to support SP config + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 32be4d6 + +- lib: add support for device coherent type in test_hmm + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5bcf5a6 + +- lib: test_hmm add module param for zone device type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e22f0bf + +- lib: test_hmm add ioctl to get zone device type (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 87c4e9c + +- drm/amdkfd: add SPM support for SVM (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 9d8092a + +- drm/amdkfd: fix resource_size.cocci warnings (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 589703d + +- mm/gup: migrate device coherent pages when pinning instead of + failing (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f57d4bb + +- kabi/severities: ignore CS35L41-specific exports (bsc#1203699) +- commit 9f486fe + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support System Suspend (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove suspend/resume hda hooks + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs_dsp_ctl: Fix mutex inversion when creating controls + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Ensure pwr_lock is held before + reading/writing controls (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Minor clean and redundant code + removal (bsc#1203699). +- commit 54175bd + +- PCI: mediatek-gen3: Change driver name to mtk-pcie-gen3 + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: PCI: microchip,pcie-host: fix missing dma-ranges + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: PCI: microchip,pcie-host: fix missing clocks + properties (git-fixes). +- PCI: Sanitise firmware BAR assignments behind a PCI-PCI bridge + (git-fixes). +- PCI: Fix used_buses calculation in pci_scan_child_bus_extend() + (git-fixes). +- PCI/ASPM: Correct LTR_L1.2_THRESHOLD computation (git-fixes). +- PCI/ASPM: Ignore L1 PM Substates if device lacks capability + (git-fixes). +- i2c: designware: Fix handling of real but unexpected device + interrupts (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: microchip-sgpio: Correct the fwnode_irq_get() return + value check (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Checks for errors in gpio_request_enable + callback (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Fix definitions for MPP pins 20-22 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Add missing GPIO-only pins (git-fixes). +- Input: i8042 - fix refount leak on sparc (git-fixes). +- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix firmware update operations with + bootloader v8 (git-fixes). +- Input: xpad - fix wireless 360 controller breaking after suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 6628947 + +- Add cherry-picked ID for AMDGPU patch +- commit 005b431 + +- mm: add device coherent vma selection for memory migration + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c7f49b6 + +- mm: handling Non-LRU pages returned by vm_normal_pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e689445 + +- mm/migration: fix possible do_pages_stat_array racing with + memory offline (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f5b7a8c + +- mm: add zone device coherent type memory support (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c80982a + +- mm: re-allow pinning of zero pfns (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 541ae7e + +- octeontx2-pf: cn10k: Fix egress ratelimit configuration + (git-fixes). +- commit dfc0a0a + +- net: sungem_phy: Add of_node_put() for reference returned by + of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- commit cc0874b + +- net: pcs: xpcs: propagate xpcs_read error to + xpcs_get_state_c37_sgmii (git-fixes). +- commit 6750e0f + +- mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix IPv4 nexthop gateway indication + (git-fixes). +- commit 6f3b54a + +- ipv4: Fix data-races around sysctl_fib_multipath_hash_policy + (git-fixes). +- commit afc53c0 + +- iavf: Fix handling of dummy receive descriptors (git-fixes). +- commit e9bd3c0 + +- net: dsa: vitesse-vsc73xx: silent spi_device_id warnings + (git-fixes). +- commit 155ccd4 + +- net: dsa: sja1105: silent spi_device_id warnings (git-fixes). +- commit ee0b547 + +- net: stmmac: remove redunctant disable xPCS EEE call + (git-fixes). +- commit 9493b1a + +- ixgbe: Add locking to prevent panic when setting sriov_numvfs + to zero (git-fixes). +- commit 53fbc66 + +- net: stmmac: fix dma queue left shift overflow issue + (git-fixes). +- commit 1deb58f + +- net: dsa: microchip: ksz_common: Fix refcount leak bug + (git-fixes). +- commit c46e25b + +- net: stmmac: fix unbalanced ptp clock issue in suspend/resume + flow (git-fixes). +- commit dff326f + +- net: stmmac: fix pm runtime issue in stmmac_dvr_remove() + (git-fixes). +- commit e347cfb + +- ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_fwd_update_priority + (git-fixes). +- commit 4ea8f18 + +- sfc: fix kernel panic when creating VF (git-fixes). +- commit 33eba8c + +- sfc: fix use after free when disabling sriov (git-fixes). +- commit 2fa14d7 + +- net: stmmac: fix leaks in probe (git-fixes). +- commit 97831ef + +- mm: move page zone helpers from mm.h to mmzone.h (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 57ef364 + +- KVM: x86: Register perf callbacks after calling vendor's + hardware_setup() (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/KVM-x86-Register-Processor-Trace-interrupt-hook-iff-.patch. +- commit 871c62a + +- mm: build migrate_vma_* for all configs with ZONE_DEVICE support + (jsc#PED-1294). +- Update config files. +- commit 0314c06 + +- USB: add RESET_RESUME quirk for NVIDIA Jetson devices in RCM + (git-fixes). +- commit 31ce443 + +- KVM: VMX: Inject #PF on ENCLS as "emulated" #PF (git-fixes). +- commit cc0ea0c + +- usb: ehci: Fix a function name in comments (git-fixes). +- commit 610087d + +- usb: host: remove dead EHCI support for on-chip PMC MSP71xx + USB controller (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 62f8e77 + +- x86/mce: Retrieve poison range from hardware (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Don't require flexible address space if + X86_FEATURE_CPPC is supported (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Fix enabling CPPC on AMD systems with shared memory + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit ac7776e + +- xhci: remove unused lpm_failed_dev member from struct xhci_hcd + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 85de64c + +- xhci: remove unused command member from struct xhci_hcd struct + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 5e975fe + +- USB: xhci: make xhci_get_endpoint_address static (jsc#PED-531). +- commit dcf3baa + +- ACPI: CPPC: Don't require _OSC if X86_FEATURE_CPPC is supported + (jsc#PED-1408). +- tools headers cpufeatures: Sync with the kernel sources + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/cpufeatures: Add AMD Collaborative Processor Performance + Control feature flag (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch. +- commit bf4cd56 + +- USB: hcd-pci: Drop the unused id parameter from + usb_hcd_pci_probe() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit b826b6a + +- xen: update ring.h (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 4472a2b + +- xen/xenbus: add xenbus_setup_ring() service function + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f043eec + +- KVM: x86: Inject #UD on emulated XSETBV if XSAVES isn't enabled + (git-fixes). +- commit 93cdb54 + +- net: ftgmac100: Hold reference returned by + of_get_child_by_name() (git-fixes). +- commit 0961942 + +- bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_refclk_read() (git-fixes). +- commit 4187bc1 + +- bnxt_en: fix livepatch query (git-fixes). +- commit cc62415 + +- bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_reinit_after_abort() code path (git-fixes). +- commit e387d75 + +- bnxt_en: reclaim max resources if sriov enable fails + (git-fixes). +- commit 9161aa5 + +- net/mlx5e: Ring the TX doorbell on DMA errors (git-fixes). +- commit 7fdc3a9 + +- net/mlx5e: Fix enabling sriov while tc nic rules are offloaded + (git-fixes). +- commit 5e19505 + +- KVM: x86: do not report preemption if the steal time cache is + stale (git-fixes). +- commit c293d6b + +- net: ethernet: ti: am65-cpsw: Fix devlink port register sequence + (git-fixes). +- commit 385f6b7 + +- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_register_get_dev_id(): fix endianness + conversion (git-fixes). +- commit 368984e + +- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_register_get_dev_id(): use correct + length to read dev_id (git-fixes). +- commit 809cb98 + +- usb: renesas-xhci: Do not print any log while fw verif success + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit bad9850 + +- xen/usbfront: use xenbus_setup_ring() and xenbus_teardown_ring() + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 41ef599 + +- xen/usb: switch xen-hcd to use INVALID_GRANT_REF (jsc#PED-531). +- commit e4f01cd + +- xen/usb: harden xen_hcd against malicious backends + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 36bb0d3 + +- xen/grant-table: remove readonly parameter from functions + (jsc#PED-531). +- Refresh + patches.suse/xen-blkfront-force-data-bouncing-when-backend-is-unt.patch. +- commit 80f5ba9 + +- xen/usb: don't use arbitrary_virt_to_machine() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 71d02c4 + +- mm: move the migrate_vma_* device migration code into its own + file (jsc#PED-1294). +- Update config files. +- commit ffdaa32 + +- mm/migrate: remove redundant variables used in a for-loop + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 53fa906 + +- x86/PCI: Revert "x86/PCI: Clip only host bridge windows for + E820 regions" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: clean up white space in a few places for consistency + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: improve PM notifer callback (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: battery: Make "not-charging" the default on no charging + or full info (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: idle: Expose max_cstate/nocst/bm_check_disable + read-only in sysfs (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Rearrange find_child_checks() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Support Meteor Lake (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: NFIT: Drop nfit_device_lock() (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: negotiate CXL _OSC (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: Prefer CXL _OSC instead of PCIe _OSC for CXL host + bridges (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: add a helper for retrieving _OSC Control DWORDs + (jsc#PED-1408). +- acpi/nfit: rely on mce->misc to determine poison granularity + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Disable E820 reserved region clipping starting in 2023 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Disable E820 reserved region clipping via quirks + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Add kernel cmdline options to use/ignore E820 reserved + regions (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Clip only host bridge windows for E820 regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86: Log resource clipping for E820 regions (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Eliminate remove_e820_regions() common subexpressions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- device property: Add irq_get to fwnode operation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Move acpi_fwnode_device_get_match_data() up + (jsc#PED-1408). +- device property: Convert device_{dma_supported,get_dma_attr} + to fwnode (jsc#PED-1408). +- cpufreq: CPPC: Enable fast_switch (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Set CPPC _OSC bits for all and when CPPC_LIB is + supported (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. +- ACPI: CPPC: Check _OSC for flexible address space + (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. +- x86/ACPI: Preserve ACPI-table override during hibernation + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86: ACPI: Make mp_config_acpi_gsi() a void function + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Add support for high frequency impedance + notification (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Correct description of INT3407 / INT3532 attributes + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI, APEI, EINJ: Refuse to inject into the zero page + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix missing ERST record id (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: BGRT: use static for BGRT_SHOW kobj_attribute defines + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: SPCR: Add support for NVIDIA 16550-compatible port subtype + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Avoid non-ACPI device objects in walks over children + (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Power up devices in D3cold before scanning them + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Introduce acpi_dev_power_up_children_with_adr() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Always print final debug message in + acpi_device_set_power() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Unify debug messages in acpi_device_set_power() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Change pr_fmt() in device_pm.c (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Convert debug message in acpi_device_get_power() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- Revert "ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Warn about sleeps greater + than 10 ms" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Update version to 20220331 (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: exsystem.c: Use ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 for 64-bit output + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: IORT: Updates for revision E.d (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Fix some typo mistakes + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL/MADT: Add OEM-defined subtable (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Warn about sleeps greater than 10 ms + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Inform users about ACPI spec + violation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add support for ARM Performance Monitoring Unit Table + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Add units to time variable names + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Headers: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array + member (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Removed some tabs and // comments (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Update copyright notices to the year 2022 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Clean up double word in comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add new ACPI 6.4 semantics for LoadTable() operator + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add new ACPI 6.4 semantics to the Load() operator + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Rename linux specific strucures to + device_info (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Fix parsing undocumented bytes at the end + of Endpoint Descriptor (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Treat Terminator as specific_config + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add the subtable CFMWS to the CEDT table (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add support for the Windows 11 _OSI string + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: utils: include UUID in _DSM evaluation warning + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Add perf low power callback (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-acpi_pad-Do-not-launch-acpi_pad-threads-on-idle-cpus.patch. +- commit 54d6015 + +- ACPI: APEI: do not add task_work to kernel thread to avoid + memory leak (git-fixes). +- lib/sg_pool: change module_init(sg_pool_init) to subsys_initcall + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: crypto: ti,sa2ul: drop dma-coherent property + (git-fixes). +- selftest: tpm2: Add Client.__del__() to close /dev/tpm* handle + (git-fixes). +- crypto: cavium - prevent integer overflow loading firmware + (git-fixes). +- crypto: marvell/octeontx - prevent integer overflows + (git-fixes). +- crypto: inside-secure - Replace generic aes with libaes + (git-fixes). +- Revert "crypto: qat - reduce size of mapped region" (git-fixes). +- crypto: inside-secure - Change swab to swab32 (git-fixes). +- crypto: ccp - Release dma channels before dmaengine unrgister + (git-fixes). +- crypto: akcipher - default implementation for setting a private + key (git-fixes). +- crypto: qat - fix default value of WDT timer (git-fixes). +- crypto: hisilicon/zip - fix mismatch in get/set sgl_sge_nr + (git-fixes). +- crypto: sahara - don't sleep when in softirq (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for DCN 2.1 (git-fixes). +- drm/i915: Reject unsupported TMDS rates on ICL+ (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for DCN 2.0 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Correct MPC split policy for DCN301 + (git-fixes). +- commit 353fbde + +- Update + patches.suse/mm-rmap-Fix-anon_vma-degree-ambiguity-leading-to-double-reuse.patch + (CVE-2022-42703, bsc#1204168, git-fixes, bsc#1203098). +- commit fef8e31 + +- mm/migrate.c: rework migration_entry_wait() to not take a + pageref (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 313eb0c + +- blacklist.conf: 30ea703a38ef x86/cpu: Include the header of init_ia32_feat_ctl()'s prototype +- commit fdb1f20 + +- misc: sgi-gru: fix use-after-free error in + gru_set_context_option, gru_fault and gru_handle_user_call_os + (CVE-2022-3424 bsc#1204166). +- commit bbc730f + +- wifi: mac80211: fix crash in beacon protection for P2P-device + (CVE-2022-42722 bsc#1204125). +- commit 38da0b9 + +- usb: typec: wcove: Drop wrong dependency to INTEL_SOC_PMIC + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI fixes build fixes are important +- Update config files. +- commit 8852d4a + +- powerpc/kvm: Remove obsolete and unneeded select (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI freezes, build fixes are important +- commit 329cacc + +- net: delete redundant function declaration (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: broke kABI, applicable in SP5 +- commit b7a266b + +- habanalabs: select CRC32 (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI freezes build fixes are important +- commit 33fa2e9 + +- tracing: Fix smatch warning for do while check in + event_hist_trigger_parse() (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: no longer unreasonable in SP5 +- commit 7c1653b + +- tracing: Tag trace_percpu_buffer as a percpu pointer + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: broke kABI in a hard to fix way, hence can be applied + in SP5 +- commit 36fd9f7 + +- x86/Kconfig: Fix an unused variable error in dell-smm-hwmon + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: can be unblacklisted in SP5 and will make backporting + easier +- commit 59cf2b3 + +- wifi: mac80211: fix MBSSID parsing use-after-free + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- commit bab6e58 + +- mac80211: fix memory leaks with element parsing (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- commit f9a2be2 + +- wifi: mac80211: refactor elements parsing with parameter struct + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: always allocate struct ieee802_11_elems + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: mlme: find auth challenge directly (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: move CRC into struct ieee802_11_elems (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- commit b28a982 + +- ipv4: Handle attempt to delete multipath route when fib_info + contains an nh reference (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit 1b0c1c8 + +- selftests: net: fix nexthop warning cleanup double ip typo + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit e3962a5 + +- selftests: net: add delete nexthop route warning test + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit 85deab0 + +- wifi: cfg80211: avoid nontransmitted BSS list corruption + (CVE-2022-42721 bsc#1204060). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix BSS refcounting bugs (CVE-2022-42720 + bsc#1204059). +- commit 82311e4 + +- net: ipv4: fix route with nexthop object delete warning + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit a94edc1 + +- Update metadata references +- commit 61773f9 + +- powercap: RAPL: Add Power Limit4 support for Alder Lake-N and + Raptor Lake-P (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for RAPTORLAKE_P + (jsc#PED-686). +- powercap: intel_rapl: add support for ALDERLAKE_N (jsc#PED-695). +- powercap: RAPL: Add Power Limit4 support for RaptorLake + (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: add support for RaptorLake (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: support new layout of Psys PowerLimit + Register on SPR (jsc#PED-648). +- powercap: Add Power Limit4 support for Alder Lake SoC + (jsc#PED-769). +- commit ee363a4 + +- selftests/powerpc: Skip energy_scale_info test on older firmware + (git-fixes). +- commit 1eff3d6 + +- Revert "SUNRPC: Remove unreachable error condition" (git-fixes). +- NFS: Fix another fsync() issue after a server reboot + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Fixes for nfs4_inode_return_delegation() (git-fixes). +- commit 80742b5 + +- blacklist.conf: and unwanted md patches +- commit 96bda12 + +- scsi: stex: Properly zero out the passthrough command structure + (bsc#1203514 CVE-2022-40768). +- commit f2b2e4a + +- ALSA: hda: Fix position reporting on Poulsbo (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix potential memory leaks (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix NULL dererence at error path (git-fixes). +- commit 6c7f2c9 + +- sbitmap: Avoid leaving waitqueue in invalid state in + __sbq_wake_up() (git-fixes). +- commit 3c6ffc4 + +- staging: vt6655: fix some erroneous memory clean-up loops + (git-fixes). +- virt: vbox: convert to use dev_groups (git-fixes). +- usb: mtu3: fix failed runtime suspend in host only mode + (git-fixes). +- Revert "usb: storage: Add quirk for Samsung Fit flash" + (git-fixes). +- usb: mon: make mmapped memory read only (git-fixes). +- xhci: Don't show warning for reinit on known broken suspend + (git-fixes). +- xhci: dbc: Fix memory leak in xhci_alloc_dbc() (git-fixes). +- commit 4feb234 + +- usb: gadget: function: fix dangling pnp_string in f_printer.c + (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: console: move mutex_unlock() before + usb_serial_put() (git-fixes). +- usb: common: debug: Check non-standard control requests + (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: disable dma rx/tx use flags in + lpuart_dma_shutdown (git-fixes). +- tty: xilinx_uartps: Fix the ignore_status (git-fixes). +- uas: ignore UAS for Thinkplus chips (git-fixes). +- usb-storage: Add Hiksemi USB3-FW to IGNORE_UAS (git-fixes). +- uas: add no-uas quirk for Hiksemi usb_disk (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Explicitly reset plug events delay back to USB4 + spec value (git-fixes). +- commit d8ee195 + +- soc: sunxi_sram: Make use of the helper function + devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/soc-sunxi-sram-Prevent-the-driver-from-being-unbound.patch. +- commit a85e811 + +- spmi: pmic-arb: correct duplicate APID to PPID mapping logic + (git-fixes). +- spmi: pmic-arb: do not ack and clear peripheral interrupts in + cleanup_irq (git-fixes). +- slimbus: qcom-ngd: cleanup in probe error path (git-fixes). +- slimbus: qcom-ngd: use correct error in message of + pdr_add_lookup() failure (git-fixes). +- soc: qcom: smem_state: Add refcounting for the 'state->of_node' + (git-fixes). +- soc: qcom: smsm: Fix refcount leak bugs in qcom_smsm_probe() + (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Fix probe function ordering issues + (git-fixes). +- commit 3e1f43f + +- serial: 8250: Fix restoring termios speed after suspend + (git-fixes). +- drivers: serial: jsm: fix some leaks in probe (git-fixes). +- remoteproc: imx_rproc: Simplify some error message (git-fixes). +- sbitmap: fix possible io hung due to lost wakeup (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Fix resource cleanup (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Fix old-ec check for backlight + registering (git-fixes). +- commit a448666 + +- misc: ocxl: fix possible refcount leak in afu_ioctl() + (git-fixes). +- phy: qualcomm: call clk_disable_unprepare in the error handling + (git-fixes). +- phy: amlogic: phy-meson-axg-mipi-pcie-analog: Hold reference + returned by of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: atmel: Unmap streaming DMA mappings (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: meson: fix bit map use in meson_nfc_ecc_correct() + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsl_elbc: Fix none ECC mode (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Don't re-define NAND_DATA_IFACE_CHECK_ONLY + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Remove undocumented compatible string + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Read the chip-select line from the correct + OF node (git-fixes). +- mtd: devices: docg3: check the return value of devm_ioremap() + in the probe (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the panel_od sysfs attribute + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the egpu_enable sysfs attribute + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the dgpu_disable sysfs + attribute (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec_typec: Correct alt mode index + (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: fix memory corruption in ioctl (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: fix double-free in chromeos_laptop_prepare() + (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: Update version on GET_NEXT_EVENT + failure (git-fixes). +- mmc: wmt-sdmmc: Fix an error handling path in wmt_mci_probe() + (git-fixes). +- mmc: au1xmmc: Fix an error handling path in au1xmmc_probe() + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: qmi_wwan: Add new usb-id for Dell branded EM7455 + (git-fixes). +- commit b26b1a7 + +- mailbox: bcm-ferxrm-mailbox: Fix error check for dma_map_sg + (git-fixes). +- mailbox: mpfs: account for mbox offsets while sending + (git-fixes). +- mailbox: mpfs: fix handling of the reg property (git-fixes). +- mfd: sm501: Add check for platform_driver_register() + (git-fixes). +- mfd: fsl-imx25: Fix check for platform_get_irq() errors + (git-fixes). +- mfd: lp8788: Fix an error handling path in lp8788_irq_init() + and lp8788_irq_init() (git-fixes). +- mfd: lp8788: Fix an error handling path in lp8788_probe() + (git-fixes). +- mfd: fsl-imx25: Fix an error handling path in + mx25_tsadc_setup_irq() (git-fixes). +- mfd: intel_soc_pmic: Fix an error handling path in + intel_soc_pmic_i2c_probe() (git-fixes). +- media: xilinx: vipp: Fix refcount leak in xvip_graph_dma_init + (git-fixes). +- media: uvcvideo: Use entity get_cur in uvc_ctrl_set (git-fixes). +- media: uvcvideo: Fix memory leak in uvc_gpio_parse (git-fixes). +- media: meson: vdec: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error + in vdec_hevc_start() (git-fixes). +- media: cedrus: Fix endless loop in cedrus_h265_skip_bits() + (git-fixes). +- media: cedrus: Set the platform driver data earlier (git-fixes). +- memory: of: Fix refcount leak bug in of_lpddr3_get_ddr_timings() + (git-fixes). +- memory: of: Fix refcount leak bug in of_get_ddr_timings() + (git-fixes). +- memory: pl353-smc: Fix refcount leak bug in pl353_smc_probe() + (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-compat-ioctl32.c: zero buffer passed to + v4l2_compat_get_array_args() (git-fixes). +- commit f4e8a30 + +- iio: adc: ad7923: fix channel readings for some variants + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltc2497: Fix reading conversion results (git-fixes). +- iio: dac: ad5593r: Fix i2c read protocol requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: magnetometer: yas530: Change data type of hard_offsets + to signed (git-fixes). +- iio: ABI: Fix wrong format of differential capacitance channel + ABI (git-fixes). +- iio: inkern: fix return value in + devm_of_iio_channel_get_by_name() (git-fixes). +- iio: inkern: only release the device node when done with it + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: disable/prepare buffer on + suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: lock around oversampling and sample + freq (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: check return status for pressure + and touch (git-fixes). +- commit b02859c + +- firmware: google: Test spinlock on panic path to avoid lockups + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: fix AT91_SAMA5D2_MR_TRACKTIM_MAX + (git-fixes). +- fpga: prevent integer overflow in dfl_feature_ioctl_set_irq() + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: phy: qcom,qmp-usb3-dp: fix bogus clock-cells + property (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: phy: qcom,qmp: fix bogus clock-cells property + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: mtd: intel: lgm-nand: Fix maximum chip select value + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: mtd: intel: lgm-nand: Fix compatible string + (git-fixes). +- HSI: omap_ssi_port: Fix dma_map_sg error check (git-fixes). +- HSI: omap_ssi: Fix refcount leak in ssi_probe (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: Add memory barriers (git-fixes). +- hid: hid-logitech-hidpp: avoid unnecessary assignments in + hidpp_connect_event (git-fixes). +- drm/omap: dss: Fix refcount leak bugs (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: correct 1.62G link rate at + dp_catalog_ctrl_config_msa() (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: Silence inconsistent indent warning (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: Fix comment typo (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: index dpu_kms->hw_vbif using vbif_idx (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: display/msm: dpu-sdm845: add missing DPU opp-table + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: display/msm: dpu-sc7180: add missing DPU opp-table + (git-fixes). +- commit 71c6639 + +- drm/scheduler: quieten kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 95b96ec + +- drm/amdgpu: add missing pci_disable_device() in + amdgpu_pmops_runtime_resume() (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: megachips: Fix a null pointer dereference bug + (git-fixes). +- drm: fix drm_mipi_dbi build errors (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Make .remove and .shutdown HW shutdown consistent + (git-fixes). +- drm:pl111: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of + for_each_available_child_of_node() (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: parade-ps8640: Fix regulator supply order + (git-fixes). +- drm/virtio: Unlock reservations on + virtio_gpu_object_shmem_init() error (git-fixes). +- drm/mipi-dsi: Detach devices when removing the host (git-fixes). +- commit f6c9019 + +- clk: bcm2835: fix bcm2835_clock_rate_from_divisor declaration + (git-fixes). +- clk: baikal-t1: Add SATA internal ref clock buffer (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: ioat: stop mod_timer from resurrecting deleted + timer in __cleanup() (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: mxs: use platform_driver_register (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Add multi-thread support for a DMA channel + (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Fix CQ head update (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Disable channels when unregister hisi_dma + (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: Avoid uninitialized variable warning (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: fix a use-after-free in + nouveau_gem_prime_import_sg_table() (git-fixes). +- drm: bridge: adv7511: fix CEC power down control register offset + (git-fixes). +- commit 89292ab + +- clk: baikal-t1: Add shared xGMAC ref/ptp clocks internal parent + (git-fixes). +- clk: baikal-t1: Fix invalid xGMAC PTP clock divider (git-fixes). +- clk: vc5: Fix 5P49V6901 outputs disabling when enabling FOD + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: scu: fix memleak on platform_device_add() fails + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: apss-ipq6018: mark apcs_alias0_core_clk as critical + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8916: use ARRAY_SIZE instead of specifying + num_parents (git-fixes). +- clk: ast2600: BCLK comes from EPLL (git-fixes). +- clk: mediatek: mt8183: mfgcfg: Propagate rate changes to parent + (git-fixes). +- clk: ti: dra7-atl: Fix reference leak in of_dra7_atl_clk_probe + (git-fixes). +- commit c248e05 + +- clk: tegra20: Fix refcount leak in tegra20_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: tegra: Fix refcount leak in tegra114_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: tegra: Fix refcount leak in tegra210_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: sprd: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: berlin: Add of_node_put() for of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- clk: qoriq: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: oxnas: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: meson: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_dipm() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_ncq_autosense() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_devslp() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_sense_reporting_enabled() and + ata_id_has_sense_reporting() (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mt6660: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in mt6660_i2c_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm5102: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm5102_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm5110: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm5110_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm8997: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm8997_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: tx-macro: fix kcontrol put (git-fixes). +- ASoC: da7219: Fix an error handling path in + da7219_register_dai_clks() (git-fixes). +- ASoC: eureka-tlv320: Hold reference returned from of_find_xxx + API (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Handle optional legacy support (git-fixes). +- commit 8f6277f + +- Move upstreamed DRM, NVMe and sound patches into sorted section +- commit 48ff6f0 + +- arm64: ftrace: fix module PLTs with mcount (git-fixes). +- ARM: Drop CMDLINE_* dependency on ATAGS (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: exynos: fix polarity of VBUS GPIO of Origen + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: exynos: correct s5k6a3 reset polarity on Midas family + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: turris-omnia: Add label for wan port (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: armada-38x: Add gpio-ranges for pin muxing + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: kirkwood: lsxl: remove first ethernet port + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: kirkwood: lsxl: fix serial line (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: turris-omnia: Fix mpp26 pin name and comment + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Cleanup the lpasscc node (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: fix main pinmux range (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-kontron-samx6i: hook up DDC i2c bus + (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_USB_FSL_USB2 (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK=y (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_SERIAL_OMAP references (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: clean up multi_v4t and multi_v5 configs + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rsnd: Add check for rsnd_mod_power_on (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Fix mute/unmute (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Drop conflicting set_bias_level power setting + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Allow mono streams (git-fixes). +- ASoC: fsl_sai: Remove unnecessary FIFO reset in ISR (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mt6359: fix tests for platform_get_irq() failure + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Don't skip notification handling during PM + operation (git-fixes). +- ALSA: dmaengine: increment buffer pointer atomically + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: asihpi - Remove useless code in hpi_meter_get_peak() + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wcd934x: fix order of Slimbus unprepare/disable + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wcd9335: fix order of Slimbus unprepare/disable + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: integrator: Tag PCI host with device_type (git-fixes). +- commit 5a02ba2 + +- i40e: Fix dropped jumbo frames statistics (git-fixes). +- commit b407b7d + +- net: bonding: fix use-after-free after 802.3ad slave unbind + (git-fixes). +- commit 05b9579 + +- net: bonding: fix possible NULL deref in rlb code (git-fixes). +- commit 8542934 + +- net: dp83822: disable rx error interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit f74888c + +- net: dp83822: disable false carrier interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit ba1cc16 + +- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: force pause link settings (git-fixes). +- commit 5258d4a + +- net/dsa/hirschmann: Add missing of_node_get() in + hellcreek_led_setup() (git-fixes). +- commit 29e4721 + +- ice: Fix switchdev rules book keeping (git-fixes). +- commit 5c21799 + +- igb: Make DMA faster when CPU is active on the PCIe link + (git-fixes). +- commit db90cd9 + +- bonding: ARP monitor spams NETDEV_NOTIFY_PEERS notifiers + (git-fixes). +- commit da7ba2e + +- igb: fix a use-after-free issue in igb_clean_tx_ring + (git-fixes). +- commit 12acd2f + +- net: bgmac: Fix an erroneous kfree() in bgmac_remove() + (git-fixes). +- commit 547f6a9 + +- mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Reorder counter pools (git-fixes). +- commit f2c7808 + +- net: hns3: don't push link state to VF if unalive (git-fixes). +- commit 7f6680c + +- net: hns3: set port base vlan tbl_sta to false before removing + old vlan (git-fixes). +- commit 8c8d58b + +- i40e: Fix call trace in setup_tx_descriptors (git-fixes). +- commit 7d70f11 + +- ixgbe: fix unexpected VLAN Rx in promisc mode on VF (git-fixes). +- commit 6a72a8e + +- ixgbe: fix bcast packets Rx on VF after promisc removal + (git-fixes). +- commit ddb5b75 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: use BMSR_ANEGCOMPLETE bit for filling + an_complete (git-fixes). +- commit b8286fc + +- net: altera: Fix refcount leak in altera_tse_mdio_create + (git-fixes). +- commit e80ff1b + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix wrong return value on ioctl EEPROM query + failure (git-fixes). +- commit a76859c + +- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Fix refcount leak in gswip_gphy_fw_list + (git-fixes). +- commit 04259d9 + +- stmmac: intel: Fix an error handling path in + intel_eth_pci_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit fed21d9 + +- net: ethernet: bgmac: Fix refcount leak in + bcma_mdio_mii_register (git-fixes). +- commit 2227ee5 + +- net: bgmac: support MDIO described in DT (git-fixes). +- commit bf1f5f9 + +- mm/migrate.c: remove MIGRATE_PFN_LOCKED (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 53d0a98 + +- mm: refactor the ZONE_DEVICE handling in migrate_vma_pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5ff0982 + +- mm: refactor the ZONE_DEVICE handling in migrate_vma_insert_page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c27db83 + +- mm: refactor check_and_migrate_movable_pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a588dc0 + +- mm: generalize the pgmap based page_free infrastructure + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2037cd5 + +- fsdax: depend on ZONE_DEVICE || FS_DAX_LIMITED (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 00cc65d + +- mm: remove the extra ZONE_DEVICE struct page refcount + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 0cba7f0 + +- memremap: remove support for external pgmap refcounts + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2a29910 + +- nvdimm/pmem: stop using q_usage_count as external pgmap refcount + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fa7e3a6 + +- mm/memremap: add ZONE_DEVICE support for compound pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fabe0fa + +- mm/page_alloc: refactor memmap_init_zone_device() page init + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f04239b + +- mm/page_alloc: split prep_compound_page into head and tail + subparts (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a82c6bd + +- drm/nouveau: wait for the exclusive fence after the shared ones v2 (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * context changes +- commit 0261ec2 + +- drm/amd/display: Changed pipe split policy to allow for multi-display (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * remove changes to non-existing 201 and 31 directories +- commit e6a9bdd + +- drm/amdgpu/gfx9: switch to golden tsc registers for renoir+ (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * replace IP_VERSION() with CHIP_ constants +- commit d27747b + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/bridge: Add stubs for devm_drm_of_get_bridge when OF is disabled' +- commit e1d0d55 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/amd/display: Fix wrong format specifier in amdgpu_dm.c' +- commit debed4c + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/amdgpu: Fix resource leak on probe error path' +- commit 116f3cc + +- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: add wraparound gpu counter check for APUs as well (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * also fix default branch +- commit 0bf8eb3 + +- drm/i915/hdmi: convert intel_hdmi_to_dev to intel_hdmi_to_i915 (bsc#1152489) + Backporting notes: + * update additional patch on top +- commit 1550ef2 + +- Update + patches.suse/ACPI-processor-idle-Practically-limit-Dummy-wait-wor.patch + (bsc#1203767,bsc#1203802). +- commit c6ebacb + +- Update + patches.suse/x86-cpu-Add-new-Alderlake-and-Raptorlake-CPU-model-n.patch + (jsc#PED-743 jsc#PED-740). + Add a reference. +- commit 1883c41 + +- mm: don't include in + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit b73066e + +- mm: simplify freeing of devmap managed pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e54adcf + +- mm: move free_devmap_managed_page to memremap.c (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e5afda3 + +- nvme: ensure subsystem reset is single threaded (bsc#1203290 + CVE-2022-3169). +- commit f73d666 + +- mm: remove pointless includes from (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5917f7a + +- mm: remove the __KERNEL__ guard from + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 1864b4d + +- mm: remove a pointless CONFIG_ZONE_DEVICE check in + memremap_pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit b4b9519 + +- nvme: restrict management ioctls to admin (bsc#1203290 + CVE-2022-3169). +- commit c28a770 + +- net/mlx5e: Update netdev features after changing XDP state + (git-fixes). +- commit 5d7478c + +- net/mlx5e: Disable softirq in mlx5e_activate_rq to avoid race + condition (git-fixes). +- commit 92e1426 + +- hinic: Avoid some over memory allocation (git-fixes). +- commit 41f381d + +- net: huawei: hinic: Use devm_kcalloc() instead of devm_kzalloc() + (git-fixes). +- commit b92d6d0 + +- net: chelsio: cxgb4: Avoid potential negative array offset + (git-fixes). +- commit 4cc759d + +- net/mlx5e: TC, fix decap fallback to uplink when int port not + supported (git-fixes). +- commit 35c9b8d + +- net: dsa: ksz9477: port mirror sniffing limited to one port + (git-fixes). +- commit 9996ff6 + +- nvme: don't print verbose errors for internal passthrough + requests (bsc#1202187). +- commit eaa4989 + +- blacklist.conf: update the list +- commit 78eff9b + +- s390/smp: enforce lowcore protection on CPU restart (git-fixes). +- KVM: s390: pv: don't present the ecall interrupt twice + (bsc#1203229 LTC#199905). +- commit aed7a32 + +- x86: Expose init_freq_invariance() to topology header + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit c0d8e97 + +- ACPI: AGDI: Fix missing prototype warning for acpi_agdi_init() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI, APEI: Use the correct variable for sizeof() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Make LAPIC_ADDR_OVR address readable in message + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: IPMI: replace usage of found with dedicated list iterator + variable (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Change default error code and clean up debug + messages in probe (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Do-not-prevent-CPPC-from-working-in-the-fu.patch. +- ACPI / x86: Add support for LPS0 callback handler + (jsc#PED-1408). +- Input: soc_button_array - add support for Microsoft Surface 3 + (MSHW0028) buttons (jsc#PED-1408). +- PM: hibernate: Honour ACPI hardware signature by default for + virtual guests (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: AGDI: Add driver for Arm Generic Diagnostic Dump and + Reset device (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: APEI: rename ghes_init() with an "acpi_" prefix + (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh patches.suse/ACPI-VIOT-Fix-ACS-setup.patch. +- ACPI: LPSS: Provide an SSP type to the driver (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: LPSS: Constify properties member in struct + lpss_device_desc (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: platform: Constify properties parameter in + acpi_create_platform_device() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Add additional attributes for fine grain control + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Properly handle fine grain control (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Optimize struct acpi_fan_fif (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Separate file for attributes creation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Fix error reporting to user space (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86, ACPI: rename init_freq_invariance_cppc() to + arch_init_invariance_cppc() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Rearrange code in acpi_ec_submit_event() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Reduce indentation level in acpi_ec_submit_event() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Do not return result from advance_transaction() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Move init_freq_invariance_cppc() into x86 CPPC + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Move AMD maximum frequency ratio setting + function into x86 CPPC (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Rename cppc_msr.c to cppc.c (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / x86: Add skip i2c clients quirk for Lenovo Yoga Tablet + 1050F/L (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / x86: Add skip i2c clients quirk for Nextbook Ares 8 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: clean up double words in two comments (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Get rid of redundant 'else' (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC / PM: Print additional debug message in + acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Print additional debug message in acpi_s2idle_wake() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Add AGDI to the list of known table signatures + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Add CEDT signature to the list of known tables + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_bus_for_each_dev() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: OSL: Fix and clean up acpi_os_read/write_port() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Use uintptr_t and offsetof() in Linux kernel builds + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: scan: Use ida_alloc() instead of ida_simple_get() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 2486d41 + +- media: platform: mtk-mdp: Fix mdp_ipi_comm structure alignment. +- commit 20a025b + +- Clean up kernel-config settings via + Invoke to clean the kernel-config settings from + unset symbols. Otherwise these settings interfere with actual config + changes. +- commit 8a799ae + +- blacklist.conf: not relevant in our configurations +- commit 586058b + +- media: imx-jpeg: Disable slot interrupt when frame done + (git-fixes). +- commit 36d622f + +- media: imx-jpeg: Refactor function mxc_jpeg_parse (git-fixes). +- commit e2ddfcf + +- media: imx-jpeg: Fix potential array out of bounds in + queue_setup (git-fixes). +- commit 8041860 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Add pm-sleep support for imx-jpeg (git-fixes). +- commit d514aa5 + +- x86/ibt,ftrace: Make function-graph play nice (bsc#1203969). +- commit c020446 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Leave a blank space before the configuration + data (git-fixes). +- commit a2d45c7 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'sysfb: Enable boot time VESA graphic mode selection' +- commit b93ba64 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Correct some definition according specification + (git-fixes). +- commit bdf4126 + +- blacklist.conf: not relevant in our configurations +- commit 8171bfe + +- media: vsp1: Fix offset calculation for plane cropping. +- commit dc309b5 + +- media: exynos4-is: Change clk_disable to clk_disable_unprepare + (git-fixes). +- commit 332ca3f + +- media: st-delta: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in delta_probe + (git-fixes). +- commit 30518b0 + +- media: exynos4-is: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in + fimc_is_probe (git-fixes). +- commit f62e31e + +- media: aspeed: Fix an error handling path in + aspeed_video_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit c014d5c + +- media: coda: Add more H264 levels for CODA960 (git-fixes). +- commit 75d6462 + +- media: coda: Fix reported H264 profile (git-fixes). +- commit 1533555 + +- Revert "constraints: increase disk space for all architectures" + (bsc#1203693). + This reverts commit 43a9011f904bc7328d38dc340f5e71aecb6b19ca. +- commit 3d33373 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'fbdev: Hot-unplug firmware fb devices on forced removal' +- commit 0b6410b + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'Revert "fbdev: fbmem: add a helper to determine if an aperture is used by a fw fb"' +- commit b1ae504 + +- spi: s3c64xx: Fix large transfers with DMA (git-fixes). +- vhost/vsock: Use kvmalloc/kvfree for larger packets (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Improve rtl8xxxu_queue_select (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Fix AIFS written to REG_EDCA_*_PARAM + (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath11k: fix number of VHT beamformee spatial streams + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7915: do not check state before configuring + implicit beamform (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7615: add mt7615_mutex_acquire/release in + mt7615_sta_set_decap_offload (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: sdio: fix transmitting packet hangs (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Remove copy-paste leftover in + gen2_update_rate_mask (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: gen2: Fix mistake in path B IQ calibration + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Fix skb misuse in TX queue selection + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtw88: add missing destroy_workqueue() on error path in + rtw_core_init() (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: tighten bounds checking in rtl8xxxu_read_efuse() + (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath10k: add peer map clean up for peer delete in + ath10k_sta_state() (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: allow bw change during channel switch in mesh + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtlwifi: 8192de: correct checking of IQK reload + (git-fixes). +- commit 3bb5d97 + +- spi/omap100k:Fix PM disable depth imbalance in + omap1_spi100k_probe (git-fixes). +- spi: dw: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in dw_spi_bt1_probe + (git-fixes). +- spi: meson-spicc: do not rely on busy flag in pow2 clk ops + (git-fixes). +- spi: qup: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error in + spi_qup_pm_resume_runtime() (git-fixes). +- spi: qup: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error in + spi_qup_resume() (git-fixes). +- spi: mt7621: Fix an error message in mt7621_spi_probe() + (git-fixes). +- regulator: qcom_rpm: Fix circular deferral regression + (git-fixes). +- net: wwan: iosm: Call mutex_init before locking it (git-fixes). +- mwifiex: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by + dev_coredumpv (git-fixes). +- net: thunderbolt: Enable DMA paths only after rings are enabled + (git-fixes). +- commit e714654 + +- hwmon: (pmbus/mp2888) Fix sensors readouts for MPS Multi-phase + mp2888 controller (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (gsc-hwmon) Call of_node_get() before of_find_xxx API + (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: support lock mechanism (git-fixes). +- mISDN: fix use-after-free bugs in l1oip timer handlers + (git-fixes). +- eth: alx: take rtnl_lock on resume (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix not handling link timeouts propertly + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_{ldisc,serdev}: check percpu_init_rwsem() + failure (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: btusb: mediatek: fix WMT failure during runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- can: rx-offload: can_rx_offload_init_queue(): fix typo + (git-fixes). +- commit ac7ee01 + +- blacklist.conf: df5b035b5683 x86/cacheinfo: Add a cpu_llc_shared_mask() UP variant +- commit bc73e4e + +- blacklist.conf: 00da0cb385d0 Documentation/ABI: Mention retbleed vulnerability info file for sysfs +- commit 4726e8f + +- Drop the ACPI patch temporarily as it causes a regression (bsc#1203794) + Delete patches.suse/ACPI-resource-skip-IRQ-override-on-AMD-Zen-platforms.patch +- commit 8842ef4 + +- fbcon: Fix accelerated fbdev scrolling while logo is still shown (bsc#1152472) +- commit 7656242 + +- parisc/stifb: Fix fb_is_primary_device() only available with (bsc#1152489) +- commit dee3343 + +- parisc/stifb: Keep track of hardware path of graphics card (bsc#1152489) +- commit daa8575 + +- parisc/stifb: Implement fb_is_primary_device() (bsc#1152489) +- commit f86cf76 + +- fbcon: Add option to enable legacy hardware acceleration (bsc#1152472) + Backporting changes: + * context fixes in other patch + * update config +- commit 68203bf + +- parisc/sticon: fix reverse colors (bsc#1152489) +- commit f94c66b + +- char: pcmcia: synclink_cs: Fix use-after-free in mgslpc_ops + (CVE-2022-41848 bsc#1203987). +- commit a144c48 + +- fbdev: smscufx: Fix use-after-free in ufx_ops_open() + (CVE-2022-41849 bsc#1203992). +- commit db3bfe7 + +- net: mana: Add rmb after checking owner bits (git-fixes). +- commit 85bfc78 + +- Makefile.debug: re-enable debug info for .S files (git-fixes). +- commit 50458f2 + +- powerpc/pseries/vas: Pass hw_cpu_id to node associativity HCALL + (bsc#1194869). +- commit 48283d1 + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Don't modify GEVNTCOUNT in pullup() + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-duplicate-requests-to-enable-R.patch. +- commit 0719451 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Remove incorrect warning (git-fixes). +- media: rkvdec: Disable H.264 error detection (git-fixes). +- media: dvb_vb2: fix possible out of bound access (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Only report button state if there was a button + interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit 06be809 + +- net: mana: Add support of XDP_REDIRECT action (bug#1201310, jsc#PED-529). +- commit 209f0a1 + +- Add cherry-picked commit id for an AMDGPU patch (git-fixes) +- commit 505fbbc + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Refactor pullup() (git-fixes). +- commit f481a77 + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Avoid starting DWC3 gadget during UDC unbind + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-duplicate-requests-to-enable-R.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Prevent-repeat-pullup.patch. +- commit 6d90a05 + +- wifi: mac80211: fix regression with non-QoS drivers (git-fixes). +- selftests: Fix the if conditions of in test_extra_filter() + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: Don't WARN for PHY_UP state in mdio_bus_phy_resume() + (git-fixes). +- usbnet: Fix memory leak in usbnet_disconnect() (git-fixes). +- reset: imx7: Fix the iMX8MP PCIe PHY PERST support (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Fix debugfs info for A64 SRAM C (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Prevent the driver from being unbound + (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Actually claim SRAM regions (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra-tcu: Use uart_xmit_advance(), fixes icount.tx + accounting (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Use uart_xmit_advance(), fixes icount.tx + accounting (git-fixes). +- serial: Create uart_xmit_advance() (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Quectel RM520N (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Quectel BG95 0x0203 composition + (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Add support for Intel Maple Ridge single port + controller (git-fixes). +- Revert "usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock" (git-fixes). +- usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- commit ce89825 + +- gpio: mvebu: Fix check for pwm support on non-A8K platforms + (git-fixes). +- Input: snvs_pwrkey - fix SNVS_HPVIDR1 register address + (git-fixes). +- Input: iqs62x-keys - drop unused device node references + (git-fixes). +- Input: melfas_mip4 - fix return value check in mip4_probe() + (git-fixes). +- libata: add ATA_HORKAGE_NOLPM for Pioneer BDR-207M and BDR-205 + (git-fixes). +- mmc: hsq: Fix data stomping during mmc recovery (git-fixes). +- mmc: moxart: fix 4-bit bus width and remove 8-bit bus width + (git-fixes). +- commit 02160f0 + +- drm/i915/gt: Restrict forced preemption to the active context + (git-fixes). +- Revert "drm: bridge: analogix/dp: add panel prepare/unprepare + in suspend/resume time" (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: fix corrupted image output (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: set hdmi or dvi mode (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: add vsync hsync (git-fixes). +- Revert "firmware: arm_scmi: Add clock management to the SCMI + power domain" (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: don't register a dirty callback for non-atomic + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix the asynchronous reset requests + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden accesses to the reset domains + (git-fixes). +- commit 509f7ae + +- clk: iproc: Do not rely on node name for correct PLL setup + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6sx: remove the SET_RATE_PARENT flag for QSPI + clocks (git-fixes). +- clk: ingenic-tcu: Properly enable registers before accessing + timers (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix UFS PHY serdes size (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: am33xx: Fix MMCHS0 dma properties (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2770: Reinit regcache on reset (git-fixes). +- ASoC: imx-card: Fix refcount issue with of_node_put (git-fixes). +- drm/rockchip: Fix return type of cdn_dp_connector_mode_valid + (git-fixes). +- drm/gma500: Fix BUG: sleeping function called from invalid + context errors (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: make sure to init common IP before gmc (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Mark dml30's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as noinline + for stack usage (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Reduce number of arguments of dml31's + CalculateFlipSchedule() (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Reduce number of arguments of dml31's + CalculateWatermarksAndDRAMSpeedChangeSupport() (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit user regamma to a valid value + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: use dirty framebuffer helper (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/pm: disable BACO entry/exit completely on several + sienna cichlid cards (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fixing read wrong pf2vf data in SRIOV + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Separate vf2pf work item init from virt data + exchange (git-fixes). +- commit 931f4f4 + +- Add blacklist and alt-commit for ASoC cs35l41 patches (bsc#1203699) +- commit b1bfeae + +- net: mana: Add the Linux MANA PF driver (bug#1201309, jsc#PED-529). +- commit 6f3c833 + +- scsi: smartpqi: Add module param to disable managed ints + (bsc#1203893). +- commit e1af9a1 + +- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix various issues reported by tools (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Add reporting capability for Link Degrade Signaling + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rework FDMI attribute registration for unintential + padding (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rework lpfc_fdmi_cmd() routine for cleanup and + consistency (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rename mp/bmp dma buffers to rq/rsp in lpfc_fdmi_cmd + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Update congestion mode logging for Emulex SAN + Manager application (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Move scsi_host_template outside dynamically + allocated/freed phba (bsc#1185032 bsc#1203939). + Dropped: + patches.suse/lpfc-decouple-port_template-and-vport_template.patch +- scsi: lpfc: Fix multiple NVMe remoteport registration calls + for the same NPort ID (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Add missing free iocb and nlp kref put for early + return VMID cases (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix mbuf pool resource detected as busy at driver + unload (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix FLOGI ACC with wrong SID in PT2PT topology + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix prli_fc4_req checks in PRLI handling + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Remove unneeded result variable (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Remove the unneeded result variable (bsc#1203939). +- commit 23fee86 + +- supported.conf: mark spi-pxa2xx-platform as supported (bsc#1203699) + It's required for the sound on recent Intel machines +- commit d17d5e0 + +- scsi: lpfc: Add missing destroy_workqueue() in error path + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Return DID_TRANSPORT_DISRUPTED instead of + DID_REQUEUE (bsc#1203939). +- commit 495ecbc + +- wifi: cfg80211: ensure length byte is present before access + (CVE-2022-41674 bsc#1203770). +- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: reject bad MBSSID elements + (CVE-2022-41674 bsc#1203770). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix u8 overflow in + cfg80211_update_notlisted_nontrans() (CVE-2022-41674 + bsc#1203770). +- commit 79b409a + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations for qla2xxx + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix spelling mistake "definiton" -> "definition" + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Drop DID_TARGET_FAILURE use (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Define static symbols (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Enhance driver tracing with separate tunable + and more (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Add NVMe parameters support in Auxiliary Image + Status (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Add debugfs create/delete helpers (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue handler reading stale packets + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue + handler reading stale packets" (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Log message "skipping scsi_scan_host()" as + informational (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Avoid flush_scheduled_work() usage (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Always wait for qlt_sess_work_fn() from + qlt_stop_phase1() (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused qlt_tmr_work() (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused del_sess_list field (bsc#1203935). +- commit 76fee71 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix memory leak in __qlt_24xx_handle_abts() + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Disable ATIO interrupt coalesce for quad port + ISP27XX (bsc#1203935). +- commit df43957 + +- mm: rename is_pinnable_page() to is_longterm_pinnable_page() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 8c9ae5e + +- mm: fix is_pinnable_page against a cma page (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e5e0125 + +- cgroup: Add missing cpus_read_lock() to cgroup_attach_task_all() + (bsc#1196869). +- commit 421a33e + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: More robust component matching for CS35L41 + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 13ee63f + +- kABI: fix adding another field to scsi_device (bsc#1203039). +- scsi: core: Add BLIST_NO_ASK_VPD_SIZE for some VDASD + (bsc#1203039). +- Refresh + patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch. +- Refresh patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch. +- commit 38a6998 + +- mm: Fix PASID use-after-free issue (bsc#1203908). +- commit e2ea645 + +- cgroup: cgroup_get_from_id() must check the looked-up kn is + a directory (bsc#1203906). +- commit 2c277d7 + +- spi: propagate error code to the caller of + acpi_spi_device_alloc() (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Return deferred probe error when controller isn't yet + available (bsc#1203699). +- commit 719f957 + +- cgroup: Fix threadgroup_rwsem <-> cpus_read_lock() deadlock + (bsc#1196869). +- commit 20ffc1f + +- kABI workaround for spi changes (bsc#1203699). +- commit 57d4f4f + +- cgroup: Fix race condition at rebind_subsystems() (bsc#1203902). +- commit ec3105d + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Zbook Firefly 14 G9 model + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 274acc0 + +- cs-dsp and serial-multi-instantiate enablement (bsc#1203699) +- Update config files +- Update supported.conf +- commit 6b0538d + +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Add CLSA0101 Laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- ACPI: scan: Add CLSA0101 Laptop Support (bsc#1203699). +- ACPI / scan: Create platform device for CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Add SPI support + (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Reorganize I2C functions + (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: i2c-multi-instantiate: Rename it for a generic + serial driver name (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Add API to count spi acpi resources (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Support selection of the index of the ACPI Spi Resource + before alloc (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Create helper API to lookup ACPI info for spi device + (bsc#1203699). +- i2c: acpi: Add an i2c_acpi_client_count() helper function + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 66cfc1c + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dolphin Variants (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Lenovo Yoga7 14IAL7 + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Clarify support for CSC3551 without _DSD + Properties (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS Zenbooks using CS35L41 + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Read System Name from ACPI _SUB to identify + firmware (bsc#1203699). +- commit 3025b3b + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support CLSA0101 (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- commit d934822 + +- ACPI: utils: Add api to read _SUB from ACPI (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use the CS35L41 HDA internal define + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable speaker and mute LEDs for HP laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 6e401a7 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Allow compilation test on non-ACPI + configurations" (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add module parameter to control firmware + load (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Firmware switching and reloading + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add defaulted values into dsp bypass config + sequence (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add fw id strings (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Read Speaker Calibration data from UEFI + variables (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Hibernation during Suspend + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 8707600 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add support for CLSA3541 ACPI device ID + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Do not print error when waking from hibernation + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add common cs35l41 enter hibernate function + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41 exit hibernate function into shared + code (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Speaker ID for laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support multiple load paths for firmware + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support reading subsystem id from ACPI + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Save Subsystem ID inside CS35L41 Driver + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add initial DSP support and firmware loading + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Save codec object inside component struct + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add apis to write the controls + directly (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add Library to support CS_DSP ALSA + controls (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consolidate selections under + SND_HDA_SCODEC_CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Drop wrong use of ACPI_PTR() (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Allow compilation test on non-ACPI + configurations (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Don't dereference fwnode handle + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Improve dev_err_probe() messaging + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix comments wrt serial-multi-instantiate + reference (bsc#1203699). +- commit 0179f7c + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: change cs8409_fixups v.pins initializers to + static (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add ASP TX3/4 source to register patch + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct some control names (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver + (bsc#1203699). +- commit f2b0e66 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix an out-of-bounds access in + otp_packed_element_t (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add one more variable in the debug log + (bsc#1203699). +- commit a26b9a2 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable mute/micmute LEDs support for HP + Laptops (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-a-quirk-for-HP-OMEN-16-8902-mut.patch. +- commit 342e19c + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix mute led issue on thinkpad with cs35l41 + s-codec (bsc#1203699). +- commit 0fd2db1 + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Amp Name based on channel and index + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs_dsp config struct into shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable mute/micmute LEDs and limit mic + boost on EliteBook 845/865 G9 (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix a shift-out-of-bounds warning found by UBSAN + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add one more variable in the debug log + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 4800a47 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41 fs errata into shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_set_cspl_mbox_cmd to shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Enable GPIO2 Interrupt for CLSA0100 laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Support for Interrupts (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove Set Channel Map api from binding + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Set Speaker Position for CLSA0100 Laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix error in spi cs35l41 hda driver name + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Speaker Playback Switch for Warlock + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Speaker Playback Switch for Cyborg + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Odin Variants (bsc#1203699). +- commit 346d9b0 + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support manual mode detection for CS42L42 + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use general cs42l42 include in cs8409 hda + driver (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Support external boost (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move external boost handling to lib for + ASoC use (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Handle all external boost setups the same + way (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Reorganize log for playback actions + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove cs35l41_hda_reg_sequence struct + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move boost config to initialization code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Enable Internal Boost in shared lib + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Mute the device before shutdown + (bsc#1203699). +- commit e34c590 + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Move CS42L42 register descriptions to general + include (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add warnings about DETECT_MODE and PLL_START + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Handle system suspend (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Change jack_detect_mutex to a lock of all IRQ + handling (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Report full jack status when plug is detected + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Report initial jack state (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant pll_divout member (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Simplify reporting of jack unplug (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant writes to RS_PLUG/RS_UNPLUG + masks (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant writes to DETECT_MODE + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add control for audio slow-start switch + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: free_irq() before powering-down on probe() fail + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Reset and power-down on remove() and failed + probe() (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Prevent NULL pointer deref in interrupt handler + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove unused runtime_suspend/runtime_resume + callbacks (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Use two thresholds and increased wait time for + manual type detection (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Implement Manual Type detection as fallback + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Minor fix all errors reported by + script (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Always enable TS_PLUG and TS_UNPLUG interrupts + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix WARN in remove() if running without an + interrupt (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Mark OSC_SWITCH_STATUS register volatile + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Set correct SRC MCLK (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Allow time for HP/ADC to power-up after enable + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Use PLL for SCLK > 12.288MHz (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't claim to support 192k (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't reconfigure the PLL while it is running + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 866431d + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Put the device into safe mode for external + boost (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Boost type flag (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Always configure the DAI (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix I2S params comments (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_gpio_config to shared lib + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Check hw_config before using it (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Unify hardware configuration (bsc#1203699). +- commit ac37bc4 + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add new Dolphin HW variants (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable HSBIAS_SENSE_EN for Cyborg + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Warlock MLK Variants + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Fix Full Scale Volume setting for all variants + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Re-order quirk table into ascending order + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Fix Warlock to use mono mic configuration + (bsc#1203699). +- commit af84f1a + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add mute and micmut LED support for Zbook + Fury 17 G9 (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-HP-Dev-One.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-mute-micmute-LEDs-for-HP-machin.patch. +- commit 7831f17 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Remove unnecessary param (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on Zbook Studio G9 (bsc#1203699). +- commit 8ea9da8 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for HP Laptops (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-a-quirk-for-HP-OMEN-16-8902-mut.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-HP-Dev-One.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-mute-micmute-LEDs-for-HP-machin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-right-sounds-and-mute-micmute-L-024a7ad9eb4d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-right-sounds-and-mute-micmute-L.patch. +- commit a813cc9 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix DSP mbox start command and global enable + order (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix max number of TX channels (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix GPIO2 configuration (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Make cs35l41_hda_remove() return void + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Tidyup code (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add missing default cases (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move cs35l41* calls to its own symbol + namespace (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add calls to newly added test key function + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Avoid overwriting register patch + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: fix double free on error in probe() + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 31fd8da + +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add memory chunk helpers (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add pre_stop callback (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Minor clean and redundant code removal + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix event for preloader (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Compressed stream DSP memory structs should be + __packed (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix overrun of unterminated control name + string (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Expand firmware loading search options + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Add trace caps to speaker protection FW + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Make compressed buffers optional (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Correct control read size when parsing compressed + buffer (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add support for hibernate memory retention mode + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Update handling of test key registers + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Add support for "toggle" preloaders + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Clear core reset for cache (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct handling of some registers in the cache + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct DSP power down (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Remove incorrect comment (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add cs35l51/53 IDs (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: Fix dependencies of CS35L41 on SPI/I2C buses + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: Fix dependency on ASoC cs35l41 codec (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Move lockdep asserts to avoid potential null + pointer (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Allow creation of event controls + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add offset to cs_dsp read/write (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Clarify some kernel doc comments + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Perform NULL check in + cs_dsp_coeff_write/read_ctrl (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add support for rev 2 coefficient files + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Print messages from bin files (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add pre_run callback (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add version checks on coefficient loading + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add lockdep asserts to interface functions + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: tidy includes in cs_dsp.c and cs_dsp.h + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: wm_adsp_control_add() error: uninitialized symbol + 'ret' (bsc#1203699). +- commit 545439c + +- supported.conf: Add cs_dsp firmware module (bsc#1203699) +- commit af1ea30 + +- Update config files: enable CS35L41 support (bsc#1203699) +- commit 195ddb7 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add CS35L41 support for Thinkpad laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-speakers-and-micmute-on-HP-855-.patch. +- commit 0a4cbdb + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for Legion 7 16ACHg6 laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-ALC287-Add-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Slim-9i-14ITL5-sp.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Legion-Y9000X-2019.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-speakers-and-micmute-on-HP-855-.patch. +- commit b3dce35 + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add support for CS35L41 in HDA systems + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 39ffdf8 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Document CS35l41 External Boost (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for boost configuration + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for setting channels + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for errata patches + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move power initializations to reg_sequence + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_otp_unpack to shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Convert tables to shared source code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix undefined reference to core functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix link problem (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove the wmfw_add_ctl helper function + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: DSP Support (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: dt-bindings: cs42l42: Convert binding to yaml + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Set the max SPI speed for the whole device + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Change monitor widgets to siggens (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Make cs35l41_remove() return void (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: remove a repeated including (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: add driver to support firmware loading on + Cirrus Logic DSPs (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate wm_adsp specifics in cs_dsp_client_ops + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Split out struct cs_dsp from struct wm_adsp + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: move firmware loading to client (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Pass firmware names as parameters when starting + DSP core (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move check of dsp->running to better place + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate generic cs_dsp_coeff_ctl handling + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move sys_config_size to wm_adsp (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Split DSP power operations into helper functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate some ASoC and generic functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Introduce cs_dsp logging macros (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Rename generic DSP support (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Cancel ongoing work when removing controls + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Switch to using wm_coeff_read_ctrl for compressed + buffers (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move check for control existence (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove use of snd_ctl_elem_type_t (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Binding fixes (bsc#1203699). +- misc: cs35l41: Remove unused pdn variable (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix a bunch of trivial code formating/style + issues (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fixup the error messages (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Don't overwrite returned error code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Combine adjacent register writes (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Use regmap_read_poll_timeout to wait for OTP boot + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix use of an uninitialised variable + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add bindings for CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: CS35L41 Boosted Smart Amplifier (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove pointless string comparison (bsc#1203699). +- commit 5d21207 + +- kABI: Add back removed struct paca member (bsc#1203664 + ltc#199236). +- Revert "powerpc/rtas: Implement reentrant rtas call" + (bsc#1203664 ltc#199236). +- commit 93ebb75 + +- blacklist.conf: add scsi commit that's too invasive +- commit ed3d357 + +- struct ehci_hcd: hide new element going into a hole (git-fixes). +- commit 859270b + +- USB: Fix ehci infinite suspend-resume loop issue in zhaoxin + (git-fixes). +- commit 71e1e4f + +- xen/usb: don't use arbitrary_virt_to_machine() (git-fixes). +- commit 9497b70 + +- usb: host: xhci: fix a comment typo in xhci_mem_init() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci: use ffs() in xhci_mem_init() (git-fixes). +- commit f930b4a + +- usb: Drop commas after SoC match table sentinels (git-fixes). +- commit c8fc91a + +- struct xhci_hcd: restore member now dynamically allocated + (git-fixes). +- commit ac47acd + +- USB: core: Fix RST error in hub.c (git-fixes). +- commit 19a77db + +- Update config files. (jsc#PED-1763) +- supported.conf: +- commit 9894f49 + +- fuse: Remove the control interface for virtio-fs (bsc#1203798). +- commit a23dd0d + +- constraints: increase disk space for all architectures + References: bsc#1203693 + aarch64 is already suffering. SLE15-SP5 x86_64 stats show that it is + very close to the limit. +- commit 43a9011 + +- usb.h: struct usb_device: hide new member (git-fixes). +- commit fbd8f4a + +- USB: core: Prevent nested device-reset calls (git-fixes). +- commit 9ef8532 + +- usb: dwc3: disable USB core PHY management (git-fixes). +- commit 1a35727 + +- Update patch referecen for ALSA fix (CVE-2022-3303 bsc#1203769) +- commit 9addbc1 + +- ACPI: processor idle: Practically limit "Dummy wait" workaround + to old Intel systems (bsc#1203767). +- commit ec98644 + +- NFSv4.2: Update mode bits after ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Turn off open-by-filehandle and NFS re-export for NFSv4.0 + (git-fixes). +- md: call __md_stop_writes in md_stop (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: RPC level errors should set task->tk_rpc_status + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.2 fix problems with __nfs42_ssc_open (git-fixes). +- net/sunrpc: fix potential memory leaks in + rpc_sysfs_xprt_state_change() (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Reinitialise the backchannel request buffers before + reuse (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: RECLAIM_COMPLETE must handle EACCES (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Fix races in the legacy idmapper upcall (git-fixes). +- sunrpc: fix expiry of auth creds (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: Handle NFS4ERR_DELAY replies to OP_SEQUENCE correctly + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: Don't decrease the value of seq_nr_highest_sent + (git-fixes). +- pNFS/flexfiles: Report RDMA connection errors to the server + (git-fixes). +- Revert "pNFS: nfs3_set_ds_client should set NFS_CS_NOPING" + (git-fixes). +- lockd: detect and reject lock arguments that overflow + (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Fix xdr_encode_bool() (git-fixes). +- nfsd: eliminate the NFSD_FILE_BREAK_* flags (git-fixes). +- md-raid10: fix KASAN warning (git-fixes). +- NFSD: restore EINVAL error translation in nfsd_commit() + (git-fixes). +- NFSD: Clean up the show_nf_flags() macro (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Don't leak sockets in xs_local_connect() (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Don't call connect() more than once on a TCP socket + (git-fixes). +- NFS: LOOKUP_DIRECTORY is also ok with symlinks (git-fixes). +- NFSD: Fix offset type in I/O trace points (git-fixes). +- NFS: Fix WARN_ON due to unionization of nfs_inode.nrequests + (git-fixes). +- commit 510ad2f + +- x86/sev: Add missing __init annotations to SEV init routines + (jsc#SLE-19924 jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/x86-sev-Get-the-AP-jump-table-address-from-secrets-page. +- commit e7f768c + +- scsi: Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover" + (git-fixes). +- commit c7d72a7 + +- i2c: mlxbf: Fix frequency calculation (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: prevent stack overflow in + mlxbf_i2c_smbus_start_transaction() (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: incorrect base address passed during io write + (git-fixes). +- i2c: imx: If pm_runtime_get_sync() returned 1 device access + is possible (git-fixes). +- commit abc7475 + +- blacklist.conf: remove blacklisted patch + This patch was incorrectly blacklisted, but in fact + is needeed, so remove the blacklist first. +- commit 858de69 + +- serial: fsl_lpuart: Reset prior to registration (git-fixes). +- workqueue: don't skip lockdep work dependency in + cancel_work_sync() (git-fixes). +- arm64: topology: fix possible overflow in amu_fie_setup() + (git-fixes). +- media: flexcop-usb: fix endpoint type check (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: leave default DMA if the controller does not + support 64-bit DMA (git-fixes). +- drm/panel: simple: Fix innolux_g121i1_l01 bus_format + (git-fixes). +- drm/mediatek: dsi: Move mtk_dsi_stop() call back to + mtk_dsi_poweroff() (git-fixes). +- drm/mediatek: dsi: Add atomic {destroy,duplicate}_state, + reset callbacks (git-fixes). +- drm/panfrost: devfreq: set opp to the recommended one to + configure regulator (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Fix semaphore unbalance at error paths + (git-fixes). +- regulator: pfuze100: Fix the global-out-of-bounds access in + pfuze100_regulator_probe() (git-fixes). +- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel RM520N (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: check length for virtio packets + (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: atmel: Preserve previous USART mode if RS485 + disabled (git-fixes). +- drm/tegra: vic: Fix build warning when CONFIG_PM=n (git-fixes). +- video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: Fix integer overflow in + pxa3xx_gcu_write (git-fixes). +- serial: atmel: remove redundant assignment in rs485_config + (git-fixes). +- video: fbdev: i740fb: Error out if 'pixclock' equals zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 05ff2c7 + +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix use-after-free warning (git-fixes). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover (git-fixes). +- commit 338849f + +- kexec_file: drop weak attribute from functions (bsc#1196444). +- commit 3df1852 + +- KVM: avoid NULL pointer dereference in kvm_dirty_ring_push + (bsc#1198189 CVE-2022-1263). +- commit 7717214 + +- kexec, KEYS, s390: Make use of built-in and secondary keyring + for signature verification (bsc#1196444). +- commit a0517d1 + +- arm64: kexec_file: use more system keyrings to verify kernel + image signature (bsc#1196444). +- kexec, KEYS: make the code in bzImage64_verify_sig generic + (bsc#1196444). +- kexec: clean up arch_kexec_kernel_verify_sig (bsc#1196444). +- kexec: drop weak attribute from functions (bsc#1196444). +- x86/kexec: fix memory leak of elf header buffer (bsc#1196444). +- commit 6bb0d35 + +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Remove 'enable-active-low' from + rk3399-puma (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Set RK3399-Gru PCLK_EDP to 24 MHz + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix typo in lisense text for PX30.Core + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Pull up wlan wake# on Gru-Bob (git-fixes). +- selftests: forwarding: add shebang for (git-fixes). +- can: gs_usb: gs_can_open(): fix race dev->can.state condition + (git-fixes). +- gve: Fix GFP flags when allocing pages (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: fix reading current per-tid starting sequence + number for aggregation (git-fixes). +- batman-adv: Fix hang up with small MTU hard-interface + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: aquantia: wait for the suspend/resume operations to + finish (git-fixes). +- gpiolib: cdev: Set lineevent_state::irq after IRQ register + successfully (git-fixes). +- gpio: mockup: fix NULL pointer dereference when removing debugfs + (git-fixes). +- selftests: forwarding: Fix failing tests with old libnet + (git-fixes). +- commit 4895eee + +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Host1x and VIC on Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: Add Tegra234 MGBE memory clients + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 MGBE clocks and resets (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: power: Add Tegra234 MGBE power domains + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 GPCDMA (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: tegra186-hsp: add type for shared mailboxes + (jsc#PED-1763). +- arm64: tegra: Add QSPI controllers on Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: Add Tegra234 PCIe memory (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: power: Add Tegra234 PCIe power domains + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 PCIe clocks and resets (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add HDA support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 APE support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 PWM (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 I2C (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: tegra: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Update headers for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 44a5986 + +- net/mlx5: CT: Fix header-rewrite re-use for tupels (git-fixes). +- commit a413591 + +- net/mlx5e: TC NIC mode, fix tc chains miss table (git-fixes). +- commit 7bd201a + +- net: enetc: Use pci_release_region() to release some resources + (git-fixes). +- commit 15bc221 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Fix refcount leak in + mv88e6xxx_mdios_register (git-fixes). +- commit 568058d + +- net: dsa: restrict SMSC_LAN9303_I2C kconfig (git-fixes). +- commit a7df60c + +- net: stmmac: fix out-of-bounds access in a selftest (git-fixes). +- commit 1d801d7 + +- net: macb: Fix PTP one step sync support (git-fixes). +- commit c6f42d2 + +- net: wwan: iosm: remove pointless null check (git-fixes). +- commit 4eccfc1 + +- eth: sun: cassini: remove dead code (git-fixes). +- commit aa42615 + +- net: stmmac: remove unused get_addr() callback (git-fixes). +- commit 14586bc + +- Revert "ice: Hide bus-info in ethtool for PRs in switchdev mode" + (git-fixes). +- commit 2b88535 + +- net: ethernet: stmmac: fix write to sgmii_adapter_base + (git-fixes). +- commit 63c3906 + +- net: dsa: felix: fix tagging protocol changes with multiple + CPU ports (git-fixes). +- commit 41e3617 + +- net: dsa: introduce helpers for iterating through ports using dp + (git-fixes). +- commit 5001021 + +- ice: arfs: fix use-after-free when freeing @rx_cpu_rmap + (git-fixes). +- commit 1bdfd3c + +- net: hns3: add netdev reset check for hns3_set_tunable() + (git-fixes). +- commit f002bf7 + +- net: phy: at803x: move page selection fix to config_init + (git-fixes). +- commit 02fb6c3 + +- ice: Match on all profiles in slow-path (git-fixes). +- commit 5ba2957 + +- net: ipa: kill ipa_cmd_pipeline_clear() (git-fixes). +- commit 1308dcb + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit e0df553 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit d975e01 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit 2402036 + +- ALSA: hda: Fix Nvidia dp infoframe (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: set depop delay for tegra (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Update scratch reg. communication (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Add Tegra234 hda driver support (git-fixes). +- commit 636d297 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for HP OMEN 16 (8902) mute LED + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GA503R laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add pincfg for ASUS G533Z HP jack + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add pincfg for ASUS G513 HP jack (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output Dell Precision 5530 + laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output Dell Precision 5570 + laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Huawei WRT-WX9 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: add Intel 5 Series / 3400 PCI DID (git-fixes). +- commit a4ecf82 + +- dmaengine: ti: k3-udma-private: Fix refcount leak bug in + of_xudma_dev_get() (git-fixes). +- Revert "ALSA: usb-audio: Split endpoint setups for hw_params + and prepare" (git-fixes). +- ALSA: core: Fix double-free at snd_card_new() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-arrange quirk table entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: Fix hang at HD-audio codec unbinding due to refcount + saturation (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-kontron-samx6i: fix spi-flash compatible + (git-fixes). +- gpio: mockup: remove gpio debugfs when remove device + (git-fixes). +- Input: iforce - add support for Boeder Force Feedback Wheel + (git-fixes). +- Input: goodix - add compatible string for GT1158 (git-fixes). +- Input: goodix - add support for GT1158 (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/rd: Fix FIFO-full deadlock (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: skip ucode loading if ucode_size == 0 + (git-fixes). +- usb: storage: Add ASUS <0x0b05:0x1932> to IGNORE_UAS + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: acer-wmi: Acer Aspire One AOD270/Packard Bell + Dot keymap fixes (git-fixes). +- platform/surface: aggregator_registry: Add support for Surface + Laptop Go 2 (git-fixes). +- ieee802154: cc2520: add rc code in cc2520_tx() (git-fixes). +- hid: intel-ish-hid: ishtp: Fix ishtp client sending disordered + message (git-fixes). +- HID: ishtp-hid-clientHID: ishtp-hid-client: Fix comment typo + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: resource: skip IRQ override on AMD Zen platforms + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx: align SPI NOR node name with dtschema + (git-fixes). +- commit 6a1df1e + +- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-vt-d-Acquiring-lock-in-domain-ID-allocation-helpers + Fix spin deadlock in intel_iommu (bsc#1203505) +- commit 69d294e + +- media: dvb-core: Fix UAF due to refcount races at releasing + (CVE-2022-41218 bsc#1202960). +- commit bdcd7ab + +- cpufreq: tegra194: Staticize struct tegra_cpufreq_soc instances + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 2b309dd + +- ASoC: tegra: AHUB routes for OPE module (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit ae8614b + +- PCI: tegra194: Add Tegra234 PCIe support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 9848d71 + +- PCI: tegra194: Extend Endpoint mode support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 64c6d53 + +- PCI: tegra194: Clean up the exit path for Endpoint mode + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 77cf561 + +- PCI: tegra194: Enable support for 256 Byte payload + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 3d70757 + +- PCI: tegra194: Clear bandwidth management status (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 4eb1d6d + +- PCI: tegra194: Find RAS DES PCIe capability offset + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 6869f7e + +- Revert "PCI: tegra194: Rename tegra_pcie_dw to tegra194_pcie" + (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-Root-Port-interrupt-handling.patch. +- commit 7c3a2c4 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Add terminate() for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 14777c3 + +- phy: tegra: Add PCIe PIPE2UPHY support for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 8045a50 + +- gpu: host1x: Register context bus unconditionally + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 1cdd50a + +- spi: dt-bindings: Add compatible for Tegra241 QSPI + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit f5277d1 + +- spi: tegra210-quad: Multi-cs support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 5df9b77 + +- memory: tegra: Add MGBE memory clients for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit fe9c9ad + +- clocksource/drivers/timer-tegra186: Add support for Tegra234 + SoC (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 9102f99 + +- clocksource: Add Tegra186 timers support (jsc#PED-1763). +- Update config files +- commit f783dd3 + +- gpu: host1x: Add context bus (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 62055eb + +- iommu/arm-smmu: Support Tegra234 SMMU (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit b6d01d1 + +- cpufreq: tegra194: Add support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 6ccf722 + +- cpufreq: tegra194: add soc data to support multiple soc + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit d6431d8 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Remove unused switch case (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 21ff5bc + +- dmaengine: tegra: Fix uninitialized variable usage + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 8692e6a + +- dmaengine: tegra: Use platform_get_irq() to get IRQ resource + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit dce0f23 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Remove unused including + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit e600cdf + +- dmaengine: tegra: Add tegra gpcdma driver (jsc#PED-1763). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf +- commit 8c4f76d + +- PCI: tegra194: Remove unnecessary MSI enable reg save and + restore (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 028846a + +- mailbox: tegra-hsp: Add 128-bit shared mailbox support + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 2799912 + +- mailbox: tegra-hsp: Add tegra_hsp_sm_ops (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 301d237 + +- memory: tegra: Add MC error logging on Tegra186 onward + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 803123e + +- memory: tegra: Add memory controller channels support + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 91c35b0 + +- memory: tegra: Add APE memory clients for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit bddcc01 + +- memory: tegra: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 15d156c + +- soc/tegra: pmc: Update Tegra234 reset sources (jsc#PED-1763). +- ASoC: tegra: AHUB routes for ASRC module (jsc#PED-1763). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Add Tegra234 wake events (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 055208f + +- ASoC: tegra: Update AHUB driver for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Hardcode GCAP ISS value on T234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 12ff211 + +- PCI: tegra194: Rename tegra_pcie_dw to tegra194_pcie + (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-Root-Port-interrupt-handling.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-link-up-retry-sequence.patch. +- commit 43c995b + +- misc: sram: Add compatible string for Tegra234 SYSRAM + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit c359d28 + +- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/gpio-tegra186-Add-support-for-Tegra241.patch. +- commit 794cc29 + +- gpu: host1x: select CONFIG_DMA_SHARED_BUFFER (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 805f6b6 + +- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.21 +- commit a9db6f7 + +- blacklist.conf: e9b6013a7ce3 x86/speculation: Update link to AMD speculation whitepaper +- commit 2ebf815 + +- EDAC/dmc520: Don't print an error for each unconfigured + interrupt line (bsc#1190497). +- commit c59e321 + +- blacklist.conf: ad2c302bc604 EDAC/sifive: Fix non-kernel-doc comment +- commit 1146177 + +- Update patch reference for media fix (CVE-2022-3239 bsc#1203552) +- commit 9054a9f + +- supported.conf: Add drivers/virt/coco/sevguest/sevguest +- commit 14b71be + +- virt: Add SEV-SNP guest driver (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Update config files. +- commit 07e76d6 + +- scsi: smartpqi: Shorten drive visibility after removal + (bsc#1200622). +- commit 575230a + +- x86/sev: Provide support for SNP guest request NAEs + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit eaa3ba3 + +- x86/boot: Add Confidential Computing type to setup_data + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. +- commit cecec70 + +- x86/mm: Validate memory when changing the C-bit (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit d7a984b + +- x86/sev: Check the VMPL level (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit df057b9 + +- x86/sev: Add a helper for the PVALIDATE instruction + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit 27da7ad + +- x86/compressed/64: Detect/setup SEV/SME features earlier during + boot (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/x86-sev-define-the-linux-specific-guest-termination-reasons.patch. +- commit 509599d + +- kABI: Fix kABI after SNP-Guest backport (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Get the AP jump table address from secrets page + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Put globals that are accessed early into the .data + section (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Fix bool function returning negative value + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Fix return value check in alloc_shared_pages() + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add documentation for SEV-SNP CPUID Enforcement + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add support to get extended report + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add support to derive key (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Register SEV-SNP guest request platform device + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add a sev= cmdline option (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Use firmware-validated CPUID for SEV-SNP guests + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add SEV-SNP feature detection/setup (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/64: Add identity mapping for Confidential + Computing blob (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Export and rename add_identity_map() + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Use firmware-validated CPUID leaves for SEV-SNP + guests (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Add SEV-SNP feature detection/setup + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Add a pointer to Confidential Computing blob in + bootparams (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/64: Add support for SEV-SNP CPUID table in #VC + handlers (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Move MSR-based VMGEXITs for CPUID to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: x86: Move lookup of indexed CPUID leafs to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI kexec handling into common code + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI vendor table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI config table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI system table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI detection to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/head/64: Re-enable stack protection (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Use SEV-SNP AP creation to start secondary CPUs + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/kernel: Validate ROM memory before accessing when SEV-SNP + is active (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/kernel: Mark the .bss..decrypted section as shared in the + RMP table (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add helper for validating pages in early enc attribute + changes (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Register GHCB memory when SEV-SNP is active + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Register GHCB memory when SEV-SNP is active + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Add helper for validating pages in the + decompression stage (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Check SEV-SNP features support (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/mm: Extend cc_attr to include AMD SEV-SNP (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Detect/setup SEV/SME features earlier in boot + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Use MSR read/write helpers instead of inline assembly + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Introduce helpers for MSR reads/writes (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Update the SEV-ES save area mapping (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Create a separate mapping for the GHCB save area + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Create a separate mapping for the SEV-ES save area + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Define sev_features and VMPL field in the VMSA + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- commit 08ede5a + +- md: unlock mddev before reap sync_thread in action_store + (bsc#1197659). +- commit b42af07 + +- gpio: mpc8xxx: Fix support for IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW flow_type + in mpc85xx (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: sunxi: Fix name for A100 R_PIO (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sc8180x: Fix wrong pin numbers (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sc8180x: Fix gpio_wakeirq_map (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: Fix OSD1 RGB to YCbCr coefficient (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: Correct OSD1 global alpha value (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: move nbio sdma_doorbell_range() into sdma code + for vega (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: move nbio ih_doorbell_range() into ih code for vega + (git-fixes). +- of/device: Fix up of_dma_configure_id() stub (git-fixes). +- of: fdt: fix off-by-one error in unflatten_dt_nodes() + (git-fixes). +- drm/i915: Implement WaEdpLinkRateDataReload (git-fixes). +- vfio/type1: Unpin zero pages (git-fixes). +- efi: capsule-loader: Fix use-after-free in efi_capsule_write + (git-fixes). +- efi: libstub: Disable struct randomization (git-fixes). +- fbdev: chipsfb: Add missing pci_disable_device() in + chipsfb_pci_init() (git-fixes). +- commit a8d151e + +- ASoC: mchp-spdiftx: Fix clang -Wbitfield-constant-conversion + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: mmVM_L2_CNTL3 register not initialized correctly + (git-fixes). +- drm/radeon: add a force flush to delay work when radeon + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Check num_gfx_rings for gfx v9_0 rb setup + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Move psp_xgmi_terminate call from + amdgpu_xgmi_remove_device to psp_hw_fini (git-fixes). +- drm/gem: Fix GEM handle release errors (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mchp-spdiftx: remove references to mchp_i2s_caps + (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: display-connector: implement bus fmts callbacks + (git-fixes). +- commit a41cdd0 + +- xen/gntdev: Ignore failure to unmap INVALID_GRANT_HANDLE + (git-fixes). +- commit 37ef226 + +- xen-blkfront: Cache feature_persistent value before + advertisement (git-fixes). +- commit 3ed3cdd + +- Update references: + - patches.kabi/kabi-return-type-change-of-secure_ipv-46-_port_ephem.patch + - patches.suse/secure_seq-use-the-64-bits-of-the-siphash-for-port-o.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-add-small-random-increments-to-the-source-port.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-drop-the-hash_32-part-from-the-index-calculation.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-dynamically-allocate-the-perturb-table-used-by-s.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-increase-source-port-perturb-table-to-2-16.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-resalt-the-secret-every-10-seconds.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-use-different-parts-of-the-port_offset-for-index.patch + (add CVE-2022-32296 bsc#1200288) +- commit 07e021d + +- xen-netback: only remove 'hotplug-status' when the vif is + actually destroyed (git-fixes). +- commit 33b6bc1 + +- xen-blkfront: Advertise feature-persistent as user requested + (git-fixes). +- commit 55b30a0 + +- xen-blkback: Advertise feature-persistent as user requested + (git-fixes). +- commit aa17727 + +- xen-blkfront: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect + (git-fixes). +- commit ea0d055 + +- xen-blkback: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect + (git-fixes). +- commit 8bac828 + +- xen-blkback: fix persistent grants negotiation (git-fixes). +- commit 8c9e86e + +- xen/gntdev: Avoid blocking in unmap_grant_pages() (git-fixes). +- commit 8ae5e2f + +- x86/xen: Remove undefined behavior in setup_features() + (git-fixes). +- commit fe2de2e + +- xen-blkfront: Handle NULL gendisk (git-fixes). +- commit ff9be3a + +- blacklist.conf: add 1dbd11ca75fe ("xen: remove gnttab_query_foreign_access") + as it would break KABI +- commit 893d5df + +- KVM: SVM: fix tsc scaling cache logic (bsc#1203263). +- commit 9311053 + +- xen/grants: prevent integer overflow in gnttab_dma_alloc_pages() + (git-fixes). +- commit 4acefb4 + +- KVM: VMX: Heed the 'msr' argument in msr_write_intercepted() + (git-fixes). +- commit c7cc445 + +- KVM: x86: hyper-v: HVCALL_SEND_IPI_EX is an XMM fast hypercall + (git-fixes). +- commit cfc201b + +- KVM: x86: hyper-v: Drop redundant 'ex' parameter from + kvm_hv_send_ipi() (git-fixes). +- commit 001f866 + +- KVM: X86: Fix when shadow_root_level=5 && guest root_level<4 + (git-fixes). +- commit 4d133af + +- jfs: prevent NULL deref in diFree (bsc#1203389 CVE-2022-3202). +- commit 1259272 + dtkcommon +- Update version to 5.5.23 + * use $${TARGET} for QRC_PATH + * modify dconfig's file install path + +- Update version to 5.5.21 + * Change template to aux + dtkcore +- Update version to 5.5.33 + * Support abc field for os-version + * Check value field while loading dconfigfile + +- Update version to 5.5.32 + * Fix dtkcore_config.h miss include some Class + * Fix DConfig can't find resource + * Fix application crash when dconfig is invalid + +- Update version to 5.5.30 + * Add data type check for config + * Add interface for Dconfig + * Add DStandardPaths::paths(DSG type) interface + * Remove assert in ensureOsVersion + * Fix bugs + dtkgui -- Update version to 5.5.23 +- Update version to 5.5.25 + * Fix dock radius changed when set global windowradius + +- Update version to 5.5.24 + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.5.22 + * Optimize dnd-example + * Support non-title, window rounded corners, system menu + +- Update version to 5.5.21 dtkwidget +- Update version to 5.4.52 + * Add EventLoop for ut + * Add a plugin to control property of printer + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.4.46 + * Fix bugs + * Drop some apis + +- Update version to 5.5.44 + * Fix bugs + e-antic +- Update to release 1.2.2 + * Fixed conda channels used for binder notebooks. + * Fixed deserialization of renf_class from old Python pickles. + * Fixed serialization with cereal 1.3.1+. + +- Update to release 1.2.1 + * Fixed serialization of renf_class with cereal>=1.3.2 + * Fixed deserialization of objects serialized with e-antic + prior to 1.0.0 + +- Update to release 1.2.0 + * Improved conversion from vectors of rational coefficients to + renf_elem_class by using a faster code path in FLINT. + * Improved conversion from SageMath number fields to pyeantic + RealEmbeddedNumberField. This adds a dependency of pyeantic + on gmpxxyy. + +- Update to release 1.1.0 + * Added support for Python 3.10; dropped explicit support for + Python 3.6. + * Header file e-antic.h is now called local.h. There is still a + header file e-antic.h that includes all of e-antic's C + interface, so in particular local.h. + * Header file renfxx_fwd.hpp is now called forward.hpp. The old + header file renfxx_fwd.hpp can still be used. + * Header file renfxx.h is now called e-antic.hpp. The old + header file renfxx.h can still be used. + easy-rsa +- Update to 3.1.0 (2022-05-18) + * Introduce basic support for OpenSSL version 3 (#492) + * Update regex in grep to be POSIX compliant (#556) + * Introduce status reporting tools (#555 & #557) + * Display certificates using UTF8 (#551) + * Allow certificates to be created with fixed date offset (#550) + * Add 'verify' to verify certificate against CA (#549) + * Add PKCS#12 alias 'friendlyName' (#544) + * Disallow use of '--vars=FILE init-pki' (#566) + * Support multiple IP-Addresses in SAN (#564) + * Add option '--renew-days=NN', custom renew grace period (#557) + * Add 'nopass' option to the 'export-pkcs' functions (#411) + * Add support for 'busybox' (#543) + * Add option '--tmp-dir=DIR' to declare Temp-dir (Commit f503a22) + easytag +- Temporarily disable the nautilus extension: not yet compatible + with Nautilus/GTK4. + efl +- Update to 1.26.3 Bugfix release + * Fix theme issues + * Fix edje calc internal return values in some cases + * Fix ecore-x netwm moveresize request handling + * Fix ecore-x xkb handling to not leak + * Fix new xkb event handling + * Fix evas smart object to null out fields for safety + * Fix elm null cnp object handling to not crash in odd cases + * Fix ecore evas x11 dnd handling to not null out xdnd props + * Fix data checkme file so relocation at runtime works again + * Fix eina bt output to always have spaces between fields + * Fix png loader on arm to not have rgb values when a is 0 + * Fix textgrid to guard against null glyphs + * Fix ecore-x vblank to use current time not vlbank time + * Fix emile to handle invalid compress types more gracefully + * Fix compile warnings + * Fix evas psd loader crash + * Fix osx sample compile conf script options + * Fix wl vsync timer to use current time not vblank time + * Work around xwayland issue where synthetic events are not sent + +- remove duplicate valgrind buildrequires (fixes RISCV build) + - -- Upstream theme is now called Flat rather then dark. Dark will - reappear soon in a new package. elinks +- Makefile is not parallel-safe + -- use spec-cleaner - ell +- update to 0.53: + * Add support for EC based certificates. + engauge-digitizer +- Remove RPATH from executable +- Cleanup spec file +- Remove obsolete rpmlintrc + enlightenment +- Update to 0.25.4 Bugfix release + * Fix shape handling in various cases that affected apps with shaped input + * Fix procstats popup and dangling icon for fullscreen windows + * Fix a vianishing pointer in some cases + * Workaround Qt issue where it does not remove WM_STATE on withdraw + * Fix fullscreen focus toggle flicker + * Fix pointer sticking case + * Fix tap-to-click props + * Fix gadgcon disabled items + * Fix config fallback handling that means no fallback happened + * Fix gtk frame prop handling + * Fix first map handling that affected energyxt + * Fix CVE-2022-37706 (boo#1203631) + * Hanrde enlightenment_sys when mis-packaged without sysactions.conf +- Drop fix-upstream-dont-migrate-sysinfoluncher.patch fixed upstream + eog-plugins +- Update to version 42.2: + + Updated translations. + epiphany +- Update to version 42.4: + + Fix crashes and misbehavior when importing bookmarks. + + Fix desktop notification priority. + +- Update to version 42.3: + + Fix crash when deleting all passwords. + + Fix memory corruption caused by Sync failure. + +- Added Recommends: gnome-keyring since very critical functionality + of this browser (saving passwords&syncing with firefox) depends + on it. Otherwise it complains "provider for + org.freedesktop.secrets not found" to console or on top of + firefox sync window. gnome-keyring is naturally installed on a + typical gnome desktop environment but on a foreign DE such as + KDE/LXQT it isn't there (glgo#GNOME/epiphany#1755 + +- Updated to version 42.2: + + Fix Save As context menu items. + + Fix CVE-2022-29536. + +- Updated to version 42.1: + + Fix regressions in "ask on download" dialog. + + Fix bookmarks tag label alignment. + + Fix blurry favicons in bookmarks popover. + +- Update to version 42.0: + + Fix crashes when loading broken session state. + + Fix crashes when entering reader mode with JS disabled. + + Rework search engine manager code. + + Fix various memory leaks. + + Fix icons on Synced Tabs dialog. + + Update appdata screenshot. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 42.beta: + + Update to latest readability.js + + Fix label for Show downloads list shortcut on shortcuts dialog + + Update to highlight.js 11.4.0 + + Update to PDF.js 2.12.313 + + Fix handling of mailto: URIs with multiple emails + + Don't depend on web-browser-symbolic icon + +- Update to version 42.alpha: + + Rename metainfo from "GNOME Web" to "Web" + + Update to PDF.js + + New network error icon + + Support system dark preference + + Leak fixes (!1020), more leak fixes + + Update to highlight.js 11.3.1 + + Enable accelerated compositing mode always + + Fix build with meson 0.60.0 + + Many cleanups in preparation for GTK 4 + + Web app delete button is now red + + Detect Snap sandbox + + Cleanup icons + + Allow opening URIs via desktop actions + + Port to libportal 0.5 + + Various search engine fixes +- Drop bfbb5f7bab38301d8a4a444173acdae8d9692146.patch: Fixed + upstream. + +- Add bfbb5f7bab38301d8a4a444173acdae8d9692146.patch: Fix build + with meson 0.61 and newer. + +- Update to version 41.3: + + Fix Reload buttons on error pages. + + Fix delete button in about:applications. + +- Update to version 41.2: + + Fix reader mode. +- Changes from version 41.1: + + Fix crash opening PDFs not loaded via HTTP. + + Fix CVE-2021-45085, CVE-2021-45086, CVE-2021-45087, + CVE-2021-45088. + + Fix web applications with non-Latin characters. + + Fix close button position in Firefox Sync dialog. + + Properly quote desktop file Exec line. + + Somewhat improve password manager robustness. + + Use correct tab close button position. + + Various fixes for Firefox bookmark import. + +- Add gstreamer-plugins-rs Recommends: now defaults to + av1 encoded video, use the new dav1d decoder in + gstreamer-plugins-rs. + +- Stop passing option distributor_name=openSUSE to meson, no longer + used nor recognized. +- Drop pkgconfig(libportal) BuildRequires, and pass + libportal=disabled to meson, we are not building a flatpak, so no + need for libportal. +- Drop epiphany-rpmlintrc, no longer needed. +- Update Supplements to current standard. + +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 41.0: + + Fix several icons broken after updating PDF.js + +- Update to version 41.rc: + + Ask user whether an unresponsive page should be killed. + + Fix crash when using Clear All passwords action. + + Fix missing security padlock after using reader mode. + + Update to highlight.js 11.2.0. + + Disable captive portal helper under Pantheon desktop. + + Disable system scrollbars when using Adwaita theme. + +- Update to version 41.beta: + + Fix inconsistent capitalization in preferences. + + Always save pinned tabs in session. + + Update to PDF.js 2.10.377. + + Use real buttons in address bar. + + Move bookmark button to bottom bar in narrow mode. + + Update to highlight.js 11.1.0. + + Support Epiphany Canary builds. + + Don't open empty bookmarks or downloads popover. + + Adjust unresponsive process killer to be less aggressive. + + Various code cleanups. +- Changes from version 41.alpha: + + User smaller address bar font in narrow mode. + + The address bar dropdown now supports various useful filters. + + Move Firefox Sync to toplevel window menu. + + Update to highlight.js 11.0.0. + + Highlight base domain in address bar. + + Use actual reader mode fonts in preferences dialog. + + Update to PDF.js 2.6.347. + + Minimize delays when toggling fullscreen mode. + + Use French quotes in St-Exupéry quotation. + + Fix various small memory leaks. + + Kill web process when it is unresponsive for too long. + + Add new keyboard shortcuts. + + Improvements to bookmarks properties view. + + Display WebKit Subversion revision for non-tarball builds. + etckeeper +- Update to 1.18.18: + * Replace deprecated egrep with grep -E. + * Added support for Void Linux's xbps package manager. +- Update to 1.18.17: + * Fix committing of files with spaces in name when perl is not available. + * Ignore udev's FHS violating large binary cache file /etc/udev/hwdb.bin + * Avoid warning messages from grep about binary files when there are + filenames in /etc that do not correspond to the current locale settings. +- Update to 1.18.16: + * Improve sorting stability. + * Prefer mktemp over tempfile as the latter displays a deprecation + warning since debianutils 4.10. +- Update to 1.18.15: + * Use "command -v" rather than "which" to detect installed programs, + as it is more portable. + * Improve commit messages generated by package manager changes, + listing packages that are responsible for the changed config files. + * If is not configured, override the default to make it gc + ten times more frequently, to avoid wasting space with loose objects. + * update-ignore: Preserve permissions from any preexisting VCS ignore file. + * Removed the debian directory from the upstream source package as it's + not being maintained; see the debian package for an up-to-date one. + * debian/changelog moved to CHANGELOG and debian/copyright to COPYRIGHT. +- Rebase patches: + * etckeeper-avoid-packagelist.patch + * etckeeper-set-package-manager.patch + eth-ff +- Update to v11.3.0.0-130 (jsc#PED-349) + - added tool for obsoleted shm file clean up + - added support to IMPI 2021.6 + - update MpiApps OSU to v5.9 + exiv2 +- add CVE-2021-37621.patch (CVE-2021-37621, bsc#1189333) +- add CVE-2021-32617.patch (CVE-2021-32617, bsc#1186192) +- add CVE-2020-19716.patch (CVE-2020-19716, bsc#1188645) +- add CVE-2019-14368.patch (CVE-2019-14368, bsc#1143278) +- add CVE-2019-20421.patch (CVE-2019-20421, bsc#1161901) + +- add CVE-2018-10772.patch (CVE-2018-10772, bsc#1092096) +- add CVE-2018-18915.patch (CVE-2018-18915, bsc#1114690) +- add CVE-2021-37620.patch (CVE-2021-37620, bsc#1189332) +- add CVE-2021-29470.patch (CVE-2021-29470, bsc#1185447) + +- add CVE-2018-5772.patch (CVE-2018-5772, bsc#1076579) +- add CVE-2018-8976.patch (CVE-2018-8976, bsc#1086810) +- add CVE-2018-8977.patch (CVE-2018-8977, bsc#1086798) +- add CVE-2020-18898.patch (CVE-2020-18898, bsc#1189780) +- add CVE-2021-31291.patch (CVE-2021-29457 and CVE-2021-31291, bsc#1185002 and bsc#1188733) +- add CVE-2021-31292.patch (CVE-2021-31292, bsc#1188756) +- add CVE-2021-37618.patch (CVE-2021-37618, bsc#1189330) +- add CVE-2021-37619.patch (CVE-2021-37619, bsc#1189331) +- add CVE-2020-18899.patch (CVE-2020-18899, bsc#1189636) + + * Includes fix for CVE-2019-14982 (bsc#1146294) fabtests +- Update to 1.16.1 + - Core + - Fix windows implementation to remove fd from poll set + - PSM3 + - Add missing files to release tarball + - Util + - Handle NULL address insertion to fi_av_insert +- Drop prov-rxm-Disable-128-bit-atomics.patch which was merged upstream + +- Add prov-rxm-Disable-128-bit-atomics.patch to fix a potential + segfault on misaligned buffers. + +- Update to 1.16.0 (jsc#PED-351, jsc#PED-190) + - Core + - Added HMEM IPC cache + - Use exact string comparison checks for network interfaces + - Restructuring of poll/epoll abstraction + - Add ability to disable locks completely in debug builds + - Serialize access to modifying the logging calls + - Minor fixes to fi_tostr text formatting + - Add hmem interface checks to memory registration + - EFA + - Added support of Synapse AI memory. + - Improved error message + - Net + - Temporarily forked, optimized version of tcp provider + - Focused on improved performance and scalability over tcp sockets + - Fork ensures tcp provider stability while net provider is developed + - Shares the tcp provider protocol and base implementation for msg endpoints + - Integrates direct support for rdm endpoints, using a derivative from rxm + - Implements own protocol for rdm endpoints, separate from rxm;tcp + - OPX + - Added initial support for SDMA + - General performance enhancements + - Performance improvements to reliability protocol + - Improved deferred work pending complete + - Added support for OPX_AV=runtime + - Support iov memory registration ops + - Added DAOS RPC support + - Atomic ops enhancements + - Improved documentation + - Debug build enhancements + - Fixed compiler warnings + - Reduced time to compile prov/opx code + - General bug fixes + - Fixed PSN wrapping scaling + - Added intranode fence + - Addressed bugs discovered by coverity scan + - PSM2 + - Fix sending CQ data in some instances of fi_tsendmsg + - PSM3 + - Updated to match Intel Ethernet Fabric Suite (IEFS) 11.3 release + - RxM + - Update to read multiple completions at once from msg provider + - Move RxM AV implementation to util code to share with net provider + - Minor code cleanups + - SHM + - Implement and use ipc_cache + - Add log messages for debugging and error tracking + - Fix check for FI_MR_HMEM mr_mode + - Move shm signal handlers initialization to EP + - Added log messages for errors detected + - TCP + - Fix incorrect signaling of the CQ + - Increase max number of poll events to retrieve + - Acquire ep lock prior to flushing socket in shutdown + - Verify ep state prior to progressing socket data + - Read cm error data when receiving connreq response + - Log error on connect failure + - Fix assertion failure in CQ progress function + - Util + - Fix text in log of UFFD ioctl failure + - Introduce cuda ipc monitor + - Fix CQ memory leak handling overflow + - Fix MR mode bit check for ver 1.5 and greater + - Add max_array_size to track/check array overflow + - Always progress transfers when reading from a CQ + - Handle NULL address insertion + - Try IPv4 before IPv6 addresses when starting name server + - Fix IP util av default address length + - Fix util IP getinfo path to read hints->addr_format + - Fix debug print mismatch + - Fix return code when memory allocation fails. + - Fix build sign warning in ofi_bufpool_region_alloc + - Minor code cleanups + - Print warning if an addr is inserted into an AV again + - Verbs + - Fix support of FI_SOCKADDR_IB when requested by the application + - Ensure all posted receives are flushed to the application + - Update ofi_mr_cache_search API for hmem IPC support + - Reduce logging verbosity for "no active ports" + - Fix incorrect length used in memory registration + - Various minor bug fixes for test failures + - Fix a memory leak getting IB address + - Implement verbs provider on Windows over NetworkDirect API + - Set and check address format correctly + - Only close qp if it was initialized + - Portable detection of loopback device + - Fabtests + - multi_ep: Separate EP resources and fix MR registration + - multi_recv: Fix possible crash and check for valid buffer + - unexpected_msg: Fix printf compiler warning + - dgram_pingpong.c: Use out-of-band sync + - multinode: Make multinode tests platform agnostic, fix formatting + - ubertest: Fix string comparison to include length, fix writedata completion check + - av_test: add support for -e + - New tests: + - dmabuf-rdma: Component level test for dma-buf RDMA + - sock_test: Component level performance test of poll, epoll, and select + - rdm_stress: Multi-threaded, multi-process stress test for RDM endpoints + - sighandler_test: Regression test for signal handler restoration +- Drop patches fixed upstream: + - prov-opx-Correctly-disable-OPX-if-unsupported.patch + - disable-flatten-attr.patch + +- Add disable-flatten-attr.patch that drops flatten attribute. + Note the flatten attribute results in huge compile time hog + in inliner (same the binary size would be huge). +- Use %make_build and enable LTO (boo#1133235). +- Synchronize used Patches. + +- Update to 1.15.1 + - Core + - Fix fi_info indentation error in fi_tostr + - hmem_ze: Add runtime option to choose specific copy engine + - Cleanup of configure HMEM checks + - Fixed stringop-truncation in ofi_ifaddr_get_speed + - Add utility provider log suffix to make logs easier to read + - Fix truncation of ipv6 addressing + - hmem: add support for AWS Trainium devices + - Fix potential sscanf overflows + - hmem: pass through device and flags when querying memory interface + - Rework locking in several areas to convert spinlocks to mutexes + - Add new locking abstractions to select lock types at runtime + - Add new FI_PROTO_RXM_TCP for optimized rxm over tcp path + - Fix windows implementation to remove fd from poll set + - EFA + - Added windows support through efawin ( + - Added support of AWS neuron. + - Added support of using gdrcopy to copy data from host to device. + - Fixed a bug that cause 0 byte read to fail. + - Fixed a memory corruption issue that can caused forked process to crash. + - Extended testing coverage through new pytest based testing framework. + - HOOKS + - Add new hooking provider dmabuf_peer_mem + - Enable DL build of hooking providers + - Add HMEM memory registration hook + - OPX + - New provider supporting Cornelis Networks Omni-path hardware + - PSM3 + - Updated psm3 to match IEFS release + - Added support for sockets (TCP/UDP) via a runtime selectable Hardware + Abstraction Layer (HAL) + - Added support for IPv6 addressing in RoCE and sockets + - Added various NIC selection filtering options (wildcarded NIC name, + address format, wildcarded IP subnet, link speed) + - Performance tuning in conjunction with OneAPI and OneCCL + - Improved PSM3_IDENTIFY output + - Rename most internal symbols to psm3_ + - Corrected vulnerabilities found during Coverity scans + - configure options refined and help text improved + - PSM3_MULTI_EP has been deprecated (recommend always enabled, default + is enabled [same default as previous releases]) + - Various bug fixes + - RxM + - Add check that atomic size is valid + - Add support to passthru calls to tcp provider in specific + - TCP + - Add assert to verify RMA source/target msg sizes match + - Wake-up threads blocked on CQ to update their poll events + - Fix use of incorrect events in progress handler + - Fixes for various compile warnings, mostly on Windows + - Add support for FI_RMA_EVENT capability + - Add support for completion counters + - Fix check for CQ data in tagged messages + - Add cancel support to shared rx context + - Add src_addr receive buffer matching + - Add provider control to assign a src_addr with an ep + - Handle trecv with FI_PEEK flag + - Allow binding a CQ with an SRX + - Restructuring of code in source files + - Handle EWOULDBLOCK returned by send call + - Add hot (active) pollfd + - SHM + - Properly chain the original signal handlers + - Avoid uninitialized variable with invalid atomic parameters + - Fix 0 byte SAR read + - Initialize len parameter to accept + - Refactor and simplify protocol code + - Remove broken support for 128-bit atomics + - Fix FI_INJECT flag support + - Add assert to verify RMA source/target msg sizes match + - Set domain threading to thread safe + - Fix possible use of uninitiated var in av_insert + - Util + - Fix sign warning in ofi_bufpool_region_alloc + - Remove unused variable from ofi_bufpool_destroy + - Fix check for valid datatype in ofi_atomic_valid + - Return with error if util_coll_sched_copy fails + - Fix use of uninitialized variable in ofi_ep_allreduce + - Fix memory access in ip_av_insertsym + - Track ep per collective operation not with multicast + - Restructure collective av set creation/destruction + - Change most locks from spin locks to mutexes + - Allow selection of spinlocks for CQ and domain objects + - Fix AV default addrlen + - Update fi_getinfo checks to include hints->addr_ + - Handle NULL address insertion to fi_av_insert + - Verbs + - Initial changes for compiling on Windows (via NetworkDirect) + - Add a failover path to dma-buf based memory registration + - Replace use of spin locks with mutexes + - Check for valid qp prior to cleanup + - Set and check for address format correct in fi_getinfo + - Fabtests + - hmem_cuda: used device allocated host buff to fill device buf + - Add python scripts to control test execution + - test_configs: include util provider in core config file + - Add option "--pin-core" + - Only call nrt_init once + - Fix a bug in ft_neuron_cleanup + - Correct help for unit test programs + - Remove duplicate help prints from fi_mcast + - fix --enable-debug=no not properly detected + - msg_inject: handle the case ft_tsendmsg return -FI_EAGAIN + - Add AWS Trainium device support + - fi_inj_complete: Add FI_INJECT to fabtests + - inj_complete.c: Make arguments align with the other tests + - dgram_pingpong: handle the error return of fi_recv + - recv_cancel: Remove requirement for unexpected msg handling + - poll: Fix crash if unable to allocate pollset + - ubertest: Add GPU testing and validation support + - Add HMEM options parsing support + - Update and re-enable fi_multi_ep test +- Add prov-opx-Correctly-disable-OPX-if-unsupported.patch to disable + OPX compilation on non x86_64 systems + +- Update to 1.14.1 + - Core + - Use non-shared memory allocations to use MADV_DONTFORK safely + - Fix incorrect use of gdr_copy_from_mapping + - Ensure proper timeout time for pollfds to avoid early exit + - EFA + - Handle read completion properly for multi_recv + - Use shm's inject write when possible + - Support 0 byte read + - RxM + - Ensure signaling the CQ fd after writing completion + - Fix inject path for sending tagged messages with cq data + - Negotiate credit based flow control support over CM + - Add PID to CM messages to detect stale vs duplicate connections + - Fix race handling unexpected messages from unknown peers + - Fix possible leak of stack data in cm_accept + - Restrict reported caps based on core provider + - Delay starting listen until endpoint fully initialized + - Verify valid atomic size + - Sockets + - Fix coverity reports on uninitialized data + - Check for NULL pointers passed to memcpy + - Add missing error return code from sock_ep_enable + - TCP + - Fix performance regression resulting from sparse pollfd sets + - Fix assertion failure in CQ progress function + - Do not generate error completions for inject msgs + - Fix use of incorrect event names in progress handler + - Fix check for CQ data in tagged messages + - Make start_op array a static to reduce memory + - Wake-up threads blocked on CQ to update their poll events + - Verbs + - Generate error completions for all failed transmits + - Set all fields in the fi_fabric_attr for FI_CONNREQ events + - Set proper completion flags for all failed transfer + - Ensure that all attributes are provided when opening an endpoint + - Fix error handling in vrb_eq_read + - Fix memory leak in error case in vrb_get_sib + - Work-around bug in verbs HW not reported correct send opcodes + - Only call ibv_reg_dmabuf_mr when kernel support exists + - Add a failover path to dma-buf based memory registration + - Negotiate credit based flow control support over CM + +- Update to 1.14.0 + - Add time stamps to log messages + - Fix gdrcopy calculation of memory region size when aligned + - Allow user to disable use of p2p transfers + - Update fi_tostr print FI_SHARED_CONTEXT text instead of value + - Update fi_tostr to output field names matching header file names + - Fix narrow race condition in ofi_init + - Add new fi_log_sparse API to rate limit repeated log output + - Define memory registration for buffers used for collective operations + - EFA, SHM, TCP, RXM, and verbs fixes + fastjet +- Remove rpath references from fastjet-configs script. + fcitx5-configtool +- update version 5.0.15 + * fix the plasma theme generator reloading and add support + for blur mask + fcitx5-gtk +- update version 5.0.19 + * workaround GTK4 bug 5200 that affects input method engines that + commit strings and keep the state at the same time. specifically + hangul / table(wubi etc) in chinese-addons and some m17n engines + +- update version 5.0.18 + * Fix the order of add_subdirectory, subdirectory need to be added + after set required variables + * Hide non public function +- change in 5.0.17 + * Add an option for build only im module + fcitx5-libthai +- update version 5.0.10 + * Lower cmake minimum version requirement +- drop fcitx5-libthai-cmake-3.10.patch, upstreamed + +- Update to 5.0.9 +- Refresh patches: + * fcitx5-libthai-cmake-3.10.patch + fcitx5-lua +- update version 5.0.10 + * fix wrong enum value + +- Update to 5.0.9 + fcitx5-unikey +- Backport fix for github issues #23 and #24, add fix-enter.diff and + fix-uou.diff + +- Update to 5.0.11 +- Rename to +- Add new file + featherpad +- Update to 1.3.3: + * A crash on pasting empty clipboard is fixed. + The fix can be seen as a workaround because the root cause is in Qt. + * Silenced the compilation warnings with Qt 6.4. + * Covered indented here-docs in Bash and Perl syntax highlighting. + +- Update to 1.3.2: + * The Unix signal handling is revamped. + * Instant tab tooltips are replaced by ordinary ones under Wayland + (because Wayland compositors have problem with instant tooltips + of inactive windows). + * Toml syntax highlighting is added. + * The detection of legacy encodings has been totally removed with Qt6. + fec +- Enable build on riscv64 + +- Fails to build on i586 - build only for "x86_64 %{arm} aarch64" +- Run spec-cleaner + feh +- update to 3.9.1: + * Set libcurl user agent to "feh/3.9.1". Previously, feh did not send a + user agent. + ffmpegthumbnailer +- Add patches from upstream git to remove references to deprecated + functions in ffmpeg4 and fix building against ffmpeg5: + * 372cd422e57a9a3531eb9a30559d665caecff1ba.patch + * efb5b618f1c1471c1a7900aed3a59d851ea9a210.patch + -- build against ffmpeg new API. - firecracker +- Update firecracker to version 1.1.1 + + +- Add build depenceny clang +- Update cargo_config based on new vendor + +- Automatic update of vendored dependencies + +- Automatic update of vendored dependencies +- Remove 0001-cargo-update-regex-dependency.patch due to update of + vendored dependencies + fityk +- Add fityk-ignore-distutils-deprecation-warning.patch: Ignore + deprecation warning when import distutils for python so that the + configure script does not error out. + +- Add fityk-drop-dynamic-exceptions.patch: Drop dynamic exceptions + to build with c++17 std; patch taken from upstream merge request + [gh#wojdyr/fityk#38]. +- Drop enforced `std=c++14` in light of above patch. + -- Switch from wxWidgets 2.9 to stable-3.0 for openSUSE 13.2 - flameshot +- Update to version 12.1.0: + * Rename Imgur API Key to Imgur Application Client ID. + * Fix issue about externalWidget launchapp. + * Fix size not appearing on size tool when started from launcher. + * Added option to pin menu to close pin. + * Disable option to launch on start by default. + * Fix magnify windows. + * DesktopFileParser only reads .desktop files. + +- Update to version 12.0.0 + * Created basic layer movement functionality + * Added a new widget to allow the colorwheel to be more easily customized + * Added magnifier for more precise selections + * Incremental markers can now have a point if you drag when placing them + * Pinned screenshots can now be copied to the clipboard or saved to a file + if a user right clicks on the pinned image + * Pinned screenshots can now be zoomed with a pinch gesture + * Make KDE use Freedesktop portal + * Pinned images can now be moved partially offscreen on linux + * Wayland builds now use KF Gui (KDE Framework tools) to fix some issues + * Full changelog: +- Enable Wayland clipboard for Leap 15.4+ and Tumbleweed + +- Fix requires for zsh-completion + +- Update to version 11.0.0: + * A config file checker has been implemented. If your config file + contains error it will prompt to on how to fix them. + * Some config file semantics changed so when you first run version 11, + it is likely you need to resolve the config file errors. + * The on-screen help menu has been clarified and dynamically updates + the hotkeys based on user defined hotkeys. + * DBus is no longer required for CLI options. + * Flameshot can now be run in "one off" mode which means that + the background systray component is now optional. + * The CLI has been completely refactored. + * Optimizations to reduce lag on 8k and 4k screens. + * KNOWN ISSUE: fractional scaling on linux is still not resolved. +- Full changelog: + flann +- Make sure lz4 is referenced correctly from CMake and pkgconfig + * Add fix_lz4_linkage.patch + * Add 0001-Fix-LZ4_LDFLAGS-format-for-pkgconfig-file.patch +- Add liblz4 devel dependency +- Correct CMake config install patch + +- Make sure the static libflann_cpp is neither installed nor + added to the CMake EXPORT set. Add + 0001-Cleanup-library-build-make-static-library-optional.patch + +- Update to release 1.9.2 + * Added out of bounds check + * Fixed CUDA crash - guarantee prealloc > 0 +- Delete 0001-src-cpp-fix-cmake-3.11-build.patch (obsolete/merged) + flashfocus +- Update to 2.3.1: + * Fixed: #78 Fix error when the current workspace is null + * Not user facing: #79 Fixed a bunch of mypy warnings + +- Update to 2.3.0: + * Added: #74 pyproject.toml config + * Fixed: #77 Rare race condition when detecting the current workspace + * Fixed: #78 Traceback when the current workspace is null + * Not user facing: + + #74 Misc. code cleanup/ linter fixes + + #75 Fix bug in Dockerfile + + #77 Add github action for running tests and fix some flakey tests + + #76 Add CODEOWNERS file + flux +- Add 0001-fix-compile-error-with-Rust-1.64-5273.patch: + Fix build for rust1.64 + +- Update to version 0.171.0, see: + + fossil +- update to 2.19: + * On file listing pages, sort filenames using the "uintnocase" collating + sequence, so that filenames that contains embedded integers sort in numeric + order even if they contain a different number of digits. (Example: + "fossil_80_..." comes before "fossil_100.png" in the /skins/blitz directory + listing.) + * Enhancements to the graph layout algorithm design to improve readability + and promote better situational awareness. + * Performance enhancement for the "root:BRANCHNAME" style of tag, + accomplished using a Common Table Expression in the underlying SQL. + * Sort tag listings (command line and webpage) by taking numbers into + consideration so as to cater for tags that follow semantic versioning. + * On the wiki listings, omit by default wiki pages that are associated with + check-ins and branches. + * Add the new "fossil describe" command. + * Markdown subsystem extended with footnotes support. See corresponding test + cases, known limitations and discussion. + * Add the new special name "start:BRANCH" to refer to the first check-in of the branch. + * Support generated "mimetype" columns in the TICKET and TICKETCHNG tables. + * Fix remote-url-overwrite bug where remote-url is overwritten by the proxy + setting during sync operation. Also require explicit "system" proxy setting + to use "http_proxy" environment variable. + * Reimplemented the /pikchrshow app to use a WebAssembly build of pikchr so + that it can render pikchrs on the client instead of requiring a server + round-trip. + * Add the email-listid setting. If set, it is used as the List-ID header for + all outbound notification emails. + * Add the "--branch" option to the "timeline" command to restrict the + displayed items to a specific branch. + * Add the "--versions" option to "fossil diff" to display details about the + compared versions into the patch header. + * Numerous other minor enhancements. +- drop fossil-json1.patch: obsolete + fq +- Update to version 0.0.10: + * bplist: Make torepr convert to values + * Update github-golangci-lint to 1.50.0 from 1.49.0 + * Update make-golangci-lint to 1.50.0 from 1.49.0 + * decode,tar: Add scalar description and Try* helpers + * bplist: Fix unknown field for singletons and add torepr tests + * mp4: Fix data_format typo + * interp: Fix interrupt panic for cli eval + * gojq: Update fq fork + * deps: Manual update ones not using bump + * gojq: Update rebased fq fork + * readline: Update rebased fq fork + * doc: Fix some incorrect example prompts + * wav: Decode smpl chunk + * interp: Make to{actual,sym} behave similar to tovalue + * ranges,decode: Correctly skip empty ranges when adding unknown fields + * updates tests post integer-bug fix + * Fixes bug in integer parsing + * Fixes and embeds documentation + * updates torepr for data type + * updates fqtest + * adds function for decoding fixed sized arrays + * fixes from PR comments + * removed unused return type + * removed unneccessary type conversions + * Documentation cleanup + * Size check on nBits to save memory + * Added documentation and tests, fixed bad date parsing + * Code fixes from PR, still need to add tests and testdata + * Adds support for Apple Binary Plist, version 00 + * doc,help: Nicer format help and move help tests into each format + * doc,html,xml: Add more documentation and examples + * ar: Integer strings might be empty + * csv: Add tsv and header example + * wasm: Add some documentation + * mp4: More codec names (from + * doc: Fix format sections a bit + * help,doc: Use markdown for format documentation again + * markdown: Add decoder + * elf: Basic program header notes decoding + * test: Skip go test with -race by default + * Update github-go-version from 1.19.0, 1.19.0, 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 + * Update docker-golang from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 + * elf: Treat missing string tables as empty to be more robust + * html: Handle html with leading doctype etc + * decode: Remove RangeSorted flag as we can decide on array/struct instead + * interp,decode: For struct use map to lookup field + * perfomance: increase performance by map usage + * generics: Use more from x/exp + * range,decode: Use own range sort impl to speed up a bit + * sortex: Package with type safe sort helpers + * matroska: Add proper lacing support + * bitcoin_blkdat,bitcoin_block: Make sure there is a header if blkdat + +- Update to version 0.0.9: + * xml: Switch from "-" to "@" as attribute prefix and make it an option + * ci: Skip -race for windows and macos + * xml: Even more namespace fixes + * columnwriter,dump: Add Column interface and refactor into BarColumn and MultiLineColumn + * interp,dump: Correctly flush columns if data will be shown + * prores_frame: Add basic container and frame header decoder + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.48.0 to 1.49.0 + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.48.0 to 1.49.0 + * fqtest: Run tests in parallell + * script: Use strings.Builder to collect output + * wasm: add `-timeout 20m` for go test to workaround ci test fail + * wasm: add wasm to probe list + * wasm: run `golangci-lint run --fix` + * wasm: fix comment format + * wasm: update tests + * wasm: add comment to clarify lazy initialization + * wasm: define and use constants for some insturctions + * gojq: Update fq fork + * add ULEB and SLEB to known words for spell check + * wasm: make the godoc formatter happy + * wasm: use FieldULEB128() / FieldSLEB128() defined in the upstream + * dev,fuzz: Add some useful retrigger snippets + * wasm: fix lint issues + * wasm: avoid race condition + * xml: Keep track of default namespace and skip it element names + * decode: Add LEB128 readers + * wasm: use WRITE_ACTUAL=1 to generate .fqtest files + * wasm: remove unused function + * wasm: tidy up + * wasm: further simplification + * wasm: use s.ActualU() instead of s.Actual.(uint64) + * wasm: `make doc` + * wasm: to be able to probe + * gopacket: Switch/update to new fork, remove SLL2 hack + * wasm: remove nolint:unparam which is no longer needed + * wasm: use map, not switch + * wasm: use underscores for symbol values + * wasm: use scalar.UToSymStr for simplicity + * wasm: fix lint issues + * xml: Correctly sort if one #seq is found and allow negative seq numbers + * wasm: initial version + * Add 32 bps FLAC to test + * Add sample size entry to list for 32bps flac streams + * pcap: Add ns support and add header field + * flac: Make gen script generate correct fqtest files + * flac_frame: Cleanup some dev lefterovers and todos + * Fix decoding of FLAC raw entropy partition + * interp: Add --unicode-output/-U to force use of unicode + * mp3_frame: Add LSF support and fix incorrect main data handling + * gojq: Update fq fork, fix scope argcount issue + * jsonl: Add decoder, also tojsonl encoder + * yaml: Error on trailing yaml/json + * tar: Some number fields can be empty + * gojq: Update fq fork, new scope function, rawstring, stricter integers + * *extra: Rename extra to just ex and refactor to use generics + * matroska: Strip newlines in description + * xml: Allow trailing + * dns: Rename isTCP to hasLengthHeader + * dns: Don't use dns (udp) format for tcp also + * interp,dump: Show address bar for root, nested roots and on format change + * decode: Refactor to use scalar type assert helper + * zip: Correctly limit max EOCD find + * macho: Decode cmd symtab symbols + * test: Update tests, go 1.19 uses \xff instead of \u00ff + * Update github-go-version from 1.18.5, 1.18.5, 1.18.5 to 1.19.0 + * lint: Fix ioutil deprecation, reformat for new doc standard + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.47.3 to 1.48.0 + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.47.3 to 1.48.0 + * zip: Skip header assert as there are zip files with other things appended + * decode,scalar: Map empty string also else sym might ends up nil + * xml,html: Always include attrs and children in array mode + * Update docker-golang from 1.18.5 to 1.19.0 + * Update github-go-version from 1.18.4, 1.18.4, 1.18.4 to 1.18.5 + * Update docker-golang from 1.18.4 to 1.18.5 + * macho: Split into macho/macho_fat, fix offset issue and add string decoding + * lint,decode,fuzz:: Fix nilerr warnings, one real one should be ignored for now + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.47.2 to 1.47.3 + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.47.2 to 1.47.3 + * decode: Simplify compound range sort behaviour + * doc,interp: Update and add more examples + * interp,doc: Add -R raw string slurp hint to -s help + * doc: Update README demo a bit with new features + * elf: Remove redundant program_header struct + * interp: Use RegisterFS instead of format files + * xml,csv,interp: Handle JQValue when string normalizing + * gojq: Preserve keys order for to_entries when used with JQValue + +- Update to version 0.0.8: + * asn1_ber,goreleaser: Convert CRLF to LF in asn1 xml tests, hopefully fixes goreleaer workspace dirty error + * doc: Improve and cleanup text formats + * doc: Update and shorten a bit + * avro_ocf: Fix panic on missing meta schema + * format,intepr: Refactor json, yaml, etc into formats also move out related functions + * hevc_vps,fuzz: Error on too many vps layers + * elf,fuzz: Error on too large string table + * asn1: Add regression test for range decode fix ##330 + * decode: Range decode with new decoder to preserve bit reader + * mp4: Don't range sort samples, keep sample table order + * doc: Clarify decode, slurp and spew args + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.47.1 to 1.47.2 + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.47.1 to 1.47.2 + * Update gomod-BurntSushi/toml from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 + * fuzz: Replace built tag with FUZZTEST env and use new interp api + * dev: Cleanup some code to fix a bunch of new linter warnings + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.47.0 to 1.47.1 + * dev: Cleanup linters and fix some unused args + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.47.0 to 1.47.1 + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.46.2 to 1.47.0 + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.46.2 to 1.47.0 + * interp: Cleanup and clarify some format naming + * gojqextra: Simplify function type helpers + * interp,format: Refactor registry usage and use function helpers + * Update github-go-version from 1.18.3, 1.18.3, 1.18.3 to 1.18.4 + * Update docker-golang from 1.18.3 to 1.18.4 + * mapstruct: Handle nested values when converting to camel case + * doc: Use singular jq value to refer to jq value + * mp4: Don't decode encrypted samples + * fairplay: Add basic SPC decoder and PSSH system id + * interp: Rename --decode-file to --argdecode to be more consistent + * readline: Rebase on top of tpodowd's update PR + * bitcoin: Add blkdat, block, transcation and script decoder + * gojq: Rebase fq fork + * mod: Update{crypto,net} + * readline: Rebase on top of tpodowd's redraw/completion fixes PR + * elf: Use correct offset to dynamic linking string table + * doc: Typos and add note about Try* functions + * decode: Cleanup Try/ pairs + * Update + * doc: Add more related tools + * interp: Add group/0 + * interp: Extract to/from map/struct to own package + * gojqextra: Cleanup gojq type cast code + * interp: Make empty _finally fin error on error + * doc: Correct bencode spec URL + * mp4: Properly use trun data offset + * dump: Skip JQValueEx if there are not options + * matroska: Update ebml_matroska.xml and allow unknown ids + * mp4,senc: Refactor current track/moof tracking and add senc box support + * Update github-go-version from 1.18.2, 1.18.2, 1.18.2 to 1.18.3 + * Update docker-golang from 1.18.2 to 1.18.3 + * gojq: Update rebased fq fork + * interp: Cast jq value to go value properly for encoding functions + * interp: Improve type normalization and use it for toyaml and totoml + * interp: Add to/from for some common serialzations, encodings and hashes + * mp4,bitio: Fix broken pssh decoding and add proper reader cloning to bitio + * zip: s/Decompress/Uncompress/ + * zip: Add uncompress=false test and some docs + * interp: help: Fix incorrect options example + * zip: Add zip64 support and uncompress option + * doc: go 1.18 and improve intro text a bit + * gojq: Update rebased fq fork + * gojq: Rebase fq fork + * fqtest: Cleanup path usage + * interp: Add internal _is_ helpers + * fq: Use go 1.18 + * mp3: Use d.FieldValueU and some cleanup + * interp: Refactor dump and revert #259 for now + * readline: Update fq fork + * mp4: Skip fields for pcm samples for now + * interp: Fix crash when including relatve path when no search paths are set + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.46.1 to 1.46.2 + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.46.1 to 1.46.2 + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.46.0 to 1.46.1 + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.46.0 to 1.46.1 + * Update github-go-version from 1.18.1, 1.18.1, 1.18.1 to 1.18.2 + * Update docker-golang from 1.18.1 to 1.18.2 + * interp: dump: Fix column truncate issue with unicode bars + * interp: dump: Show address bar for nested roots + * mp4: mvhd,tkhd,mdhd,mehd: Add version 1 support + * Update github-golangci-lint from 1.45.2 to 1.46.0 + * Update make-golangci-lint from 1.45.2 to 1.46.0 + * icc_profile: Correctly clamp align padding on EOF + * mp4: Add track id field and add track for tfhd with unseen track_id + * scalar,mp4,gzip,tar: Add timestamp to description + * scalar: Add *Fn type to map value and clearer naming + * tcp: Split into client/server structs and add skipped_bytes and has_start/end per direction + * wav,bencode,mpeg_ps_packet,id3v1: Random fixes + * mp4: iinf: Only assume sub boxes for version 0 + * avc_pps: Correct check if there is more rbsp data + * gojq: Fix JQValue index and destructuring issue and rebase fq fork + * decode: Make compound range sort optional + * decode: Keep decode tree on RangeFn error + * readme: add MacPorts install details + framel +- Update to version 8.42.3: + * no release notes. +- Add framel-correct-python-platlib.patch to fix location of + installed python modules and avoid use of deprecated distutils. +- Update upstream and source URLs. +- Minor changes to how the build dirs for the different python + flavours are named. + freecell-solver +- Add missing runtime requirements + +- skip python dependencies as they're only for the testsuite + freeciv +- update to 3.0.3 (bsc#1202548, CVE-2022-6083): + * 3.0.3 is a bugfix release + * see + frei0r-plugins +- Use opencv 4 for building frei0r-plugins when possible. + opencv 3 doesn't support FFmpeg 5. + fuse-exfat +- avoid bashism in post-scripts (bsc#1195391) +- remove usrmerge hacks + fwts +- Update to version 22.09.00: + * lib: fwts_version.h - update to V22.09.00 + * debian: update changelog + * acpi: iort: remove redundant code + * fwts-test: add regression test for SVKL + * acpi: svkl: add test for SVKL table (mantis 2162) + * acpi: nhltdump: add endpoint discriptor string description + * acpi: nhltdump: add dumping nhlt table for audio configurations + + * acpi: fadt: get _CST c2 c3 for p_lvl2 and p_lvl3 tests + * uefi: securebootcert: fix the attribute set for AuditMode and DeployedMode + * lib: acpi: update battery charge limiting state for _BST + * acpi: dbg2: update the subtype for DBG2 table fzf +- Update to 0.34.0: + - Added support for adaptive --height. If the --height value is prefixed + with ~, fzf will automatically determine the height in the range according + to the input size. + seq 1 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1 + seq 10 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1 + seq 100 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1 + - There are a few limitations + - Not compatible with percent top/bottom margin/padding + [#] This is not allowed (top/bottom margin in percent value) + fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 5%,10% + [#] This is allowed (top/bottom margin in fixed value) + fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 2,10% + - fzf will not start until it can determine the right height for the input + [#] fzf will open immediately + (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height 50% + [#] fzf will open after 2 seconds + (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height ~50% + (sleep 2; seq 1000) | fzf --height ~50% + - Fixed tcell renderer used to render full-screen fzf on Windows + - -no-clear is deprecated. Use reload action instead. + +- Update to 0.33.0: + - Added --scheme=[default|path|history] option to choose scoring scheme + - (Experimental) + - We updated the scoring algorithm in 0.32.0, however we have learned that + this new scheme (default) is not always giving the optimal result + - path: Additional bonus point is only given to the the characters after + path separator. You might want to choose this scheme if you have many + files with spaces in their paths. + - history: No additional bonus points are given so that we give more + weight to the chronological ordering. This is equivalent to the scoring + scheme before 0.32.0. This also sets --tiebreak=index. + - ANSI color sequences with colon delimiters are now supported. + printf "\e[38;5;208mOption 1\e[m\nOption 2" | fzf --ansi + printf "\e[38:5:208mOption 1\e[m\nOption 2" | fzf --ansi + - Support border-{up,down} as the synonyms for border-{top,bottom} in + - -preview-window + - Added support for ANSI strikethrough + printf "\e[9mdeleted" | fzf --ansi + fzf --color fg+:strikethrough + galene +- Update to version 0.6: + * Version the protocol: the handshake message now contains a version + number, and the server will warn if it is incorrect. This will become + a hard error in the future. + * Rework the peer-to-peer file transfer protocol. It now lives in + protocol.js, which makes it easy to use by third-party clients. + * Extend the authorization protocol to allow the authorization server to + request that the client fall back to password authorization. + * Make it possible to run the web server on a Unix domain socket. + Thanks to Martin Pépin. + * Check that a given group exists before redirecting from the landing + page. This avoids an unsightly 404 error when the user makes a typo. + * Publish the group name end websocket endpoint in the group status. + This avoids hardwirint the server structure in the client. + * Fix a race condition that could cause chathistory messages to be sent + before the joined status. + galera-4 +- Update to 26.4.12: + * WORK_DIR parameter added for garb.cnf and launch scripts to ensure Galera + Arbitrator handles recovery files better (this includes command line option to + specify working directory), fixing codership/galera#313 + * Fixes to renaming fc_master_slave to fc_single_primary + * Catch local_endpoint() and remote_endpoint() exceptions, so they aren't + propagated to the stack, fixing a cluster crash and MDEV-25068 + * SSL options are explicitly initialised in garbd, fixing MDEV-28158 + +- Fill sysconfig configuration file + +- Fix sysusers generation + +- Commit sed changes to file +- Use default shell for garb user ("-" which is replaced by /usr/sbin/nologin) + * garb-user.conf +- Add sysusers macro + +- Update to 26.4.11 +- Remove upstreamed fix-cmake-build.patch +- Refresh fix-cmake-install.patch + +- Fix build and systemd service for SLE-15-SP3 + +- Use cmake by default to fix build with GCC 12, fixes bsc#1194790 + * Add fix-cmake-install.patch +- Add fix-cmake-build.patch to fix cmake build, fixes bsc#1194827 + gama +- GNU Gama 2.22: + * fixes to XML adjustment ouput format + * New gama-local adjustment XML output definition + gama-local-adjustment.xsd version 1.02 + gamemode +- Add a workaround for building on Tumbleweed where detection of + the pidfd_open function does not work properly. + gbrainy +- Update to version 2.4.4: + + Updated translations. + gdal +- Update to version 3.4.2 bugfix release + See changelog +- Remove merged upstream patches gdal-fix-poppler-leap.patch + and gdal-fix-build-poppler.patch + gdcm +- version 3.0.19 - no changelog + 'Provides' Tag removed from ligdcm + +- Provides/obsoletes moved to lbgdcm-package (Thx DimStar) + +- rename of gdcm-libgdcm3_0 to libgdcm3_0 (proposal S. Brüns) + +- version 3.0.18 + no changelog + +- version 3.0.12 + * support for poppler 22.03 added + geany-plugins +- Replace 1165.patch with 1178.patch: Solve the problem in a + different way. + +- Add explicit pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: needed for + geniuspaste. +- Add explicit pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) BuildRequires: needed for + the markdown plugin. + gensio +- Update to version 2.5.4 + * Ratelimit - limit the data throughput on the write side of + the gensio stack. This is useful if you have a slow device on + a serial port that doesn't have flow control. + * Sound - Yes, you can access sound on Linux + * Fixed multiple bugs + * This release adds a workaround for non-compliant AX.25 stacks. + * It also fixes a long-standing bug with blocking I/O; in + certain situations it can crash. This will not affect + ser2net, but if you are using blocking I/O, it could affect you. + gh +- Update to version 2.14.2: + * Remove accidental caching from `repo list` and other commands + * strip whitespace when adding topics + * Set blank headers so they are not automatically resolved by go-gh (#5935) + * Post go-gh integration cleanup (#5933) + ghostwriter +- Good news from Nate Graham "KDE Welcomes a new app to the fold: Ghostwriter is now a KDE app!" + So I update my last update --> +- Now I hope the website url is the good one ! + +- New upstream release, update to version 2.1.6. +- list of fixes, see + giada +- Add giada-gcc12.patch to fix Factory build + +- workaround for gcc12 build failure in TW: + temporarily use gcc11 until upstream fix will be available + +- Update to version 0.21.0+git, switch to obs_scm service +- add giada-findFLTK.patch +- enable VST3 support + git-deps +- do not require python-six + + git-remote-gcrypt +- Update to 1.5: + * Pass --error-on-no-transfer to 'rclone copyto'. + * + - explain why the arbitrary and sftp:// backends are + inappropriate for most git repositories + - use stronger language to say that one should use local or rsync:// + instead, and also say it up in "Description". + gjiten +- Update to release 3.1 +- Delete skip-validation.patch (obsolete), + gjiten-automake-fix.diff (duplicate of configure-set-foreign.patch), + stop-using-libgnome-ui.patch (obsolete/inapplicable), + switch-to-GtkBuilder.patch (obsolete/inapplicable), + port-to-GSettings.patch (obsolete), + bugzilla-348100-empty-radicals-window.patch (obsolete/inapplicable) +- Delete configure-set-foreign.patch (not needed) + -- Bugzilla #348100: sometimes the radicals window in gjiten - was empty. Fix from upstream CVS. - gli +- Cleanup spec file. + gloox +- Add gloox-1.0.24-fix-gcc12-time.patch: Fix build with GCC 12. +- Disable build of examples as they are not installed. +- Drop obsolete build requirements: autoconf, automake. + gmic +- Use opencv 4 for building gmic on 15.4 and PowerPC + +- Update to 3.1.6 + * HiDPI support added to gmic-qt +- Rebase krita5.patch + +- Update to 3.1.5. No changelog. +- Drop patch, merged upstream: + * gmic-qt-make-it-work-without-gmic-cpp.patch + +- Update to 3.1.4. No changelog. +- Rebase krita5.patch + gnome-commander +- Update to version 1.14.3: + + Update appdata and docbook for next release. + + Reduce logging if file was not found in the file_collection + when it changed. + + Remove obsolete remote-id type in metadata.xml, used in Gentoo + Linux. + + Fixing typos in the documentation, fixing indentation. + + Adjust legacy mounting, validate input values of devices + dialog. + + Fix for legacy mounting a device: do not stop if no GMount is + available. + + Save empty string when device filename is null. + + Fix when doing a file rename: Unref the correct GFile instance. + + Do not unref GFile member of GnomeCmdDir received via + gnome_cmd_dir_get_gfile. + + Do utf8 normalization before string comparison. + + Do not use extra variable for storing file name in comparison. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 1.14.2: + + Update of appdata file. + + Fix move of directory when it is sitting on a remote. + + Fix of size comparison: use correct getter method for + G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SIZE. + + When sorting for size, ignore directories. + + When copying files only step into recursive copy when not done + already. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 1.14.1: + + Update appdata file. + + on_new_textfile_ok: Add trailing separator at the URI path of + current directory. + + Remove deprecated linking of python library, which was not + working at all. + + Remove deprecated linking of GnomeVFS library, which was not + working at all. + + Remove chmlib configuration option. + + Updated translations. +- Add conditional gcc11 and gcc11-c++ BuildRequires + export: Fix + build for 15.4. +- Drop gnome-commander-doc sub-package, and fold files into main + package, add Provides and Obsoletes, as well as drop no longer + needed Recommends. Helpfiles should be available in main package. + +- Drop obsolete pkgconfig(gnome-vfs-2.0), + pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1) and chmlib-devel BuildRequires: No + longer needed, nor used. +- Add explicit pkgconfig(gio-2.0) and generic c_compiler + BuildRequires, configure checks for them. + +- Update to version 1.14.0: + + Selectable default action when drag-n-drop files with the mouse + + Optional usage of the trash can instead of permanent file + deletion + + Removed internal file search dialog, instead use external + command for file search + + Name of connected remote server is shown in the directory + indicator + + New menu entry for (un)selecting only files + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#3, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#5, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#13, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#16, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#19, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#28, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#33, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#39, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#41, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#45, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#46, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#47, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#51, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#52, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#57, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#59, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#74, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#75, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#76, + glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#107, glgo#GNOME/gnome-commander#115. + + Updated translations. +- Add flex BuildRequires: New dependency. + +- Update to version + + Bug fixes: Fixed issue: Make check fails on s390x. + + Updated translations. +- Move some docs to doc subpackage. + +- Update to version 1.12.3: + + Bug fixes: + - Fixed issue: Crash after right click on file + - File-roller plugin: Add run error handling + + Updated translations. + +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 1.12.2: + + Bugs fixed: Segmentation fault when pressing Ctrl+Right / + Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Shift+. + + Updated translations. + +- Do not own /usr/share/help and /usr/share/help/C: those + directories are owned by the filesystem package. + +- Update to version 1.12.1: + + Fix a mystery bug that the 'execute' popup item does not show. +- Changes from version 1.12.0: + + New features: + - Gnome Commander depends on GIO now. Migration away from + GnomeVFS is ongoing. + - Use GIO instead of Gnome-VFS for opening files with default + application. + - Use GIO instead of Gnome-VFS for filtering the file list, and + on various other parts of the program. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to verson 1.10.3: + + New features: + - InternalViewer: Show metadata file information by default + - Minor memory management improvements + + Bug fixes: + - Fixed issue: Migrate deprecated GnomeFileEntry to + GtkFileChooserButton + - Fixed issue: Get rid of deprecated libgnome and libgnomeui + - Fixed issue: Search options: 'copy file name' does not work + - Fixed issue: Switch from nautilus-sendto to xdg-email as + default send-to command + + Updated translations. +- Drop no longer needed, nor used pkgconfig(libgnome-2.0), + pkgconfig(libgnomeui-2.0) and python-devel BuildRequires. +- Add explicit pkgconfig(gnome-vfs-2.0) BuildRequires, needed now + that libgnome no longer pulls it in. +- Replace gcc-c++ for generic c++_compiler BuildRequires. +- Slightly modernice spec, use modern macros. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 1.10.2: + + Fix for compilation error with exiv2 0.27.1. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 1.10.1: + + New features: + - Menu entry for (un)selecting files with the same filename + suffix. + - Search window can be optionally minimized or moved below the + main window. + + Bugs fixed: + - List of bookmarks is synchronized between Gnome Commander + instances. + - Removed gnome-config references. + + Updated documentation. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 1.10.0: + + New features: + - Gnome Commander icon and internal viewer icon refreshed. + - Gnome Commander settings are now completely migrated to + GSettings under the key `org.gnome.gnome-commander`. + - Settings in `~/.gnome2/gnome-commander` and in + `~/.gnome-commander/*` are migrated automatically. + - Script and plugin folder in `~/.gnome-commander` is moved + into `~/.config/gnome-commander`. + + Bugs fixed: + - Various warnings at compile time have been fixed + - Several code improvements and memory leaks have been fixed + + Updated translations. + gnome-epub-thumbnailer +- Update to version 1.7: + + Fix thumbnailing of books with ePub 3.2 "cover-image". + + Work-around a broken ePub not getting a cover. + + Port build system to meson. +- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port. + gnome-pomodoro +- Update to 0.22.0: + * Marked extension as compatible with GNOME Shell 43 + * Fixed blur effect in GNOME Shell 42 and later + * Fixed GNOME detection on Ubuntu + * Fixed break overlay geting stuck at 0:01 on GNOME 3.38, 40 and + 41 + * Improved indicator rendering on HiDPI screens + * Updated translations. +- Drop 6f14b9ce.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Add 6f14b9ce.patch: Mark as compatible with GNOME 43. + +- Update to 0.21.1: + * Fixed break overlay geting stuck at 0:01 on GNOME 42 + +- Update to 0.21.0: + * Support for GNOME Shell 42 + * Fixed app hanging at startup + * Added Croatian translation + * Added json-glib and cairo as dependencies +- Remove upstreamed patches: c008099ff.patch, d46371e4d.patch + +- Supper GNOME 42 (boo#1197506): + + Add c008099ff.patch: Mark extension as compatible with + gnome-shell 42. + + Add d46371e4d.patch: Fix GNOME extension error reporting. +- Adjust gnome-shell dependency to support GNOME 42 (< 43). + gnome-sound-recorder +- Update to version 43.beta: + + Port to AdwAboutWindow. + + Updated translations. + gnome-sudoku +- Update to version 43.0: + + Updated application screenshot. + + Updated translations. +- Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: New dependency. +- Following the above new BuildRequires, add optional + appstream-glib BuildRequires and a check section and + verify desktop file and metadata during build. +- Stop packaging help files as documentation. +- Replace gcc-c++ with generic c++_compiler and c_compiler + BuildRequires. +- Drop gobject-introspection BuildRequires: Package does not do + introspection any more. + +- Update to version 43.beta: + + Warnings now flag when solution to puzzle is violated. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 43.alpha: + + Add setting to initialize earmarks. + + Fix redundant undo stack entries for earmarks. + gnu_parallel +- update to 20221022: + * --latest-line chops line length at terminal width. + * Determine max command length faster on Microsoft Windows. + +- update to 20220922: + * --colour-failed only changes output for failing jobs. + * Password for --sshlogin can be put in $SSHPASS. + * Examples are moved from `man parallel` to `man parallel_examples`. + * Bug fixes and man page updates. + +- update to 20220822: + * --header 0 allows using {filename} as replacement string + * Bug fixes and man page updates. + gnucash-docs +- Update to 4.12 + +- Update to 4.10.1 + +- Update to 4.9 + + Switch from autotools to cmake + + See NEWS for details + gnumeric +- Update to version 1.12.53: + + Fix xlsx import of T.INV. + + Fix inter-process array paste problem. + + Fix problem with xlsx number format 14. + + Fix problems with complex number rendering. + + Fix near-denormal parsing case. + + Fix mildly crazy ROUND edge cases. + + Fix dialog reuse problem. + + Fix sc import problem. + + Work a little hard at avoiding -0. + + Fix html import problem. + + Fix reading localc extension for engineering format. + + Fix strict-conformance ods problem with E-notation. + + Improve test suite. + gnutls +- FIPS: Set error state when jent init failed in FIPS mode [bsc#1202146] + * Add patch gnutls-FIPS-Set-error-state-when-jent-init-failed.patch + +- FIPS: Make XTS key check failure not fatal [bsc#1203779] + * Add gnutls-Make-XTS-key-check-failure-not-fatal.patch + go-sendxmpp +- Update to 0.5.5: + * Improve interactive mode. + +- Update to version 0.5.4: + * Fix http-upload. + +- Update to 0.5.3: + * Don't check for empty message when --listen is used. + +- Update to 0.5.2: + Added: + * Reply to disco#info queries. + * Send service-unavailable errors for all other IQs of type get and set. + * New config option and command line flag alias to uncouple MUC + nickname/alias from resource. + Changed: + * Ox: Improve error messages for failed key requests. + * Ox: Do not encrypt empty messages. + * Check for empty messages. + * Always look up CNAME before doing SRV lookups (via xmppsrv v0.2.3). + * Detect CNAME loops (max. 5 CNAMEs) (via xmppsrv >= v0.2.4). + * Deprecate resource config option and command line flag. + * Improve error handling in XML parsing. + * Don't connect to the XMPP server if the message is empty. + goaccess +- Update to 1.6.5: + * Updated Dockerfile build stage to use alpine:3. + * Updated deb build to use the right libncursesw6 dependency. + +- Update to 1.6.4: + * Added Korean translation (i18n). + * Added the ability to use filenames as virtualhosts using + '--fname-as-vhost='. + * Enabled clawlers/bots under the OSs panel instead of being shown as + 'Unknown'. + * Updated the format on the command-line help output. + +- Update to 1.6.3: + * Enabled DNS thread when resolving a host and outputting real-time HTML. + This helps avoid stalling the WS server on busy connections. + * Fixed issue where it would not properly parse an XFF if the '%h' specifier + was already set. + * Fixed possible XSS issues when using '--html-custom-css' and + '--html-custom-js' by allowing valid filenames. + goffice +- Update to version 0.10.53: + + Fix problem rendering "...E-xx" numbers. + + Hack around introspection issue. + + Fix crash in plot. + golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-dbus-factory +- Update version to 1.10.20 + * Update org.kde.kwin interface + * Add org.desktopspec.ConfigManager interface + +- Update version to 1.10.9 + * Change to + * Add godbus interfaces for exporting devicemanager and license + * Add interfaceflags attribute + * Add DisconnectAudioDevices interface + * Update com.deepin.api.SoundThemePlayer + * Fix bugs + golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-lib +- Update version to 6.0.0 + * Change to + * Fix bugs + golang-github-lusitaniae-apache_exporter -- Build with Go 1.15 +- Update to upstream release 0.11.0 (jsc#SLE-24791) + * Add TLS support + * Switch to logger, please check --log.level and --log.format + flags +- Update to version 0.10.1 + * Bugfix: Reset ProxyBalancer metrics on each scrape to + remove stale data +- Update to version 0.10.0 + * Add Apache Proxy and other metrics +- Update to version 0.8.0 + * Change commandline flags + * Add metrics: Apache version, request duration total + +- Adapted to build on Enterprise Linux 8 + +- Require building with Go 1.15 +- Add %license macro for LICENSE file + golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager +- Do not include sources (bsc#1200725) + golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter - (bsc#1196338, jsc#SLE-24238, jsc#SLE-24239, jsc#SUMA-114) + (bsc#1196338, jsc#SLE-24238, jsc#SLE-24239, jsc#SUMA-114, + CVE-2022-21698) golang-github-prometheus-promu +- Adapted for Enterprise Linux build. + +- Update to version 0.13.0: + * Release 0.13.0 (jsc#SLE-24138, jsc#SLE-24139) + * Add deprecation note to pkg directory + * Add windows/arm64 + * Update common Prometheus files + * Fix typo + * Release 0.12.0 + * Simplify CGO crossbuilds + * Update common Prometheus files + * Release 0.11.1 + * Fix build with "linux" platform + gosec -- Enable _service tar_scm changelog automation -- Commit _servicedata to support tar_scm changelog automation +* Update to versin 2.14.0 +- Pin release build to Go version 1.19.2 (#882) +- Refactor to support duplicate imports with different aliases (#865) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#881) +- go.mod: ginkgo/v2 v2.3.1, v0.3.8, update go versions (#880) +- Update Go version to 1.19 in the makefile (#876) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#875) +- Add CWE-676 to cwe mapping (#874) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#872) +- Add a way to use private repositories on GitHub (#869) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#868) +- Check go version when installing govulncheck +- Check go version when running govulncheck +- Add vulncheck to the test steps +- chore(deps): update all dependencies +- Fix false positives for G404 with aliased packages +- chore(deps): update all dependencies +- chore(deps): update all dependencies +- fix: add a CWE ID mapping to rule G114 +- chore(deps): update digest to bc19a97 -- Update to version 2.12.0: - * chore(deps): update all dependencies (#822) - * Add check for usage of Rat.SetString in math/big with an overflow error (#819) - * Remove additional `--update` for apk in Dockerfile (#818) - * Update x/tools to pick up fix for golang/go#51629 (#817) - * chore(deps): update all dependencies (#816) - * chore(deps): update all dependencies (#812) - * chore(deps): update all dependencies (#811) - * Add new rule for Slowloris Attack - * Fix the dependencies after renovate upate (#806) - * chore(deps): update all dependencies (#805) - * Update the description message of template rule (#803) - * Fix typo in ReadMe (#802) - * Fix build after renovate update (#800) - * Fix use rule IDs to retrieve the rule config - * chore(deps): update all dependencies (#796) +* Update to version 2.13.1 +- fix: make sure that nil Cwe pointer is handled when getting the CWE ID +- test: remove white spaces from template +- fix: handle nil CWE pointer in text template + * Update to version 2.13.0 +- chore(deps): update dependency babel-standalone to v7 +- chore: update module go to 1.19 +- chore: fix lint warnings +- chore: add support for Go 1.19 +- fix: parsing of the Go version (#844) +- Detect use of net/http functions that have no support for setting timeouts (#842) +- Refactor SQL rules for better extensibility (#841) +- chore(deps): update module to v0.1.12 (#840) +- Fix lint warning +- Check the suppressed issues when generating the exit code +- Fix for G402. Check package path instead of package name (#838) +- fix G204 bugs (#835) +- Phase out support for Go 1.16 since is not supported anymore by Go team (#837) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#836) +- chore(deps): update dependency highlight.js to v11.6.0 (#830) +- fix: filepaths with git anywhere in them being erroneously excluded (#828) +- Fix wrong location for G109 (#829) +- chore(deps): update digest to 0559593 (#826) +- fix ReadTimeout for G112 rule +- Pin cosign-installer to v2 (#824) + * Update to version 2.12.0 +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#822) +- Add check for usage of Rat.SetString in math/big with an overflow error (#819) +- Remove additional --update for apk in Dockerfile (#818) +- Update x/tools to pick up fix for golang/go#51629 (#817) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#816) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#812) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#811) +- Add new rule for Slowloris Attack +- Fix the dependencies after renovate upate (#806) +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#805) +- Update the description message of template rule (#803) +- Fix typo in ReadMe (#802) +- Fix build after renovate update (#800) +- Fix use rule IDs to retrieve the rule config +- chore(deps): update all dependencies (#796) goss +- Update to version 0.3.18 with updated dependencies in vendor file + * Update all dependencies to latest versions + * dgoss - Add support for podman as the container backend (gh#748) + gource +- Pass --with-boost-libdir to configure: Workarounds boost + detection failure on some architectures (ppc64, ppc64le and + riscv64 notably) (gh#acaudwell/Gource#83). + +- Update to 0.53 + * Add --high-dpi option + * Fixed slider timestamp font not affected by --font-scale + * Fixed hovering over end of slider stopping time advancing + +- Update to 0.52 + * Support rendering at native resolution on Retina / Ultra HD displays. + * Support ISO 8601 timestamp format. + * Allow custom log and caption file timestamps to be strings. + * Change regular expression library to PCRE2. + * Fixed filenames not being affected by --font-scale (Carl Colena). + * Fixed file key not being affected by --font-scale. + * Added --file-idle-time-at-end option. + * Added --fixed-user-size option. + -- Fix boot libdir for ppc64le -- added patches: - * ppc64le.patch - gparted +- Require/BuildRequire /usr/bin/pkexec instead of pkexec: allow to + work with it being split from polkit, or integrated. + +- No longer recommend reiserfs: the openSUSE kernel has disabled + support for this fs, upstream kernel will follow. + gprename +- Updated to upstream 20220807: no upstream changelog available. +- Gtk3. +- Updated desktop_icon.patch (mostly from Arch linux). + gpsbabel +- Update to 1.8.0 + * no changelog available +- Obsolete patches + * 0003-gpsbabel-1.7.0-gmapbase.patch + * 0009-PR611-system-libs.patch + * 0010-translations.patch +- Add new upstream dependencies + * pkgconfig(Qt5SerialPort) + gpxsee +- Update to version 11.6 + * Fixed tracks/routes line style configuration (introduced in + 11.5). + * Fixed KML StyleMap handling. + +- Update to version 11.5 + * Added support for data styles. + * Added Catalan localization. + * Fixed KML gx::Track parsing. + * Fixed broken map zoom 0 on HiDPI displays. + * Updated USGS maps (added zoom 16). + +- Update to version 11.4 + * Added support for KMZ data files. + * Multiple KML format parser fixes and improvements. + * Added support for non-SQL Orux maps. + grafana -- Update to version 8.3.5 (jsc#SLE-23439, jsc#SLE-23422) +- Update to version 8.3.10 + + Security: + * Fixes XSS vulnerability in the Unified Alerting + (bsc#1201535, CVE-2022-31097) + * Fixes OAuth account takeover vulnerability + (bsc#1201539, CVE-2022-31107) +- Update to version 8.3.9 + + Bug fixes: + * Geomap: Display legend + * Prometheus: Fix timestamp truncation +- Update to version 8.3.7 + + Bug fix: + * Provisioning: Ensure that the default value for orgID is set + when provisioning datasources to be deleted. +- Update to version 8.3.6 + + Features and enhancements: + * Cloud Monitoring: Reduce request size when listing labels. + * Explore: Show scalar data result in a table instead of graph. + * Snapshots: Updates the default external snapshot server URL. + * Table: Makes footer not overlap table content. + * Tempo: Add request histogram to service graph datalink. + * Tempo: Add time range to tempo search query behind a feature flag. + * Tempo: Auto-clear results when changing query type. + * Tempo: Display start time in search results as relative time. + + Bug fixes: + * CloudMonitoring: Fix resource labels in query editor. + * Cursor sync: Apply the settings without saving the dashboard. + * LibraryPanels: Fix for Error while cleaning library panels. + * Logs Panel: Fix timestamp parsing for string dates without timezone. + * Prometheus: Fix some of the alerting queries that use reduce/math operation. + * TablePanel: Fix ad-hoc variables not working on default datasources. + * Text Panel: Fix alignment of elements. + * Variables: Fix for constant variables in self referencing links. + +- Update _constraints to require at least 5GB, because with less we + can't build it. + +- Update to version 8.3.5 (jsc#SLE-23439, jsc#SLE-23422, + jsc#SLE-24565) grafana-piechart-panel +- Update to version 1.6.2, signed for use with Grafana v8.x (bsc#1200501) + grass -- Use python3 on Leap 15.4 - grub2 +- NVMeoFC support on grub (jsc#PED-996) + * 0001-ieee1275-add-support-for-NVMeoFC.patch + * 0002-ieee1275-ofpath-enable-NVMeoF-logical-device-transla.patch + * 0003-ieee1275-change-the-logic-of-ieee1275_get_devargs.patch + * 0004-ofpath-controller-name-update.patch +- TDX: Enhance grub2 measurement to TD RTMR (jsc#PED-1265) + * 0001-commands-efi-tpm-Refine-the-status-of-log-event.patch + * 0002-commands-efi-tpm-Use-grub_strcpy-instead-of-grub_mem.patch + * 0003-efi-tpm-Add-EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL-support.patch +- Measure the kernel on POWER10 and extend TPM PCRs (PED-1990) + * 0001-ibmvtpm-Add-support-for-trusted-boot-using-a-vTPM-2..patch + * 0002-ieee1275-implement-vec5-for-cas-negotiation.patch + +- Include loopback into signed grub2 image (jsc#PED-2150) + +- Add patches for automatic TPM disk unlock (jsc#SLE-24018) (bsc#1196668) (jsc#PED-1276) + * 0001-luks2-Add-debug-message-to-align-with-luks-and-geli-.patch + * 0002-cryptodisk-Refactor-to-discard-have_it-global.patch + * 0003-cryptodisk-Return-failure-in-cryptomount-when-no-cry.patch + * 0004-cryptodisk-Improve-error-messaging-in-cryptomount-in.patch + * 0005-cryptodisk-Improve-cryptomount-u-error-message.patch + * 0006-cryptodisk-Add-infrastructure-to-pass-data-from-cryp.patch + * 0007-cryptodisk-Refactor-password-input-out-of-crypto-dev.patch + * 0008-cryptodisk-Move-global-variables-into-grub_cryptomou.patch + * 0009-cryptodisk-Improve-handling-of-partition-name-in-cry.patch + * 0010-protectors-Add-key-protectors-framework.patch + * 0011-tpm2-Add-TPM-Software-Stack-TSS.patch + * 0012-protectors-Add-TPM2-Key-Protector.patch + * 0013-cryptodisk-Support-key-protectors.patch + * 0014-util-grub-protect-Add-new-tool.patch +- Fix no disk unlocking happen (bsc#1196668) + * 0001-crytodisk-fix-cryptodisk-module-looking-up.patch +- Fix build error + * fix-tpm2-build.patch + +- Fix installation failure due to unavailable nvram device on + ppc64le (bsc#1201361) + * 0001-grub-install-set-point-of-no-return-for-powerpc-ieee1275.patch + gsequencer +- new upstream v4.4.1 fixed potential SIGSEGV while adjusting + buffer size and using AgsSF2Synth. +- fixed premature stop of playback after audio export. + +- new upstream v4.2.13 fixed don't initialize playback recall + twice. +- minor improvements + +- new upstream v4.2.10 minor improvements and some bug-fixes. + +- new upstream v4.2.3 implemented refresh port and no-update while + refreshing ports. + +- new upstream v4.2.0 improved API reference manual, added more + descriptions. +- implemented getter/setter of AgsAudioFile. +- since 4.1.0 implemented preset editor. + +- new upstream v4.0.8 fixed machine's input dialogs and machine + selector popover. +- fixed unitialized value in ags_simple_file.c. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v4.0.4 major API improvements. +- migrated to libgtk-4.0 +- migrated to libsoup-3.0 +- updated gsequencer.spec version identifier + +- new upstream v3.19.0 fixed potential SIGSEGV with + AgsExportWindow. +- Show PDF handbook instead of HTML in gsequencer. +- New dependency poppler-glib. +- Removed dependency webkit2gtk-4.0. + +- new upstream v3.18.2 implemented AgsMetaDataWindow and hamburger + menus. +- new since 3.18.0 implemented support for GtkApplication and open + files attach to existing process. Note, there is a command line + option to prevent this. + +- new upstream v3.17.5 updated user's handbook manual and minor + improvements. + +- new upstream v3.17.3 minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.17.1 implemented AgsSFZSynth and ags-fx-sfz-synth + effect processor. +- implemented additional getter/setter functions of AgsSFZFile, + AgsSFZGroup, AgsSFZRegion and AgsSFZSample. + +- new upstream v3.16.14 fixed potential SIGSEGV because of + unitialized AgsApplySF2MidiLocale field synth. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.16.12 implemented --no-config command line option + to bypass config read from XML. +- new environment variables AGS_CONFIG and AGS_TEST_CONFIG to + inject arbitrary config file. +- minor improvements and bug fixes. + +- new upstream v3.16.6 fixed AgsSF2Synth missing program and + resample. +- new since 3.16.5 fixed AgsFFPlayer restore from XML. +- minor improvements and fixes. + +- new upstream v3.16.2 minor improvements. +- new since 3.16.1 implemented AgsSF2Synth allowing you to play + Soundfont2 files by MIDI locale i.e. select bank and program. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.15.3 fixed AgsSynthUtil and AgsFMSynthUtil. +- new since 3.15.2 fixed configure events of editor + implementations. +- new since 3.15.0 implemented AgsHybridFMSynth. +- implemented AgsNoiseUtil. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.14.10 fixed notation, automation and wave lists + to do not allow duplicates. +- fixed corrupted selection with duplicates. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.14.9 fixed wave form editor selection. +- new since 3.14.7 fixed wave form editor cursor, enabling you + to proper copy & paste within it. +- new since 3.14.6 fixed missing filename restore from XML of + AgsAudiorec. +- fixed ALSA and OSSv4 export thread. +- fixed missing start of AgsAudiorec while export. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.14.5 fixed automation editor to respect toggled + and integer ports and apply lower correct. + +- new upstream v3.14.3 implemented AgsHybridSynth powered by new + ags-fx-synth effect processor. +- implemented ags-fx-chorus. +- implemented enabled port of ags-fx-low-pass and ags-fx-high-pass. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.13.7 fixed dependent code of refactored objects + OSSv4 and ALSA device IO. +- new since 3.13.4 implemented AgsChorusUtil. + gsoap +- Update to release 2.8.123 + * Update to make `std::string` typed element tags self-closing, + which is consistent with `char*` typed element tags. + * Improvement to HTTP header line processing to drop start-end + quotes. + +- Update to release 2.8.122 + * Fixed an issue with wsdl2h generating inconsistent primitive + type default values (schema default values extracted from + WSDLs and schemas). + gtk-layer-shell +- Update to 0.8.0: + * Vala: support generating vapi files + * Fix: memory leak, #128 + * Compat: stop warning when GTK version is not explicitly supported + * Compat: bump supported GTK to 3.24.34 + guile-newt +- remove unused RPM lint filters, add one for devel dependency + +- Update to 0.0.3 + * add cross-compilation support + * prevent dlopen at compile time + guile-parted +- remove unused RPM lint filters, add one for devel dependency + +- Update to 0.0.6: + * Add cross-compilation support + guitarix +- update .spec +- update to version 44.1 + Fix race condition when build with Faust + Changelog for 0.44.0: + Fix save behavior under NSM control + Fix allow changing base frequency for tuner + Re-enable gainline edit for convolver + Remove dependency on glibmm for LV2 plugs (by Hubert Figuière) + Fix build when LTO is in use + Fix wrong max value for Tube Model in gx_amp LV2 plugins (by kramlie) + Fix build with new glib version (issue with volatile keyword) + Update to new Faust version 2.40.0 + Please use the attached guitarix2-0.44.1.tar.xz + Changelog for 0.43.1 + Fix Install metainfo in prefix (by Hubert Figuière) + Fix GxAmplifierX produces weird noise after buffer size changes + Changelog for 0.43.0 + Fix build on gcc 11 + Add Fizz Remover + Implement option to enable jack session support (--jack-session) + Fix Unnatural decay at high gain (palm mutes) + Fix Fuzz Face Mayer + Add 41 tet tuner option (by Tristan Tarrant) + Fix GxAmplifiers cycling through cabinets/pre-amps/tubes is skipping items + Remove glibmm dependency from LV2 plugs + Update used faust version to 2.37.3 + Add option in GxAmplifiers to allow switch between Bass/Guitar input + Add metadat.xml file + Add X-NSM-Capable entry in .desktop file + gummi +- Update to version 0.8.3: + * Multiple fixes to typesetter parsing. + * Fixed some warnings. + gwenhywfar +- Update to 5.10.0 + * Bugfixes + * Added more checks for invalid dates + * Remove GTK2 from target "mp" + * Make output a bit more compact. + gzdoom +- Update to release 4.9.0 + * IQM bone model support + * Textured particles + * The SoftPoly renderer was removed +- Delete gzdoom-sdlbug.patch (obsolete), + 0001-fix-gzdoom.pk3-not-found-error.patch (merged) +- Add 0001-build-unbreak-compilation-on-Linux.patch, + 0001-removed-some-32bit-only-CMake-code.patch + +- Update gzdoom-vulkan.patch for glslang-11.12. + +- Replace 0001-Revert-load-the-hex-font-as-early-as-possible.patch + by better fix, 0001-fix-gzdoom.pk3-not-found-error.patch . +- Drop gzdoom-asmjit.patch (no longer needed; the linkage error + it used to fix seems just gone) + +- Disable rpath + +- Update to release 4.8.2 + * add a few maps to the rebuildnodes compatibility block + +- Update to release 4.8.1 + * Bugfix for software mode mirrors not working + * Feature: Add +ONLYVISIBLEINMIRRORS and +INVISIBLEINMIRRORS + actor flags. The former makes the actor only visible in + reflections, while the latter makes the actor not cast + reflections in mirrors. +- Drop 0001-Resolve-build-failure-on-i686-linux.patch (merged) +- Add 0001-Revert-use-static_assert-to-make-32-bit-builds-fail.patch + +- Add 0001-Revert-load-the-hex-font-as-early-as-possible.patch + +- Update to release 4.8.0 + * Added Raze-style HUD scaling. Not exposed in the menu yet, + Set hud_oldscale to 0 and use shift with the screen resize + keys to scale the status bar. + * Handle the start/endoom screens with the ingame renderer. + They are now present on all platforms and use the full screen + size of the game. + * Many MBF21 fixes. + * Added the cutscene system from Raze. +- Add gzdoom-discord.patch +- Add 0001-Resolve-build-failure-on-i686-linux.patch + +- Reenable use of system vulkan libraries on Tumbleweed. + +- Drop unused nasm from buildrequires. + hashcat +- Update to release 6.2.5 + * This release adds improved HIP compatibility, several new + hash-modes, and bug fixes. + helm +- Update to version 3.9.4 (bsc#1203054, CVE-2022-36055): + * Updating the certificates used for testing + * Updating index handling + +- Update to version 3.9.3 (CVE-2022-1996, bsc#1200528): + * Bump to fix CVE-2022-1996 in + * fixes #11142 missing array length check on release + +- Update to version 3.9.2: + * Updating the circleci image we use + +- Update to version 3.9.1: + * Upgrading to Kubernetes 1.24.2 + * fix: improve logging & safety of statefulSetReady + * make token caching an opt in feature + * chore(deps): bump from 1.10.5 to 1.10.6 + * Upgrading to Kubernetes 1.24.1 packages + * chore(deps): bump from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 + +- Update to version 3.9.0: + * Added a --quiet flag to helm lint + * Added a --post-renderer-args flag to support arguments being passed to the post renderer + * Added more checks during the signing process + * Updated to add Kubernetes 1.24 support + +- Update to version 3.8.2: + * Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 + * Fixing downloader plugin error handling + * Simplify testdata charts + * Simplify testdata charts + * Add tests for multi-level dependencies. + * Fix value precedence + * Bumping Kubernetes package versions + * Updating vcs to latest version + * Dont modify provided transport + * Pass http getter as pointer in tests + * Add docs block + * Add transport option and tests + * Reuse http transport + * Updating Kubernetes libs to 0.23.4 (latest) + * fix: remove deadcode + * fix: helm package tests + * fix: helm package with dependency update for charts with OCI dependencies + * Fix typo Unset the env var before func return in Unit Test + * add legal name check + * maint: fix syntax error in + * linting issue fixed + * only apply overwrite if version is canary + * overwrite flag added to az storage blob upload-batch + * Avoid querying for OCI tags can explicit version provided in chart dependencies + * Management of bearer tokens for tag listing + * Updating Kubernetes packages to 1.23.3 + * refactor: use `os.ReadDir` for lightweight directory reading + * Add IngressClass to manifests to be (un)installed + * feat(comp): Shell completion for OCI + * Fix install memory/goroutine leak + homebank +- Update to version 5.5.8: + * bugfix: lp#1992548 linking xfers between accounts fails to + join correctly + * bugfix: lp#1992284 manage tag edit input is empty + +- Update to version 5.5.7: + * bugfix: lp#1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing + a new transaction + * bugfix: lp#1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate + transfer refactor + * bugfix: lp#1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11 + * bugfix: lp#1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same + sign transaction + * bugfix: lp#1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown + incorrect + * bugfix: lp#1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't + update focused amount + * bugfix: lp#1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software + * bugfix: lp#1991459 register apply type=income + + status=uncategorized shows expense +- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, lp#1984246 + fixes building with glib2 < 2.68 + honggfuzz +- Update to 2.5 + * fixed build for Android NDK >= 23 + * fixed build for CygWin + * improved hfuzz-cc, so it supports -x correctly + * error returned if unknown cmd-line parameters are provided + * support for thread CPU pinning + * various fixes for *BSD + * increased number of dictionary entries (to 8192) +- Add upstream changes to fix build with recent binutils: + * 0001-Always-pass-4-arguments-to-init_disassemble_info-no-.patch + * 0002-linux-bfd-use-DIAGNOSTIC_ERROR_SWITCH-define-to-figu.patch + * 0003-linux-bfd-cover-include-diagnostics.h-with-__has_inc.patch + hsqldb +- Security fix: Untrusted input may lead to RCE attack + (bsc#1204521, CVE-2022-41853) + * Added patch hsqldb-CVE-2022-41853.patch + -- Update to 2.2.9 - * new core fully multithreaded core supports 2PL (two-phased locking) - and MVCC (multiversion concurrency control), plus a hybrid 2PL+MVCC - transaction control mode - * Massive high performance LOB store for BLOBs and CLOBs up to multi-gigabyte - size, with total storage capacity of 64 terabytes. - * Increased default storage space of 16GB for ordinary data, with fast - startup and shutdown. Storage space can be extended to 2TB. - * Large result sets, views and subqueries can now be stored on disk (on the - server side) while being generated and accessed. The threshold to store - a result on disk, as well as the actual fetch size in client-server - configurations can be specified per connection. - * All query conditions, whether in a JOIN or WHERE clause, are now - allocated to an index if possible. - * HyperSQL supports schema-based stored procedures and functions written - entirely in SQL and JAVA. - * Support for BIT, BIT VARYING, CLOB, BLOB, INTERVAL according to the - SQL Standards - * and many more - see -- Dropped patches - * hsqldb-1.8.0-scripts.patch - * hsqldb- (systemd service is used) - * hsqldb-jdbc-4.1.patch - * hsqldb-tmp.patch (hsqldb-wrapper is used) -- New patches - * hsqldb-apidocs.patch - * hsqldb-cmdline.patch -- systemd integration and drop init script - -- Update to - * adds support for fast closing of huge database files - * better query optimisation. - * bugfixes -- add maven pom -- fix build with jdk7 -- run su with -s /bin/sh in initscript - -- fix hsqldb_lic.txt packaged in hsqldb-manual and hsqldb - -- fix bnc#664425 - error in init script of hsqldb - * init PATH on the begining - * use absolute names -- change default shell from /bin/false to /bin/sh to make su command - (and server start) possible -- change hsqldb jar location to /usr/share/java/hsqldb.jar - -- Initial SUSE packaging od hsqldb from - htscodecs +- Update to 1.3.0: + * The primary change in this release is a new SIMD enabled + rANS codec. + There is a 32-way unrolled rANS implementation. This is accessed + using the existing rans 4x16 API with the RANS_ORDER_X32 bit set. + * Improved memory allocation via a new htscodecs_tls_alloc function. + * Some external functions have been renamed, with the old ones + still existing in a deprecated fashion. + * Improved test framework with an "entropy" tool that iterates + over all entropy encoders. + * Reworked fuzzing infrastructure. + * Small speed improvements to various rANS encoders and decoders. + * Substantial memory reduction to the name tokeniser (tok3). + * Fixed undefined behaviour in our use of _builtin_clz(). + * Fixed a few redundant #includes. + * Work around strict aliasing bugs, uncovered with gcc -O2. + * Fixed an issue with encoding data blocks close to 2GB in size. + * Fix encode error with large blocks using RANS_ORDER_STRIPE. +- Add fix_ix86_build.patch + hyperscan +- BuildRequire python3-base instead of python(2), it used py3 already + anyway + i2pd +- Update to version 2.42.1 + * Fixed incorrect jump link in HTTP Proxy +- Update to version 2.42.0 + * Preliminary SSU2 implementation + * Tunnel length variance + * Localization to French + * Fixed encrypted LeaseSet for EdDSA signature + * UDP tunnels reload + * Fixed incorrect processing of i2cp.dontPublishLeaseSet param + * Updated reseeds list + * Win32 service + * Daily cleanup of obsolete peer profiles + * Fixed race conditions for short tunnel build message and RouterInfo + buffer allocation + * Don't show version in title of web console + * Fixed tunnel build if clock was out of sync +- Update to version 2.41.0 + * Clock syncronization through SSU + * Added localization to German + * Select compatible outbound tunnel for I2CP messages + * Use TCP/IP sockets for I2CP on Android instead local sockets + * Restart webconsole's acceptor in case of exception + * Try another floodfill for publishing if no compatible tunnels found + * Reduce memory usage for RouterInfo structures + * Avoid duplicated addresses in RouterInfo. Check presence of netId and version + * Update reseed servers list/cerificates + * Changed webconsole's dark style colors + * Fixed attempt to use Yggdrasil on start on Android + * Fixed severe packets drop in SSU + * Fixed crash on tunnel tests + * Fixed loading addressbook subscriptions from config +- Update to version 2.40.0 + * "Keep alive" parameter for client tunnels + * Fixed tunnels reload (kill -s HUP) + * Support openssl 3.0.0 + * Build tunnels through ECIES routers only + * Reduced memory usage + * Localization to Armenian + * Added Windows menu item for opening datadir + * Reseed if too few floodfills + * Don't publish old and replacing tunnel in LeaseSet + * Webconsole light/dark theme depending on system settings (via CSS) + * Updated reseed servers list + * Fixed build for Build on GNU/Hurd + * Set gzip compression to false by default + * i18n code called from ClientContext (libi2pd_client) +- Update to version 2.39.0 + * Short tunnel build messages + * Localization to Russian, Ukrainian, Turkmen, Uzbek and Afrikaans + * Custom CSS styles for webconsole + * Avoid slow tunnels with more than 250 ms per hop + * Process DELAY_REQUESTED streaming option + * "certsdir" options for certificates location + * Yggdrasil reseed for v0.4, added two more + * Rekey of all routers to ECIES + * Encryption type 0,4 by default for server tunnels + * Fixed zero-hop tunnels + * Set minimal version for floodfill to 0.9.38 + * Fixed crash upon SAM session termination + * NTP sync through ipv6 + * Allow ipv6 addresses for UDP server tunnels + * Consistent path for explicit peers + * Always create new tunnel from exploratory pool + * Better distribution for random tunnel's peer selection + ibus-typing-booster +- Update to 2.19.6 +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Avoid showing passwords in OSK buttons by disabling typing-booster + in terminals when the on-screen-keyboard (OSK) is shown + (Resolves: + (Requires: +- Translation update from Weblate (bn 100% complete) + +- Update to 2.19.2 +- Do not commit by index when OSK is visible + (Resolves: +- Translation update from Weblate (sw 100% complete) + +- Update to 2.19.1 +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Make search for input methods which contain uppercase in their names work + (Resolves: +- Translation update from Weblate (bn 73.8% complete) + +- Update to 2.19.0 +- Save horizontal space to make the new Georgian translations fit better + on small screens + (Resolves: +- Make compose support work for sequences starting with keys other + than Multi_key and dead keys + (Resolves: +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Stop using deprecated keyword arguments “flags” and “message_format” when + creating Gtk.MessageDialog() + (Resolves: +- Use ['ar-kbd', 'NoIME'] by default for all Arabic locales instead of just ['NoIME'] +- Make it possible to set options for m17n input methods in the typing booster setup tool + (Resolves: +- Translation update from Weblate (ar 100%, bn 67%, de 100%, nl 100%, pl 100%, sv 100%, tr 100%, uk 100%) + +- Update to 2.18.10 +- Add functions to get and set variables for m17n input methods +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Translation update from Weblate (bn added 42% complete) +- Test cases for bn-national-jatiya.mim +- Add more icons in different sizes to the appdata.xml files +- Stop calling self.set_wmclass('emoji-picker', 'Emoji Picker') (avoid deprecation warning) + +- Update to 2.18.9 +- Make it possible to use custom labels for different dictionary matches +- Distinguish dictionary matches shown by flags in the candidate list if + some flags are identical + (Resolves: +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR + icewm-themes +- Fix rpmlint warnings and errors: + + Add prep and build sections: Even if some packages don't + directly need it, section markers may be overridden in rpm's + configuration to provide additional 'under the hood' + functionality. + + Do not package unused shell sctips ( and mklinks). + + Do not package backup file #default.theme# + + De-duplicate files using fdupes. + -- removed bogus self-provides - imapfilter +- update to 2.7.6: + * Support building with OpenSSL 3.0.0 and later. + * Several minor improvements to documentation and example code. + * Removed deprecated CRAM-MD5 mechanism. + * Bug fix; session was destroyed incorrectly on login failures. + * Bug fix; potential session management problems. + influxdb +- Verison 1.10.0 + Drop 0001-fix-executor-do-not-assume-ints-are-64bits-4652.patch: + upstreamed + +- Version 1.9.7. + * Many bugfixes: + * influx_stress has been removed +- Add 0001-fix-executor-do-not-assume-ints-are-64bits-4652.patch: + fix build on 32-bit architectures + intel-ipsec-mb +- Update for release package v1.3 + inxi +- Updated to version 3.3.21: + * /usr/share/doc/packages/inxi/inxi.changelog. + +- update to 3.3.20: + 1a. More or less completed verification of AMD cpu microarch/built/process, and + added more accurate fallback cases for stray model IDs. + 1b. Extended Intel cpu data a bit more as well. Thanks linuxdaddy from slackware + for the research help there. + 2. Tentative support for finit init system (fast init). Runs in /proc/1/comm, + uses initctl, which may have been revived from its upstart days, not sure. Added + potential support for nosh, linux only, don't know how to detect other bsd init + system. + 3. Added amd/intel gpu product IDs. + 4. Added shortcut --filter-all/--za, activates all filters: -z, --zl, --zu, + - -zv. Why not? + 5. Added support for dm types kdmctl and xdmctl, opensuse and maybe redhat use + the latter to start the actual dm running the desktop/wm. You want to see that + because you need to do systemctl restart xdm to restart the actual dm. Thanks + mrmazda for pointing out this one. + 6. Added AlmaLinux, RockyLinux, CentosStream to system base (RHEL derived). + 7. Basic Raptor Lake gpu/apu support added, with patterns to detect since few + product ids yet. Same applies to Arctic and Alchemist, which still have no + product IDs. + 8. More disk vendors and disk vendor ids, never stops - the waters flow on, the + rain falls, then the sun comes out. Until one day it doesn't. + * /usr/share/doc/packages/inxi/inxi.changelog. + ioping +- update to 1.3: + * Workaround for glibc 2.36 sys/mount.h + * ioping: add RWF_HIPRI + * ioping: add "make static" + * ioping: print notice "slow"/"fast" when twice slower/faster than average + * ioping: cleanup timing notice + * ioping: fix mingw build + * ioping: add option -burst + * ioping: include stdbool + * ioping: restore CPPFLAGS in makefile + * ioping: use 64-bit printf format + * ioping: switch mingw build to 64-bit and ucrt + * ioping: retrive device size and name for windows + * ioping: use F_FULLFSYNC for OSX + * ioping: move fdatasync after write out of make_request() + * ioping: implement O_SYNC for windows by FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH + * ioping: fallback from non-cached to direct only for reads + * ioping: rename global target fd variable + * ioping: add option -e, -entropy for deterministic randomization + * ioping: add support nowait I/O (RWF_NOWAIT) + * ioping: print help and version into stdout + * ioping: add option -I|-time to print current time + * ioping: describe json format in manpage + * ioping: add human-readable localtime into json output + ipxe +- Use the default gcc version in Tumbleweed builds. + +- Update to version 1.21.1+git20210908.02ec659b: + * [acpi] Generalise DSDT/SSDT data extraction logic + * [efi] Record cached ProxyDHCPOFFER and PXEBSACK, if present + * [efi] Use zero for PCI vendor/device IDs when no applicable ID exists + * [cloud] Retry DHCP aggressively in AWS EC2 + * [efi] Match signtool expectations for file alignment + * [libc] Allow for externally-defined LITTLE_ENDIAN and BIG_ENDIAN constants + * [uri] Make URI schemes case-insensitive + * [rdc] Add driver for RDC R6040 embedded NIC + * [realtek] Work around hardware bug on RTL8211B + * [cloud] Show ifstat output after a failed boot attempt + * [peerdist] Assume that most recently discovered peer can be reused +- Fixes build on Leap +- Add workaround for building with GCC12 (Factory) + +- Fix version, base version, starting with 1.20.1+git20210604.065dce8d, + was 1.21.1 not 1.20.1 as 1.21.1 was released December 2020. + So current version is: 1.21.1+git20210614.bf4ccd42 + +- Since last update, syslinux is required to build the ISO but + it is available only on x86*, so disable ISO build for non-x86* + +- Update to version 1.20.1+git20210614.bf4ccd42: + * [build] Ensure build ID is deterministic (boo#1047218) + * [efi] Veto the Itautec Ip4ConfigDxe driver + * [libc] Match standard prototype for putchar() + * [base64] Include terminating NUL within base64 character array + * [rndis] Fix size of reserved fields + +- use xorrisofs for creating iso +- Update to version 1.20.1+git20210604.065dce8d: + * [ath5k] Avoid returning uninitialised data on EEPROM read errors + * [crypto] Add memory output constraints for big-integer inline assembly + * [build] Use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for isohybrid MBR ID if it exists + * [build] Use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for .iso timestamps if it exists + * [cpio] Split out bzImage initrd CPIO header construction + * [x509] Use case-insensitive comparison for certificate names + * [libc] Add strncasecmp() + * [bnxt] Use hexadecimal values in PCI_ROM entries + * [intel] Add PCI ID for I219-V and -LM 10 to 15 + * [image] Support archive image formats independently of "imgextract" command + * [image] Propagate trust flag to extracted archive images + * [image] Allow single-member archive images to be executed transparently + * [undi] Read TSC only when profiling + * [rng] Check for TSC support before using RTC entropy source + * [prefix] Specify i486 architecture for LZMA decompressor + * [gzip] Add support for gzip archive images + * [zlib] Add support for zlib archive images + * [image] Add "imgextract" command for extracting archive images + * [image] Provide image_set_len() utility function + * [cloud] Allow multiple images to be imported simultaneously + * [cloud] Attempt to include CPUID_SETTINGS only for x86 builds + * [cloud] Autodetect CPU architecture from AMI disk image + * [cloud] Use a sortable default AMI name + * [cloud] Add ability to generate Dokuwiki table of AMI images + * [settings] Add --timeout option to "read" command + * [readline] Add an optional timeout to readline_history() + * [build] Fix genfsimg to build ISO with long filenames + * [xen] Avoid infinite loop on allocation failure in xenstore_response() + * [xen] Support scatter-gather to allow for jumbo frames + * [int13] Do not report INT 13 extension support for emulated floppies + * [cloud] Enable "poweroff" command in cloud images + * [netdevice] Ensure driver transmit() and poll() will not be re-entered + * [pci] Avoid scanning nonexistent buses when using PCIAPI_DIRECT + * [intel] Add additional PCI device ID to table + * [dhcp] Handle DHCPNAK by returning to discovery state + * [linux] Do not assume that stat() works on sysfs files + * [linux] Validate length of ACPI table read from sysfs + * [linux] Place -lslirp at end of linker search list + * [linux] Use fstat() rather than statx() + * [linux] Use generic sysfs mechanism to read SMBIOS + ACPI tables + * [linux] Add a generic function for reading files from sysfs + * [linux] Free cached ACPI tables on shutdown + * [dns] Reduce debug verbosity for DNS server list + * [linux] Allow arbitrary settings to be applied to Linux devices + * [linux] Add missing pci_num_bus() stub + * [slirp] Add libslirp driver for Linux + * [linux] Provide ACPI settings via /sys/firmware/acpi/tables + * [acpi] Allow for platforms that provide ACPI tables individually + * [acpi] Eliminate redundant acpi_find_rsdt() in acpi_sx() + * [acpi] Use a fixed colour for debug messages + * [linux] Use host glibc system call wrappers + * [linux] Add a prefix to all symbols to avoid future name collisions + * [bitops] Provide an explicit operand size for bit test instructions + * [librm] Test for FXSAVE/FXRSTOR instruction support + * [librm] Add missing __asmcall on init_idt() + * [prefix] Add a generic raw image prefix + * [initrd] Allow for zero-length initrd files + * [cloud] Do not enable serial console on EFI platforms + * [pxe] Split out platform-independent portions of cachedhcp.c + * [ath5k] Add missing AR5K_EEPROM_READ in ath5k_eeprom_read_turbo_modes + * [cloud] Enable IPv6 and HTTPS in cloud boot images + * [cloud] Add utility for importing images to AWS EC2 + * [cloud] Use PCIAPI_DIRECT for cloud images + * [ena] Switch to two-phase reset mechanism + * [ci] Disable redundant scheduled execution of Coverity Scan + * [ci] Disable Travis CI + * [ci] Add GitHub action for Coverity Scan + * [ci] Add GitHub action for build testing + * [contrib] Update bochsrc.txt to work with current versions + * [hermon] Add support for ConnectX-3 based cards + * [autoboot] Avoid closing and immediately reopening network device + * [hermon] Avoid parsing length field on completion errors + * [hermon] Make hermon_dump_xxx() functions no-ops on non-debug builds + * [hermon] Minimise reset time + * [hermon] Throttle debug output when sensing port type + * [hermon] Add a debug notice when initialization is complete + * [hermon] Add support for port management event + * [hermon] Adjust Ethernet work queue size + * [hermon] Use reset value suitable for ConnectX-3 + * [hermon] Clean up whitespace in hermon.c + * [iscsi] Update link to iBFT reference manual + * [hermon] Limit link poll frequency in DOWN state + * [hermon] Perform clean MPT unmap on device shutdown + * [hermon] Use Ethernet MAC as eIPoIB local EMAC + * [hermon] Increase polling rate for command completions + * [hermon] Add event queue debug functions + * [hermon] Increase command timeout from 2 to 10 seconds + * [hermon] Add assorted debug error messages + * [hermon] Show "issuing command" messages only at DBGLVL_EXTRA + * [hermon] Reorganize PCI ROM list and document well-known product names + * [golan] Backport typo fix in nodnic_prm.h: s/HERMON/NODNIC/ + * [arbel] Clean up whitespace in MT25218_PRM.h header + * [hermon] Clean up whitespace in MT25408_PRM.h header + * [image] Implicitly trust first embedded image + * [infiniband] Require drivers to specify the number of ports + * [ifmgmt] Make "ifstat" show the link-layer protocol for each netdev + * [cmdline] Expose "iflinkwait" as a command + * [image] Provide image_memory() + * [travis] Update to current default build environment + * [tftp] Allow for profiling of client and server turnaround times + * [image] Add the "imgmem" command + * [image] Provide image_set_data() + * [ipv6] Defer router discovery timeout while link is blocked + * [dhcp] Allow for links that remained blocked for up to three minutes + * [eap] Treat an EAP Request-Identity as indicating a blocked link + * [eapol] Replace EAPoL code + * [dhcp] Continue transmitting DHCPDISCOVER while link is blocked + * [isa] Add missing #include + * [xhci] Avoid false positive Coverity warning + * [xhci] Show meaningful error messages after command failures + * [xhci] Fail attempts to issue concurrent commands + * [smbios] Add support for the 64-bit SMBIOS3 entry point + * [sfc] Update email addresses + * [x509] Clarify debug message for an untrusted X.509 issuer + * [golan] Add new PCI IDs + * [iphone] Add iPhone tethering driver + * [crypto] Allow private key to be specified as a TLS connection parameter + * [tls] Include root of trust within definition of TLS session + * [x509] Make root of trust a reference-counted structure + * [x509] Record root of trust used when validating a certificate + * [ocsp] Remove dummy OCSP certificate root + * [http] Hide HTTP transport-layer filter implementation details + * [asn1] Define ASN1_SHORT() for constructing short tagged values + * [asn1] Rename ASN1_OID_CURSOR to ASN1_CURSOR + * [asn1] Add constant for UTF-8 string tag + * [tls] Allow provision of a client certificate chain + * [tls] Use intf_insert() to add TLS to an interface + * [interface] Provide intf_insert() to insert a filter interface + * [interface] Ignore any attempts to plug in the null interface + * [xhci] Update driver to use DMA API + * [dma] Provide dma_umalloc() for allocating large DMA-coherent buffers + * [netdevice] Fix misleading comment on netdev_rx() + * [netdevice] Do not attempt to unmap a null I/O buffer + * [dma] Move I/O buffer DMA operations to iobuf.h + * [dma] Record DMA device as part of DMA mapping if needed + * [dma] Modify DMA API to simplify calculation of medial addresses + * [intelxl] Configure DMA mask as 64-bit + * [intel] Configure DMA mask as 64-bit + * [intelxl] Update driver to use DMA API + * [intelxl] Read PCI bus:dev.fn number from PFFUNC_RID register + * [intelxl] Read MAC address from PRTPM_SA[HL] instead of PRTGL_SA[HL] + * [intel] Use physical addresses in debug messages + * [realtek] Use physical addresses in debug messages + * [intel] Update driver to use DMA API + * [realtek] Update driver to use DMA API + * [dma] Define a DMA API to allow for non-flat device address spaces + * [malloc] Rename malloc_dma() to malloc_phys() + * [realtek] Reset NIC when closing interface if using legacy mode + * [infiniband] Allow SRP device to be described using an EFI device path + * [fcp] Allow Fibre Channel device to be described using an EFI device path + * [iscsi] Allow iSCSI device to be described using an EFI device path + * [aoe] Allow AoE device to be described using an EFI device path + * [http] Allow HTTP connection to be described using an EFI device path + * [usbblk] Allow USB block device to be described using an EFI device path + * [interface] Allow for the definition of an unused interface operation + * [ipv6] Reduce time spent waiting for router discovery + * [lacp] Ignore (and do not echo) trailing padding on received packets + * [lacp] Detect and ignore erroneously looped back LACP packets + * [usbblk] Add support for USB mass storage devices + * [usb] Move usbio driver to end of USB driver list + * [usb] Allow endpoints to be refilled to a specified upper limit + * [usb] Allow device halt to be cleared independently of host controller + * [ncm] Treat a zero divisor as indicating no alignment requirements + * [usb] Avoid integer underflow on malformed string descriptors + * [usb] Show debug message on device removal + * [usb] Reset control endpoints immediately after failure + * [pci] Update drivers to use pci_ioremap() + * [pci] Define pci_ioremap() for mapping PCI bus addresses + +- update url + +- Update to version 1.20.1+git20200817.ef2c844d: + * [efi] Attempt NII initialisation both with and without cable detection + * [efi] Use device path to locate filesystem from which we were loaded + * [efi] Match EDK2 numbering for USB ports + * [comboot] Fix stack pointer retrieval after COM32 binary returns + * [efi] Check the status code from AllocatePool() + * [cmdline] Add "--timeout" parameter to "ifconf" command + * [intelx] Added PCI_ROM entry for Intel x553/x557-AT and x553 (SFP+) NICs + * [intel] Set INTEL_NO_PHY_RST on i218v + * [intel] Add INTEL_NO_PHY_RST for I218LM + * [deflate] Fix typo in comment describing length codes + * [build] Fix a GNUism that FreeBSD's sed(1) cannot deal with + * [wpa] Fix erroneous debug message in wpa_derive_ptk + * [libc] Fix memcmp() to return proper values + * [pcbios] Take alignment into account when checking for available space + * [pcbios] Fix "out of memory" detection when expanding bottom area + * [libgcc] Change __divmoddi4 from int64 [unknown] to int64_t + * [build] Fix default target in sdsk image + * [dns] Use all configured DNS servers + * [xfer] Remove address family from definition of a socket opener + * [sfc] Add PCI ID for Solarflare SFC9120 and Solarflare SFC9140 + * [efi] Claim SNP devices early in efi_download_start() + * [efi] Ensure NUL byte is at lowest address within stack cookie + * [efi] Distribute available entropy within stack cookie + * [libc] Add bit-rotation functions for unsigned long values + * [efi] Avoid setting direction flag on EFI platforms + * [libc] Provide an unoptimised generic_memcpy_reverse() + * [crypto] Avoid temporarily setting direction flag in bigint_is_geq() + * [usb] Leave port enabled after a failed device registration + * [axge] Reapply USB device configuration when opening network device + * [xhci] Increase link state settling delay to 100ms + * [usb] Avoid unnecessary calls to usb_hub_set_drvdata() + * [xhci] Set link state to RxDetect after disabling USB3 root hub port + * [usb] Do not attempt to disable USB3 hub ports + * [usb] Add missing usb_recycle() for completed hub interrupt transfers + * [usb] Clear device endpoint halt before resetting host endpoint + * [axge] Handle non-gigabit link speeds + * [efi] Raise TPL during driver entry point + * [efi] Detect and disable seriously broken EFI_RNG_PROTOCOL implementations + * [build] Disable position-independent code for ARM64 EFI builds + * [golan] Add explicit type casts for nodnic_queue_pair_type + * [intel] Avoid spurious compiler warning on GCC 10 + * [build] Be explicit about -fcommon compiler directive + * [ocsp] Accept SHA1 certID responses even if SHA1 is not enabled + * [efi] Enable stack protection where possible + * [parseopt] Treat empty integer strings in user input as invalid + * [util] Treat empty integer strings as invalid + * [snp] Retry initialisation if link is reported as down + * [crypto] Disable MD5 as an OID-identifiable algorithm by default + * [crypto] Ensure that test code drags in required ASN.1 object identifiers + * [crypto] Allow algorithms to be included without being OID-identifiable + * [tls] Default to supporting only TLSv1.1 or above + * [tls] Allow a minimum TLS protocol version to be specified + * [efi] Attempt to connect our driver directly if ConnectController fails + * [uri] Avoid appearing to access final byte of a potentially empty string + * [efi] Work around UEFI specification bug in LoadImage for SAN boot + * [efi] Work around UEFI specification bug in LoadImage + * [png] Fix potential integer overflow + * [bnxt] Add driver support for Broadcom NetXtreme-E Adapters + * [efi] Disambiguate errors returned by ConnectController + * [int13con] Create log partition only when CONSOLE_INT13 is enabled + * [bios] Define macros for constructing partition table entries + * [iscsi] Eliminate variable-length stack allocation in URI parsing + * [iscsi] Eliminate variable-length stack allocations in CHAP handlers + * [settings] Eliminate variable-length stack allocation + * [slam] Allow for the possibility of IPv6 multicast addresses + * [slam] Eliminate variable-length stack allocation + * [infiniband] Eliminate variable-length stack allocation + * [tftp] Eliminate unnecessary variable-length stack allocation + * [travis] Ensure that most recent tag is always available + * [build] Construct full version number automatically from git revision + * [snp] Set EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_RECEIVE_MULTICAST bit as per UEFI spec + * [snp] Try promiscuous multicast receive filter if the regular one fails + * [peerdist] Allow for the use of a hosted cache server + * [peerdist] Allow PeerDist to be globally enabled or disabled + +- Enable build on aarch64 + +- Update cross compiler to GCC 9 +- Change the git address from _service to use HTTPS +- Replace %doc to %license + +- Update to version 1.0.0+git20190929.3fe683eb: + * [lan78xx] Always enable automatic speed and duplex detection + * [efi] Do not attempt EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL transfers during shutdown + * [efi] Report failed control transfers as expected by the USB core + * [golan] Fix address-of-pointer bug for multicast attach/detach + * [ethernet] Avoid false positive Coverity warning + * [coverity] Override assumptions about wcrtomb() and hmac_init() + * [crypto] Profile the various stages of modular multiplication + * [crypto] Drag in configured digestInfo prefixes for any use of RSA + * [tls] Add missing call to tls_tx_resume() when restarting negotiation + * [peerdist] Limit number of concurrent raw block downloads + +- Update to version 1.0.0+git20190817.0b3000bb: + * [golan] Fix address-of-pointer bug for multicast attach/detach + * [ethernet] Avoid false positive Coverity warning + * [coverity] Override assumptions about wcrtomb() and hmac_init() + * [crypto] Profile the various stages of modular multiplication + * [crypto] Drag in configured digestInfo prefixes for any use of RSA + * [tls] Add missing call to tls_tx_resume() when restarting negotiation + * [peerdist] Limit number of concurrent raw block downloads + * [peerdist] Start block download timers from within opener methods + * [process] Add PROC_INIT() for initialising static processes + * [build] Add predefined shortcut for Raspberry Pi builds + * [build] Workaround compilation error with gcc 9.1 + * [build] Fix "'%s' directive argument is null" error +- Drop obsolete/upstream patches: + * ipxe-aarch64-inline-asm-const-modifier.patch + * ipxe-efi-guard-strncpy-with-gcc-warning-ignore-pragma.patch + * ipxe-efi-recognize-plt32-relocation.patch + irqbalance +- run tests +- add Avoid-double-free-on-deinit_thermal.patch (bsc#1204607) + +- add uninitialized.patch (bsc#1204371) +- build with thermald support on x86_64 (jsc#PED-1039) + +- update to 1.9.1: + * get irq->module relationship from /sys/bus/pci/*/driver + * ensure --banmod is respected + * check whether savedptr is NULL before invoking strlen + * add meson + * support thermal events + * fix irqbalance never exits + * irqbalance-ui: able to scroll and show coulist and irqs' name +- drop proc-interrupts.patch (upstream) + D proc-interrupts.patch + +- Update to version 1.9.0: + * correct wait time in oneshot mode + * Document updates + * disable irqbalance when we only have a single cpu/cache domain + * fix UI to fetch full messages from UNIX socket + * avoid some buffer overflows + * fix UI printf style formatting + * drop bounding set from irqbalance + +- proc-interrupts.patch: parse_proc_interrupts: fix parsing interrupt + counts + irssi +- update to 1.4.3 + - Fix freeze on Alt+arrows (#1416, #1417) + - Fix crash on /upgrade (#1399, #1419) + - Fix saving of -disallow_starttls (#1401, #1420) + - Fix libnv detection on FreeBSD (freebsd#265397, #1407). By + Guido Falsi and Kristof Provost + - Minor help and script fixes (#1380, #1393, #1411, #1413, + [#1414], #1415) + ispell +- Update to ispell 3.4.05 + * A major bug in 3.4.01 that caused incorrect behavior with many + languages has been corrected. + * The default maximum number of stringchars has been doubled. + * Some spurious compiler warnings have been suppressed. + * The english.aff file has been revised so that UTF-8 is now the + default encoding for English dictionaries. + * Some subtle bugs with the handling of stringchars, which were + revealed by the changes to english.aff, have been corrected. + * A new affix command, "options", has been added to allow selection + of options related to a particular string character type. There + are currently two options, raw_display and squeeze_strings. Both + should be activated for UTF-8 encodings but few others. This + change causes hash files built with earlier ispell versions to be + incompatible; old hash files will need to be rebuilt. + * Over 6000 words have been added to the English dictionaries. Most + of them are in the english.xlg variant, but some are included in + smaller dictionaries as well. The English dictionaries also take + advantage of the new UTF-8 encoding to support correct spellings of + words adopted from other languages, such as crêpe. +- Port patches + * boo966124.dif + * ispell-3.3.02-brkgcc.patch + * ispell-3.3.02-config.patch + * ispell-3.3.02-mkdir.patch + * ispell-3.3.02-sq.patch + * ispell-3.3.02-strip.patch + * ispell-3.3.02-terminal.patch + * ispell-3.3.02-types.patch + * ispell-3.3.02.dif + iwd +- update to 1.30: + * Fix issue with handling OWE if buggy AP is detected. + * Fix issue with handling quick scan and enabling 6GHz. + * Fix issue with handling tags for extended IEs. + * Add support for handling HE capabilities. + * Add support for handling regulatory domain changes. + * Add support for handling netdev packet loss events. + jack +- Added 0001-Make-jack_control-python2-3-compatible.patch from git + to fix boo#1132458. + +- Remove unnecessary requires for libjack0 and remove obsolete + comments. +- Use %license on "COPYING" + +- Add upstream patch to fix return value check of mmap() (boo#1108981): + fix-mmap-return-value-check.patch + +- Update the waf code to the 2.0 series in order to work under + python3.7 taken from upstream git: + * jack-waf2.patch + -- Update to release 1.9.10 -- Removed patches jack-wafdocbuild.patch and aarch64.patch as they - are now in upstream. -- Upstream changes: - * Correct JackPortAudioDriver::Open : special case for ASIO drivers. - * Correct JackEngine::NotifyGraphReorder : graph-order callback now notified after port latencies update. - * netjack/opus: don't re-init en/decoders. - * Use string ids in the alsa device list. - * controlapi: fix double free on master switch. - * netjack1/netone opus support. - * netjack1/2 Opus: use only 2bytes for encoded-length. - * wscript: add header defines and libs for example-clients/netsource. - * fix duplicate prog.includes. - * More robust channel mapping handling in JackCoreAudioDriver. - * Add opus support to NetJack2. - * jack_control: fix epr command. - * Update JackCoreAudioDriver and JackCoreAudioAdapter with more recent API. - * Devin Anderson patch for Jack/CoreMIDI duplicated messages. - * Fix in ALSA adapter. - * Fix alsa driver parameter order. - * Control API: Enforce driver/internal parameter order. - * Extend jack_control to have parameter reset commands. - * Align buffers to 32 byte boundaries to allow AVX processing. - * New jack_get_cycle_times() implementation from Fons Adriennsen. - * Update waf. - * [firewire] Introduce UpdateLatencies() in FFADO backend. - * [firewire] Allow FFADO backend to change the buffer size. - * Rework JackMessageBuffer. - * POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE used for jack_latency_range_t type. - * Remove JACK_32_64 flag, so POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE now always used. - * Improve libjacknet master mode. - * In control API, UNIX like sigset_t replaced by more abstract jackctl_sigmask_t * opaque struct. - * Check server API callback from notification thread. - * Use a time-out in notification channel write function. - * Fix lock management in JackEngine. - * A bit more robust JackMessageBuffer implementation (in progress). - * Rename JackProcessSync in JackPosixProcessSync. - * Fix NetJack2 initialisation bug. - * Improve ShutDown in NetManager. - * Correct ShutDown in JackInternalClient and JackLibClient. - * Implement shutdown for in server clients. - * Better time-out management in NetJack2. - * More robust server/client protocol. - * Factorize code the server/client request in JackRequestDecoder class. - * Cleanup drivers and internals loading code. - * jackctl_driver_params_parse API moved in public control.h. - * More general drivers/internals loading model on Windows. - * Fix library symbols export issue. - * Adrian Knoth fix in midiseq.c. - -- Enable firewire only for 12.1+ due to lack of libffado-devel - -- add aarch64.patch - -- license update: GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+ - jack server is licensed under GPL-2.0+ - -- Added url as source. - Please see - -- Update to release for bnc#801442 -- Removed patches: jack-uc_regs.patch, jack-segfault.patch they are - incorporated. -- Doxygen build doesn't work created jack-wafdocbuild.patch. -- Upstream changes : - * Adrian Knoth fix in midiseq.c. - * Fix library symbols export issue. - * Cleanup drivers and internals loading code. - * jackctl_driver_params_parse API moved in public control.h. - * Factorize code the server/client request in JackRequestDecoder class. - * More robust server/client protocol. - * Better time-out management in NetJack2. - * Improve ShutDown in NetManager. - * Correct ShutDown in JackInternalClient and JackLibClient. - * Fix NetJack2 initialisation bug. Add EndTime function. - * Rename JackProcessSync in JackPosixProcessSync. - * A bit more robust JackMessageBuffer implementation. - * Check server API callback from notification thread. - * Use a time-out in notification channel write function. - * Fix lock management in JackEngine. - * In control API, UNIX like sigset_t replaced by more abstract jackctl_sigmask_t * opaque struct. - * Improve libjacknet master mode. - * Remove JACK_32_64 flag, so POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE now always used. POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE used for jack_latency_range_t type. - * Rework JackMessageBuffer. - * [firewire] Introduce UpdateLatencies() in FFADO backend. - * [firewire] Allow FFADO backend to change the buffer size. - * Update waf. - * New jack_get_cycle_times() implementation from Fons Adriennsen. - * Align buffers to 32 byte boundaries to allow AVX processing. - * Extend jack_control to have parameter reset commands. - * Fix alsa driver parameter order. - * Control API: Enforce driver/internal parameter order. - * Fix in ALSA adapter. - * Devin Anderson patch for Jack/CoreMIDI duplicated messages. - * Change framework installation hierarchy for OSX Mountain Lion. - * Update JackCoreAudioDriver and JackCoreAudioAdapter with more recent API. - * jack_control: fix epr command. - * Add opus support to NetJack2. - * More robust channel mapping handling in JackCoreAudioDriver. - * netjack1/netone opus support. controlapi: fix double free on master switch. - * Use string ids in the alsa device list. netjack/opus: don't re-init en/decoders. - * Correct JackPortAudioDriver::Open : special case for ASIO drivers. - * waf: configure option for enforcing autostart method - * ALSA devices reservation fixes. - -- fix R_PPC64_ADDR32 fff85e94858 for symbol `' out of range -- fix jack_connect segfault - -- Disable parallel build to limit resource usage and prevent hung - build hosts. - -- Update to version 1.9.8 -- Remade jack-celt-build-fix.diff -- Upstream changes : -- Merge newer-midi branch (Devin Anderson redesign of the - MIDI drivers: alsarawmidi, ffado, coremidi and winmme). -- Correction in jackdmp.cpp: notify_server_stop should be done - after server destruction. -- Correct driver lifetime management. -- Add XRun detection in PortAudio driver. -- CELT code for NetJack2. -- Merge branch switch-master-port-registration-notifications: - correct driver port registration. -- Libjacknet in progress. -- Correct MIDI in NetJack2. -- Correct OSX real-time thread setup. -- Correct rd_acquire in dbus code. -- Correct NetJack2 connection handling. -- SaveConnections/RestoreConnections in NetDriver and JackAudioDriver. -- Special version of jack_attach_shm/jack_release_shm on client - side for POSIX shared memory, to solve a memory leak issue. -- Another round of code improvements to handle completely - buggy Digidesign CoreAudio user-land driver. -- Special CATCH_CLOSE_EXCEPTION_RETURN to handle Close API calls. -- Add JACK_NETJACK_PORT and JACK_NETJACK_MULTICAST environment - variables for NetJack2. -- NetJack2 now only send data on network only is ports are connected - both sides. -- Fix for "starting two instances of same app in parallel does not - work" bug. -- Enable explicit channel mapping in CoreAudio driver. -- New JackTimedDriver class to be used by JackDummyDriver, - JackNetDriver and JackNetOneDriver classes. -- More robust code in synchronization primitives and JackMessageBuffer. -- More robust Control API implementation. -- Add jackctl_driver_get_type in Control API. -- Singleton behaviour for JackCoreMidiDriver and JackWinMMEDriver. -- John Emmas patch for DSP CPU computation. -- John Emmas Windows server launching patch. -- Fix jack_set_port_name API. -- Enable local access in NetJack2 code. -- Dynamic port management in JACK/CoreMidi bridge. - -- ppc64 doesn't have uc_regs - -- drop jack-CAS.diff patch to fix non ia32/x86_64/ppc build, - seems to be fixed upstream similar - -- Enabled dbus support requested on multimedia list -- Disabled engine profiling - -- Removed malfunctioning services - -- Update to version 1.9.7 -- Upstream changes : - * Sync JackAlsaDriver::alsa_driver_check_card_type with JACK1 backend. - * Improve backend error handling: fatal error returned by Read/Write - now cause a Process failure (so a thread exit for blocking backends). - * Recoverable ones (XRuns..) are now treated internally in ALSA and - FFADO backends. - * In jackdmp.cpp, jackctl_setup_signals moved before jackctl_server_start. - * Correct dummy driver. - * Adrian Knoth jack_lsp patch. - * Remove JackPortIsActive flag. - * New latency API implementation. - * ComputeTotalLatencies now a client/server call. - * Add latent test client for latency API. - * Also print playback and capture latency in jack_lsp. - * jack_client_has_session_callback implementation. - * Check requested buffer size and limit to 1..8192 avoids weird - behaviour caused by jack_bufsize foobar. - * jack_port_type_get_buffer_size implementation. - * Stop using alloca and allocate buffer on the heap for alsa_io. - * Rename jdelay to jack_iodelay as per Fons' request. - * Call buffer size callback in activate (actually this is done on - client side in the RT thread Init method). - * Add jack_midi_dump client. Synchronize net JACK1 with JACK1 version. - * Synchronize jack_connect/jack_disconnect with JACK1 version. - * Correct JackNetMaster::SetBufferSize. - * Use jack_default_audio_sample_t instead of float consistently, - fix ticket #201. -X now allows to add several slave backends, add -I - to load several internal clients. - * Rework internal slave driver management, JackServerGlobals now - handle same parameters as jackdmp. - * Correct JackEngine::NotifyGraphReorder, update JackDebugClient - with latest API. - * Devin Anderson server-ctl-proposal branch merged on trunk: improved - control API, slave backend reworked. - * Implement renaming in JackDriver::Open to avoid name collision. - * Correct alsa_driver_restart (thanks Devin Anderson). - * Correction of jack_connect/jack_disconnect: use of jack_activate - and volatile keyword for thread shared variable. - * Correction of JackNetOneDriver for latest CELT API. - * Synchronize JackWeakAPI.cpp with new APIs. - -- Added jack-celt-build-fix.diff to fix jack build with celt-0.9.1 - -- Update to version 1.9.6 -- Upstream changes : - * Improve JackCoreAudioDriver and JackCoreAudioAdapter : when no - devices are described, takes default input and output and - aggregate them. - * Correct JackGraphManager::DeactivatePort. - * Correct JackMachServerChannel::Execute : keep running even in - error cases. - * Raise JACK_PROTOCOL_VERSION number. Arnold Krille firewire patch. - * Fix some file header to have library side code use LGPL. - * ffado-portname-sync.patch from ticket #163 applied. - * Remove call to exit in library code. - * Make jack_connect/jack_disconnect wait for effective port - connection/disconnection. - * Add tests to validate intclient.h API. - * On Linux, inter-process synchronization primitive switched to - POSIX semaphore. - * In JackCoreAudioDriver, move code called in MeasureCallback to be - called once in IO thread. - * David Garcia Garzon netone patch. - * Fix from Fernando Lopez-Lezcano for compilation on fc13. - * Fix JackPosixSemaphore::TimedWait : same behavior as - JackPosixSemaphore::Wait regarding EINTR. - * David Garcia Garzon unused_pkt_buf_field_jack2 netone patch. - * Arnold Krille firewire snooping patch. - * Jan Engelhardt patch for get_cycles on SPARC. - * Adrian Knoth hurd.patch, kfreebsd-fix.patch and - alpha_ia64-sigsegv.patch from ticket 177. - * Adrian Knoth fix for linux cycle.h (ticket 188). - * In JackCoreAudioDriver, fix an issue when no value is given for - input. - -- Enable ffado firewire support - -- Provide missing functions to enable SPARC compilation - -- Build fix: make sure $RPM_OPT_FLAGS is in CFLAGS (SPARC _needs_ - its -march=ultrasparc from prjconf to make atomic ops available) -- Strip remaining CFLAGS since they are the same as in prjconf - -- use _smp_mflags instead of -j'percent'{jobs} - -- Update to jack-1.9.5 which now has support for distributing audio - processing across a network. -- Removed jack-shmat-check-fix.diff. - -- remove libfreebob dependency - -- minor spec file clean-ups - -- update to 0.118.0 -- don't use gcc4 patch and all that autotool stuff before ./configure -- fixed dependencies (missing versions) - -- add baselibs.conf as a source - -- fix minor strdup memory leaks (bnc#539096) - -- fix requires of devel package (libjack requires libsamplerate now) - -- add libsndfile and libsamplerate to buildrequires to support - netjack driver - -- fix mismatching pclose() (bnc#514072) - -- updated to version 0.116.2: - * Stable version update since 0.109.2: quite lots of fixes and - updates. See - - - - jc +- Update to version 1.22.1 + * add udevadm command parser + * add lspci command parser + * add pci.ids file parser + * fix proc-pid-stat parser for command names with spaces and + newlines + * enhance ip-address parser to add ip_split field + * display until iso-datetime is removed in a future version. + * optimize performance of calculated timestamps + jconvolver +- Update to 1.1.0 + * No changelog +- Refresh jconvolver-build-fixes.diff + jgmenu +- Update to 4.4.1: + * Chase librsvg2 API changes + + Use rsvg_handle_render_document() to render icons instead of + deprecated rsvg_handle_get_dimensions() and + rsvg_handle_render_cairo(). This requres librsvg2 >= 2.46 + + jgmenu.svg: specify width and height to enable some applications + using imlib2 >= v1.8 (such as feh and tint2) to render the + jgmenu.svg icon correctly. This is an indirect result of the + librsvg2 API deprecation of rsvg_handle_get_dimensions() and + rsvg_handle_render_cairo() + * jgmenu-apps: correctly sort desktop entries in languages other than + English. Issue #166 + * Handle symlinked icon directories in order to support Papirus-Dark. + Issue #122. + * Use cache directory ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache} rather than just + defaulting to ~/.cache. Issue #175. + * Fix widgets cursor-motion bug caused by background rect and text + widgets blocking action widgets which should handle mouse-over. + Issue #167 + jhead +- security fix [bsc#1204409, CVE-2022-41751] + * arbitrary OS commands by placing them in a JPEG filename + * Added patch jhead-CVE-2022-41751-1.patch + * Added patch jhead-CVE-2022-41751-2.patch + -- Fixed file-contains-date-and-time rpmlint warning. Date is set as - last date in the changes file. - jimtcl +- Update to version 0.81 + Drop jimtcl-fix_doc_paths.patch + jmol +- Update to release 14.32.73 + * XSF surface files with over about 267 atoms were not + recognizing presence of surface data + jo +- Update to versino 1.7 + * FIX: fix reading of long lines from stdin and refactor + slurp_file() in the process. + * NEW: Add option -o outfile for when not run from a shell and + redirect '>' is not an option. + john +- disable enforcement of AVX support in the CPU: let john handle this + during runtime automatically (bsc#1202318) + jpegoptim +- update to 1.5.0: + * Parallel processing support added. Use option -w max or --workers=max to + enable. + * Fix --stdin option + * Other minor fixes + -- Update to 1.3.0. - * Support for progressive jpegs added (fixes long standing "bug" - of progressive jpegs becoming non-progressive during - optimization). - * New options --all-normal & --all-progressive for converting - jpegs to non-progressive & progressive, new -S / --size option - to set target size for output file (enables lossy - optimization). - * Updated GPL/Copyrights language. - kcov +- Update to 40: + * Make libbfd non-required to avoid GPLv3 +- Changes from 39: + * Allow an address to map to multiple lines in the binary + (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/366). + * Correct abort signal return value (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/314). + * Escape json URLs (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/353). + * Match ELF perfect if it has the ELF magic + (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/339). + * Correct --collect-only, --report-only on non-identical + machines (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/342) + * Auto build via github actions (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/347). + * Allow regex in --replace-src-path (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/333). + * bash: Set PS4 in bash_helper for modern bashes to allow root + usage (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/331). + * Fix --merge with two --collect-only runs + (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/327). + * bash: Add --bash-tracefd-cloexec to avoid leaking trace fd + to children (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/325). + * bash: Drain stdout when on xtrace-fd + (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/323). + * Make kcov conan-ready (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov/322). +- Add kcov-40-binutils-2.39.patch: Fix build with binutils 2.39 + (gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov#381, gh#SimonKagstrom/kcov!383). +- Refresh spec file. +- Remove unneeded build dependency on python3. + kdiff3 +- Update to 1.9.5 + * Attempt encoding detection for non-BOM UTF-8 + * Rewrite EOL detection (kde#448353,kde#450225) + + fixes speed regression + + Better EOL detection decoding handled by Qt +- Drop redundant recommendation of the -lang package + kdump +- fix broken URL in manpage (bsc#1187312) +- kdumptool calibrate: modify fadump suggestions (jsc#IBM-1027) + keepass +- Update to 2.52 + * New Features: + + Added 'Copy Initial Password' command in the tools menu of the entry dialog; it copies (to the clipboard) the password that was current when the dialog was opened. + + When multiple entries are selected (containing at least one attachment), the number of attachments is now displayed in the 'Attachments' submenu of the entry menu. + + Added option 'Alt. item background color' (supporting the states 'Off', 'On, default color' and 'On, custom color'); this combines the previous two options 'Use alternating item background colors' and 'Custom alt. item color'. + + Comment placeholders ({C:...}) may now contain balanced braces. + + In the auto-type entry selection dialog, values in the 'Sequence - Comments' column are dereferenced now. + + The time when the password of an entry was last changed is now displayed in the entry dialog on the 'History' tab page. + + Added support for importing 1Password 8.7 1PUX files. + + Added support for importing Key Folder 1.22 XML files. + + Sticky Password XML import: added support for importing groups and expiry dates. + + Steganos Password Manager CSV import: added support for the new encoding of double quotes. + + Bitwarden JSON import: time-based one-time password generator settings are converted automatically now. + + KeePass now checks the 'KeePass.exe.config' file and shows a warning message when finding a problem. + + For development builds: added command for showing GC information. + + Plugins can now load the header of a database file more easily. + + Plugins can now subscribe to a master key change event. + + TrlUtil: added workaround for .NET tab control focus bug. + * Improvements: + + Moved the command 'Save Attached File(s) To' into the 'Attachments' submenu of the entry menu and renamed it to 'Save File(s) To'. + + The command for saving attached files is now available only if at least one of the selected entries has at least one attachment. + + The {APPACTIVATE ...} auto-type command now ignores the options 'Cancel auto-type when the target window changes' and 'Cancel auto-type when the target window title changes'. + + {APPACTIVATE ...} auto-type command: if the specified window does not exist or cannot be focused, auto-type is aborted now. + + Unified creation of fields with indices. + + Improved database modification state and UI updating after imports/synchronizations. + + In the master key creation/prompt dialogs, the [OK] button is now disabled when checking the 'Key file/provider' check box and selecting '(None)' in the combo box. + + Improved drop-down menu width adjustment for certain combo boxes in the options dialog. + + Improved hashing performance of protected binaries, UUIDs, ... + + Performance improvements related to empty arrays. + + Improved Mono framework version detection. + + TrlUtil: improved preview dialog update performance. + + Various UI text improvements. + + Various code optimizations. + + Minor other improvements. + * Bugfixes: + * Fixed a bug that caused a minimized main window to be restored to a normal window instead of a maximized window in certain situations. + * The 'Help' menu item in the entry dialog and the 'Help' button in the entry string field dialog now open the correct help sections. + keepass-plugin-HIBPOfflineCheck +- Update to version 1.7.8 + * No longer display "HIBP API error" for some passwords in online + mode + keepassxc +- update to 2.7.4: + - Changes + - Add 2 months expiration preset [#8687] + - CLI: Add Unicode support on Windows [#8618] + - Fixes + - Fix crash on macOS when unlocking database [#8676] + - Fix display of passwords in preview panel [#8633] + - Fix clicking links in entry preview panel [#8644] + - Prevent expired entries search if no results returned [#8643] + - Browser: Revert code causing connection problems [#8665] + - Browser: Fix socket file symbolic link on Linux [#8656] + - Flatpak: Fix launching browser proxy service [#8680] + - SSH Agent: Fix paegent support on Windows [#8619] + +- update to 2.7.3: + Due to a bug in macOS window behavior, 2.7.2 has been immediately + superseded by 2.7.3. + - Changes + - Enhance Tags Support and Add Saved Searches [#8435, #8607] + - Significant improvements to entry preview panel [#7993] + - Add password strength indicator to all password fields [#7885] + - Limit zxcvbn entropy estimation length to 128 characters [#7748] + - Try full URL path when fetching favicon [#8565] + - Hide usernames in preview panel when hidden in entry view [#8608] + - Enable dark title bar on windows when accent color is not used [#8498] + - Add option to display passwords in color in preview panel [#7097] + - Add XML Export option to GUI [#8524] + - Increase entropy required for a "good" password rating to 75 [#8523] + - Add shortcut to copy password with TOTP appended [#8443] + - Show entry count in status bar [#8435] + - Allow KeePassXC to be built without X11 [#8147] + - Enable use of VivoKey Apex and Dangerous Things FlexSecure tokens [#8332] + - Add setting for number of recent files [#8239] + - Add Ctrl+Tab shortcut to cycle databases in unlock dialog [#8168] + - Replace offensive words in eff_large.wordlist [#7968] + - Auto-Type: PICKCHARS can specify attribute and ignore BEEP [#8118] + - Linux: Add isHardwareKeySupported and refreshHardwareKeys to DBus methods [#8055] + - Add config variable to specify default database file name [#8042] + - Support numeric aware sorting on Windows and macOS [#8363] + - CLI: Add db-edit command [#8400] + - CLI: Add option to display all attributes with show command [#8256] + - CLI: Show UUID and tags with show and clip commands [#8241] + - Browser: Move socket into separate directory on Linux [#8030] + - Browser: Add group setting to omit WWW subdomain when matching URLs [#7988] + - FdoSecrets: Ask to unlock the database when creating items [#8022, #8028] + - FdoSecrets: Skip entries in recycle bin when searching [#8021] + - Fixes + - Fix potential deadlock in UI when saving [#8606] + - Fix newlines when copying notes from preview panel [#8542] + - Fix dark mode detection on Linux [#8477] + - Fix crash when deleting items in recycle bin while searching [#8117] + - Fix crash when trying to close database during unlock [#8144] + - Fix tabbing around the interface [#8435, #8520] + - Fix OPVault import when there are multiple OTP fields [#8436] + - Fix various Windows Hello bugs [#8354] + - Fix use of Apple Watch for Quick Unlock [#8311] + - Better handling of "Lock on Minimize" setting [#8202] + - Check for write permission before entering portable mode [#8447] + - Correct regex escape logic to prevent parse errors [#7778] + - Normalize slashes and file case for last used databases [#7864, #7214] + - Link ykcore against pthread [#7807] + - Auto-Type: Fix menu entries in selection dialog on Windows [#7987] + - Auto-Type: Fix use of modifiers under macOS [#8111] + - CLI: Fix output when using clip with the -t flag [#8271] + - Browser: Use asynchronous access confirm dialog [#8273] + - Browser: Always send database locked/unlocked status [#8114] + kernel-64kb +- scsi: qedi: Remove redundant flush_workqueue() calls + (jsc#PED-1525). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-session-removal-on-shutdown.patch. +- commit 57a0d4f + +- scsi: qedf: Fix a UAF bug in __qedf_probe() (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove redundant variable op (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove an unneeded NULL check on list iterator + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove unnecessary code (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Stop using the SCSI pointer (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Change context reset messages to ratelimited + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Fix refcount issue when LOGO is received during TMF + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Add stag_work to all the vports (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedi: Fix SYSFS_FLAG_FW_SEL_BOOT formatting + (jsc#PED-1525). +- scsi: qedi: Remove set but unused 'page' variable + (jsc#PED-1525). +- scsi: qedi: Fix cmd_cleanup_cmpl counter mismatch issue + (jsc#PED-1525). +- commit a20fd84 + +- Update kabi files. Refresh from Nov 2022 MU - 5.14.21-150400.24.28.1 +- commit a5edbce + +- usb: gadget: pxa25x_udc: Constify static struct pxa25x_ep_ops + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ecf622b + +- usb: gadget: udc: core: Use pr_fmt() to prefix messages + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 986d674 + +- USB: gadget: Rename usb_gadget_probe_driver() (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ec7b016 + +- ALSA: hiface: fix repeated words in comments (git-fixes). +- commit 1897e56 + +- ALSA: scarlett2: Add Focusrite Clarett+ 8Pre support + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: scarlett2: Add support for the internal "standalone" + switch (git-fixes). +- ALSA: scarlett2: Split scarlett2_config_items[] into 3 sections + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Use struct_size() helper in + scarlett2_usb() (git-fixes). +- commit 51a746f + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add mixer mapping for Gigabyte B450/550 Mobos + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-More-comprehensive-mixer-map-for-ASUS.patch. +- commit aad3dbe + +- ALSA: line6: remove line6_set_raw declaration (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk to enable Avid Mbox 3 support + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make read-only array marker static const + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: line6: Replace sprintf() with sysfs_emit() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb/6fire: fix repeated words in comments (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: remove redundant assignment to variable c + (git-fixes). +- commit 7b36d72 + +- ring-buffer: Check for NULL cpu_buffer in + ring_buffer_wake_waiters() (bsc#1204705). +- commit 2e712ad + +- USB / dwc3: Fix three doc-build warnings (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 654acff + +- usb: dwc3: fix backwards compat with rockchip devices + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit c7590b2 + +- usb: dwc3: core: do not use 3.0 clock when operating in 2.0 mode + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-core-Enable-GUCTL1-bit-10-for-fixing-termin.patch. +- commit 02bd07f + +- usb: dwc3: imx8mp: rename iomem base pointer (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 0504947 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: Don't check against CONFIG_OF (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ce7e9f1 + +- usb: dwc3: Program GFLADJ (jsc#PEd-1817). +- commit daeb10e + +- usb: dwc3: Calculate REFCLKPER based on reference clock + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit a22b861 + +- usb: dwc3: Get clocks individually (jsc#PED-1817). +- blacklist.conf: +- commit 3423db7 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: Add support for usb-conn-gpio based + usb-role-switch (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 80843c9 + +- Correct JIRA reference for these patches (jsc#PED-1496). + Use implementation, not the Epic: +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-be2iscsi-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-bnx2i-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-harmless-double-shift-bug.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Merge-suspend-fields.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Remove-iscsi_get_task-back_lock-requirement.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Rename-iscsi_conn_queue_work.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Stop-using-the-SCSI-pointer.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-qedi-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- commit 71bf164 + +- scsi: core: Fix early registration of sysfs attributes for + scsi_device (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit dfe7dcb + +- scsi: core: Remove two host template members that are no longer + used (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: usb: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: staging: unisys: Remove the shost_attrs member + (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 036b753 + +- scsi: zfcp: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: message: fusion: Switch to attribute groups + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: RDMA/srp: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: firewire: sbp2: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit ad14a91 + +- scsi: ata: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: Introduce ncq_prio_supported sysfs sttribute + (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: print feature list on device scan (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: fix ata_read_log_page() warning (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit dc4d292 + +- libata: cleanup NCQ priority handling (jsc#PED-1561). +- Update + patches.suse/libata-Add-ATA_HORKAGE_NO_NCQ_ON_ATI-for-Samsung-860.patch + (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit d313a88 + +- libata: cleanup ata_dev_configure() (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: cleanup device sleep capability detection + (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: simplify ata_scsi_rbuf_fill() (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 01272a8 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-edif-remove-old-doorbell-interface.patch. +- commit 6464680 + +- scsi: lpfc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-Menlo-Hornet-related-code.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-SANDiags-related-code.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-failing-soft_wwn-support.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-move-scsi_host_template-outside-dynamically.patch. +- commit 4aeb242 + +- scsi: snic: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: smartpqi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qla4xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qedf: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pm8001: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: sym53c500_cs: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ncr53c8xx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrs: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrb: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mvsas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_mbox: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: isci: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ipr: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ibmvfc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ibmvscsi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hptiop: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hpsa: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fnic: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: cxlflash: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: csiostor: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bnx2fc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bfa: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: arcmsr: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 53c700: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-9xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 3ddf4fd + +- Update patch references to + patches.suse/0001-floppy-disable-FDRAWCMD-by-default.patch + (bsc#1200692 CVE-2022-33981). +- commit 913147c + +- usb: dwc3: Drop unneeded calls to platform_get_resource_byname() + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-disable-USB-core-PHY-management.patch. +- commit cb5354a + +- usb: gadget: remove unnecessary AND operation when get ep maxp + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 528613b + +- usb: gadget: udc: core: Introduce check_config to verify USB + configuration (jsc#PEd-1817). +- commit 69ec7cd + +- scsi: scsi_transport_fc: Use %u for dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1202914). +- commit 0d14223 + +- iommu/vt-d: Do not falsely log intel_iommu is unsupported + kernel option (bsc#1204947). +- commit 440c18c + +- wifi: brcmfmac: Fix potential buffer overflow in + brcmf_fweh_event_worker() (CVE-2022-3628 bsc#1204868). +- commit 968feec + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Support Multi-Stream Transfer (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 0ed805f + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Skip resizing EP's TX FIFO if already resized + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Wait-for-ep0-xfers-to-complete-durin.patch. +- commit b389709 + +- usb: dwc3: reference clock period configuration (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 8ce586b + +- Drop Dell Dock regression fix patch again (bsc#1204719) + It tunred out to be bogus, a different fix is needed +- commit 2c62bb9 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: use helper to get role-switch-default-mode + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 7f03301 + +- usb: dwc3: Resize TX FIFOs to meet EP bursting requirements + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-core-Fix-tx-rx-threshold-settings.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-starting-DWC3-gadget-during-UD.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Wait-for-ep0-xfers-to-complete-durin.patch. +- commit 68d4f6e + +- scsi: lpfc: Update the obsolete adapter list (bsc#1204142). +- commit dc8f2da + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Use transport-defined speed mask for + supported_speeds (bsc#1204963). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix serialization of DCBX TLV data request + (bsc#1204963). +- commit d6d1732 + +- Move upstreamed sound patches into sorted section +- commit a5b0f8c + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix regression with Dell Dock jack detection + (bsc#1204719). +- commit ec69ec6 + +- Kbuild: add -Wno-shift-negative-value where -Wextra is used + (bsc#1204877). +- Kbuild: use -Wdeclaration-after-statement (bsc#1204877). +- Refresh patches.suse/Kbuild-move-to-std-gnu11.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Kbuild-use-std-gnu11-for-KBUILD_USERCFLAGS.patch. +- commit e76ac45 + +- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Create a sysfs entry called lpfc_xcvr_data for + transceiver info (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Log when congestion management limits are in effect + (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix hard lockup when reading the rx_monitor from + debugfs (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Set sli4_param's cmf option to zero when CMF is + turned off (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix spelling mistake "unsolicted" -> "unsolicited" + (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix memory leak in lpfc_create_port() (bsc#1204957). +- commit f06c1f8 + +- RDMA/irdma: Remove the unnecessary variable saddr (git-fixes) + [#] Conflicts: + [#] series.conf +- commit cc60033 + +- RDMA/irdma: Use net_type to check network type (git-fixes) + [#] Conflicts: + [#] series.conf +- commit cc0ac5a + +- Drop verbose nvme logging feature (bsc#1200567) + This feature caused regressions by logging all failed NVMe + commands. Though not all of them are actually a real + error. E.g. libnvme is probing for features and handling fails + correctly. Upstream fixed this by disabling this feature and looking + into making this an opt-in option. +- Delete patches.suse/nvme-add-verbose-error-logging.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/nvme-don-t-print-verbose-errors-for-internal-passthr.patch. +- commit a82baa8 + +- RDMA/irdma: Validate udata inlen and outlen (git-fixes) +- commit c66230c + +- RDMA/irdma: Add support for address handle re-use (git-fixes) +- commit 456aa9c + +- RDMA/irdma: Move union irdma_sockaddr to header file (git-fixes) +- commit 01da806 + +- selftests/livepatch: better synchronize test_klp_callbacks_busy + (bsc#1071995). +- commit 82010dd + +- livepatch: Add a missing newline character in + klp_module_coming() (bsc#1071995). +- commit 82368b9 + +- RDMA/srp: Support more than 255 rdma ports (git-fixes) +- commit 6da7233 + +- RDMA/srp: Handle dev_set_name() failure (git-fixes) +- commit 2aa5768 + +- RDMA/srp: Use the attribute group mechanism for sysfs attributes (git-fixes) +- commit ee393a3 + +- RDMA/srp: Rework the srp_add_port() error path (git-fixes) +- commit cf4fa33 + +- livepatch: fix race between fork and KLP transition + (bsc#1071995). +- commit bc0a77a + +- RDMA/srpt: Introduce a reference count in struct srpt_device (git-fixes) +- commit fecc405 + +- RDMA/srpt: Fix a use-after-free (git-fixes) +- commit e0cd3e8 + +- RDMA/srpt: Duplicate port name members (git-fixes) +- commit accb2fe + +- Input: applespi - avoid efivars API and invoke EFI services + directly (jsc#PED-1409). +- brcmfmac: Switch to appropriate helper to load EFI variable + contents (jsc#PED-1409). +- iwlwifi: Switch to proper EFI variable store interface + (jsc#PED-1409). +- media: atomisp_gmin_platform: stop abusing efivar API + (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit af0a2c9 + +- Update patches.suse/kbuild-Add-skip_encoding_btf_enum64-option-to-pahole.patch + (bsc#1204693). +- commit 9cde40b + +- efi: libstub: check Shim mode using MokSBStateRT (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: x86: Wipe setup_data on pure EFI boot (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: efibc: Guard against allocation failure (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/x86: libstub: remove unused variable (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Move efivar caching layer into efivarfs + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Switch to new wrapper layer (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Remove deprecated 'efivars' sysfs interface + (jsc#PED-1409). + Update config files. + Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- efi: vars: Drop __efivar_entry_iter() helper which is no longer + used (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: pstore: Omit efivars caching EFI varstore access layer + (jsc#PED-1409). +- pstore: Add priv field to pstore_record for backend specific + use (jsc#PED-1409). +- pstore: Don't use semaphores in always-atomic-context code + (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit db34623 + +- drivers: fix typo in firmware/efi/memmap.c (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Use locking version to iterate over efivars linked + lists (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Add thin wrapper around EFI get/set variable + interface (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Don't drop lock in the middle of efivar_init() + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: efibc: avoid efivar API for setting variables + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: avoid efivars layer when loading SSDTs from variables + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Correct comment on efi_memmap_alloc (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Make code to find mirrored memory ranges generic + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 8075b46 + +- blacklist.conf: scripts/gdb: Allow to read printk log buffer on + 32-bit systems; hardly needed by anyone +- commit c5107b2 + +- printk: wake waiters for safe and NMI contexts (bsc#1204934). +- commit ccf6fd7 + +- printk: use atomic updates for klogd work (bsc#1204934). +- commit 42aa5d7 + +- printk: add missing memory barrier to wake_up_klogd() + (bsc#1204934). +- commit 91ae0ab + +- Revert "workqueue: remove unused cancel_work()" (bsc#1204933). +- commit a8f292e + +- signal: break out of wait loops on kthread_stop() (bsc#1204926). +- commit 1f81ec4 + +- net/mlx5e: Properly disable vlan strip on non-UL reps + (git-fixes). +- commit ea8a4bd + +- net: ipvtap - add __init/__exit annotations to module init/exit + funcs (git-fixes). +- commit bcfb537 + +- bonding: 802.3ad: fix no transmission of LACPDUs (git-fixes). +- commit 0446df6 + +- net: moxa: get rid of asymmetry in DMA mapping/unmapping + (git-fixes). +- commit 6609905 + +- net: ipa: don't assume SMEM is page-aligned (git-fixes). +- commit 41f9dec + +- stmmac: intel: Add a missing clk_disable_unprepare() call in + intel_eth_pci_remove() (git-fixes). +- commit bb8b4d3 + +- Update metadata references +- commit bdfc8f9 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-bridge-lt8912b-fix-corrupted-image-output.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit f154e04 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-bridge-lt8912b-set-hdmi-or-dvi-mode.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 54a25a3 + +- Refresh patches.suse/drm-bridge-lt8912b-add-vsync-hsync.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6755cca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-don-t-register-a-dirty-callback-for-non-a.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 5548e46 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Fix-number-of-regulators-for-SDM660.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit c51fb10 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Fix-number-of-regulators-for-msm8996_dsi.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit e910e60 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-msm-dp-delete-DP_RECOVERED_CLOCK_OUT_EN-to-fix-t.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 8f4fbd6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-make-sure-to-init-common-IP-before-gmc.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d839738 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-move-nbio-sdma_doorbell_range-into-sdma-c.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 4202af7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-move-nbio-ih_doorbell_range-into-ih-code-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6a84f94 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-simpledrm-Fix-return-type-of-simpledrm_simple_di.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit c6e149e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-nouveau-fix-another-off-by-one-in-nvbios_addr.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 7c051d6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Only-use-depth-36-bpp-linebuffers-on.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit e1c296d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revert-drm-amdgpu-display-set-vblank_disable_immedia.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 1bf4062 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-fourcc-fix-integer-type-usage-in-uapi-header.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 174b777 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi83-Handle-dsi_lanes-0-as-invali.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d529823 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-pm-keep-the-BACO-feature-enabled-for-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit b27902a + +- docs: security: Add secrets/coco documentation (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Register efi_secret platform device if EFI secret area + is declared (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit df905cf + +- virt: Add efi_secret module to expose confidential computing + secrets (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh patches.suse/virt-Add-SEV-SNP-guest-driver. + Update config files. + CONFIG_EFI_SECRET=y in x86_64/default +- commit edb96ab + +- efi: sysfb_efi: remove unnecessary include + (jsc#PED-1409). +- x86: Fix all occurences of the "the the" typo (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: clean up Kconfig dependencies on CONFIG_EFI (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. +- efi/x86: libstub: Make DXE calls mixed mode safe (jsc#PED-1409). +- efifb: Remove redundant efifb_setup_from_dmi stub + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/cper: Reformat CPER memory error location to more readable + (jsc#PED-1409). +- EDAC/ghes: Unify CPER memory error location reporting + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/cper: Add a cper_mem_err_status_str() to decode error + description (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: stub: prefer mirrored memory for randomized allocations + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/arm64: libstub: run image in place if randomized by the + loader (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: libstub: pass image handle to handle_kernel_image() + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: libstub: ensure allocated memory to be executable + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. +- efi: libstub: declare DXE services table (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Save location of EFI confidential computing area + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. + CONFIG_EFI_COCO_SECRET=y in x86_64/default, arm64/default and armv7hl/default +- commit 6b0cf79 + +- scsi: iscsi: Remove iscsi_get_task back_lock requirement + (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: iscsi: Rename iscsi_conn_queue_work() (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix harmless double shift bug (jsc#PED-868). +- commit 5723646 + +- scsi: iscsi: Merge suspend fields (jsc#PED-868). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-NOP-handling-during-conn-recovery.patch. +- commit 1473e45 + +- RDMA/usnic: fix set-but-not-unused variable 'flags' warning (git-fixes) +- commit a0cf107 + +- IB/rdmavt: Add __init/__exit annotations to module init/exit funcs (git-fixes) +- commit e49e34a + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix resize_finish() in rxe_queue.c (git-fixes) +- commit 6b44016 + +- RDMA/siw: Fix QP destroy to wait for all references dropped. (git-fixes) +- commit 61cef3e + +- RDMA/siw: Always consume all skbuf data in sk_data_ready() upcall. (git-fixes) +- commit 296a57b + +- RDMA/srp: Fix srp_abort() (git-fixes) +- commit 7984b35 + +- RDMA/irdma: Align AE id codes to correct flush code and event (git-fixes) +- commit c55a705 + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix the error caused by qp->sk (git-fixes) +- commit 85ed907 + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix "kernel NULL pointer dereference" error (git-fixes) +- commit 94f5187 + +- RDMA/mlx5: Don't compare mkey tags in DEVX indirect mkey (git-fixes) +- commit cbf3855 + +- RDMA/irdma: Report RNR NAK generation in device caps (git-fixes) +- commit 7306409 + +- RDMA/irdma: Return correct WC error for bind operation failure (git-fixes) +- commit bb7b5cd + +- RDMA/irdma: Return error on MR deregister CQP failure (git-fixes) +- commit e8ec2a2 + +- RDMA/irdma: Report the correct max cqes from query device (git-fixes) +- commit 2b8a0ed + +- RDMA/siw: Pass a pointer to virt_to_page() (git-fixes) +- commit c54f89a + +- usb: typec: Remove retimers properly (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit e583265 + +- usb: typec: retimer: Add missing id check in match callback + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit cf4d688 + +- USB: xhci: Fix comment typo (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 2b3e84d + +- usb/typec/tcpm: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-531 + jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 46257dd + +- usb: typec: Add retimer handle to port (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit dde8f08 + +- usb: typec: Add support for retimers (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit cacdd0d + +- usb: typec: mux: Allow muxes to specify mode-switch + (jsc#PED-1211). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Register USB Power Delivery Capabilities + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f8dc487 + +- usb: typec: USB Power Delivery helpers for ports and partners + (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-typeC-add-kABI-padding.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/typeC-Add-kABI-placeholders.patch. +- commit 629af64 + +- usb: typec: Separate USB Power Delivery from USB Type-C + (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit d284c3e + +- usb: gadget: bdc: fix typo in comment (git-fixes). +- commit 0b9f194 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: fix typo in comment (git-fixes). +- commit a66c855 + +- usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Allow wakeup from system suspend + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 61abc68 + +- powerpc/pseries: Move vas_migration_handler early during + migration (bsc#1204799 ltc#200177). +- commit b7aa6a0 + +- RDMA/srp: Set scmnd->result only when scmnd is not NULL (git-fixes) +- commit 458db53 + +- RDMA/cma: Fix arguments order in net device validation (git-fixes) +- commit 81952c8 + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix error unwind in rxe_create_qp() (git-fixes) +- commit f572d06 + +- kbuild: Add skip_encoding_btf_enum64 option to pahole + (git-fixes). +- commit 934e48d + +- RDMA/mlx5: Add missing check for return value in get namespace flow (git-fixes) +- commit 6e82f19 + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix rnr retry behavior (git-fixes) +- commit 7a75da5 + +- RDMA/rxe: For invalidate compare according to set keys in mr (git-fixes) +- commit 66293aa + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix mw bind to allow any consumer key portion (git-fixes) +- commit c8934f1 + +- RDMA/siw: Fix duplicated reported IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY event (git-fixes) +- commit 79b1a39 + +- RDMA/qedr: Fix potential memory leak in __qedr_alloc_mr() (git-fixes) +- commit 706d0f6 + +- RDMA: remove useless condition in siw_create_cq() (git-fixes) +- commit 6f61f5a + +- RDMA/irdma: Fix setting of QP context err_rq_idx_valid field (git-fixes) +- commit 026149f + +- RDMA/irdma: Fix VLAN connection with wildcard address (git-fixes) +- commit f75f6bd + +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a window for use-after-free (git-fixes) +- commit 5ca4a5f + +- RDMA/rxe: Fix deadlock in rxe_do_local_ops() (git-fixes) +- commit afef467 + +- RDMA/irdma: Fix sleep from invalid context BUG (git-fixes) +- commit 735c971 + +- RDMA/irdma: Do not advertise 1GB page size for x722 (git-fixes) +- commit ccc988f + +- RDMA/qedr: Fix reporting QP timeout attribute (git-fixes) +- commit c6a81d4 + +- RDMA/hfi1: Fix potential integer multiplication overflow errors (git-fixes) +- commit 2b22d3a + +- RDMA/hns: Add the detection for CMDQ status in the device initialization process (git-fixes) +- commit 7090c13 + +- RDMA/rxe: Generate a completion for unsupported/invalid opcode (git-fixes) +- commit 2a9e949 + +- blacklist.conf: Clarify status of 6f5c672d17f583b081e283927f5040f726c54598. +- commit cfc21b5 + +- s390/dasd: fix Oops in dasd_alias_get_start_dev due to missing + pavgroup (git-fixes). +- commit 3602f60 + +- x86/fpu: Fix copy_xstate_to_uabi() to copy init states correctly + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Exclude dynamic states from init_fpstate + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Fix the init_fpstate size check with the actual size + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Configure init_fpstate attributes orderly + (jsc#PED-1816). +- commit d47f5a0 + +- drm/amdkfd: export svm_range_list_lock_and_flush_work + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit c19d328 + +- amd/amdkfd: remove svms declaration to avoid werror + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 4bffdd8 + +- drm/amdkfd: fix KFDSVMRangeTest.PartialUnmapSysMemTest fails + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 77d4811 + +- Kbuild: use -std=gnu11 for KBUILD_USERCFLAGS (bsc#1204877). +- Kbuild: move to -std=gnu11 (bsc#1204877). +- commit 00462f0 + +- fbdev: cyber2000fb: fix missing pci_disable_device() + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: da8xx-fb: Fix error handling in .remove() (git-fixes). +- iio: bmc150-accel-core: Fix unsafe buffer attributes + (git-fixes). +- iio: adxl372: Fix unsafe buffer attributes (git-fixes). +- iio: temperature: ltc2983: allocate iio channels once + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: mcp3911: use correct id bits (git-fixes). +- iio: light: tsl2583: Fix module unloading (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Don't set IMI for no_interrupt (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Stop processing more requests on IMI + (git-fixes). +- usb: bdc: change state when port disconnected (git-fixes). +- hwmon/coretemp: Handle large core ID value (git-fixes). +- ACPI: video: Make backlight class device registration a separate + step (v2) (git-fixes). +- r8152: add PID for the Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add in new Devices that are supported for + Mac-Passthru (git-fixes). +- arm64/mm: Consolidate TCR_EL1 fields (git-fixes). +- commit 510527f + +- objtool,efi: Update __efi64_thunk annotation (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/efi-x86-use-naked-RET-on-mixed-mode-call-wrapper.patch. +- efi/mokvar: move up init order (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit de5f614 + +- scsi: iscsi: Stop using the SCSI pointer (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: qedi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: bnx2i: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: be2iscsi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- commit 4dde282 + +- tracing: Disable interrupt or preemption before acquiring + arch_spinlock_t (git-fixes). +- commit 2afc9ce + +- tracing: Wake up ring buffer waiters on closing of the file + (git-fixes). +- kABI: Fix after adding trace_iterator.wait_index (git-fixes). +- commit c6de351 + +- tracing: Fix reading strings from synthetic events (git-fixes). +- commit b3d60fe + +- tracing: Add "(fault)" name injection to kernel probes + (git-fixes). +- commit e8dfbfa + +- tracing: Move duplicate code of trace_kprobe/eprobe.c into header + (git-fixes). +- commit 4676a84 + +- ftrace: Fix char print issue in print_ip_ins() (git-fixes). +- commit 40cb188 + +- tracing: Do not free snapshot if tracer is on cmdline + (git-fixes). +- commit 9e07624 + +- tracing: Simplify conditional compilation code in + tracing_set_tracer() (git-fixes). +- commit 35b9e24 + +- ring-buffer: Fix race between reset page and reading page + (git-fixes). +- commit e172e8c + +- tracing: Wake up waiters when tracing is disabled (git-fixes). +- commit e65663f + +- tracing: Add ioctl() to force ring buffer waiters to wake up + (git-fixes). +- commit d726bd0 + +- ring-buffer: Add ring_buffer_wake_waiters() (git-fixes). +- commit 3f155a7 + +- ALSA: rme9652: use explicitly signed char (git-fixes). +- ALSA: au88x0: use explicitly signed char (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for M-Audio Fast Track C400/600 + (git-fixes). +- commit 1285ea5 + +- device property: Fix documentation for *_match_string() APIs + (git-fixes). +- PM: domains: Fix handling of unavailable/disabled idle states + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: Allow hybrid sleep to work with s2idle + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci_am654: 'select', not 'depends' REGMAP_MMIO + (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Fix kernel panic when remove non-standard SDIO card + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-pci-core: Disable ES for ASUS BIOS on Jasper Lake + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: Propagate ESDHC_FLAG_HS400* only on 8bit + bus (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Use correct logic for nand-keep-config + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: aoa: Fix I2S device accounting (git-fixes). +- ALSA: Use del_timer_sync() before freeing timer (git-fixes). +- ALSA: aoa: i2sbus: fix possible memory leak in i2sbus_add_dev() + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: Mark HDMI TX parity register as volatile + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: mark HDMI TX registers as volatile + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ac97: fix possible memory leak in snd_ac97_dev_register() + (git-fixes). +- drm/i915/dp: Reset frl trained flag before restarting FRL + training (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: Fix memory leak in kfd_mem_dmamap_userptr() + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: fix IRQ lifetime (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/hdmi: fix memory corruption with too many bridges + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dsi: fix memory corruption with too many bridges + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: fix use-after-free on probe deferral (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Fix return type of mdp4_lvds_connector_mode_valid + (git-fixes). +- commit a89c8ce + +- efi: Allow to enable EFI runtime services by default on RT + (jsc#PED-1409). + Update config files. +- efi: use default_groups in kobj_type (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: measure loaded initrd info into the TPM + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: consolidate initrd handling across architectures + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: x86/mixed: increase supported argument count + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/x86-prepare-asm-files-for-straight-line-speculation.patch. + patches.suse/efi-x86-use-naked-RET-on-mixed-mode-call-wrapper.patch. +- efi/libstub: add prototype of + efi_tcg2_protocol::hash_log_extend_event() (jsc#PED-1409). +- include/linux/efi.h: Remove unneeded whitespaces before tabs + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Move efifb_setup_from_dmi() prototype from arch headers + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. +- commit fa39fcf + +- blacklist.conf: add reverted ASoC patches +- commit 67ca727 + +- net: mscc: ocelot: fix address of SYS_COUNT_TX_AGING counter + (git-fixes). +- commit a23c712 + +- net: dsa: sja1105: fix buffer overflow in + sja1105_setup_devlink_regions() (git-fixes). +- commit 9684564 + +- net: dsa: microchip: ksz9477: fix fdb_dump last invalid entry + (git-fixes). +- commit bcb13eb + +- Update patch reference for USB fix (bsc#1196018 CVE-2022-28748 bsc#1202686 CVE-2022-2964) +- commit 0ee154e + +- i40e: Fix to stop tx_timeout recovery if GLOBR fails + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae1da4 + +- iavf: Fix reset error handling (git-fixes). +- commit d4babdd + +- iavf: Fix adminq error handling (git-fixes). +- commit 403a1a3 + +- net: moxa: pass pdev instead of ndev to DMA functions + (git-fixes). +- commit e117a5b + +- mlxsw: spectrum: Clear PTP configuration after unregistering + the netdevice (git-fixes). +- commit 6677912 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6060: prevent crash on an unused port + (git-fixes). +- commit 00d6b8c + +- fec: Fix timer capture timing in `fec_ptp_enable_pps()` + (git-fixes). +- commit 1a47f16 + +- dpaa2-eth: trace the allocated address instead of page struct + (git-fixes). +- commit 1020d1e + +- net: atlantic: fix aq_vec index out of range error (git-fixes). +- commit 46d90a2 + +- plip: avoid rcu debug splat (git-fixes). +- commit eb203b2 + +- net: bgmac: Fix a BUG triggered by wrong bytes_compl + (git-fixes). +- commit cb50cd4 + +- net: bcmgenet: Indicate MAC is in charge of PHY PM (git-fixes). +- commit 1147d60 + +- xen/netback: fix incorrect usage of + RING_HAS_UNCONSUMED_REQUESTS() (bsc#1204570). +- commit 3c5f57f + +- can: j1939: transport: j1939_session_skb_drop_old(): + spin_unlock_irqrestore() before kfree_skb() (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: Fix possible completions during init_completion + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: switch from WARN to pr_warn (git-fixes). +- can: mcp251x: mcp251x_can_probe(): add missing + unregister_candev() in error path (git-fixes). +- can: mscan: mpc5xxx: mpc5xxx_can_probe(): add missing + put_clock() in error path (git-fixes). +- mac802154: Fix LQI recording (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: set num_in/outputs to 0 if not supported + (git-fixes). +- media: videodev2.h: V4L2_DV_BT_BLANKING_HEIGHT should check + 'interlaced' (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-dv-timings: add sanity checks for blanking values + (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: dev->bitmap_cap wasn't freed in all cases + (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: s_fbuf: add more sanity checks (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: kvaser_usb_leaf: fix CAN clock frequency + regression (git-fixes). +- commit 78420ce + +- Add CVE reference to + patches.suse/net-usb-ax88179_178a-Fix-out-of-bounds-accesses-in-R.patch + (bsc#1196018 CVE-2022-28748 CVE-2022-2964). +- commit 1298a2a + +- hmm-tests: add test for migrate_device_range() (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit ec3f1d0 + +- nouveau/dmem: evict device private memory during release + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit ca9fd32 + +- nouveau/dmem: refactor nouveau_dmem_fault_copy_one() + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 521539d + +- mm/migrate_device.c: add migrate_device_range() (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 63236a4 + +- firmware_loader: move firmware sysctl to its own files + (PED-1263). +- Refresh + patches.suse/firmware_loader-Split-sysfs-support-from-fallback.patch. +- commit 8ae5e5b + +- mm/migrate_device.c: refactor migrate_vma and + migrate_deivce_coherent_page() (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, + CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 7f2a998 + +- mm/memremap.c: take a pgmap reference on page allocation + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 123f2df + +- mm/memremap: fix memunmap_pages() race with get_dev_pagemap() + (git-fixes). +- commit 980c32f + +- mm/pagealloc: sysctl: change watermark_scale_factor max limit + to 30% (bnc#1189998 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)). +- Refresh + patches.suse/sysctl-move-some-boundary-constants-from-sysctl.c-to.patch. + This was previously in the SLE15-SP4-RT branch to avoid a change in + behaviour of a sysctl after GA. +- commit dce66e6 + +- fpga: stratix10-soc: Do not use ret uninitialized in s10_probe() + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1865695 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: d5005 bmc secure update driver (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a8f024e + +- fpga: dfl-pci: Add IDs for Intel N6000, N6001 and C6100 cards + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 81df1d8 + +- uio: dfl: add IOPLL user-clock feature id (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit b574954 + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Add d5005 bmc secure update driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ccd0f1e + +- memory: dfl-emif: Update the dfl emif driver support revision 1 + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ec569a6 + +- regmap: spi-avmm: Use swabXX_array() helpers (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4057de5 + +- swab: Add array operations (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit b633743 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: Fix possible memory leak of flash_buf + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit c627d9d + +- firmware_loader: Fix memory leak in firmware upload + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 19ff7e8 + +- firmware_loader: Fix use-after-free during unregister + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4f92a6e + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: add max10 secure update functions + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit fb127c6 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: expose max10 canceled keys in sysfs + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4d15a2d + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: expose max10 flash update count + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 490a9aa + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: create max10 bmc secure update (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit bb9fcc7 + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Rename n3000bmc-secure driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit fc33834 + +- firmware_loader: describe 'module' parameter of + firmware_upload_register() (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 103bb65 + +- firmware_loader: Move definitions from sysfs_upload.h to sysfs.h + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 87bae5e + +- firmware_loader: Fix configs for sysfs split (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 6a7a9b1 + +- firmware_loader: Add sysfs nodes to monitor fw_upload + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7b04b8b + +- firmware_loader: Add firmware-upload support (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit d2144d4 + +- firmware_loader: Split sysfs support from fallback + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit e6134c4 + +- firmware_loader: Check fw_state_is_done in loading_store + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 87cb66d + +- firmware_loader: Clear data and size in fw_free_paged_buf + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a0106fc + +- fpga: dfl: Allow Port to be linked to FME's DFL (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 54d7dcd + +- Documentation: fpga: dfl: add link address of feature id table + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ae7ccad + +- fpga: dfl: check feature type before parse irq info + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7ba0e05 + +- fpga: fpga-region: fix kernel-doc formatting issues + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 8305210 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: fix kernel-doc warnings (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4a86d8b + +- fpga: fix for coding style issues (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit eefb2bb + +- uio: dfl: add HSSI subsystem feature id (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 942ce55 + +- hwmon: (intel-m10-bmc-hwmon) use devm_hwmon_sanitize_name() + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit f3a8650 + +- hwmon: introduce hwmon_sanitize_name() (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1fef75a + +- fpga: dfl: pci: Remove usage of the deprecated + "pci-dma-compat.h" API (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 0f81b21 + +- fpga: region: fix kernel-doc (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7e5c728 + +- fpga: region: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 3acc62e + +- fpga: bridge: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 3c81c95 + +- fpga: mgr: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9311bde + +- fpga: dfl: Avoid reads to AFU CSRs during enumeration + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9490eba + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Add N5010 variant (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit bffc1db + +- spi: spi-altera-dfl: support n5010 feature revision + (jsc#PED-1263). +- Refresh + patches.suse/spi-spi-altera-dfl-Fix-an-error-handling-path.patch. +- commit 88965da + +- fpga: dfl: expose feature revision from struct dfl_device + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ac856ca + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write_sg() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 8064ded + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the fpga_remove() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 67d203e + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the state() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 93c376a + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the status() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 69714b3 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 5cae3b0 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: make write_complete() op optional + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 58d2ca4 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write_init() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a678a0d + +- fpga: dfl: pci: add device IDs for Silicom N501x PAC cards + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit decfdaa + +- mm: free device private pages have zero refcount (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 476ed92 + +- fpga: fpga-bridge: removed repeated word (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9fd1af8 + +- fpga: fix spelling mistakes (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 52e3a64 + +- docs: driver-api: fpga: avoid using UTF-8 chars (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit d967010 + +- hwmon: intel-m10-bmc-hwmon: add n5010 sensors (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1130849 + +- Update config and supported.conf for Intel FPGA (jsc#PED-1263) + CONFIG_FW_LOADER_SYSFS=y + CONFIG_FW_UPLOAD=y + CONFIG_FPGA_M10_BMC_SEC_UPDATE=m + CONFIG_MFD_INTEL_M10_BMC=m + CONFIG_SENSORS_INTEL_M10_BMC_HWMON=m + CONFIG_REGMAP_SPI_AVMM=m +- commit 20596f5 + +- HID: hidraw: fix memory leak in hidraw_release() (git-fixes). +- commit 0e980ee + +- octeontx2-pf: Fix NIX_AF_TL3_TL2X_LINKX_CFG register + configuration (git-fixes). +- commit cc822b8 + +- octeontx2-af: Fix key checking for source mac (git-fixes). +- commit 2b15002 + +- octeontx2-af: Fix mcam entry resource leak (git-fixes). +- commit 1934a04 + +- octeontx2-af: suppress external profile loading warning + (git-fixes). +- commit f03aa66 + +- octeontx2-af: Apply tx nibble fixup always (git-fixes). +- commit 127ded0 + +- net: tap: NULL pointer derefence in dev_parse_header_protocol + when skb->dev is null (git-fixes). +- commit fd012c5 + +- nfp: ethtool: fix the display error of `ethtool -m DEVNAME` + (git-fixes). +- commit 145a612 + +- net/ice: fix initializing the bitmap in the switch code + (git-fixes). +- commit 1864c2e + +- s390/pai: Fix multiple concurrent event installation + (jsc#PED-598). +- s390/pai: Prevent invalid event number for pai_crypto PMU + (jsc#PED-598). +- s390/pai: add support for cryptography counters (jsc#PED-598). +- entry: Rename arch_check_user_regs() to + arch_enter_from_user_mode() (jsc#PED-598). +- commit 4a60553 + +- net/mlx5e: xsk: Account for XSK RQ UMRs when calculating ICOSQ + size (git-fixes). +- commit 0f9b4b8 + +- net/mlx5e: Remove WARN_ON when trying to offload an unsupported + TLS cipher/version (git-fixes). +- commit 26fe2e5 + +- netdevsim: fib: Fix reference count leak on route deletion + failure (git-fixes). +- commit ef84aaa + +- ice: do not setup vlan for loopback VSI (git-fixes). +- commit 2f72810 + +- ice: check (DD | EOF) bits on Rx descriptor rather than (EOP | + RS) (git-fixes). +- commit c63938e + +- can: kvaser_usb: replace run-time checks with struct + kvaser_usb_driver_info (git-fixes). +- commit 435b54b + +- sfc: disable softirqs for ptp TX (git-fixes). +- commit def7cc9 + +- octeontx2-pf: Fix UDP/TCP src and dst port tc filters + (git-fixes). +- commit a2053ff + +- net: fix IFF_TX_SKB_NO_LINEAR definition (git-fixes). +- commit 36a8155 + +- selftests: cgroup: add a selftest for memory.reclaim + (jsc#PED-808). +- selftests: cgroup: fix alloc_anon_noexit() instantly freeing + memory (jsc#PED-808). +- selftests: cgroup: return -errno from cg_read()/cg_write() + on failure (jsc#PED-808). +- memcg: introduce per-memcg reclaim interface (jsc#PED-808). +- commit ee3f4a3 + +- thermal: intel_powerclamp: Use first online CPU as control_cpu + (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/qcom/tsens-v0_1: Fix MSM8939 fourth sensor hw_id + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: fix a potential memory leak in + rtw_init_cmd_priv() (git-fixes). +- staging: vt6655: fix potential memory leak (git-fixes). +- usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Explicitly enable lane adapter hotplug events at + startup (git-fixes). +- usb: idmouse: fix an uninit-value in idmouse_open (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Enable GUCTL1 bit 10 for fixing termination + error after resume bug (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: Fix musb_gadget.c rxstate overflow bug (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci: Fix potential memory leak in + xhci_alloc_stream_info() (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci-plat: suspend/resume clks for brcm (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci-plat: suspend and resume clocks (git-fixes). +- soundwire: intel: fix error handling on dai registration issues + (git-fixes). +- soundwire: cadence: Don't overwrite msg->buf during write + commands (git-fixes). +- kselftest/arm64: Fix validatation termination record after + EXTRA_CONTEXT (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Drop Kconfig dependency on TEGRA20_APB_DMA + (git-fixes). +- udmabuf: Set ubuf->sg = NULL if the creation of sg table fails + (git-fixes). +- spi: Ensure that sg_table won't be used after being freed + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: correctly set BBP register 86 for MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set SoC wmac clock register (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set VGC gain for both chains of MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set correct TX_SW_CFG1 MAC register for MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: don't run Rt5592 IQ calibration on MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7921: reset msta->airtime_ac while clearing up + hw value (git-fixes). +- wifi: brcmfmac: fix use-after-free bug in + brcmf_netdev_start_xmit() (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath9k: avoid uninit memory read in ath9k_htc_rx_msg() + (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Add back Intel Falcon Ridge end-to-end flow + control workaround (git-fixes). +- wifi: brcmfmac: fix invalid address access when enabling SCAN + log level (git-fixes). +- selinux: use "grep -E" instead of "egrep" (git-fixes). +- thermal: cpufreq_cooling: Check the policy first in + cpufreq_cooling_register() (git-fixes). +- thermal: intel_powerclamp: Use get_cpu() instead of + smp_processor_id() to avoid crash (git-fixes). +- selinux: allow FIOCLEX and FIONCLEX with policy capability + (git-fixes). +- commit 2b3f1b5 + +- gcov: support GCC 12.1 and newer compilers (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix build breakage with CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=n + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix vblank refcount in vrr transition + (git-fixes). +- kbuild: rpm-pkg: fix breakage when V=1 is used (git-fixes). +- kbuild: remove the target in signal traps when interrupted + (git-fixes). +- clk: bcm2835: Make peripheral PLLC critical (git-fixes). +- clk: zynqmp: pll: rectify rate rounding in zynqmp_pll_round_rate + (git-fixes). +- clk: zynqmp: Fix stack-out-of-bounds in strncpy` (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: fix potential memory leak in + rtw_init_drv_sw() (git-fixes). +- iio: pressure: dps310: Reset chip after timeout (git-fixes). +- iio: pressure: dps310: Refactor startup procedure (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: ti: k3-udma: Reset UDMA_CHAN_RT byte counters to + prevent overflow (git-fixes). +- power: supply: adp5061: fix out-of-bounds read in + adp5061_get_chg_type() (git-fixes). +- HID: roccat: Fix use-after-free in roccat_read() (git-fixes). +- media: cx88: Fix a null-ptr-deref bug in buffer_prepare() + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Remove interface for periodic interrupt 1 + (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: explicitly remove aggregate driver at module unload + time (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix initial connector audio value (git-fixes). +- drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for Anbernic Win600 + (git-fixes). +- drm: bridge: dw_hdmi: only trigger hotplug event on link change + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/kms/nv140-: Disable interlacing (git-fixes). +- gpu: lontium-lt9611: Fix NULL pointer dereference in + lt9611_connector_init() (git-fixes). +- drm/komeda: Fix handling of atomic commits in the + atomic_commit_tail hook (git-fixes). +- drm/virtio: Check whether transferred 2D BO is shmem + (git-fixes). +- drm: Prevent drm_copy_field() to attempt copying a NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- drm: Use size_t type for len variable in drm_copy_field() + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/nouveau_bo: fix potential memory leak in + nouveau_bo_alloc() (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Change DMI match / alias strings to + fix module autoloading (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec: Notify the PM of wake events during + resume (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-msm: add compatible string check for sdm670 + (git-fixes). +- regulator: core: Prevent integer underflow (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (sht4x) do not overflow clamping operation on 32-bit + platforms (git-fixes). +- net: ethernet: ti: davinci_mdio: fix build for mdio bitbang uses + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: Fix overreporting of drops in dropwatch + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: Fix double reporting of drops in dropwatch + (git-fixes). +- net: ethernet: ti: davinci_mdio: Add workaround for errata i2329 + (git-fixes). +- ima: fix blocking of security.ima xattrs of unsupported + algorithms (git-fixes). +- commit 73e3036 + +- arm64: topology: move store_cpu_topology() to shared code + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: imx8mp: Add snps,gfladj-refclk-lpm-sel quirk to + USB nodes (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci_platform: Sanity check the DT child nodes number + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: imx8mq-librem5: Add bq25895 as max17055's power + supply (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sx: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sll: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sl: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qp: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6dl: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6q: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx7d-sdb: config the max pressure for tsc2046 + (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9242/1: kasan: Only map modules if CONFIG_KASAN_VMALLOC=n + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: pci: Change DMI match info to support all Chrome + platforms (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix last interface check for registration + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Register card at the last interface + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix user-after-free (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_sysfs: Fix attempting to call device_add multiple + times (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: initialize delayed works at + l2cap_chan_create() (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Fix possible deadlock on socket + shutdown/release (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: btintel: Mark Intel controller to support LE_STATES + quirk (git-fixes). +- can: bcm: check the result of can_send() in bcm_can_tx() + (git-fixes). +- ARM: decompressor: Include (git-fixes). +- ACPI: video: Add Toshiba Satellite/Portege Z830 quirk + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: x86: Add a quirk for Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 for + StorageD3Enable (git-fixes). +- ACPI: tables: FPDT: Don't call acpi_os_map_memory() on invalid + phys address (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9247/1: mm: set readonly for MT_MEMORY_RO with ARM_LPAE + (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9244/1: dump: Fix wrong pg_level in walk_pmd() (git-fixes). +- commit de318d1 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit 78ca650 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state + is toggled (git-fixes). +- commit 8343da0 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Refactoring find_arch_event() to + pmc_perf_hw_id() (git-fixes). +- commit 44b42bd + +- mm/hugetlb: fix races when looking up a CONT-PTE/PMD size + hugetlb page (bsc#1204575). +- commit e6fc5be + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Update vPMCs when retiring branch + instructions (git-fixes). +- commit 4209455 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Add pmc->intr to refactor + kvm_perf_overflow{_intr}() (git-fixes). +- commit 9fc8292 + +- platform/x86/intel: pmc/core: Add Raptor Lake support to pmc + core driver (jsc#PED-1035). +- platform/x86/intel/vsec: Add support for Raptor Lake + (jsc#PED-1036). +- commit e86728a + +- drm/amdkfd: use kvcalloc() instead of kvmalloc() in kfd_migrate + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit ceef9d9 + +- drm/amdkfd: Handle incomplete migration to system memory + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 002b524 + +- drm/amdkfd: Avoid thrashing of stack and heap (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 61d33f6 + +- drm/amdkfd: avoid conflicting address mappings (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-process_info-lock-not-needed-for-svm.patch. +- commit aa4245a + +- drm/amdkfd: unregistered svm range not overlap with TTM range + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit eb3c57d + +- Do not enable CONFIG_ATARI_PARTITION (jsc#PED-1573). +- commit 0605d12 + +- drm/amdkfd: Fix SVM_ATTR_PREFERRED_LOC (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 2022943 + +- mm/memory.c: fix race when faulting a device private page + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit fa41dd0 + +- drm/amdkfd: debug message to count successfully migrated pages + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit a83f8ae + +- drm/amdkfd: clarify the origin of cpages returned by migration + functions (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit b72c8a9 + +- drm/amdkfd: handle svm partial migration cpages 0 (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 51450c1 + +- drm/amdkfd: ratelimited svm debug messages (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit f314d31 + +- KVM: SVM: Exit to userspace on ENOMEM/EFAULT GHCB errors + (git-fixes). +- commit 22e05f5 + +- overflow.h: restore __ab_c_size (git-fixes). +- commit 9dbc158 + +- KVM: x86: Add KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP to x86 (git-fixes). +- commit 3acb74c + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Don't truncate the PerfEvtSeln MSR when creating + a perf event (git-fixes). +- commit 9a723c2 + +- overflow: Implement size_t saturating arithmetic helpers + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit fecede0 + +- cgroup/cpuset: Enable update_tasks_cpumask() on top_cpuset + (bsc#1204753). +- commit d072831 + +- blacklist.conf: Add cgroup: cgroup: Honor caller's cgroup NS when resolving cgroup id +- commit 382b2e7 + +- blacklist.conf: Add c530a3c716b9 sched/psi: Fix periodic aggregation shut off +- commit 56b9a2a + +- KVM: x86: nSVM/nVMX: set nested_run_pending on VM entry which + is a result of RSM (git-fixes). +- commit 274c60f + +- powerpc/fadump: align destination address to pagesize + (bsc#1204728 ltc#200074). +- commit 5377513 + +- KVM: x86: nSVM: mark vmcb01 as dirty when restoring SMM saved + state (git-fixes). +- commit cd056ba + +- KVM: x86: nSVM: fix potential NULL derefernce on nested + migration (git-fixes). +- commit 272884f + +- KVM: x86: Sync the states size with the XCR0/IA32_XSS at, + any time (git-fixes). +- commit c927187 + +- KVM: x86: Keep MSR_IA32_XSS unchanged for INIT (git-fixes). +- commit c61458a + +- KVM: x86: Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state is toggled + (git-fixes). +- commit f22036a + +- Update patches.suse/usb-mon-make-mmapped-memory-read-only.patch + (bsc#1204653 CVE-2022-43750). + Added CVE and bsc +- commit 93b1d48 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Fix available_event_types check for REF_CPU_CYCLES + event (git-fixes). +- commit 436d9eb + +- KVM: x86: Update vPMCs when retiring branch instructions + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/kvm-emulate-do-not-adjust-size-of-fastop-and-setcc-subroutines.patch. +- commit 1f8391b + +- KVM: x86: Update vPMCs when retiring instructions (git-fixes). +- commit c4d4a64 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Add pmc->intr to refactor + kvm_perf_overflow{_intr}() (git-fixes). +- commit 91025b1 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Refactoring find_arch_event() to pmc_perf_hw_id() + (git-fixes). +- commit 8080b0e + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Always set kvm_run->if_flag + (git-fixes). +- KVM: x86: Always set kvm_run->if_flag (git-fixes). +- commit daa5fd4 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't advance iterator after restart due to + yielding (git-fixes). +- commit 86c02c7 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Retry page fault if root is invalidated by + memslot update (git-fixes). +- commit c96dbdc + +- KVM: fix avic_set_running for preemptable kernels (git-fixes). +- commit 457ae39 + +- KVM: x86: Add compat handler for KVM_X86_SET_MSR_FILTER + (git-fixes). +- commit 58e3def + +- xen/gntdev: Prevent leaking grants (git-fixes). +- commit 73a7df7 + +- KVM: nVMX: Ignore SIPI that arrives in L2 when vCPU is not in + WFS (git-fixes). +- commit 8c88ccd + +- KVM: nVMX: Unconditionally purge queued/injected events on + nested "exit" (git-fixes). +- commit f7976c7 + +- KVM: x86/emulator: Fix handing of POP SS to correctly set + interruptibility (git-fixes). +- commit 938654e + +- usb: gadget: f_fs: stricter integer overflow checks (git-fixes). +- commit 07d2846 + +- blacklist.conf: prerequisites too risky +- commit 93c5479 + +- scsi: mpi3mr: Schedule IRQ kthreads only on non-RT kernels + (bnc#1204498). +- commit e73c4d3 + +- lib/string_helpers: Consolidate string helpers implementation + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit fa50192 + +- usb: cdc-wdm: Use skb_put_data() instead of skb_put/memcpy pair + (git-fixes). +- commit a0de208 + +- iommu: Add capability for pre-boot DMA protection + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 531fe4a + +- iommu: Use right way to retrieve iommu_ops (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 48ca01b + +- Update patch reference for + patches.suse/devlink-Fix-use-after-free-after-a-failed-reload.patch + (git-fixes bsc#1204637 CVE-2022-3625). +- commit fd50fbc + +- pinctrl: Ingenic: JZ4755 bug fixes (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: let query-modname override actual module name + (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: fix module.dyndbg handling (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: fix static_branch manipulation (git-fixes). +- commit afe6697 + +- io_uring: use original request task for inflight tracking + (CVE-2022-40476 bsc#1203435). +- commit 941d6b4 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-vas-Pass-hw_cpu_id-to-node-associati.patch + (bsc#1194869 bsc#1204428 ltc#200180). +- commit fe8b379 + +- ring-buffer: Check pending waiters when doing wake ups as well + (git-fixes). +- commit d934ca7 + +- ring-buffer: Have the shortest_full queue be the shortest not + longest (git-fixes). +- commit ed18dc7 + +- ring-buffer: Allow splice to read previous partially read pages + (git-fixes). +- commit 4649dee + +- iommu: Introduce device_iommu_capable() (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 7a5b8e8 + +- ftrace: Properly unset FTRACE_HASH_FL_MOD (git-fixes). +- commit 554a8e9 + +- net: mvpp2: fix mvpp2 debugfs leak (bsc#1204417 CVE-2022-3535). +- bnx2x: fix potential memory leak in bnx2x_tpa_stop() + (bsc#1204402 CVE-2022-3542). +- nfp: fix use-after-free in area_cache_get() (bsc#1204415 + CVE-2022-3545). +- commit 8e53774 + +- tracing/osnoise: Fix possible recursive locking in + stop_per_cpu_kthreads (git-fixes). +- commit f81f58f + +- tracing: Replace deprecated CPU-hotplug functions (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/tracing-osnoise-Fix-missed-cpus_read_unlock-in-start_per_cpu_kthreads.patch. +- commit b1bca55 + +- tracing: kprobe: Make gen test module work in arm and riscv + (git-fixes). +- commit 57b2377 + +- tracing: kprobe: Fix kprobe event gen test module on exit + (git-fixes). +- commit 81447e5 + +- thunderbolt: Add support for XDomain lane bonding + (jsc#PEd-1211). +- commit 75a8fa9 + +- thunderbolt: Ignore port locked error in + tb_port_wait_for_link_width() (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit bf76347 + +- thunderbolt: Split setting link width and lane bonding into + own functions (jsc#PEd-1211). +- commit fc051e6 + +- thunderbolt: Move tb_port_state() prototype to correct place + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit d0ed8bf + +- nilfs2: fix leak of nilfs_root in case of writer thread creation + failure (CVE-2022-3646 bsc#1204646). +- nilfs2: fix use-after-free bug of struct nilfs_root + (CVE-2022-3649 bsc#1204647). +- commit af91749 + +- Update patch reference for vsock fix (CVE-2022-3629 bsc#1204635) +- commit 6c49703 + +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: fix use-after-free in l2cap_conn_del() + (CVE-2022-3640 bsc#1204619). +- commit 5d68cf0 + +- can: j1939: j1939_session_destroy(): fix memory leak of skbs + (CVE-2022-3633 bsc#1204650). +- commit da3122e + +- thunderbolt: Add debug logging when lane is enabled/disabled + (jesc#PEd-531). +- commit ca2d7e5 + +- thunderbolt: Link USB4 ports to their USB Type-C connectors + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit f9e0651 + +- thunderbolt: Make iommu_dma_protection more accurate + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 318d5c5 + +- thunderbolt: Dump path config space entries during discovery + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 1ac89ca + +- Reference JIRA Impl instead Epic: jsc#PED-448 -> jsc#PED-594 +- Reference JIRA Impl instead Epic: jsc#PED-455 -> jsc#PED-588 +- commit 64fa841 + +- s390/airq: use DMA memory for summary indicators (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: Provide target domain for EP11 cprbs to scheduling + function (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: change reply buffer size offering (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: Support CPRB minor version T7 (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: handle checkstopped cards with new state + (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: CEX8S exploitation support (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/ap/zcrypt: debug feature improvements (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: rework of debug feature messages (jsc#PED-596). +- commit caf5220 + +- KVM: s390x: fix SCK locking (git-fixes). +- KVM: s390: Clarify SIGP orders versus STOP/RESTART (git-fixes). +- commit aa7345b + +- i2c: qcom-cci: Fix ordering of pm_runtime_xx and i2c_add_adapter + (git-fixes). +- media: venus: dec: Handle the case where find_format fails + (git-fixes). +- media: atomisp: prevent integer overflow in + sh_css_set_black_frame() (git-fixes). +- media: ipu3-imgu: Fix NULL pointer dereference in active + selection access (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2: Fix v4l2_i2c_subdev_set_name function documentation + (git-fixes). +- media: mceusb: set timeout to at least timeout provided + (git-fixes). +- commit fbd2a07 + +- Update patches.suse/watchdog-hpwdt-Include-nmi.h-only-if-CONFIG_HPWDT_NM.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1694). + Add reference to jsc#PED-1694. +- commit 2064b90 + +- watchdog/hpwdt: Enable HP_WATCHDOG for ARM64 systems. (jsc#PED-1694) + Enable HP ProLiant iLO2+ Hardware Watchdog Timer +- commit f0e3a55 + +- scsi: core: Remove the 'done' argument from SCSI + queuecommand_lck functions (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fas216: Introduce the function + fas216_queue_command_internal() (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Call scsi_done directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: usb: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: target: tcm_loop: Call scsi_done() directly + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: staging: rts5208: Call scsi_done() directly + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: xen-scsifront: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: wd719x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: wd33c93: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: virtio_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ufs: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: sym53c8xx_2: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: storvsc_drv: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: stex: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: snic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: smartpqi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qlogicpti: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qlogicfas408: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qla4xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit baefb85 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Implement-ref-count-for-SRB.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Stop-using-the-SCSI-pointer.patch. +- commit 47bbcd3 + +- scsi: qla1280: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qedf: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ps3rom: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ppa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit b80549e + +- scsi: pmcraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 881416d + +- scsi: pcmcia: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: nsp32: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ncr53c8xx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrs: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrb: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mvumi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpi3mr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mesh: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_mbox: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mac53c94: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: lpfc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libsas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libiscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libfc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ips: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ipr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: initio: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: imm: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 76ef02d + +- cpufreq: qcom: fix writes in read-only memory region + (git-fixes). +- cpufreq: qcom: fix memory leak in error path (git-fixes). +- ACPI: extlog: Handle multiple records (git-fixes). +- HID: magicmouse: Do not set BTN_MOUSE on double report + (git-fixes). +- selinux: enable use of both GFP_KERNEL and GFP_ATOMIC in + convert_context() (git-fixes). +- commit a940189 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add another HP ZBook G9 model quirks + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 9b4cf06 + +- scsi: ibmvscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hptiop: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hpsa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fnic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fdomain: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fas216: Stop using scsi_cmnd.scsi_done (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: esp_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: esas2r: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: dpt_i2o: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: dc395x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: cxlflash: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: csiostor: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bnx2fc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bfa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: atp870u: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: arcmsr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aic7xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aha1542: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aha152x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: advansys: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: acornscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Introduce aac_scsi_done() (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: a100u2w: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: NCR5380: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 4088abf + +- scsi: BusLogic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 53c700: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-9xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: zfcp_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: message: fusion: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ib_srp: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: firewire: sbp2: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ata: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 8b9488f + +- scsi: core: Rename scsi_mq_done() into scsi_done() and export it + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Use a structure member to track the SCSI command + submitter (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 217e4e6 + +- efi: Simplify arch_efi_call_virt() macro (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 736e2d1 + +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix missing resource cleanup in error case + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Remove the PMCRAID_PASSTHROUGH_IOCTL ioctl + implementation (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Don't use GFP_DMA in pmcraid_alloc_sglist() + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix a kernel-doc warning (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Register sysfs attributes earlier (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 65ed53e + +- blacklist.conf: add an entry for IDXD that has been already fixed +- commit 7531ae1 + +- dmaengine: idxd: force wq context cleanup on device disable path + (git-fixes). +- commit e06ba18 + +- nilfs2: fix NULL pointer dereference at + nilfs_bmap_lookup_at_level() (CVE-2022-3621 bsc#1204574). +- commit f8016b1 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS Zenbook using CS35L41 + (bsc#1203922). +- commit 1d187cf + +- Move upstreamed sound patches into sorted section +- commit 4c058b6 + +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix memory leak in vhci_write (CVE-2022-3619 + bsc#1204569). +- commit b649754 + +- iommu: Introduce a callback to struct iommu_resv_region + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 480aace + +- drm/amdgpu: fix sdma doorbell init ordering on APUs (git-fixes). +- net: phy: dp83822: disable MDI crossover status change interrupt + (git-fixes). +- wwan_hwsim: fix possible memory leak in wwan_hwsim_dev_new() + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: dp83867: Extend RX strap quirk for SGMII mode + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci-imx: Fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- commit 273eb71 + +- arm64: topology: Remove redundant setting of llc_id in CPU + topology (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 2ac7bb1 + +- hisi_lpc: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- soundwire: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit a5a010e + +- powerpc/64s: Fix build failure when CONFIG_PPC_64S_HASH_MMU + is not set (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- commit 0850b12 + +- powerpc/pseries: Stop selecting PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Rename-PPC_NATIVE-to-PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE.patch. +- commit abb9ade + +- thunderbolt: ACPI: Replace tb_acpi_find_port() with + acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit b06ed1f + +- powerpc/64s: Make hash MMU support configurable (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/lkdtm-disable-return-thunks-in-rodata-c.patch. + Update config files. +- commit 5b2abcf + +- platform/x86/thinkpad_acpi: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- platform/x86: Replace acpi_bus_get_device() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit e8f90ff + +- fuse: fix deadlock between atomic O_TRUNC and page invalidation + (bsc#1204533). +- commit a0e6630 + +- USB: ACPI: Replace usb_acpi_find_port() with + acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 1538aed + +- Correct JIRA reference to Impl entries (jsc#PED-588 jsc#PED-594 jsc#PED-812 jsc#PED-826 jsc#PED-827 jsc#PED-831 jsc#PED-840 jsc#PED-858 jsc#PED-859 jsc#PED-1033 jsc#PED-1035 jsc#PED-1038 jsc#PED-1044 jsc#PED-1046 jsc#PED-1052 jsc#PED-1054 jsc#PED-1096 jsc#PED-1165 jsc#PED-1213 jsc#PED-1516 jsc#PED-1817 jsc#PED-1820) +- commit 048beb0 + +- Correct JIRA reference to Impl entries (jsc#PED-833 jsc#PED-850 jsc#PED-825 jsc#PED-822 jsc#PED-846 jsc#PED-817 jsc#PED-851 jsc#PED-857 jsc#PED-842 jsc#PED-813 jsc#PED-1084 jsc#PED-1096 jsc#PED-1085 jsc#PED-1649 jsc#PED-1082 jsc#PED-856) +- commit c7d3570 + +- mfd: core: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 4d37bd2 + +- powerpc/pseries/vas: Add VAS IRQ primary handler (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). +- powerpc: Ignore DSI error caused by the copy/paste instruction + (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Move hash MMU support code under + CONFIG_PPC_64S_HASH_MMU (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/Revert-powerpc-rtas-Implement-reentrant-rtas-call.patch +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Add-kABI-placeholder-to-struct-pci_controlle.patch +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-wire-up-rng-during-setup_arch.patch +- powerpc: make memremap_compat_align 64s-only (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64: pcpu setup avoid reading mmu_linear_psize on 64e + or radix (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Rename hash_hugetlbpage.c to hugetlbpage.c + (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Make flush_and_reload_slb a no-op when radix is + enabled (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/pseries: lparcfg don't include slb_size line in radix + mode (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Move and rename do_bad_slb_fault as it is not + hash specific (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-64s-hash-Make-hash-faults-work-in-NMI-contex.patch +- powerpc: Rename PPC_NATIVE to PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). + Update config files. +- commit da125ff + +- devdax: Fix soft-reservation memory description (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Remove default association from integer maximum + values (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Ignore already existing data node tags + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Fix type detection of unified integer reading + functions (jsc#PED-1408). +- arm64: cacheinfo: Fix incorrect assignment of signed error + value to unsigned fw_level (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Fix error handling in acpi_init_properties() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Read buffer properties as integers + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Add support for parsing buffer property UUID + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 5677edc + +- ACPI: property: Unify integer value reading functions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Switch node property referencing from ifs to + a switch (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Move property ref argument parsing into a new + function (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Use acpi_object_type consistently in property + ref parsing (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Tie data nodes to acpi handles (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: VIOT: Do not dereference fwnode in struct device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Fix build error implicit-function-declaration + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Add a helper to retrieve RMR info directly + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Add support to retrieve IORT RMR reserved regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Provide a generic helper to retrieve reserve regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Make iort_iommu_msi_get_resv_regions() return void + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PPTT: Leave the table mapped for the runtime usage + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Remove the unused find_acpi_cpu_cache_topology() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PPTT: Use table offset as fw_token instead of virtual + address (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Move PRM config option under the main ACPI config + (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: Enable Platform Runtime Mechanism(PRM) support on ARM64 + (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: PRM: Change handler_addr type to void pointer + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/PCI: Remove useless NULL pointer checks (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Use native backlight on Dell Inspiron N4010 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Drop X86 dependency from Kconfig (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: resource: skip IRQ override on AMD Zen platforms + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: x86: Print messages regarding LPS0 idle support + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: s2idle: Use LPS0 idle if ACPI_FADT_LOW_POWER_S0 is + unset (jsc#PED-1408). +- Revert "ACPI / PM: LPIT: Register sysfs attributes based on + FADT" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: s2idle: Add support for upcoming AMD uPEP HID AMDI008 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Drop unused ident initializers from dmi_system_id + tables (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Re-use boot_ec when possible even when + EC_FLAGS_TRUST_DSDT_GPE is set (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix _EINJ vs EFI_MEMORY_SP (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix double word in a comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: Drop leftover acpi_processor_get_limit_info() + declaration (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: Split out thermal initialization from ACPI PSS + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop unused list heads from struct acpi_device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop driver member of struct acpi_device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop redundant check in acpi_device_remove() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / MMC: PM: Unify fixing up device power (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: scan: Walk ACPI device's children using driver core + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_dev_for_each_child_reverse() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Export acpi_dev_for_each_child() to modules + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() for child lookup + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: container: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Introduce acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Introduce acpi_dev_has_children() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: irq: Allow acpi_gsi_to_irq() to have an arch-specific + fallback (jsc#PED-1408). +- APCI: irq: Add support for multiple GSI domains (jsc#PED-1408). +- mmc: sdhci-acpi: Remove special handling for GPD win/pocket + devices (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 3b82889 + +- r8152: Rate limit overflow messages (CVE-2022-3594 bsc#1204479). +- commit a745ef5 + +- Update patch reference for HID fix (CVE-2022-3577 bsc#1204470) +- commit 3ac3b39 + +- kcm: avoid potential race in kcm_tx_work (bsc#1204355 + CVE-2022-3521). +- commit 2d76ec0 + +- tcp/udp: Fix memory leak in ipv6_renew_options() (bsc#1204354 + CVE-2022-3524). +- commit f8049de + +- Update metadata references +- commit d0bf0fb + +- PCI: hv: Fix synchronization between channel callback and + hv_pci_bus_exit() (bsc#1204017). +- commit ea6713d + +- PCI: hv: Fix synchronization between channel callback and + hv_compose_msi_msg() (bsc#1204017). +- commit 230768b + +- PCI: hv: Use vmbus_requestor to generate transaction IDs for + VMbus hardening (bsc#1204017). +- commit a19c478 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce {lock,unlock}_requestor() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit bc36cf4 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce vmbus_request_addr_match() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit 40cb8e4 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix handling of messages with transaction + ID of zero (bsc#1204017). +- commit a5b4ebf + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce vmbus_sendpacket_getid() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit 2e0386a + +- sch_sfb: Also store skb len before calling child enqueue + (CVE-2022-3586 bsc#1204439). +- sch_sfb: Don't assume the skb is still around after enqueueing + to child (CVE-2022-3586 bsc#1204439). +- commit 6788943 + +- Update patch reference for mISDN fix (CVE-2022-3565 bsc#1204431) +- commit 5d0836e + +- scsi: libsas: Fix use-after-free bug in smp_execute_task_sg() + (git-fixes). +- commit 1ad6725 + +- blacklist.conf: add upstream commit that's too invasive +- commit a605c6e + +- Update config files: enable CONFIG_DMABUF_MOVE_NOTIFY (jsc#PED-975) +- commit a10be66 + +- dmaengine: idxd: deprecate token sysfs attributes for read + buffers (jsc#PED-679). +- commit c137213 + +- dmaengine: idxd: change bandwidth token to read buffers + (jsc#PED-679). +- Refresh + patches.suse/dmaengine-idxd-restore-traffic-class-defaults-after-.patch. +- commit d0c1256 + +- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for RAPTORLAKE_S + (jsc#PED-1812). +- commit 213e719 + +- Update config files: enable CONFIG_PINCTRL_METEORLAKE (jsc#PED-732) +- supported.conf: add pinctrl-meteorlake +- commit efb9d9f + +- pinctrl: intel: Add Intel Meteor Lake pin controller support + (jsc#PED-732). +- commit 0540896 + +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake-P (jsc#PED-732). +- spi: pxa2xx: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake-P (jsc#PED-732). +- scsi: ufs: ufs-pci: Add support for Intel MTL (jsc#PED-732). +- commit 11c983f + +- Update patch reference for Intel MTL-P USB patch (jsc#PED-732) +- commit 4ca8c18 + +- pinctrl: alderlake: Fix register offsets for ADL-N variant + (jsc#PED-676). +- pinctrl: alderlake: Add Intel Alder Lake-N pin controller + support (jsc#PED-676). +- commit 5492389 + +- Update patch reference for Intel ADL-N eMMC patch (jsc#PED-676) +- commit 4c38b45 + +- thunderbolt: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 0ec42f9 + +- pinctrl: alderlake: Add Raptor Lake-S ACPI ID (jsc#PED-634). +- mfd: intel-lpss: Add Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S PCI IDs + (jsc#PED-634). +- spi: pxa2xx: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S + (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 06d5787 + +- Update patch references for intel_th RPL-S support (jsc#PED-634) +- commit 900e952 + +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S + (jsc#PED-634). +- i2c: i801: Improve handling of chip-specific feature definitions + (jsc#PED-634). +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Ice Lake PCH-N (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 46a17cc + +- scsi: ufs: ufs-pci: Add support for Intel ADL (jsc#PED-707). +- commit 356d2a6 + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-cpufeature-add-HWCAP-for-FEAT_RPRES.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1159) + Add reference to jsc#PED-1599 +- commit 27aeba3 + +- thermal: int340x: Mode setting with new OS handshake + (jsc#PED-678). +- commit c03fef0 + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-cpufeature-add-HWCAP-for-FEAT_AFP.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1159) + Add reference to jsc#PED-1599 +- commit fb87f4f + +- thermal: int340x: Update OS policy capability handshake + (jsc#PED-678). +- commit 2487fcb + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K DDR PMU driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ee9c6f0 + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K RNG driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit f38a789 + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K LLC PMU driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ff62505 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Make check_rng_health() return an error code (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit e96e350 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Optimize cn10k_rng_read() (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 18234b8 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Add random number generator support (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit 80a71af + +- perf/marvell: Fix !CONFIG_OF build for CN10K DDR PMU driver (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit d86ecb5 + +- perf/marvell: cn10k DDR perf event core ownership (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ccedd1a + +- perf/marvell: cn10k DDR perfmon event overflow handling (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b6ab0c5 + +- perf/marvell: CN10k DDR performance monitor support (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b13d58a + +- dt-bindings: perf: marvell: cn10k ddr performance monitor (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 705f151 + +- Update patch reference for macvlan fix (CVE-2022-3526 bsc#1204353) +- commit 740e86c + +- rpm/check-for-config-changes: loosen pattern for AS_HAS_* + This is needed to handle CONFIG_AS_HAS_NON_CONST_LEB128. +- commit bdc0bf7 + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix TAD PMU register offset (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 4ccd5d2 + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Remove useless license text when (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b1994db + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix tad_pmu_event_init() to check pmu type first (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit cb2eb6b + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix unused variable warning when W=1 and (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 4f19277 + +- drivers: perf: marvell_cn10k: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 9e52366 + +- drivers: perf: Add LLC-TAD perf counter support (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit 15db243 + +- powerpc/mm/64s: Drop pgd_huge() (bsc#1065729). +- powerpc/powernv: add missing of_node_put() in + opal_export_attrs() (bsc#1065729). +- powerpc/pci_dn: Add missing of_node_put() (bsc#1065729). +- commit 7c692ec + +- powerpc/kprobes: Fix null pointer reference in + arch_prepare_kprobe() (jsc#SLE-13847 git-fixes). +- powerpc/64: Remove unused SYS_CALL_TABLE symbol (jsc#SLE-9246 + git-fixes). +- commit 5521322 + +- thunderbolt: Use decimal number with port numbers (jsc#PED-531 + jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 1ef4993 + +- thunderbolt: Replace usage of found with dedicated list iterator + variable (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 3fecfc9 + +- thunderbolt: Clarify register definitions for + `tb_cap_plug_events` (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 68d4307 + +- thunderbolt: Add internal xHCI connect flows for Thunderbolt + 3 devices (jsc#PED-531). +- commit ec0de67 + +- thunderbolt: Do not make DROM read success compulsory + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 24436e4 + +- thunderbolt: Do not resume routers if UID is not set + (jsc#PED-531). +- thunderbolt: Retry DROM reads for more failure scenarios + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit a78e01a + +- thunderbolt: Drop duplicate NULL checks around + nvmem_unregister() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 3ea3344 + +- thunderbolt: Replace acpi_bus_get_device() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 920924a + +- thunderbolt: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 871dcd2 + +- usb: host: Initiate urb ep with udev ep0 (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f03f8e4 + +- arm64/bti: Disable in kernel BTI when cross section thunks are broken (git-fixes) +- commit 2f51dd9 + +- blacklist.conf: ("arm64/mm: drop HAVE_ARCH_PFN_VALID") +- commit f836660 + +- clk: at91: fix the build with binutils 2.27 (git-fixes). +- commit a34e36d + +- Input: xpad - add supported devices as contributed on github + (git-fixes). +- efi: libstub: drop pointless get_memory_map() call (git-fixes). +- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Fix + pci_endpoint_test_{copy,write,read}() panic (git-fixes). +- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Aggregate params checking for xfer + (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: qcserial: add new usb-id for Dell branded EM7455 + (git-fixes). +- efi: Correct Macmini DMI match in uefi cert quirk (git-fixes). +- commit 4dee064 + +- ALSA: oss: Fix potential deadlock at unregistration (git-fixes). +- ALSA: rawmidi: Drop register_mutex in snd_rawmidi_free() + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add Intel Reference SSID to support headset + keys (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GV601R laptop (git-fixes). +- commit c900b4a + +- ACPI: HMAT: Release platform device in case of + platform_device_add_data() fails (git-fixes). +- rtc: stmp3xxx: Add failure handling for stmp3xxx_wdt_register() + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Correct pin configs for ASUS G533Z + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: remove ALC289_FIXUP_DUAL_SPK for Dell 5530 + (git-fixes). +- arm64: mte: Avoid setting PG_mte_tagged if no tags cleared or + restored (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/pm: smu7_hwmgr: fix potential off-by-one overflow in + 'performance_levels' (git-fixes). +- Revert "drm/amdgpu: use dirty framebuffer helper" (git-fixes). +- drm/i915/ehl: Update MOCS table for EHL (git-fixes). +- commit 3ca51e4 + +- s390/qeth: Remove OSN deprecation notice (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- commit 42319b3 + +- qeth: remove a copy of the NAPI_POLL_WEIGHT define (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh + patches.suse/net-make-drivers-set-the-TSO-limit-not-the-GSO-limit.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/net-switch-to-netif_napi_add_tx.patch. +- commit f8ee04c + +- s390/qeth: split up L2 netdev_ops (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- commit f50bd13 + +- s390/qeth: don't keep track of Input Queue count (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qdio-split-do_QDIO. +- commit f07e1f9 + +- s390/qeth: move qdio's QAOB cache into qeth (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qdio-split-do_QDIO. +- commit 7ee14b3 + +- s390/qeth: clean up device_type management (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qeth-Register-switchdev-event-handler. +- commit 4489d18 + +- s390/qeth: Fix typo 'the the' in comment (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: fix typo "length to short" -> "length too short" + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/net: sort out physical vs virtual pointers usage + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: Remove redundant 'flush_workqueue()' calls + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: remove check for packing mode in + qeth_check_outbound_queue() (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fine-tune .ndo_select_queue() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: don't offer .ndo_bridge_* ops for OSA devices + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/lcs: add braces around empty function body (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: add __printf format attribute to ctcm_dbf_longtext + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: fix format string (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: allocate RX queue at probe time (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: update kerneldoc for qeth_add_hw_header() + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fix kernel doc comments (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: add __printf format attribute to qeth_dbf_longtext + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fix various format strings (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: clarify remaining dev_kfree_skb_any() users + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: remove .do_ioctl() callback from driver discipline + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: improve trace entries for MAC address + (un)registration (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- net: s390: constify and use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/netiucv: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/lcs: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/net: replace in_irq() with in_hardirq() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: clean up QETH_PROT_* naming (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- commit 595cfd6 + +- x86/cpu: Add CPU model numbers for Meteor Lake (jsc#PED-637). +- x86/cpu: Add new Raptor Lake CPU model number (jsc#PED-716). +- commit 612dc8d + +- mmc: sdhci-sprd: Fix minimum clock limit (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: add nf_ct_is_confirmed check before assigning + the helper (git-fixes). +- selftests: netfilter: Fix for all.rp_filter=1 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix double list_add at + iwl_mvm_mac_wake_tx_queue (other cases) (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr handling of + small packets (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix decap offload for stations on AP_VLAN + interfaces (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix probe req HE capabilities access + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: do not drop packets smaller than the LLC-SNAP + header on fast-rx (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb_leaf: Fix CAN state after restart (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb_leaf: Fix TX queue out of sync after restart + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: Fix use of uninitialized completion + (git-fixes). +- macvlan: enforce a consistent minimal mtu (git-fixes). +- mISDN: hfcpci: Fix use-after-free bug in hfcpci_softirq + (git-fixes). +- net: ieee802154: return -EINVAL for unknown addr type + (git-fixes). +- watchdog: armada_37xx_wdt: Fix .set_timeout callback + (git-fixes). +- watchdog: ftwdt010_wdt: fix test for platform_get_irq() failure + (git-fixes). +- watchdog/hpwdt: Include nmi.h only if CONFIG_HPWDT_NMI_DECODING + (git-fixes). +- commit cb006e7 + +- Drop a incorrectly doubly applied WiFi fix patch +- commit 9d35b83 + +- s390/qdio: Fix spelling mistake (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify logical vs absolute in QIB's kerneldoc + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unneeded sanity check in qdio_do_sqbs() + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: split do_QDIO() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: split qdio_inspect_queue() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify handler logic for + qdio_handle_activate_check() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clean up access to queue in + qdio_handle_activate_check() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: avoid allocating the qdio_irq with GFP_DMA + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: improve handling of CIWs (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove QDIO_SBAL_SIZE macro (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: fix kernel doc comments (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: Use scsi_cmd_to_rq() instead of scsi_cmnd.request + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: Use the proper SCSI midlayer interfaces for PI + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused support for SLIB parameters + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: consolidate QIB code (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: use dev_info() in qdio_print_subchannel_info() + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: fine-tune the queue sync (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clean up SIGA capability tracking (jsc#PED-455 + bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused sync-after-IRQ infrastructure + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: use absolute data address in ESTABLISH ccw + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused macros (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify reporting of errors to the drivers + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unneeded siga-sync for Output Queue + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove remaining tasklet & timer code (jsc#PED-455 + bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- commit ccb8c7b + +- wifi: cfg80211: update hidden BSSes to avoid WARN_ON + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: avoid mac80211 warning on bad rate + (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: reject bad MBSSID elements (git-fixes). +- commit b28d368 + +- Move upstramed WiFi fix patches into sorted section +- commit bef1692 + +- net: ethernet: move from strlcpy with unused retval to strscpy + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: add skb_[inner_]tcp_all_headers helpers (jsc#PED-1302). +- ethernet: Remove vf rate limit check for drivers (jsc#PED-1302). +- rtnetlink: add extack support in fdb del handlers + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: switch to netif_napi_add_tx() (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: remove redundant assignment to variable index + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: qlcnic: use time_is_before_jiffies() instead of open + coding it (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: Simplify DMA setting (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: Remove redundant initialization of variable ret + (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: make the array random_data static const, makes object + smaller (jsc#PED-1302). +- commit c7136a6 + +- clk: bcm: rpi: Add support for VEC clock (bsc#1196632) +- commit 188fe72 + +- nvmem: core: Check input parameter for NULL in + nvmem_unregister() (bsc#1204241). +- commit 66b047b + +- clk: bcm2835: Round UART input clock up (bsc#1188238) +- commit f465b19 + +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Fix the converter allocation for the silent + stream (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: change type for the 'assigned' variable + (git-fixes). +- commit 6c73200 + +- drm/i915/gvt: fix a memory leak in intel_gvt_init_vgpu_types + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/ls-extirq: Fix invalid wait context by avoiding to + use regmap (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: fix 300 bps rate for SIO (git-fixes). +- docs: update mediator information in CoC docs (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Terminate infinite loop in SD-UHS voltage switch + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: skip audio setup when audio stream is enabled + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: update gamut remap if plane has changed + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Assume an LTTPR is always present on fixed_vs + links (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix double cursor on non-video RGB MPO + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: fix Moxa SDIO 'compatible', remove 'sdhci' misnomer + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Add SCMI PM driver remove routine + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden accesses to the sensor domains + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Improve checks in the info_get operations + (git-fixes). +- net/ieee802154: fix uninit value bug in dgram_sendmsg + (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: Report error in case of + dma_set_mask_and_coherent API failure (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: cleanup for fetching xlnx,num-fstores + property (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: Fix devm_platform_ioremap_resource + error handling (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Fix the converter reuse for the silent stream + (git-fixes). +- rpmsg: qcom: glink: replace strncpy() with strscpy_pad() + (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Replace with already defined values for readability + (git-fixes). +- commit 07f5789 + +- Drop TI clk patch that has been reverted in 5.15.y stable +- commit bfab74f + +- mm/hmm/test: use char dev with struct device to get device node + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2a441da + +- lib/test_hmm: avoid accessing uninitialized pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 629e407 + +- mm/memremap: fix wrong function name above memremap_pages() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 99ceafe + +- Updated metadata references for bsc#1200788 CVE-2022-2153: + Updated patches (from Juergen Gross) +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Avoid-theoretical-NULL-pointer-dereference-i.patch +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Check-lapic_in_kernel-before-attempting-to-s.patch +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Forbid-VMM-to-set-SYNIC-STIMER-MSRs-when-Syn.patch +- commit e9364fc + +- selftests/vm: use top_srcdir instead of recomputing relative + paths (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fcd00bf + +- Kselftests: remove support of libhugetlbfs from kselftests + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5314c14 + +- tools/testing/selftests/vm/hmm-tests.c: fix build + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit d4e3629 + +- mm/hmm: add a test for cross device private faults + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 113260c + +- mm/hmm.c: allow VM_MIXEDMAP to work with hmm_range_fault + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 81464f0 + +- tools: update hmm-test to support device coherent type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 7b24afa + +- mm: fix the handling Non-LRU pages returned by follow_page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a0abdab + +- mm/huge_memory: use helper macro IS_ERR_OR_NULL in + split_huge_pages_pid (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 64365f4 + +- mm: remove unneeded local variable follflags (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f1da2a0 + +- mm/migrate_device.c: fix a misleading and outdated comment + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2496c30 + +- mm: migration: fix the FOLL_GET failure on following huge page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 7c67379 + +- mm: re-allow pinning of zero pfns (again) (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 4e32fd5 + +- nvdimm/pmem: cleanup the disk if pmem_release_disk() is yet + assigned (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 519f490 + +- thunderbolt: Fix buffer allocation of devices with no + DisplayPort adapters (git-fixes). +- commit 2534904 + +- fs: fix UAF/GPF bug in nilfs_mdt_destroy (CVE-2022-2978 + bsc#1202700). +- commit e1802d7 + +- thunderbolt: Add missing device ID to + tb_switch_is_alpine_ridge() (git-fixes). +- commit 9447425 + +- thunderbolt: Disable LTTPR on Intel Titan Ridge (git-fixes). +- commit 9dce26f + +- usb/hcd: Fix dma_map_sg error check (git-fixes). +- commit 82f7672 + +- mm/gup.c: fix formatting in check_and_migrate_movable_page() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 6bb21eb + +- tools: add selftests to hmm for COW in device memory + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fbb5441 + +- tools: add hmm gup tests for device coherent type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit ccae011 + +- tools: update test_hmm script to support SP config + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 32be4d6 + +- lib: add support for device coherent type in test_hmm + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5bcf5a6 + +- lib: test_hmm add module param for zone device type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e22f0bf + +- lib: test_hmm add ioctl to get zone device type (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 87c4e9c + +- drm/amdkfd: add SPM support for SVM (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 9d8092a + +- drm/amdkfd: fix resource_size.cocci warnings (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 589703d + +- mm/gup: migrate device coherent pages when pinning instead of + failing (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f57d4bb + +- kabi/severities: ignore CS35L41-specific exports (bsc#1203699) +- commit 9f486fe + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support System Suspend (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove suspend/resume hda hooks + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs_dsp_ctl: Fix mutex inversion when creating controls + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Ensure pwr_lock is held before + reading/writing controls (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Minor clean and redundant code + removal (bsc#1203699). +- commit 54175bd + +- PCI: mediatek-gen3: Change driver name to mtk-pcie-gen3 + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: PCI: microchip,pcie-host: fix missing dma-ranges + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: PCI: microchip,pcie-host: fix missing clocks + properties (git-fixes). +- PCI: Sanitise firmware BAR assignments behind a PCI-PCI bridge + (git-fixes). +- PCI: Fix used_buses calculation in pci_scan_child_bus_extend() + (git-fixes). +- PCI/ASPM: Correct LTR_L1.2_THRESHOLD computation (git-fixes). +- PCI/ASPM: Ignore L1 PM Substates if device lacks capability + (git-fixes). +- i2c: designware: Fix handling of real but unexpected device + interrupts (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: microchip-sgpio: Correct the fwnode_irq_get() return + value check (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Checks for errors in gpio_request_enable + callback (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Fix definitions for MPP pins 20-22 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Add missing GPIO-only pins (git-fixes). +- Input: i8042 - fix refount leak on sparc (git-fixes). +- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix firmware update operations with + bootloader v8 (git-fixes). +- Input: xpad - fix wireless 360 controller breaking after suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 6628947 + +- Add cherry-picked ID for AMDGPU patch +- commit 005b431 + +- mm: add device coherent vma selection for memory migration + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c7f49b6 + +- mm: handling Non-LRU pages returned by vm_normal_pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e689445 + +- mm/migration: fix possible do_pages_stat_array racing with + memory offline (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f5b7a8c + +- mm: add zone device coherent type memory support (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c80982a + +- mm: re-allow pinning of zero pfns (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 541ae7e + +- octeontx2-pf: cn10k: Fix egress ratelimit configuration + (git-fixes). +- commit dfc0a0a + +- net: sungem_phy: Add of_node_put() for reference returned by + of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- commit cc0874b + +- net: pcs: xpcs: propagate xpcs_read error to + xpcs_get_state_c37_sgmii (git-fixes). +- commit 6750e0f + +- mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix IPv4 nexthop gateway indication + (git-fixes). +- commit 6f3b54a + +- ipv4: Fix data-races around sysctl_fib_multipath_hash_policy + (git-fixes). +- commit afc53c0 + +- iavf: Fix handling of dummy receive descriptors (git-fixes). +- commit e9bd3c0 + +- net: dsa: vitesse-vsc73xx: silent spi_device_id warnings + (git-fixes). +- commit 155ccd4 + +- net: dsa: sja1105: silent spi_device_id warnings (git-fixes). +- commit ee0b547 + +- net: stmmac: remove redunctant disable xPCS EEE call + (git-fixes). +- commit 9493b1a + +- ixgbe: Add locking to prevent panic when setting sriov_numvfs + to zero (git-fixes). +- commit 53fbc66 + +- net: stmmac: fix dma queue left shift overflow issue + (git-fixes). +- commit 1deb58f + +- net: dsa: microchip: ksz_common: Fix refcount leak bug + (git-fixes). +- commit c46e25b + +- net: stmmac: fix unbalanced ptp clock issue in suspend/resume + flow (git-fixes). +- commit dff326f + +- net: stmmac: fix pm runtime issue in stmmac_dvr_remove() + (git-fixes). +- commit e347cfb + +- ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_fwd_update_priority + (git-fixes). +- commit 4ea8f18 + +- sfc: fix kernel panic when creating VF (git-fixes). +- commit 33eba8c + +- sfc: fix use after free when disabling sriov (git-fixes). +- commit 2fa14d7 + +- net: stmmac: fix leaks in probe (git-fixes). +- commit 97831ef + +- mm: move page zone helpers from mm.h to mmzone.h (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 57ef364 + +- KVM: x86: Register perf callbacks after calling vendor's + hardware_setup() (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/KVM-x86-Register-Processor-Trace-interrupt-hook-iff-.patch. +- commit 871c62a + +- mm: build migrate_vma_* for all configs with ZONE_DEVICE support + (jsc#PED-1294). +- Update config files. +- commit 0314c06 + +- USB: add RESET_RESUME quirk for NVIDIA Jetson devices in RCM + (git-fixes). +- commit 31ce443 + +- KVM: VMX: Inject #PF on ENCLS as "emulated" #PF (git-fixes). +- commit cc0ea0c + +- usb: ehci: Fix a function name in comments (git-fixes). +- commit 610087d + +- usb: host: remove dead EHCI support for on-chip PMC MSP71xx + USB controller (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 62f8e77 + +- x86/mce: Retrieve poison range from hardware (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Don't require flexible address space if + X86_FEATURE_CPPC is supported (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Fix enabling CPPC on AMD systems with shared memory + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit ac7776e + +- xhci: remove unused lpm_failed_dev member from struct xhci_hcd + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 85de64c + +- xhci: remove unused command member from struct xhci_hcd struct + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 5e975fe + +- USB: xhci: make xhci_get_endpoint_address static (jsc#PED-531). +- commit dcf3baa + +- ACPI: CPPC: Don't require _OSC if X86_FEATURE_CPPC is supported + (jsc#PED-1408). +- tools headers cpufeatures: Sync with the kernel sources + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/cpufeatures: Add AMD Collaborative Processor Performance + Control feature flag (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch. +- commit bf4cd56 + +- USB: hcd-pci: Drop the unused id parameter from + usb_hcd_pci_probe() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit b826b6a + +- xen: update ring.h (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 4472a2b + +- xen/xenbus: add xenbus_setup_ring() service function + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f043eec + +- KVM: x86: Inject #UD on emulated XSETBV if XSAVES isn't enabled + (git-fixes). +- commit 93cdb54 + +- net: ftgmac100: Hold reference returned by + of_get_child_by_name() (git-fixes). +- commit 0961942 + +- bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_refclk_read() (git-fixes). +- commit 4187bc1 + +- bnxt_en: fix livepatch query (git-fixes). +- commit cc62415 + +- bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_reinit_after_abort() code path (git-fixes). +- commit e387d75 + +- bnxt_en: reclaim max resources if sriov enable fails + (git-fixes). +- commit 9161aa5 + +- net/mlx5e: Ring the TX doorbell on DMA errors (git-fixes). +- commit 7fdc3a9 + +- net/mlx5e: Fix enabling sriov while tc nic rules are offloaded + (git-fixes). +- commit 5e19505 + +- KVM: x86: do not report preemption if the steal time cache is + stale (git-fixes). +- commit c293d6b + +- net: ethernet: ti: am65-cpsw: Fix devlink port register sequence + (git-fixes). +- commit 385f6b7 + +- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_register_get_dev_id(): fix endianness + conversion (git-fixes). +- commit 368984e + +- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_register_get_dev_id(): use correct + length to read dev_id (git-fixes). +- commit 809cb98 + +- usb: renesas-xhci: Do not print any log while fw verif success + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit bad9850 + +- xen/usbfront: use xenbus_setup_ring() and xenbus_teardown_ring() + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 41ef599 + +- xen/usb: switch xen-hcd to use INVALID_GRANT_REF (jsc#PED-531). +- commit e4f01cd + +- xen/usb: harden xen_hcd against malicious backends + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 36bb0d3 + +- xen/grant-table: remove readonly parameter from functions + (jsc#PED-531). +- Refresh + patches.suse/xen-blkfront-force-data-bouncing-when-backend-is-unt.patch. +- commit 80f5ba9 + +- xen/usb: don't use arbitrary_virt_to_machine() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 71d02c4 + +- mm: move the migrate_vma_* device migration code into its own + file (jsc#PED-1294). +- Update config files. +- commit ffdaa32 + +- mm/migrate: remove redundant variables used in a for-loop + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 53fa906 + +- x86/PCI: Revert "x86/PCI: Clip only host bridge windows for + E820 regions" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: clean up white space in a few places for consistency + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: improve PM notifer callback (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: battery: Make "not-charging" the default on no charging + or full info (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: idle: Expose max_cstate/nocst/bm_check_disable + read-only in sysfs (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Rearrange find_child_checks() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Support Meteor Lake (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: NFIT: Drop nfit_device_lock() (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: negotiate CXL _OSC (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: Prefer CXL _OSC instead of PCIe _OSC for CXL host + bridges (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: add a helper for retrieving _OSC Control DWORDs + (jsc#PED-1408). +- acpi/nfit: rely on mce->misc to determine poison granularity + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Disable E820 reserved region clipping starting in 2023 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Disable E820 reserved region clipping via quirks + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Add kernel cmdline options to use/ignore E820 reserved + regions (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Clip only host bridge windows for E820 regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86: Log resource clipping for E820 regions (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Eliminate remove_e820_regions() common subexpressions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- device property: Add irq_get to fwnode operation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Move acpi_fwnode_device_get_match_data() up + (jsc#PED-1408). +- device property: Convert device_{dma_supported,get_dma_attr} + to fwnode (jsc#PED-1408). +- cpufreq: CPPC: Enable fast_switch (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Set CPPC _OSC bits for all and when CPPC_LIB is + supported (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. +- ACPI: CPPC: Check _OSC for flexible address space + (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. +- x86/ACPI: Preserve ACPI-table override during hibernation + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86: ACPI: Make mp_config_acpi_gsi() a void function + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Add support for high frequency impedance + notification (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Correct description of INT3407 / INT3532 attributes + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI, APEI, EINJ: Refuse to inject into the zero page + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix missing ERST record id (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: BGRT: use static for BGRT_SHOW kobj_attribute defines + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: SPCR: Add support for NVIDIA 16550-compatible port subtype + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Avoid non-ACPI device objects in walks over children + (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Power up devices in D3cold before scanning them + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Introduce acpi_dev_power_up_children_with_adr() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Always print final debug message in + acpi_device_set_power() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Unify debug messages in acpi_device_set_power() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Change pr_fmt() in device_pm.c (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Convert debug message in acpi_device_get_power() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- Revert "ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Warn about sleeps greater + than 10 ms" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Update version to 20220331 (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: exsystem.c: Use ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 for 64-bit output + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: IORT: Updates for revision E.d (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Fix some typo mistakes + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL/MADT: Add OEM-defined subtable (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Warn about sleeps greater than 10 ms + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Inform users about ACPI spec + violation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add support for ARM Performance Monitoring Unit Table + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Add units to time variable names + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Headers: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array + member (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Removed some tabs and // comments (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Update copyright notices to the year 2022 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Clean up double word in comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add new ACPI 6.4 semantics for LoadTable() operator + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add new ACPI 6.4 semantics to the Load() operator + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Rename linux specific strucures to + device_info (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Fix parsing undocumented bytes at the end + of Endpoint Descriptor (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Treat Terminator as specific_config + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add the subtable CFMWS to the CEDT table (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add support for the Windows 11 _OSI string + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: utils: include UUID in _DSM evaluation warning + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Add perf low power callback (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-acpi_pad-Do-not-launch-acpi_pad-threads-on-idle-cpus.patch. +- commit 54d6015 + +- ACPI: APEI: do not add task_work to kernel thread to avoid + memory leak (git-fixes). +- lib/sg_pool: change module_init(sg_pool_init) to subsys_initcall + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: crypto: ti,sa2ul: drop dma-coherent property + (git-fixes). +- selftest: tpm2: Add Client.__del__() to close /dev/tpm* handle + (git-fixes). +- crypto: cavium - prevent integer overflow loading firmware + (git-fixes). +- crypto: marvell/octeontx - prevent integer overflows + (git-fixes). +- crypto: inside-secure - Replace generic aes with libaes + (git-fixes). +- Revert "crypto: qat - reduce size of mapped region" (git-fixes). +- crypto: inside-secure - Change swab to swab32 (git-fixes). +- crypto: ccp - Release dma channels before dmaengine unrgister + (git-fixes). +- crypto: akcipher - default implementation for setting a private + key (git-fixes). +- crypto: qat - fix default value of WDT timer (git-fixes). +- crypto: hisilicon/zip - fix mismatch in get/set sgl_sge_nr + (git-fixes). +- crypto: sahara - don't sleep when in softirq (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for DCN 2.1 (git-fixes). +- drm/i915: Reject unsupported TMDS rates on ICL+ (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for DCN 2.0 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Correct MPC split policy for DCN301 + (git-fixes). +- commit 353fbde + +- Update + patches.suse/mm-rmap-Fix-anon_vma-degree-ambiguity-leading-to-double-reuse.patch + (CVE-2022-42703, bsc#1204168, git-fixes, bsc#1203098). +- commit fef8e31 + +- mm/migrate.c: rework migration_entry_wait() to not take a + pageref (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 313eb0c + +- blacklist.conf: 30ea703a38ef x86/cpu: Include the header of init_ia32_feat_ctl()'s prototype +- commit fdb1f20 + +- misc: sgi-gru: fix use-after-free error in + gru_set_context_option, gru_fault and gru_handle_user_call_os + (CVE-2022-3424 bsc#1204166). +- commit bbc730f + +- wifi: mac80211: fix crash in beacon protection for P2P-device + (CVE-2022-42722 bsc#1204125). +- commit 38da0b9 + +- usb: typec: wcove: Drop wrong dependency to INTEL_SOC_PMIC + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI fixes build fixes are important +- Update config files. +- commit 8852d4a + +- powerpc/kvm: Remove obsolete and unneeded select (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI freezes, build fixes are important +- commit 329cacc + +- net: delete redundant function declaration (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: broke kABI, applicable in SP5 +- commit b7a266b + +- habanalabs: select CRC32 (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI freezes build fixes are important +- commit 33fa2e9 + +- tracing: Fix smatch warning for do while check in + event_hist_trigger_parse() (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: no longer unreasonable in SP5 +- commit 7c1653b + +- tracing: Tag trace_percpu_buffer as a percpu pointer + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: broke kABI in a hard to fix way, hence can be applied + in SP5 +- commit 36fd9f7 + +- x86/Kconfig: Fix an unused variable error in dell-smm-hwmon + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: can be unblacklisted in SP5 and will make backporting + easier +- commit 59cf2b3 + +- wifi: mac80211: fix MBSSID parsing use-after-free + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- commit bab6e58 + +- mac80211: fix memory leaks with element parsing (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- commit f9a2be2 + +- wifi: mac80211: refactor elements parsing with parameter struct + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: always allocate struct ieee802_11_elems + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: mlme: find auth challenge directly (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: move CRC into struct ieee802_11_elems (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- commit b28a982 + +- ipv4: Handle attempt to delete multipath route when fib_info + contains an nh reference (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit 1b0c1c8 + +- selftests: net: fix nexthop warning cleanup double ip typo + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit e3962a5 + +- selftests: net: add delete nexthop route warning test + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit 85deab0 + +- wifi: cfg80211: avoid nontransmitted BSS list corruption + (CVE-2022-42721 bsc#1204060). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix BSS refcounting bugs (CVE-2022-42720 + bsc#1204059). +- commit 82311e4 + +- net: ipv4: fix route with nexthop object delete warning + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit a94edc1 + +- Update metadata references +- commit 61773f9 + +- powercap: RAPL: Add Power Limit4 support for Alder Lake-N and + Raptor Lake-P (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for RAPTORLAKE_P + (jsc#PED-686). +- powercap: intel_rapl: add support for ALDERLAKE_N (jsc#PED-695). +- powercap: RAPL: Add Power Limit4 support for RaptorLake + (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: add support for RaptorLake (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: support new layout of Psys PowerLimit + Register on SPR (jsc#PED-648). +- powercap: Add Power Limit4 support for Alder Lake SoC + (jsc#PED-769). +- commit ee363a4 + +- selftests/powerpc: Skip energy_scale_info test on older firmware + (git-fixes). +- commit 1eff3d6 + +- Revert "SUNRPC: Remove unreachable error condition" (git-fixes). +- NFS: Fix another fsync() issue after a server reboot + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Fixes for nfs4_inode_return_delegation() (git-fixes). +- commit 80742b5 + +- blacklist.conf: and unwanted md patches +- commit 96bda12 + +- scsi: stex: Properly zero out the passthrough command structure + (bsc#1203514 CVE-2022-40768). +- commit f2b2e4a + +- ALSA: hda: Fix position reporting on Poulsbo (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix potential memory leaks (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix NULL dererence at error path (git-fixes). +- commit 6c7f2c9 + +- sbitmap: Avoid leaving waitqueue in invalid state in + __sbq_wake_up() (git-fixes). +- commit 3c6ffc4 + +- staging: vt6655: fix some erroneous memory clean-up loops + (git-fixes). +- virt: vbox: convert to use dev_groups (git-fixes). +- usb: mtu3: fix failed runtime suspend in host only mode + (git-fixes). +- Revert "usb: storage: Add quirk for Samsung Fit flash" + (git-fixes). +- usb: mon: make mmapped memory read only (git-fixes). +- xhci: Don't show warning for reinit on known broken suspend + (git-fixes). +- xhci: dbc: Fix memory leak in xhci_alloc_dbc() (git-fixes). +- commit 4feb234 + +- usb: gadget: function: fix dangling pnp_string in f_printer.c + (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: console: move mutex_unlock() before + usb_serial_put() (git-fixes). +- usb: common: debug: Check non-standard control requests + (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: disable dma rx/tx use flags in + lpuart_dma_shutdown (git-fixes). +- tty: xilinx_uartps: Fix the ignore_status (git-fixes). +- uas: ignore UAS for Thinkplus chips (git-fixes). +- usb-storage: Add Hiksemi USB3-FW to IGNORE_UAS (git-fixes). +- uas: add no-uas quirk for Hiksemi usb_disk (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Explicitly reset plug events delay back to USB4 + spec value (git-fixes). +- commit d8ee195 + +- soc: sunxi_sram: Make use of the helper function + devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/soc-sunxi-sram-Prevent-the-driver-from-being-unbound.patch. +- commit a85e811 + +- spmi: pmic-arb: correct duplicate APID to PPID mapping logic + (git-fixes). +- spmi: pmic-arb: do not ack and clear peripheral interrupts in + cleanup_irq (git-fixes). +- slimbus: qcom-ngd: cleanup in probe error path (git-fixes). +- slimbus: qcom-ngd: use correct error in message of + pdr_add_lookup() failure (git-fixes). +- soc: qcom: smem_state: Add refcounting for the 'state->of_node' + (git-fixes). +- soc: qcom: smsm: Fix refcount leak bugs in qcom_smsm_probe() + (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Fix probe function ordering issues + (git-fixes). +- commit 3e1f43f + +- serial: 8250: Fix restoring termios speed after suspend + (git-fixes). +- drivers: serial: jsm: fix some leaks in probe (git-fixes). +- remoteproc: imx_rproc: Simplify some error message (git-fixes). +- sbitmap: fix possible io hung due to lost wakeup (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Fix resource cleanup (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Fix old-ec check for backlight + registering (git-fixes). +- commit a448666 + +- misc: ocxl: fix possible refcount leak in afu_ioctl() + (git-fixes). +- phy: qualcomm: call clk_disable_unprepare in the error handling + (git-fixes). +- phy: amlogic: phy-meson-axg-mipi-pcie-analog: Hold reference + returned by of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: atmel: Unmap streaming DMA mappings (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: meson: fix bit map use in meson_nfc_ecc_correct() + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsl_elbc: Fix none ECC mode (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Don't re-define NAND_DATA_IFACE_CHECK_ONLY + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Remove undocumented compatible string + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Read the chip-select line from the correct + OF node (git-fixes). +- mtd: devices: docg3: check the return value of devm_ioremap() + in the probe (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the panel_od sysfs attribute + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the egpu_enable sysfs attribute + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the dgpu_disable sysfs + attribute (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec_typec: Correct alt mode index + (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: fix memory corruption in ioctl (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: fix double-free in chromeos_laptop_prepare() + (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: Update version on GET_NEXT_EVENT + failure (git-fixes). +- mmc: wmt-sdmmc: Fix an error handling path in wmt_mci_probe() + (git-fixes). +- mmc: au1xmmc: Fix an error handling path in au1xmmc_probe() + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: qmi_wwan: Add new usb-id for Dell branded EM7455 + (git-fixes). +- commit b26b1a7 + +- mailbox: bcm-ferxrm-mailbox: Fix error check for dma_map_sg + (git-fixes). +- mailbox: mpfs: account for mbox offsets while sending + (git-fixes). +- mailbox: mpfs: fix handling of the reg property (git-fixes). +- mfd: sm501: Add check for platform_driver_register() + (git-fixes). +- mfd: fsl-imx25: Fix check for platform_get_irq() errors + (git-fixes). +- mfd: lp8788: Fix an error handling path in lp8788_irq_init() + and lp8788_irq_init() (git-fixes). +- mfd: lp8788: Fix an error handling path in lp8788_probe() + (git-fixes). +- mfd: fsl-imx25: Fix an error handling path in + mx25_tsadc_setup_irq() (git-fixes). +- mfd: intel_soc_pmic: Fix an error handling path in + intel_soc_pmic_i2c_probe() (git-fixes). +- media: xilinx: vipp: Fix refcount leak in xvip_graph_dma_init + (git-fixes). +- media: uvcvideo: Use entity get_cur in uvc_ctrl_set (git-fixes). +- media: uvcvideo: Fix memory leak in uvc_gpio_parse (git-fixes). +- media: meson: vdec: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error + in vdec_hevc_start() (git-fixes). +- media: cedrus: Fix endless loop in cedrus_h265_skip_bits() + (git-fixes). +- media: cedrus: Set the platform driver data earlier (git-fixes). +- memory: of: Fix refcount leak bug in of_lpddr3_get_ddr_timings() + (git-fixes). +- memory: of: Fix refcount leak bug in of_get_ddr_timings() + (git-fixes). +- memory: pl353-smc: Fix refcount leak bug in pl353_smc_probe() + (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-compat-ioctl32.c: zero buffer passed to + v4l2_compat_get_array_args() (git-fixes). +- commit f4e8a30 + +- iio: adc: ad7923: fix channel readings for some variants + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltc2497: Fix reading conversion results (git-fixes). +- iio: dac: ad5593r: Fix i2c read protocol requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: magnetometer: yas530: Change data type of hard_offsets + to signed (git-fixes). +- iio: ABI: Fix wrong format of differential capacitance channel + ABI (git-fixes). +- iio: inkern: fix return value in + devm_of_iio_channel_get_by_name() (git-fixes). +- iio: inkern: only release the device node when done with it + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: disable/prepare buffer on + suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: lock around oversampling and sample + freq (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: check return status for pressure + and touch (git-fixes). +- commit b02859c + +- firmware: google: Test spinlock on panic path to avoid lockups + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: fix AT91_SAMA5D2_MR_TRACKTIM_MAX + (git-fixes). +- fpga: prevent integer overflow in dfl_feature_ioctl_set_irq() + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: phy: qcom,qmp-usb3-dp: fix bogus clock-cells + property (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: phy: qcom,qmp: fix bogus clock-cells property + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: mtd: intel: lgm-nand: Fix maximum chip select value + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: mtd: intel: lgm-nand: Fix compatible string + (git-fixes). +- HSI: omap_ssi_port: Fix dma_map_sg error check (git-fixes). +- HSI: omap_ssi: Fix refcount leak in ssi_probe (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: Add memory barriers (git-fixes). +- hid: hid-logitech-hidpp: avoid unnecessary assignments in + hidpp_connect_event (git-fixes). +- drm/omap: dss: Fix refcount leak bugs (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: correct 1.62G link rate at + dp_catalog_ctrl_config_msa() (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: Silence inconsistent indent warning (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: Fix comment typo (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: index dpu_kms->hw_vbif using vbif_idx (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: display/msm: dpu-sdm845: add missing DPU opp-table + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: display/msm: dpu-sc7180: add missing DPU opp-table + (git-fixes). +- commit 71c6639 + +- drm/scheduler: quieten kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 95b96ec + +- drm/amdgpu: add missing pci_disable_device() in + amdgpu_pmops_runtime_resume() (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: megachips: Fix a null pointer dereference bug + (git-fixes). +- drm: fix drm_mipi_dbi build errors (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Make .remove and .shutdown HW shutdown consistent + (git-fixes). +- drm:pl111: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of + for_each_available_child_of_node() (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: parade-ps8640: Fix regulator supply order + (git-fixes). +- drm/virtio: Unlock reservations on + virtio_gpu_object_shmem_init() error (git-fixes). +- drm/mipi-dsi: Detach devices when removing the host (git-fixes). +- commit f6c9019 + +- clk: bcm2835: fix bcm2835_clock_rate_from_divisor declaration + (git-fixes). +- clk: baikal-t1: Add SATA internal ref clock buffer (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: ioat: stop mod_timer from resurrecting deleted + timer in __cleanup() (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: mxs: use platform_driver_register (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Add multi-thread support for a DMA channel + (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Fix CQ head update (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Disable channels when unregister hisi_dma + (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: Avoid uninitialized variable warning (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: fix a use-after-free in + nouveau_gem_prime_import_sg_table() (git-fixes). +- drm: bridge: adv7511: fix CEC power down control register offset + (git-fixes). +- commit 89292ab + +- clk: baikal-t1: Add shared xGMAC ref/ptp clocks internal parent + (git-fixes). +- clk: baikal-t1: Fix invalid xGMAC PTP clock divider (git-fixes). +- clk: vc5: Fix 5P49V6901 outputs disabling when enabling FOD + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: scu: fix memleak on platform_device_add() fails + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: apss-ipq6018: mark apcs_alias0_core_clk as critical + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8916: use ARRAY_SIZE instead of specifying + num_parents (git-fixes). +- clk: ast2600: BCLK comes from EPLL (git-fixes). +- clk: mediatek: mt8183: mfgcfg: Propagate rate changes to parent + (git-fixes). +- clk: ti: dra7-atl: Fix reference leak in of_dra7_atl_clk_probe + (git-fixes). +- commit c248e05 + +- clk: tegra20: Fix refcount leak in tegra20_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: tegra: Fix refcount leak in tegra114_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: tegra: Fix refcount leak in tegra210_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: sprd: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: berlin: Add of_node_put() for of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- clk: qoriq: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: oxnas: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: meson: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_dipm() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_ncq_autosense() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_devslp() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_sense_reporting_enabled() and + ata_id_has_sense_reporting() (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mt6660: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in mt6660_i2c_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm5102: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm5102_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm5110: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm5110_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm8997: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm8997_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: tx-macro: fix kcontrol put (git-fixes). +- ASoC: da7219: Fix an error handling path in + da7219_register_dai_clks() (git-fixes). +- ASoC: eureka-tlv320: Hold reference returned from of_find_xxx + API (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Handle optional legacy support (git-fixes). +- commit 8f6277f + +- Move upstreamed DRM, NVMe and sound patches into sorted section +- commit 48ff6f0 + +- arm64: ftrace: fix module PLTs with mcount (git-fixes). +- ARM: Drop CMDLINE_* dependency on ATAGS (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: exynos: fix polarity of VBUS GPIO of Origen + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: exynos: correct s5k6a3 reset polarity on Midas family + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: turris-omnia: Add label for wan port (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: armada-38x: Add gpio-ranges for pin muxing + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: kirkwood: lsxl: remove first ethernet port + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: kirkwood: lsxl: fix serial line (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: turris-omnia: Fix mpp26 pin name and comment + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Cleanup the lpasscc node (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: fix main pinmux range (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-kontron-samx6i: hook up DDC i2c bus + (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_USB_FSL_USB2 (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK=y (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_SERIAL_OMAP references (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: clean up multi_v4t and multi_v5 configs + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rsnd: Add check for rsnd_mod_power_on (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Fix mute/unmute (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Drop conflicting set_bias_level power setting + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Allow mono streams (git-fixes). +- ASoC: fsl_sai: Remove unnecessary FIFO reset in ISR (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mt6359: fix tests for platform_get_irq() failure + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Don't skip notification handling during PM + operation (git-fixes). +- ALSA: dmaengine: increment buffer pointer atomically + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: asihpi - Remove useless code in hpi_meter_get_peak() + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wcd934x: fix order of Slimbus unprepare/disable + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wcd9335: fix order of Slimbus unprepare/disable + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: integrator: Tag PCI host with device_type (git-fixes). +- commit 5a02ba2 + +- i40e: Fix dropped jumbo frames statistics (git-fixes). +- commit b407b7d + +- net: bonding: fix use-after-free after 802.3ad slave unbind + (git-fixes). +- commit 05b9579 + +- net: bonding: fix possible NULL deref in rlb code (git-fixes). +- commit 8542934 + +- net: dp83822: disable rx error interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit f74888c + +- net: dp83822: disable false carrier interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit ba1cc16 + +- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: force pause link settings (git-fixes). +- commit 5258d4a + +- net/dsa/hirschmann: Add missing of_node_get() in + hellcreek_led_setup() (git-fixes). +- commit 29e4721 + +- ice: Fix switchdev rules book keeping (git-fixes). +- commit 5c21799 + +- igb: Make DMA faster when CPU is active on the PCIe link + (git-fixes). +- commit db90cd9 + +- bonding: ARP monitor spams NETDEV_NOTIFY_PEERS notifiers + (git-fixes). +- commit da7ba2e + +- igb: fix a use-after-free issue in igb_clean_tx_ring + (git-fixes). +- commit 12acd2f + +- net: bgmac: Fix an erroneous kfree() in bgmac_remove() + (git-fixes). +- commit 547f6a9 + +- mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Reorder counter pools (git-fixes). +- commit f2c7808 + +- net: hns3: don't push link state to VF if unalive (git-fixes). +- commit 7f6680c + +- net: hns3: set port base vlan tbl_sta to false before removing + old vlan (git-fixes). +- commit 8c8d58b + +- i40e: Fix call trace in setup_tx_descriptors (git-fixes). +- commit 7d70f11 + +- ixgbe: fix unexpected VLAN Rx in promisc mode on VF (git-fixes). +- commit 6a72a8e + +- ixgbe: fix bcast packets Rx on VF after promisc removal + (git-fixes). +- commit ddb5b75 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: use BMSR_ANEGCOMPLETE bit for filling + an_complete (git-fixes). +- commit b8286fc + +- net: altera: Fix refcount leak in altera_tse_mdio_create + (git-fixes). +- commit e80ff1b + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix wrong return value on ioctl EEPROM query + failure (git-fixes). +- commit a76859c + +- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Fix refcount leak in gswip_gphy_fw_list + (git-fixes). +- commit 04259d9 + +- stmmac: intel: Fix an error handling path in + intel_eth_pci_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit fed21d9 + +- net: ethernet: bgmac: Fix refcount leak in + bcma_mdio_mii_register (git-fixes). +- commit 2227ee5 + +- net: bgmac: support MDIO described in DT (git-fixes). +- commit bf1f5f9 + +- mm/migrate.c: remove MIGRATE_PFN_LOCKED (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 53d0a98 + +- mm: refactor the ZONE_DEVICE handling in migrate_vma_pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5ff0982 + +- mm: refactor the ZONE_DEVICE handling in migrate_vma_insert_page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c27db83 + +- mm: refactor check_and_migrate_movable_pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a588dc0 + +- mm: generalize the pgmap based page_free infrastructure + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2037cd5 + +- fsdax: depend on ZONE_DEVICE || FS_DAX_LIMITED (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 00cc65d + +- mm: remove the extra ZONE_DEVICE struct page refcount + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 0cba7f0 + +- memremap: remove support for external pgmap refcounts + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2a29910 + +- nvdimm/pmem: stop using q_usage_count as external pgmap refcount + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fa7e3a6 + +- mm/memremap: add ZONE_DEVICE support for compound pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fabe0fa + +- mm/page_alloc: refactor memmap_init_zone_device() page init + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f04239b + +- mm/page_alloc: split prep_compound_page into head and tail + subparts (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a82c6bd + +- drm/nouveau: wait for the exclusive fence after the shared ones v2 (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * context changes +- commit 0261ec2 + +- drm/amd/display: Changed pipe split policy to allow for multi-display (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * remove changes to non-existing 201 and 31 directories +- commit e6a9bdd + +- drm/amdgpu/gfx9: switch to golden tsc registers for renoir+ (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * replace IP_VERSION() with CHIP_ constants +- commit d27747b + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/bridge: Add stubs for devm_drm_of_get_bridge when OF is disabled' +- commit e1d0d55 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/amd/display: Fix wrong format specifier in amdgpu_dm.c' +- commit debed4c + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/amdgpu: Fix resource leak on probe error path' +- commit 116f3cc + +- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: add wraparound gpu counter check for APUs as well (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * also fix default branch +- commit 0bf8eb3 + +- drm/i915/hdmi: convert intel_hdmi_to_dev to intel_hdmi_to_i915 (bsc#1152489) + Backporting notes: + * update additional patch on top +- commit 1550ef2 + +- Update + patches.suse/ACPI-processor-idle-Practically-limit-Dummy-wait-wor.patch + (bsc#1203767,bsc#1203802). +- commit c6ebacb + +- Update + patches.suse/x86-cpu-Add-new-Alderlake-and-Raptorlake-CPU-model-n.patch + (jsc#PED-743 jsc#PED-740). + Add a reference. +- commit 1883c41 + +- mm: don't include in + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit b73066e + +- mm: simplify freeing of devmap managed pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e54adcf + +- mm: move free_devmap_managed_page to memremap.c (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e5afda3 + +- nvme: ensure subsystem reset is single threaded (bsc#1203290 + CVE-2022-3169). +- commit f73d666 + +- mm: remove pointless includes from (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5917f7a + +- mm: remove the __KERNEL__ guard from + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 1864b4d + +- mm: remove a pointless CONFIG_ZONE_DEVICE check in + memremap_pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit b4b9519 + +- nvme: restrict management ioctls to admin (bsc#1203290 + CVE-2022-3169). +- commit c28a770 + +- net/mlx5e: Update netdev features after changing XDP state + (git-fixes). +- commit 5d7478c + +- net/mlx5e: Disable softirq in mlx5e_activate_rq to avoid race + condition (git-fixes). +- commit 92e1426 + +- hinic: Avoid some over memory allocation (git-fixes). +- commit 41f381d + +- net: huawei: hinic: Use devm_kcalloc() instead of devm_kzalloc() + (git-fixes). +- commit b92d6d0 + +- net: chelsio: cxgb4: Avoid potential negative array offset + (git-fixes). +- commit 4cc759d + +- net/mlx5e: TC, fix decap fallback to uplink when int port not + supported (git-fixes). +- commit 35c9b8d + +- net: dsa: ksz9477: port mirror sniffing limited to one port + (git-fixes). +- commit 9996ff6 + +- nvme: don't print verbose errors for internal passthrough + requests (bsc#1202187). +- commit eaa4989 + +- blacklist.conf: update the list +- commit 78eff9b + +- s390/smp: enforce lowcore protection on CPU restart (git-fixes). +- KVM: s390: pv: don't present the ecall interrupt twice + (bsc#1203229 LTC#199905). +- commit aed7a32 + +- x86: Expose init_freq_invariance() to topology header + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit c0d8e97 + +- ACPI: AGDI: Fix missing prototype warning for acpi_agdi_init() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI, APEI: Use the correct variable for sizeof() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Make LAPIC_ADDR_OVR address readable in message + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: IPMI: replace usage of found with dedicated list iterator + variable (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Change default error code and clean up debug + messages in probe (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Do-not-prevent-CPPC-from-working-in-the-fu.patch. +- ACPI / x86: Add support for LPS0 callback handler + (jsc#PED-1408). +- Input: soc_button_array - add support for Microsoft Surface 3 + (MSHW0028) buttons (jsc#PED-1408). +- PM: hibernate: Honour ACPI hardware signature by default for + virtual guests (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: AGDI: Add driver for Arm Generic Diagnostic Dump and + Reset device (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: APEI: rename ghes_init() with an "acpi_" prefix + (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh patches.suse/ACPI-VIOT-Fix-ACS-setup.patch. +- ACPI: LPSS: Provide an SSP type to the driver (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: LPSS: Constify properties member in struct + lpss_device_desc (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: platform: Constify properties parameter in + acpi_create_platform_device() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Add additional attributes for fine grain control + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Properly handle fine grain control (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Optimize struct acpi_fan_fif (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Separate file for attributes creation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Fix error reporting to user space (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86, ACPI: rename init_freq_invariance_cppc() to + arch_init_invariance_cppc() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Rearrange code in acpi_ec_submit_event() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Reduce indentation level in acpi_ec_submit_event() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Do not return result from advance_transaction() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Move init_freq_invariance_cppc() into x86 CPPC + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Move AMD maximum frequency ratio setting + function into x86 CPPC (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Rename cppc_msr.c to cppc.c (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / x86: Add skip i2c clients quirk for Lenovo Yoga Tablet + 1050F/L (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / x86: Add skip i2c clients quirk for Nextbook Ares 8 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: clean up double words in two comments (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Get rid of redundant 'else' (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC / PM: Print additional debug message in + acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Print additional debug message in acpi_s2idle_wake() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Add AGDI to the list of known table signatures + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Add CEDT signature to the list of known tables + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_bus_for_each_dev() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: OSL: Fix and clean up acpi_os_read/write_port() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Use uintptr_t and offsetof() in Linux kernel builds + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: scan: Use ida_alloc() instead of ida_simple_get() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 2486d41 + +- media: platform: mtk-mdp: Fix mdp_ipi_comm structure alignment. +- commit 20a025b + +- Clean up kernel-config settings via + Invoke to clean the kernel-config settings from + unset symbols. Otherwise these settings interfere with actual config + changes. +- commit 8a799ae + +- blacklist.conf: not relevant in our configurations +- commit 586058b + +- media: imx-jpeg: Disable slot interrupt when frame done + (git-fixes). +- commit 36d622f + +- media: imx-jpeg: Refactor function mxc_jpeg_parse (git-fixes). +- commit e2ddfcf + +- media: imx-jpeg: Fix potential array out of bounds in + queue_setup (git-fixes). +- commit 8041860 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Add pm-sleep support for imx-jpeg (git-fixes). +- commit d514aa5 + +- x86/ibt,ftrace: Make function-graph play nice (bsc#1203969). +- commit c020446 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Leave a blank space before the configuration + data (git-fixes). +- commit a2d45c7 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'sysfb: Enable boot time VESA graphic mode selection' +- commit b93ba64 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Correct some definition according specification + (git-fixes). +- commit bdf4126 + +- blacklist.conf: not relevant in our configurations +- commit 8171bfe + +- media: vsp1: Fix offset calculation for plane cropping. +- commit dc309b5 + +- media: exynos4-is: Change clk_disable to clk_disable_unprepare + (git-fixes). +- commit 332ca3f + +- media: st-delta: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in delta_probe + (git-fixes). +- commit 30518b0 + +- media: exynos4-is: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in + fimc_is_probe (git-fixes). +- commit f62e31e + +- media: aspeed: Fix an error handling path in + aspeed_video_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit c014d5c + +- media: coda: Add more H264 levels for CODA960 (git-fixes). +- commit 75d6462 + +- media: coda: Fix reported H264 profile (git-fixes). +- commit 1533555 + +- Revert "constraints: increase disk space for all architectures" + (bsc#1203693). + This reverts commit 43a9011f904bc7328d38dc340f5e71aecb6b19ca. +- commit 3d33373 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'fbdev: Hot-unplug firmware fb devices on forced removal' +- commit 0b6410b + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'Revert "fbdev: fbmem: add a helper to determine if an aperture is used by a fw fb"' +- commit b1ae504 + +- spi: s3c64xx: Fix large transfers with DMA (git-fixes). +- vhost/vsock: Use kvmalloc/kvfree for larger packets (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Improve rtl8xxxu_queue_select (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Fix AIFS written to REG_EDCA_*_PARAM + (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath11k: fix number of VHT beamformee spatial streams + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7915: do not check state before configuring + implicit beamform (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7615: add mt7615_mutex_acquire/release in + mt7615_sta_set_decap_offload (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: sdio: fix transmitting packet hangs (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Remove copy-paste leftover in + gen2_update_rate_mask (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: gen2: Fix mistake in path B IQ calibration + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Fix skb misuse in TX queue selection + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtw88: add missing destroy_workqueue() on error path in + rtw_core_init() (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: tighten bounds checking in rtl8xxxu_read_efuse() + (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath10k: add peer map clean up for peer delete in + ath10k_sta_state() (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: allow bw change during channel switch in mesh + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtlwifi: 8192de: correct checking of IQK reload + (git-fixes). +- commit 3bb5d97 + +- spi/omap100k:Fix PM disable depth imbalance in + omap1_spi100k_probe (git-fixes). +- spi: dw: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in dw_spi_bt1_probe + (git-fixes). +- spi: meson-spicc: do not rely on busy flag in pow2 clk ops + (git-fixes). +- spi: qup: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error in + spi_qup_pm_resume_runtime() (git-fixes). +- spi: qup: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error in + spi_qup_resume() (git-fixes). +- spi: mt7621: Fix an error message in mt7621_spi_probe() + (git-fixes). +- regulator: qcom_rpm: Fix circular deferral regression + (git-fixes). +- net: wwan: iosm: Call mutex_init before locking it (git-fixes). +- mwifiex: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by + dev_coredumpv (git-fixes). +- net: thunderbolt: Enable DMA paths only after rings are enabled + (git-fixes). +- commit e714654 + +- hwmon: (pmbus/mp2888) Fix sensors readouts for MPS Multi-phase + mp2888 controller (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (gsc-hwmon) Call of_node_get() before of_find_xxx API + (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: support lock mechanism (git-fixes). +- mISDN: fix use-after-free bugs in l1oip timer handlers + (git-fixes). +- eth: alx: take rtnl_lock on resume (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix not handling link timeouts propertly + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_{ldisc,serdev}: check percpu_init_rwsem() + failure (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: btusb: mediatek: fix WMT failure during runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- can: rx-offload: can_rx_offload_init_queue(): fix typo + (git-fixes). +- commit ac7ee01 + +- blacklist.conf: df5b035b5683 x86/cacheinfo: Add a cpu_llc_shared_mask() UP variant +- commit bc73e4e + +- blacklist.conf: 00da0cb385d0 Documentation/ABI: Mention retbleed vulnerability info file for sysfs +- commit 4726e8f + +- Drop the ACPI patch temporarily as it causes a regression (bsc#1203794) + Delete patches.suse/ACPI-resource-skip-IRQ-override-on-AMD-Zen-platforms.patch +- commit 8842ef4 + +- fbcon: Fix accelerated fbdev scrolling while logo is still shown (bsc#1152472) +- commit 7656242 + +- parisc/stifb: Fix fb_is_primary_device() only available with (bsc#1152489) +- commit dee3343 + +- parisc/stifb: Keep track of hardware path of graphics card (bsc#1152489) +- commit daa8575 + +- parisc/stifb: Implement fb_is_primary_device() (bsc#1152489) +- commit f86cf76 + +- fbcon: Add option to enable legacy hardware acceleration (bsc#1152472) + Backporting changes: + * context fixes in other patch + * update config +- commit 68203bf + +- parisc/sticon: fix reverse colors (bsc#1152489) +- commit f94c66b + +- char: pcmcia: synclink_cs: Fix use-after-free in mgslpc_ops + (CVE-2022-41848 bsc#1203987). +- commit a144c48 + +- fbdev: smscufx: Fix use-after-free in ufx_ops_open() + (CVE-2022-41849 bsc#1203992). +- commit db3bfe7 + +- net: mana: Add rmb after checking owner bits (git-fixes). +- commit 85bfc78 + +- Makefile.debug: re-enable debug info for .S files (git-fixes). +- commit 50458f2 + +- powerpc/pseries/vas: Pass hw_cpu_id to node associativity HCALL + (bsc#1194869). +- commit 48283d1 + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Don't modify GEVNTCOUNT in pullup() + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-duplicate-requests-to-enable-R.patch. +- commit 0719451 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Remove incorrect warning (git-fixes). +- media: rkvdec: Disable H.264 error detection (git-fixes). +- media: dvb_vb2: fix possible out of bound access (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Only report button state if there was a button + interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit 06be809 + +- net: mana: Add support of XDP_REDIRECT action (bug#1201310, jsc#PED-529). +- commit 209f0a1 + +- Add cherry-picked commit id for an AMDGPU patch (git-fixes) +- commit 505fbbc + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Refactor pullup() (git-fixes). +- commit f481a77 + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Avoid starting DWC3 gadget during UDC unbind + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-duplicate-requests-to-enable-R.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Prevent-repeat-pullup.patch. +- commit 6d90a05 + +- wifi: mac80211: fix regression with non-QoS drivers (git-fixes). +- selftests: Fix the if conditions of in test_extra_filter() + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: Don't WARN for PHY_UP state in mdio_bus_phy_resume() + (git-fixes). +- usbnet: Fix memory leak in usbnet_disconnect() (git-fixes). +- reset: imx7: Fix the iMX8MP PCIe PHY PERST support (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Fix debugfs info for A64 SRAM C (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Prevent the driver from being unbound + (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Actually claim SRAM regions (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra-tcu: Use uart_xmit_advance(), fixes icount.tx + accounting (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Use uart_xmit_advance(), fixes icount.tx + accounting (git-fixes). +- serial: Create uart_xmit_advance() (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Quectel RM520N (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Quectel BG95 0x0203 composition + (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Add support for Intel Maple Ridge single port + controller (git-fixes). +- Revert "usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock" (git-fixes). +- usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- commit ce89825 + +- gpio: mvebu: Fix check for pwm support on non-A8K platforms + (git-fixes). +- Input: snvs_pwrkey - fix SNVS_HPVIDR1 register address + (git-fixes). +- Input: iqs62x-keys - drop unused device node references + (git-fixes). +- Input: melfas_mip4 - fix return value check in mip4_probe() + (git-fixes). +- libata: add ATA_HORKAGE_NOLPM for Pioneer BDR-207M and BDR-205 + (git-fixes). +- mmc: hsq: Fix data stomping during mmc recovery (git-fixes). +- mmc: moxart: fix 4-bit bus width and remove 8-bit bus width + (git-fixes). +- commit 02160f0 + +- drm/i915/gt: Restrict forced preemption to the active context + (git-fixes). +- Revert "drm: bridge: analogix/dp: add panel prepare/unprepare + in suspend/resume time" (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: fix corrupted image output (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: set hdmi or dvi mode (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: add vsync hsync (git-fixes). +- Revert "firmware: arm_scmi: Add clock management to the SCMI + power domain" (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: don't register a dirty callback for non-atomic + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix the asynchronous reset requests + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden accesses to the reset domains + (git-fixes). +- commit 509f7ae + +- clk: iproc: Do not rely on node name for correct PLL setup + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6sx: remove the SET_RATE_PARENT flag for QSPI + clocks (git-fixes). +- clk: ingenic-tcu: Properly enable registers before accessing + timers (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix UFS PHY serdes size (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: am33xx: Fix MMCHS0 dma properties (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2770: Reinit regcache on reset (git-fixes). +- ASoC: imx-card: Fix refcount issue with of_node_put (git-fixes). +- drm/rockchip: Fix return type of cdn_dp_connector_mode_valid + (git-fixes). +- drm/gma500: Fix BUG: sleeping function called from invalid + context errors (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: make sure to init common IP before gmc (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Mark dml30's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as noinline + for stack usage (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Reduce number of arguments of dml31's + CalculateFlipSchedule() (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Reduce number of arguments of dml31's + CalculateWatermarksAndDRAMSpeedChangeSupport() (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit user regamma to a valid value + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: use dirty framebuffer helper (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/pm: disable BACO entry/exit completely on several + sienna cichlid cards (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fixing read wrong pf2vf data in SRIOV + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Separate vf2pf work item init from virt data + exchange (git-fixes). +- commit 931f4f4 + +- Add blacklist and alt-commit for ASoC cs35l41 patches (bsc#1203699) +- commit b1bfeae + +- net: mana: Add the Linux MANA PF driver (bug#1201309, jsc#PED-529). +- commit 6f3c833 + +- scsi: smartpqi: Add module param to disable managed ints + (bsc#1203893). +- commit e1af9a1 + +- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix various issues reported by tools (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Add reporting capability for Link Degrade Signaling + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rework FDMI attribute registration for unintential + padding (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rework lpfc_fdmi_cmd() routine for cleanup and + consistency (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rename mp/bmp dma buffers to rq/rsp in lpfc_fdmi_cmd + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Update congestion mode logging for Emulex SAN + Manager application (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Move scsi_host_template outside dynamically + allocated/freed phba (bsc#1185032 bsc#1203939). + Dropped: + patches.suse/lpfc-decouple-port_template-and-vport_template.patch +- scsi: lpfc: Fix multiple NVMe remoteport registration calls + for the same NPort ID (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Add missing free iocb and nlp kref put for early + return VMID cases (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix mbuf pool resource detected as busy at driver + unload (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix FLOGI ACC with wrong SID in PT2PT topology + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix prli_fc4_req checks in PRLI handling + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Remove unneeded result variable (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Remove the unneeded result variable (bsc#1203939). +- commit 23fee86 + +- supported.conf: mark spi-pxa2xx-platform as supported (bsc#1203699) + It's required for the sound on recent Intel machines +- commit d17d5e0 + +- scsi: lpfc: Add missing destroy_workqueue() in error path + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Return DID_TRANSPORT_DISRUPTED instead of + DID_REQUEUE (bsc#1203939). +- commit 495ecbc + +- wifi: cfg80211: ensure length byte is present before access + (CVE-2022-41674 bsc#1203770). +- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: reject bad MBSSID elements + (CVE-2022-41674 bsc#1203770). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix u8 overflow in + cfg80211_update_notlisted_nontrans() (CVE-2022-41674 + bsc#1203770). +- commit 79b409a + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations for qla2xxx + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix spelling mistake "definiton" -> "definition" + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Drop DID_TARGET_FAILURE use (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Define static symbols (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Enhance driver tracing with separate tunable + and more (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Add NVMe parameters support in Auxiliary Image + Status (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Add debugfs create/delete helpers (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue handler reading stale packets + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue + handler reading stale packets" (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Log message "skipping scsi_scan_host()" as + informational (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Avoid flush_scheduled_work() usage (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Always wait for qlt_sess_work_fn() from + qlt_stop_phase1() (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused qlt_tmr_work() (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused del_sess_list field (bsc#1203935). +- commit 76fee71 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix memory leak in __qlt_24xx_handle_abts() + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Disable ATIO interrupt coalesce for quad port + ISP27XX (bsc#1203935). +- commit df43957 + +- mm: rename is_pinnable_page() to is_longterm_pinnable_page() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 8c9ae5e + +- mm: fix is_pinnable_page against a cma page (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e5e0125 + +- cgroup: Add missing cpus_read_lock() to cgroup_attach_task_all() + (bsc#1196869). +- commit 421a33e + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: More robust component matching for CS35L41 + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 13ee63f + +- kABI: fix adding another field to scsi_device (bsc#1203039). +- scsi: core: Add BLIST_NO_ASK_VPD_SIZE for some VDASD + (bsc#1203039). +- Refresh + patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch. +- Refresh patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch. +- commit 38a6998 + +- mm: Fix PASID use-after-free issue (bsc#1203908). +- commit e2ea645 + +- cgroup: cgroup_get_from_id() must check the looked-up kn is + a directory (bsc#1203906). +- commit 2c277d7 + +- spi: propagate error code to the caller of + acpi_spi_device_alloc() (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Return deferred probe error when controller isn't yet + available (bsc#1203699). +- commit 719f957 + +- cgroup: Fix threadgroup_rwsem <-> cpus_read_lock() deadlock + (bsc#1196869). +- commit 20ffc1f + +- kABI workaround for spi changes (bsc#1203699). +- commit 57d4f4f + +- cgroup: Fix race condition at rebind_subsystems() (bsc#1203902). +- commit ec3105d + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Zbook Firefly 14 G9 model + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 274acc0 + +- cs-dsp and serial-multi-instantiate enablement (bsc#1203699) +- Update config files +- Update supported.conf +- commit 6b0538d + +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Add CLSA0101 Laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- ACPI: scan: Add CLSA0101 Laptop Support (bsc#1203699). +- ACPI / scan: Create platform device for CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Add SPI support + (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Reorganize I2C functions + (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: i2c-multi-instantiate: Rename it for a generic + serial driver name (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Add API to count spi acpi resources (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Support selection of the index of the ACPI Spi Resource + before alloc (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Create helper API to lookup ACPI info for spi device + (bsc#1203699). +- i2c: acpi: Add an i2c_acpi_client_count() helper function + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 66cfc1c + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dolphin Variants (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Lenovo Yoga7 14IAL7 + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Clarify support for CSC3551 without _DSD + Properties (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS Zenbooks using CS35L41 + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Read System Name from ACPI _SUB to identify + firmware (bsc#1203699). +- commit 3025b3b + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support CLSA0101 (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- commit d934822 + +- ACPI: utils: Add api to read _SUB from ACPI (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use the CS35L41 HDA internal define + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable speaker and mute LEDs for HP laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 6e401a7 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Allow compilation test on non-ACPI + configurations" (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add module parameter to control firmware + load (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Firmware switching and reloading + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add defaulted values into dsp bypass config + sequence (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add fw id strings (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Read Speaker Calibration data from UEFI + variables (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Hibernation during Suspend + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 8707600 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add support for CLSA3541 ACPI device ID + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Do not print error when waking from hibernation + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add common cs35l41 enter hibernate function + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41 exit hibernate function into shared + code (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Speaker ID for laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support multiple load paths for firmware + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support reading subsystem id from ACPI + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Save Subsystem ID inside CS35L41 Driver + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add initial DSP support and firmware loading + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Save codec object inside component struct + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add apis to write the controls + directly (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add Library to support CS_DSP ALSA + controls (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consolidate selections under + SND_HDA_SCODEC_CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Drop wrong use of ACPI_PTR() (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Allow compilation test on non-ACPI + configurations (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Don't dereference fwnode handle + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Improve dev_err_probe() messaging + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix comments wrt serial-multi-instantiate + reference (bsc#1203699). +- commit 0179f7c + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: change cs8409_fixups v.pins initializers to + static (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add ASP TX3/4 source to register patch + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct some control names (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver + (bsc#1203699). +- commit f2b0e66 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix an out-of-bounds access in + otp_packed_element_t (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add one more variable in the debug log + (bsc#1203699). +- commit a26b9a2 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable mute/micmute LEDs support for HP + Laptops (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-a-quirk-for-HP-OMEN-16-8902-mut.patch. +- commit 342e19c + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix mute led issue on thinkpad with cs35l41 + s-codec (bsc#1203699). +- commit 0fd2db1 + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Amp Name based on channel and index + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs_dsp config struct into shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable mute/micmute LEDs and limit mic + boost on EliteBook 845/865 G9 (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix a shift-out-of-bounds warning found by UBSAN + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add one more variable in the debug log + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 4800a47 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41 fs errata into shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_set_cspl_mbox_cmd to shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Enable GPIO2 Interrupt for CLSA0100 laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Support for Interrupts (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove Set Channel Map api from binding + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Set Speaker Position for CLSA0100 Laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix error in spi cs35l41 hda driver name + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Speaker Playback Switch for Warlock + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Speaker Playback Switch for Cyborg + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Odin Variants (bsc#1203699). +- commit 346d9b0 + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support manual mode detection for CS42L42 + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use general cs42l42 include in cs8409 hda + driver (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Support external boost (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move external boost handling to lib for + ASoC use (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Handle all external boost setups the same + way (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Reorganize log for playback actions + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove cs35l41_hda_reg_sequence struct + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move boost config to initialization code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Enable Internal Boost in shared lib + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Mute the device before shutdown + (bsc#1203699). +- commit e34c590 + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Move CS42L42 register descriptions to general + include (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add warnings about DETECT_MODE and PLL_START + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Handle system suspend (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Change jack_detect_mutex to a lock of all IRQ + handling (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Report full jack status when plug is detected + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Report initial jack state (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant pll_divout member (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Simplify reporting of jack unplug (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant writes to RS_PLUG/RS_UNPLUG + masks (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant writes to DETECT_MODE + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add control for audio slow-start switch + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: free_irq() before powering-down on probe() fail + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Reset and power-down on remove() and failed + probe() (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Prevent NULL pointer deref in interrupt handler + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove unused runtime_suspend/runtime_resume + callbacks (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Use two thresholds and increased wait time for + manual type detection (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Implement Manual Type detection as fallback + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Minor fix all errors reported by + script (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Always enable TS_PLUG and TS_UNPLUG interrupts + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix WARN in remove() if running without an + interrupt (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Mark OSC_SWITCH_STATUS register volatile + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Set correct SRC MCLK (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Allow time for HP/ADC to power-up after enable + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Use PLL for SCLK > 12.288MHz (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't claim to support 192k (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't reconfigure the PLL while it is running + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 866431d + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Put the device into safe mode for external + boost (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Boost type flag (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Always configure the DAI (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix I2S params comments (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_gpio_config to shared lib + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Check hw_config before using it (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Unify hardware configuration (bsc#1203699). +- commit ac37bc4 + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add new Dolphin HW variants (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable HSBIAS_SENSE_EN for Cyborg + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Warlock MLK Variants + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Fix Full Scale Volume setting for all variants + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Re-order quirk table into ascending order + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Fix Warlock to use mono mic configuration + (bsc#1203699). +- commit af84f1a + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add mute and micmut LED support for Zbook + Fury 17 G9 (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-HP-Dev-One.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-mute-micmute-LEDs-for-HP-machin.patch. +- commit 7831f17 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Remove unnecessary param (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on Zbook Studio G9 (bsc#1203699). +- commit 8ea9da8 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for HP Laptops (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-a-quirk-for-HP-OMEN-16-8902-mut.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-HP-Dev-One.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-mute-micmute-LEDs-for-HP-machin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-right-sounds-and-mute-micmute-L-024a7ad9eb4d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-right-sounds-and-mute-micmute-L.patch. +- commit a813cc9 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix DSP mbox start command and global enable + order (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix max number of TX channels (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix GPIO2 configuration (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Make cs35l41_hda_remove() return void + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Tidyup code (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add missing default cases (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move cs35l41* calls to its own symbol + namespace (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add calls to newly added test key function + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Avoid overwriting register patch + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: fix double free on error in probe() + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 31fd8da + +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add memory chunk helpers (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add pre_stop callback (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Minor clean and redundant code removal + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix event for preloader (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Compressed stream DSP memory structs should be + __packed (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix overrun of unterminated control name + string (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Expand firmware loading search options + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Add trace caps to speaker protection FW + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Make compressed buffers optional (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Correct control read size when parsing compressed + buffer (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add support for hibernate memory retention mode + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Update handling of test key registers + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Add support for "toggle" preloaders + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Clear core reset for cache (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct handling of some registers in the cache + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct DSP power down (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Remove incorrect comment (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add cs35l51/53 IDs (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: Fix dependencies of CS35L41 on SPI/I2C buses + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: Fix dependency on ASoC cs35l41 codec (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Move lockdep asserts to avoid potential null + pointer (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Allow creation of event controls + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add offset to cs_dsp read/write (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Clarify some kernel doc comments + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Perform NULL check in + cs_dsp_coeff_write/read_ctrl (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add support for rev 2 coefficient files + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Print messages from bin files (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add pre_run callback (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add version checks on coefficient loading + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add lockdep asserts to interface functions + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: tidy includes in cs_dsp.c and cs_dsp.h + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: wm_adsp_control_add() error: uninitialized symbol + 'ret' (bsc#1203699). +- commit 545439c + +- supported.conf: Add cs_dsp firmware module (bsc#1203699) +- commit af1ea30 + +- Update config files: enable CS35L41 support (bsc#1203699) +- commit 195ddb7 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add CS35L41 support for Thinkpad laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-speakers-and-micmute-on-HP-855-.patch. +- commit 0a4cbdb + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for Legion 7 16ACHg6 laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-ALC287-Add-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Slim-9i-14ITL5-sp.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Legion-Y9000X-2019.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-speakers-and-micmute-on-HP-855-.patch. +- commit b3dce35 + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add support for CS35L41 in HDA systems + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 39ffdf8 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Document CS35l41 External Boost (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for boost configuration + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for setting channels + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for errata patches + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move power initializations to reg_sequence + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_otp_unpack to shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Convert tables to shared source code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix undefined reference to core functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix link problem (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove the wmfw_add_ctl helper function + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: DSP Support (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: dt-bindings: cs42l42: Convert binding to yaml + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Set the max SPI speed for the whole device + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Change monitor widgets to siggens (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Make cs35l41_remove() return void (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: remove a repeated including (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: add driver to support firmware loading on + Cirrus Logic DSPs (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate wm_adsp specifics in cs_dsp_client_ops + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Split out struct cs_dsp from struct wm_adsp + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: move firmware loading to client (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Pass firmware names as parameters when starting + DSP core (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move check of dsp->running to better place + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate generic cs_dsp_coeff_ctl handling + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move sys_config_size to wm_adsp (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Split DSP power operations into helper functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate some ASoC and generic functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Introduce cs_dsp logging macros (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Rename generic DSP support (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Cancel ongoing work when removing controls + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Switch to using wm_coeff_read_ctrl for compressed + buffers (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move check for control existence (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove use of snd_ctl_elem_type_t (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Binding fixes (bsc#1203699). +- misc: cs35l41: Remove unused pdn variable (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix a bunch of trivial code formating/style + issues (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fixup the error messages (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Don't overwrite returned error code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Combine adjacent register writes (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Use regmap_read_poll_timeout to wait for OTP boot + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix use of an uninitialised variable + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add bindings for CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: CS35L41 Boosted Smart Amplifier (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove pointless string comparison (bsc#1203699). +- commit 5d21207 + +- kABI: Add back removed struct paca member (bsc#1203664 + ltc#199236). +- Revert "powerpc/rtas: Implement reentrant rtas call" + (bsc#1203664 ltc#199236). +- commit 93ebb75 + +- blacklist.conf: add scsi commit that's too invasive +- commit ed3d357 + +- struct ehci_hcd: hide new element going into a hole (git-fixes). +- commit 859270b + +- USB: Fix ehci infinite suspend-resume loop issue in zhaoxin + (git-fixes). +- commit 71e1e4f + +- xen/usb: don't use arbitrary_virt_to_machine() (git-fixes). +- commit 9497b70 + +- usb: host: xhci: fix a comment typo in xhci_mem_init() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci: use ffs() in xhci_mem_init() (git-fixes). +- commit f930b4a + +- usb: Drop commas after SoC match table sentinels (git-fixes). +- commit c8fc91a + +- struct xhci_hcd: restore member now dynamically allocated + (git-fixes). +- commit ac47acd + +- USB: core: Fix RST error in hub.c (git-fixes). +- commit 19a77db + +- Update config files. (jsc#PED-1763) +- supported.conf: +- commit 9894f49 + +- fuse: Remove the control interface for virtio-fs (bsc#1203798). +- commit a23dd0d + +- constraints: increase disk space for all architectures + References: bsc#1203693 + aarch64 is already suffering. SLE15-SP5 x86_64 stats show that it is + very close to the limit. +- commit 43a9011 + +- usb.h: struct usb_device: hide new member (git-fixes). +- commit fbd8f4a + +- USB: core: Prevent nested device-reset calls (git-fixes). +- commit 9ef8532 + +- usb: dwc3: disable USB core PHY management (git-fixes). +- commit 1a35727 + +- Update patch referecen for ALSA fix (CVE-2022-3303 bsc#1203769) +- commit 9addbc1 + +- ACPI: processor idle: Practically limit "Dummy wait" workaround + to old Intel systems (bsc#1203767). +- commit ec98644 + +- NFSv4.2: Update mode bits after ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Turn off open-by-filehandle and NFS re-export for NFSv4.0 + (git-fixes). +- md: call __md_stop_writes in md_stop (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: RPC level errors should set task->tk_rpc_status + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.2 fix problems with __nfs42_ssc_open (git-fixes). +- net/sunrpc: fix potential memory leaks in + rpc_sysfs_xprt_state_change() (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Reinitialise the backchannel request buffers before + reuse (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: RECLAIM_COMPLETE must handle EACCES (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Fix races in the legacy idmapper upcall (git-fixes). +- sunrpc: fix expiry of auth creds (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: Handle NFS4ERR_DELAY replies to OP_SEQUENCE correctly + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: Don't decrease the value of seq_nr_highest_sent + (git-fixes). +- pNFS/flexfiles: Report RDMA connection errors to the server + (git-fixes). +- Revert "pNFS: nfs3_set_ds_client should set NFS_CS_NOPING" + (git-fixes). +- lockd: detect and reject lock arguments that overflow + (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Fix xdr_encode_bool() (git-fixes). +- nfsd: eliminate the NFSD_FILE_BREAK_* flags (git-fixes). +- md-raid10: fix KASAN warning (git-fixes). +- NFSD: restore EINVAL error translation in nfsd_commit() + (git-fixes). +- NFSD: Clean up the show_nf_flags() macro (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Don't leak sockets in xs_local_connect() (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Don't call connect() more than once on a TCP socket + (git-fixes). +- NFS: LOOKUP_DIRECTORY is also ok with symlinks (git-fixes). +- NFSD: Fix offset type in I/O trace points (git-fixes). +- NFS: Fix WARN_ON due to unionization of nfs_inode.nrequests + (git-fixes). +- commit 510ad2f + +- x86/sev: Add missing __init annotations to SEV init routines + (jsc#SLE-19924 jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/x86-sev-Get-the-AP-jump-table-address-from-secrets-page. +- commit e7f768c + +- scsi: Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover" + (git-fixes). +- commit c7d72a7 + +- i2c: mlxbf: Fix frequency calculation (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: prevent stack overflow in + mlxbf_i2c_smbus_start_transaction() (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: incorrect base address passed during io write + (git-fixes). +- i2c: imx: If pm_runtime_get_sync() returned 1 device access + is possible (git-fixes). +- commit abc7475 + +- blacklist.conf: remove blacklisted patch + This patch was incorrectly blacklisted, but in fact + is needeed, so remove the blacklist first. +- commit 858de69 + +- serial: fsl_lpuart: Reset prior to registration (git-fixes). +- workqueue: don't skip lockdep work dependency in + cancel_work_sync() (git-fixes). +- arm64: topology: fix possible overflow in amu_fie_setup() + (git-fixes). +- media: flexcop-usb: fix endpoint type check (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: leave default DMA if the controller does not + support 64-bit DMA (git-fixes). +- drm/panel: simple: Fix innolux_g121i1_l01 bus_format + (git-fixes). +- drm/mediatek: dsi: Move mtk_dsi_stop() call back to + mtk_dsi_poweroff() (git-fixes). +- drm/mediatek: dsi: Add atomic {destroy,duplicate}_state, + reset callbacks (git-fixes). +- drm/panfrost: devfreq: set opp to the recommended one to + configure regulator (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Fix semaphore unbalance at error paths + (git-fixes). +- regulator: pfuze100: Fix the global-out-of-bounds access in + pfuze100_regulator_probe() (git-fixes). +- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel RM520N (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: check length for virtio packets + (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: atmel: Preserve previous USART mode if RS485 + disabled (git-fixes). +- drm/tegra: vic: Fix build warning when CONFIG_PM=n (git-fixes). +- video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: Fix integer overflow in + pxa3xx_gcu_write (git-fixes). +- serial: atmel: remove redundant assignment in rs485_config + (git-fixes). +- video: fbdev: i740fb: Error out if 'pixclock' equals zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 05ff2c7 + +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix use-after-free warning (git-fixes). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover (git-fixes). +- commit 338849f + +- kexec_file: drop weak attribute from functions (bsc#1196444). +- commit 3df1852 + +- KVM: avoid NULL pointer dereference in kvm_dirty_ring_push + (bsc#1198189 CVE-2022-1263). +- commit 7717214 + +- kexec, KEYS, s390: Make use of built-in and secondary keyring + for signature verification (bsc#1196444). +- commit a0517d1 + +- arm64: kexec_file: use more system keyrings to verify kernel + image signature (bsc#1196444). +- kexec, KEYS: make the code in bzImage64_verify_sig generic + (bsc#1196444). +- kexec: clean up arch_kexec_kernel_verify_sig (bsc#1196444). +- kexec: drop weak attribute from functions (bsc#1196444). +- x86/kexec: fix memory leak of elf header buffer (bsc#1196444). +- commit 6bb0d35 + +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Remove 'enable-active-low' from + rk3399-puma (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Set RK3399-Gru PCLK_EDP to 24 MHz + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix typo in lisense text for PX30.Core + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Pull up wlan wake# on Gru-Bob (git-fixes). +- selftests: forwarding: add shebang for (git-fixes). +- can: gs_usb: gs_can_open(): fix race dev->can.state condition + (git-fixes). +- gve: Fix GFP flags when allocing pages (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: fix reading current per-tid starting sequence + number for aggregation (git-fixes). +- batman-adv: Fix hang up with small MTU hard-interface + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: aquantia: wait for the suspend/resume operations to + finish (git-fixes). +- gpiolib: cdev: Set lineevent_state::irq after IRQ register + successfully (git-fixes). +- gpio: mockup: fix NULL pointer dereference when removing debugfs + (git-fixes). +- selftests: forwarding: Fix failing tests with old libnet + (git-fixes). +- commit 4895eee + +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Host1x and VIC on Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: Add Tegra234 MGBE memory clients + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 MGBE clocks and resets (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: power: Add Tegra234 MGBE power domains + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 GPCDMA (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: tegra186-hsp: add type for shared mailboxes + (jsc#PED-1763). +- arm64: tegra: Add QSPI controllers on Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: Add Tegra234 PCIe memory (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: power: Add Tegra234 PCIe power domains + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 PCIe clocks and resets (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add HDA support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 APE support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 PWM (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 I2C (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: tegra: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Update headers for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 44a5986 + +- net/mlx5: CT: Fix header-rewrite re-use for tupels (git-fixes). +- commit a413591 + +- net/mlx5e: TC NIC mode, fix tc chains miss table (git-fixes). +- commit 7bd201a + +- net: enetc: Use pci_release_region() to release some resources + (git-fixes). +- commit 15bc221 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Fix refcount leak in + mv88e6xxx_mdios_register (git-fixes). +- commit 568058d + +- net: dsa: restrict SMSC_LAN9303_I2C kconfig (git-fixes). +- commit a7df60c + +- net: stmmac: fix out-of-bounds access in a selftest (git-fixes). +- commit 1d801d7 + +- net: macb: Fix PTP one step sync support (git-fixes). +- commit c6f42d2 + +- net: wwan: iosm: remove pointless null check (git-fixes). +- commit 4eccfc1 + +- eth: sun: cassini: remove dead code (git-fixes). +- commit aa42615 + +- net: stmmac: remove unused get_addr() callback (git-fixes). +- commit 14586bc + +- Revert "ice: Hide bus-info in ethtool for PRs in switchdev mode" + (git-fixes). +- commit 2b88535 + +- net: ethernet: stmmac: fix write to sgmii_adapter_base + (git-fixes). +- commit 63c3906 + +- net: dsa: felix: fix tagging protocol changes with multiple + CPU ports (git-fixes). +- commit 41e3617 + +- net: dsa: introduce helpers for iterating through ports using dp + (git-fixes). +- commit 5001021 + +- ice: arfs: fix use-after-free when freeing @rx_cpu_rmap + (git-fixes). +- commit 1bdfd3c + +- net: hns3: add netdev reset check for hns3_set_tunable() + (git-fixes). +- commit f002bf7 + +- net: phy: at803x: move page selection fix to config_init + (git-fixes). +- commit 02fb6c3 + +- ice: Match on all profiles in slow-path (git-fixes). +- commit 5ba2957 + +- net: ipa: kill ipa_cmd_pipeline_clear() (git-fixes). +- commit 1308dcb + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit e0df553 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit d975e01 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit 2402036 + +- ALSA: hda: Fix Nvidia dp infoframe (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: set depop delay for tegra (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Update scratch reg. communication (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Add Tegra234 hda driver support (git-fixes). +- commit 636d297 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for HP OMEN 16 (8902) mute LED + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GA503R laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add pincfg for ASUS G533Z HP jack + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add pincfg for ASUS G513 HP jack (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output Dell Precision 5530 + laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output Dell Precision 5570 + laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Huawei WRT-WX9 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: add Intel 5 Series / 3400 PCI DID (git-fixes). +- commit a4ecf82 + +- dmaengine: ti: k3-udma-private: Fix refcount leak bug in + of_xudma_dev_get() (git-fixes). +- Revert "ALSA: usb-audio: Split endpoint setups for hw_params + and prepare" (git-fixes). +- ALSA: core: Fix double-free at snd_card_new() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-arrange quirk table entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: Fix hang at HD-audio codec unbinding due to refcount + saturation (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-kontron-samx6i: fix spi-flash compatible + (git-fixes). +- gpio: mockup: remove gpio debugfs when remove device + (git-fixes). +- Input: iforce - add support for Boeder Force Feedback Wheel + (git-fixes). +- Input: goodix - add compatible string for GT1158 (git-fixes). +- Input: goodix - add support for GT1158 (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/rd: Fix FIFO-full deadlock (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: skip ucode loading if ucode_size == 0 + (git-fixes). +- usb: storage: Add ASUS <0x0b05:0x1932> to IGNORE_UAS + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: acer-wmi: Acer Aspire One AOD270/Packard Bell + Dot keymap fixes (git-fixes). +- platform/surface: aggregator_registry: Add support for Surface + Laptop Go 2 (git-fixes). +- ieee802154: cc2520: add rc code in cc2520_tx() (git-fixes). +- hid: intel-ish-hid: ishtp: Fix ishtp client sending disordered + message (git-fixes). +- HID: ishtp-hid-clientHID: ishtp-hid-client: Fix comment typo + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: resource: skip IRQ override on AMD Zen platforms + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx: align SPI NOR node name with dtschema + (git-fixes). +- commit 6a1df1e + +- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-vt-d-Acquiring-lock-in-domain-ID-allocation-helpers + Fix spin deadlock in intel_iommu (bsc#1203505) +- commit 69d294e + +- media: dvb-core: Fix UAF due to refcount races at releasing + (CVE-2022-41218 bsc#1202960). +- commit bdcd7ab + +- cpufreq: tegra194: Staticize struct tegra_cpufreq_soc instances + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 2b309dd + +- ASoC: tegra: AHUB routes for OPE module (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit ae8614b + +- PCI: tegra194: Add Tegra234 PCIe support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 9848d71 + +- PCI: tegra194: Extend Endpoint mode support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 64c6d53 + +- PCI: tegra194: Clean up the exit path for Endpoint mode + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 77cf561 + +- PCI: tegra194: Enable support for 256 Byte payload + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 3d70757 + +- PCI: tegra194: Clear bandwidth management status (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 4eb1d6d + +- PCI: tegra194: Find RAS DES PCIe capability offset + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 6869f7e + +- Revert "PCI: tegra194: Rename tegra_pcie_dw to tegra194_pcie" + (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-Root-Port-interrupt-handling.patch. +- commit 7c3a2c4 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Add terminate() for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 14777c3 + +- phy: tegra: Add PCIe PIPE2UPHY support for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 8045a50 + +- gpu: host1x: Register context bus unconditionally + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 1cdd50a + +- spi: dt-bindings: Add compatible for Tegra241 QSPI + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit f5277d1 + +- spi: tegra210-quad: Multi-cs support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 5df9b77 + +- memory: tegra: Add MGBE memory clients for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit fe9c9ad + +- clocksource/drivers/timer-tegra186: Add support for Tegra234 + SoC (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 9102f99 + +- clocksource: Add Tegra186 timers support (jsc#PED-1763). +- Update config files +- commit f783dd3 + +- gpu: host1x: Add context bus (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 62055eb + +- iommu/arm-smmu: Support Tegra234 SMMU (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit b6d01d1 + +- cpufreq: tegra194: Add support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 6ccf722 + +- cpufreq: tegra194: add soc data to support multiple soc + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit d6431d8 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Remove unused switch case (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 21ff5bc + +- dmaengine: tegra: Fix uninitialized variable usage + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 8692e6a + +- dmaengine: tegra: Use platform_get_irq() to get IRQ resource + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit dce0f23 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Remove unused including + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit e600cdf + +- dmaengine: tegra: Add tegra gpcdma driver (jsc#PED-1763). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf +- commit 8c4f76d + +- PCI: tegra194: Remove unnecessary MSI enable reg save and + restore (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 028846a + +- mailbox: tegra-hsp: Add 128-bit shared mailbox support + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 2799912 + +- mailbox: tegra-hsp: Add tegra_hsp_sm_ops (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 301d237 + +- memory: tegra: Add MC error logging on Tegra186 onward + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 803123e + +- memory: tegra: Add memory controller channels support + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 91c35b0 + +- memory: tegra: Add APE memory clients for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit bddcc01 + +- memory: tegra: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 15d156c + +- soc/tegra: pmc: Update Tegra234 reset sources (jsc#PED-1763). +- ASoC: tegra: AHUB routes for ASRC module (jsc#PED-1763). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Add Tegra234 wake events (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 055208f + +- ASoC: tegra: Update AHUB driver for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Hardcode GCAP ISS value on T234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 12ff211 + +- PCI: tegra194: Rename tegra_pcie_dw to tegra194_pcie + (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-Root-Port-interrupt-handling.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-link-up-retry-sequence.patch. +- commit 43c995b + +- misc: sram: Add compatible string for Tegra234 SYSRAM + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit c359d28 + +- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/gpio-tegra186-Add-support-for-Tegra241.patch. +- commit 794cc29 + +- gpu: host1x: select CONFIG_DMA_SHARED_BUFFER (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 805f6b6 + +- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.21 +- commit a9db6f7 + +- blacklist.conf: e9b6013a7ce3 x86/speculation: Update link to AMD speculation whitepaper +- commit 2ebf815 + +- EDAC/dmc520: Don't print an error for each unconfigured + interrupt line (bsc#1190497). +- commit c59e321 + +- blacklist.conf: ad2c302bc604 EDAC/sifive: Fix non-kernel-doc comment +- commit 1146177 + +- Update patch reference for media fix (CVE-2022-3239 bsc#1203552) +- commit 9054a9f + +- supported.conf: Add drivers/virt/coco/sevguest/sevguest +- commit 14b71be + +- virt: Add SEV-SNP guest driver (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Update config files. +- commit 07e76d6 + +- scsi: smartpqi: Shorten drive visibility after removal + (bsc#1200622). +- commit 575230a + +- x86/sev: Provide support for SNP guest request NAEs + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit eaa3ba3 + +- x86/boot: Add Confidential Computing type to setup_data + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. +- commit cecec70 + +- x86/mm: Validate memory when changing the C-bit (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit d7a984b + +- x86/sev: Check the VMPL level (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit df057b9 + +- x86/sev: Add a helper for the PVALIDATE instruction + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit 27da7ad + +- x86/compressed/64: Detect/setup SEV/SME features earlier during + boot (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/x86-sev-define-the-linux-specific-guest-termination-reasons.patch. +- commit 509599d + +- kABI: Fix kABI after SNP-Guest backport (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Get the AP jump table address from secrets page + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Put globals that are accessed early into the .data + section (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Fix bool function returning negative value + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Fix return value check in alloc_shared_pages() + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add documentation for SEV-SNP CPUID Enforcement + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add support to get extended report + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add support to derive key (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Register SEV-SNP guest request platform device + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add a sev= cmdline option (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Use firmware-validated CPUID for SEV-SNP guests + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add SEV-SNP feature detection/setup (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/64: Add identity mapping for Confidential + Computing blob (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Export and rename add_identity_map() + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Use firmware-validated CPUID leaves for SEV-SNP + guests (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Add SEV-SNP feature detection/setup + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Add a pointer to Confidential Computing blob in + bootparams (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/64: Add support for SEV-SNP CPUID table in #VC + handlers (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Move MSR-based VMGEXITs for CPUID to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: x86: Move lookup of indexed CPUID leafs to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI kexec handling into common code + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI vendor table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI config table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI system table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI detection to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/head/64: Re-enable stack protection (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Use SEV-SNP AP creation to start secondary CPUs + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/kernel: Validate ROM memory before accessing when SEV-SNP + is active (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/kernel: Mark the .bss..decrypted section as shared in the + RMP table (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add helper for validating pages in early enc attribute + changes (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Register GHCB memory when SEV-SNP is active + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Register GHCB memory when SEV-SNP is active + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Add helper for validating pages in the + decompression stage (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Check SEV-SNP features support (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/mm: Extend cc_attr to include AMD SEV-SNP (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Detect/setup SEV/SME features earlier in boot + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Use MSR read/write helpers instead of inline assembly + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Introduce helpers for MSR reads/writes (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Update the SEV-ES save area mapping (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Create a separate mapping for the GHCB save area + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Create a separate mapping for the SEV-ES save area + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Define sev_features and VMPL field in the VMSA + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- commit 08ede5a + +- md: unlock mddev before reap sync_thread in action_store + (bsc#1197659). +- commit b42af07 + +- gpio: mpc8xxx: Fix support for IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW flow_type + in mpc85xx (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: sunxi: Fix name for A100 R_PIO (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sc8180x: Fix wrong pin numbers (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sc8180x: Fix gpio_wakeirq_map (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: Fix OSD1 RGB to YCbCr coefficient (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: Correct OSD1 global alpha value (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: move nbio sdma_doorbell_range() into sdma code + for vega (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: move nbio ih_doorbell_range() into ih code for vega + (git-fixes). +- of/device: Fix up of_dma_configure_id() stub (git-fixes). +- of: fdt: fix off-by-one error in unflatten_dt_nodes() + (git-fixes). +- drm/i915: Implement WaEdpLinkRateDataReload (git-fixes). +- vfio/type1: Unpin zero pages (git-fixes). +- efi: capsule-loader: Fix use-after-free in efi_capsule_write + (git-fixes). +- efi: libstub: Disable struct randomization (git-fixes). +- fbdev: chipsfb: Add missing pci_disable_device() in + chipsfb_pci_init() (git-fixes). +- commit a8d151e + +- ASoC: mchp-spdiftx: Fix clang -Wbitfield-constant-conversion + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: mmVM_L2_CNTL3 register not initialized correctly + (git-fixes). +- drm/radeon: add a force flush to delay work when radeon + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Check num_gfx_rings for gfx v9_0 rb setup + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Move psp_xgmi_terminate call from + amdgpu_xgmi_remove_device to psp_hw_fini (git-fixes). +- drm/gem: Fix GEM handle release errors (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mchp-spdiftx: remove references to mchp_i2s_caps + (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: display-connector: implement bus fmts callbacks + (git-fixes). +- commit a41cdd0 + +- xen/gntdev: Ignore failure to unmap INVALID_GRANT_HANDLE + (git-fixes). +- commit 37ef226 + +- xen-blkfront: Cache feature_persistent value before + advertisement (git-fixes). +- commit 3ed3cdd + +- Update references: + - patches.kabi/kabi-return-type-change-of-secure_ipv-46-_port_ephem.patch + - patches.suse/secure_seq-use-the-64-bits-of-the-siphash-for-port-o.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-add-small-random-increments-to-the-source-port.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-drop-the-hash_32-part-from-the-index-calculation.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-dynamically-allocate-the-perturb-table-used-by-s.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-increase-source-port-perturb-table-to-2-16.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-resalt-the-secret-every-10-seconds.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-use-different-parts-of-the-port_offset-for-index.patch + (add CVE-2022-32296 bsc#1200288) +- commit 07e021d + +- xen-netback: only remove 'hotplug-status' when the vif is + actually destroyed (git-fixes). +- commit 33b6bc1 + +- xen-blkfront: Advertise feature-persistent as user requested + (git-fixes). +- commit 55b30a0 + +- xen-blkback: Advertise feature-persistent as user requested + (git-fixes). +- commit aa17727 + +- xen-blkfront: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect + (git-fixes). +- commit ea0d055 + +- xen-blkback: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect + (git-fixes). +- commit 8bac828 + +- xen-blkback: fix persistent grants negotiation (git-fixes). +- commit 8c9e86e + +- xen/gntdev: Avoid blocking in unmap_grant_pages() (git-fixes). +- commit 8ae5e2f + +- x86/xen: Remove undefined behavior in setup_features() + (git-fixes). +- commit fe2de2e + +- xen-blkfront: Handle NULL gendisk (git-fixes). +- commit ff9be3a + +- blacklist.conf: add 1dbd11ca75fe ("xen: remove gnttab_query_foreign_access") + as it would break KABI +- commit 893d5df + +- KVM: SVM: fix tsc scaling cache logic (bsc#1203263). +- commit 9311053 + +- xen/grants: prevent integer overflow in gnttab_dma_alloc_pages() + (git-fixes). +- commit 4acefb4 + +- KVM: VMX: Heed the 'msr' argument in msr_write_intercepted() + (git-fixes). +- commit c7cc445 + +- KVM: x86: hyper-v: HVCALL_SEND_IPI_EX is an XMM fast hypercall + (git-fixes). +- commit cfc201b + +- KVM: x86: hyper-v: Drop redundant 'ex' parameter from + kvm_hv_send_ipi() (git-fixes). +- commit 001f866 + +- KVM: X86: Fix when shadow_root_level=5 && guest root_level<4 + (git-fixes). +- commit 4d133af + +- jfs: prevent NULL deref in diFree (bsc#1203389 CVE-2022-3202). +- commit 1259272 + kernel-azure +- USB / dwc3: Fix three doc-build warnings (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 654acff + +- usb: dwc3: fix backwards compat with rockchip devices + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit c7590b2 + +- usb: dwc3: core: do not use 3.0 clock when operating in 2.0 mode + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-core-Enable-GUCTL1-bit-10-for-fixing-termin.patch. +- commit 02bd07f + +- usb: dwc3: imx8mp: rename iomem base pointer (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 0504947 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: Don't check against CONFIG_OF (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ce7e9f1 + +- usb: dwc3: Program GFLADJ (jsc#PEd-1817). +- commit daeb10e + +- usb: dwc3: Calculate REFCLKPER based on reference clock + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit a22b861 + +- usb: dwc3: Get clocks individually (jsc#PED-1817). +- blacklist.conf: +- commit 3423db7 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: Add support for usb-conn-gpio based + usb-role-switch (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 80843c9 + +- Correct JIRA reference for these patches (jsc#PED-1496). + Use implementation, not the Epic: +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-be2iscsi-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-bnx2i-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-harmless-double-shift-bug.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Merge-suspend-fields.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Remove-iscsi_get_task-back_lock-requirement.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Rename-iscsi_conn_queue_work.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Stop-using-the-SCSI-pointer.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-qedi-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- commit 71bf164 + +- scsi: core: Fix early registration of sysfs attributes for + scsi_device (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit dfe7dcb + +- scsi: core: Remove two host template members that are no longer + used (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: usb: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: staging: unisys: Remove the shost_attrs member + (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 036b753 + +- scsi: zfcp: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: message: fusion: Switch to attribute groups + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: RDMA/srp: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: firewire: sbp2: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit ad14a91 + +- scsi: ata: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: Introduce ncq_prio_supported sysfs sttribute + (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: print feature list on device scan (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: fix ata_read_log_page() warning (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit dc4d292 + +- libata: cleanup NCQ priority handling (jsc#PED-1561). +- Update + patches.suse/libata-Add-ATA_HORKAGE_NO_NCQ_ON_ATI-for-Samsung-860.patch + (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit d313a88 + +- libata: cleanup ata_dev_configure() (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: cleanup device sleep capability detection + (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: simplify ata_scsi_rbuf_fill() (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 01272a8 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-edif-remove-old-doorbell-interface.patch. +- commit 6464680 + +- scsi: lpfc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-Menlo-Hornet-related-code.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-SANDiags-related-code.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-failing-soft_wwn-support.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-move-scsi_host_template-outside-dynamically.patch. +- commit 4aeb242 + +- scsi: snic: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: smartpqi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qla4xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qedf: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pm8001: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: sym53c500_cs: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ncr53c8xx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrs: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrb: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mvsas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_mbox: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: isci: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ipr: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ibmvfc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ibmvscsi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hptiop: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hpsa: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fnic: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: cxlflash: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: csiostor: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bnx2fc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bfa: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: arcmsr: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 53c700: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-9xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 3ddf4fd + +- usb: dwc3: Drop unneeded calls to platform_get_resource_byname() + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-disable-USB-core-PHY-management.patch. +- commit cb5354a + +- usb: gadget: remove unnecessary AND operation when get ep maxp + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 528613b + +- usb: gadget: udc: core: Introduce check_config to verify USB + configuration (jsc#PEd-1817). +- commit 69ec7cd + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Support Multi-Stream Transfer (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 0ed805f + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Skip resizing EP's TX FIFO if already resized + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Wait-for-ep0-xfers-to-complete-durin.patch. +- commit b389709 + +- usb: dwc3: reference clock period configuration (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 8ce586b + +- usb: dwc3: drd: use helper to get role-switch-default-mode + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 7f03301 + +- usb: dwc3: Resize TX FIFOs to meet EP bursting requirements + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-core-Fix-tx-rx-threshold-settings.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-starting-DWC3-gadget-during-UD.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Wait-for-ep0-xfers-to-complete-durin.patch. +- commit 68d4f6e + +- Kbuild: add -Wno-shift-negative-value where -Wextra is used + (bsc#1204877). +- Kbuild: use -Wdeclaration-after-statement (bsc#1204877). +- Refresh patches.suse/Kbuild-move-to-std-gnu11.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Kbuild-use-std-gnu11-for-KBUILD_USERCFLAGS.patch. +- commit e76ac45 + +- Input: applespi - avoid efivars API and invoke EFI services + directly (jsc#PED-1409). +- brcmfmac: Switch to appropriate helper to load EFI variable + contents (jsc#PED-1409). +- iwlwifi: Switch to proper EFI variable store interface + (jsc#PED-1409). +- media: atomisp_gmin_platform: stop abusing efivar API + (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit af0a2c9 + +- efi: libstub: check Shim mode using MokSBStateRT (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: x86: Wipe setup_data on pure EFI boot (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: efibc: Guard against allocation failure (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/x86: libstub: remove unused variable (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Move efivar caching layer into efivarfs + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Switch to new wrapper layer (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Remove deprecated 'efivars' sysfs interface + (jsc#PED-1409). + Update config files. + Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- efi: vars: Drop __efivar_entry_iter() helper which is no longer + used (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: pstore: Omit efivars caching EFI varstore access layer + (jsc#PED-1409). +- pstore: Add priv field to pstore_record for backend specific + use (jsc#PED-1409). +- pstore: Don't use semaphores in always-atomic-context code + (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit db34623 + +- drivers: fix typo in firmware/efi/memmap.c (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Use locking version to iterate over efivars linked + lists (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Add thin wrapper around EFI get/set variable + interface (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Don't drop lock in the middle of efivar_init() + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: efibc: avoid efivar API for setting variables + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: avoid efivars layer when loading SSDTs from variables + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Correct comment on efi_memmap_alloc (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Make code to find mirrored memory ranges generic + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 8075b46 + +- docs: security: Add secrets/coco documentation (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Register efi_secret platform device if EFI secret area + is declared (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit df905cf + +- virt: Add efi_secret module to expose confidential computing + secrets (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh patches.suse/virt-Add-SEV-SNP-guest-driver. + Update config files. + CONFIG_EFI_SECRET=y in x86_64/default +- commit edb96ab + +- efi: sysfb_efi: remove unnecessary include + (jsc#PED-1409). +- x86: Fix all occurences of the "the the" typo (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: clean up Kconfig dependencies on CONFIG_EFI (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. +- efi/x86: libstub: Make DXE calls mixed mode safe (jsc#PED-1409). +- efifb: Remove redundant efifb_setup_from_dmi stub + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/cper: Reformat CPER memory error location to more readable + (jsc#PED-1409). +- EDAC/ghes: Unify CPER memory error location reporting + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/cper: Add a cper_mem_err_status_str() to decode error + description (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: stub: prefer mirrored memory for randomized allocations + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/arm64: libstub: run image in place if randomized by the + loader (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: libstub: pass image handle to handle_kernel_image() + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: libstub: ensure allocated memory to be executable + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. +- efi: libstub: declare DXE services table (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Save location of EFI confidential computing area + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. + CONFIG_EFI_COCO_SECRET=y in x86_64/default, arm64/default and armv7hl/default +- commit 6b0cf79 + +- scsi: iscsi: Remove iscsi_get_task back_lock requirement + (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: iscsi: Rename iscsi_conn_queue_work() (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix harmless double shift bug (jsc#PED-868). +- commit 5723646 + +- scsi: iscsi: Merge suspend fields (jsc#PED-868). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-NOP-handling-during-conn-recovery.patch. +- commit 1473e45 + +- usb: typec: Remove retimers properly (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit e583265 + +- usb: typec: retimer: Add missing id check in match callback + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit cf4d688 + +- USB: xhci: Fix comment typo (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 2b3e84d + +- usb/typec/tcpm: fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-531 + jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 46257dd + +- usb: typec: Add retimer handle to port (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit dde8f08 + +- usb: typec: Add support for retimers (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit cacdd0d + +- usb: typec: mux: Allow muxes to specify mode-switch + (jsc#PED-1211). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Register USB Power Delivery Capabilities + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f8dc487 + +- usb: typec: USB Power Delivery helpers for ports and partners + (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-typeC-add-kABI-padding.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/typeC-Add-kABI-placeholders.patch. +- commit 629af64 + +- usb: typec: Separate USB Power Delivery from USB Type-C + (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit d284c3e + +- usb: gadget: bdc: fix typo in comment (git-fixes). +- commit 0b9f194 + +- usb: typec: tcpm: fix typo in comment (git-fixes). +- commit a66c855 + +- usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Allow wakeup from system suspend + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 61abc68 + +- powerpc/pseries: Move vas_migration_handler early during + migration (bsc#1204799 ltc#200177). +- commit b7aa6a0 + +- kbuild: Add skip_encoding_btf_enum64 option to pahole + (git-fixes). +- commit 934e48d + +- blacklist.conf: Clarify status of 6f5c672d17f583b081e283927f5040f726c54598. +- commit cfc21b5 + +- s390/dasd: fix Oops in dasd_alias_get_start_dev due to missing + pavgroup (git-fixes). +- commit 3602f60 + +- x86/fpu: Fix copy_xstate_to_uabi() to copy init states correctly + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Exclude dynamic states from init_fpstate + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Fix the init_fpstate size check with the actual size + (jsc#PED-1816). +- x86/fpu: Configure init_fpstate attributes orderly + (jsc#PED-1816). +- commit d47f5a0 + +- drm/amdkfd: export svm_range_list_lock_and_flush_work + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit c19d328 + +- amd/amdkfd: remove svms declaration to avoid werror + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 4bffdd8 + +- drm/amdkfd: fix KFDSVMRangeTest.PartialUnmapSysMemTest fails + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 77d4811 + +- Kbuild: use -std=gnu11 for KBUILD_USERCFLAGS (bsc#1204877). +- Kbuild: move to -std=gnu11 (bsc#1204877). +- commit 00462f0 + +- fbdev: cyber2000fb: fix missing pci_disable_device() + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: da8xx-fb: Fix error handling in .remove() (git-fixes). +- iio: bmc150-accel-core: Fix unsafe buffer attributes + (git-fixes). +- iio: adxl372: Fix unsafe buffer attributes (git-fixes). +- iio: temperature: ltc2983: allocate iio channels once + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: mcp3911: use correct id bits (git-fixes). +- iio: light: tsl2583: Fix module unloading (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Don't set IMI for no_interrupt (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Stop processing more requests on IMI + (git-fixes). +- usb: bdc: change state when port disconnected (git-fixes). +- hwmon/coretemp: Handle large core ID value (git-fixes). +- ACPI: video: Make backlight class device registration a separate + step (v2) (git-fixes). +- r8152: add PID for the Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add in new Devices that are supported for + Mac-Passthru (git-fixes). +- arm64/mm: Consolidate TCR_EL1 fields (git-fixes). +- commit 510527f + +- objtool,efi: Update __efi64_thunk annotation (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/efi-x86-use-naked-RET-on-mixed-mode-call-wrapper.patch. +- efi/mokvar: move up init order (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit de5f614 + +- scsi: iscsi: Stop using the SCSI pointer (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: qedi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: bnx2i: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- scsi: be2iscsi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-868). +- commit 4dde282 + +- ALSA: rme9652: use explicitly signed char (git-fixes). +- ALSA: au88x0: use explicitly signed char (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for M-Audio Fast Track C400/600 + (git-fixes). +- commit 1285ea5 + +- device property: Fix documentation for *_match_string() APIs + (git-fixes). +- PM: domains: Fix handling of unavailable/disabled idle states + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: Allow hybrid sleep to work with s2idle + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci_am654: 'select', not 'depends' REGMAP_MMIO + (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Fix kernel panic when remove non-standard SDIO card + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-pci-core: Disable ES for ASUS BIOS on Jasper Lake + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: Propagate ESDHC_FLAG_HS400* only on 8bit + bus (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Use correct logic for nand-keep-config + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: aoa: Fix I2S device accounting (git-fixes). +- ALSA: Use del_timer_sync() before freeing timer (git-fixes). +- ALSA: aoa: i2sbus: fix possible memory leak in i2sbus_add_dev() + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: Mark HDMI TX parity register as volatile + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: mark HDMI TX registers as volatile + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ac97: fix possible memory leak in snd_ac97_dev_register() + (git-fixes). +- drm/i915/dp: Reset frl trained flag before restarting FRL + training (git-fixes). +- drm/amdkfd: Fix memory leak in kfd_mem_dmamap_userptr() + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: fix IRQ lifetime (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/hdmi: fix memory corruption with too many bridges + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dsi: fix memory corruption with too many bridges + (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: fix use-after-free on probe deferral (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Fix return type of mdp4_lvds_connector_mode_valid + (git-fixes). +- commit a89c8ce + +- efi: Allow to enable EFI runtime services by default on RT + (jsc#PED-1409). + Update config files. +- efi: use default_groups in kobj_type (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: measure loaded initrd info into the TPM + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: consolidate initrd handling across architectures + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/libstub: x86/mixed: increase supported argument count + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/x86-prepare-asm-files-for-straight-line-speculation.patch. + patches.suse/efi-x86-use-naked-RET-on-mixed-mode-call-wrapper.patch. +- efi/libstub: add prototype of + efi_tcg2_protocol::hash_log_extend_event() (jsc#PED-1409). +- include/linux/efi.h: Remove unneeded whitespaces before tabs + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Move efifb_setup_from_dmi() prototype from arch headers + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. +- commit fa39fcf + +- blacklist.conf: add reverted ASoC patches +- commit 67ca727 + +- net: mscc: ocelot: fix address of SYS_COUNT_TX_AGING counter + (git-fixes). +- commit a23c712 + +- net: dsa: sja1105: fix buffer overflow in + sja1105_setup_devlink_regions() (git-fixes). +- commit 9684564 + +- net: dsa: microchip: ksz9477: fix fdb_dump last invalid entry + (git-fixes). +- commit bcb13eb + +- Update patch reference for USB fix (bsc#1196018 CVE-2022-28748 bsc#1202686 CVE-2022-2964) +- commit 0ee154e + +- i40e: Fix to stop tx_timeout recovery if GLOBR fails + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae1da4 + +- iavf: Fix reset error handling (git-fixes). +- commit d4babdd + +- iavf: Fix adminq error handling (git-fixes). +- commit 403a1a3 + +- net: moxa: pass pdev instead of ndev to DMA functions + (git-fixes). +- commit e117a5b + +- mlxsw: spectrum: Clear PTP configuration after unregistering + the netdevice (git-fixes). +- commit 6677912 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6060: prevent crash on an unused port + (git-fixes). +- commit 00d6b8c + +- fec: Fix timer capture timing in `fec_ptp_enable_pps()` + (git-fixes). +- commit 1a47f16 + +- dpaa2-eth: trace the allocated address instead of page struct + (git-fixes). +- commit 1020d1e + +- net: atlantic: fix aq_vec index out of range error (git-fixes). +- commit 46d90a2 + +- plip: avoid rcu debug splat (git-fixes). +- commit eb203b2 + +- net: bgmac: Fix a BUG triggered by wrong bytes_compl + (git-fixes). +- commit cb50cd4 + +- net: bcmgenet: Indicate MAC is in charge of PHY PM (git-fixes). +- commit 1147d60 + +- xen/netback: fix incorrect usage of + RING_HAS_UNCONSUMED_REQUESTS() (bsc#1204570). +- commit 3c5f57f + +- can: j1939: transport: j1939_session_skb_drop_old(): + spin_unlock_irqrestore() before kfree_skb() (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: Fix possible completions during init_completion + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: switch from WARN to pr_warn (git-fixes). +- can: mcp251x: mcp251x_can_probe(): add missing + unregister_candev() in error path (git-fixes). +- can: mscan: mpc5xxx: mpc5xxx_can_probe(): add missing + put_clock() in error path (git-fixes). +- mac802154: Fix LQI recording (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: set num_in/outputs to 0 if not supported + (git-fixes). +- media: videodev2.h: V4L2_DV_BT_BLANKING_HEIGHT should check + 'interlaced' (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-dv-timings: add sanity checks for blanking values + (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: dev->bitmap_cap wasn't freed in all cases + (git-fixes). +- media: vivid: s_fbuf: add more sanity checks (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: kvaser_usb_leaf: fix CAN clock frequency + regression (git-fixes). +- commit 78420ce + +- Add CVE reference to + patches.suse/net-usb-ax88179_178a-Fix-out-of-bounds-accesses-in-R.patch + (bsc#1196018 CVE-2022-28748 CVE-2022-2964). +- commit 1298a2a + +- hmm-tests: add test for migrate_device_range() (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit ec3f1d0 + +- nouveau/dmem: evict device private memory during release + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit ca9fd32 + +- nouveau/dmem: refactor nouveau_dmem_fault_copy_one() + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 521539d + +- mm/migrate_device.c: add migrate_device_range() (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 63236a4 + +- firmware_loader: move firmware sysctl to its own files + (PED-1263). +- Refresh + patches.suse/firmware_loader-Split-sysfs-support-from-fallback.patch. +- commit 8ae5e5b + +- mm/migrate_device.c: refactor migrate_vma and + migrate_deivce_coherent_page() (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, + CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 7f2a998 + +- mm/memremap.c: take a pgmap reference on page allocation + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 123f2df + +- mm/memremap: fix memunmap_pages() race with get_dev_pagemap() + (git-fixes). +- commit 980c32f + +- mm/pagealloc: sysctl: change watermark_scale_factor max limit + to 30% (bnc#1189998 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)). +- Refresh + patches.suse/sysctl-move-some-boundary-constants-from-sysctl.c-to.patch. + This was previously in the SLE15-SP4-RT branch to avoid a change in + behaviour of a sysctl after GA. +- commit dce66e6 + +- fpga: stratix10-soc: Do not use ret uninitialized in s10_probe() + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1865695 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: d5005 bmc secure update driver (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a8f024e + +- fpga: dfl-pci: Add IDs for Intel N6000, N6001 and C6100 cards + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 81df1d8 + +- uio: dfl: add IOPLL user-clock feature id (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit b574954 + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Add d5005 bmc secure update driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ccd0f1e + +- memory: dfl-emif: Update the dfl emif driver support revision 1 + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ec569a6 + +- regmap: spi-avmm: Use swabXX_array() helpers (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4057de5 + +- swab: Add array operations (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit b633743 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: Fix possible memory leak of flash_buf + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit c627d9d + +- firmware_loader: Fix memory leak in firmware upload + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 19ff7e8 + +- firmware_loader: Fix use-after-free during unregister + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4f92a6e + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: add max10 secure update functions + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit fb127c6 + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: expose max10 canceled keys in sysfs + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4d15a2d + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: expose max10 flash update count + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 490a9aa + +- fpga: m10bmc-sec: create max10 bmc secure update (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit bb9fcc7 + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Rename n3000bmc-secure driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit fc33834 + +- firmware_loader: describe 'module' parameter of + firmware_upload_register() (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 103bb65 + +- firmware_loader: Move definitions from sysfs_upload.h to sysfs.h + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 87bae5e + +- firmware_loader: Fix configs for sysfs split (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 6a7a9b1 + +- firmware_loader: Add sysfs nodes to monitor fw_upload + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7b04b8b + +- firmware_loader: Add firmware-upload support (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit d2144d4 + +- firmware_loader: Split sysfs support from fallback + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit e6134c4 + +- firmware_loader: Check fw_state_is_done in loading_store + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 87cb66d + +- firmware_loader: Clear data and size in fw_free_paged_buf + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a0106fc + +- fpga: dfl: Allow Port to be linked to FME's DFL (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 54d7dcd + +- Documentation: fpga: dfl: add link address of feature id table + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ae7ccad + +- fpga: dfl: check feature type before parse irq info + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7ba0e05 + +- fpga: fpga-region: fix kernel-doc formatting issues + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 8305210 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: fix kernel-doc warnings (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 4a86d8b + +- fpga: fix for coding style issues (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit eefb2bb + +- uio: dfl: add HSSI subsystem feature id (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 942ce55 + +- hwmon: (intel-m10-bmc-hwmon) use devm_hwmon_sanitize_name() + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit f3a8650 + +- hwmon: introduce hwmon_sanitize_name() (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1fef75a + +- fpga: dfl: pci: Remove usage of the deprecated + "pci-dma-compat.h" API (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 0f81b21 + +- fpga: region: fix kernel-doc (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 7e5c728 + +- fpga: region: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 3acc62e + +- fpga: bridge: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 3c81c95 + +- fpga: mgr: Use standard dev_release for class driver + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9311bde + +- fpga: dfl: Avoid reads to AFU CSRs during enumeration + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9490eba + +- mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Add N5010 variant (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit bffc1db + +- spi: spi-altera-dfl: support n5010 feature revision + (jsc#PED-1263). +- Refresh + patches.suse/spi-spi-altera-dfl-Fix-an-error-handling-path.patch. +- commit 88965da + +- fpga: dfl: expose feature revision from struct dfl_device + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit ac856ca + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write_sg() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 8064ded + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the fpga_remove() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 67d203e + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the state() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 93c376a + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the status() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 69714b3 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 5cae3b0 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: make write_complete() op optional + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 58d2ca4 + +- fpga: fpga-mgr: wrap the write_init() op (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit a678a0d + +- fpga: dfl: pci: add device IDs for Silicom N501x PAC cards + (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit decfdaa + +- mm: free device private pages have zero refcount (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 476ed92 + +- fpga: fpga-bridge: removed repeated word (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 9fd1af8 + +- fpga: fix spelling mistakes (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 52e3a64 + +- docs: driver-api: fpga: avoid using UTF-8 chars (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit d967010 + +- hwmon: intel-m10-bmc-hwmon: add n5010 sensors (jsc#PED-1263). +- commit 1130849 + +- Update config and supported.conf for Intel FPGA (jsc#PED-1263) + CONFIG_FW_LOADER_SYSFS=y + CONFIG_FW_UPLOAD=y + CONFIG_FPGA_M10_BMC_SEC_UPDATE=m + CONFIG_MFD_INTEL_M10_BMC=m + CONFIG_SENSORS_INTEL_M10_BMC_HWMON=m + CONFIG_REGMAP_SPI_AVMM=m +- commit 20596f5 + +- HID: hidraw: fix memory leak in hidraw_release() (git-fixes). +- commit 0e980ee + +- octeontx2-pf: Fix NIX_AF_TL3_TL2X_LINKX_CFG register + configuration (git-fixes). +- commit cc822b8 + +- octeontx2-af: Fix key checking for source mac (git-fixes). +- commit 2b15002 + +- octeontx2-af: Fix mcam entry resource leak (git-fixes). +- commit 1934a04 + +- octeontx2-af: suppress external profile loading warning + (git-fixes). +- commit f03aa66 + +- octeontx2-af: Apply tx nibble fixup always (git-fixes). +- commit 127ded0 + +- net: tap: NULL pointer derefence in dev_parse_header_protocol + when skb->dev is null (git-fixes). +- commit fd012c5 + +- nfp: ethtool: fix the display error of `ethtool -m DEVNAME` + (git-fixes). +- commit 145a612 + +- net/ice: fix initializing the bitmap in the switch code + (git-fixes). +- commit 1864c2e + +- s390/pai: Fix multiple concurrent event installation + (jsc#PED-598). +- s390/pai: Prevent invalid event number for pai_crypto PMU + (jsc#PED-598). +- s390/pai: add support for cryptography counters (jsc#PED-598). +- entry: Rename arch_check_user_regs() to + arch_enter_from_user_mode() (jsc#PED-598). +- commit 4a60553 + +- net/mlx5e: xsk: Account for XSK RQ UMRs when calculating ICOSQ + size (git-fixes). +- commit 0f9b4b8 + +- net/mlx5e: Remove WARN_ON when trying to offload an unsupported + TLS cipher/version (git-fixes). +- commit 26fe2e5 + +- netdevsim: fib: Fix reference count leak on route deletion + failure (git-fixes). +- commit ef84aaa + +- ice: do not setup vlan for loopback VSI (git-fixes). +- commit 2f72810 + +- ice: check (DD | EOF) bits on Rx descriptor rather than (EOP | + RS) (git-fixes). +- commit c63938e + +- can: kvaser_usb: replace run-time checks with struct + kvaser_usb_driver_info (git-fixes). +- commit 435b54b + +- sfc: disable softirqs for ptp TX (git-fixes). +- commit def7cc9 + +- octeontx2-pf: Fix UDP/TCP src and dst port tc filters + (git-fixes). +- commit a2053ff + +- net: fix IFF_TX_SKB_NO_LINEAR definition (git-fixes). +- commit 36a8155 + +- selftests: cgroup: add a selftest for memory.reclaim + (jsc#PED-808). +- selftests: cgroup: fix alloc_anon_noexit() instantly freeing + memory (jsc#PED-808). +- selftests: cgroup: return -errno from cg_read()/cg_write() + on failure (jsc#PED-808). +- memcg: introduce per-memcg reclaim interface (jsc#PED-808). +- commit ee3f4a3 + +- thermal: intel_powerclamp: Use first online CPU as control_cpu + (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/qcom/tsens-v0_1: Fix MSM8939 fourth sensor hw_id + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: fix a potential memory leak in + rtw_init_cmd_priv() (git-fixes). +- staging: vt6655: fix potential memory leak (git-fixes). +- usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Explicitly enable lane adapter hotplug events at + startup (git-fixes). +- usb: idmouse: fix an uninit-value in idmouse_open (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Enable GUCTL1 bit 10 for fixing termination + error after resume bug (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: Fix musb_gadget.c rxstate overflow bug (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci: Fix potential memory leak in + xhci_alloc_stream_info() (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci-plat: suspend/resume clks for brcm (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci-plat: suspend and resume clocks (git-fixes). +- soundwire: intel: fix error handling on dai registration issues + (git-fixes). +- soundwire: cadence: Don't overwrite msg->buf during write + commands (git-fixes). +- kselftest/arm64: Fix validatation termination record after + EXTRA_CONTEXT (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Drop Kconfig dependency on TEGRA20_APB_DMA + (git-fixes). +- udmabuf: Set ubuf->sg = NULL if the creation of sg table fails + (git-fixes). +- spi: Ensure that sg_table won't be used after being freed + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: correctly set BBP register 86 for MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set SoC wmac clock register (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set VGC gain for both chains of MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: set correct TX_SW_CFG1 MAC register for MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rt2x00: don't run Rt5592 IQ calibration on MT7620 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7921: reset msta->airtime_ac while clearing up + hw value (git-fixes). +- wifi: brcmfmac: fix use-after-free bug in + brcmf_netdev_start_xmit() (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath9k: avoid uninit memory read in ath9k_htc_rx_msg() + (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Add back Intel Falcon Ridge end-to-end flow + control workaround (git-fixes). +- wifi: brcmfmac: fix invalid address access when enabling SCAN + log level (git-fixes). +- selinux: use "grep -E" instead of "egrep" (git-fixes). +- thermal: cpufreq_cooling: Check the policy first in + cpufreq_cooling_register() (git-fixes). +- thermal: intel_powerclamp: Use get_cpu() instead of + smp_processor_id() to avoid crash (git-fixes). +- selinux: allow FIOCLEX and FIONCLEX with policy capability + (git-fixes). +- commit 2b3f1b5 + +- gcov: support GCC 12.1 and newer compilers (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix build breakage with CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=n + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix vblank refcount in vrr transition + (git-fixes). +- kbuild: rpm-pkg: fix breakage when V=1 is used (git-fixes). +- kbuild: remove the target in signal traps when interrupted + (git-fixes). +- clk: bcm2835: Make peripheral PLLC critical (git-fixes). +- clk: zynqmp: pll: rectify rate rounding in zynqmp_pll_round_rate + (git-fixes). +- clk: zynqmp: Fix stack-out-of-bounds in strncpy` (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: fix potential memory leak in + rtw_init_drv_sw() (git-fixes). +- iio: pressure: dps310: Reset chip after timeout (git-fixes). +- iio: pressure: dps310: Refactor startup procedure (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: ti: k3-udma: Reset UDMA_CHAN_RT byte counters to + prevent overflow (git-fixes). +- power: supply: adp5061: fix out-of-bounds read in + adp5061_get_chg_type() (git-fixes). +- HID: roccat: Fix use-after-free in roccat_read() (git-fixes). +- media: cx88: Fix a null-ptr-deref bug in buffer_prepare() + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Remove interface for periodic interrupt 1 + (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: explicitly remove aggregate driver at module unload + time (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix initial connector audio value (git-fixes). +- drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for Anbernic Win600 + (git-fixes). +- drm: bridge: dw_hdmi: only trigger hotplug event on link change + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/kms/nv140-: Disable interlacing (git-fixes). +- gpu: lontium-lt9611: Fix NULL pointer dereference in + lt9611_connector_init() (git-fixes). +- drm/komeda: Fix handling of atomic commits in the + atomic_commit_tail hook (git-fixes). +- drm/virtio: Check whether transferred 2D BO is shmem + (git-fixes). +- drm: Prevent drm_copy_field() to attempt copying a NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- drm: Use size_t type for len variable in drm_copy_field() + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/nouveau_bo: fix potential memory leak in + nouveau_bo_alloc() (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Change DMI match / alias strings to + fix module autoloading (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec: Notify the PM of wake events during + resume (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-msm: add compatible string check for sdm670 + (git-fixes). +- regulator: core: Prevent integer underflow (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (sht4x) do not overflow clamping operation on 32-bit + platforms (git-fixes). +- net: ethernet: ti: davinci_mdio: fix build for mdio bitbang uses + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: Fix overreporting of drops in dropwatch + (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: Fix double reporting of drops in dropwatch + (git-fixes). +- net: ethernet: ti: davinci_mdio: Add workaround for errata i2329 + (git-fixes). +- ima: fix blocking of security.ima xattrs of unsupported + algorithms (git-fixes). +- commit 73e3036 + +- arm64: topology: move store_cpu_topology() to shared code + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: imx8mp: Add snps,gfladj-refclk-lpm-sel quirk to + USB nodes (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci_platform: Sanity check the DT child nodes number + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: imx8mq-librem5: Add bq25895 as max17055's power + supply (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sx: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sll: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6sl: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qp: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6dl: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6q: add missing properties for sram (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx7d-sdb: config the max pressure for tsc2046 + (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9242/1: kasan: Only map modules if CONFIG_KASAN_VMALLOC=n + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: pci: Change DMI match info to support all Chrome + platforms (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix last interface check for registration + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Register card at the last interface + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix user-after-free (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_sysfs: Fix attempting to call device_add multiple + times (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: initialize delayed works at + l2cap_chan_create() (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Fix possible deadlock on socket + shutdown/release (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: btintel: Mark Intel controller to support LE_STATES + quirk (git-fixes). +- can: bcm: check the result of can_send() in bcm_can_tx() + (git-fixes). +- ARM: decompressor: Include (git-fixes). +- ACPI: video: Add Toshiba Satellite/Portege Z830 quirk + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: x86: Add a quirk for Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 for + StorageD3Enable (git-fixes). +- ACPI: tables: FPDT: Don't call acpi_os_map_memory() on invalid + phys address (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9247/1: mm: set readonly for MT_MEMORY_RO with ARM_LPAE + (git-fixes). +- ARM: 9244/1: dump: Fix wrong pg_level in walk_pmd() (git-fixes). +- commit de318d1 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit 78ca650 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state + is toggled (git-fixes). +- commit 8343da0 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Refactoring find_arch_event() to + pmc_perf_hw_id() (git-fixes). +- commit 44b42bd + +- mm/hugetlb: fix races when looking up a CONT-PTE/PMD size + hugetlb page (bsc#1204575). +- commit e6fc5be + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Update vPMCs when retiring branch + instructions (git-fixes). +- commit 4209455 + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Add pmc->intr to refactor + kvm_perf_overflow{_intr}() (git-fixes). +- commit 9fc8292 + +- platform/x86/intel: pmc/core: Add Raptor Lake support to pmc + core driver (jsc#PED-1035). +- platform/x86/intel/vsec: Add support for Raptor Lake + (jsc#PED-1036). +- commit e86728a + +- drm/amdkfd: use kvcalloc() instead of kvmalloc() in kfd_migrate + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit ceef9d9 + +- drm/amdkfd: Handle incomplete migration to system memory + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 002b524 + +- drm/amdkfd: Avoid thrashing of stack and heap (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 61d33f6 + +- drm/amdkfd: avoid conflicting address mappings (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-process_info-lock-not-needed-for-svm.patch. +- commit aa4245a + +- drm/amdkfd: unregistered svm range not overlap with TTM range + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit eb3c57d + +- Do not enable CONFIG_ATARI_PARTITION (jsc#PED-1573). +- commit 0605d12 + +- drm/amdkfd: Fix SVM_ATTR_PREFERRED_LOC (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 2022943 + +- mm/memory.c: fix race when faulting a device private page + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit fa41dd0 + +- drm/amdkfd: debug message to count successfully migrated pages + (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit a83f8ae + +- drm/amdkfd: clarify the origin of cpages returned by migration + functions (jsc#PED-1294, bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit b72c8a9 + +- drm/amdkfd: handle svm partial migration cpages 0 (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit 51450c1 + +- drm/amdkfd: ratelimited svm debug messages (jsc#PED-1294, + bsc#1204363, CVE-2022-3523). +- commit f314d31 + +- KVM: SVM: Exit to userspace on ENOMEM/EFAULT GHCB errors + (git-fixes). +- commit 22e05f5 + +- overflow.h: restore __ab_c_size (git-fixes). +- commit 9dbc158 + +- KVM: x86: Add KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP to x86 (git-fixes). +- commit 3acb74c + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Don't truncate the PerfEvtSeln MSR when creating + a perf event (git-fixes). +- commit 9a723c2 + +- overflow: Implement size_t saturating arithmetic helpers + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit fecede0 + +- cgroup/cpuset: Enable update_tasks_cpumask() on top_cpuset + (bsc#1204753). +- commit d072831 + +- blacklist.conf: Add cgroup: cgroup: Honor caller's cgroup NS when resolving cgroup id +- commit 382b2e7 + +- blacklist.conf: Add c530a3c716b9 sched/psi: Fix periodic aggregation shut off +- commit 56b9a2a + +- KVM: x86: nSVM/nVMX: set nested_run_pending on VM entry which + is a result of RSM (git-fixes). +- commit 274c60f + +- powerpc/fadump: align destination address to pagesize + (bsc#1204728 ltc#200074). +- commit 5377513 + +- KVM: x86: nSVM: mark vmcb01 as dirty when restoring SMM saved + state (git-fixes). +- commit cd056ba + +- KVM: x86: nSVM: fix potential NULL derefernce on nested + migration (git-fixes). +- commit 272884f + +- KVM: x86: Sync the states size with the XCR0/IA32_XSS at, + any time (git-fixes). +- commit c927187 + +- KVM: x86: Keep MSR_IA32_XSS unchanged for INIT (git-fixes). +- commit c61458a + +- KVM: x86: Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state is toggled + (git-fixes). +- commit f22036a + +- Update patches.suse/usb-mon-make-mmapped-memory-read-only.patch + (bsc#1204653 CVE-2022-43750). + Added CVE and bsc +- commit 93b1d48 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Fix available_event_types check for REF_CPU_CYCLES + event (git-fixes). +- commit 436d9eb + +- KVM: x86: Update vPMCs when retiring branch instructions + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/kvm-emulate-do-not-adjust-size-of-fastop-and-setcc-subroutines.patch. +- commit 1f8391b + +- KVM: x86: Update vPMCs when retiring instructions (git-fixes). +- commit c4d4a64 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Add pmc->intr to refactor + kvm_perf_overflow{_intr}() (git-fixes). +- commit 91025b1 + +- KVM: x86/pmu: Refactoring find_arch_event() to pmc_perf_hw_id() + (git-fixes). +- commit 8080b0e + +- kABI: Fix kABI after backport Always set kvm_run->if_flag + (git-fixes). +- KVM: x86: Always set kvm_run->if_flag (git-fixes). +- commit daa5fd4 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't advance iterator after restart due to + yielding (git-fixes). +- commit 86c02c7 + +- KVM: x86/mmu: Retry page fault if root is invalidated by + memslot update (git-fixes). +- commit c96dbdc + +- KVM: fix avic_set_running for preemptable kernels (git-fixes). +- commit 457ae39 + +- KVM: x86: Add compat handler for KVM_X86_SET_MSR_FILTER + (git-fixes). +- commit 58e3def + +- xen/gntdev: Prevent leaking grants (git-fixes). +- commit 73a7df7 + +- KVM: nVMX: Ignore SIPI that arrives in L2 when vCPU is not in + WFS (git-fixes). +- commit 8c88ccd + +- KVM: nVMX: Unconditionally purge queued/injected events on + nested "exit" (git-fixes). +- commit f7976c7 + +- KVM: x86/emulator: Fix handing of POP SS to correctly set + interruptibility (git-fixes). +- commit 938654e + +- usb: gadget: f_fs: stricter integer overflow checks (git-fixes). +- commit 07d2846 + +- blacklist.conf: prerequisites too risky +- commit 93c5479 + +- scsi: mpi3mr: Schedule IRQ kthreads only on non-RT kernels + (bnc#1204498). +- commit e73c4d3 + +- lib/string_helpers: Consolidate string helpers implementation + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit fa50192 + +- usb: cdc-wdm: Use skb_put_data() instead of skb_put/memcpy pair + (git-fixes). +- commit a0de208 + +- iommu: Add capability for pre-boot DMA protection + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 531fe4a + +- iommu: Use right way to retrieve iommu_ops (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 48ca01b + +- Update patch reference for + patches.suse/devlink-Fix-use-after-free-after-a-failed-reload.patch + (git-fixes bsc#1204637 CVE-2022-3625). +- commit fd50fbc + +- pinctrl: Ingenic: JZ4755 bug fixes (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: let query-modname override actual module name + (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: fix module.dyndbg handling (git-fixes). +- dyndbg: fix static_branch manipulation (git-fixes). +- commit afe6697 + +- io_uring: use original request task for inflight tracking + (CVE-2022-40476 bsc#1203435). +- commit 941d6b4 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-vas-Pass-hw_cpu_id-to-node-associati.patch + (bsc#1194869 bsc#1204428 ltc#200180). +- commit fe8b379 + +- iommu: Introduce device_iommu_capable() (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 7a5b8e8 + +- net: mvpp2: fix mvpp2 debugfs leak (bsc#1204417 CVE-2022-3535). +- bnx2x: fix potential memory leak in bnx2x_tpa_stop() + (bsc#1204402 CVE-2022-3542). +- nfp: fix use-after-free in area_cache_get() (bsc#1204415 + CVE-2022-3545). +- commit 8e53774 + +- thunderbolt: Add support for XDomain lane bonding + (jsc#PEd-1211). +- commit 75a8fa9 + +- thunderbolt: Ignore port locked error in + tb_port_wait_for_link_width() (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit bf76347 + +- thunderbolt: Split setting link width and lane bonding into + own functions (jsc#PEd-1211). +- commit fc051e6 + +- thunderbolt: Move tb_port_state() prototype to correct place + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit d0ed8bf + +- nilfs2: fix leak of nilfs_root in case of writer thread creation + failure (CVE-2022-3646 bsc#1204646). +- nilfs2: fix use-after-free bug of struct nilfs_root + (CVE-2022-3649 bsc#1204647). +- commit af91749 + +- Update patch reference for vsock fix (CVE-2022-3629 bsc#1204635) +- commit 6c49703 + +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: fix use-after-free in l2cap_conn_del() + (CVE-2022-3640 bsc#1204619). +- commit 5d68cf0 + +- can: j1939: j1939_session_destroy(): fix memory leak of skbs + (CVE-2022-3633 bsc#1204650). +- commit da3122e + +- thunderbolt: Add debug logging when lane is enabled/disabled + (jesc#PEd-531). +- commit ca2d7e5 + +- thunderbolt: Link USB4 ports to their USB Type-C connectors + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit f9e0651 + +- thunderbolt: Make iommu_dma_protection more accurate + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 318d5c5 + +- thunderbolt: Dump path config space entries during discovery + (jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 1ac89ca + +- Reference JIRA Impl instead Epic: jsc#PED-448 -> jsc#PED-594 +- Reference JIRA Impl instead Epic: jsc#PED-455 -> jsc#PED-588 +- commit 64fa841 + +- s390/airq: use DMA memory for summary indicators (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: Provide target domain for EP11 cprbs to scheduling + function (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: change reply buffer size offering (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: Support CPRB minor version T7 (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: handle checkstopped cards with new state + (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: CEX8S exploitation support (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/ap/zcrypt: debug feature improvements (jsc#PED-596). +- s390/zcrypt: rework of debug feature messages (jsc#PED-596). +- commit caf5220 + +- KVM: s390x: fix SCK locking (git-fixes). +- KVM: s390: Clarify SIGP orders versus STOP/RESTART (git-fixes). +- commit aa7345b + +- i2c: qcom-cci: Fix ordering of pm_runtime_xx and i2c_add_adapter + (git-fixes). +- media: venus: dec: Handle the case where find_format fails + (git-fixes). +- media: atomisp: prevent integer overflow in + sh_css_set_black_frame() (git-fixes). +- media: ipu3-imgu: Fix NULL pointer dereference in active + selection access (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2: Fix v4l2_i2c_subdev_set_name function documentation + (git-fixes). +- media: mceusb: set timeout to at least timeout provided + (git-fixes). +- commit fbd2a07 + +- Update patches.suse/watchdog-hpwdt-Include-nmi.h-only-if-CONFIG_HPWDT_NM.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1694). + Add reference to jsc#PED-1694. +- commit 2064b90 + +- watchdog/hpwdt: Enable HP_WATCHDOG for ARM64 systems. (jsc#PED-1694) + Enable HP ProLiant iLO2+ Hardware Watchdog Timer +- commit f0e3a55 + +- scsi: core: Remove the 'done' argument from SCSI + queuecommand_lck functions (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fas216: Introduce the function + fas216_queue_command_internal() (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Call scsi_done directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: usb: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: target: tcm_loop: Call scsi_done() directly + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: staging: rts5208: Call scsi_done() directly + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: xen-scsifront: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: wd719x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: wd33c93: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: virtio_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ufs: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: sym53c8xx_2: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: storvsc_drv: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: stex: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: snic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: smartpqi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qlogicpti: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qlogicfas408: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qla4xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit baefb85 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Implement-ref-count-for-SRB.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Stop-using-the-SCSI-pointer.patch. +- commit 47bbcd3 + +- scsi: qla1280: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qedf: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ps3rom: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ppa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit b80549e + +- scsi: pmcraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 881416d + +- scsi: pcmcia: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: nsp32: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ncr53c8xx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrs: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrb: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mvumi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpi3mr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mesh: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_mbox: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mac53c94: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: lpfc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libsas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libiscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: libfc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ips: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ipr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: initio: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: imm: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 76ef02d + +- cpufreq: qcom: fix writes in read-only memory region + (git-fixes). +- cpufreq: qcom: fix memory leak in error path (git-fixes). +- ACPI: extlog: Handle multiple records (git-fixes). +- HID: magicmouse: Do not set BTN_MOUSE on double report + (git-fixes). +- selinux: enable use of both GFP_KERNEL and GFP_ATOMIC in + convert_context() (git-fixes). +- commit a940189 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add another HP ZBook G9 model quirks + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 9b4cf06 + +- scsi: ibmvscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hptiop: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hpsa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fnic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fdomain: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fas216: Stop using scsi_cmnd.scsi_done (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: esp_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: esas2r: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: dpt_i2o: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: dc395x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: cxlflash: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: csiostor: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bnx2fc: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bfa: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: atp870u: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: arcmsr: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aic7xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aha1542: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aha152x: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: advansys: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: acornscsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Introduce aac_scsi_done() (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: a100u2w: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: NCR5380: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 4088abf + +- scsi: BusLogic: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 53c700: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-sas: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-9xxx: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: zfcp_scsi: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: message: fusion: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ib_srp: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: firewire: sbp2: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ata: Call scsi_done() directly (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 8b9488f + +- scsi: core: Rename scsi_mq_done() into scsi_done() and export it + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Use a structure member to track the SCSI command + submitter (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 217e4e6 + +- efi: Simplify arch_efi_call_virt() macro (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 736e2d1 + +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix missing resource cleanup in error case + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Remove the PMCRAID_PASSTHROUGH_IOCTL ioctl + implementation (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Don't use GFP_DMA in pmcraid_alloc_sglist() + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Fix a kernel-doc warning (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pmcraid: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: core: Register sysfs attributes earlier (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 65ed53e + +- blacklist.conf: add an entry for IDXD that has been already fixed +- commit 7531ae1 + +- dmaengine: idxd: force wq context cleanup on device disable path + (git-fixes). +- commit e06ba18 + +- Update azure config. + HW_RANDOM_CN10K=n + MARVELL_CN10K_TAD_PMU=n + MARVELL_CN10K_DDR_PMU=n + PINCTRL_METEORLAKE=n +- commit 89e22ef + +- nilfs2: fix NULL pointer dereference at + nilfs_bmap_lookup_at_level() (CVE-2022-3621 bsc#1204574). +- commit f8016b1 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS Zenbook using CS35L41 + (bsc#1203922). +- commit 1d187cf + +- Move upstreamed sound patches into sorted section +- commit 4c058b6 + +- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix memory leak in vhci_write (CVE-2022-3619 + bsc#1204569). +- commit b649754 + +- iommu: Introduce a callback to struct iommu_resv_region + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 480aace + +- drm/amdgpu: fix sdma doorbell init ordering on APUs (git-fixes). +- net: phy: dp83822: disable MDI crossover status change interrupt + (git-fixes). +- wwan_hwsim: fix possible memory leak in wwan_hwsim_dev_new() + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: dp83867: Extend RX strap quirk for SGMII mode + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci-imx: Fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- commit 273eb71 + +- arm64: topology: Remove redundant setting of llc_id in CPU + topology (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 2ac7bb1 + +- hisi_lpc: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- soundwire: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit a5a010e + +- powerpc/64s: Fix build failure when CONFIG_PPC_64S_HASH_MMU + is not set (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- commit 0850b12 + +- powerpc/pseries: Stop selecting PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Rename-PPC_NATIVE-to-PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE.patch. +- commit abb9ade + +- thunderbolt: ACPI: Replace tb_acpi_find_port() with + acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit b06ed1f + +- powerpc/64s: Make hash MMU support configurable (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/lkdtm-disable-return-thunks-in-rodata-c.patch. + Update config files. +- commit 5b2abcf + +- platform/x86/thinkpad_acpi: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- platform/x86: Replace acpi_bus_get_device() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit e8f90ff + +- fuse: fix deadlock between atomic O_TRUNC and page invalidation + (bsc#1204533). +- commit a0e6630 + +- USB: ACPI: Replace usb_acpi_find_port() with + acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 1538aed + +- Correct JIRA reference to Impl entries (jsc#PED-588 jsc#PED-594 jsc#PED-812 jsc#PED-826 jsc#PED-827 jsc#PED-831 jsc#PED-840 jsc#PED-858 jsc#PED-859 jsc#PED-1033 jsc#PED-1035 jsc#PED-1038 jsc#PED-1044 jsc#PED-1046 jsc#PED-1052 jsc#PED-1054 jsc#PED-1096 jsc#PED-1165 jsc#PED-1213 jsc#PED-1516 jsc#PED-1817 jsc#PED-1820) +- commit 048beb0 + +- Correct JIRA reference to Impl entries (jsc#PED-833 jsc#PED-850 jsc#PED-825 jsc#PED-822 jsc#PED-846 jsc#PED-817 jsc#PED-851 jsc#PED-857 jsc#PED-842 jsc#PED-813 jsc#PED-1084 jsc#PED-1096 jsc#PED-1085 jsc#PED-1649 jsc#PED-1082 jsc#PED-856) +- commit c7d3570 + +- mfd: core: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 4d37bd2 + +- powerpc/pseries/vas: Add VAS IRQ primary handler (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). +- powerpc: Ignore DSI error caused by the copy/paste instruction + (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Move hash MMU support code under + CONFIG_PPC_64S_HASH_MMU (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/Revert-powerpc-rtas-Implement-reentrant-rtas-call.patch +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Add-kABI-placeholder-to-struct-pci_controlle.patch +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-wire-up-rng-during-setup_arch.patch +- powerpc: make memremap_compat_align 64s-only (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64: pcpu setup avoid reading mmu_linear_psize on 64e + or radix (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Rename hash_hugetlbpage.c to hugetlbpage.c + (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Make flush_and_reload_slb a no-op when radix is + enabled (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/pseries: lparcfg don't include slb_size line in radix + mode (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- powerpc/64s: Move and rename do_bad_slb_fault as it is not + hash specific (bsc#1204413 ltc#200176). +- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-64s-hash-Make-hash-faults-work-in-NMI-contex.patch +- powerpc: Rename PPC_NATIVE to PPC_HASH_MMU_NATIVE (bsc#1204413 + ltc#200176). + Update config files. +- commit da125ff + +- devdax: Fix soft-reservation memory description (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Remove default association from integer maximum + values (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Ignore already existing data node tags + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Fix type detection of unified integer reading + functions (jsc#PED-1408). +- arm64: cacheinfo: Fix incorrect assignment of signed error + value to unsigned fw_level (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Fix error handling in acpi_init_properties() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Read buffer properties as integers + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Add support for parsing buffer property UUID + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 5677edc + +- ACPI: property: Unify integer value reading functions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Switch node property referencing from ifs to + a switch (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Move property ref argument parsing into a new + function (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Use acpi_object_type consistently in property + ref parsing (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Tie data nodes to acpi handles (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: VIOT: Do not dereference fwnode in struct device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Fix build error implicit-function-declaration + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Add a helper to retrieve RMR info directly + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Add support to retrieve IORT RMR reserved regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Provide a generic helper to retrieve reserve regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/IORT: Make iort_iommu_msi_get_resv_regions() return void + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PPTT: Leave the table mapped for the runtime usage + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Remove the unused find_acpi_cpu_cache_topology() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PPTT: Use table offset as fw_token instead of virtual + address (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Move PRM config option under the main ACPI config + (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: Enable Platform Runtime Mechanism(PRM) support on ARM64 + (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: PRM: Change handler_addr type to void pointer + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI/PCI: Remove useless NULL pointer checks (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Use native backlight on Dell Inspiron N4010 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Drop X86 dependency from Kconfig (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: resource: skip IRQ override on AMD Zen platforms + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: x86: Print messages regarding LPS0 idle support + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: s2idle: Use LPS0 idle if ACPI_FADT_LOW_POWER_S0 is + unset (jsc#PED-1408). +- Revert "ACPI / PM: LPIT: Register sysfs attributes based on + FADT" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: s2idle: Add support for upcoming AMD uPEP HID AMDI008 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Drop unused ident initializers from dmi_system_id + tables (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Re-use boot_ec when possible even when + EC_FLAGS_TRUST_DSDT_GPE is set (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix _EINJ vs EFI_MEMORY_SP (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix double word in a comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: Drop leftover acpi_processor_get_limit_info() + declaration (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: Split out thermal initialization from ACPI PSS + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop unused list heads from struct acpi_device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop driver member of struct acpi_device + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Drop redundant check in acpi_device_remove() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / MMC: PM: Unify fixing up device power (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: scan: Walk ACPI device's children using driver core + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_dev_for_each_child_reverse() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Export acpi_dev_for_each_child() to modules + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() for child lookup + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: container: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Introduce acpi_find_child_by_adr() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Introduce acpi_dev_has_children() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Use acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: irq: Allow acpi_gsi_to_irq() to have an arch-specific + fallback (jsc#PED-1408). +- APCI: irq: Add support for multiple GSI domains (jsc#PED-1408). +- mmc: sdhci-acpi: Remove special handling for GPD win/pocket + devices (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 3b82889 + +- r8152: Rate limit overflow messages (CVE-2022-3594 bsc#1204479). +- commit a745ef5 + +- Update patch reference for HID fix (CVE-2022-3577 bsc#1204470) +- commit 3ac3b39 + +- disable CS_DSP +- commit 884c939 + +- kcm: avoid potential race in kcm_tx_work (bsc#1204355 + CVE-2022-3521). +- commit 2d76ec0 + +- tcp/udp: Fix memory leak in ipv6_renew_options() (bsc#1204354 + CVE-2022-3524). +- commit f8049de + +- Update metadata references +- commit d0bf0fb + +- increase NR_CPUS on azure and follow kernel-default (bsc#1203979) +- commit 21230c1 + +- PCI: hv: Fix synchronization between channel callback and + hv_pci_bus_exit() (bsc#1204017). +- commit 0660044 + +- PCI: hv: Fix synchronization between channel callback and + hv_compose_msi_msg() (bsc#1204017). +- commit 69da445 + +- PCI: hv: Use vmbus_requestor to generate transaction IDs for + VMbus hardening (bsc#1204017). +- commit e5cd485 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce {lock,unlock}_requestor() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit 4eed092 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce vmbus_request_addr_match() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit 9878290 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix handling of messages with transaction + ID of zero (bsc#1204017). +- commit a370089 + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Introduce vmbus_sendpacket_getid() + (bsc#1204017). +- commit 00a7e4c + +- sch_sfb: Also store skb len before calling child enqueue + (CVE-2022-3586 bsc#1204439). +- sch_sfb: Don't assume the skb is still around after enqueueing + to child (CVE-2022-3586 bsc#1204439). +- commit 6788943 + +- Update patch reference for mISDN fix (CVE-2022-3565 bsc#1204431) +- commit 5d0836e + +- build mlx in azure as modules again (bsc#1203701) + There is little gain by having the drivers built into the kernel. + Having them as modules allows easy replacement by third party drivers. + On x86_64, change mlx* from built-in to module. + On arm64, change mlx4, mlx5 and mlxfw from built-in to module. +- commit 6b012fa + +- scsi: libsas: Fix use-after-free bug in smp_execute_task_sg() + (git-fixes). +- commit 1ad6725 + +- blacklist.conf: add upstream commit that's too invasive +- commit a605c6e + +- Update config files: enable CONFIG_DMABUF_MOVE_NOTIFY (jsc#PED-975) +- commit a10be66 + +- dmaengine: idxd: deprecate token sysfs attributes for read + buffers (jsc#PED-679). +- commit c137213 + +- dmaengine: idxd: change bandwidth token to read buffers + (jsc#PED-679). +- Refresh + patches.suse/dmaengine-idxd-restore-traffic-class-defaults-after-.patch. +- commit d0c1256 + +- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for RAPTORLAKE_S + (jsc#PED-1812). +- commit 213e719 + +- Update config files: enable CONFIG_PINCTRL_METEORLAKE (jsc#PED-732) +- supported.conf: add pinctrl-meteorlake +- commit efb9d9f + +- pinctrl: intel: Add Intel Meteor Lake pin controller support + (jsc#PED-732). +- commit 0540896 + +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake-P (jsc#PED-732). +- spi: pxa2xx: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake-P (jsc#PED-732). +- scsi: ufs: ufs-pci: Add support for Intel MTL (jsc#PED-732). +- commit 11c983f + +- Update patch reference for Intel MTL-P USB patch (jsc#PED-732) +- commit 4ca8c18 + +- pinctrl: alderlake: Fix register offsets for ADL-N variant + (jsc#PED-676). +- pinctrl: alderlake: Add Intel Alder Lake-N pin controller + support (jsc#PED-676). +- commit 5492389 + +- Update patch reference for Intel ADL-N eMMC patch (jsc#PED-676) +- commit 4c38b45 + +- thunderbolt: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 0ec42f9 + +- pinctrl: alderlake: Add Raptor Lake-S ACPI ID (jsc#PED-634). +- mfd: intel-lpss: Add Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S PCI IDs + (jsc#PED-634). +- spi: pxa2xx: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S + (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 06d5787 + +- Update patch references for intel_th RPL-S support (jsc#PED-634) +- commit 900e952 + +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Raptor Lake PCH-S + (jsc#PED-634). +- i2c: i801: Improve handling of chip-specific feature definitions + (jsc#PED-634). +- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Ice Lake PCH-N (jsc#PED-634). +- commit 46a17cc + +- scsi: ufs: ufs-pci: Add support for Intel ADL (jsc#PED-707). +- commit 356d2a6 + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-cpufeature-add-HWCAP-for-FEAT_RPRES.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1159) + Add reference to jsc#PED-1599 +- commit 27aeba3 + +- thermal: int340x: Mode setting with new OS handshake + (jsc#PED-678). +- commit c03fef0 + +- Update patches.suse/arm64-cpufeature-add-HWCAP-for-FEAT_AFP.patch (git-fixes, jsc#PED-1159) + Add reference to jsc#PED-1599 +- commit fb87f4f + +- thermal: int340x: Update OS policy capability handshake + (jsc#PED-678). +- commit 2487fcb + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K DDR PMU driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ee9c6f0 + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K RNG driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit f38a789 + +- supported.conf: Add CN10K LLC PMU driver to supported modules (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ff62505 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Make check_rng_health() return an error code (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit e96e350 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Optimize cn10k_rng_read() (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 18234b8 + +- hwrng: cn10k - Add random number generator support (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit 80a71af + +- perf/marvell: Fix !CONFIG_OF build for CN10K DDR PMU driver (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit d86ecb5 + +- perf/marvell: cn10k DDR perf event core ownership (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit ccedd1a + +- perf/marvell: cn10k DDR perfmon event overflow handling (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b6ab0c5 + +- perf/marvell: CN10k DDR performance monitor support (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b13d58a + +- dt-bindings: perf: marvell: cn10k ddr performance monitor (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 705f151 + +- Update patch reference for macvlan fix (CVE-2022-3526 bsc#1204353) +- commit 740e86c + +- rpm/check-for-config-changes: loosen pattern for AS_HAS_* + This is needed to handle CONFIG_AS_HAS_NON_CONST_LEB128. +- commit bdc0bf7 + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix TAD PMU register offset (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 4ccd5d2 + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Remove useless license text when (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit b1994db + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix tad_pmu_event_init() to check pmu type first (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit cb2eb6b + +- perf/marvell_cn10k: Fix unused variable warning when W=1 and (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 4f19277 + +- drivers: perf: marvell_cn10k: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check (jsc#PED-1765) +- commit 9e52366 + +- drivers: perf: Add LLC-TAD perf counter support (jsc#PED-1765) + Update config/arm64/default +- commit 15db243 + +- powerpc/mm/64s: Drop pgd_huge() (bsc#1065729). +- powerpc/powernv: add missing of_node_put() in + opal_export_attrs() (bsc#1065729). +- powerpc/pci_dn: Add missing of_node_put() (bsc#1065729). +- commit 7c692ec + +- powerpc/kprobes: Fix null pointer reference in + arch_prepare_kprobe() (jsc#SLE-13847 git-fixes). +- powerpc/64: Remove unused SYS_CALL_TABLE symbol (jsc#SLE-9246 + git-fixes). +- commit 5521322 + +- thunderbolt: Use decimal number with port numbers (jsc#PED-531 + jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 1ef4993 + +- thunderbolt: Replace usage of found with dedicated list iterator + variable (jsc#PED-531 jsc#PED-1211). +- commit 3fecfc9 + +- thunderbolt: Clarify register definitions for + `tb_cap_plug_events` (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 68d4307 + +- thunderbolt: Add internal xHCI connect flows for Thunderbolt + 3 devices (jsc#PED-531). +- commit ec0de67 + +- thunderbolt: Do not make DROM read success compulsory + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 24436e4 + +- thunderbolt: Do not resume routers if UID is not set + (jsc#PED-531). +- thunderbolt: Retry DROM reads for more failure scenarios + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit a78e01a + +- thunderbolt: Drop duplicate NULL checks around + nvmem_unregister() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 3ea3344 + +- thunderbolt: Replace acpi_bus_get_device() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 920924a + +- thunderbolt: Remove useless DMA-32 fallback configuration + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 871dcd2 + +- usb: host: Initiate urb ep with udev ep0 (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f03f8e4 + +- arm64/bti: Disable in kernel BTI when cross section thunks are broken (git-fixes) +- commit 2f51dd9 + +- blacklist.conf: ("arm64/mm: drop HAVE_ARCH_PFN_VALID") +- commit f836660 + +- clk: at91: fix the build with binutils 2.27 (git-fixes). +- commit a34e36d + +- Input: xpad - add supported devices as contributed on github + (git-fixes). +- efi: libstub: drop pointless get_memory_map() call (git-fixes). +- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Fix + pci_endpoint_test_{copy,write,read}() panic (git-fixes). +- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Aggregate params checking for xfer + (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: qcserial: add new usb-id for Dell branded EM7455 + (git-fixes). +- efi: Correct Macmini DMI match in uefi cert quirk (git-fixes). +- commit 4dee064 + +- ALSA: oss: Fix potential deadlock at unregistration (git-fixes). +- ALSA: rawmidi: Drop register_mutex in snd_rawmidi_free() + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add Intel Reference SSID to support headset + keys (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GV601R laptop (git-fixes). +- commit c900b4a + +- ACPI: HMAT: Release platform device in case of + platform_device_add_data() fails (git-fixes). +- rtc: stmp3xxx: Add failure handling for stmp3xxx_wdt_register() + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Correct pin configs for ASUS G533Z + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: remove ALC289_FIXUP_DUAL_SPK for Dell 5530 + (git-fixes). +- arm64: mte: Avoid setting PG_mte_tagged if no tags cleared or + restored (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/pm: smu7_hwmgr: fix potential off-by-one overflow in + 'performance_levels' (git-fixes). +- Revert "drm/amdgpu: use dirty framebuffer helper" (git-fixes). +- drm/i915/ehl: Update MOCS table for EHL (git-fixes). +- commit 3ca51e4 + +- s390/qeth: Remove OSN deprecation notice (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- commit 42319b3 + +- qeth: remove a copy of the NAPI_POLL_WEIGHT define (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh + patches.suse/net-make-drivers-set-the-TSO-limit-not-the-GSO-limit.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/net-switch-to-netif_napi_add_tx.patch. +- commit f8ee04c + +- s390/qeth: split up L2 netdev_ops (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- commit f50bd13 + +- s390/qeth: don't keep track of Input Queue count (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qdio-split-do_QDIO. +- commit f07e1f9 + +- s390/qeth: move qdio's QAOB cache into qeth (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qdio-split-do_QDIO. +- commit 7ee14b3 + +- s390/qeth: clean up device_type management (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- Refresh patches.suse/s390-qeth-Register-switchdev-event-handler. +- commit 4489d18 + +- s390/qeth: Fix typo 'the the' in comment (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: fix typo "length to short" -> "length too short" + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/net: sort out physical vs virtual pointers usage + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: Remove redundant 'flush_workqueue()' calls + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: remove check for packing mode in + qeth_check_outbound_queue() (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fine-tune .ndo_select_queue() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: don't offer .ndo_bridge_* ops for OSA devices + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/lcs: add braces around empty function body (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: add __printf format attribute to ctcm_dbf_longtext + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: fix format string (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: allocate RX queue at probe time (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: update kerneldoc for qeth_add_hw_header() + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fix kernel doc comments (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: add __printf format attribute to qeth_dbf_longtext + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: fix various format strings (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: clarify remaining dev_kfree_skb_any() users + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: remove .do_ioctl() callback from driver discipline + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: improve trace entries for MAC address + (un)registration (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- net: s390: constify and use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/netiucv: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators + (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- s390/lcs: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/ctcm: remove incorrect kernel doc indicators (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/net: replace in_irq() with in_hardirq() (jsc#PED-448 + LTC#198619). +- s390/qeth: clean up QETH_PROT_* naming (jsc#PED-448 LTC#198619). +- commit 595cfd6 + +- x86/cpu: Add CPU model numbers for Meteor Lake (jsc#PED-637). +- x86/cpu: Add new Raptor Lake CPU model number (jsc#PED-716). +- commit 612dc8d + +- mmc: sdhci-sprd: Fix minimum clock limit (git-fixes). +- openvswitch: add nf_ct_is_confirmed check before assigning + the helper (git-fixes). +- selftests: netfilter: Fix for all.rp_filter=1 + (git-fixes). +- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix double list_add at + iwl_mvm_mac_wake_tx_queue (other cases) (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr handling of + small packets (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix decap offload for stations on AP_VLAN + interfaces (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: fix probe req HE capabilities access + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: do not drop packets smaller than the LLC-SNAP + header on fast-rx (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb_leaf: Fix CAN state after restart (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb_leaf: Fix TX queue out of sync after restart + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: Fix use of uninitialized completion + (git-fixes). +- macvlan: enforce a consistent minimal mtu (git-fixes). +- mISDN: hfcpci: Fix use-after-free bug in hfcpci_softirq + (git-fixes). +- net: ieee802154: return -EINVAL for unknown addr type + (git-fixes). +- watchdog: armada_37xx_wdt: Fix .set_timeout callback + (git-fixes). +- watchdog: ftwdt010_wdt: fix test for platform_get_irq() failure + (git-fixes). +- watchdog/hpwdt: Include nmi.h only if CONFIG_HPWDT_NMI_DECODING + (git-fixes). +- commit cb006e7 + +- Drop a incorrectly doubly applied WiFi fix patch +- commit 9d35b83 + +- s390/qdio: Fix spelling mistake (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify logical vs absolute in QIB's kerneldoc + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unneeded sanity check in qdio_do_sqbs() + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: split do_QDIO() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: split qdio_inspect_queue() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify handler logic for + qdio_handle_activate_check() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clean up access to queue in + qdio_handle_activate_check() (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: avoid allocating the qdio_irq with GFP_DMA + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: improve handling of CIWs (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove QDIO_SBAL_SIZE macro (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: fix kernel doc comments (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: Use scsi_cmd_to_rq() instead of scsi_cmnd.request + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- scsi: zfcp: Use the proper SCSI midlayer interfaces for PI + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused support for SLIB parameters + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: consolidate QIB code (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: use dev_info() in qdio_print_subchannel_info() + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: fine-tune the queue sync (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clean up SIGA capability tracking (jsc#PED-455 + bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused sync-after-IRQ infrastructure + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: use absolute data address in ESTABLISH ccw + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unused macros (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 + LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: clarify reporting of errors to the drivers + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove unneeded siga-sync for Output Queue + (jsc#PED-455 bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- s390/qdio: remove remaining tasklet & timer code (jsc#PED-455 + bsc#1203836 LTC#198623). +- commit ccb8c7b + +- wifi: cfg80211: update hidden BSSes to avoid WARN_ON + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: avoid mac80211 warning on bad rate + (git-fixes). +- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: reject bad MBSSID elements (git-fixes). +- commit b28d368 + +- Move upstramed WiFi fix patches into sorted section +- commit bef1692 + +- net: ethernet: move from strlcpy with unused retval to strscpy + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: add skb_[inner_]tcp_all_headers helpers (jsc#PED-1302). +- ethernet: Remove vf rate limit check for drivers (jsc#PED-1302). +- rtnetlink: add extack support in fdb del handlers + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: switch to netif_napi_add_tx() (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: remove redundant assignment to variable index + (jsc#PED-1302). +- net: qlcnic: use time_is_before_jiffies() instead of open + coding it (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: Simplify DMA setting (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: Remove redundant initialization of variable ret + (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#PED-1302). +- qlcnic: make the array random_data static const, makes object + smaller (jsc#PED-1302). +- commit c7136a6 + +- clk: bcm: rpi: Add support for VEC clock (bsc#1196632) +- commit 188fe72 + +- nvmem: core: Check input parameter for NULL in + nvmem_unregister() (bsc#1204241). +- commit 66b047b + +- clk: bcm2835: Round UART input clock up (bsc#1188238) +- commit f465b19 + +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Fix the converter allocation for the silent + stream (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: change type for the 'assigned' variable + (git-fixes). +- commit 6c73200 + +- drm/i915/gvt: fix a memory leak in intel_gvt_init_vgpu_types + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/ls-extirq: Fix invalid wait context by avoiding to + use regmap (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: ftdi_sio: fix 300 bps rate for SIO (git-fixes). +- docs: update mediator information in CoC docs (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Terminate infinite loop in SD-UHS voltage switch + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: skip audio setup when audio stream is enabled + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: update gamut remap if plane has changed + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Assume an LTTPR is always present on fixed_vs + links (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix double cursor on non-video RGB MPO + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: fix Moxa SDIO 'compatible', remove 'sdhci' misnomer + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Add SCMI PM driver remove routine + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden accesses to the sensor domains + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Improve checks in the info_get operations + (git-fixes). +- net/ieee802154: fix uninit value bug in dgram_sendmsg + (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: Report error in case of + dma_set_mask_and_coherent API failure (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: cleanup for fetching xlnx,num-fstores + property (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: xilinx_dma: Fix devm_platform_ioremap_resource + error handling (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Fix the converter reuse for the silent stream + (git-fixes). +- rpmsg: qcom: glink: replace strncpy() with strscpy_pad() + (git-fixes). +- mmc: core: Replace with already defined values for readability + (git-fixes). +- commit 07f5789 + +- Drop TI clk patch that has been reverted in 5.15.y stable +- commit bfab74f + +- mm/hmm/test: use char dev with struct device to get device node + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2a441da + +- lib/test_hmm: avoid accessing uninitialized pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 629e407 + +- mm/memremap: fix wrong function name above memremap_pages() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 99ceafe + +- Updated metadata references for bsc#1200788 CVE-2022-2153: + Updated patches (from Juergen Gross) +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Avoid-theoretical-NULL-pointer-dereference-i.patch +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Check-lapic_in_kernel-before-attempting-to-s.patch +- patches.suse/KVM-x86-Forbid-VMM-to-set-SYNIC-STIMER-MSRs-when-Syn.patch +- commit e9364fc + +- selftests/vm: use top_srcdir instead of recomputing relative + paths (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fcd00bf + +- Kselftests: remove support of libhugetlbfs from kselftests + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5314c14 + +- tools/testing/selftests/vm/hmm-tests.c: fix build + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit d4e3629 + +- mm/hmm: add a test for cross device private faults + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 113260c + +- mm/hmm.c: allow VM_MIXEDMAP to work with hmm_range_fault + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 81464f0 + +- tools: update hmm-test to support device coherent type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 7b24afa + +- mm: fix the handling Non-LRU pages returned by follow_page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a0abdab + +- mm/huge_memory: use helper macro IS_ERR_OR_NULL in + split_huge_pages_pid (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 64365f4 + +- mm: remove unneeded local variable follflags (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f1da2a0 + +- mm/migrate_device.c: fix a misleading and outdated comment + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2496c30 + +- mm: migration: fix the FOLL_GET failure on following huge page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 7c67379 + +- mm: re-allow pinning of zero pfns (again) (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 4e32fd5 + +- nvdimm/pmem: cleanup the disk if pmem_release_disk() is yet + assigned (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 519f490 + +- thunderbolt: Fix buffer allocation of devices with no + DisplayPort adapters (git-fixes). +- commit 2534904 + +- fs: fix UAF/GPF bug in nilfs_mdt_destroy (CVE-2022-2978 + bsc#1202700). +- commit e1802d7 + +- thunderbolt: Add missing device ID to + tb_switch_is_alpine_ridge() (git-fixes). +- commit 9447425 + +- thunderbolt: Disable LTTPR on Intel Titan Ridge (git-fixes). +- commit 9dce26f + +- usb/hcd: Fix dma_map_sg error check (git-fixes). +- commit 82f7672 + +- mm/gup.c: fix formatting in check_and_migrate_movable_page() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 6bb21eb + +- tools: add selftests to hmm for COW in device memory + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fbb5441 + +- tools: add hmm gup tests for device coherent type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit ccae011 + +- tools: update test_hmm script to support SP config + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 32be4d6 + +- lib: add support for device coherent type in test_hmm + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5bcf5a6 + +- lib: test_hmm add module param for zone device type + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e22f0bf + +- lib: test_hmm add ioctl to get zone device type (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 87c4e9c + +- drm/amdkfd: add SPM support for SVM (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 9d8092a + +- drm/amdkfd: fix resource_size.cocci warnings (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 589703d + +- mm/gup: migrate device coherent pages when pinning instead of + failing (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f57d4bb + +- kabi/severities: ignore CS35L41-specific exports (bsc#1203699) +- commit 9f486fe + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support System Suspend (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove suspend/resume hda hooks + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs_dsp_ctl: Fix mutex inversion when creating controls + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Ensure pwr_lock is held before + reading/writing controls (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Minor clean and redundant code + removal (bsc#1203699). +- commit 54175bd + +- PCI: mediatek-gen3: Change driver name to mtk-pcie-gen3 + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: PCI: microchip,pcie-host: fix missing dma-ranges + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: PCI: microchip,pcie-host: fix missing clocks + properties (git-fixes). +- PCI: Sanitise firmware BAR assignments behind a PCI-PCI bridge + (git-fixes). +- PCI: Fix used_buses calculation in pci_scan_child_bus_extend() + (git-fixes). +- PCI/ASPM: Correct LTR_L1.2_THRESHOLD computation (git-fixes). +- PCI/ASPM: Ignore L1 PM Substates if device lacks capability + (git-fixes). +- i2c: designware: Fix handling of real but unexpected device + interrupts (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: microchip-sgpio: Correct the fwnode_irq_get() return + value check (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Checks for errors in gpio_request_enable + callback (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Fix definitions for MPP pins 20-22 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: armada-37xx: Add missing GPIO-only pins (git-fixes). +- Input: i8042 - fix refount leak on sparc (git-fixes). +- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix firmware update operations with + bootloader v8 (git-fixes). +- Input: xpad - fix wireless 360 controller breaking after suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 6628947 + +- Add cherry-picked ID for AMDGPU patch +- commit 005b431 + +- mm: add device coherent vma selection for memory migration + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c7f49b6 + +- mm: handling Non-LRU pages returned by vm_normal_pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e689445 + +- mm/migration: fix possible do_pages_stat_array racing with + memory offline (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f5b7a8c + +- mm: add zone device coherent type memory support (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c80982a + +- mm: re-allow pinning of zero pfns (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 541ae7e + +- octeontx2-pf: cn10k: Fix egress ratelimit configuration + (git-fixes). +- commit dfc0a0a + +- net: sungem_phy: Add of_node_put() for reference returned by + of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- commit cc0874b + +- net: pcs: xpcs: propagate xpcs_read error to + xpcs_get_state_c37_sgmii (git-fixes). +- commit 6750e0f + +- mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix IPv4 nexthop gateway indication + (git-fixes). +- commit 6f3b54a + +- ipv4: Fix data-races around sysctl_fib_multipath_hash_policy + (git-fixes). +- commit afc53c0 + +- iavf: Fix handling of dummy receive descriptors (git-fixes). +- commit e9bd3c0 + +- net: dsa: vitesse-vsc73xx: silent spi_device_id warnings + (git-fixes). +- commit 155ccd4 + +- net: dsa: sja1105: silent spi_device_id warnings (git-fixes). +- commit ee0b547 + +- net: stmmac: remove redunctant disable xPCS EEE call + (git-fixes). +- commit 9493b1a + +- ixgbe: Add locking to prevent panic when setting sriov_numvfs + to zero (git-fixes). +- commit 53fbc66 + +- net: stmmac: fix dma queue left shift overflow issue + (git-fixes). +- commit 1deb58f + +- net: dsa: microchip: ksz_common: Fix refcount leak bug + (git-fixes). +- commit c46e25b + +- net: stmmac: fix unbalanced ptp clock issue in suspend/resume + flow (git-fixes). +- commit dff326f + +- net: stmmac: fix pm runtime issue in stmmac_dvr_remove() + (git-fixes). +- commit e347cfb + +- ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_fwd_update_priority + (git-fixes). +- commit 4ea8f18 + +- sfc: fix kernel panic when creating VF (git-fixes). +- commit 33eba8c + +- sfc: fix use after free when disabling sriov (git-fixes). +- commit 2fa14d7 + +- net: stmmac: fix leaks in probe (git-fixes). +- commit 97831ef + +- mm: move page zone helpers from mm.h to mmzone.h (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 57ef364 + +- KVM: x86: Register perf callbacks after calling vendor's + hardware_setup() (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/KVM-x86-Register-Processor-Trace-interrupt-hook-iff-.patch. +- commit 871c62a + +- mm: build migrate_vma_* for all configs with ZONE_DEVICE support + (jsc#PED-1294). +- Update config files. +- commit 0314c06 + +- USB: add RESET_RESUME quirk for NVIDIA Jetson devices in RCM + (git-fixes). +- commit 31ce443 + +- KVM: VMX: Inject #PF on ENCLS as "emulated" #PF (git-fixes). +- commit cc0ea0c + +- usb: ehci: Fix a function name in comments (git-fixes). +- commit 610087d + +- usb: host: remove dead EHCI support for on-chip PMC MSP71xx + USB controller (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 62f8e77 + +- x86/mce: Retrieve poison range from hardware (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Don't require flexible address space if + X86_FEATURE_CPPC is supported (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Fix enabling CPPC on AMD systems with shared memory + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit ac7776e + +- xhci: remove unused lpm_failed_dev member from struct xhci_hcd + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 85de64c + +- xhci: remove unused command member from struct xhci_hcd struct + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 5e975fe + +- USB: xhci: make xhci_get_endpoint_address static (jsc#PED-531). +- commit dcf3baa + +- ACPI: CPPC: Don't require _OSC if X86_FEATURE_CPPC is supported + (jsc#PED-1408). +- tools headers cpufeatures: Sync with the kernel sources + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/cpufeatures: Add AMD Collaborative Processor Performance + Control feature flag (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-amd-Enumerate-BTC_NO.patch. +- commit bf4cd56 + +- USB: hcd-pci: Drop the unused id parameter from + usb_hcd_pci_probe() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit b826b6a + +- xen: update ring.h (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 4472a2b + +- xen/xenbus: add xenbus_setup_ring() service function + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit f043eec + +- KVM: x86: Inject #UD on emulated XSETBV if XSAVES isn't enabled + (git-fixes). +- commit 93cdb54 + +- net: ftgmac100: Hold reference returned by + of_get_child_by_name() (git-fixes). +- commit 0961942 + +- bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_refclk_read() (git-fixes). +- commit 4187bc1 + +- bnxt_en: fix livepatch query (git-fixes). +- commit cc62415 + +- bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_reinit_after_abort() code path (git-fixes). +- commit e387d75 + +- bnxt_en: reclaim max resources if sriov enable fails + (git-fixes). +- commit 9161aa5 + +- net/mlx5e: Ring the TX doorbell on DMA errors (git-fixes). +- commit 7fdc3a9 + +- net/mlx5e: Fix enabling sriov while tc nic rules are offloaded + (git-fixes). +- commit 5e19505 + +- KVM: x86: do not report preemption if the steal time cache is + stale (git-fixes). +- commit c293d6b + +- net: ethernet: ti: am65-cpsw: Fix devlink port register sequence + (git-fixes). +- commit 385f6b7 + +- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_register_get_dev_id(): fix endianness + conversion (git-fixes). +- commit 368984e + +- can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_register_get_dev_id(): use correct + length to read dev_id (git-fixes). +- commit 809cb98 + +- usb: renesas-xhci: Do not print any log while fw verif success + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit bad9850 + +- xen/usbfront: use xenbus_setup_ring() and xenbus_teardown_ring() + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 41ef599 + +- xen/usb: switch xen-hcd to use INVALID_GRANT_REF (jsc#PED-531). +- commit e4f01cd + +- xen/usb: harden xen_hcd against malicious backends + (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 36bb0d3 + +- xen/grant-table: remove readonly parameter from functions + (jsc#PED-531). +- Refresh + patches.suse/xen-blkfront-force-data-bouncing-when-backend-is-unt.patch. +- commit 80f5ba9 + +- xen/usb: don't use arbitrary_virt_to_machine() (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 71d02c4 + +- mm: move the migrate_vma_* device migration code into its own + file (jsc#PED-1294). +- Update config files. +- commit ffdaa32 + +- mm/migrate: remove redundant variables used in a for-loop + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 53fa906 + +- x86/PCI: Revert "x86/PCI: Clip only host bridge windows for + E820 regions" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: clean up white space in a few places for consistency + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: video: improve PM notifer callback (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: battery: Make "not-charging" the default on no charging + or full info (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: processor: idle: Expose max_cstate/nocst/bm_check_disable + read-only in sysfs (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: glue: Rearrange find_child_checks() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Support Meteor Lake (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: NFIT: Drop nfit_device_lock() (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: negotiate CXL _OSC (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: Prefer CXL _OSC instead of PCIe _OSC for CXL host + bridges (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI/ACPI: add a helper for retrieving _OSC Control DWORDs + (jsc#PED-1408). +- acpi/nfit: rely on mce->misc to determine poison granularity + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Disable E820 reserved region clipping starting in 2023 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Disable E820 reserved region clipping via quirks + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Add kernel cmdline options to use/ignore E820 reserved + regions (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Clip only host bridge windows for E820 regions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86: Log resource clipping for E820 regions (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/PCI: Eliminate remove_e820_regions() common subexpressions + (jsc#PED-1408). +- device property: Add irq_get to fwnode operation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Move acpi_fwnode_device_get_match_data() up + (jsc#PED-1408). +- device property: Convert device_{dma_supported,get_dma_attr} + to fwnode (jsc#PED-1408). +- cpufreq: CPPC: Enable fast_switch (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Set CPPC _OSC bits for all and when CPPC_LIB is + supported (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. +- ACPI: CPPC: Check _OSC for flexible address space + (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. +- x86/ACPI: Preserve ACPI-table override during hibernation + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86: ACPI: Make mp_config_acpi_gsi() a void function + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Add support for high frequency impedance + notification (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: DPTF: Correct description of INT3407 / INT3532 attributes + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI, APEI, EINJ: Refuse to inject into the zero page + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: APEI: Fix missing ERST record id (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: BGRT: use static for BGRT_SHOW kobj_attribute defines + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: SPCR: Add support for NVIDIA 16550-compatible port subtype + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Avoid non-ACPI device objects in walks over children + (jsc#PED-1408). +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Power up devices in D3cold before scanning them + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Introduce acpi_dev_power_up_children_with_adr() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_dev_for_each_child() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Always print final debug message in + acpi_device_set_power() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Unify debug messages in acpi_device_set_power() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Change pr_fmt() in device_pm.c (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Convert debug message in acpi_device_get_power() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- Revert "ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Warn about sleeps greater + than 10 ms" (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Update version to 20220331 (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: exsystem.c: Use ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 for 64-bit output + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: IORT: Updates for revision E.d (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Fix some typo mistakes + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL/MADT: Add OEM-defined subtable (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Warn about sleeps greater than 10 ms + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Inform users about ACPI spec + violation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add support for ARM Performance Monitoring Unit Table + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: executer/exsystem: Add units to time variable names + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Headers: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array + member (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Removed some tabs and // comments (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Update copyright notices to the year 2022 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Clean up double word in comment (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add new ACPI 6.4 semantics for LoadTable() operator + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add new ACPI 6.4 semantics to the Load() operator + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Rename linux specific strucures to + device_info (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Fix parsing undocumented bytes at the end + of Endpoint Descriptor (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: iASL: NHLT: Treat Terminator as specific_config + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add the subtable CFMWS to the CEDT table (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Add support for the Windows 11 _OSI string + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: utils: include UUID in _DSM evaluation warning + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: Add perf low power callback (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-acpi_pad-Do-not-launch-acpi_pad-threads-on-idle-cpus.patch. +- commit 54d6015 + +- ACPI: APEI: do not add task_work to kernel thread to avoid + memory leak (git-fixes). +- lib/sg_pool: change module_init(sg_pool_init) to subsys_initcall + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: crypto: ti,sa2ul: drop dma-coherent property + (git-fixes). +- selftest: tpm2: Add Client.__del__() to close /dev/tpm* handle + (git-fixes). +- crypto: cavium - prevent integer overflow loading firmware + (git-fixes). +- crypto: marvell/octeontx - prevent integer overflows + (git-fixes). +- crypto: inside-secure - Replace generic aes with libaes + (git-fixes). +- Revert "crypto: qat - reduce size of mapped region" (git-fixes). +- crypto: inside-secure - Change swab to swab32 (git-fixes). +- crypto: ccp - Release dma channels before dmaengine unrgister + (git-fixes). +- crypto: akcipher - default implementation for setting a private + key (git-fixes). +- crypto: qat - fix default value of WDT timer (git-fixes). +- crypto: hisilicon/zip - fix mismatch in get/set sgl_sge_nr + (git-fixes). +- crypto: sahara - don't sleep when in softirq (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for DCN 2.1 (git-fixes). +- drm/i915: Reject unsupported TMDS rates on ICL+ (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for DCN 2.0 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Correct MPC split policy for DCN301 + (git-fixes). +- commit 353fbde + +- Update + patches.suse/mm-rmap-Fix-anon_vma-degree-ambiguity-leading-to-double-reuse.patch + (CVE-2022-42703, bsc#1204168, git-fixes, bsc#1203098). +- commit fef8e31 + +- mm/migrate.c: rework migration_entry_wait() to not take a + pageref (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 313eb0c + +- blacklist.conf: 30ea703a38ef x86/cpu: Include the header of init_ia32_feat_ctl()'s prototype +- commit fdb1f20 + +- misc: sgi-gru: fix use-after-free error in + gru_set_context_option, gru_fault and gru_handle_user_call_os + (CVE-2022-3424 bsc#1204166). +- commit bbc730f + +- wifi: mac80211: fix crash in beacon protection for P2P-device + (CVE-2022-42722 bsc#1204125). +- commit 38da0b9 + +- usb: typec: wcove: Drop wrong dependency to INTEL_SOC_PMIC + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI fixes build fixes are important +- Update config files. +- commit 8852d4a + +- powerpc/kvm: Remove obsolete and unneeded select (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI freezes, build fixes are important +- commit 329cacc + +- net: delete redundant function declaration (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: broke kABI, applicable in SP5 +- commit b7a266b + +- habanalabs: select CRC32 (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: outside kABI freezes build fixes are important +- commit 33fa2e9 + +- tracing: Fix smatch warning for do while check in + event_hist_trigger_parse() (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: no longer unreasonable in SP5 +- commit 7c1653b + +- tracing: Tag trace_percpu_buffer as a percpu pointer + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: broke kABI in a hard to fix way, hence can be applied + in SP5 +- commit 36fd9f7 + +- x86/Kconfig: Fix an unused variable error in dell-smm-hwmon + (git-fixes). +- blacklist.conf: can be unblacklisted in SP5 and will make backporting + easier +- commit 59cf2b3 + +- wifi: mac80211: fix MBSSID parsing use-after-free + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- commit bab6e58 + +- mac80211: fix memory leaks with element parsing (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- commit f9a2be2 + +- wifi: mac80211: refactor elements parsing with parameter struct + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: always allocate struct ieee802_11_elems + (CVE-2022-42719 bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: mlme: find auth challenge directly (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- mac80211: move CRC into struct ieee802_11_elems (CVE-2022-42719 + bsc#1204051). +- commit b28a982 + +- ipv4: Handle attempt to delete multipath route when fib_info + contains an nh reference (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit 1b0c1c8 + +- selftests: net: fix nexthop warning cleanup double ip typo + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit e3962a5 + +- selftests: net: add delete nexthop route warning test + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit 85deab0 + +- wifi: cfg80211: avoid nontransmitted BSS list corruption + (CVE-2022-42721 bsc#1204060). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix BSS refcounting bugs (CVE-2022-42720 + bsc#1204059). +- commit 82311e4 + +- net: ipv4: fix route with nexthop object delete warning + (bsc#1204171 CVE-2022-3435). +- commit a94edc1 + +- Update metadata references +- commit 61773f9 + +- powercap: RAPL: Add Power Limit4 support for Alder Lake-N and + Raptor Lake-P (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for RAPTORLAKE_P + (jsc#PED-686). +- powercap: intel_rapl: add support for ALDERLAKE_N (jsc#PED-695). +- powercap: RAPL: Add Power Limit4 support for RaptorLake + (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: add support for RaptorLake (jsc#PED-769). +- powercap: intel_rapl: support new layout of Psys PowerLimit + Register on SPR (jsc#PED-648). +- powercap: Add Power Limit4 support for Alder Lake SoC + (jsc#PED-769). +- commit ee363a4 + +- selftests/powerpc: Skip energy_scale_info test on older firmware + (git-fixes). +- commit 1eff3d6 + +- Revert "SUNRPC: Remove unreachable error condition" (git-fixes). +- NFS: Fix another fsync() issue after a server reboot + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Fixes for nfs4_inode_return_delegation() (git-fixes). +- commit 80742b5 + +- blacklist.conf: and unwanted md patches +- commit 96bda12 + +- scsi: stex: Properly zero out the passthrough command structure + (bsc#1203514 CVE-2022-40768). +- commit f2b2e4a + +- ALSA: hda: Fix position reporting on Poulsbo (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix potential memory leaks (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix NULL dererence at error path (git-fixes). +- commit 6c7f2c9 + +- sbitmap: Avoid leaving waitqueue in invalid state in + __sbq_wake_up() (git-fixes). +- commit 3c6ffc4 + +- staging: vt6655: fix some erroneous memory clean-up loops + (git-fixes). +- virt: vbox: convert to use dev_groups (git-fixes). +- usb: mtu3: fix failed runtime suspend in host only mode + (git-fixes). +- Revert "usb: storage: Add quirk for Samsung Fit flash" + (git-fixes). +- usb: mon: make mmapped memory read only (git-fixes). +- xhci: Don't show warning for reinit on known broken suspend + (git-fixes). +- xhci: dbc: Fix memory leak in xhci_alloc_dbc() (git-fixes). +- commit 4feb234 + +- usb: gadget: function: fix dangling pnp_string in f_printer.c + (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: console: move mutex_unlock() before + usb_serial_put() (git-fixes). +- usb: common: debug: Check non-standard control requests + (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: disable dma rx/tx use flags in + lpuart_dma_shutdown (git-fixes). +- tty: xilinx_uartps: Fix the ignore_status (git-fixes). +- uas: ignore UAS for Thinkplus chips (git-fixes). +- usb-storage: Add Hiksemi USB3-FW to IGNORE_UAS (git-fixes). +- uas: add no-uas quirk for Hiksemi usb_disk (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Explicitly reset plug events delay back to USB4 + spec value (git-fixes). +- commit d8ee195 + +- soc: sunxi_sram: Make use of the helper function + devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/soc-sunxi-sram-Prevent-the-driver-from-being-unbound.patch. +- commit a85e811 + +- spmi: pmic-arb: correct duplicate APID to PPID mapping logic + (git-fixes). +- spmi: pmic-arb: do not ack and clear peripheral interrupts in + cleanup_irq (git-fixes). +- slimbus: qcom-ngd: cleanup in probe error path (git-fixes). +- slimbus: qcom-ngd: use correct error in message of + pdr_add_lookup() failure (git-fixes). +- soc: qcom: smem_state: Add refcounting for the 'state->of_node' + (git-fixes). +- soc: qcom: smsm: Fix refcount leak bugs in qcom_smsm_probe() + (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Fix probe function ordering issues + (git-fixes). +- commit 3e1f43f + +- serial: 8250: Fix restoring termios speed after suspend + (git-fixes). +- drivers: serial: jsm: fix some leaks in probe (git-fixes). +- remoteproc: imx_rproc: Simplify some error message (git-fixes). +- sbitmap: fix possible io hung due to lost wakeup (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Fix resource cleanup (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: msi-laptop: Fix old-ec check for backlight + registering (git-fixes). +- commit a448666 + +- misc: ocxl: fix possible refcount leak in afu_ioctl() + (git-fixes). +- phy: qualcomm: call clk_disable_unprepare in the error handling + (git-fixes). +- phy: amlogic: phy-meson-axg-mipi-pcie-analog: Hold reference + returned by of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: atmel: Unmap streaming DMA mappings (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: meson: fix bit map use in meson_nfc_ecc_correct() + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsl_elbc: Fix none ECC mode (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Don't re-define NAND_DATA_IFACE_CHECK_ONLY + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Remove undocumented compatible string + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: intel: Read the chip-select line from the correct + OF node (git-fixes). +- mtd: devices: docg3: check the return value of devm_ioremap() + in the probe (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the panel_od sysfs attribute + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the egpu_enable sysfs attribute + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Document the dgpu_disable sysfs + attribute (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec_typec: Correct alt mode index + (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: fix memory corruption in ioctl (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: fix double-free in chromeos_laptop_prepare() + (git-fixes). +- platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: Update version on GET_NEXT_EVENT + failure (git-fixes). +- mmc: wmt-sdmmc: Fix an error handling path in wmt_mci_probe() + (git-fixes). +- mmc: au1xmmc: Fix an error handling path in au1xmmc_probe() + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: qmi_wwan: Add new usb-id for Dell branded EM7455 + (git-fixes). +- commit b26b1a7 + +- mailbox: bcm-ferxrm-mailbox: Fix error check for dma_map_sg + (git-fixes). +- mailbox: mpfs: account for mbox offsets while sending + (git-fixes). +- mailbox: mpfs: fix handling of the reg property (git-fixes). +- mfd: sm501: Add check for platform_driver_register() + (git-fixes). +- mfd: fsl-imx25: Fix check for platform_get_irq() errors + (git-fixes). +- mfd: lp8788: Fix an error handling path in lp8788_irq_init() + and lp8788_irq_init() (git-fixes). +- mfd: lp8788: Fix an error handling path in lp8788_probe() + (git-fixes). +- mfd: fsl-imx25: Fix an error handling path in + mx25_tsadc_setup_irq() (git-fixes). +- mfd: intel_soc_pmic: Fix an error handling path in + intel_soc_pmic_i2c_probe() (git-fixes). +- media: xilinx: vipp: Fix refcount leak in xvip_graph_dma_init + (git-fixes). +- media: uvcvideo: Use entity get_cur in uvc_ctrl_set (git-fixes). +- media: uvcvideo: Fix memory leak in uvc_gpio_parse (git-fixes). +- media: meson: vdec: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error + in vdec_hevc_start() (git-fixes). +- media: cedrus: Fix endless loop in cedrus_h265_skip_bits() + (git-fixes). +- media: cedrus: Set the platform driver data earlier (git-fixes). +- memory: of: Fix refcount leak bug in of_lpddr3_get_ddr_timings() + (git-fixes). +- memory: of: Fix refcount leak bug in of_get_ddr_timings() + (git-fixes). +- memory: pl353-smc: Fix refcount leak bug in pl353_smc_probe() + (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-compat-ioctl32.c: zero buffer passed to + v4l2_compat_get_array_args() (git-fixes). +- commit f4e8a30 + +- iio: adc: ad7923: fix channel readings for some variants + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltc2497: Fix reading conversion results (git-fixes). +- iio: dac: ad5593r: Fix i2c read protocol requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: magnetometer: yas530: Change data type of hard_offsets + to signed (git-fixes). +- iio: ABI: Fix wrong format of differential capacitance channel + ABI (git-fixes). +- iio: inkern: fix return value in + devm_of_iio_channel_get_by_name() (git-fixes). +- iio: inkern: only release the device node when done with it + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: disable/prepare buffer on + suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: lock around oversampling and sample + freq (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: check return status for pressure + and touch (git-fixes). +- commit b02859c + +- firmware: google: Test spinlock on panic path to avoid lockups + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: at91-sama5d2_adc: fix AT91_SAMA5D2_MR_TRACKTIM_MAX + (git-fixes). +- fpga: prevent integer overflow in dfl_feature_ioctl_set_irq() + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: phy: qcom,qmp-usb3-dp: fix bogus clock-cells + property (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: phy: qcom,qmp: fix bogus clock-cells property + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: mtd: intel: lgm-nand: Fix maximum chip select value + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: mtd: intel: lgm-nand: Fix compatible string + (git-fixes). +- HSI: omap_ssi_port: Fix dma_map_sg error check (git-fixes). +- HSI: omap_ssi: Fix refcount leak in ssi_probe (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: Add memory barriers (git-fixes). +- hid: hid-logitech-hidpp: avoid unnecessary assignments in + hidpp_connect_event (git-fixes). +- drm/omap: dss: Fix refcount leak bugs (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: correct 1.62G link rate at + dp_catalog_ctrl_config_msa() (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dp: Silence inconsistent indent warning (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: Fix comment typo (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/dpu: index dpu_kms->hw_vbif using vbif_idx (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: display/msm: dpu-sdm845: add missing DPU opp-table + (git-fixes). +- dt-bindings: display/msm: dpu-sc7180: add missing DPU opp-table + (git-fixes). +- commit 71c6639 + +- drm/scheduler: quieten kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 95b96ec + +- drm/amdgpu: add missing pci_disable_device() in + amdgpu_pmops_runtime_resume() (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: megachips: Fix a null pointer dereference bug + (git-fixes). +- drm: fix drm_mipi_dbi build errors (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Make .remove and .shutdown HW shutdown consistent + (git-fixes). +- drm:pl111: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of + for_each_available_child_of_node() (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: parade-ps8640: Fix regulator supply order + (git-fixes). +- drm/virtio: Unlock reservations on + virtio_gpu_object_shmem_init() error (git-fixes). +- drm/mipi-dsi: Detach devices when removing the host (git-fixes). +- commit f6c9019 + +- clk: bcm2835: fix bcm2835_clock_rate_from_divisor declaration + (git-fixes). +- clk: baikal-t1: Add SATA internal ref clock buffer (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: ioat: stop mod_timer from resurrecting deleted + timer in __cleanup() (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: mxs: use platform_driver_register (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Add multi-thread support for a DMA channel + (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Fix CQ head update (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: hisilicon: Disable channels when unregister hisi_dma + (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: Avoid uninitialized variable warning (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: fix a use-after-free in + nouveau_gem_prime_import_sg_table() (git-fixes). +- drm: bridge: adv7511: fix CEC power down control register offset + (git-fixes). +- commit 89292ab + +- clk: baikal-t1: Add shared xGMAC ref/ptp clocks internal parent + (git-fixes). +- clk: baikal-t1: Fix invalid xGMAC PTP clock divider (git-fixes). +- clk: vc5: Fix 5P49V6901 outputs disabling when enabling FOD + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: scu: fix memleak on platform_device_add() fails + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: apss-ipq6018: mark apcs_alias0_core_clk as critical + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8916: use ARRAY_SIZE instead of specifying + num_parents (git-fixes). +- clk: ast2600: BCLK comes from EPLL (git-fixes). +- clk: mediatek: mt8183: mfgcfg: Propagate rate changes to parent + (git-fixes). +- clk: ti: dra7-atl: Fix reference leak in of_dra7_atl_clk_probe + (git-fixes). +- commit c248e05 + +- clk: tegra20: Fix refcount leak in tegra20_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: tegra: Fix refcount leak in tegra114_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: tegra: Fix refcount leak in tegra210_clock_init + (git-fixes). +- clk: sprd: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: berlin: Add of_node_put() for of_get_parent() (git-fixes). +- clk: qoriq: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: oxnas: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- clk: meson: Hold reference returned by of_get_parent() + (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_dipm() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_ncq_autosense() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_has_devslp() (git-fixes). +- ata: fix ata_id_sense_reporting_enabled() and + ata_id_has_sense_reporting() (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mt6660: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in mt6660_i2c_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm5102: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm5102_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm5110: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm5110_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm8997: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in wm8997_probe + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: tx-macro: fix kcontrol put (git-fixes). +- ASoC: da7219: Fix an error handling path in + da7219_register_dai_clks() (git-fixes). +- ASoC: eureka-tlv320: Hold reference returned from of_find_xxx + API (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Handle optional legacy support (git-fixes). +- commit 8f6277f + +- Move upstreamed DRM, NVMe and sound patches into sorted section +- commit 48ff6f0 + +- arm64: ftrace: fix module PLTs with mcount (git-fixes). +- ARM: Drop CMDLINE_* dependency on ATAGS (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: exynos: fix polarity of VBUS GPIO of Origen + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: exynos: correct s5k6a3 reset polarity on Midas family + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: turris-omnia: Add label for wan port (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: armada-38x: Add gpio-ranges for pin muxing + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: kirkwood: lsxl: remove first ethernet port + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: kirkwood: lsxl: fix serial line (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: turris-omnia: Fix mpp26 pin name and comment + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Cleanup the lpasscc node (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: fix main pinmux range (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-kontron-samx6i: hook up DDC i2c bus + (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_USB_FSL_USB2 (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK=y (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: drop CONFIG_SERIAL_OMAP references (git-fixes). +- ARM: defconfig: clean up multi_v4t and multi_v5 configs + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rsnd: Add check for rsnd_mod_power_on (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Fix mute/unmute (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Drop conflicting set_bias_level power setting + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2764: Allow mono streams (git-fixes). +- ASoC: fsl_sai: Remove unnecessary FIFO reset in ISR (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mt6359: fix tests for platform_get_irq() failure + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Don't skip notification handling during PM + operation (git-fixes). +- ALSA: dmaengine: increment buffer pointer atomically + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: asihpi - Remove useless code in hpi_meter_get_peak() + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wcd934x: fix order of Slimbus unprepare/disable + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: wcd9335: fix order of Slimbus unprepare/disable + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: integrator: Tag PCI host with device_type (git-fixes). +- commit 5a02ba2 + +- i40e: Fix dropped jumbo frames statistics (git-fixes). +- commit b407b7d + +- net: bonding: fix use-after-free after 802.3ad slave unbind + (git-fixes). +- commit 05b9579 + +- net: bonding: fix possible NULL deref in rlb code (git-fixes). +- commit 8542934 + +- net: dp83822: disable rx error interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit f74888c + +- net: dp83822: disable false carrier interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit ba1cc16 + +- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: force pause link settings (git-fixes). +- commit 5258d4a + +- net/dsa/hirschmann: Add missing of_node_get() in + hellcreek_led_setup() (git-fixes). +- commit 29e4721 + +- ice: Fix switchdev rules book keeping (git-fixes). +- commit 5c21799 + +- igb: Make DMA faster when CPU is active on the PCIe link + (git-fixes). +- commit db90cd9 + +- bonding: ARP monitor spams NETDEV_NOTIFY_PEERS notifiers + (git-fixes). +- commit da7ba2e + +- igb: fix a use-after-free issue in igb_clean_tx_ring + (git-fixes). +- commit 12acd2f + +- net: bgmac: Fix an erroneous kfree() in bgmac_remove() + (git-fixes). +- commit 547f6a9 + +- mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Reorder counter pools (git-fixes). +- commit f2c7808 + +- net: hns3: don't push link state to VF if unalive (git-fixes). +- commit 7f6680c + +- net: hns3: set port base vlan tbl_sta to false before removing + old vlan (git-fixes). +- commit 8c8d58b + +- i40e: Fix call trace in setup_tx_descriptors (git-fixes). +- commit 7d70f11 + +- ixgbe: fix unexpected VLAN Rx in promisc mode on VF (git-fixes). +- commit 6a72a8e + +- ixgbe: fix bcast packets Rx on VF after promisc removal + (git-fixes). +- commit ddb5b75 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: use BMSR_ANEGCOMPLETE bit for filling + an_complete (git-fixes). +- commit b8286fc + +- net: altera: Fix refcount leak in altera_tse_mdio_create + (git-fixes). +- commit e80ff1b + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix wrong return value on ioctl EEPROM query + failure (git-fixes). +- commit a76859c + +- net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Fix refcount leak in gswip_gphy_fw_list + (git-fixes). +- commit 04259d9 + +- stmmac: intel: Fix an error handling path in + intel_eth_pci_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit fed21d9 + +- net: ethernet: bgmac: Fix refcount leak in + bcma_mdio_mii_register (git-fixes). +- commit 2227ee5 + +- net: bgmac: support MDIO described in DT (git-fixes). +- commit bf1f5f9 + +- mm/migrate.c: remove MIGRATE_PFN_LOCKED (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 53d0a98 + +- mm: refactor the ZONE_DEVICE handling in migrate_vma_pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5ff0982 + +- mm: refactor the ZONE_DEVICE handling in migrate_vma_insert_page + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit c27db83 + +- mm: refactor check_and_migrate_movable_pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a588dc0 + +- mm: generalize the pgmap based page_free infrastructure + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2037cd5 + +- fsdax: depend on ZONE_DEVICE || FS_DAX_LIMITED (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 00cc65d + +- mm: remove the extra ZONE_DEVICE struct page refcount + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 0cba7f0 + +- memremap: remove support for external pgmap refcounts + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 2a29910 + +- nvdimm/pmem: stop using q_usage_count as external pgmap refcount + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fa7e3a6 + +- mm/memremap: add ZONE_DEVICE support for compound pages + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit fabe0fa + +- mm/page_alloc: refactor memmap_init_zone_device() page init + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit f04239b + +- mm/page_alloc: split prep_compound_page into head and tail + subparts (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit a82c6bd + +- drm/nouveau: wait for the exclusive fence after the shared ones v2 (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * context changes +- commit 0261ec2 + +- drm/amd/display: Changed pipe split policy to allow for multi-display (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * remove changes to non-existing 201 and 31 directories +- commit e6a9bdd + +- drm/amdgpu/gfx9: switch to golden tsc registers for renoir+ (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * replace IP_VERSION() with CHIP_ constants +- commit d27747b + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/bridge: Add stubs for devm_drm_of_get_bridge when OF is disabled' +- commit e1d0d55 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/amd/display: Fix wrong format specifier in amdgpu_dm.c' +- commit debed4c + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'drm/amdgpu: Fix resource leak on probe error path' +- commit 116f3cc + +- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: add wraparound gpu counter check for APUs as well (bsc#1152472) + Backporting notes: + * also fix default branch +- commit 0bf8eb3 + +- drm/i915/hdmi: convert intel_hdmi_to_dev to intel_hdmi_to_i915 (bsc#1152489) + Backporting notes: + * update additional patch on top +- commit 1550ef2 + +- Update + patches.suse/ACPI-processor-idle-Practically-limit-Dummy-wait-wor.patch + (bsc#1203767,bsc#1203802). +- commit c6ebacb + +- Update + patches.suse/x86-cpu-Add-new-Alderlake-and-Raptorlake-CPU-model-n.patch + (jsc#PED-743 jsc#PED-740). + Add a reference. +- commit 1883c41 + +- mm: don't include in + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit b73066e + +- mm: simplify freeing of devmap managed pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e54adcf + +- mm: move free_devmap_managed_page to memremap.c (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e5afda3 + +- nvme: ensure subsystem reset is single threaded (bsc#1203290 + CVE-2022-3169). +- commit f73d666 + +- mm: remove pointless includes from (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 5917f7a + +- mm: remove the __KERNEL__ guard from + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 1864b4d + +- mm: remove a pointless CONFIG_ZONE_DEVICE check in + memremap_pages (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit b4b9519 + +- nvme: restrict management ioctls to admin (bsc#1203290 + CVE-2022-3169). +- commit c28a770 + +- net/mlx5e: Update netdev features after changing XDP state + (git-fixes). +- commit 5d7478c + +- net/mlx5e: Disable softirq in mlx5e_activate_rq to avoid race + condition (git-fixes). +- commit 92e1426 + +- hinic: Avoid some over memory allocation (git-fixes). +- commit 41f381d + +- net: huawei: hinic: Use devm_kcalloc() instead of devm_kzalloc() + (git-fixes). +- commit b92d6d0 + +- net: chelsio: cxgb4: Avoid potential negative array offset + (git-fixes). +- commit 4cc759d + +- net/mlx5e: TC, fix decap fallback to uplink when int port not + supported (git-fixes). +- commit 35c9b8d + +- net: dsa: ksz9477: port mirror sniffing limited to one port + (git-fixes). +- commit 9996ff6 + +- nvme: don't print verbose errors for internal passthrough + requests (bsc#1202187). +- commit eaa4989 + +- blacklist.conf: update the list +- commit 78eff9b + +- s390/smp: enforce lowcore protection on CPU restart (git-fixes). +- KVM: s390: pv: don't present the ecall interrupt twice + (bsc#1203229 LTC#199905). +- commit aed7a32 + +- x86: Expose init_freq_invariance() to topology header + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit c0d8e97 + +- ACPI: AGDI: Fix missing prototype warning for acpi_agdi_init() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI, APEI: Use the correct variable for sizeof() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Make LAPIC_ADDR_OVR address readable in message + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: IPMI: replace usage of found with dedicated list iterator + variable (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: CPPC: Change default error code and clean up debug + messages in probe (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Only-probe-for-_CPC-if-CPPC-v2-is-acked.patch. + patches.suse/ACPI-CPPC-Do-not-prevent-CPPC-from-working-in-the-fu.patch. +- ACPI / x86: Add support for LPS0 callback handler + (jsc#PED-1408). +- Input: soc_button_array - add support for Microsoft Surface 3 + (MSHW0028) buttons (jsc#PED-1408). +- PM: hibernate: Honour ACPI hardware signature by default for + virtual guests (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: AGDI: Add driver for Arm Generic Diagnostic Dump and + Reset device (jsc#PED-1408). + Update config files. +- ACPI: APEI: rename ghes_init() with an "acpi_" prefix + (jsc#PED-1408). + Refresh patches.suse/ACPI-VIOT-Fix-ACS-setup.patch. +- ACPI: LPSS: Provide an SSP type to the driver (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: LPSS: Constify properties member in struct + lpss_device_desc (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: platform: Constify properties parameter in + acpi_create_platform_device() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Add additional attributes for fine grain control + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Properly handle fine grain control (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Optimize struct acpi_fan_fif (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Separate file for attributes creation (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: fan: Fix error reporting to user space (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86, ACPI: rename init_freq_invariance_cppc() to + arch_init_invariance_cppc() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Rearrange code in acpi_ec_submit_event() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Reduce indentation level in acpi_ec_submit_event() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC: Do not return result from advance_transaction() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Move init_freq_invariance_cppc() into x86 CPPC + (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Move AMD maximum frequency ratio setting + function into x86 CPPC (jsc#PED-1408). +- x86/ACPI: CPPC: Rename cppc_msr.c to cppc.c (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / x86: Add skip i2c clients quirk for Lenovo Yoga Tablet + 1050F/L (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI / x86: Add skip i2c clients quirk for Nextbook Ares 8 + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: clean up double words in two comments (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: property: Get rid of redundant 'else' (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: EC / PM: Print additional debug message in + acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: PM: Print additional debug message in acpi_s2idle_wake() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Add AGDI to the list of known table signatures + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: tables: Add CEDT signature to the list of known tables + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_bus_for_each_dev() (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: OSL: Fix and clean up acpi_os_read/write_port() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPICA: Use uintptr_t and offsetof() in Linux kernel builds + (jsc#PED-1408). +- ACPI: scan: Use ida_alloc() instead of ida_simple_get() + (jsc#PED-1408). +- commit 2486d41 + +- media: platform: mtk-mdp: Fix mdp_ipi_comm structure alignment. +- commit 20a025b + +- Clean up kernel-config settings via + Invoke to clean the kernel-config settings from + unset symbols. Otherwise these settings interfere with actual config + changes. +- commit 8a799ae + +- blacklist.conf: not relevant in our configurations +- commit 586058b + +- media: imx-jpeg: Disable slot interrupt when frame done + (git-fixes). +- commit 36d622f + +- media: imx-jpeg: Refactor function mxc_jpeg_parse (git-fixes). +- commit e2ddfcf + +- media: imx-jpeg: Fix potential array out of bounds in + queue_setup (git-fixes). +- commit 8041860 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Add pm-sleep support for imx-jpeg (git-fixes). +- commit d514aa5 + +- x86/ibt,ftrace: Make function-graph play nice (bsc#1203969). +- commit c020446 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Leave a blank space before the configuration + data (git-fixes). +- commit a2d45c7 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'sysfb: Enable boot time VESA graphic mode selection' +- commit b93ba64 + +- media: imx-jpeg: Correct some definition according specification + (git-fixes). +- commit bdf4126 + +- blacklist.conf: not relevant in our configurations +- commit 8171bfe + +- media: vsp1: Fix offset calculation for plane cropping. +- commit dc309b5 + +- media: exynos4-is: Change clk_disable to clk_disable_unprepare + (git-fixes). +- commit 332ca3f + +- media: st-delta: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in delta_probe + (git-fixes). +- commit 30518b0 + +- media: exynos4-is: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in + fimc_is_probe (git-fixes). +- commit f62e31e + +- media: aspeed: Fix an error handling path in + aspeed_video_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit c014d5c + +- media: coda: Add more H264 levels for CODA960 (git-fixes). +- commit 75d6462 + +- media: coda: Fix reported H264 profile (git-fixes). +- commit 1533555 + +- Revert "constraints: increase disk space for all architectures" + (bsc#1203693). + This reverts commit 43a9011f904bc7328d38dc340f5e71aecb6b19ca. +- commit 3d33373 + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'fbdev: Hot-unplug firmware fb devices on forced removal' +- commit 0b6410b + +- blacklist.conf: Append 'Revert "fbdev: fbmem: add a helper to determine if an aperture is used by a fw fb"' +- commit b1ae504 + +- spi: s3c64xx: Fix large transfers with DMA (git-fixes). +- vhost/vsock: Use kvmalloc/kvfree for larger packets (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Improve rtl8xxxu_queue_select (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Fix AIFS written to REG_EDCA_*_PARAM + (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath11k: fix number of VHT beamformee spatial streams + (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7915: do not check state before configuring + implicit beamform (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: mt7615: add mt7615_mutex_acquire/release in + mt7615_sta_set_decap_offload (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: sdio: fix transmitting packet hangs (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Remove copy-paste leftover in + gen2_update_rate_mask (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: gen2: Fix mistake in path B IQ calibration + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: Fix skb misuse in TX queue selection + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtw88: add missing destroy_workqueue() on error path in + rtw_core_init() (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtl8xxxu: tighten bounds checking in rtl8xxxu_read_efuse() + (git-fixes). +- wifi: ath10k: add peer map clean up for peer delete in + ath10k_sta_state() (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211: allow bw change during channel switch in mesh + (git-fixes). +- wifi: rtlwifi: 8192de: correct checking of IQK reload + (git-fixes). +- commit 3bb5d97 + +- spi/omap100k:Fix PM disable depth imbalance in + omap1_spi100k_probe (git-fixes). +- spi: dw: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in dw_spi_bt1_probe + (git-fixes). +- spi: meson-spicc: do not rely on busy flag in pow2 clk ops + (git-fixes). +- spi: qup: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error in + spi_qup_pm_resume_runtime() (git-fixes). +- spi: qup: add missing clk_disable_unprepare on error in + spi_qup_resume() (git-fixes). +- spi: mt7621: Fix an error message in mt7621_spi_probe() + (git-fixes). +- regulator: qcom_rpm: Fix circular deferral regression + (git-fixes). +- net: wwan: iosm: Call mutex_init before locking it (git-fixes). +- mwifiex: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by + dev_coredumpv (git-fixes). +- net: thunderbolt: Enable DMA paths only after rings are enabled + (git-fixes). +- commit e714654 + +- hwmon: (pmbus/mp2888) Fix sensors readouts for MPS Multi-phase + mp2888 controller (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (gsc-hwmon) Call of_node_get() before of_find_xxx API + (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: support lock mechanism (git-fixes). +- mISDN: fix use-after-free bugs in l1oip timer handlers + (git-fixes). +- eth: alx: take rtnl_lock on resume (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix not handling link timeouts propertly + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: hci_{ldisc,serdev}: check percpu_init_rwsem() + failure (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: btusb: mediatek: fix WMT failure during runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- can: rx-offload: can_rx_offload_init_queue(): fix typo + (git-fixes). +- commit ac7ee01 + +- blacklist.conf: df5b035b5683 x86/cacheinfo: Add a cpu_llc_shared_mask() UP variant +- commit bc73e4e + +- blacklist.conf: 00da0cb385d0 Documentation/ABI: Mention retbleed vulnerability info file for sysfs +- commit 4726e8f + +- Drop the ACPI patch temporarily as it causes a regression (bsc#1203794) + Delete patches.suse/ACPI-resource-skip-IRQ-override-on-AMD-Zen-platforms.patch +- commit 8842ef4 + +- fbcon: Fix accelerated fbdev scrolling while logo is still shown (bsc#1152472) +- commit 7656242 + +- parisc/stifb: Fix fb_is_primary_device() only available with (bsc#1152489) +- commit dee3343 + +- parisc/stifb: Keep track of hardware path of graphics card (bsc#1152489) +- commit daa8575 + +- parisc/stifb: Implement fb_is_primary_device() (bsc#1152489) +- commit f86cf76 + +- fbcon: Add option to enable legacy hardware acceleration (bsc#1152472) + Backporting changes: + * context fixes in other patch + * update config +- commit 68203bf + +- parisc/sticon: fix reverse colors (bsc#1152489) +- commit f94c66b + +- char: pcmcia: synclink_cs: Fix use-after-free in mgslpc_ops + (CVE-2022-41848 bsc#1203987). +- commit a144c48 + +- fbdev: smscufx: Fix use-after-free in ufx_ops_open() + (CVE-2022-41849 bsc#1203992). +- commit db3bfe7 + +- net: mana: Add rmb after checking owner bits (git-fixes). +- commit 85bfc78 + +- Makefile.debug: re-enable debug info for .S files (git-fixes). +- commit 50458f2 + +- powerpc/pseries/vas: Pass hw_cpu_id to node associativity HCALL + (bsc#1194869). +- commit 48283d1 + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Don't modify GEVNTCOUNT in pullup() + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-duplicate-requests-to-enable-R.patch. +- commit 0719451 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Remove incorrect warning (git-fixes). +- media: rkvdec: Disable H.264 error detection (git-fixes). +- media: dvb_vb2: fix possible out of bound access (git-fixes). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Only report button state if there was a button + interrupt (git-fixes). +- commit 06be809 + +- net: mana: Add support of XDP_REDIRECT action (bug#1201310, jsc#PED-529). +- commit 209f0a1 + +- Add cherry-picked commit id for an AMDGPU patch (git-fixes) +- commit 505fbbc + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Refactor pullup() (git-fixes). +- commit f481a77 + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Avoid starting DWC3 gadget during UDC unbind + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-duplicate-requests-to-enable-R.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Prevent-repeat-pullup.patch. +- commit 6d90a05 + +- wifi: mac80211: fix regression with non-QoS drivers (git-fixes). +- selftests: Fix the if conditions of in test_extra_filter() + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: Don't WARN for PHY_UP state in mdio_bus_phy_resume() + (git-fixes). +- usbnet: Fix memory leak in usbnet_disconnect() (git-fixes). +- reset: imx7: Fix the iMX8MP PCIe PHY PERST support (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Fix debugfs info for A64 SRAM C (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Prevent the driver from being unbound + (git-fixes). +- soc: sunxi: sram: Actually claim SRAM regions (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra-tcu: Use uart_xmit_advance(), fixes icount.tx + accounting (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Use uart_xmit_advance(), fixes icount.tx + accounting (git-fixes). +- serial: Create uart_xmit_advance() (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Quectel RM520N (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Quectel BG95 0x0203 composition + (git-fixes). +- thunderbolt: Add support for Intel Maple Ridge single port + controller (git-fixes). +- Revert "usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock" (git-fixes). +- usb: add quirks for Lenovo OneLink+ Dock (git-fixes). +- commit ce89825 + +- gpio: mvebu: Fix check for pwm support on non-A8K platforms + (git-fixes). +- Input: snvs_pwrkey - fix SNVS_HPVIDR1 register address + (git-fixes). +- Input: iqs62x-keys - drop unused device node references + (git-fixes). +- Input: melfas_mip4 - fix return value check in mip4_probe() + (git-fixes). +- libata: add ATA_HORKAGE_NOLPM for Pioneer BDR-207M and BDR-205 + (git-fixes). +- mmc: hsq: Fix data stomping during mmc recovery (git-fixes). +- mmc: moxart: fix 4-bit bus width and remove 8-bit bus width + (git-fixes). +- commit 02160f0 + +- drm/i915/gt: Restrict forced preemption to the active context + (git-fixes). +- Revert "drm: bridge: analogix/dp: add panel prepare/unprepare + in suspend/resume time" (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: fix corrupted image output (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: set hdmi or dvi mode (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: lt8912b: add vsync hsync (git-fixes). +- Revert "firmware: arm_scmi: Add clock management to the SCMI + power domain" (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: don't register a dirty callback for non-atomic + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix the asynchronous reset requests + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden accesses to the reset domains + (git-fixes). +- commit 509f7ae + +- clk: iproc: Do not rely on node name for correct PLL setup + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6sx: remove the SET_RATE_PARENT flag for QSPI + clocks (git-fixes). +- clk: ingenic-tcu: Properly enable registers before accessing + timers (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix UFS PHY serdes size (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: am33xx: Fix MMCHS0 dma properties (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tas2770: Reinit regcache on reset (git-fixes). +- ASoC: imx-card: Fix refcount issue with of_node_put (git-fixes). +- drm/rockchip: Fix return type of cdn_dp_connector_mode_valid + (git-fixes). +- drm/gma500: Fix BUG: sleeping function called from invalid + context errors (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: make sure to init common IP before gmc (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Mark dml30's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as noinline + for stack usage (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Reduce number of arguments of dml31's + CalculateFlipSchedule() (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Reduce number of arguments of dml31's + CalculateWatermarksAndDRAMSpeedChangeSupport() (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit user regamma to a valid value + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: use dirty framebuffer helper (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/pm: disable BACO entry/exit completely on several + sienna cichlid cards (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fixing read wrong pf2vf data in SRIOV + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Separate vf2pf work item init from virt data + exchange (git-fixes). +- commit 931f4f4 + +- Add blacklist and alt-commit for ASoC cs35l41 patches (bsc#1203699) +- commit b1bfeae + +- net: mana: Add the Linux MANA PF driver (bug#1201309, jsc#PED-529). +- commit 6f3c833 + +- scsi: smartpqi: Add module param to disable managed ints + (bsc#1203893). +- commit e1af9a1 + +- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix various issues reported by tools (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Add reporting capability for Link Degrade Signaling + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rework FDMI attribute registration for unintential + padding (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rework lpfc_fdmi_cmd() routine for cleanup and + consistency (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Rename mp/bmp dma buffers to rq/rsp in lpfc_fdmi_cmd + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Update congestion mode logging for Emulex SAN + Manager application (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Move scsi_host_template outside dynamically + allocated/freed phba (bsc#1185032 bsc#1203939). + Dropped: + patches.suse/lpfc-decouple-port_template-and-vport_template.patch +- scsi: lpfc: Fix multiple NVMe remoteport registration calls + for the same NPort ID (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Add missing free iocb and nlp kref put for early + return VMID cases (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix mbuf pool resource detected as busy at driver + unload (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix FLOGI ACC with wrong SID in PT2PT topology + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix prli_fc4_req checks in PRLI handling + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Remove unneeded result variable (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Remove the unneeded result variable (bsc#1203939). +- commit 23fee86 + +- supported.conf: mark spi-pxa2xx-platform as supported (bsc#1203699) + It's required for the sound on recent Intel machines +- commit d17d5e0 + +- scsi: lpfc: Add missing destroy_workqueue() in error path + (bsc#1203939). +- scsi: lpfc: Return DID_TRANSPORT_DISRUPTED instead of + DID_REQUEUE (bsc#1203939). +- commit 495ecbc + +- wifi: cfg80211: ensure length byte is present before access + (CVE-2022-41674 bsc#1203770). +- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: reject bad MBSSID elements + (CVE-2022-41674 bsc#1203770). +- wifi: cfg80211: fix u8 overflow in + cfg80211_update_notlisted_nontrans() (CVE-2022-41674 + bsc#1203770). +- commit 79b409a + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations for qla2xxx + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix spelling mistake "definiton" -> "definition" + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Drop DID_TARGET_FAILURE use (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Define static symbols (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Enhance driver tracing with separate tunable + and more (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Add NVMe parameters support in Auxiliary Image + Status (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Add debugfs create/delete helpers (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue handler reading stale packets + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix response queue + handler reading stale packets" (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Log message "skipping scsi_scan_host()" as + informational (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Avoid flush_scheduled_work() usage (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Always wait for qlt_sess_work_fn() from + qlt_stop_phase1() (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused qlt_tmr_work() (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused del_sess_list field (bsc#1203935). +- commit 76fee71 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix memory leak in __qlt_24xx_handle_abts() + (bsc#1203935). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Disable ATIO interrupt coalesce for quad port + ISP27XX (bsc#1203935). +- commit df43957 + +- mm: rename is_pinnable_page() to is_longterm_pinnable_page() + (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit 8c9ae5e + +- mm: fix is_pinnable_page against a cma page (jsc#PED-1294). +- commit e5e0125 + +- cgroup: Add missing cpus_read_lock() to cgroup_attach_task_all() + (bsc#1196869). +- commit 421a33e + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: More robust component matching for CS35L41 + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 13ee63f + +- kABI: fix adding another field to scsi_device (bsc#1203039). +- scsi: core: Add BLIST_NO_ASK_VPD_SIZE for some VDASD + (bsc#1203039). +- Refresh + patches.kabi/blk-mq-fix-kabi-support-concurrent-queue-quiesce-unquiesce.patch. +- Refresh patches.kabi/kABI-fix-adding-field-to-scsi_device.patch. +- commit 38a6998 + +- mm: Fix PASID use-after-free issue (bsc#1203908). +- commit e2ea645 + +- cgroup: cgroup_get_from_id() must check the looked-up kn is + a directory (bsc#1203906). +- commit 2c277d7 + +- spi: propagate error code to the caller of + acpi_spi_device_alloc() (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Return deferred probe error when controller isn't yet + available (bsc#1203699). +- commit 719f957 + +- cgroup: Fix threadgroup_rwsem <-> cpus_read_lock() deadlock + (bsc#1196869). +- commit 20ffc1f + +- kABI workaround for spi changes (bsc#1203699). +- commit 57d4f4f + +- cgroup: Fix race condition at rebind_subsystems() (bsc#1203902). +- commit ec3105d + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Zbook Firefly 14 G9 model + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 274acc0 + +- cs-dsp and serial-multi-instantiate enablement (bsc#1203699) +- Update config files +- Update supported.conf +- commit 6b0538d + +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Add CLSA0101 Laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- ACPI: scan: Add CLSA0101 Laptop Support (bsc#1203699). +- ACPI / scan: Create platform device for CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Add SPI support + (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: serial-multi-instantiate: Reorganize I2C functions + (bsc#1203699). +- platform/x86: i2c-multi-instantiate: Rename it for a generic + serial driver name (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Add API to count spi acpi resources (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Support selection of the index of the ACPI Spi Resource + before alloc (bsc#1203699). +- spi: Create helper API to lookup ACPI info for spi device + (bsc#1203699). +- i2c: acpi: Add an i2c_acpi_client_count() helper function + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 66cfc1c + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dolphin Variants (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Lenovo Yoga7 14IAL7 + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Clarify support for CSC3551 without _DSD + Properties (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS Zenbooks using CS35L41 + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Read System Name from ACPI _SUB to identify + firmware (bsc#1203699). +- commit 3025b3b + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support CLSA0101 (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- commit d934822 + +- ACPI: utils: Add api to read _SUB from ACPI (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use the CS35L41 HDA internal define + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable speaker and mute LEDs for HP laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 6e401a7 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Allow compilation test on non-ACPI + configurations" (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add module parameter to control firmware + load (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Firmware switching and reloading + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add defaulted values into dsp bypass config + sequence (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add fw id strings (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Read Speaker Calibration data from UEFI + variables (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Hibernation during Suspend + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 8707600 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add support for CLSA3541 ACPI device ID + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Do not print error when waking from hibernation + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add common cs35l41 enter hibernate function + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41 exit hibernate function into shared + code (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support Speaker ID for laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support multiple load paths for firmware + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support reading subsystem id from ACPI + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Save Subsystem ID inside CS35L41 Driver + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add initial DSP support and firmware loading + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Save codec object inside component struct + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add apis to write the controls + directly (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: hda_cs_dsp_ctl: Add Library to support CS_DSP ALSA + controls (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consolidate selections under + SND_HDA_SCODEC_CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Drop wrong use of ACPI_PTR() (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Allow compilation test on non-ACPI + configurations (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Don't dereference fwnode handle + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Improve dev_err_probe() messaging + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix comments wrt serial-multi-instantiate + reference (bsc#1203699). +- commit 0179f7c + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: change cs8409_fixups v.pins initializers to + static (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add ASP TX3/4 source to register patch + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct some control names (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver + (bsc#1203699). +- commit f2b0e66 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix an out-of-bounds access in + otp_packed_element_t (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add one more variable in the debug log + (bsc#1203699). +- commit a26b9a2 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable mute/micmute LEDs support for HP + Laptops (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-a-quirk-for-HP-OMEN-16-8902-mut.patch. +- commit 342e19c + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix mute led issue on thinkpad with cs35l41 + s-codec (bsc#1203699). +- commit 0fd2db1 + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Amp Name based on channel and index + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs_dsp config struct into shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable mute/micmute LEDs and limit mic + boost on EliteBook 845/865 G9 (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix a shift-out-of-bounds warning found by UBSAN + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add one more variable in the debug log + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 4800a47 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41 fs errata into shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_set_cspl_mbox_cmd to shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Enable GPIO2 Interrupt for CLSA0100 laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Support for Interrupts (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove Set Channel Map api from binding + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Set Speaker Position for CLSA0100 Laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix error in spi cs35l41 hda driver name + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Speaker Playback Switch for Warlock + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Speaker Playback Switch for Cyborg + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Odin Variants (bsc#1203699). +- commit 346d9b0 + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support manual mode detection for CS42L42 + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use general cs42l42 include in cs8409 hda + driver (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Support external boost (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move external boost handling to lib for + ASoC use (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Handle all external boost setups the same + way (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Reorganize log for playback actions + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Remove cs35l41_hda_reg_sequence struct + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move boost config to initialization code + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Enable Internal Boost in shared lib + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Mute the device before shutdown + (bsc#1203699). +- commit e34c590 + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Move CS42L42 register descriptions to general + include (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add warnings about DETECT_MODE and PLL_START + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Handle system suspend (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Change jack_detect_mutex to a lock of all IRQ + handling (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Report full jack status when plug is detected + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Report initial jack state (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant pll_divout member (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Simplify reporting of jack unplug (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant writes to RS_PLUG/RS_UNPLUG + masks (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove redundant writes to DETECT_MODE + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add control for audio slow-start switch + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: free_irq() before powering-down on probe() fail + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Reset and power-down on remove() and failed + probe() (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Prevent NULL pointer deref in interrupt handler + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Remove unused runtime_suspend/runtime_resume + callbacks (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Use two thresholds and increased wait time for + manual type detection (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Implement Manual Type detection as fallback + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Minor fix all errors reported by + script (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Always enable TS_PLUG and TS_UNPLUG interrupts + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix WARN in remove() if running without an + interrupt (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Mark OSC_SWITCH_STATUS register volatile + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Set correct SRC MCLK (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Allow time for HP/ADC to power-up after enable + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Use PLL for SCLK > 12.288MHz (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't claim to support 192k (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't reconfigure the PLL while it is running + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 866431d + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Put the device into safe mode for external + boost (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add Boost type flag (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Always configure the DAI (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix I2S params comments (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_gpio_config to shared lib + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Check hw_config before using it (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: cs35l41: Unify hardware configuration (bsc#1203699). +- commit ac37bc4 + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add new Dolphin HW variants (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable HSBIAS_SENSE_EN for Cyborg + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Warlock MLK Variants + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Fix Full Scale Volume setting for all variants + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Re-order quirk table into ascending order + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Fix Warlock to use mono mic configuration + (bsc#1203699). +- commit af84f1a + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add mute and micmut LED support for Zbook + Fury 17 G9 (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-HP-Dev-One.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-mute-micmute-LEDs-for-HP-machin.patch. +- commit 7831f17 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Remove unnecessary param (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on Zbook Studio G9 (bsc#1203699). +- commit 8ea9da8 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for HP Laptops (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-a-quirk-for-HP-OMEN-16-8902-mut.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-HP-Dev-One.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-mute-micmute-LEDs-for-HP-machin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-right-sounds-and-mute-micmute-L-024a7ad9eb4d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-right-sounds-and-mute-micmute-L.patch. +- commit a813cc9 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix DSP mbox start command and global enable + order (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix max number of TX channels (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix GPIO2 configuration (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Make cs35l41_hda_remove() return void + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Tidyup code (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add missing default cases (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move cs35l41* calls to its own symbol + namespace (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add calls to newly added test key function + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Avoid overwriting register patch + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: fix double free on error in probe() + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 31fd8da + +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add memory chunk helpers (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add pre_stop callback (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Minor clean and redundant code removal + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix event for preloader (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Compressed stream DSP memory structs should be + __packed (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix overrun of unterminated control name + string (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Expand firmware loading search options + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Add trace caps to speaker protection FW + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Make compressed buffers optional (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Correct control read size when parsing compressed + buffer (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add support for hibernate memory retention mode + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Update handling of test key registers + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Add support for "toggle" preloaders + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Clear core reset for cache (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct handling of some registers in the cache + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct DSP power down (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Remove incorrect comment (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add cs35l51/53 IDs (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: Fix dependencies of CS35L41 on SPI/I2C buses + (bsc#1203699). +- ALSA: hda: Fix dependency on ASoC cs35l41 codec (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Move lockdep asserts to avoid potential null + pointer (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Allow creation of event controls + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add offset to cs_dsp read/write (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Clarify some kernel doc comments + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Perform NULL check in + cs_dsp_coeff_write/read_ctrl (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add support for rev 2 coefficient files + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Print messages from bin files (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add pre_run callback (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add version checks on coefficient loading + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: Add lockdep asserts to interface functions + (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: tidy includes in cs_dsp.c and cs_dsp.h + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: wm_adsp_control_add() error: uninitialized symbol + 'ret' (bsc#1203699). +- commit 545439c + +- supported.conf: Add cs_dsp firmware module (bsc#1203699) +- commit af1ea30 + +- Update config files: enable CS35L41 support (bsc#1203699) +- commit 195ddb7 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add CS35L41 support for Thinkpad laptops + (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-speakers-and-micmute-on-HP-855-.patch. +- commit 0a4cbdb + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for Legion 7 16ACHg6 laptop + (bsc#1203699). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-ALC287-Add-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Slim-9i-14ITL5-sp.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Legion-Y9000X-2019.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-Lenovo-Yoga9-14IAP7.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-Add-quirk-for-the-Framework-Laptop.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-realtek-fix-speakers-and-micmute-on-HP-855-.patch. +- commit b3dce35 + +- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add support for CS35L41 in HDA systems + (bsc#1203699). +- commit 39ffdf8 + +- ASoC: cs35l41: Document CS35l41 External Boost (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for boost configuration + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for setting channels + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Create shared function for errata patches + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move power initializations to reg_sequence + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Move cs35l41_otp_unpack to shared code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Convert tables to shared source code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix undefined reference to core functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix link problem (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove the wmfw_add_ctl helper function + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: DSP Support (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: dt-bindings: cs42l42: Convert binding to yaml + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Set the max SPI speed for the whole device + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Change monitor widgets to siggens (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Make cs35l41_remove() return void (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: remove a repeated including (bsc#1203699). +- firmware: cs_dsp: add driver to support firmware loading on + Cirrus Logic DSPs (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate wm_adsp specifics in cs_dsp_client_ops + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Split out struct cs_dsp from struct wm_adsp + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: move firmware loading to client (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Pass firmware names as parameters when starting + DSP core (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move check of dsp->running to better place + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate generic cs_dsp_coeff_ctl handling + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move sys_config_size to wm_adsp (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Split DSP power operations into helper functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Separate some ASoC and generic functions + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Introduce cs_dsp logging macros (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Rename generic DSP support (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Cancel ongoing work when removing controls + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Switch to using wm_coeff_read_ctrl for compressed + buffers (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Move check for control existence (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove use of snd_ctl_elem_type_t (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Binding fixes (bsc#1203699). +- misc: cs35l41: Remove unused pdn variable (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix a bunch of trivial code formating/style + issues (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fixup the error messages (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Don't overwrite returned error code + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Combine adjacent register writes (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Use regmap_read_poll_timeout to wait for OTP boot + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix use of an uninitialised variable + (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: Add bindings for CS35L41 (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: cs35l41: CS35L41 Boosted Smart Amplifier (bsc#1203699). +- ASoC: wm_adsp: Remove pointless string comparison (bsc#1203699). +- commit 5d21207 + +- kABI: Add back removed struct paca member (bsc#1203664 + ltc#199236). +- Revert "powerpc/rtas: Implement reentrant rtas call" + (bsc#1203664 ltc#199236). +- commit 93ebb75 + +- blacklist.conf: add scsi commit that's too invasive +- commit ed3d357 + +- struct ehci_hcd: hide new element going into a hole (git-fixes). +- commit 859270b + +- USB: Fix ehci infinite suspend-resume loop issue in zhaoxin + (git-fixes). +- commit 71e1e4f + +- xen/usb: don't use arbitrary_virt_to_machine() (git-fixes). +- commit 9497b70 + +- usb: host: xhci: fix a comment typo in xhci_mem_init() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: xhci: use ffs() in xhci_mem_init() (git-fixes). +- commit f930b4a + +- usb: Drop commas after SoC match table sentinels (git-fixes). +- commit c8fc91a + +- struct xhci_hcd: restore member now dynamically allocated + (git-fixes). +- commit ac47acd + +- USB: core: Fix RST error in hub.c (git-fixes). +- commit 19a77db + +- Update config files. (jsc#PED-1763) +- supported.conf: +- commit 9894f49 + +- fuse: Remove the control interface for virtio-fs (bsc#1203798). +- commit a23dd0d + +- constraints: increase disk space for all architectures + References: bsc#1203693 + aarch64 is already suffering. SLE15-SP5 x86_64 stats show that it is + very close to the limit. +- commit 43a9011 + +- usb.h: struct usb_device: hide new member (git-fixes). +- commit fbd8f4a + +- USB: core: Prevent nested device-reset calls (git-fixes). +- commit 9ef8532 + +- usb: dwc3: disable USB core PHY management (git-fixes). +- commit 1a35727 + +- Update patch referecen for ALSA fix (CVE-2022-3303 bsc#1203769) +- commit 9addbc1 + +- ACPI: processor idle: Practically limit "Dummy wait" workaround + to old Intel systems (bsc#1203767). +- commit ec98644 + +- NFSv4.2: Update mode bits after ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Turn off open-by-filehandle and NFS re-export for NFSv4.0 + (git-fixes). +- md: call __md_stop_writes in md_stop (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: RPC level errors should set task->tk_rpc_status + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.2 fix problems with __nfs42_ssc_open (git-fixes). +- net/sunrpc: fix potential memory leaks in + rpc_sysfs_xprt_state_change() (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Reinitialise the backchannel request buffers before + reuse (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: RECLAIM_COMPLETE must handle EACCES (git-fixes). +- NFSv4: Fix races in the legacy idmapper upcall (git-fixes). +- sunrpc: fix expiry of auth creds (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: Handle NFS4ERR_DELAY replies to OP_SEQUENCE correctly + (git-fixes). +- NFSv4.1: Don't decrease the value of seq_nr_highest_sent + (git-fixes). +- pNFS/flexfiles: Report RDMA connection errors to the server + (git-fixes). +- Revert "pNFS: nfs3_set_ds_client should set NFS_CS_NOPING" + (git-fixes). +- lockd: detect and reject lock arguments that overflow + (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Fix xdr_encode_bool() (git-fixes). +- nfsd: eliminate the NFSD_FILE_BREAK_* flags (git-fixes). +- md-raid10: fix KASAN warning (git-fixes). +- NFSD: restore EINVAL error translation in nfsd_commit() + (git-fixes). +- NFSD: Clean up the show_nf_flags() macro (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Don't leak sockets in xs_local_connect() (git-fixes). +- SUNRPC: Don't call connect() more than once on a TCP socket + (git-fixes). +- NFS: LOOKUP_DIRECTORY is also ok with symlinks (git-fixes). +- NFSD: Fix offset type in I/O trace points (git-fixes). +- NFS: Fix WARN_ON due to unionization of nfs_inode.nrequests + (git-fixes). +- commit 510ad2f + +- x86/sev: Add missing __init annotations to SEV init routines + (jsc#SLE-19924 jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/x86-sev-Get-the-AP-jump-table-address-from-secrets-page. +- commit e7f768c + +- scsi: Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover" + (git-fixes). +- commit c7d72a7 + +- i2c: mlxbf: Fix frequency calculation (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: prevent stack overflow in + mlxbf_i2c_smbus_start_transaction() (git-fixes). +- i2c: mlxbf: incorrect base address passed during io write + (git-fixes). +- i2c: imx: If pm_runtime_get_sync() returned 1 device access + is possible (git-fixes). +- commit abc7475 + +- blacklist.conf: remove blacklisted patch + This patch was incorrectly blacklisted, but in fact + is needeed, so remove the blacklist first. +- commit 858de69 + +- serial: fsl_lpuart: Reset prior to registration (git-fixes). +- workqueue: don't skip lockdep work dependency in + cancel_work_sync() (git-fixes). +- arm64: topology: fix possible overflow in amu_fie_setup() + (git-fixes). +- media: flexcop-usb: fix endpoint type check (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: leave default DMA if the controller does not + support 64-bit DMA (git-fixes). +- drm/panel: simple: Fix innolux_g121i1_l01 bus_format + (git-fixes). +- drm/mediatek: dsi: Move mtk_dsi_stop() call back to + mtk_dsi_poweroff() (git-fixes). +- drm/mediatek: dsi: Add atomic {destroy,duplicate}_state, + reset callbacks (git-fixes). +- drm/panfrost: devfreq: set opp to the recommended one to + configure regulator (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Fix semaphore unbalance at error paths + (git-fixes). +- regulator: pfuze100: Fix the global-out-of-bounds access in + pfuze100_regulator_probe() (git-fixes). +- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel RM520N (git-fixes). +- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: check length for virtio packets + (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: atmel: Preserve previous USART mode if RS485 + disabled (git-fixes). +- drm/tegra: vic: Fix build warning when CONFIG_PM=n (git-fixes). +- video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: Fix integer overflow in + pxa3xx_gcu_write (git-fixes). +- serial: atmel: remove redundant assignment in rs485_config + (git-fixes). +- video: fbdev: i740fb: Error out if 'pixclock' equals zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 05ff2c7 + +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix use-after-free warning (git-fixes). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover (git-fixes). +- commit 338849f + +- kexec_file: drop weak attribute from functions (bsc#1196444). +- commit 3df1852 + +- KVM: avoid NULL pointer dereference in kvm_dirty_ring_push + (bsc#1198189 CVE-2022-1263). +- commit 7717214 + +- kexec, KEYS, s390: Make use of built-in and secondary keyring + for signature verification (bsc#1196444). +- commit a0517d1 + +- arm64: kexec_file: use more system keyrings to verify kernel + image signature (bsc#1196444). +- kexec, KEYS: make the code in bzImage64_verify_sig generic + (bsc#1196444). +- kexec: clean up arch_kexec_kernel_verify_sig (bsc#1196444). +- kexec: drop weak attribute from functions (bsc#1196444). +- x86/kexec: fix memory leak of elf header buffer (bsc#1196444). +- commit 6bb0d35 + +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Remove 'enable-active-low' from + rk3399-puma (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Set RK3399-Gru PCLK_EDP to 24 MHz + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix typo in lisense text for PX30.Core + (git-fixes). +- arm64: dts: rockchip: Pull up wlan wake# on Gru-Bob (git-fixes). +- selftests: forwarding: add shebang for (git-fixes). +- can: gs_usb: gs_can_open(): fix race dev->can.state condition + (git-fixes). +- gve: Fix GFP flags when allocing pages (git-fixes). +- wifi: mt76: fix reading current per-tid starting sequence + number for aggregation (git-fixes). +- batman-adv: Fix hang up with small MTU hard-interface + (git-fixes). +- net: phy: aquantia: wait for the suspend/resume operations to + finish (git-fixes). +- gpiolib: cdev: Set lineevent_state::irq after IRQ register + successfully (git-fixes). +- gpio: mockup: fix NULL pointer dereference when removing debugfs + (git-fixes). +- selftests: forwarding: Fix failing tests with old libnet + (git-fixes). +- commit 4895eee + +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Host1x and VIC on Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: Add Tegra234 MGBE memory clients + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 MGBE clocks and resets (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: power: Add Tegra234 MGBE power domains + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 GPCDMA (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: tegra186-hsp: add type for shared mailboxes + (jsc#PED-1763). +- arm64: tegra: Add QSPI controllers on Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: Add Tegra234 PCIe memory (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: power: Add Tegra234 PCIe power domains + (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 PCIe clocks and resets (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add HDA support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add Tegra234 APE support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 PWM (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Add headers for Tegra234 I2C (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: gpio: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: memory: tegra: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- dt-bindings: Update headers for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 44a5986 + +- net/mlx5: CT: Fix header-rewrite re-use for tupels (git-fixes). +- commit a413591 + +- net/mlx5e: TC NIC mode, fix tc chains miss table (git-fixes). +- commit 7bd201a + +- net: enetc: Use pci_release_region() to release some resources + (git-fixes). +- commit 15bc221 + +- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Fix refcount leak in + mv88e6xxx_mdios_register (git-fixes). +- commit 568058d + +- net: dsa: restrict SMSC_LAN9303_I2C kconfig (git-fixes). +- commit a7df60c + +- net: stmmac: fix out-of-bounds access in a selftest (git-fixes). +- commit 1d801d7 + +- net: macb: Fix PTP one step sync support (git-fixes). +- commit c6f42d2 + +- net: wwan: iosm: remove pointless null check (git-fixes). +- commit 4eccfc1 + +- eth: sun: cassini: remove dead code (git-fixes). +- commit aa42615 + +- net: stmmac: remove unused get_addr() callback (git-fixes). +- commit 14586bc + +- Revert "ice: Hide bus-info in ethtool for PRs in switchdev mode" + (git-fixes). +- commit 2b88535 + +- net: ethernet: stmmac: fix write to sgmii_adapter_base + (git-fixes). +- commit 63c3906 + +- net: dsa: felix: fix tagging protocol changes with multiple + CPU ports (git-fixes). +- commit 41e3617 + +- net: dsa: introduce helpers for iterating through ports using dp + (git-fixes). +- commit 5001021 + +- ice: arfs: fix use-after-free when freeing @rx_cpu_rmap + (git-fixes). +- commit 1bdfd3c + +- net: hns3: add netdev reset check for hns3_set_tunable() + (git-fixes). +- commit f002bf7 + +- net: phy: at803x: move page selection fix to config_init + (git-fixes). +- commit 02fb6c3 + +- ice: Match on all profiles in slow-path (git-fixes). +- commit 5ba2957 + +- net: ipa: kill ipa_cmd_pipeline_clear() (git-fixes). +- commit 1308dcb + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit e0df553 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit d975e01 + +- blacklist.conf: update blacklist +- commit 2402036 + +- ALSA: hda: Fix Nvidia dp infoframe (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: set depop delay for tegra (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Update scratch reg. communication (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Add Tegra234 hda driver support (git-fixes). +- commit 636d297 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for HP OMEN 16 (8902) mute LED + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GA503R laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add pincfg for ASUS G533Z HP jack + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add pincfg for ASUS G513 HP jack (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output Dell Precision 5530 + laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output Dell Precision 5570 + laptop (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Huawei WRT-WX9 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: add Intel 5 Series / 3400 PCI DID (git-fixes). +- commit a4ecf82 + +- dmaengine: ti: k3-udma-private: Fix refcount leak bug in + of_xudma_dev_get() (git-fixes). +- Revert "ALSA: usb-audio: Split endpoint setups for hw_params + and prepare" (git-fixes). +- ALSA: core: Fix double-free at snd_card_new() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-arrange quirk table entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda: Fix hang at HD-audio codec unbinding due to refcount + saturation (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx6qdl-kontron-samx6i: fix spi-flash compatible + (git-fixes). +- gpio: mockup: remove gpio debugfs when remove device + (git-fixes). +- Input: iforce - add support for Boeder Force Feedback Wheel + (git-fixes). +- Input: goodix - add compatible string for GT1158 (git-fixes). +- Input: goodix - add support for GT1158 (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/rd: Fix FIFO-full deadlock (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: skip ucode loading if ucode_size == 0 + (git-fixes). +- usb: storage: Add ASUS <0x0b05:0x1932> to IGNORE_UAS + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: acer-wmi: Acer Aspire One AOD270/Packard Bell + Dot keymap fixes (git-fixes). +- platform/surface: aggregator_registry: Add support for Surface + Laptop Go 2 (git-fixes). +- ieee802154: cc2520: add rc code in cc2520_tx() (git-fixes). +- hid: intel-ish-hid: ishtp: Fix ishtp client sending disordered + message (git-fixes). +- HID: ishtp-hid-clientHID: ishtp-hid-client: Fix comment typo + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: resource: skip IRQ override on AMD Zen platforms + (git-fixes). +- ARM: dts: imx: align SPI NOR node name with dtschema + (git-fixes). +- commit 6a1df1e + +- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-vt-d-Acquiring-lock-in-domain-ID-allocation-helpers + Fix spin deadlock in intel_iommu (bsc#1203505) +- commit 69d294e + +- media: dvb-core: Fix UAF due to refcount races at releasing + (CVE-2022-41218 bsc#1202960). +- commit bdcd7ab + +- cpufreq: tegra194: Staticize struct tegra_cpufreq_soc instances + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 2b309dd + +- ASoC: tegra: AHUB routes for OPE module (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit ae8614b + +- PCI: tegra194: Add Tegra234 PCIe support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 9848d71 + +- PCI: tegra194: Extend Endpoint mode support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 64c6d53 + +- PCI: tegra194: Clean up the exit path for Endpoint mode + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 77cf561 + +- PCI: tegra194: Enable support for 256 Byte payload + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 3d70757 + +- PCI: tegra194: Clear bandwidth management status (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 4eb1d6d + +- PCI: tegra194: Find RAS DES PCIe capability offset + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 6869f7e + +- Revert "PCI: tegra194: Rename tegra_pcie_dw to tegra194_pcie" + (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-Root-Port-interrupt-handling.patch. +- commit 7c3a2c4 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Add terminate() for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 14777c3 + +- phy: tegra: Add PCIe PIPE2UPHY support for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 8045a50 + +- gpu: host1x: Register context bus unconditionally + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 1cdd50a + +- spi: dt-bindings: Add compatible for Tegra241 QSPI + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit f5277d1 + +- spi: tegra210-quad: Multi-cs support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 5df9b77 + +- memory: tegra: Add MGBE memory clients for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit fe9c9ad + +- clocksource/drivers/timer-tegra186: Add support for Tegra234 + SoC (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 9102f99 + +- clocksource: Add Tegra186 timers support (jsc#PED-1763). +- Update config files +- commit f783dd3 + +- gpu: host1x: Add context bus (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 62055eb + +- iommu/arm-smmu: Support Tegra234 SMMU (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit b6d01d1 + +- cpufreq: tegra194: Add support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 6ccf722 + +- cpufreq: tegra194: add soc data to support multiple soc + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit d6431d8 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Remove unused switch case (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 21ff5bc + +- dmaengine: tegra: Fix uninitialized variable usage + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 8692e6a + +- dmaengine: tegra: Use platform_get_irq() to get IRQ resource + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit dce0f23 + +- dmaengine: tegra: Remove unused including + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit e600cdf + +- dmaengine: tegra: Add tegra gpcdma driver (jsc#PED-1763). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf +- commit 8c4f76d + +- PCI: tegra194: Remove unnecessary MSI enable reg save and + restore (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 028846a + +- mailbox: tegra-hsp: Add 128-bit shared mailbox support + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 2799912 + +- mailbox: tegra-hsp: Add tegra_hsp_sm_ops (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 301d237 + +- memory: tegra: Add MC error logging on Tegra186 onward + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 803123e + +- memory: tegra: Add memory controller channels support + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 91c35b0 + +- memory: tegra: Add APE memory clients for Tegra234 + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit bddcc01 + +- memory: tegra: Add Tegra234 support (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 15d156c + +- soc/tegra: pmc: Update Tegra234 reset sources (jsc#PED-1763). +- ASoC: tegra: AHUB routes for ASRC module (jsc#PED-1763). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Add Tegra234 wake events (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 055208f + +- ASoC: tegra: Update AHUB driver for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- ALSA: hda/tegra: Hardcode GCAP ISS value on T234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 12ff211 + +- PCI: tegra194: Rename tegra_pcie_dw to tegra194_pcie + (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-Root-Port-interrupt-handling.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/PCI-tegra194-Fix-link-up-retry-sequence.patch. +- commit 43c995b + +- misc: sram: Add compatible string for Tegra234 SYSRAM + (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit c359d28 + +- gpio: tegra186: Add support for Tegra234 (jsc#PED-1763). +- Refresh + patches.suse/gpio-tegra186-Add-support-for-Tegra241.patch. +- commit 794cc29 + +- gpu: host1x: select CONFIG_DMA_SHARED_BUFFER (jsc#PED-1763). +- commit 805f6b6 + +- Update kabi files: import symvers from MU 5.14.21-150400.24.21 +- commit a9db6f7 + +- blacklist.conf: e9b6013a7ce3 x86/speculation: Update link to AMD speculation whitepaper +- commit 2ebf815 + +- EDAC/dmc520: Don't print an error for each unconfigured + interrupt line (bsc#1190497). +- commit c59e321 + +- blacklist.conf: ad2c302bc604 EDAC/sifive: Fix non-kernel-doc comment +- commit 1146177 + +- Update patch reference for media fix (CVE-2022-3239 bsc#1203552) +- commit 9054a9f + +- supported.conf: Add drivers/virt/coco/sevguest/sevguest +- commit 14b71be + +- virt: Add SEV-SNP guest driver (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Update config files. +- commit 07e76d6 + +- scsi: smartpqi: Shorten drive visibility after removal + (bsc#1200622). +- commit 575230a + +- x86/sev: Provide support for SNP guest request NAEs + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit eaa3ba3 + +- x86/boot: Add Confidential Computing type to setup_data + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. +- commit cecec70 + +- x86/mm: Validate memory when changing the C-bit (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit d7a984b + +- x86/sev: Check the VMPL level (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit df057b9 + +- x86/sev: Add a helper for the PVALIDATE instruction + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/revert-x86-sev-expose-sev_es_ghcb_hv_call-for-use-by-hyperv.patch. +- commit 27da7ad + +- x86/compressed/64: Detect/setup SEV/SME features earlier during + boot (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- Refresh + patches.suse/x86-sev-define-the-linux-specific-guest-termination-reasons.patch. +- commit 509599d + +- kABI: Fix kABI after SNP-Guest backport (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Get the AP jump table address from secrets page + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Put globals that are accessed early into the .data + section (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Fix bool function returning negative value + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Fix return value check in alloc_shared_pages() + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add documentation for SEV-SNP CPUID Enforcement + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add support to get extended report + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- virt: sevguest: Add support to derive key (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Register SEV-SNP guest request platform device + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add a sev= cmdline option (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Use firmware-validated CPUID for SEV-SNP guests + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add SEV-SNP feature detection/setup (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/64: Add identity mapping for Confidential + Computing blob (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Export and rename add_identity_map() + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Use firmware-validated CPUID leaves for SEV-SNP + guests (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Add SEV-SNP feature detection/setup + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Add a pointer to Confidential Computing blob in + bootparams (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/64: Add support for SEV-SNP CPUID table in #VC + handlers (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Move MSR-based VMGEXITs for CPUID to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: x86: Move lookup of indexed CPUID leafs to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI kexec handling into common code + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI vendor table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI config table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI system table lookup to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed/acpi: Move EFI detection to helper + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/head/64: Re-enable stack protection (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Use SEV-SNP AP creation to start secondary CPUs + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/kernel: Validate ROM memory before accessing when SEV-SNP + is active (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/kernel: Mark the .bss..decrypted section as shared in the + RMP table (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Add helper for validating pages in early enc attribute + changes (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Register GHCB memory when SEV-SNP is active + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Register GHCB memory when SEV-SNP is active + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/compressed: Add helper for validating pages in the + decompression stage (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Check SEV-SNP features support (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/mm: Extend cc_attr to include AMD SEV-SNP (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/sev: Detect/setup SEV/SME features earlier in boot + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Use MSR read/write helpers instead of inline assembly + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- x86/boot: Introduce helpers for MSR reads/writes (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Update the SEV-ES save area mapping (jsc#SLE-19924, + jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Create a separate mapping for the GHCB save area + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Create a separate mapping for the SEV-ES save area + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- KVM: SVM: Define sev_features and VMPL field in the VMSA + (jsc#SLE-19924, jsc#SLE-24814). +- commit 08ede5a + +- md: unlock mddev before reap sync_thread in action_store + (bsc#1197659). +- commit b42af07 + +- gpio: mpc8xxx: Fix support for IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW flow_type + in mpc85xx (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: sunxi: Fix name for A100 R_PIO (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sc8180x: Fix wrong pin numbers (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sc8180x: Fix gpio_wakeirq_map (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: Fix OSD1 RGB to YCbCr coefficient (git-fixes). +- drm/meson: Correct OSD1 global alpha value (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: move nbio sdma_doorbell_range() into sdma code + for vega (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: move nbio ih_doorbell_range() into ih code for vega + (git-fixes). +- of/device: Fix up of_dma_configure_id() stub (git-fixes). +- of: fdt: fix off-by-one error in unflatten_dt_nodes() + (git-fixes). +- drm/i915: Implement WaEdpLinkRateDataReload (git-fixes). +- vfio/type1: Unpin zero pages (git-fixes). +- efi: capsule-loader: Fix use-after-free in efi_capsule_write + (git-fixes). +- efi: libstub: Disable struct randomization (git-fixes). +- fbdev: chipsfb: Add missing pci_disable_device() in + chipsfb_pci_init() (git-fixes). +- commit a8d151e + +- ASoC: mchp-spdiftx: Fix clang -Wbitfield-constant-conversion + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: mmVM_L2_CNTL3 register not initialized correctly + (git-fixes). +- drm/radeon: add a force flush to delay work when radeon + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Check num_gfx_rings for gfx v9_0 rb setup + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: Move psp_xgmi_terminate call from + amdgpu_xgmi_remove_device to psp_hw_fini (git-fixes). +- drm/gem: Fix GEM handle release errors (git-fixes). +- ASoC: mchp-spdiftx: remove references to mchp_i2s_caps + (git-fixes). +- drm/bridge: display-connector: implement bus fmts callbacks + (git-fixes). +- commit a41cdd0 + +- xen/gntdev: Ignore failure to unmap INVALID_GRANT_HANDLE + (git-fixes). +- commit 37ef226 + +- xen-blkfront: Cache feature_persistent value before + advertisement (git-fixes). +- commit 3ed3cdd + +- Update references: + - patches.kabi/kabi-return-type-change-of-secure_ipv-46-_port_ephem.patch + - patches.suse/secure_seq-use-the-64-bits-of-the-siphash-for-port-o.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-add-small-random-increments-to-the-source-port.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-drop-the-hash_32-part-from-the-index-calculation.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-dynamically-allocate-the-perturb-table-used-by-s.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-increase-source-port-perturb-table-to-2-16.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-resalt-the-secret-every-10-seconds.patch + - patches.suse/tcp-use-different-parts-of-the-port_offset-for-index.patch + (add CVE-2022-32296 bsc#1200288) +- commit 07e021d + +- xen-netback: only remove 'hotplug-status' when the vif is + actually destroyed (git-fixes). +- commit 33b6bc1 + +- xen-blkfront: Advertise feature-persistent as user requested + (git-fixes). +- commit 55b30a0 + +- xen-blkback: Advertise feature-persistent as user requested + (git-fixes). +- commit aa17727 + +- xen-blkfront: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect + (git-fixes). +- commit ea0d055 + +- xen-blkback: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect + (git-fixes). +- commit 8bac828 + +- xen-blkback: fix persistent grants negotiation (git-fixes). +- commit 8c9e86e + +- xen/gntdev: Avoid blocking in unmap_grant_pages() (git-fixes). +- commit 8ae5e2f + +- x86/xen: Remove undefined behavior in setup_features() + (git-fixes). +- commit fe2de2e + +- xen-blkfront: Handle NULL gendisk (git-fixes). +- commit ff9be3a + +- blacklist.conf: add 1dbd11ca75fe ("xen: remove gnttab_query_foreign_access") + as it would break KABI +- commit 893d5df + +- KVM: SVM: fix tsc scaling cache logic (bsc#1203263). +- commit 9311053 + +- xen/grants: prevent integer overflow in gnttab_dma_alloc_pages() + (git-fixes). +- commit 4acefb4 + +- KVM: VMX: Heed the 'msr' argument in msr_write_intercepted() + (git-fixes). +- commit c7cc445 + +- KVM: x86: hyper-v: HVCALL_SEND_IPI_EX is an XMM fast hypercall + (git-fixes). +- commit cfc201b + +- KVM: x86: hyper-v: Drop redundant 'ex' parameter from + kvm_hv_send_ipi() (git-fixes). +- commit 001f866 + +- KVM: X86: Fix when shadow_root_level=5 && guest root_level<4 + (git-fixes). +- commit 4d133af + +- jfs: prevent NULL deref in diFree (bsc#1203389 CVE-2022-3202). +- commit 1259272 + kernel-debug +- scsi: qedi: Remove redundant flush_workqueue() calls + (jsc#PED-1525). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-session-removal-on-shutdown.patch. +- commit 57a0d4f + +- scsi: qedf: Fix a UAF bug in __qedf_probe() (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove redundant variable op (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove an unneeded NULL check on list iterator + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Remove unnecessary code (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Stop using the SCSI pointer (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Change context reset messages to ratelimited + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Fix refcount issue when LOGO is received during TMF + (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedf: Add stag_work to all the vports (jsc#PED-1524). +- scsi: qedi: Fix SYSFS_FLAG_FW_SEL_BOOT formatting + (jsc#PED-1525). +- scsi: qedi: Remove set but unused 'page' variable + (jsc#PED-1525). +- scsi: qedi: Fix cmd_cleanup_cmpl counter mismatch issue + (jsc#PED-1525). +- commit a20fd84 + +- Update kabi files. Refresh from Nov 2022 MU - 5.14.21-150400.24.28.1 +- commit a5edbce + +- usb: gadget: pxa25x_udc: Constify static struct pxa25x_ep_ops + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ecf622b + +- usb: gadget: udc: core: Use pr_fmt() to prefix messages + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 986d674 + +- USB: gadget: Rename usb_gadget_probe_driver() (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ec7b016 + +- ALSA: hiface: fix repeated words in comments (git-fixes). +- commit 1897e56 + +- ALSA: scarlett2: Add Focusrite Clarett+ 8Pre support + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: scarlett2: Add support for the internal "standalone" + switch (git-fixes). +- ALSA: scarlett2: Split scarlett2_config_items[] into 3 sections + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Use struct_size() helper in + scarlett2_usb() (git-fixes). +- commit 51a746f + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add mixer mapping for Gigabyte B450/550 Mobos + (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-More-comprehensive-mixer-map-for-ASUS.patch. +- commit aad3dbe + +- ALSA: line6: remove line6_set_raw declaration (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk to enable Avid Mbox 3 support + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make read-only array marker static const + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: line6: Replace sprintf() with sysfs_emit() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb/6fire: fix repeated words in comments (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: remove redundant assignment to variable c + (git-fixes). +- commit 7b36d72 + +- ring-buffer: Check for NULL cpu_buffer in + ring_buffer_wake_waiters() (bsc#1204705). +- commit 2e712ad + +- USB / dwc3: Fix three doc-build warnings (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 654acff + +- usb: dwc3: fix backwards compat with rockchip devices + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit c7590b2 + +- usb: dwc3: core: do not use 3.0 clock when operating in 2.0 mode + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-core-Enable-GUCTL1-bit-10-for-fixing-termin.patch. +- commit 02bd07f + +- usb: dwc3: imx8mp: rename iomem base pointer (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 0504947 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: Don't check against CONFIG_OF (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit ce7e9f1 + +- usb: dwc3: Program GFLADJ (jsc#PEd-1817). +- commit daeb10e + +- usb: dwc3: Calculate REFCLKPER based on reference clock + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit a22b861 + +- usb: dwc3: Get clocks individually (jsc#PED-1817). +- blacklist.conf: +- commit 3423db7 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: Add support for usb-conn-gpio based + usb-role-switch (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 80843c9 + +- Correct JIRA reference for these patches (jsc#PED-1496). + Use implementation, not the Epic: +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-be2iscsi-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-bnx2i-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Fix-harmless-double-shift-bug.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Merge-suspend-fields.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Remove-iscsi_get_task-back_lock-requirement.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update + patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Rename-iscsi_conn_queue_work.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-iscsi-Stop-using-the-SCSI-pointer.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- Update patches.suse/scsi-qedi-Switch-to-attribute-groups.patch + (jsc#PED-1496). +- commit 71bf164 + +- scsi: core: Fix early registration of sysfs attributes for + scsi_device (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit dfe7dcb + +- scsi: core: Remove two host template members that are no longer + used (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: usb: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: staging: unisys: Remove the shost_attrs member + (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 036b753 + +- scsi: zfcp: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: message: fusion: Switch to attribute groups + (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: RDMA/srp: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: firewire: sbp2: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit ad14a91 + +- scsi: ata: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: Introduce ncq_prio_supported sysfs sttribute + (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: print feature list on device scan (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: fix ata_read_log_page() warning (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit dc4d292 + +- libata: cleanup NCQ priority handling (jsc#PED-1561). +- Update + patches.suse/libata-Add-ATA_HORKAGE_NO_NCQ_ON_ATI-for-Samsung-860.patch + (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit d313a88 + +- libata: cleanup ata_dev_configure() (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: cleanup device sleep capability detection + (jsc#PED-1561). +- libata: simplify ata_scsi_rbuf_fill() (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 01272a8 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-edif-remove-old-doorbell-interface.patch. +- commit 6464680 + +- scsi: lpfc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-Menlo-Hornet-related-code.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-SANDiags-related-code.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-Remove-failing-soft_wwn-support.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/scsi-lpfc-move-scsi_host_template-outside-dynamically.patch. +- commit 4aeb242 + +- scsi: snic: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: smartpqi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qla4xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: qedf: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: pm8001: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: sym53c500_cs: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ncr53c8xx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrs: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: myrb: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mvsas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: megaraid_mbox: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: isci: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ipr: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ibmvfc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: ibmvscsi: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hptiop: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hpsa: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: fnic: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: cxlflash: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: csiostor: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bnx2fc: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: bfa: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: arcmsr: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: aacraid: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 53c700: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-sas: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- scsi: 3w-9xxx: Switch to attribute groups (jsc#PED-1561). +- commit 3ddf4fd + +- Update patch references to + patches.suse/0001-floppy-disable-FDRAWCMD-by-default.patch + (bsc#1200692 CVE-2022-33981). +- commit 913147c + +- usb: dwc3: Drop unneeded calls to platform_get_resource_byname() + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-disable-USB-core-PHY-management.patch. +- commit cb5354a + +- usb: gadget: remove unnecessary AND operation when get ep maxp + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 528613b + +- usb: gadget: udc: core: Introduce check_config to verify USB + configuration (jsc#PEd-1817). +- commit 69ec7cd + +- scsi: scsi_transport_fc: Use %u for dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1202914). +- commit 0d14223 + +- iommu/vt-d: Do not falsely log intel_iommu is unsupported + kernel option (bsc#1204947). +- commit 440c18c + +- wifi: brcmfmac: Fix potential buffer overflow in + brcmf_fweh_event_worker() (CVE-2022-3628 bsc#1204868). +- commit 968feec + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Support Multi-Stream Transfer (jsc#PED-531). +- commit 0ed805f + +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Skip resizing EP's TX FIFO if already resized + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Wait-for-ep0-xfers-to-complete-durin.patch. +- commit b389709 + +- usb: dwc3: reference clock period configuration (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 8ce586b + +- Drop Dell Dock regression fix patch again (bsc#1204719) + It tunred out to be bogus, a different fix is needed +- commit 2c62bb9 + +- usb: dwc3: drd: use helper to get role-switch-default-mode + (jsc#PED-1817). +- commit 7f03301 + +- usb: dwc3: Resize TX FIFOs to meet EP bursting requirements + (jsc#PED-1817). +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-core-Fix-tx-rx-threshold-settings.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Avoid-starting-DWC3-gadget-during-UD.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/usb-dwc3-gadget-Wait-for-ep0-xfers-to-complete-durin.patch. +- commit 68d4f6e + +- scsi: lpfc: Update the obsolete adapter list (bsc#1204142). +- commit dc8f2da + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Use transport-defined speed mask for + supported_speeds (bsc#1204963). +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix serialization of DCBX TLV data request + (bsc#1204963). +- commit d6d1732 + +- Move upstreamed sound patches into sorted section +- commit a5b0f8c + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix regression with Dell Dock jack detection + (bsc#1204719). +- commit ec69ec6 + +- Kbuild: add -Wno-shift-negative-value where -Wextra is used + (bsc#1204877). +- Kbuild: use -Wdeclaration-after-statement (bsc#1204877). +- Refresh patches.suse/Kbuild-move-to-std-gnu11.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Kbuild-use-std-gnu11-for-KBUILD_USERCFLAGS.patch. +- commit e76ac45 + +- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Create a sysfs entry called lpfc_xcvr_data for + transceiver info (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Log when congestion management limits are in effect + (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix hard lockup when reading the rx_monitor from + debugfs (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Set sli4_param's cmf option to zero when CMF is + turned off (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix spelling mistake "unsolicted" -> "unsolicited" + (bsc#1204957). +- scsi: lpfc: Fix memory leak in lpfc_create_port() (bsc#1204957). +- commit f06c1f8 + +- RDMA/irdma: Remove the unnecessary variable saddr (git-fixes) + [#] Conflicts: + [#] series.conf +- commit cc60033 + +- RDMA/irdma: Use net_type to check network type (git-fixes) + [#] Conflicts: + [#] series.conf +- commit cc0ac5a + +- Drop verbose nvme logging feature (bsc#1200567) + This feature caused regressions by logging all failed NVMe + commands. Though not all of them are actually a real + error. E.g. libnvme is probing for features and handling fails + correctly. Upstream fixed this by disabling this feature and looking + into making this an opt-in option. +- Delete patches.suse/nvme-add-verbose-error-logging.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/nvme-don-t-print-verbose-errors-for-internal-passthr.patch. +- commit a82baa8 + +- RDMA/irdma: Validate udata inlen and outlen (git-fixes) +- commit c66230c + +- RDMA/irdma: Add support for address handle re-use (git-fixes) +- commit 456aa9c + +- RDMA/irdma: Move union irdma_sockaddr to header file (git-fixes) +- commit 01da806 + +- selftests/livepatch: better synchronize test_klp_callbacks_busy + (bsc#1071995). +- commit 82010dd + +- livepatch: Add a missing newline character in + klp_module_coming() (bsc#1071995). +- commit 82368b9 + +- RDMA/srp: Support more than 255 rdma ports (git-fixes) +- commit 6da7233 + +- RDMA/srp: Handle dev_set_name() failure (git-fixes) +- commit 2aa5768 + +- RDMA/srp: Use the attribute group mechanism for sysfs attributes (git-fixes) +- commit ee393a3 + +- RDMA/srp: Rework the srp_add_port() error path (git-fixes) +- commit cf4fa33 + +- livepatch: fix race between fork and KLP transition + (bsc#1071995). +- commit bc0a77a + +- RDMA/srpt: Introduce a reference count in struct srpt_device (git-fixes) +- commit fecc405 + +- RDMA/srpt: Fix a use-after-free (git-fixes) +- commit e0cd3e8 + +- RDMA/srpt: Duplicate port name members (git-fixes) +- commit accb2fe + +- Input: applespi - avoid efivars API and invoke EFI services + directly (jsc#PED-1409). +- brcmfmac: Switch to appropriate helper to load EFI variable + contents (jsc#PED-1409). +- iwlwifi: Switch to proper EFI variable store interface + (jsc#PED-1409). +- media: atomisp_gmin_platform: stop abusing efivar API + (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit af0a2c9 + +- Update patches.suse/kbuild-Add-skip_encoding_btf_enum64-option-to-pahole.patch + (bsc#1204693). +- commit 9cde40b + +- efi: libstub: check Shim mode using MokSBStateRT (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: x86: Wipe setup_data on pure EFI boot (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: efibc: Guard against allocation failure (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi/x86: libstub: remove unused variable (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Move efivar caching layer into efivarfs + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Switch to new wrapper layer (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Remove deprecated 'efivars' sysfs interface + (jsc#PED-1409). + Update config files. + Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- efi: vars: Drop __efivar_entry_iter() helper which is no longer + used (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: pstore: Omit efivars caching EFI varstore access layer + (jsc#PED-1409). +- pstore: Add priv field to pstore_record for backend specific + use (jsc#PED-1409). +- pstore: Don't use semaphores in always-atomic-context code + (jsc#PED-1409). +- commit db34623 + +- drivers: fix typo in firmware/efi/memmap.c (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Use locking version to iterate over efivars linked + lists (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Add thin wrapper around EFI get/set variable + interface (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: vars: Don't drop lock in the middle of efivar_init() + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: efibc: avoid efivar API for setting variables + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: avoid efivars layer when loading SSDTs from variables + (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Correct comment on efi_memmap_alloc (jsc#PED-1409). +- efi: Make code to find mirrored memory ranges generic + (jsc#PED-1409). + Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 8075b46 + +- blacklist.conf: scripts/gdb: Allow to read printk log buffer on + 32-bit systems; hardly needed by anyone +- commit c5107b2 + +- printk: wake waiters for safe and NMI contexts (bsc#1204934). +- commit ccf6fd7 + +- printk: use atomic updates for klogd work (bsc#1204934). +- co